i0VtVpfWW " "L J Latost Associated Press tote- X p grams, Frosli Local news and Live Editorials mnko The Dally Jour- I rial. a VOX. X 1 THE DAILY JOURNAL. Z lt's"Dunln 4UUm ess" not PotlHeo r V.'e don't solicit, e-tira.1 rerttrfssr v r .lir twtltllM ni frtlM- htt Journal Advertising Pays, Vfc--4 .4a-H SALEM, OREGON TUESDAY NOVEMBER 28 1899. 4 """"PiMiwifiimiiiniiHiiiimHiHHiiiwnmmTnmm" Bf It's Not what You Want Bring it back You don t have to keep anything that doesn't ; suit you, when you buy at THE NEW YORK RACKET. We return your money if you want it. Fair dealing and low prices for honest goods have increased our trade to its present pro portions. We have proved that the spot cash plan of business is a success. Uur line ot shoes at present is the best that we have ever had on our shelves; on a shoe means best quality. This fall we uavt. an wiujjuuu aioui uucm ui men i coys and children's clothing. Neat, servicable goods at lowest cash prices. Mackintoshes for men and boys. You need one for this rainy weather. They don't cost much when you buy of us. Best values in hosiery and underwear on the coast. Duck coats, slickers and evervthinir vou need fnrthe rniiivsMsnn IAiAiJAAiAtJiAllliUtiAtAttAtih(LAliAiA1u, NOJ0. B DEAR BOUGHT VICTORY The Casualties ol the British arc Appallingly HOPCROWEPS MEETING French War Ministers to Allow No Officers to Go Abroad v Probably Many French, German and Austrian Officers Fighting v Reported Capture By the Boers of a Whole Regiment of British Ladccrs Called at Portland For Friday Dec, 1st f A Financial Success 1 ONLYSDflYS NOVEMBER 30. THE LAST DAY 'WE GIVE RUBBERS FREE WITH LADIES SHOES TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THE LAST OPPORTUNITY. Boo Our Moii'b Uutton Shoos 'I ho Latost. KRAUSSB J3RQS SALEM DENTAL PARLORS, w Crown and Bridge Work Our Specialty! " S5.00 PER TOOTH AND UP. Drs. Eplev & Olinger. Rooms 27 and 29 P. 0. Blk. tii.ir.toiilnv.' w-.wwi.kkwWknuilthl.MtUto A Dear Victory. II r Aaaoclnled Preaa to thr Joarunl Loncos, Nov. 23. Thellslof casualties in tlio battle of Uraspan prove tliat tlio British 8MCCCS8 was heavily bought. Losses aro totat of 108 as tlio cost of Methuens second hattlo. While tho latest news Is fairly of a re nssurliis charnctor from tho Hrltlsh point of vlowjinucli of It Is assumed to lio truo on insufficient evidence. Stories of tho rapid retirement of tho itoorn in Nntal must ho neceived with caution. Tho fact appears to lie that tho Ilrit Mi scouts lost touch of tho burghers. Sharp lighting may ho expected at any time on tho southern frontier. It is said th6 French cabinet has instructed tho minister of war to refuse all olllccrs leave to go abroad. NO ENOLISH FREE PRESS. Telegraph Tells How Anti-Jincolst News, papere Are Heine Suppressed.. Nnvv Yoiik, Nov. US. A dispatch to tlio ViirM from Uinilmi says: II. V. Manslngham'H resignation of the editor ship of the Daily Chroniclo is a striking iixainplo of tho extent to which Jlnu lulliieuciM dominate the liberal party. The World corresK)iideut has author ity for slatlm; that Mr. Miwliitflmin was rcjiiostid by tho proprietors of the Chronicle to suspend all further critic ism of the South African Milicy ot tho government while tho war cou'tliiues, but as Mr. Masiugham had taken a strong txult-jtngo line, ho refused to still ify himself by acceding to this extraor dinary request, ami resigned. Through thin rceedlnir of tlio Chrnnl- clo, tho only inlluentlal 1-ondou daily which has opposed Jingoism disappears. It is lel levoi I that Its proprietors were lnielled to this chaugn of front by ministerial and other iulluuuces, actu ated by tho extreme gravity uf theSouth African situation, and tho Imorativo necessity for suppressing all criticism of tho war and tho exposure of Its appar ently Inevitable remit by Independent newspapers. It is rumored that similar steps bayo been taken to silence Tlio Kvcnlug Kcho, which followed the Chrontclo's lines. NINTH LANCERS MISSINO, A I'enr That 1 hey Have Ueen Captured by Uoers. London, Nov. 1!8, 4:30 a. m. A fresh interruption In tho Kast African cabto service at this interesting moment has caused