The Daily journal. (Salem, Or.) 1899-1903, November 06, 1899, Image 4

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    - t-iiMrt nniwflv"
wiiMiliWiWJUI!l"l"','i' 'JH'ltWimHPIl)'M
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..... ,. tf ., -lM,-r ytiaftiftaittt
iri4 0 i-i A 4 4 -M
"Wiierewitnaii snail .
-o - .
JSC X We be Clothed"
This quotation is centuries old, but a more vital
issue today in the fashionable world than ever.
This is a
Jackets, Capes, Mackintoshes,
And Tailor Made Suits
Wo Imvc Implicit fnltli In our own
goods, knowing our Jackets mid
capes to 1k tlio latest styles and ma
terials. Wo Invito inspection. Tlio
latest stockof ladies' nnd children's
' Jackets In tlio city.
Heady to Wear
Tollorsiiils, Shirts
Underskirts, Hosiery
Muslin underwear
Knit cotton or wool underwear
Corsets, W. C- C. nnd It. O.
Onlv 3 WaaIts In TbiWivino1' r
Willi v iiwnu t uW. -u&. , ...y
We are going to give you an opportunity to
lay in a supply of fine Table Linen at prices
as low as ever quoted, in the face of a rapid-,
ly advancing market. Being able to antici
pate wants we purchased largely before the
advance, and in this sale you reap the benefit.
60c r
' 75c
30c f
$1,25 r
00 inch, full bleach, good quality j hi several new patterns,
tho yard
fiO Inch full bleach linen, n regular f 1.00 value In neat patterns,
the yard
M liich full bleach, flno miallty, and good weight. Compare with
tiny you've lioughtntf 1.25; the yiird .. ..
57 inch Turkoy red dniiinHkj would make ft good 10c seller hut
wo nay mo yam
NAPKIN HAHGAINS 50 dor. full bleached, warranted all
linen i tho best value ever offered ; per dozen
My Success
Tim reason Is plaint I glvo Urst-class
work nnd goods to match, mm us for
price I glvo tlio beat value for the money
In the city. The dally Increase In my
watch, clock and Jewelry repair denart
liiiuil Is evident of the satisfaction given.
ItememlKir my work Is nil warranted.
Nolo my prices lioforo going elsewhere1
Wutel ics cleaned 75e
Main springs 75o
Tonight and
Tuctday occasional .light
Ice Not Qlven Away.
I cannot afford to give Ico away, but
am selling n pure article nt n price that
is within tho reach of all,
ClIVHTAI. Icb Woiiks.
J. Magulro, Prop. (1 15 t(
Kllngcr ft Ileclc,Succcs5ort to BoutliSalem
All orders for bottled beer will be filled
at the brewery. Kept on cold storage.
Fret) city delivery. Telephone 2IH1.
Pooplo In tho City From Othor
Towhh on Business nnd VIs-
Itlnir Frlonila.
T. W. Itutlierforilof Marion was down
" lMM.Unlthcf the CoimiIIIh Colleg
was in town tiKlay.
Miss Alice Italnl went to Portland
this morning.
Itev. W. A. Daly went to Portland
this morning.
Fred Fish, night olurk at the Willam
ette has gone to Ittigeno (jr a few days.
PotanJhu Kyle left for the south to
day with eye on n few carloads of choice
tfeo. (I. Clans, Jr., former elerk of the
Warm Springs Indian Agency, is trans
ferred, under the civil service rule to
the home olllce, nt Washington, I). C.
Mrs. J. II. IWuoit nnd Mrs. T. K. Ford
wont to Portland yostorday to attend
the fuuenil'of P. I.tmerlek, who was
formerly a Salomlto.
Personal Movements of Salemltes and
Other Visitors Who Travel by Boats.
Ocorgo Pearl wont to Portland this
morning via boat.
TliomasMoullon left this morning for
Oregon City, where ho will work in the
h. Krchs, of Brpoks, camo In this
morning and left on tho boat for Slier
wood. ,
Fred Lergh, who has been visiting Sa
lem friends returned to Portland -this
Frank Kubotts was n passenger to
Dundee where ho will work on thu gov
ernment work.
It. V. Dunham, !;fl this morning for
Fairfield, where ho has n contract nt
building n house.
