The Daily journal. (Salem, Or.) 1899-1903, January 02, 1900, Image 1

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    f-wWlj THF'J HWn
t Latest AsBOolatod Prose fcole- a rill I I
4 Bfnme, Fresh Local nowa nm Live W 1 Ijl
J Editorials mako The Dally Jour- f -i
9 It's "Business"' not Politics
V W don't wtlolt your uWettlilnn bociuio d
" of your politic or onri, but becauM W
4 Journal Advertising Pays. f
VOIj. x
Home Made Goods
Best in the Market
Specials A very large line of cassimere suits
for men and boys'.
All sizes of Boys' bluck hose our own
brand, the Granite try them.
OVERCOATS-Kerseys in all shades and
prices, also in Tan Coverts. Gray and
black clays,
i-'incy Back Covert overcoats our own
make, the swellest ol all.
Col Pitcher Defeats the Boers at Sunny
side Laager
See our Ladies' Sorosis
shoes, they are jjieat, also our
Queen Quality the best S3.00
shoe in the world. Aden's late
styles in Patent Leathers, Tan
and Black goods all at the low
est prices.
Our prices on first-class Dental work
will remain as they are for a short time ;
? '
m$ fm'Fm
Teeth $6.00 up.
Gold filling 51.50 and up.
G, & P. fillings SI. 00.
, -JV-
i !.
PHONE 2813.
.w .w.vo.uktitlMAH
General French Again Occupies Colos
burg and Surprises the Dutch By
a Rear Attack Forty Prisoners
Taken By Colonel Pitcher - Brit
ish Lose Two Men and One Officer
Wounded The News is Fully
fly Aaaorlnted Prcii tu the Journal.
London, ,Tnn. 2. The wnr office has
received the following from Cnw Tewn:
Col. 1'ilclier reports through mi ofllcer
commanding nt Orange River: "I have
completely defeated the hostile com.
mnml nt SiiuuyNido linger, taking the
I .anger uud 10 prisoners, besides the
killed and wounded. Our casualties are
two privates killed and Lieut. Adle
Hkinmmkwm, CapeColony.Jttn.L'. Qpii.
French has completely defeated the
Boers and occupied Coleshurg. Ho con
tinned to keep them on the movo and
pressed them closely Saturday and Sun
day, giving them no llnio to make a pro
longed stand and when day broke ho wan
within striking distance.
Lart night all tho cavalry artillery
and infantry, tho latter riding In wagons
to ineieaeo the mineral mobility, started
m a night march with tho object of
turning tho Boors' right. The, flank
operations were successful. Tho infantry
andfield battorloH Immediately made a
feint attack on tho Boor front, and
wlillo this was proceeding tho covulry
and light artillery got completely around
tho enemy's right Hank, as arranged.
Tho piogrrtinme worked without a
hitch. Tho Uoora woio utterly surprised,
and, finding their retreat thrcated, lied
in disorder to tho eastward, leaving
Colcsjmrg in General French hands.
Till success of General French's, col
umljis' confirmed officially nt tho war
Sailed for DeUfioa Day.
n5n.ix. .Tun. 2. The German cruiser
BchwnlU has left Dar Kd Sallam, Africa,
for Lourcnzo Marque.
London, Jan. 2. According to mes
sages fiom Rensburg tho British wero
still shelling tho Boer position Monday
evening, and expected to enter Colos
burg today. Tho British losses were
three killed and seven wounded. The
Boers were supposed to suffered heavily
from tho accuracy of the British artil
lery fire.
The Boor's strength in tho engage
ment with French is estimated at 0,000
to 7,000. While the papers aro disposed
to overrate tho brilliancy ofFrcnch's sue-
com, it will doubtless liavo a good moral
nfTmit. and mav result in the
capturing tho Norvalspont bridge, gain
ing an important strategical vantage, as
then French will probably bo nblo to
threaten the Bet hullo bridgo, which Is
tho main lino of retreat 'for tho Boers
facing General Gatacre.
HxMnuno, Jan. 2. The papers hero
announce that the German foreign ofllco
has summoned tho managing director of
the Germnn East African lino, trt. Ber
lin, in connection with tho seizure of the
company's steamer Bundesrath, by, the
British cruiser off Dulagoa Bay.
Wlsconsin'a Trial Trip.