a cessation of war news. As yet tho warolllce has not yet re ceived Lord Mcthuen's detailed list of casualties nor Is any information at hand regarding tho whcrealioutR .of tho Ninth lancers, who were sent in pursuit ot tho lioers from Graspan. Tho Dally Mall says that a private telegram an nouncing that the lancers aro still scout ing ahead of Mcthuen's advancing col umn, but s bo announced yeMcrdny that ho was giving bis men it day's rest, this is hardly ixMsihte. Indeed, the greatest anxiety is felt, and more especially In view of tlio (act, that a llerlin journal, the Dcutschwuitc, which regularly prints lioer communica tions, announced yesterday, liefoio It could have been ascertained from ilrlt 11 1 sources, that tho naval brigade lost 100 men at Uruspuu, and that tho Ninth lancets vve,ie captured. It is understood that tho government has decided to proceed immediately with tho mobilization und embarkation of a division of 10,000 men under n well known llcutenant-gcn end. General Ilildward's achievement at llencon hill is leglnnlng to bo realized as one of tho best tilings tho campaign lias yet shown, as it bns relieved tho tension of the situation In Natal, and has brought tho relief of Iariysmltli, within measurable distance. General Duller appears to lie confident of J .old Metliuuii's ability, and is detoting all his energy to Ijidysmith. An attempt will bo made presumably to reach Colenso in time to cut off tho retreat of tho Itoers from Wcenan over Tugela river. It Is feared, however, that the enemy will got there llrst and destroy tho bridge. At I'rero bridge, the llritish found two massive spans Winter is Here And your chickens want some of that nice Yelow Corn which has just been received by SAYAGB & RBID. '-- -- "" 322, 324 Commorolal street, A complete line of Feed anJ Seed always on hand. 'IMIinTW 4 I. .csaft V. a 4rKMfMl -mr t i..w njrrw;c( ''v.! iipv.' -r r ia- i av ,: .. iiWm&mWMtWwnaM!XCSl 'T ' AU IflKT'iVLaMsJATEMHlBlB .afAkH H,iar - HI WtaVKiKiHWMIViKJ&JKBlAW'i& 3rWrx.ivsr is i mKwjHk q&yup Here, Just think Ing lnir ' cal: don't gho Hour, or gloves, Anticipation begets more Pleasure than Realization." Th wlte will luok erljr anJ lu early. Will you t wUo or otucrwiw. If this be truo, then Christinas time is hero. Hie day for planning, for "hints," (or buying not a, day too iwrly for tlio latter, if ou wouM avoid tho imsh, and the rush, bih! the worry. IXm't put off selecting your gifts so that you aro worn out and cross, when tho blessed ir 4ir day comes. A light tJT'l heart is tho best of Jr " Christmas cluvr. a worn ooioro you of Christmas buy- Don't Ik) too prortl- cobi, or or stock- or out. icso liomuly mcessarles ol life. Do as yon would, not as you are done by. Don t give h thing that Is really needed, if you want your present appreciated. Olvo soinuthlng the recipient would never buy for himself or herself. Use a llttlo uncommon sense, lluyubitof Jewelry Silverware, some of the many hterling .silver NovoltiM, a ring or chain. If you want to go a little more Into tho practical, just enough not to lie too prao tioul, select a Wutch or Clock, a sot of Spoons or Knives ami Fork. Numer ous other desirable arllelt. which wo have more pa in our store to show than we have here ! mention. f m y Hour, or gloves, or siocn " Ings, in tho family, or oui unless they arc actually in need of the John G, Barr, Jeweler, 118 State Street ftnfnMTwnjfnffinrciffl K" S r n smmmr- v 11 v Tim lllrivinrfl nf Itin Orotmn linn UNiivAr. lauutt.ll...i t....A b..f.i-l " " .o" "! v....v. ..n.Tw.u.i.iuii imvu jeriuciei or- rangenienbj by which the present hop crop of Oregon yet in tho hands of tho grow ers can be marketed to tho best advnntage. To securo this result sufficient funds aro in hand to finance tho cron and to carrv thn unurora wlm ..., I.. .,...! i ... slstauce. It lloxr tnHNihif nioMfliirli fnr ilu linn ornuura nt nr.v.1 a .i..i . .t 1 ,- ........ u. n6i,ii iu nuiini u-gvinur niui tllfi SUCCnnil nf (lin llliilMrlfllrtlir. ttf ncui..l. A timaa .....m.I... nf.l...l -i - " " ..v.......B . , ..,... v.. . .. ....ra, .uvtikni ui mo iioj, growers 01 tho s'liU- is culled for ami will bo heM in tho City of Portland, In tho chambcrot commerce hall, at 10:30 a. in. on Friday, December 1. Tho couthorn Pacific roll road company has mado n rato of ono full faro for tho round trip from any point on Its lines in Oregon from Kugcne, Corvallls, Shorldan, and Springfield, and all intervening points to Portland. Good December 1st only, to go on tho morning train and return in evening. BRUTES AND HUMANS Suffer Untold Hardships in Improper and Unscaworthy Vessels R - - i AVA 1 Baking aiBSOfcUIELYteuRE Powder Makes tho food morn delicious rind whole semt on wi wmh ft, otwmn Kwmra '" i ixananammaHHMnik. PRlSIMT'S ffiSAGE Will Bo Quito Long and Will-Probably Not M Mir- 1 ' w ercd Monday Or AMorlalnl I'rraa to the Juurust. HKArrr.r:, Nov. 28. The tronspart Victoria returnul Inst night. She was forced by unprecedented weathoroff Capo 1'latlorv to turn back from Imp m. ago to tho Philippines. Of four-hundred and ton horses and mules carried, fifty flvowero literally pounded to death against tho sides ot tho stalls and tho to- iiiuiniicr nn? oaiiiy uruiseti. SIvmia, Nov. M. The transport .Mauunese. with three comimnles ol the Thirly-llrst Infantry has arrived. Hho iiarrowlyeeaped dlfaster. The stesmer was iinseaworthy, uinlerinunned Htidihortnf tirovlslons. Thoetittlnes broke down und she rolled for three days In a typhoon, GET RICH QUICK Cuban Uprising Predicted for Thanksgiving Day May N Be Realized v Col, Bell Gets a Medal For Bravery Bdw and Reform Republicans Preparing For Their Oacnffelgns The Message, Hr Aaioctalid lr i th Jonrnnl. Wasiiinoton, Nov. L3. Tho I'resl dent's annual mnstmiro Is lirnctl.-nllv completoil. Tho mesaago Is unusually long, on account of tho numerous and important tonics It discusses. U Is not certain that the message will be sunt to congress next Monday, As tho death of tho vlce-tirpsldpnt makes It certain that tlio senate will adjourn Immediately outof rmpeol to h s memory, It Is likely the metsitgo will be withheld until Tuesday. Anderson In the Toil. Thechargo against Joseph AmWrw, of shooting John Mauror'sdog iriitk ndssttl by Jnstlto of tho Peace Jo this morning, as the slate failed to sttanr malice on tho part ot defctulABt salftM the owner of tho dog, which was neces sary to establish criminal intent. A charge of Insanity was soon aftorwan filed in the county clerk's oinco afalnii Anderson, hut this had not been (lis posed of when tho Joprial went to press. Cuba All Right. i A Concern to Get Something For Nohting Vanishes Hr Aio'Utrd I'r la tilt JiiurlinL Nrw Youk, Nov. 21. Tho Herald today says! "White's Bureau, sometimes known as 'Charles A White's Ilureau,' a 'get rich quick' concern.vanlshed witli its managers on fluiulsy and Ills esllmatcd that credulous depositors am out of pocket more than f 200,000, utterly wrecked by dynamite, one piece weighing L'lM Kunds, having been hurled 1-00 yards. Hir Alfred Mllncr has warmil the var ious relief committees In Cupo Town to lie prepared for thourrlval of 10,000 refu gees from Klmberley as soon as the siege has been ratned. According to a dispatch from De Asr, dated Sunday, tho lioers had destroyed the bridge at Bteynnburg tho previous day, and were being reinforced at that point. Prayer Meeting Wednesday, Tlio mid-week prayer meeting, of tho First Presbyterian church, for the pres ent week w III Ui held on Wednesday at 7:30 p. in., Instead of on Thursday. This change is-made because'many drsiro to bo at homo on Thanksgiving evening. Chickens Home to Roost, Mrs. Dan Vollmer and KvcrottJ An derson, daughter and son of Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Anderson, urohoiuotosKiud Thanksgiving. Kverett Is studying short band, and proposes to show what he can do on turkey. For Thanksgiving Dinner. Turkeys, geese, ducks and chickens prices In plain figures, lVHh kind of oysters at Doty's market. HI Court street. To-Nlfhtami To-Moirow Night, And each day bikiJ night during this week you can uelf at any druggist's Kemp's llalsitui for the Throat arid Lungs, acknowledged to U- the most stict-ebsful remedy oyer wild for Coughs, Croup, llronuliltls. Asthma