'llWIIITOWIWIWWPPWt.1 W-WWL l'l'l''f'WJ'''1 ' "" '""" '' ,Trrwxrl''lvr'w'Wpr'r'' V f I vwr t "WtlB'piTpfWg!l!r?KrTJSWir tttti iifMmtinw F-.i-mvviigi0pwfnqmm . T'TOp'aaW'Wa; K. iSmMrnnnrfrrYiraranM ARMY LIFE ft i. 5 ft' . t i mi j;nwxts ' ! t.l AAtltW. WMkt.l 7 (K wmMf of C T. Warner, of Ilrtatol, Vt.. left its mark on him In what physicians called a "howler caio" of heart tllnease. Uetcllahow fiisjlto wasspanil. "In 96 two physicians pronounced my case hopeless, and laid I hid heart dis til In its worst formj that it was use leu to doctor, notliing would cure me. In March, '97, 1 took Dr. Miles' Heart Cure and have not had a symptom of the disease since. It saved my life." DR MILES' 2d la sold Wall drucKiHts on Ruaraiitco llrst buttlu Im-iil'IIIs or Dioncy hack. Hook on licurt ntnl nerves sunt Ore. Dr. Miles Medical Company, Elkhart, Ind. O. C. T. Co's l'AHHENOKIi: BTKAhiEll POMONA J. nn -yf altonA LKAVEH.KOIl irORTLAND Dally nxcept Bnnrtav at 8 a. in QUICK TIMK AND ClIKAP HATED. DocklhotwrnmStato ami Court Uts. M. 1', IIALDWIN, Asfnt. SflLEM HAS A STORE that will liavo n Special Balo on lampi, thia ami all of next week This will give everybody an op portunity to come. Wo havo bought a nig stock direct from the factory. Tlioy tnko lots of room ami wo want to make room for faney Holiday goeds: therefore this Secial sale. If you aro not ready lo buy now, select ono and wo will store it away for you. All lamps aro marked with plain figures. YOKOHAMA TEA STORE. lMIONE'JiWl. PERSONALAND LOCALS T For a.lilltlonal Iuoal Naus tea IVmli Pajfu. r John A. Covort who camo here from California lal t?optoinW has rented a farm near Turner. Hn and his fnui ily miH'dout Tint-day to Infill tho years' work, J. W. I'nrhes, a llruman on tho X. I. road, Is hero from Taooma vidltlni; his parents at Mornlngside. J. Q. Wilson returned last night from Ileppuer. Mrs. George U. Illnglmm returned from Portland last night. Chas, II. Hull, of Seattle, who has lieon in Palem buying potatoes, loft this morning for tho North. Ho will return in two weeks. Ho purchased wvenil cars of flno potatoes ut from 22 to 26 rents R)r bushel. Chls Wcldmerand family arrive;! from Portland last evening, lg mid baggage, and will make Salem their homo in tho future. (.'. JI. Lane Ml but night for Leba. lion ami Albany. J. Jensen lult this morning for Port laud whrro he will work In the mills. A, M. HiMkinl.itf Xeulierft who lw been hereon Iriffnett, returned Itome this morning. Chas. Woehlle. C. W. Wetor, Mr. and Mr-. Ivielilur, and Jmn Smilhke, came down from Albany yswterday and utopprtl oor until this morning, when they went to Portland via atvtimer to at tend tin- ltatlt i.rtlfereiHv. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what you eat. ItartiflclallydlgMUthefoM auoaiM Nature in strengthening and recon- structlnRtne cxnaiu'ieu "".'-; cans. It U tho latest Jiscorered digest nntand tonic. No other preparation can approach It in eMclency. It in stantly rellftTeaand permanently cures DyspepsU, Indigeation, Heartburn, Flatulence, Bour Stomach. Nausea, 3lck:neadacbe,Gastralgla,Cramps,and ill other reaulU of Imperfect digestion. r-pord by E. C- OeWItt Co, Ctlcoqo. aTONE's ortra STORE.! SEVEN SUTHERLAND SISTERS' hi ew :f-fc sssxl k,ium.ni''":r7yr- UMMlimUIWWH" T?hZ s 'mk't . s w mmz THE HOP MARKET, Condensed Facts and Imformation About the Crop and Its Movement. Washington Worse Off Than Orcgon- Thc Press Sustain the Hop Grower's Organization. A Washington View. Pujatlup, Waoh., Chrenicle: Tho hop question is without doubt as suming a very serious