K, t Latest Associated Press tela- ' Mi 4 grams, Frosh Looal news and Live r P 4 editorials make The Dally Jour- f THE VOh. x DAILY JOTTRN A T ,. Woolen M Home Made Goods Best in the Market lAfflMM SALETtf, OREGON WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 13 1809. 9 It's "Bualnosa"' not PertHe '.. t w of root Ml tfca or iau)k7Z C 4 Jmirnrtt ArfnAiiiT.- M-.t a,m.'K'aaKrK'BVVX Of General Metliuen at Modder River Was Repulsed By the Dutch ATlCKMTlWSfOMOm LL f Afwokj-re' ,y - :; 'wHfH K SpecialsA very large line of cassimere suits for men and boys'. All sizes of Boys' black hose our own brand, the Granite try them, OVERCOATSKerseys in all shades and prices, also in Tan Coverts. Cm ay and black clays. Fancy Back Covert overcoats our own make, (he swellest oi all. TO0UE$ fkUib STORE With Terrible Loss to the British He Had to Facc 12,000 Burghers, Who Fought Like Dc mons and Held Their Positions , General Wauchopc Was Killed in Action ,, He Had Just Arrived to Reinforce Lord Mcthucn Great Dis affection in Cape Colony Aguinaldo's Body Guard Has Been Destroyed or Captured His 0$$h I rrnktit jys NEW AND LATE STYLES See our Ladies' Sorosis shoes, they are gieat, also our Queen Quality the best 53.00 shoe in the woild. Aen's late styles in Patent Leather, Tan and Black oods all at the low est prices. KRAU6SB PROS MsM'tHHIVl'imM's''SHAsqsJJs SALEM DENTAL PARLORS Rooms 27 and 29 P. 0. Blk. A Second Battle. Ur Aaaoclated I'rraa lo the Journal I-osdov, lVi 13. The war olllco lias received the following from (ifiieral Metliuen: "My artillery shcllul n at rone noil. tlon held by the cnoinv from fniir imltl dnek Sunday. The llhihland hrlim.ht attacked at day break on Monday at tho couth end of a kopjii. The attack was properly timed but fulled. Utianla were ordered to nrotivt thcjilghlandera' right and rear. With cavalry nnd mounted infantry, with a howitrer battory, we attackeil thocnemy on left, and with the. Otiiirds on the right, snptiorled by Held nrtlllerv nnd a howitzer. At 1:15 I sent tho Gordon to tho cn tronchmonts until dusk, tiio position ex. tending tor six miles to the Modder river. Today I am holding Uio Position and intrenching. 1 had lo fnco 12,000 men. Our loss vvns grunt." The Doer Report. I'liKToniA, (Monday) Dec. 11. An olllcinl report cava: Tho battle of Mod der river began ycntcrday with cannon firing, tho heavy lighting proceeding from 3:110 in morning until U ::!(). The lighting still continues. A muriiiug dispatch brought the word that all the Hoera tmsltions hao leen maintained and 41 llrilNh priaon era taken. view, A Veteran Oeneral Killed Ixsdos, Dec. 13. Major General An drew G. Wauchope was killed in action at Modder river Monday. Wauchopo was a ctcrnu of the Ashanteu nnd Kgyptinu campalgiiH. Ulg Lot Wounded, Oiianok Hivkk, Dee. ill. Thnii hun dred nnd twenty llritish wounded, Including 17 olllcers, have arrived from M odder river. nation, from a Uritlsh point of win hardly bo overestimated. Disaffection in Cope Colony. Hr Aaaorlalad i'rraa in the Journal London, j,v. l: iluller's advitni'o In tie direction oi Collenso neoins to coinniencetl. Them aro reuened r..iw,ri of iv cabinet crisis at Capo Town, where ins miii that uovernorMilncr Is nbout to act in eonsemionco of disclosure In. volving tho ministry's loyalty. At Other Points. Or Aaaoclatrd I'rraa la the Journal. Cans Tows. Tuesday. Dee. 1 .