The Daily journal. (Salem, Or.) 1899-1903, January 04, 1900, Image 1

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    "ft. A it. '.'itit.&.'4fk.f.tsoak
j Latoat Asaoolatod Praos toto- 5
f grams, Fro'sli Local nows and Llvo f
f Editorials mnko Tho Dally Jour- i
t nal. .
JUxjJULj y
P It's "Business"' not Politics f
2 M don't lollclt your ultertliltig bettie f .
t of your poll ilea or oun, but became w
f Journal Advertising Paytr. i
1 f
- -'
Sa 6TT1
Home Made Goods
Best in the Market
SpecialsA very large line of cassimere suits
for men and boys'.
All sizes of Boys' black hose our own
brand, the Granite try them.
(Overcoats Kerseys in all shades and
.prices, also in Tan Coverts, day and
.black xlays.
Fancy Back Covert overcoats our own
make, the swellest ot all.
l TMotyr"
Our prices on first
jjwill remain as they
. ..asm.
mm BflRPETS ow
We now have the Finest Line of Carpets
ever shown in Salem, and our Prices
.are below any other dealer in the valley.
For Quality,
Price, and
Choice of Patterns
We are in the lead.
See our Ladies' Sorosis
shoes, they aie gieat, also our
Queen Quality the best 53.00
.shoe in the World! Men's late
styles in Patent Leathers, Tan
and Black goods all at the low
est prices.
- class Dental work
are for a short time
" A
W, A
Teeth 56.00 up.
Gold filling 51-50 and up.
G, & P. fillings 51.00.
l . C
A Second Attempt to Relieve Ladysmith
is Unsuccessful
Colonel Pitcher
Evacuates Douglas
General Joubert Preaches in Camp -Denies
That He Has Protested Against
Use of Lrydite ShellsEvery In
dication Thai British Are Weak
ening at Ladjsmith - Surrender
Not Improbable
Oy Aaam-lMtril I'rra lu Ibe Journal.
FitKiiK Camp, Jan. 4. Some vigorous
shelling of the Boor trenches on the
plain this morning forced the burghers
to shift their position after their horses
hail been stampeded.
1'aiiis, Juii. 4. A report is current on
tho Bourpu todny that Duller hint met
iitli another check In Ids efforts tn re
lievo Ludysmllh.
Bkuiont, .luu. 4. Col. Pitcher Is olll
dully announced iih being only on u
raiding expedition, and for military
reasons being unablu to oceity Douglass
permanently, hnti evacuated that town,
.bringing olf all the loyalist. Ho linn
ruturucd In eluse proximity to Belmont.
When ho unnounced the necessity of
evacuating tho place tho InhabituntH de
clared their liven not worth live min
utes' purchase after tho troops left.
Pitcher therefore Invited thoui to ac
company him to Belmont. The force
received Uullem' congratulations on tho
success of the expedition with grout nut
isllcutlou. Escaped From Ladysmith,
Lauysmith, Jan. 4. Six horsemen
nindo a dash from Ladysmith a few
nights ago and escaped. It is believed
the party included Col. Khodes, a broth
er of Cecil Khodes, and Dr. Jameson.
1'rench Reinforced.
OiuNflK ItiVKit, Jan. 4. There was a
small skirmish near Belmont this morn
ing, The British tired u few shells, but
the Boers did not respond. Heinforce
meutti of infantry and artillery have
been dispatched to General French from
Da Aar.
Boer Camp Colenzo, Tho British
naval guns at Chlveley camp continue
their ineffective, long-range firing- night
and day. In order to divert the Boer
attention from tho movements of troops.
Federal scouts yesterday penetrated Into
the British camp.
For "Military
When returning the British pickets
discovered them and wounded one Boer.
General Lucas Meyer resumes the com
mand of the division here. General
Joubert denies that tin hns ever protest
ed ogalnst tho use.of lyddite, Ho avers
that up to tho present time he has not
lost n single mnn from lyddite.
Jouben Pleaching Again.
Hkad Laaokk, Ladysmith, .Inn. 4.
The garrison of Ladysmith during the
night of December 31, threW out feelers
on all sides, exchanging shots with tho
Door pickets. At midnight a couple of
shells fell Into the Boer camp, killing
one burgher. General Joulicrt preached
in camp Runduy.
Confectionery, and Compliments.
Hev. .Mr. Molrlng, who has just
Occupied by British Soldiers and Forced to
Discharge Her Cargo,
lie AucUlnl I'rraa la Ibc JuurnnL
Bkkmn, Jan. 4. The Imperial mall steamer, "General" has been detained at
Aden and occupied by British troops with the object of searching the cargo. The
General is owned by the German Fast African line.