Tho Mill company this morning
shipped another lot of the damaged
wheat to Portland.
M. Carr, of Portland, who has been
hero visiting his son, (leorgo Crtrr, re
turned this morning.
, Mrs. .1. K. Hubbard retunrd from In
pondenco this morning where she has
been visiting her sister.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Burton nnd sons re
turned from n visit with Al llerron nt
Independence this morning.
The Misses Pearl und May Ocorgo, of
North Salem, left this morning for Se
attle where thoy will reside in the future.
Mrs. fleorge Barlter, who has lieen
vleltlng Mrs. It. Campbell In this city
returned to her home In Portland this
Miss Mamie llarrctt, returned to her
hoitie In Portland this morning after
visiting w'.th M. King in thii city for
several weeks.
Miss Html B. Hoston, of Newberg,
v ho has boon visiting at the home of
Itev. Illnshaw returned to her home
this morning.
Mrs. S. W. Whitmore, of Wheatland
who has been visiting at tlio homo of T.
T. Parker In this city, returned to her
homo tliis morning.
Will Bennett, who has not had n lay
off In four years, left this morning for n
trip to Astoria uud other Columbia rher
points. lie was accompanied by W. F.
Bennett who, will see that he does not
get into mischief and will pay all the
bills contracted bv the company while
on the trip. Will will see that Will
don't get shaiighled.
The Methodists Out-classed By
Farmers In Team Work.
Opinions and Criticisms, of the 'Home
Team and Notes on future Pro
grams and dames.
Special and Quick Deliveries
of utn tho smallest order is one of our
methods of doing business und makes
Sonueman'a grocery n favorite source of
supplies In imro food products l U
kinds. Another one is the high iiuullty
of our choice groceries, which wo guar
unlet) to Im the very liest, nt tho lowest
prices to be found in Salem.
W4 HUto at Telonhons S)
Winter fcoon Hejc.
And the weather "will bo cool and no
rationally we, and you will need good
warm clothing ! waterproof gar
ments. II obsou has n full lino of there,
including lnaor ovurcout, watorprool
wool coats, wool lined uud warm, ladies'
men's unUohHdruii wool uuderwwre all
1 have a line of ladles' uud micros'
(.linen offered ut u burutii to close out
t IK lot. ...
Kverrthlng eUo that you nvod In dry
j buy for busIi, ell for cash uud give
my cuntumrr burynlns. Please Mill In
and Inspect the stoek.
W. II. IIohsos.
21)7 OommercUl strimt.
v J. D. midges, Katlor ''Ooiuoorut,'
Lanwkt.T, N. II , says "One Minute
UoughUure Is tho Desk rmcdy for
crn'UpIever uetl, "liuuicdlately re
lieves und euros lb tuowiits cn
tuiiiptl'"- bumes ImigHoro.
Fstm to Rent.
Good farm in Linn c-uinO to the
proiwr rou. Imjulre of Jt. M. Ci
Uwilmplement dealer, Halem, Or.
f ItMO-tf
HMtt KkW uf Mnrloii, who had an
.1 ,.. T...(v. (. .f.u.l- .vlll IIIAV'A lilK.1.
HIK1HKI MIV ( V " .. . .
Imh this wtvk ami infikc hU homo with " fccnooi, una win gh
Ofganwcd by the Students of the Law
The students of the Wnhurslty College
of Uiw linve orgunixiHl u debating h
eluty uud will hold metitlngs every Sat
urday night nt the ollleo of Justice of
the Peace II. A. Johnson, where they
lme space In the justice court room to
expand their budding oratorical jMiuers.
OrganUatlon was effected Saturda)
night and the Mlowlng olllcera were
elected: (i. Me.Mlulmy, pitMldeut; II.
P. West, vlce-prosldent j II. II. Turner,
Kuretary s tlruntCorby, trenmrer; P. I.
Frtulsr, uritle.
Aftsr organisation the Miidont trUsi
thwr bunds ut theqiiuktieti: "Itoohed
that capital piiuUhmuut sliould W
ubotishwl. Thure bdug no liiaulilnsrj
in order for making tlio decision, It wu
a drawn lutlle.