situation nnd un less tho grower takes a firm stand It is most likely to result most disastrously to them. Wo contend now, as has been our opinion for some time, that there is no reason for a sale of a pound of hops for less than 12c, nnd as a matter of fact they should go to 15c. They may say what they please, but tho recent reports that have gono broadcast in regard to theflnecropin tho European district Is all bosh and England will be compelled to draw on the United States for goods. Keccnt cablegrams confirm tho above statement. We believe tho hop growers of Oregon havo taken tho right step, for tncro they havo formed an association with tho intention of withstanding the pressure of what is without question o bear movement, and if they will linns together for from CO to (K) days they will bo nble to crush out tho sehomo to cot 7c hops, ami in return will roceivo what they aro worth, which is all tho way from 12 to 15c, according to grade. Over in Yakima, a similar organization lias been perfected. It behooves tho grow ers of this valley to tako some action in tliis matter similar to that of Oregon and Yakima if they expect to even on their crop. Tho hop market is absolutely dead in tho Piiyallnp valley. Not one bale has yet boon disused of, and from tho out look of tho situation there is no telling when tho market will open up. A few contracts havo been taken in and that has been tho extent of tho busi ness. Local Hop News, I". J. llyan of Dundee who has been in Salem to sell his hops, of which lie lias 11 II bales of primo and ought to com mand 10c per pound. Ho tdid not sell Jacks, Carmtchael & Company have ills week received 80 bales of hops from Mr. Susbauor, of llillslioro, at 10S cents; Miller, of Gaston, (It) bales at lOe; mid of Harris, of Gaston, 110 li:ili-3 at 10 ceutH and 201 bales of .loo Will iams, of Cnrleton, and 105 bales of Coyle, of Lincoln. The last two lots havo not been received. Ixntis and Joseph Lemery, of ner vals, sold 70 b.tles at 10 cents. Chas. McConnick, of Woodhuru, sold ill! bales at 10 rents. New York Market. Wiitervillo, N. Y., hops are moving off rapidly at 0, 10, 10)4, mid lie. N. Y. Journal o; 10 royat "There is considerable business with homo brewers, in which hops for deliv ery three to nino mouths henco nro involved, but eoiuetltfon Mwecu deal ers for additional orders Is still keen, and that fart, along with absence of other than moderate buying for export account, keeps prices rather weak." lllow can "keon competition for additional orders" keep prices weak? How tho Hear prices can Hell Doineidlo receipts for week ending Nov. 7, 18911, Nov York, 2321 Kilos; Mtmoweefc 18!)!), 12,010. New York quotation Nov. 10 for Pacific coast heps: choice 12 to 13, prime 10 toll, common 0 to 10. IS'.lH choice 10 to II. An otllciat estimate of ISO.) hop crop in England (no authority given) is 001,420 cwt., as against a.W,59S, owt. for 1R0S. Acreago 1899,61,841; 1898, 49,7:15. Set this down as a lie until .you gut some verilleation for it, If It Is printed in tho Watervlllo Times. Imports from Sep. 1 to Nov. 4 at New York, 70.1 balefl ; for same time last year 2,11 balw. Now York Producers Price current for Nov. 4 quotes New York Statu hoi ohoJcv 14 to 15, prime 0 to lit: 1898 good to prime 10 to He. (This does not agree with the watervlllo Times rujmrt otsalos at Oto He. Who lies? Is it Iowlblo that paj-er has got in some cor rect information by inistaker.; CooperstOMn Farmer Nov. 3: Alxiut 700 bales have been liought by Coojieni town dealers tinee our last issue; of tills