HAunuHO. Jim. 4. Although tho manifest of the German steamer "Gen
eral" seized at Aden shows there was no war material on board, she was com
pelled to discharge her cargo.
rived from Amorlca, addressed the
burghers this afternoon, dwelling on
the expiring century witnessing the life
struggle of their people. This morning
some shells, folded with confectionery,
and containing the season's greetings,
wore sent into Ladysmith.
London, Jan. 4 Great satisfaction Is
expressed here at the news that De Aar
has been able to send General French
reinforcements of guns and infantry, of
which ho apears to bo so much in need.
The latest telegrams say that French
has almost surrounded Colesburg, but
thut the Uoers are stlflly defending all
the positions close to town.
l'urthhr details of tho lighting be
tween General Gatacre and tho Hours at
Cyphergat show that 3.00Q Boer with
artillery attacked thu Urltlsh outpost be
tween Cyphergat and Molteno.
Gatacre with mounted troops and field
artillery moved out in front of Storks
trom and found tho lloertt strongly
posted ut Coojtfrsburg, whence they
wero quickly dislodged,
General Cronjo Is reported to have
been considerably disturbed at the first
reports of tho success of Colonel Pitcher's
expedition, and tent 400 burghers to
help out Douglass. The Urltlsh at Mod
der river hopo to capture this force.
QrltUh Supplies.
Nkw Yohk, Jan, 4. Tho steamship
Sabine will leave this port this
morning bouudj for Dalago ' buy,
with a miscellaneous cargo and
although no doliiiite information could
be obtained, it is believed that she has
on board an Immense quantity of gen
eral cupplio fur the British army in the
Voyage of Hospital Ship.
1.OND0N, Jan. 4, The American hp
. pita! ship Maine arrived at I.uh I'ilmas,
Canary Ialaii Is .yesterday, and leports
.all well on board.
t) AaaoeUtled I'rtaa lu lb Jaixraal
London, Jan. 4. (Thursday, 4:30 a.
m.) Thero is a complete absence of
anything new from the seat of war. Tho
report of a Boer attack upon Molteno is
not yet confirmed. Apparently General
French holds uothing within flveinihs
ot Colesburg Junction. His request fir
rolnforccments dispels any present hopo
that ho will be able to seize ono of tho
crossings' of tho Orange river. It is
probable that, when Lord Roberta nr
rives, General French will be ordered to
quit his present unsupported position,
and to concontrate his command at
DeAar or Orange river. As a Daily
Telegraph says: "General French
seems to bo in tho position of tho man
having tho tiger cat in a trap, and un
able to kill It for want of a stick."
A dispatch from Dover announces
that Lieutenant Colonel Pitcher has re
turned there safely from Douglas.
Since Commandant General Joubcrt's
roturn to the front, tho cannonading of
Ladysmith by the Boers has been much
livelior. Between December 18th and
December 3(Uh, four shells killed ono
officer and fourteen men and wounded
thirteen ofllcers and eleven men. Tho
warofllco acknowledges the inferiority
of tho regular artillery, by authorizing
tho equipment of a now battcry,attachcd
to tho London volunteer's corps with
Vickers and Maxims, and same as tho
Boers need, and by ordering 100 of these
12JiJ pounder quick-firers built immed
iately. The ofllcers and men of tho new
battery will ho supplied from the Hon
orable Artillery company.
Eight additional militia regiments
have been called out. Seven of thcM)
will serve in Ireland, replacing tho reg
ulars soul to South Africa. Among the
announcements of those who volunteered
yesterday are the names ofa hundred or
more of tho sous of gentlemen.
Ladysmith In Bad Shape.
tlr Aaanulated I'rraa la Ibe Journal.
Nkw Yoiik, Jan. 4. A special to tho
Tribuno from London nays: There Is a
deepening fence of anxiety respecting
Ladysmith, whence most disheartening
reports of thu prevalence of sickness are
receiveil. General White reported a
list of nearly 20 deaths yesterday from
oniric fever and dystentery und 71 seri
ous cases in the hospital. Dr. Jameson
has all thu work he can do in tho fever
nest. It is evident that the garrison
cannot hold out long, and thut .Sir K Cli
vers Duller will not allow many days to
tjaes before striking u blow, Trausjiorts
with fresh battalions and batteries
arrived ut Durban yesterday and within
Is hours Sir Hcdvers ought to be in
reudineHs for a supreme effort.
Qreat Britain's Loyalty.
Ur Aaaoclntril I'reaa la lb Journal.
London, Jmi. 4. Tho papers comment
upon tho fact that, in view ot the stato
of public opinion, it is much easier to
go to war than to stay at thu clubs,
which wear a particularly deserted
aspect. Ad parts of England and Scot
land report lively volunteering, u lead
ing feature being the sums raided by
private subscription for volunteer
equipment. Some of the counties have
given sums as high as jC:!0,000. It is
computed that the provinces have al
ready ruined nearly 000,000, while Lon
don is raising XI 20,000 for tho city
British Losses,
FnK.riK Cami-, Jun. 4. Captain Thorn-
croft's patrol found the enemy In somo
force at the little Tugula bridge. Their
presence mis discovered by scouts. It
is re(orted that five men and a lieuteu
ant of the party have not returned.