There are tHentyulght students of
thu sehiMil of law, at prwMiit, tlioli
names being :
A. C. Uiuuks, I. II. Van Winkle, II.
II. Turner, II. O. Walker. I). ). Me
Miiilmy, Francis ItlolianUou, J. (i.
Hammond, Mark Savage, John Wil
liams, llrunt t'orbe. llarrv Vnuin- l
- - ----- j -....j,
L Frailer, Harry Oliuger, Joseph
Kvaus, II. A. Jiihuson, Jr, W. l'.nm.
T. T. Parker, A. A. Jessup, Frank
Forward, K. 0. Holt, J, I. Murray, lieo.
0. Itruwii, C. It. Ilishop, T. M. Fleming,
K. 0. Judtl, II. F. West, 0. W. Hush
iiellnudC. M. Inmun.
They um divided Into two cIiums and
eauli class nviles eerj' Wi-ek-duy eve
itlng to lVun B. (i. Iticliunlitou, who
therefore has his hands full.
The Saturday night debate will lend a
sphv of variety to tho dry work of the
tho young men
Uuslness Ucmg Transacted at the Couit
C. Iv. Itosi, administrator of the estate
of Alvln Uriggs, deceased, has been
authorized to sell nt public auction,
certain laud In see. Ill, t 5 s r '-' west,
belonging to said estate; to pay Indebt
edness of the estate.
Lars O. Opstead, Andrew 0. I-endvott
and (. M. Ojilead hao been npolntcd
appraisers of the estate of Kniile Slor
aasll. A. I), (lanlncr, executor of the estate
of Albert Schneider, deceased, has Hint
lilsHciul-aunuul account, showing only
the expenses of administration and the
costs of the funeral as exeuditures, and
no receipts lMyoud the appraised valua
tion of theestute.
DKKDS I'll.Kll.
J, II. (iooiluniul hiiBbaud to Mary J
Queen, lots -, II uud I, hlk 2 Thnmns
Addition to Stnytou. 00.
Clia. W. Thomas mid wife to Mnry J.
Queen, q, c, d, to lots -, .'I nnd -i in hlk
", Thonins Addition to Stnytpu, f I.
A. L. dates and wife tol.ucretin Read,
lot.'l in hlk 'J, Mary A. (lutes Addition
to Oates, 1 100.
Liicretia Iteiul to (iertude Cox, lot I
In hlk 1, Mary A. Oates Addition to
dates, 100.
t'nited States to I.uuiuda J. Thnmns,
the n o 4 of see !!0, t M s r !l enst.
Mattlo K. lvldrledge nnd James K.
Hldrledge a one-uintli Interest In the
Stokely L. Jones d I e in sections it and
I, s r '2 w and In section it-'l, t !t s r '.' w,
0. 0. Suther uiu wife to Forger II.
Ilrooko, .11.81 acres It t lis, r 1 west.
Deafness Cannot lie Cured
by local applications us they cannot
reuuh the diseased portion of tho cur.
There Is only one way toruro deafness,
iiul tlmlisbycoiistltutlonal remedies.
De.ifnoss Is caused by tin Intlamcd con
dltliiu of the mucous lining of the
Kustuoliliiti Tube, When Him tube It
Inll.'iHied you Imvc u ruiiibllng sound
or Imiwrfccl Inutrlng uud when It h
entirely closed. Deafness Is tl'e re
iiili.. unit uulesH the Inllauiittlun can
do utKcn mil nnil this tube restored ti
its imruiul condition, hearing will tx
destroyed forever; nine cases out nl
ion are eaiiH'd tiy Catarrh, which b
nothing but an Itillamcu e .inlltlun of
the iiiucuus surfaces.
Wo will give Ouo Hundred I)nllar
for any case of lUmfnos (cuused b)
auturrh) that cannot tm cured by
Hull'sUulurrli Cure. Scud tor elrcu
lars, free.
K. J. CilKNKV t Co., Tniedii. O
Kutd by Dnik'itlsts, 76c
Htll'a Famllv Pills are the 1M.
Tho practice gamo nt Corvnllls re
suited In showing what cood stuff has
entered int.) tho composition of the
homo team, nnd that they were out
matched by tho Farmers in tenni work.
Score 10 to 0. Tho first half took 25
minutes, tho second hnlf took L'O mln
utes. Salem had the kick off, Cdrvallis
took the ball nnd Hnlem's defensive work
was weak.
