f jn j wnr-yrfw mNfr i "". .- S fmUfUttttW 41 Latest Aflsbclatod Pros tolo- grams, Fril&h Local news and Ltvo j tauoriQis make Tho Dally Jour- X nal. 4 . t jTjnripH DAILY VOli. X JOURNAL, '"MiMirurmmnr,mvMttv9nmvfr7nfimMivTnmuj w e now nave out onrstmas Goods cllfs SALEM, OREGON TUESDAY DEOItttllElt R 180!). lt' "Buino9tf, rt6l rMiltlj ., I " Of JMIJ MlltlCI at Hk fern I Journal AdvuHfoIng- Paya, HM-a smrafi : DOLLS, E PICTURE BOOKS, fc STORY BOOKS, GAMES. P ALBUMS, PICTURE FRAMES, TOILET CASES, F MANICURE SETS, HANDKERCHIEF BOXES, WORK BOXES, E PERFUMERY, fc STAMPED LINENS, FNAPKINS, fcDOYLIES, HANDKERCHIEFS, Ready for your inspection, It's the best and largest line we've ever Iwrl. Remember that our usual extremely fc AC Vt.tlf . .11 .1 BT nui u io uu ouicr lines, All kinds of useful and ornamental articles suitable for presents,! Come in and sec our line, everything marked in plain figures. Lowest pos siblc prices on everything. Tlie Multifarious Mr, Roberts' Family Linen is Bolng Aired SOUTH AFRICAN WAR Senate Overwhelmed With a Second Sorrow Finance Rill J Going Into Republican Caucus Tonight v A Committee to Be Raised on Insular Affairs Proceedings of Both Houses It Is Still Dragging Along With tiie Boers Holding the Forts MWifA& Bahiho T' AfeSOLtlYrivhi i9U Pmiinrnm MsotmtLYtvKE - Mokes the food mora dcHciou i i nin '''Mfc -y JmE r a?3& amhvboJesomft THE NEW YORK RACKET. IflAMHmaUMUUAAaUiAAAAUUAAAAJjLtAiiJittAfA, I 00k NEW AND LATE STYLES See our Ladies' Sorosis shoes, they are gie.it, also our Queen Qifality the best S3.00 shoe in the World. Men's late styles in Patent Leathers, Tan and Black goods all at the low est prices. KRAUSSB RROS M(inmmii'Wjmim'ni'tiwyiM'iMMH'H'w fJt are doing a great ; deal of A. A- -v '' - t I Ptf ?r c o jCsi5av aaaa fVsS asaaUaiaia and Crown Work and it gives the best satisfaction. OUR PRICES ARE $5 PER TOOTH OR CROWN AND UP. Drs. Eplev A. Olinger, Dnnmc 07 aiiwl OO P IwUlllJ ow til ill 1 O. BIk. MUfciftl'--'-' - House Proceedings. Or Associated Preaa to (he Jonrnal. Washington, Dec. 6. Tho houso eal- lories wore, almost as crowded as yester day, debate on tho Roberta case being the attraction. After reading the jour nal was concluded, tho president's inea sugo Aas read. Members listened at tentlvely to tho reading. Senate In Sorrow, Another sorrow had fallen noon the senate before It convened today. Senator Hawyard of Nebraska, nhllcnot olllc- lally n in ember, miis regarded its one of the senate. Finance Hill. It Is probable that the debate on thu iinanriai mil in tlio house will not com mciico until next week. The Hcpubll- ran caucus tonight will consider the bill as framed by the caucus committee. Insular Affairs. Tawny of Minnesota Introduced in tho houso a resolution for tho creation of a committee of seventeen to havo Jurisdic tion over "affairs concerning tho Insular torritory acquired or occupied under treaty with Spuln." Well Received. Tho fcuato flnanro bill wan well ro oelu'd by tho itepubllcan Iioiiho mem beri who framed thu houso bill. To Wed. Marriage llconscs havo been Issued to V.. Palmer and Alma Grace Ruble, Chan. Lontf acting as witness; Chun. Mooresnml Delia Plumb, 8. J. Moorva, witness. Handkerchiefs, jiurfcs, silk mittens, mens lined and iinllned gloves, holiday goods of nil Mndi. Wiggins' big ad., ! . . . 