mimlwr Mr. Lainy has bought 400 ales, for oxjiort, paying 13 cents for about 150 lutes, and 12 and I2H cents for the Uilance. Prietw for brew ing grades run from H to 12 reuts. Our reorts show puraitasea of 1 1 lwt at 8c, 1! at;i0e, IfW, at He, ami 50 bale at l$r, in addition to Mr. IroyV ur i hat). A iltcpatcJi from the "' TliurwUy mU tlwl liopa rtMibl I homdit there At 10 f . n. b , wln.li mean IHorlSe hen. j Cobleekni TImf No. Jf : 'Hie Iwal ' hop market is aetive. J. II. Tator ro noru h purelHUeof alnui 400 baUw im lat Tlwrssbiy t u. la. I;riMt lias also been an active buyer. Uwng jnir-1 chabeil mere than 300 ImWm, )i"g from 10 to 18a. KarkSr ami !tk'!iardton arebuyig every ihty. Seme of the. Isrge.t trejrti In the wentfhavMhunged I hamls thU week. Selwbarte eounty offers tlie beat market fr lf in thk ' taction. "I.apuUn"m tlw Mark Lane exjireM , endorse the oMkial stU ot be, Kiigllbh hop erop : , The figurea Jst prentl y Hoard of Agriculture J to Ute "i hare Just been iHitl and I a b ww! ' admit tlat Uie eallatuMi ( ..tl..r Iive proTtil to be nearer the atut r. suits thxn my own. and while we ! uow arrived at the final answers to aJ GTOiBgl &!X SH.Bttrfri 'UiaT0.ulcU ynr nliiti cM 15 r. rs ami it j inem perfect i .-t .in a lihoutthim 1 Iim s mitt i uei i r. - . Ct u ,'I.'?r."V ; ' f l0 b '" -i " mJ i . ' i a eieiy cin-j 1 fontr-tia n 'm i , -a .. roce inau you ui merbcuo w a im.iy Pcs-ani r.-iUtatil. ,'uicu- ... CURE OONSTIPATIon .. Slwll.j r-'mri) rPi'r rv. .irtl. Sr I ..1 t- IIG'TO.Rflfi fcpKIiil twifwa i- phi rut UU WDHtl iljtjto CUUCToincu) Haul" iiiiuBiiunsuii mo poiui oi quantity wo must regret to know that such a settle ment will probably influenco the mar ket In favor of buyers, and that it is hardly possiblo to anticipate any ad vnnco in values irom tna present cur rency. Tho effect upon tho market has thus far not has been so immediately porcep tiblo as would havo been tho case had the trade not anticipated It during the precouing louneen nays or so iiy n gradual reduction of prices in all the lower grades. The realization of the enormous llguro of 001, 125 cwt. has of course, intensified tho lowering ten dency, which has been further assisted by tho foggy weather of the last few- days, in as much as under such partial light, samples rould not Ik' fairly ex amlucd, and therefore little or no liiisi ncss could be done. Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup Is a Oraud old remedy, lined for tunny yearn, and Mtill In public favor. It Is wit limit uouut the best medicine for all pul monary affection. It always cures. All druggists fell It for 15 cents. King Christian, Cophsiiauhx, Nov. 15. King Chris tian, of Denmark, already a septuage narian, celebrates tho the thirty-sixth anniversary Of his ncccpsiou to the throne of Denmark today. The Homeliest Man in Salem As well as the handsomest, and others arc Invited to call on any druggist ami gut freo u trial bottle of Kemp's lialsam fur tho Throat, and Lungs, u remedy that Is guaranteed In cine and believe ull Chronic mid Acute C:tighs, Asthma, llruuchllls nnd CotiHiiuip lion. Price 2.1':. unci COc. cud&w For the Dewey Arch. Nkw Yokk, Nov. 15. Tho exocutlvo committee having in charge tho build ing of a permanent Dewey arch, will meet today, mid it is heliuved that thu rewrtH will show nearly half tho money Htihscriltod. llrnillr la llluoil Deep. Clean blood meant a clean akin. No beauty without it. Cancareti, Cundy Outliar- tlo cleun jour blood and keen it clean, b) stlrrlnc un thu laiy liver and driving all im mirities from tho