-...,. Oral Gatacre In moving from llushmnn's nock to Hterkstroem toilnv. A lunula. trato at Hterkstroen wires that many of mo missing liave turned up. rrencliniiiorts that a detachment of cavalry, with two guns reconnoltered the lioer's position at Qulntfontolii and vaalkoupf. They shelled a farm and drove the enemy from Vaalkopf. Generals Arc Dead or Prisoners Large Numbers of Spanish Prisoner Let Loose and Immense Captures of Arms and Supplies Whole Provinces Surrender to the Americans The Insurrection Being Fapidly Broken Down By Our Forces Delicious Hot STILL BIGGER SUGAR TRUST. Ilr Aaaitvlalril I'rraa In llir Juurual. Nuv Yi.hk, ,Dec. 13 The Herald snjs: l'ain'm tiro belni: drawn for the, Incor- iwatlon of a new sunr concern, bavlnu an unthorired capital of $100,000,000. NEW PENSION COAAISSION r ' ''Mi ml Teeth for $6 up for only a S hort time, t r t Gold Crowns from 3 up, Si'k. ilest Gold Filling. $1.50, up. d A. I' I'llllngs, l,up. Drs. Eplev k Olinger. VtohWa I Rooms 27 and 29 P. O. Blk. A ,vwtkK-ALkkkt.iLk,tkA..l,n,.,aka.L t.kt. Was a Qlg DaPlr. I.ONr.ox, Dec. 13. General Metliuen. natXiectel, followed up lib) artillery attack with u general assault on the Doer jiosltion Monday, and his report show i that tho anxiety of tho nubile regarding the renlt is amply Juslif cd. Tho engagement was evidently of considerable inngnlliide, and tho list of killed ami wounded will be proortloii. ate, without tliucomiH'iis.ttinu of a vie lory nnd perhaps a more serious defeat tliau .vietliuon admlU. Reaiilt Disheartening, The only coniH!tiiwtion the llritish will bo able to discover in the disheart ening (dory, Is in Mcthtieu's statement that he maintains bis position, arouslni! the hoj that he will retrieve tho situa tion, Considerable significant e nttaches to Miitlitten's statement that tie is en trenching himself, indicating the fear that the Doers may adopt ihe offensive and attack him. The gravity of the sit- Ilr AaaiM-lnlrd I'rraa in Iba Juurnnl. Wasiiinotun, IKh;. 13. Senator Gal linger preseiiteil a bill for the codMca tlon of Ihe ikjiibJou laws. Itls nrono'siil that tlio commiHsiou shall consist off fllrtata nml iimitiluira nf llw. it I l I - ... (H -. ,1)1 ,t Qital News From Otis. Ilr Aaaoclated I'rraa lu llir Juurunl Wvsiiimitiiv, Dec. 13 General Otis had some stirring news to report today. HIsiablegr.tinHwro as follows "Ma. nlla Fifty men of tlio iiiivv nnd llfiv then n( the army took Uoinv on the Kith Instant. Vintnc's uxlreino northern force hni pnsscd over tho mountains, driving the Insurgents under General Thin, who was badly wounded, killing 60 and wounding many. lie made large captures of rllles and propi-rty, with nil tho Insurgent trans, portntion and released all Spanish pris oners In that section to the nnmlM'r of of IMXH), Our casualties aro two wound. ed, our troops pursuing tho remnant of i luoi command. Marsh's battallloii dostrnved Amilnnl- do's hotly gtinnl, kfllod General Greg- orio Pilar, received tlio surrcudor of Guperal Concepcion and bis staff, and killed and wounded fW Insurgents, nnd reieaseUoiT Spanish prisoners lug 150 friars and captured considerable proierty. Ills loss was two killed nnd nine wounded. My information Ii Hint Agtilimldo has nbandoiivs.1 hi) troops is hiding in the province of Dctiguet. A km ond dispatch is as follows "Manila-Admiral Watson Informs mo tlint the