12 ft 2t The Cable Has Been Rcparcd and There Ought to Be Some News of a Definite Character Soon Heavy Bomfard" ment By the Boers Continues While the Response From the British Garrison is Lifeless Cronjt Holds Mafcking Heavy Casualties. II r AiMirlnttit l'ri In tlir Jonronl. Ni YoitK.lVe. 5. A iHspateli In tho Hemld fri'in Pleteriimrlltburg wiys The lit. t difpntchiH from Uul!mlth saHtl'nl from the bciiliiuituiiif llio In vetun'iit up tu Nov. i, thoro were 8H2 ' SUCCEEDS BULLER The War Continues und the pleasant plaiu w here you can obtain n good substantial dinner or lunch for n fciimll sum continues open and ready to mm e you, The Wonder IteMaiiruiit. British Military Situation in Africa is Very Critical llr AaaaclHlrd I'm, in Hip Juurunl. NEW YORK, Dec. 5.--A dispatch to the World From London saysi Field Marshal Lord Roberts will be ordered to Capetown to take chief command of all the British forces in South Africa, and according to rumor, superseding General Duller. READY TO SURRENDER. For Men. Wo can rellovo your perplerltlcs as to what to got for tlio men. Wo havo splendid umbrellas, fancy slippers, linen hemstitched handkerchiefs lie up, all sorts of fleece llnd gloves. Fine Mocha gloves with dainty taffcttalininir, very nice for cold weather, ties, title handkerchiefs, purseo, etc, see. Como and Crib or Buggy Whether It Iw n hay crib for your horceHorn nuggy tu winch to ruiu mat you ikhiI botTi und such ns will give ou Humiliation l xopi v uiiimiu , o ii, nt tho old P. 0. stables, 1'J I coil jot tin Free Concert Wanted eeryliody to attend the free concert Weduocdiiy eeniiig at the Yiiknhoma tullimelit. ten Mtorc u goixl enter- OC' the kJkA Kcmembcr the Auction Kale. D nrt forget that on next batunlav curs tho ttitotlon salo of nroiierty of Salem liullding & Uan Association, at 10 o'clock a. in. Tho wile begins on Twelfth street, near l-eslio, In Yow Park, and hoiim axceptional bargains will le tho result. Make your pluns accordingly. ! ' " ' 0 rangers Jacob Voorhee, of Wood burn, H. WIesner, of Howell, and Hi-others Weaver and Hemsley, of Liberty, met with mine of tho sidewalk grangers today. All druKflsta. (tnarintJo Vr. SIIIm' l'Al pll.unomoo Iteadocbe. "ODoceut adoae.' Filipino Junta At Hong Kong Advises Him to Give Up, killed and wounded, ineludlng military and civilians. Lonimv. Dee. fi.-Althotigh repairing of tho cable belwei'n Aden and Zaiulliur hasreMoi-ed tho route to South Africa Olid ivliuusl (inllun IiihIkI .if lo,1ni.l dispatches, there Is no new light ou luller preiwrotlon for tho relief of Lmlysmllh or tho movements of tho uier jiriutn column. NBWsfniui Udysnilth up loNuv. II). said all wore well and provisions plenti ful and tho iKimbardinenl Ineffectlwi. Hisinitehes of sainodatofroin Itm.r lioml. iimrters refer to tho renewal heavy bombardment iiml n llf.itn.. h..i... I from the garrison. ui'iHiriH oi liimiinonmrttii ni ii... .Lin.. nt i.:,..i.i.... . ."