I!y a scries of plunges nnd tackles they
got tho ball down to the ten ynrd Hue.
Snlem muile n good stand nud forced
hall back twenty yards by plunges and
lost it on n fumble. Corvnllls by re
peatlng previous tactleB took it to with
in -a foot of tho goal.
Salem ngaiu made n flue stand car
rying tho ball flfteon yards, when they
were held for domva nnd forced to try n
kick. A bad pass from Salem's center
lost the bal! nnd lost tho ball nnd Cor
vnllls bucked it to touch down.
The second half was a repetition of the
first half. Corvnllls' superior condition
told nnd they were nblo to mnko slightly
bettor gains over Salem's defence than
they were on tho first half.
In 15 minutes Corvnllls mndo second
touchdown. Then on to the end of the
gamo Corvnllls put up hotter defences
than Salem. The Salem team played
very even, nnd good hull for tho work
they have had and tho opportunities for
making players, dinger, in leftond,
made tho most brilliant defensivo plays
and won considerable npplnuse. The
Salems made excellent individual
plays but as they hnvo had practically
no coach could not put uptho team work.
Physically tho Salem team was a match
for tho fanners. All thoy lack is disci
pline and coaching, nnd that thoy will
h ive before the soason is over. Indica
tions are that the home team will this
Hcaou cxccll any Salem team of the
Next Saturday Pacific University
team meet tlio Salem team.
It will ho tho llrst gamo of the intercol
legiate series to Isi played nt Salem.
Tho Methodists will now "buckle in"
nnd tnkondvnntago of their practice ex
lierlonco with tlio Corvullls team and by
hard work may ho nblo to defeat their
l'urltnii antagonists.
At Princeton Princeton, lH;l)nmn,(I.
At West Point Yale, 21; West
Point, 0.
At .Minnens)lls Northwestern, II;
Minnesota, 5.
At Dutioit University of Michigan,
ttS; University of Virginia,!).
At Denver Denver Athletic Club, 20;
Kansas City medicos, 0.
At Chicago University of Chicago,
41; Penhio university, 0.
At Notro Dame, Intl. Notre Dame,
17: Rush college,!).
At Itelolt Itelolt college, 28; Uko
Forest, 0.
At Des Moines Drake, 11; Missouri
university, 0.
At Peoria Wesloyan, 81; llradley sil
yteehnie, 0.
At Memphis Vanderbllt university,
11 J University of Mississippi, 0.
At Madison, Wis, University of Wis
consin, 17; Aluiilnl, 5.
At Illooinlnglon, Ind. Indiana uni
versity, !W; University of Cincinnati, 0.
At St. Ixmls Washington university,
(I; Knox college, 0.
At Omalin University of lown, .'!0;
University of Nebraska, 0.
At Utlea, N. Y.-Carllsle Indians, 32;
Hamilton college, 0,
polk dourVTV Hop anowefts.
Temporary OfffanUatlod Kneeled will
Meet Acftin by Call of President.
Between 30 nnd 40 hop growers met In
tho city linll at Independence Saturday,
for the purpose of organizing a Hop
Growers' Association. The nttendnnco
was not large owing to tho Inclemency of
the weather.
Secretary Her, of the Willamette Vol
ley Hop Growers' Association, was pres
ent nnd upon Invitation stMed the ob
jects of tho association, and cordially
welcomed the growers of Polk county to
join with tho Willamette Valley Asso
elation, both if thev oruanized an asso
ciation of their own, to co-operate with
tho.Woodburn Assoclntlon, or, on the
other hand, tako advantage of the op
nortunltles offered by It singly.
Mr. Her was listened to attentively
and did not fail to impress tho growers
with tho need of united effort on the
part of the growers. Ho said tho hops
of this coat wero n great deal better
quality than tho buyers wero willing
to irlvo them credit for. nnd that the
eastern nnd foreign hop wns vory much
poorer thnn ordlnnry nnd that the
growers must consequently do something
so ns to 1)0 nblo to dispose of their own
hops or quit tho business entirely. He
showed that tho consumer was paying a
fair price for hops but tho grower was
beliiu milked of his Just profit by the
J. Holmes nextspoko and said ho was
a grower and wanted to see something
done Ho camo over to help organize
and was willing to do his share In the
work nnd ho thercforo moved that tern
lornry organization bo begun.