Ur Aaaoolated I'reaa ta the Jonrnnt.
San Fkancisco, Jan. 2. Tho battle
ship Wisconsin will make a trial trip
within tho noxt two weeks. ,lt In ex
pected he will exceed the speed require
and Japan to Bocuro a common under
standing for a continued open door pol
icy throughout China has been emi
nently successful. Favorablo responses
havo been received from Groat Britain,
Germany, France, KiiBsla and Japan. A
favorable answer is expected from Italy.
Slide South of Ashland Throws Overland
ta Hours Behind.
Tho overland due hern at 4:14 has
boon delayed by a slide south of Ash
land. Tho engine was derailed, but no
further particulars nro available. Tho
train will probably bo about 12 hours
behind in reaching Salem. In the mean
tlmo a train has boon made up, to come
through on tho overland 's tlmo reaching
Salem nt 4:14, carrying passengers, ex
press and baggage, but no mull,
Hospital Ship,
II r Aaaaclated t'reae to the Journal
WasiunqtoN, Jan. 2. Tho hospital
ship Missouri left Manila Dec. 31 for
San Francisco, with 280 sick soldiers.
Tho opo is said to havo designated
Cardinal Cerolemauo Maria Gntti, tho
famous Genoese monk, iib his successor.
Line to Be Established Between San Fran
cisco and Manila,
11 r Aaaaclated I'reaa to the Journal.
Nkw Yohk, Jan. 2. A special toltho llorald from Washington says: Secretary
Boot has directed tho establishment of n government lhw of Hteumahlps connecting
San Franclxeo, Honolulu and Munlla Tho vessolsof tho Pacific lino will bo tho
transports which nro the property of tho government now in tho Pacific ocean.
All steamships chartered by the tiuurlerma&tcrs' departmont will 1ms released.
Booker T. Washington Says the Colored
People Should Stay Here.
Ur Aaaoulated I'reaa tn the Journal.
Macon, Gn., 2, Booker T. Washington sjwko on emancipation, opposing the
emigration schemes of Bishop Turner. He said in part:
"Tho north does not contain nil tiio white people, nor aro they uny better
Mends to negroes than can bo found in the spilth. For every negro sont to Li
beria a negro baby is born in tho cottr a blt, so that schemes is n failure. As wo
cime to thU country at the urgent solicitation and expense of tho white man, wo
would bo ungreatful to leave him now, and wo are not going to do it.
urbn st HAmiiyroivF
Senator Offered Monoy to Stay
Out of Caucus and Vote Aualnot
llr Aatoclatctl 1'rca to Ibc Journal.
FnANKPORT, Ky., Jan. 2. Ex-Sonator
Blackburn will bo formally named by
the Democratic joint caucus to succeed
benator Lindsay. Tho Indications are
that not more than two Democratic
members will refuse to go into the caucus.
Fiiankkort, Ky., Jan. 2. After the
caucus last nightlfienator Harrell made
a statement that ho had been offered
money by Col. John Whalon if ho would
ttay out of the caucus and vote against
GoebeL Col. Wlialen today telegraphed
tho commomnealth Attornoy Franklin
tht ho will arrive this afternoon and
surrender to tho court.
He telegraphed his friends denying
the charge brought by Senator Harrell.
The Goobel leaders promise some very
sensational dovolopments when the
trial of Whullen comes on.
Fiiaxkj-ort, Ky., Jan. 2. Both house
of the legislature organised by electing
the nominees of tho Democratic caucus,
City of Chloago Rollavod of
tho Filth or Har Large
We now have the Finest Line of Carpets
ever shown in Salem, and our Prices
are below any other dealer in the valley,
For Quality,
Price, and
Choice of Patterns
We ar4 in the lead.
llr Aaaoclated I'rca to Hie Journal.
RCiiicaoo, Jan. 2. This morning water
was turned into tho $33,000,000 drainage
canal and began to How toward Lock
lort, where it will fall into the Dos
Plains river, and thence through the
Illinois and Mississippi river to the
Engineers have cut a channel to carry
300,000 cubic feet of water per minute
Into tho empty canal. This would be
llko tho bursting of a reservoir, there
fore the water will be turned in gradu
Probably a week will elapse before tho
canal will be full of water. Aside from
the trustees and engineers, there wero
less than u dozen spectators present.