body. Ik-gin to-day to banish iiiinilc, boils, blotihva, blackheads, nnd that sickly bilioua complexion by taking Catcarvt, beauty fur ten rents. All drug gists, satisfaction guaranteed, 10c, 23c, 50c. HHKCMAM'8 Constipation. I'll, 1.3 No equal fur Wheat for Wild Ducks. A lot of the sportH belonging to the Portland Itod and 1 tint club have pro cured a largo amount of damaged wheat of tho Salem mill and shipcd the miiio to St. Helous from where it will be tukeu to Sauvio's island and spread out for a feeding ground for ducks and geese, tis a temptation. Won't Tobsrro Ryu J hnoVs lorl4r Xntj. To ault loUwco easily and forever, bainac netlc. lull of lite, nerve and lor, take No-Toll 10, i ho wondf r-worUt-r. that malm neak men tirons. All druielsu.COoorll. Curoguaran teed Ilooklet nnd Minnie free Address 8icrlln Itemed Ca. Chlcato vr Now York. The Kalr Will Contest. San 1'iiamisoo, Nov. 15. Mrs. Net tie It. Craven seonnl a slight victory on October 28 in her litigation, against the Fair estate. Buporior Judge Trouttdo cided that she is not in any way estopped from claiming heirship to the lato Senator Fair, and jiho may proceed with her action to iwtablish, it she ran, her right to a portion of the estate as the duAil man's widow . The hearing of Mrs. Cruveu's application for a family allowance was Hit for today. As all de murrers have been sustained and issue lias been Joined, there is nothing in the way of the legal tattle which will pottle for nil time the question of Mrs. Craven's right to rail herr-olf Senator fair s wtilow To dure Conttlpallon l'orr. TakoOiuaiaU CandrOalhartl lOeorSe. It U O. O. f ail lo cure, draw rWund uwuejr. Shake Into Your bhoca. A lion' Font-Base, a powder. It cures painful, sinurtliig, nervous feet and Ingrowing nail, uud Instantly lukee tho sting nut or corns und bunions It's the greatest comfort discovery (if the age. Allen's 1kv-Khm make titilitnr new shoes feel easy. It Is h certain cure for sweating, cdllous and hot, tired, aching feet. Try It Uxlay. Sold by all drugghti and shoe stores. Ily mall fori&c in stamp. Trial wk aJe PIIKK. Address. Allen S. (Jlm sted. UHoy. . Y- 4 WHOOPING 0UGH One of tne -1111, ii trefMiig ight, to ' (lull 'moit ii- king with Hit- .lr. .. lint ibo .ping-cotigh (Jive tin- ihil J Hr Jfult'si I uugliti rup. the initit Hiini".'irjf inw.!). and ro ller will tome at irttn), tlrf' couching pe!U will reweor lews friuintly, nnd. In few la s. Uk- wifferer will bo i.Hrely cd. No other remedy can IkvU of so Itwnv purr. I! v.BuIls Cough Syrup Curti Whooplng-cougn quicwy, r' lUttH, MU J At a.i itrv(UU. mmim: ejiiiuuuns LLW , JUlli Alui.n .v ii u. i n. ' Mtt CANDY ? V CATHARTIC rj...- !.. i u (SALEM HOP BUYERS. SQTJI11E iaiihap. No. 65 Stato St. 'Phone No. 1221. WM BROWN &CO Hush Iluilding, Commercial St. (ground floor). Otlice telephone No. 130. IILTENTIIAL BROS. 11. J. OrTKSitKtMKn. Manager. Olllco oer Lndd & llusli Ibink, Phone No. 401. FABER & NEIS. Albany A Salem. Salem olllro. 222 Commercial st. (ground floor Neckcrman A llogers' bldg. Phono No. 1121. Oillces: New York nnd Loudon. LOUIS R. SEARLES & CO. Olllce: Iliirrows Hlock, Com mercial st. 'Phono 1771. CAT LIN & LTjStN. Olllco over Wollcr's giocery store. Phone No. 211. PAYNE & T1L.LSOX. Ono door west of Dalrymplo's store (ground floor). 'Phone No. 2094. JACKS, CARMICIIAEL A CO. Olllco over Johnson's Clothing store, in Ilush-Hreyman bldg. T A LIVESLE& CO Commerelal st. Second stair south of Ijuid &. Hush bank ; room 18, upstairs. 'Phono 1211. PRODUCE BUYERS. H.S.GILEftCO- Wholesale Fruits, Produce, etu. Salem, Oregon. Olllco; hiRiir anco block. 