Mr. Wells spoke to the jKilut that as
mostly all the growers present were
small xroncrs and thought that more of
tho largo growers should lie represented
and wns therefore in favor of waiting
till thoy could he got together.
On motion Mr. M.Merwin was elected
president and Mr. James Hnnnn secre
tary. The meeting ndjourncd to meet ngaln
in the nenr future upon call by the
Mr. Merwin, tho President of the
Polk county growers hns 450 bales of
choice hops nnd is one of the mnH suc
cessful growers,
There nro now about 2,500 bales In the
Southern Pnclllc warehouse nt Indcpom
deuce, nud nbout 500 bales in J. M.
Stark's house at tho steamboat landing.
Ilaker Brothers nl Independence had
nn offer of l)J$ cents jter pound for their
hops nno they were not received by the
Tho Wlllnniette Valley Hop growers
Association have now a membership of
nearly 250 hop growers, who have
pledged their hops to tho association
to handle nnd the nlsivc members own
something over 23,000 bales nud enough
more members will hnvo Joined by the
close if their meeting which is to lie
held ut Wnodhurn on next Saturday
to swell that amount to at least .'10,000
ft Sutell Lot of Ja(k?fs and Cafe
At 60c on the Dollar.
Ladies, Now is Your Opportunity,
A belated shipment of fine capes and jackets from eastern irml
uiaaurers to a roruana nouse( which reiusea 10 receive theiriM
cause they were 60 days overdue Our Mr, Friedman happerl
along ana strucit a oargain ax ouc on me aonar.
give our customers the benefit of our purchase60c onthedollj
Friedman's New Racket, Cor. Com. and State stsl
A hot time
Tnat's what they have in the Old
Town occasionally, nnd its only
enjoyed byn few, but evcrylsxly
enjoys tho
Hot Meals
Served In the of Home Cook
ing nt the
St Elmo Restaurant,
George Bros., Props.
A Man Hanging
To uu Idea Is generally n happy man.
The man who hangs to the notion that
he wants a si','rb smoke, and then gets
Ij Corona cigars to gratify his delight, Is
certainly u happy K'oplo.
Mills Started,
The Capital Lumlwr Company mill
is now running on short time, working
onlv 0 hours.
Our Champion Wins,
Your Champion may have lieen
knocked out in the late fight, hut the
M.lttlo Chniuplorn" cigars made nt Sa
lem furnish you a good smoke each
Broken Leg,
George Lunton, who fell out of u sec
cond story window u couple of years ngn
,if. nnil trtilrl Ills tilli un t lint lift llflfl
ThoCheniawaludianTrainliig school j ,, KOm) on vnMlt foil ,i0Wn stairs
Portland, Nov. 0. Wheat valloy
o us ou waua waua,04c. to oo.
Flour Portland, ft.00 to 3.25. Super
flno f2.15 per hbl.
Oat-White 3435c. grey 33 to 31c.
Hay Timothy 9f 11.00 per ton.
Hops 7ltc; old crop 5 Oc.
Wool Valley. 12 13c: Eastern Or
egon. 814c Mohnlr, 27 30.
Millstuff Bran, f 17; shorts, $18,
Poultry Chickens, mixed, $.300to 4.00
Hens 4 to 4.50, turkeys, live, 12)14c.
KifKS Oregon, 21 to 22c or Uoz.
Hides Green,8altel(101bs,8(iil)c.unde
00 lbs, 7hi86 ; sheep pelts, IG(320c.
Onions 1 to M4e.
Butter Best dairy, 2.")a35: fancy
creamery, COc to 55c per roll, store 37i
ami -iuo.
Potatoes 50 to 00c per cental.
Hogs Heavy dressed (ic to 0)tfc
Mutton Dressed.O'e to 7c inr iiounil.
Beef Steers. M.eOMIl.OO: cows. 13.00
(33.60 dressed, beef i to 1)i
veal dressed, StJJSJaC
Wheat 14 iwunds nnd over 4Pm
Woollilc, Iohalr:i0c.
Hops (1 to 10c.
Ikirlev 45to 5.ric.
Oats-25 anil 27c.
liny Bnled, cheat 17.0J., Timolhy
18.50 tot)
Kggs 25c.