&w -
i From Eveolasses to Glasseves
We can supply you with anything in
the Optical lino See I If not to clearly as
with your eyes ot former years, some
thing is wrong with those delicate orbs of
vision. Don't hesitate to have them ex
amined. Wilt candidly tell their condi
tion for nothing. A pair of our rimless
spectacles or eyeglasses will add dignity
to your appearance, give you a learned
Iook, and really improve your face.
18 StatbSt.
Scujcnnc Orricux
j -imil ' Lr aK'X- -iuiajj
Bders Shelled r Klmberley Mine.
KiMDKitLKr, Dec; 20. Tno Boers lusl
night evinced considerable interest In
the Premier mine, Using their search
lights. This morning they actively
shelled the fort. Tho ltoyal artillery
replied. Our shells wern well iilm'txl
and dropped amid thti smoke of the en
emy's guns.
Last night's storm ignited somo of our
military mines, but thero were nocasual
Eastern Trunk Linos Raise Frelaht
Rates 20 to 25 Per
Ur Aaaaclnlcil Pre In (lie Journal.
New York, Jan. 4. Railroads belong
ing to the Eastern trunk lino pool have
put In active operation tho new freight
tariffs involving an advance of 20 to 25
percent in rates. Merchants of this
city, not discouraged by tho refusal of
Attorney-General Griggs to Institute In
junction proceedings to prevent tho In
troduction of the now rates, are deter
mined to continue their opposition.
They will first apply to tho railroads
themselves mid try to get a hearing by
tho classification committee which drew
up tho higher rates. They projioso to
show that tho rates will not only bo a
serious discrimination against small
shippers, bIiico tho advance on less than
carload lots Is greater than on carload
lots, but the now tariff Is likely to drive
away business from this port. Some of
the trunk lines ha vo received complaints
from business men in the interior to the
effect that If tho now rates stand they
will bo compelled to ship by Baltimore,
Charleston, Newport News, New Orleans
and other Southern ports, since tho
narrow margin on which thoy do busi
ness will not admit of any profit what
ever under the now tariff. "
If no other plan works, it is under
stood that tho shippers will take steps
against tho railroads on tho ground that
tho now agreement concerning rates is
made by an iron-clad pool, which is in
all rcspccUas much a. violation ot the
nnti-truet law as if it were operating as
an association.
Sampson atul'Sohloy Aro to Con
tinue In.ThoIr Prosont
Ur A.iot-ln(rd Pre la lb Juurnnl.
Nkw Yoiik, Jan. 4. Special to Herald
from Washington says : As a result of a
conference at the white house between
tho president, Secretary Long and the
captains of the Santiago fleet, no action
will be Uiken contemplating the ad
vancement of either Hear Admiral
Sampson or near-Admiral Schley.
Ur Aaaoelnlcd I'rraa lu the Journal.
Tacoma, Jan. 4. Actual operations on
the work of constructing an electric
railway to Seattlo, twonty-tlve miles In
length, was commenced ut this city this
The Roberts Case Resumed,
Washington, Jan. 4. The Roberts
Invest'gutlou committee resumed Its
sessions today for the puriwso of hearing
the arguments und bringing the inquiry
to an early conclusion.
Sec the Kid Gloves we
arc offering at the Great
Sale Price of
20 and 25c fancy hklrt linings. Great
Salu Price
12 l'2c a yd.
2.rc fast black hoso for ladles, guaran
teed seamless and stainless.
19c a pr.
A few V corset walds lor children to
25c each
Dress good, fpecluls, a line worth
fl.00tofl.26ii yard line Imported nov
elties 84c a yd
Another lino of 60 to 76c. values. Great
Sale Price
Indies extra heavy fleece ribbed pants
worth 60.-. Great Sale Price
A heavier and better line of vmds to
close at
A lino of all wool vests to close at
75c worth, $1.00
Come to a legitimate dealer in first-class
xr 1 r it 1 j i '
Year bargains," -every uiuig iiiarncu m piuui uguico,
Transvaal Consul Asks Uncle Sam's Help J
to Close
An Effort Will Be Made to Qet An Indirect Vote on Seating the Pennsyl.
vania Republican Boss
Ur Aaaoclaled 1'rcaa to the Journal.
New York, Jan 4. Special to Herald
from Washington says: Thero is roasou
to hello vo the Transvaal government
has veccntty requested this government
to use its good ofllceBto bring an end to
tho war with Great llrltaln.