'Phono IK) I. Ware house, at Wallace warehouse. A. M.HUMPHREY ci CO. liny and store wheat, oats nnd other grain, liny potatoes. Also tlo chopping and cleaning. 270 Commercial st. 'Phone 2703. CHS L DAILEY At Wallace warehouso Salem. Ilitys dried fruits and potatoes for casli. SALEM LOD(3ES W. J NV. NV. Hulemt'smii KTi. II. tleeUttrrjr KrliUjr nvtn Hliill IkMurlli, C, I' iiik. .v, in a if i' ii nan, mm In.. M.lr A. Moores, clerk, room 10. Mootrslilk JNLONEV TO LOAN -ON- Furnltun. Pianos, Organs, Wag- i ons, or other articles ot value. J OKO. F. SMITH 101 Htate tt. 10 20-1 m i l virtirvJiNBNasBNiiV'tfNJsi mrmiv The German Market Will lie found nil kinds of meat and the best of sausage. FltKI? Di:i.lVi;UY. All bills dim the? latu II r m of Wolt ti Mlcseko must be paid. WOL.Z, St SON 171 Commercial St. Call for Warrants. Notice is hereby given that (hero are funds on baud applicable to tho pay ment of nil warrants of the City ofHiilem drawn on the general fluid and endorsed on or before Muv 1st 1KW. Holders of said warrants will please pre keut them for ixiyiucnt at J-nild & Hush's bank, as inturesl will cease from date o( tliis notice. John Moim, City Treasirer Salem, Or., Nov. -tth loSrU. 101, Salt Lake City An Import ant Factor inTraum tinontal Travel. Nd one crossing the continent eun af ford to cut Knit take City from his route. The attractions of tho place, Including the Mormon Temple, Tabernacle mid Church institutions, the (J nut Halt I-ako deader and iIciimt than the Dead rk-a in the Holy loiud the picturesque environment and the Warm Sulphur ami not rspringr, are greater to mo tupuiro yard than any locality on the American continent. Tho HlO tilUNIIK WksTKHV lUll.WAY. connecting on the Hunt with the Denver Si KloUraniieaiKiuoiorniioAiiuianu huii w ays a nd on the Wait with the Southern I'liclHc (Centrul Houte) and Oregon Short l.luo, is tho only transcontinental line passing directly through Halt Ijike City. '1 ho route through Salt UkeCity via tho Itio Uiianiik WwTriiM Uailway Is famous nil thu year round. Un oc count of the iUbla climate of I tali and Colorado it is just as iwiiiUr in winter as in summer. Send '.'i to J I). Mansfield, Va Washington Ktrorllaiid or Ueo. W. llulutz, Acting (Jeneral I'as senger Agent, Salt loike City, for cony ol "Sail loike City the City of tho Saints." Cut Rates 13 the East. If vnu aro contemplating n trip Last, ' you can save money by going on the Northern l'aoiile railroad. The let service of any road. Accommodating imrters on each ear to look sfter your waiibiand upholstered tourist slrvr on eaoh train, no change of cars. Csll on ut and get full information. wxl iiioxAs, Watt A Vo You never know what will fellow rousilpallon. Keen the liver clean by using IMVIlt' Little Karl lllser and you will urohl trouble. They are famous fur liver and hoel trouble, si ones Drug Btore. Provisions Necessary Y-m may luite tlie best of imrilemtniU .. .ii. .!.!.. I. 1 m...u1iiaI vMir liinihiiv. Inoi. . w..- j-. but you cannot suewwl unless w Imve snlhcient lo(l guaru agaiusi laiiure oy imrchahnlg a supply of provision from brauaon A Ilagan. 1 1 ISer.l LiOrlppe. destroys thouniids of Mople. II roar leulckly currd by One Minute Cough Cure, thai pin duces Immediate results In coughs, colds and tlwoat and lung trouble-. It will prevent consumption, btono Drug btore. Tune nd Victory. U reinforcement arrive promptly the town may I iI time Is all Imtxjrt ut. this is why when yea are driving ww liosiut you need flrst-siaM lm as ran be hal from the eld post-omee alables. I11UUM AIIkiw. 