and Consumption, (let ub. Ulo to. dity and keep ltulway In tlio home B-j you can check your oold at onto Price 'Act ami f0o. Kauiplelxittlo free, eod.Vw Holiday Appetite. Haiti or shine, holiday, Midday or weekdays makes no dlffereuto to a man's appetite. Ho wants the Ih1 to be had at all times and that's why so many palronlwi the White House lies, tauraul 101 Bute street, ffoleui, ami "St. Klmo HH.tauraiif.MICommerolal street, Salem, Ueorge Hros.. Prnprleters. You never know what will follow cons II lion. Keen the Href !" T Utliitf UoWlll'i LllllB.Kurly lliaera and you will urold trouble. They are famous for liver and boarl troubles. Stones OfutfHiflro. To cure I.a Cilppe, seep srm, erpecUU) t sect, and Uks Dr. .' NenUx. THANKSaiVINCI DAY. Will lie Utmrved With Union Uei vices snd at the Public Kchools. There will be Union Thanksgiving day services at the l'lrnt Haptlst church at 10 U10 a, m. I'.verybody come, and bring an ollerlng for the now Hulem Hospital. There will If an elaborate program by tho primary department at the Halt school, and programs at some of the other schools. The board of education authorized voluntary contributions Wednesday morning for the Portland Children's Aid Hoclety. The public schools adjourn Wednesday evening to the following Monthly. II r Aaauelaleil 1'raia tu the Journal. Wasiiinuton, Nov. i!H. Nothing Is known In olllclul circles to warrant the published predictions that an uprising on a large soalo is sot for Thanks giving day In Cuba, directed against Amerlcrns. All advlves from olllclul sources to the war department show that generally the conditions In Cuba are satisfactory. Col, Hell Honored, Hr Aaaoctatril I'rtaa In lb Jnurnnl Wasiii.mito, Nov. 'Jrt. Tho Presi dent has directed n congressional modal of honor to lie presented to Col. Frank lin Poll, of tho Thirty-sixth Infantry, for his moit distinguished gallantry In action near Perae, I.tuon. HUver Republicans. Ilr Aaaoelaled 1'raaa tu Iha Jnurnnl Uiiioaiio, Nov. Si. The executive committee of tho national silver Repub lican party will hold u meeting this afternoon li discuss plans for tho next presidential camalgii. Coiigri'ssumu Charles A. Towue, chairman, says tho silver Republicans havoau oriinlwlli'ii In III stales. i iwiw.nii. i'tiM0mntitt0mmJt HEADACHE Refoim Republicans. Ur AaaoeUtaU I'rraa l Iha Jnurnnl ' Coscoho, N. II., Nov a). Unllwl Htalcs 8eualor Chandler, ItR-Oovernorj llushiud and others today Utiied an sd- dress to the Reiublleiiiisif New llarnp-, s'llre, Inviting their co oHirattou in op posing tho railroad jiowor In that state , and suppressing Industrial combines, j advocating Improved election laws and other refortiia. Pain back of your eves? pressure in your neauc Hcstt And ara sometimes faint and dluy? tsted? Uad lasts tnouth? And does vour dlstreisyoiiPAreyountrvous ? Do you often lists d aro vou trouhlei about sleeping? Then yourllvcr I sllwrong. Uutthcrelsacwe. Th Arm you It your toiiRiio coated? in y food i snd irrltsble the blues? And ) P. ifc They act directly on riie liter. They cure constipation, tdrkws ness, sick headache, naues, simI dyapepsls. I'or 00 years thsy hv been the Standard Family Mlk. tlk Jl Matt. All bVhsWs. I lr uktn Arer's nil rmUrly for six uuiuttir. TUy hSTS carta tsid aTvraiuuuicn,RDuiaiaiwwwaicTva 1 twotofourmllMltlulrtl(toMJr ( out or litMlb, aoaxttiloa; I mts ImH Masv I tin fur tninw .. able to uo fur taoj jti July U, ttW, mimmmpm0i0mnm0m WHKAT MARKET, Uiiioaoo, Nov. Si bttf 70; rush CB, Has I'baxchoo, Nor. 7,-cah l. 1 en a si M CI s i '3rV A As l iyfnk Yk ru kv n 31 M u M ' K Ml u u H as S Great Sale of A Ladies Suits, Capes, Jackets NSI" BUREN HAMILTON, House Furnjjhers; iimiiiiiiiiiiiliilllUllilllUll j J I AM A WOMAN THBUDFORB I MAY NOT CALL TO HIM, CRV TO HIM, FI.Y TO HIM, BID HIM DELAY NOTl BUT JUST THO SAMB I UO TGLL HIM NOT TO BUY CANDY FOKMEANYPLAOJUU! ELLIS & ZINN'S 1 164 Stat at; I'liont. U7U. Skirts, etc, etc, I . S Visit this department while the great bar I gains are being offered, Watch this Space for I Special Price List 4 --MnjnMMiVtMLrrVVVV rrArtJrfr''nrmrw" iik) BsVBaBaBaBaBaB 4 iS' m : Wi U i 3 J(