...:" "1 "."'" .i A ; "f ""."" oiiurmiNi. Appur eniiv uniiijo leu n lorvo sulllclent to nojii mo garriou in check. MoAcments at Tranpoit. llr Aaaorlntnl firm ),, ir Journal. HoNottruT, Nov.SH, la San Francisco, Uiv.o.Tho transport Port Htepbons from fceiiltlo to Manila with 511 horses, put Into Honolulu on Nov. 27th, being unable to proceed owing to severe weath er encountered eor since she left tlio I niiiini. nnu iimi lout only two horms. I ihotmusiMjrls lion Mnhr, Knnalor. Illiincoekniiil City of Puobla hito all liirritcd mid them tiro now eight army iriiii!iofts In the harbor. In the last three days 2.W6 contract lulmreri in rheil from Japan. OITIZKN'8 TICKET. S Tin nui ii iiim.i X"'t.-.ixTri.tTOM. " iiiiBinai i. T, iiminiinaaii imuuV. K" MillfOisE Demands tlio Gold Standard In Order to Maintain til Presont Parity , U , i r i I Insists on American Sovereignly Over the Philippine Sell government for Cuba We Might Have Intervene ( pre; vent War in SouthAfrica if Great Britain Had DetireftTOur Good Offices v An Able Message , j "JL. Polled a llandiome Vote In Spite of Apathy, Haln and Feeble Opposition, The oilircuH nominees, Mesars. Thus. Ilurmwa, A. II. Iluron. Iru K. Allen, and llr Aa.oHatrd I'rr.. I,, il.r .l.iiirnal. '.V ' '""?"' ' eiecieil AKlermcil 01 Miioeityoi sa em lor two vinra nueh. . .. . .11 1. ... . ., ...i.. .... ii. , i -... ... . .l : .kw iokk, iec. . a ciiuiegiain ironi uong rvong io me livening uonn i oirsnui wenr urst warn says tho Filipinos thero nunoiinro that AgulnuMo Is rtsuly to surrender If CVmihiI William will receive him at Manil.t. Tho di'patch rends that tho Filllilim Junta at Hong Kong was ill couimtiulcatlon with Agulualdo last week mid they advinud him then to tlirow himself ou tho mercy of thu United States. NEBRASKA SENATOR JYi. Mtiii(I II I. third (, fourth 74. Unuutliorltcd uindidates were sprung In tho first ward, where Fred Steuiloff n-celvwl ton votes, and In the third where Frank Starr got 11!. Tho vote was olllclally canvassed Monday evening. Itupubllcntis carrieil AlUiny. tho GUI- sens' won In Oregon Cllv, mill lmle- pendente elected a mueii ticket. Dies and the Populist Governor Will Namcj His Successor llr AaMH'lHlnl I'rraa In Ilia Journal. XitniitHK City, Di-e. 5. Senator Haywanl died this morning. BUREN Si HACniLTOTSJ THE LOW PRICE FURNITURE HOUSE. X NL 48jHHiPLVaHPiKz""vx2aN We are here 2C 2 With many things to Gladden the hearts at X CHRISTMAS TIME Morris Chairs A big Jine "Many styles. Prices lower than ever, See our S6 OO Style, Ladies' Dressing ; Tables, A fine hne in Beautiful natural wood. Bird's Eye Maple, Oak and Mahogany, JjUjJJ r iiii drau't Oreat Opera Co. Theater uner will lme next Hominy evening, at the Keed's opera hoiife, uu opiortunUy of seeing the hrilllaiit young comedian. Mr ItoUirt litt, wholsonu of America s most )piilur itimeillans. In the latest nud greulest Xew York n-ii-nation. "Wang," which Is one of the Ust thetrlcal prupeities in America. It Is provlngn erltable goldmine to .Mr. Orau, for tho theaters everywhere have lieen tilled to overlow ing. The engage ment of "Wang." In Chicago, was a record-breaker in point of receipts. The coining of "Wang" to galeni lias been a long-looked for event, and no doubt will lie received here, as It has everywhere, by a packed house. Seats ou sulo tomorrow at 1 oVIoek. Dolls, holiday gondii, etc., at lowest prirwt. ad., (age 1. Selling Out. proprietor oi tlie Dsuiirn uauiei store Intends to retire from iHtsliiAsi mid Is now offering the whole tlofk nt Tho proprietor of the Ostium reduced prlorw. 