11 l&w.l Tnanksa Table Linens and Napkins. Nou?mbep 16 and 17. Arc you worrying ing Dinner? We question by having a TWO DAYS' . SALE Table Linen Napkins AT SPECIAL SALE PRICES FOR THANKSGIVING. TABLE LINENS, NoUS7. n lu. will. IMra whlio. eilmHli itlerti, bciu- 1 nn tllul tmiiltr. l,hh l!ular.. ....Bale rlni "vv No 1IWV 71 In. vtMo. I.llllc, r Hit Valljr I'Slteru, Hlrlil A (n Uinlrr. l,OI IHiilar Sale titlr w' NollW. Tt In Hl.l. tlolr e- '" w",r ,m' 1,04 Ki-Kiilar sale prli-o w No IonI. 71 In ulilr. Ktin tt- trru, (Muter Ir anil t'trn O X Uintfr. q4 Itfiultr .. sale itlre SoTCO. ?i In wide. Unmlug tin (llory ami Ccru liern. I) ltf8ulr......--...flo tlc KolWI. TJInwIJe. OsVItU AQ patterns. Kxlra gKxl taint. Itj ltejuUr ...Hto tirtce ww 2,00 1.50 1,25 1.00 90 75 The nbove are all pure white, two yards wide. The narrow it white and ituhtcachcd all reduced. CA I HOLVERSON'S I S HOI COMMICIIOIAI. HI', ASATISFIEDCUSTOMER Will advertise us And our wares. The Atkins Cross Cut Saws SHCMUNT. GltOUND. Never fails to please; We keep a full Hue of them. R. M. Wade & Co. Hardware, I Sis WFWi A lsfsawA HsTsssssssV-fr 1 IKHB HBATINGI STEAM, HOT AIR, HOT WATEKi Estimates furnished, and work done 'promptly, substantially and at honest prices. . Fruit and Hop Dryer work a specialty. T. 8, BURROUGHS, 102 Stato; St. Phone 1511 U M. KIRK. B4. aa, &, Gram Hay, Flour, Mill Feed, BuildiogMnfcrul. Lime, Cment, Plaster etc, Grain, Hay and Straw stored Wagon Scales. Trompt and rarelul atlrntwu givwi of the city ivinasaie over your Thanksgrw will solve the Linen NAPKINS. Wo have Napkins to match nil our Mock of Table I.luens from 7fcs to (2 per yard. CorresKindIng uiiiiiImts on Napkins to Table Linens mnko the set, 6 An No IIAT, thual full dlnnr tt (C '00;!-,.r MnrtM5.Q5 41-A No ll0. Full J sire, Q f0 3nr :.'o. I1W. JJiWlH. TlUMUlck- o flfl i0 W Si,J Hl "S.ftSSS: O'UU ltiuUr. l piles No 10M. Htamtaril dlnnir sli. Ufgulr.... Pal rle 3 nA No 10M. Htamtaril dlnnir Q in 3.00 iteguiar. Htliprlc 2,4d 2.00 li!z.jBr.-Hlr. 1.07 1.75 !ir."Kin;n5 1.48 1.50 r:r.rv7iTM7; 1.33 The Finishing Toucli To a man's toilet I the (UiiuUlte if)ulh that wo touch his linen with when It Is luunderetl at the Salem Steam lntindry. No one eun help admiring the Irrn prooi'hahle manner lu which Miliars, miffs, shirts und woolens are done ill) Imre. Our methods lire unexcelled, 11 1 id the mrfMt work produced by them hows rttrx, skill uihI . oitiefentbeisni'M. Salem Steam Laundry, (XiU)NHl.J. OLMHTKII, I'llOI'li Hume-Ill. -iliof.lUirly.Sirtirt pa mate at to the ilmy of.'gouU Ui any rti " IMSlNEStJ CAUDS. O. fi. OIACK Dentist, KttfiAtlsr rt n t M Wasasn. s.l.l U....sr CorQt,SaLmi, Or, Vsrtwi dilrinc?cr!ct icisims si rcoucraie rces in any pranrn an oespcclM tei)uest. ALBERTA.JESSUP, Phone 1071. KOOMS 1 AND 3, DtlAY IIU(, OSTEOPATH. DB. GIIAOE ALintTGIIT Qraduato of tho American School ol Osteopathy nt Kirksvlllo, Mo. has opened olllco nt Bush it llroyman block, Commercial Struct Salem Oregon. Olllco days Monday, Wednosdny and Friday. Diseases of women and child ren n specialty, 10-17-lm Salem Water Co., ,OFrlCK CITY II Aid. For water service Apply at ollice. Itil'i payable monthly in advance. Make (omplalnts at the N!'-. C. H. LANE" Merchant TailOr U7 BTATK 9Tttr.KT, " tyBults) 915 nnd upwards, Pant S3 and upwnrcU capital cm- Express and Transfer l fleets all mill and uatsenqar tralhs, 11 f. Big and exintss lo air pads oRba i.!IJ Prompt service. Telephone No. 70 bbfcUk. yiilFl'oW, n) NSW MAKKriT (Sl.te street, near uilroaJ, h're-hrtl six) bit meats. Mr patmns say I keep the liett meats In town 1 si LOANS ATOUKItKNT IIATB INHUItANOK, IlKAI. HSTATK SKOUIUTY JlONDS. 