provliico of Cnau h as sur- remleriHl uueomlltlomllly lo Captain Mc Callu 'on tho 11th Inst. Mae Arthur at ltajntnlougroportH that he lioldsitK prisoner Mnblnl. the nlest of the In- surgeutH and foundrr oh he late government:" cents. The Indian claimed to haro come from the Rlleti, but the name and ami antecedents t( the wliltoluan aro not of reiiinl though ho Is sild to bi a certain Jones. The Indian had left his cu tan tied by the bridge, ami Marshal Glbvm gatlierrd him In took care of him. M'KINLEV AND ROOT Foroonstoil'As tlio Nntlonnt Ropuli llonn Jlokot for IOOO. Mr Aaanrlnlrrt I'rraa lit lh Jnnrnal. CLKVKi.AXi),.Dec. I3.-.V Washliigton dispatch to tho Uxidur snys: In tho Kglit of the Information gathered from contact with leadors In nnllitea. Itinpy lKstall almost without nnal- lllcatlon that tho Itepuhllcan ticket nnxtjrnrwlllbo MoKlnloy and Hoot. TIim aonllniiitil In fin... nf llll... ii.... . . ..... w. vii. .ii ii., ui ui iiiimi ilIKH lnciuit- hns nsumed propitious which prarti- colly insures him being gin n the sec ond place on Ihe ticket. Another Chimney Kite. A llll.t III till. Hull lki.lt. .k.... I l..l....l book slorc and rraser'a millinery slow iiiiriioii out tun rorunoon, causing the lire department to make a ipilck run, but doing no damage. Bi . Sfr4 tA.., f ,'i. T" xsvft -' kJkl 1 X .j are made with Royal Baking Powder, and are the most appe- tizing, liealthful and nutritious w of foods. v Hot biscuit made with im- .&. pure and adulterated baking powder are neither appejuing nor wholesome. , '? It all depends upon (he .bak ing powder, ' Take evfirv rnra fftn liown your biscuit made with .Royalty. I which is a mire crentn nf tnrfnr' - t J' baking powderj i'f-y.of would-'.' avoid indigestion. : H "iTsJ-; IrMft A SUPPOSED JONES, Aa Mysteriou3 Partner of an Indian Saved I From a Walery Orvae. I A. K. THE NEBRASKA SENATORS! HF Qovornor Appoints lix-8'onntor Allan Who Unn Talk Twolvo Days. Was Too Full of Uug Juice and Willamette Was Kobbed of Another VTeilm, the Ilr Aaaot'lulvtl I'rraa lu III Journal Owviia, Dee. IB. Governor I'oynler has appoluteil ex-Senator Allen to llll the senatorial vacauuy canted by the death of Henulor Ha ward. BURBN St THE LOW PRICE HACniLrOTSJ FURNITURE HOUSE. 1 V FURNITUR fit worse Santa Claua In Town. The New York HatkuU has a large Hue of all kinds of huliday goods ui haK) )f glove caM'S, necktie 1 axis, work ImiXI'S. eilff mill ifilliir luiirna (iliiln cases, dresulug caws, manicure Belts. shaving setts, albums of all kinds, u few oxira Hue dressing wise,) dulls, linen and other kinds of (million's picture books, with histories for young i people, mm) try, una prose irom lit wrlturs, gamnsof u', kiuiU, silk, Ilium, and cambric haudkeruhlels, ties, cults, collars and a thousund other article-', all attractive, and iiroftil. Don't fall to call and seo our goods and, prices, huv will please ) oti, ami av jou lunuuy all at Itackct prices. '.'d-lw. Left the Town, Geo Morris, for some time ps.it re porter on a l'ortland paper at Full in, has left the town and tomo-of his bills un settled. It Is reported Im went broke on one of the murderous slot gambling do yices. John T 11 Ityan was admitted to the I... .... ..!.,.. ... ..!.- ..... I. -!(.., ll M, vi, ,,,iiv ,iiri,,,,v I'ltu'w.1,!! -an eoincs from Ohio, and was alinittl u a certlllcate from the supreme tt.urt id iimi riaie ft BIG HO than KuGaoi Prices! 