Chicago had a million dollar blaze, in
which nine firemen were injured, two
Heavy biiow in Georgia and South
Carolina, Sunday. Six inches on tho
level at Macon.
Tho health board estimates that tl o
flvo boroughs of Now York city contain.
3,550,000 Inhabitants, a gain of 11,154
during 1899.
Hilllard F. Johnson, water front re
porter for tho Chronicle, was drowned
in San Francisco by fainting and falling
into a bath tub.
Gravo complications aro feared be
tween Great Britain and Franco over
tho expiration of the Newfoundland
fisheries modus vlvcudl.
Tho leading Irish society of Toledo,
Ohio, has mangeratcd a movement to
assist tho Boers, offering sympathy,
monoy, arms and soldiers.
An American missionary at Armed
nngar, India, writes that the famine now
prevailing will bo far worse than that of
two years ago, The plague Is also pre
valent. Kansas City German Americana
adopt resolutions of sympathy for the
Boers, and commending Sonator Mason
for championing their cause in the
Tho transports Tartar and Vnloncla
will probably be sent back to Manila
with frieght. Thcronienow about 4000
tonB of froight waiting on tho govern
ment dock, and no steamers to tako it.
Tho United Irish socioties of Now
lorkholda mass meeting to oxprcss
sympathy for tho Boors, presided over
by a justlco of tho supromo court and
addressed by senators and congressmen.
Stanley 11. G. Stowart, doing business
as Stewart & Co., bankers and brokers.
at 40 Wall street, has filed n petition
in bankruptcy. The liabilities of tho
firm are -282,111, and assets aro $1,213,-
Jas. W. l'elotler, on ills way to Vir
gluia to be married to a woman who had
waited for him eovon years, was robbed
of his monoy and railroad ticket in
Chicago and committed suicide in des
Four men wero killed and sovornl
others injured by a boiler explosion one
mile west of Elizabctlitown, Pa. Tho
dead are: Doland Haldoman, of Bain-
bridgo; Witt Shorbaon, of West Done-
gal; Burt Harris, a negro, and an Italian
known as Tony.
Tho Columbian Iron works, of Balti
more, which is ongaged in tho construc
tion of tho aubmarlno boat Plunger, and
tho torpcdli boat Tlngey, lias been placed
in tho hands of a receiver, and an ex
tension of tlmo has been allowed for the
construction of the torpedo boat.
A permanent arbitration board to
settlo all differences hotween labor
unions and contractors and ho averting
of tho chances of a labor war in Chicago
is practically assured. This board will
consist of II membors and wi'l adjudi
cate and difllcultics that may arise.
Benjamin D. Greene, Colonel John F.
Gaynor, Edward II. Gaynor, and Wil
liam T. Gaynor, members of tho Atlan
tic Dredging Company jointly indicted
with Michael A, Connolly and ex
Captain Oberlln M. Carter, for conspir
acy resulting In n loss to the government
of (574,749 are undergoing examination
today before United States Commissioner
Imparts that peculiar lightness, sweetness,
and flavor noticed in the finest cake, short
cake, biscuit, rolls, crusts, etc., which ex
pert pastry cooks declare is unobtainable
by the use of any other leavening agent.
Made from pure, grape cream of tartar.
Filipinos Whipped and Driven to Santa
Rosa by Americans,
Slavery Abolished in Island of Guam Rough Trip on Trans
Or Aaaoclated I'reaa la the Journal.
Manila, Jan. 1, 10:30 p. m. The first inovomont of tho general southern ad
vanco occurred th,s morning, when two batalllona of tho Fourth infantry landed
and occupied Cabuyao, on the south eido of LagunadoBay. Two Americans
wero killed and two wounded. Twenty-four of tho onomy were found dead in one
house, One hundred and fifty prisoners and four six-pounder rapid fire guns woro
captured. Tho gunboat Laguna do Bay bombarded tho town boforo tho disem
barkation of tho troops from tho cascoos, which was niado undor tho shrapnol
fire. Tho onomy ovacuatod tho placo before tho charging AmericatiB, retreating
to Bauta Rosa, to which town they wero pursued.
Heavy fighting occurred along the road to Santa Bosa, which was occupied
by tho insurgents, retreating south toward Sllan. Tho Americans bumed tho
country around Cabuyao.