3.0ZOHTJI 31110S. 00a Comnitralal tit, eiulam Or P.Mf. d.V w INSySvSvZvSCvXv9SvSvXi 9 Caottal limit Shotv i i Dealer In Cast Iron. Wroimht Iron f. Slovo plates, copper, brasJ, slue, . leiul,ro)e, ruubor, bngH, bides, pa ! A perauii imnes. V T 11 111! lll.'HTDTL'IV 1l.....l..lM ' 1,1(1 Court St. ' ' Salem, Or! ' 0 I tf ! Photographs You ran get Just what you want nt TIIK KI.ITi: STUDIO Nothing but llrst class work turned out. Thollnni'st Kulargixl Work on tho coast. M. CRAWFORD, CUVAHOOA FALLS, OHIO. Mskes Specialties of tho Uitawbtrry and jTtie OlsJIolus. The sun never shone on bolter va rieties than ho grow . Catalogue iHtird In Kebruary. Send tMietal for It now while you think of It. 1L0 lm dAvp ASSAY OFFICE AND r.ADOnATOltY- No, 71 Dhcmckcta 8t, J. II T Tl'TlltLls Assayor An Exhibition ol Fine Piu nb- mc fiin ut w'ltii unv dav ut tsaluiu wlwre wb haye flttl up dwelliega wiih the Ixst miMieru Kteas in Miliary v'""'S " lathrooms, kilehen uiwi dreeing nwm. Our work is the iwn ! Jtfi- title workuittMhli, u Hill give Ut- faleien to tbe win- nrty Up-w ssr kiii. We will u auUiiiK in UK- nue oi iliimblmt. IMS lltlllW. stenH' Mtitlg, uh1 rooting to tlw euliie wiWuilien Ue who ibiK our ,iw. BARR&PETZa li4CO4tlfhCtl. ! KRT Clean Streets All reshlswU ol falem are hraby noil flwlnoltniwrralt any tjW far, saw dust, lirokvii'gM, old bottl.ai, pkery, lulls r other substanio to be tlipian uh thu puWIc strwtH or alleys. Ro tMiMofCily OnJInsnee No. !M p-pwe a tine of from 8 to fSO fiirsudi ifeneoi and rtie no:wiU. if rty iforee.l. J. , FaiMKtt, 1 t-Ovil t( etrt CeMiini'aloiier, kjf'' X NSJ1 .in nil ii ii ! iiaumi ,r ijg j WANTED Kar tedar iiiiaMwis tomf Itnasx i ikaM mimm .iii a& lavas ns ara voansaai nssaajvanl sssn or HMseo for M 4s to tm 4 stfsjs, 9V. AN taajr asjMa AGENTS OUTFIT TRtI.riM paid, crcdItgIvHforslliafftiiaSsitfll' set of iIiMtmeiive, irtw1its6sa . tiHBISXMTAR WWTiiemiirlBt- children of all ssfaii, Hi Us owBc , prices ever know. Miwat boasrr t'ontninlng boentifwl llluairatad tws of InlV Prayer, Milr it emsarn book Scones; ft.00 hook HO cenw; $2 CO book 75 cents. Liberal earn liilpnlon to tpnln. J-KROUHfOW l'HINTINO CO, Koom -M, Tn Tergason IMS lnf jiimuing, uinctnnsrM, unto, 1'OK BALK. Good soock hoa of dMta eror sixes 2U miles northwaw a llrooks. W. Ii. Egan. 11-W At ' & llOUSKKEKI'EIl. Accra iwtenl keeper can be seoured Beet of rswir ences given. Coll on or add km Mtf. Alllu, aw Front street for full Infer,! matloii n-HJtl lioWAUE YOUK EYESrAll Umm wishing to be ncientltlcally fitted wlttt classes should not fail to call on Dr. '.',. F. Bears. All examination free. Call and And out tho condition o( yusw eyes whether you think yoe twve glasses or not. Olllco, room 12, over Woolen mill store, Coromcreia-l m-mi. ai w st. .MALE 1IKLV WANTRDKeNstWa men to handle our line of tikjhfrsxse lubricating oils, greased and dal lies. Salary or commission. AiaVstsc, Ceiitmt Itetinins (X, CVeveteM), Ohio 1 1-13-1 -MH GlUb WANTKD-To learn tiiepdatlsssi tmdo. Apply at Journal otttce. U ' 1-0R"s.V1.K Oil RENT.-iteek nHasis wnlaliilng 2CQ acrti!; rihsaM f at mile from poatoWee and KaiiNSS'i dcfiot. Will sell at a basaalw, and !' easy terms or Icihm to nsitiistWa party for a few years for keeping in pregsnt condition. phwerM ofpwttt nityforinnn emfwl in ateek isMin, or ilnlrylrw. For particular', aJdnasai A, II. Uootl.liy, Mill City, OrasMH. lilCVCLli tiAliaA.!N.