'huh. w VTMiKdWAnm W7f-. -r . a . -- linHY NETSKSr Karlv this moruliiir parties llvlmr near the river bank, lu the vicinity of Iteut- le," X Cii's, woodpile near the stuol bridge, were dliturhed by cries for help from thudlnctloii of the river, but seeming to come from the other side, Kil CrOMMUii. Ilvlnn ncross the river. also heard them before he left home to como over to his work. As he crossed the bridge hi' discovered (hut the cries came from the river bank almv the bridge, lly this limn Jake Mltolwll, of tho llourlng mill, had also commenced mi Investigation and with a lantern tie two men louilod tho Individual who mi urgently desired assistance 1U was standing in the witter whurr) tlm Imnk was alxiut III lent high, nntiMe In get out. A rnpo was lonerwl aisl he was IhiIsI ed to level ground. Close by, at the ful "fa tiiva isniv lire was burning, ami an Indian was iwnut'fully sleeping. The wauir-soakm! party liiiineilUitely wnt for thr Indian dmnuudlng to know why In, hadn't helwil him , but the Imlkiii reJnal that Im didn't liavo no ropo. Ii u'm.i llml llui imtr warn" liar luara" anil has been eamplng-out.and prHwll Indulging lu strong watws, and the white man had ImulvawlaBlly walkwl over the bluff. He was left drying hliiiU bv the Aimpflre. UUr Ur Iwlian was m looking for his imrtinr li "l bud rotdwl him ot ail lis ni'oey, 13 jiamiiurvf m& ?tm HOYAt, BAKINO HOWDtH CO,NtW VPS,K. .4vv-rf An I'.vent At Kola. The steamer Pomona this morning landed at vvlmt was formerly tho old Win Jones warehouse, at Kola. whtMi Is now a hop house, ownfU by Gilbert A raiivrsou oi tills city. "J bales of . a.iviauu ui una my. -mi bales of city is running with two pollmsiss., ssva their bops wiiro loaded to lw brought 'ol'ty t nlitht and the otW isHw Crime DecfsatrtrHr. fslwn's city Jail has not till tata? had an occupmt for two Moaths, Citf Itoconlsr Jtidab says that Om Mrin ssc nemo for tho board of city tKlsnnsrs hr tho year 1 will not excc4IM, TIm city I running with two tollssa.i, la vnur hralh hailV Th.n un.i .- w. . VMM, lll.ll uui oesi menus turn ineir ncaus slide. A bad breath me.ns a bad liver. Ayer'a Pills are liver pills, They cure conitlpitlon,blllousnct.dyfpcpsU, sick hcsJaclie. 25c. All dru.lsts. Waul yaar tiittu.iaclia or aaaril a laaulllul hraaii r fl'li hia'Sf lli.n ma BUCKINGHAM DYE &. -V lV.t ---j " - WMKAT MAnKBT, Oiiictoo. cash m. Han Fit v mi mo, Det Decoinber 13. n, May 0!), ; Cash 117 1( to nali'lu Inr n linn lutein., n I... bounht tbem a wovV ago, tho price nald could not be learned for publica tion. This was ajtif-at uvent at' Kola, aside steamer went up the itlcreall river, to the nl.iee where twcnty-llvn ii..i-iiu km mil niirni inuu wiu en. tiro surrounding country was shlpiH.il to market. All tho poopln turned out to Mti tho steamer, nml many an old timer, who hail In iarlvliiv. I...II, . air castltHi fur fnliim irrnaiiina. aI T'i.. dropped a silent tear hi couteuipla'tlim' ol wiist mluht have Itecn. The Ulalr Kngs.ement. Of n'fi'ht Niitv Vfirlr ..i. ...,i. .. - - .- --.... ... .. ,n.-n. ,iipiii sMiiuaoiii more iirumlnbntly than "A ilav time. hours, Tim strcots are quit at all Udy of quality." It comes to the Oiiiru liotlbl lomiVrriitv uliflil I .1.1 l.u ln. gonle lllair, who has added grnally to the success of the piece. Hurroundlnir Miss lllair la a iviiinuiiitfiif o...f.ill .... lected players tliuron.hlv capable of reading the Hues of the play In a tnas icriy manner IUmrkfraMOl. There Is a liandfomo laJr at Ma) em Hons, drosMxl In 15o Weill-, i ru I fan to seo Iter. $?