Flour In wholesale lots $3.00 rotail
$3 40
Mlllstuffs bran $13.00 shorts $15.00
Hogs dressed, 6)c.
I.ivo cattle Steers 3cows 2i to 3.
Sheep f2.50$3.
Dressed Veal tJkfc.
Butter Dairy lfljjo creamery 22c.
Poultry Hens 7 to 8 cents.
Potatoes 25e.
We have just received a fine line of these goods theyJ
wu.u v.u jiuiw l. v.... inuuiv. . , 'll lllllljf I) H
And a great variety of the most attractive oictur J
brought to Salem. Framing to order from the newest mouli
ings. Call and see them.
F. W. Hollis & Companj
First Door North of Postofficc.
Stoves Made To Orde
team met the I . of O. team, nt F.ugeno
and were defeated by n score of 20 to 0-
m m m
Prepare for a Siege.
You are not surrounded by armed sol
diers, but it will Ih good jioiicy to pre
4wru for the bad roads tiy huyfiign goo-l
supply of groceries fnnn llranson Itu
gau. It-ii-tHxl
Salsry Raised.
At n meeting of the School board Sat
urday evening the boarl raised the sal
ary of Prof. Hall trout $V) to $70 per
moiith, that being the salaries paid the
other principal. He had u still better
(Kisltion offered him at On'gon City, lint
declined the siiino.
You never know what will fellow
constipation. Keep the liver clean by
tmiiK DeWllts Little Kurty Ulcers
und ynu will -lyold trouble. They are
ruuKiUH fur liver und txiwe) tmublcs.
Stones Drugstore.
in the Murphy block Saturday night and
broke his leg. He was taken to the Sa
lem hospital where he will ho taken
Good Feed.
Good feed and care Is what your horse
needs to enable him to carry you safely
home. This and a good rig can be had
at the old Postolllco stables.
11 (I end Gilmim & Known
No morpblnn or opium! Dr,
nui. cuhk Ail i'siu.
MI1.M. lil f
IUGI.KY. In San Francisco, at 2 p.
in., NovemlierS, of npendlcitl8, W.
II. Bagley, ngeil 'lit years and 10
The deceased was only sick a short
time. He leaves a daughter, Mildred,
1) years old, of this city, a father nnd
mother In Portland, one brother, who
resides In Jefferson, a sister living near
Tacoma, Wash., and a sister residing
near Ballston, Polk eountv. His wife
preceeded him to tho grave ovor six
years ago and is burled In tho I. O.
O. F. cemetery.
Mr. Bagley was well known In Salem,
being a graduate in the academical and
musical departments of Willamette
Mr. Bagley was in the insurance
business in California. Tho remains
will likely be brought to Salem for in
terment nnd will probably lie attended
by the Masonic order.ho belnga Mason.
Funeral arrangements will lie an
nounced later.
Attuy the "Home" Air Tijt
Stove, and the "Home" Sbt
Range made at Salem -fe
best Heating and Cookirj
Stoves on the market.
ACome and see tliem iril
patronize home industry.
ALet us know just what o
want, and if not in stock w3
have it made to order.
STEINER 5 BERGER, 130 5fai?5l
has re-opened her
Art Studio, in the Holman house
Cottage streets
comer uonn ami uotiairi
Studio lioura Monday ami Wednes
day 2::t0 and 5:!!0 p. m., and Sat
urday W n. m. to 1 p. in. For terms
uud information call at studio. Vis
itors always welcome.
LitGrippe, dc-tlroyi ilmusinds nl
people. .It uiuv tK)iiilukly cured-by
wne .Minute ununn i;ure. tnm nut.
(Iuoh luiincdUto results In couelm.
colds nnd throat uud lunir trniibha.
It will nreycnl co'ibinnptlon. Stone's
Drug Store.
Yew Park Grocery,
W Fresh Oregon ltuek
A wheat Hour, 10 lb sacks,
v .nly30o.
U CrunlHtrries.