-TlraiwwrTI OT: clans liidlea' wheel al a baraate. far "k'.- rash, mature ot il,t at JocanAt. sssibs. 1171 WANTED -Women to bind drees i at homo, tttcudy work ilitac dlsHdvnntAga ; ask your dealer to show yuuKorn Bhlelds and Kora Kbup hose suptKirters. Kora shields snap on wiilslwltlMiiit nowlng. Send 10e. for eataloguu of work. Korw Bhted Co,, fiW llrooine street, New York. KOU BALE or rent. Hotel and three ipiarters block, line houiteand garden s cheap. J. W. Kutherford, Marlon, Ore. ll-i-mot. WANTKD-ut Wlllamutto hotul. a r7t class waitress. Wages 16.w board and room, lUMt KOU KENT. Desirable roonM fr nlshcd or unfurnished tor geiitlnnxn. Terms reasonable. Call on F. Oe let, 1W Commercial street. 14-U-U PAKM FOIISAM?, Waeiras. ki Ya. hill county, 70 lu cultlvattoa, jm now buildings which cost abeist fsJB, rrlcof-'CO;;, iislfdown, balanca ai tt. tier cent. Address T. T. Yossse, Wlrittisoii, Oregon, 10 7 1 IUUYOLB IMTll-ir jor needs renalrs bniw It Id. we thu skill nnd slock to keefi it la flaei class cdtidltUiu. We oerry a Ml IliiOnf uudrlcnnid tnakou -ll-Ity of enameling -iwmo nnd see im. wu satisfy our patrons, (Junlner A White, Ito-S LI be i '7 altect. l!olwr block, next door tc ileum UUMsry, ' l'liono 2333. .!,' - . - - 'i IDUBE CLEAN EltS - KowewitMt ; that the best uud cheapest eswaet paper Is tho heavy full pajier aoM ' at Tlhi Jouunal. orbec. 8-tf . - CrTTlTA ItTo U II B-For orsoma'la U . worst (una. Address with stamp,"'. Hex P5, Tallman, Oregon. 10 31 lm-" A i'OSITIVE 0UUEFor all feroehi troubles, free for stamp. Add-reet ;.,5 llox 03, Tallman, Oregon. 1031 ln,-''J 'ii - i i 1 1 .ii m '-' i'eiaorul. Ladles Free hnrmlsiW monthly ritU- later, cannot fail Airs. ii. hown, , )j Jlllwuukoo, wis, 10 at lm It jtJS, C, STONE, M. -a Afj lr(prlUrof Stone's Drue Stor&s UAUnX, IIHMIUil Trie iftras (two ;n nunibcf; art lura(4 'a VS !(o aM an4 sa Cooiutrvlsl ilnsl, aeit ar.,VT ell iiuekixt wlllt runiiUl tin otilrufsau4 BMiiMnn, lulUl aitUUM, tHtiiBrrrf bnubn, Ali. atn . .1. VH HTONK llMhaitsowMf4n trpuflsiw In Hi t'se iUoirui)llisu.i new n so nur i-ir j.i .aaaiai 1 1 al I...S da ahllaaliAII AS tltaBilvtltllAli. at J nruaqiMHVir. " SVIP"IU" VI t"t"l "' t ji y PLATINO PHOfOSJ KnhtrgcmenU In Crayon and Water- Color. I'hnto llultous. Am-iteur developing and HiikIiIii niwiiit nunc. u. m. iii-.imii. , .r . HoMMwrUiCJ. Hruwu. Ji llunili.,. L..L.ll .- IffUJVIII. K fcAH fc-I.A il t.Viinuiercul Hi , tUU)uIOfegim.,?J Stoam Dye Works Nu. IDS Couimercinl street, obo4 veillnii.olln lwif1 r.nilluji' ujf gcotleuien'cl"lhlngcliwiiet, tj;i ret ai ml and pre-d. Vine blHwj elwnwtl or dyotl ind nicely, a3 ishml. Kid gtovoa clajrit'd, Wcr" A IJFJ2SAVKL)7 Ur.J.P. Cook. theUota.nlQatel nlist, Suooaada Whor Otwa T.. ul.n. If mttm x.mw.r.1 F . " T , .f W W'4 .- V"W-"' J. Thin is to eertlfvUiAt lkrtti 1'. Ooil- ur, of Mt.Angvl pnwlnct. MsrloujsanH" - ty. uregou, nu sunureii iroin it ssjw jrr : eu growiu m tm iir w tnnvm rfsgj yars. uiegrowin wu cmoui twwa i Lurncxl out on.-e by Albany I'htaMs luit tin. iMiuli rutart lwt.k aA VI as ever, ani ialno.( her so bftW .- she had w Iv.tuken trtna aswai- tliroe week's treatmant by m. . Look, oi ttem, Mrein, km rlpw4int, urn grew uAiruJ. and at tills a kluce treataieut was HsWa, ttse haii not reantoewanl. astat UMI Saw tiroly heald. Wavlnsj tmkf tto Hictal bv the Aliassur s&eW. I horvby eertify thM Urn ahv men " aneimy wm, am tl.a lc!uuiuir. Uui laaaauB H in the aithUvtt, Km r4W W dy elaMMuyttiiiauoo, m latluunhlptoineol ijieea. t ft BijVswllwl aisywast to 1 111, county eWtk oi H Ot, W n Sifa iikraifaiAiii&V' -. AM-