Manila, Jan. 2. A naval ofllcer from Guam brings n proclamation issued by
CaptLoary, the naval governor of that island, decreeing the nbsoluto prohibition
and total abolition of slavery or iwonage, taking effect February 22.
Manila, Jnn. 2. Col. Pettitand Lieut. Col. Haycs,who commanded tho com
panies on tho transport Manuenz, which arrlvod hero Nov. 28 and roportcd torrl
bio experiences at sea, have filed official roports corroborating tho story at the
timo describing the hardships of tho soldiers.
Tho report which is particularly vigorous, recommends u claim against tho
ship owners for uniforms for the whole battalion, which wero ruined during pas-ago.
Chicago, January 2. May 70J;
cash 00.
Ban Fkancisco, Jan. 2 Cash 98.
The Forest Grove Times thluks that
"1899 does not comploto 1900 any more
than $99 would pay a f 100 debt."
Editor Laura E. Jones, of tho Drain
Watchman is convalescent, mid through
her paper thanks friends for kindness
during iter illness.
Sec the Kid Gloves wc
arc offering at the Great
Sale Price of
The Lawton Fund.
Ur A.oclatcd I'reaa to the Journal.
Wasiiinoton, Jan. 2. Genoral Cor
bin, chairman of the Lawton relief com
mittee, announces the subscriptions to
the Lawton fund to date to bo $39,203,
which does not include all subscriptions
in the outside cities.
Result of a Threatened Strike.
Ur Aaaoelatad I'reaa to the Journal
Pittsbdiio, Jan. 2,--The wages of 25,
000 men employed by tho steel and glass
companies of Pittsburg were advancl
today from 5 to 10 per cent.
Sickness In Ladysmith.
Ur Aaaoclated I'reaa to the Journal.
London, Jan. 2. Gen White reports
that the number of cases of dysentery
and fever are Increasing at ladysmith.
Jftu iJleym K A&p
Children's eJl'wool hose
worth 25c, Great Sale
A pair;
20 and 25c fancy skirt linings. Great
Sale Price
12 12c a yd,
25c fast black hose for ladies, guaran
teed seamless and stainless.
19c a pr.
Tho European Nations Asroa With
America for This- Ao-
Br Aaaoclated Vreaa ta the JoaraaL
Wasuisotox, Jan. 2. The session of
the cabinet today was brief, but was
the occasion of an important announce
ment by Secretary 'Hay that the nego
tiations with the great powers of Europe
Phone 2874.
IB4 State S
From Eyeglasses to Glasseyes
We can supply you with Anything in
the Optical linn Bee I If not so clearly as
with your eyes ot lormar year, some
thing is wrong with those delicate orbs of
vision. Don't hesitate to have them ex
amined. Will candidly tell their condi
tion for nothing. A pair of our rimless
spectacles or eyeglasses will add dignity
to your appearance, give you a learned
loot, ana reauy improve your lace.
113 Stat St.
A few 50c corsot waists for children to
25c each
Dress goods, specials, a line worth
$1.00 tofl. 25 a yard fine Imported novelties
84c a yd
Another line of 60 to 75c values. Great
Sale Price
Ladies extra heavy fleece ribbed pants
worth 50c, Great Bale Price
A heavier and better lino of vests
close at
EciKSTinc Opticus
Ladies' Suits
and Jackets and
capes must all
be sold during
$20 jackets S12.50
We only have a few left and don't
mind loosing a few dollars in getting rid
of them.
Other Jackets and
Capes priced in pro
A line of all wool vests to close at
75c worth, $1,00
Fur Collarettes
$30.00 collarettes for (21.65.
(14.00 collarettes for (9.50.
(11.00 collarettes for (7.45.
(8.00 collarettes for (0.20.
(0.00 collaiettes for (4.85.
A lino of 50c derby ribbod and natural
wool shirts. Groat Sale Prico
A lino of men's umbrellas at Groat
Sale Price
A lino of men's brown, bluo and black
socks with whlto dots. Great Bale
10c pr,
Don't fail to see the special lines in
men's suits and coats which we offer at
Great Sale Prices,
$5,60 and up.
A line of dress hats wortli (1.50. Great
Sale Price.
Come to a legitimate-dealer in first-class goods for your New
Year bargains, Every thing marked in p lain figures, 2 2C