A Maple syrup in bulk.
v Taylor's celebrated
H butter aUays on hand.
ii'SEif Rli,,l ,,l,ll,,l,rm 8aw,SSl?yKiS..ft,r ,iwwk "I Allen & Bowersox
Hamilton Brown's
School Shoes
We have one of the best school
shoes In the world. If you'd m
twice (ho money nt any storw you
wouldn't llnd a UHter one tor
they don't put them up better
than these. Our prices are a?
low us goods can lie honestly sold,
and are considerably lower than
you'll pay mot places.
We warrant eery iv.tlr. If they
don't wear well ou am not the
Closing Out
The Water King
And doing a big business too.
Ia'ss than cost they go, aad you'll
come tn here in a week or two
woudertug whv you didn't no
tice it.
Watch our ads.
School umbrellas .
School ma, ks
Men's macks
Jjidies' mscks
Cotton lilankets
Flannel overshirU for men
Neat golf and percale shirts
Nice tiea
Knit shirts, fascinators, shawls,
Big lines of embroldere1 M-urfs.
t-liams tidies, etc nil at racket
prices for eash only.
See our north window. It'll nay
you to st thai 3-1 cent line of 60
cent underwear.
BKNSON At the homo In north Sulom,
to Mr, and Mrs. L. W. Benson, u son.
Weight 8 pounds. Ho is not an ex
uiusionist nud will never enlist to
light the Filipinos.
Fresh cegs and crisp kala
mozoo at Stcincr's market.
W. 15. Uw er. Mrs. W. B. I-aulur. In.
depeudonce;J. 1). MeDauiels, No'Ynkl
mat James Hicks, Seattle; I.. J.Bach
elder, J. Hunnau, A. I). Remolds, Cieo,
It. (troves. U. H. Neely, San Francisco;
A. II. Ikilley. Cleveland. O.: W. I..
Shea, A. K IaswIs, Now York; K. K.
I.ivermoro, S. A. 1). Puter, J. B KwhI,
Portland ; l II. Defer. The Dalles
We are selling a good side lift Lantern, made
of 1A tin, for 50c.
This is a good lantern made of extra heavy tin
and first-class in every respect,
Other lanterns at a proportionate price.
Cor. State and Liberty Sis. Salem, Ore.
l'.vrrox nnos , imm ni mwm
Saturday, Nov, II,
Freil Kerch, Castle Rock, Wash.?
Chas. Uvesley, Seattle; W. F. Firblg.
1 Allenoff. Portland : 1-: S. Munlm!!-
Thus. Rutherford, Marion; Hon. A. M.
Craw fonl, Roseburg.
FOR SAl.K-or rent.
quarters block, tine
Hotel and three
house and carden
Rutherford, Marion,
The Palace Market
Will fill your order for a roast,
broil or fry of beef, mutton,
wris or sausage, uomtsl beet,
nfiKly cooUl,louedandpre88xi
readv to sli for your luuch.
Wo have our own delivery man.
Your patronage solitited.'
PUout2021 133SUteSt
400 Altenua 1(1 mos,23 emits each.
W ithChrlst Series, by Murray, 35 and
50c each. '
300 titles ofjthe Monitor W moa 2Sc
200 titles of I1-! mna nf !...,. I....1
l... i .. . - " uMiiiiwm
vuijiuru, sac eaclt.
Olivo Optic Series Juveniles 75c.
The Henty Books 50e Series.
Sailor Boy witli Dewev Series 75e.
IllStOrV Sliaili8l-..Aninri-!i,, U'... I....
enile Series itfcnho Richard Carval 25c
David llarum 25c to read.
Black Douglas 25o to read.
Book Store.
And the finest um
formed band in the
' world. A A
or THIRTY Fl b K !
" utot ii'iuuonci-' ""-
Sewer Pipe
ousv receiver two car loads Sewer
lipe with all the various conneo
Bwooa quwUou t4tr. Utur sad wf'!M
all mlaiueU ol tb jM and, P"oyu
Monarohs of thA Minstrel Worl
Watch for our grand Uniformed IUad
Street Parade at 11 :30 a. m.
Lower Floer: 7ic. .,
OtUetj: S. 10 sndTSc,
lions in store for sate by
Died at the Asylum
wife ot u, H. Alien.u, - . ,
Ill lut 319 Front, eo,r ChemekeU Taewlay.
Ore., di.I at the asylum today
at tho OJd Fellows Cemeterv 2
- - -.ii.,.
jUskJil nt .
iL . k-teiflto