'fliere la n lurye vnrlely oflNMitsiUHl shots, for mm. wnmii. joutliH and children which will pme Mtifiiioiiiry lor tlio kihhii priiw sfci. There U ready mmleelnthlng. lnwHiry. iinderw'enr, hihI h larjM variety of in tides that will lt Hi'iffAttnl If aeen. Come early, teeur llrt thnm and a iKirgulii at Tiik (Urn hk lli wit HroNH. Twenty Per I'aat Diremint on nil nmflutcwlitw W tinted the ImII rolling mi Xiiturilay wild a WKsl trade on them, tinoil uksoriiiinHl left. Cotton jlliiiikfla ami wuiifori- .lieep too Hindus' liNMMr, if'Tiii Wj to clean up the Id.... Itend Wlgb.sJ :j07(.oimer.,ala.,eel. Early Christmas Shopping Must le iuil tolw siitlrfuctory to eith er the merchant ir the buyer Nearly ull the annoyance of present buying is brought about by prMraKtinutiun . lids putting ofl. this wafting until the last inoiiient. If we can Dursuadeoiir riiktomurs I" come earl) tlifa venr and take advantage of illibrnken stuck uu I assortment we shall be happy. This is the jeweler s I r t time; Iwcauiiethii iieraoti of good taste and jndgi tie t ' ks first of Jewelry for Clirittmas presentation. (ioM out ' ' T have swayed (lid hearts and miml of mwi and woiueii . , I a;e, and still hold, iu thin Christmas tale rf iw, as n t a lasuination a ever in the lilatory of tli wurhl i ' see you at our counter eariy rwiw, wneii hm- i to sfiow you an ekfgarit hollihiy display of FINE WATCHES, CLOCKS, JBWbl.KY. Ul MONDS, SILVGRWADE AND NOtl l John G. Barr, Jeweler, 118 State Street JaKAfTTtmiaPaaarisk h ' ti r m LM nbtlMMfli HBsR' saVaBBasasaiaial ' I ataiBiaiaiaiBBBl ' LaKJaaQMsaBBBl i SUGAR CANDY SOUR CANDY CREAM CANDY NUT CANDY AI'RICOr CANDY FRUIT CANDY IOIJGII CANDY I3RI I ri.E CANDY SOI' I' CANDY HOI' CANDY AT ELLIS & "INN'S IjS-V Htntn Hi. I'ltunu U78-V. llr AaaoclHUil Preaa la the Journal Wasuim-tox, Dec. 6. President Me Klnley today sent his on mini mcsiago to congress. The following It a synopsis. The president begins his messnite with an announcement of tho death of Vlco-Presldont Hobart whom ho eulogiics In tho highest terms, 8eak ing of tit o prosperous condition of the V. H. ho says: ThooOth congress con venes In Its first regular session with tho country In a condition of unusual prosperity. The combined lmorU and exports for the yeur aro tho largest ever shown by a slnule 111r liiourhlxtorv Tho imports par capita are 'M per cent ' less than In 1870 while the exports a-r capita are 68 per cent more than In 1(17(1 Kxxrl of agricultural producti were f7H,77il,ll'i. Of inanufactureil pro duets we exported In wiluo f-WJiW,! Iu, being larger than any provluus year. It Is a uotenorthy fact that the only years hi ull our hlntury when the piiKluets of manufacture Mil abroad cuf-iliil thme iMiight nhmiiil went Ih'tt and IK'.M) Kevenucs, (loverntiienl receipts fumi nil Miunes for tho 11k nl year endeil June !W. IKUl), aggregateil f010,OS3,00f and tbeexpen dltures f700,(nKI,rA leaving dlfeclt of f8',)1lll1W!l. Thu secretary of the tress 'i ii cntlituiit on Mromt is Change of Nttamers. The slciiiner Misloe lm beeip-puten this run lemisirarily in place of Ilia II I -inwvi.,Tiie Utter. wJJIjjiij on ilni Ynitir 1 1 in until rvp.ili etui lm made on "lie of her ovIruiliTH, which Is slightly