The proposition comes through tho
American consul at Pretoria. No an
swer has been given by the state depart
ment, and unless Great Britain inti
mates that alio Is desirous of tho presi
dent exorcising his good oflices, there Is
no reason to liellove he will comply with
the IJoer request.
The Quay Case.
New Yoiik, Jan. 4. A special to tho
Herald from Washington, says: The
opportunity Is to bo offered to test thu
full strength of tho former Senator Quay
in tho senate wttlout n direct vote on
tho question of seating him.
Tills will co mo when the committee
on privileges and elections report a the
case back to tho senate.
Tho qucation of the right of the Sena
tor to tho seat being one ol tho highest
prlveleges, it is competent for Quay's
friends to insist upon Immediate consid
eration. Thoy aro anxious to have tho test
made of his full strength, and it is be
lieved tho result can bo accomplished by
a vote on this question.
llr ' aoclMlcd I'rraa lo Iba JuiirnnL
Tirns, ltusslnn Caucasia, Jan. 4. Al
together thirteen villages In Achalalak
district have experienced earthquake
shocks. Six of these places have been
completely destroyed and eight hundred
dead bodies have already been recovered.
Chicago Rlvor Flowing the Way,
unu wuiur uuuummu
luujuor m "I -.l paioav 4
Ciiicaoo, Jan. 4. Tho clear waters of
Lake Michigan have Invaded the Chic
ago river us far as Hurrisou street
lirlitvn In the South Brunch.
LLast night the wator had tuken on a
Ladies' Suits
and Jackets and
capes must all
be sold during
$20 jackets S12.50
We only have u fow left and don't
mind loosing a few dollars in getting rid
of them.
Other Jackets and
Capes priced in pre
Fur Collarettes
f.W.OO collarettes for f'.'i.OS.
f 14.00 collarettes for fU.60.
f 11.00 collarettes for f7.46.
irt.OO collarettes foe f d.'JO.
fd.00 collarettes for 14.8-5.
the War
cleaner tinge as far south as the Twelfth
streot bridge. Twelfth street is almost
two miles from the mouth of the river.
By tho end of tho week tho dra'nneo
of flclals expect to be able to show In
tho Chicago river a body of water which
will compare favoiably with tho Des
1'lalnes rlvor below Juliet.
aovornmonts Ito Bo Established
By tho Unltod Btatos
Wasiiinoton, Jan. 4. Tho senntu"l
committee on foreign relations has or
doreil a favorablo report on tho bill pro
viding for thu government of Hawaii.
A few modifications of tho original
bill will bo made tho most
important being tho validation of tho
palu of lands since the annexation, and
fixing tho tenure of thu supremo court
Judges at nine years. The provision for
a delegate lu congress remains lu the
Washington, Jan. 4. In thu senate
Beveridge of Indiana prcsontud tho fol
lowing resolution "That tho Philippine
Islands are territory belonging to"
tho United States, thut it Is tho In
tention of the United States to
retain thorn us such, and to establish
and maintain Bitch governmental control
throughout tho archipelago as tho situa
tion uiaydemand."
ThaBundesrath Cae,
London, Jan. 4. A report comes from
Berlin thut Great Britain's reulv to
Germany's representatives on the
uuuuesruth is rcirordcd as tmsatlsfactorv
and procrastinating.
Hom, Jan. t. Tho German steauier
Kuntlerdischurced auuautitv of canto
at Naples today, as contraband of war
'pi... i.....t i.ii . .,
me iMiuMui uuiuiigs ui iiiu suiuu com
pany us tiu JJundusruth and General
Kour Frenchmen Sentenced,
Mr Aaauclnlrtl I'rraa la lbi Journal
Paris, Jun. 4. Tho high court of the
sonuto in secret session today con
demned Buffet and Deltouledo to 10
years' banishment. Guerln Is sentenced
to 10 years' confinement In a fortified
place. Saluces Is sentenced to 10 years'
Driving the Boers.
II r Aaiorliilr.l I'reaa lo Ibe Journal.
Stkukstkom, Jan. 4. General Gat
acre yesterday met the Invading forces
at Cyphorgat, near thu British advuucu
camp at Bushiiiaushoek, Thu Boers re
tired hurriedly shortly aftor the British
artlllory opened lire. The enemy occu
pied Molteno and Cyphorgat yesterday
but tho latter place Is now reovcupied
by us.
Children's plUwool hose
worth 25c, Great Sale -j
A pair.
A line of 60ii derby rlhhod and natural
wool shirts. Great Sale Price
A line of men's umbrellas at Orest
Sulti Prieo
A line of man's brown, bluo and I lark
socks with white dots. Gnat ule
10c pr.
Don't fail to m the specia' n't In
men's suits and coats which .' f - at
Great Sale Prices,
$5,60 and up,J
A line of drts haU worth 11 ' in tX
Bale Vtm.
goods for your New
(' s T