-. i TOO. Auction Halo of Heal Kstatn tomorrow. )i Buys a Lot Of holiday goods at Jos. Murwi A Sous, IT OUU CANDY IS FRESH, LIKGWISe IT IS PURB IS MADE BY SKILLOD LAIiOK OP THIS WC ARE SURB. ELLIS &ZINN HSSnWf.- mvmr - K wmm Don't watt until old St. Nick comes tumbling down your chimney o Christmas Is close at hand I hear the bells. i - k5. JBaHaBBBBBBBBBMaam: Rugs, Rockers, Desks, Sideboards, Tables, Chinaciosets, Special prices on all styles of Morris chairs ranging from S6 up, Our prices on Lounges begin at 52. A good one In beautix ful figured satin russe. any color, with extra long fringes a beauty only $3,60, Order one for Christmas, 248 COMMERCIAL ST. X z. Ssimmmh 'fSnBkvJT'd Our Eleirant llolidav Itoiulkercliiefs surpasj. aiiylliinjf we have ever 5IIOWII. Ctuki's pkluia kuiMlkaielirM, Ulvtf. U'ltos lairw lirMMi, M up. l'fU hm aia mbrofctil iwoilf. life tog Sec our Kerchief Girl J i cased en tirely in 15c Kercliieh. It la Viv My W'lkltiHir Home Happy nr ' iimiiS ai limilral ISNMSMIatr il nil vHn Mtatl lft ' a ('liriiiia. liawi ('rrltwliddrtn ,d iiothlna 'ml a mV of impewi UuiikriMiM ou II. RuM it lliulli l ttu. to 'ta hr a WlKVkr4i'ili. .1 :i4l. 1.... fj.. W Ii ,L. I1UIUV w .or film ly yon think fur thatr Nolhing more appropriate than a Hal for Xmas. We have an ex tensive line from.SI up in Dress Mats. , uif4)oiiit,in.o. : Miinliitun lUts, VMj Ravloft il.tl, f l("- wh.m ns; m XJ7J A'r TT-iJf1 Present Present Giving Jewelry has ever Iwen a suggestiro word In gift waking. It Is as much n In 0 prcK'nt prtwfnt-giviiig time, as ever. V have uiado tntvf pmwirattens A .. i..ii7.u ..-... r,l '!rt A atrick vftu uill aJmlie. at iirieas vou will rrtfaiil with favor. Jevudry Is aoroeUiliijt you Iiould buy of one In whom ym Jmv. wrt ouy awnfldence. but '4 one wlw ha the nereaaary knowlwle UjMI lb uuA Iniu U la,! Years otirrfnc give us tbtsknoialeilge. Just a few JJry kiuto are found lJiiw. A look tbnwgliour stock villi add to tb. ijultea'awlgofltlwan'sgoWfillo.l watch- rata 113 ufc Chains, lockaU, link buttons. broJtw. studs, and rln in Urge ijuantities and at law prlww hr Ids goals Phon BARR'S JEWBLRY STORE uui.h l UAUtl'l I'S UV ri'iv cii &jm' W ..a JBBBBr"SsaaBB aBBBBWiBBB' It See Hall'.' suit HMit uvl smdklaa i) el ii.-. k.uil'lies uiribfsllas, bath tiMUm, law, anajamkr , hamlktrdidefs. isulhVs, uiK-asar, Brians, Wllr, riifta. rawtlrr iiDrniiU. eanes. dress sblfU, atuvos. itaiUi's, pyfaius suits, nllW. Hulk, uai Mi pivSMMia Store Open" Evenings. Our Elegant Imported Novelties, Vawat. I'twlr Jar, Iom lUm luas, Cbjar llofcttrn. tuhaano Jar, l'ln Trays, etc. Vwmtuii and IkJuimuii UUss. C'ldtw KovalUoa, ; al Itotn Art y vrs Art iVtU'ry. j M .qUGGSTONS , PLB KAXfl HO.vfc COI.UKRTTB8 COLUIti FL'Ttia i:MItItKI.I.Al uwvm TAlfrOKMAnKBl'ITH I'tKMKS j.vcicrfra MAOKl.vmallr.4 (lOl.rCAl'Bi) I'l I Mil CAl'Btt I Alht lltTAl.NH qllllr, Don't buy a lot of "nor;- isenje lor unnstmas ginss- buy somelhfnif that k useftiji instructive, or ornamental. Look over tho house an J w what is lacking. Then tome to us. .-I .i'j BATTstXI . &fA ft'lt tfkl xitmm itie flUKETB ANUHJ-riQWI v;iUl,UK.tvTi rAMTUJ yTAtXUAKDTAliLl 'SAW JRWGfHYXaVI ",,- -A m 'A i