stralneil. slblo has Ucn dona for lliallttlcMiKett?..! She was n swy bright, lovablo clilld," thostrfeken parent linvu-tiiu heartfelit nympatliy of the community. Tlie funeral wilt be conducted by KeW: H. A. Kctchum of tho Preshytorlw, cnurcli, nt tho residence, on Wlntor tt., , in a p. in. YVeilncsuay, and burial will take place in Hural cemotory. BlaTVO BBBBk. OBI w BT WCOUI Wajmf4m' V. W. 1'liHT, of the fk'iittle I'oat tuUl llgeuer, U scnilhig a few days siting at Ilia home ol llr. I.. A. rierce, and reel lilting his impaired lienllh. Dint). nsumption Do not think for Ingle moment that consumption will ever strike you a suildenblov.ltiloei not como that viy, It creeps Its way alona. First vou think It is a little coU. nothlnt but a little IttcklRc h: then a little lost In welrht: then hsnlcr coueh : th the fever and the night iweaM. Better stop the disease white k It yet creeping. Better cure yew I cough today. You can do It with ' kVrs errx tora nrifA m.a u .i.a aLu. i lifted, that reeling of suffocati removed, and you are cured. You cin stop that little cold with a 25c. tmttle; harder coughs will need a SOc. site; If It's on the lungs the one dollar site will be most economical. I cobB JanlljT racuuuntmt Ajrr'a Cbrrry IVctoral in all lujr truiu, I am mln, It tmw In rny nwa MmUjr. fbrt tear sifl saif mm imi uji ia. PC U'll.I.AUD.At llin lamllv huine. 8a )Llum. Monday, Decemlier I, 1M, lls 'w. . r i ... .1. .. ,t ;4ituuy, imiiguier oi .Mr. uiiiuirs, it. u. Wlllard, ugeil U )eart, (I mouths. rue nine gin nan is-eii in mm urn Isrlal fever for about three weeks. I'm two weeks hr condition lias In-eu eon- sldens) dangerous, and everything x I siair . Jn.4, a MMMNM A. 0. r-.nuox, Ml), IWS, Vurt MidUwo, Iowa. akaalS)a)j.a4)iaaajaBaB4(aaiBsja Tlie (irsngers Mutual Iniurance Company livid a meeting at Hulom to day ami elttted W, M, Hllleary of Turner director. A r. .X cvin Mr TjSHmT OK - t.J'jfk jjgrWfj ., ' W (S -rf.i -i- r 4-' A- Trsi Rcadlnfj about our great bainains is not half so salisfacttfry DITH, ... Kinr I ALL s JACKirru KliVtl J.VCKI Conic ami see for yourself, we have a larjfe assortment ofc riNB CAItMONTS TO CLOSE IJErORH CHRISTMAS. LMHrtff AIM JU' JDIflB' "AM CilfLTJ ?DnnTTPCfM KI!T8. I tSKUUUUi GH. We are offeri'iitf some exceptional values to air Holiday Trude in the way of MEN'S PANTS Working or Dress i'ants made to (It und wear. 75c up to S6 You can't sleep warm without one of our OUI'INC PLAN NISl. G0WWS. Thev are extm long nm extra rockI. Good Christmas Presents! 75c to 1.35. dasafaa. SjkJOWtvStsk mi ft-Wfm f " atam J latfaiBiaiaHj JaaiasaBBBsaasBK pflU "rwm vflis r' "1 t0lmiimm0nm BURBN Si HAMILTOTVI 248 COMMERCIAL ST. 1 X Winter is Here And your chickens want some of that nice Velow Corn which has just been received by SAYAGB & RBID. 322. 324 corninoroul atrest. A complete hue of Feed anJ Seed always on hand. Jfurs See our CWIijfen's sels 2 for Chnltmas. at?: ..j Ladies' Coliarcttcsi basr ctd HE IISSII1WIS At IjelidaylpricesCH: uoit i ran iu?c uui $260 Collarettes. Men's Suits AT SPHCIAL PRIC ttafrfkt the Uno In T Haurtli WnuiivXa A13-WUinal.K " A 12.60 line at Ml. lsmtA See llBai HM Ih.o kt 7.13. rOirwift a. the Suits they ire. display. The Big Store uJilb Ibe Little Prices! ?BL mUgijgi