fl Lfltdat ASsoefaldd" Press toffl-J THE DAILY JOURNAL Tio Dally Journal's laricoral- f X tlon l no oooldnt. IV th sf I fhlsli quality and tewnrte. , grama, i-roBn kocui-nowa anu livj E dltorlnls make Tho Dally Jour- fnali - ". k k k k k k k VOI1.X SALEM, OREGON MONDAY OCTOBER 30 1809. NOUS. If WI- rs,H0PK,Ns mgjpb" make. " N0T16E The slyle of This Boy's stiif 1 AMERICA! SftUADRl Boers Mass 18,0,00 to 20,000 Against the. British 12,000. jMay Be the Decisive Action of the War Beers Trans-portcd Heavy Ordnance to Besiege the Cityvlf They Succeed Many Thousand Will Flock to Their Standard. X It's a fair sample of our boy's kneo pants suits ages 8 to 11. This is ono of tho very best lines of youth's and child's cloth ing on tho innrkot. Tho goods nro nuulo right. This cloth Is selected for wear as well as for neat appearance' We have them In all grades from tho cheapest to tho lieat. You know THE NEW YORK RACKETa k k k ;-J Is a ono price cash store. That means lowest possible prices. Bee our Immense line of men's clothing and overcoats. E T. BARNES, Prop. Salem's Cheapest One-Price Cash Store, Cor. Commercial and Chemeketa Sts. Salem Woo 60 in s Home Made Goods Best in the Market Ilr Aaaoclnted Prcas lo the Journnl. SEATTLE POST lNTELLlOENCER .LiAIlYSMITII, UCt. U. HtMJ SpecialsA very large line cassimere suits for men and boys'. All sizes of Boys' black hose our own brand, the Granite try them. a. m. Firing commenced at 5 n. in., thu Boers shelling Ladysmlth with forty pounders. After seven shots tho Hritlsli gunners succeeded in silencing tho Boer guns. Tho Boers are now advancing on tho British left Hank. London, Oct. 30. A dispatch to the Associated Press from Ladysmlth, this morning camo through in tho remark- able timoof two hours. It shows a n crisis which present war operations! has reached, and that the attack on ladysmlth by tho joint Iloer forces has oenod. A dispatch from Durban, at H:IVi this morning says the Iloor shells aro chlelly directed at tho station and no damage was done up to tho time tho message was forwarded. Tho advonco of tho Burgher force on the British left Hank shows that tho attackers aro in no way dismayed by tho silencing of their heavy guns and aro still full of solf-conlldonee. Apparently tho Boers have concentrated for u su premo effort at Ladysmltlt. Tho porsoverancothoBoors have shown in truiisnortlnu heavy ordinance and tmstlng it in commanding positions has forced admiration oven from their en emies. Tho battlo which opened this morning may decido tho Issues of tho war so far as lighting is tho open Is concerned, as unless tho eighteen or twenty thousand Boors nboui Ladvsmith are able to de stroy tho 12,000 British thoy civil hardly hope to copo with General Bullers' army corps, so It may Do expected tho Doeis will return to thu attack of Ladysmlth, if they aro" beaten off, as they are fully cognliumt that news of their success wIP bring thousands of sympathizers and adventurcro to their standard. .... nave. Se I . r.lf?l.. C.I.I tn IMIIICIII X millennia umiu w . cured the Property, j Spokane, Wash., Oct. 20. It Is given out on rellablo authority, that the cat tle l'ost-Intelllgencor has boon sold to men representing Mark Hannn, of Ohio, and Henry Payne, of Wisconsin. This statement has nil tho earmarks of truth. I'or 18 months thoBenttlo dally has been in the hands of tho former owners oljtfio U Bol mine, at HoslamV H. O... prom inent among whom oroBonator George Tiinmr. Colonel V. W. Ttirnor and Col onel ltldpath. Tho paper, wiitcu w j been nominally n ltepubllcan organ, was pipularly supposed to bo In a position ti switch whenever Benator 'turner again sought election to tho United States senate, benco tho efforts of Sena tor Ilantin and associates to buy It and make It an administration organ pure and simple. Tito Lo Bol people paid 60,000. Tho p irehaso price for llanna is t3!5O,00O. It Is expected that tho papor wlllpuss Into his control Insldo of 30 days. The South Atlantic Fleet Ordered to Go to South Africa.- Possible Trouble Over the Partition of the Samoan Islands Al leged as a FcasoiwBcH'o Regiment Drive the Insurgents BacbvOnc Killed and Several bounded in the Engagements Situation of the Filipino Forccc. Navy Ordered South, Ur Aaaoclatnl I'remi In ttir Juurnnl. IS'kw Yoiik, Oct. 30. A dispatch to the Journal and Advertiser I rem Wash ington says: Tho South Atlantic squadron will soon lw ordered to tho scone of South African hostilities, Secretary Long so declared tonight. It is tho second great develop nii'iit from this country's siandpolnt In tho Kuropoan crisis, and sUangely enough, followH yesterday's notification by Great Britain, of Germany's preposi tion for a partition of thu Samoan group. Tho attitude of this country, of hostil ity to tho German proposition and Ger man pretention!) as to Samoa cannot fa'l to Ik regarded as of tho greatest slgnlllcanco. Tho Kuropoan concert, evidently do sirous of getting a practical illustration OVERCOATS-Kerseys in all shades and prices, also in Tan Coverts. Gray and black clays. Fancy Black Covert overcoats our own- -make, the swellest ot all. iRUMoToFUKRENDER 1 r 1 Of the Entire British Army at Ladyx 3 smith Comes in a Roundabout Way j i Berlin, Oct. 30. A report received from Holland 5 cn,rc iho whole. British armv has surretuiereci. jujij i... . KV mSLi Powpeh ABSOLUTELY frtJKE Makes tlio food moro delicious and wholesome Q"t utmn ro co.. Ntw vo. J! "HAinHAVEN CANNERY BURNED Loss of Buildings and Pack Repor ted to be Nearly $oo,ooo. (VICE PRESIDENT HOBARJ WORSE. oners. Tho casualties aro Captain French and Lieutenant Ferguson wounded, but not dangerously. One enlisted man killed and six wounded." The Qlcnogle 8fe. Mr ' tnelnlnt I'rm la (K Journnl. Manii., Oct. SO. Tho transport Glenogle, with tho Thirty-second volun teers, arrived In good condition. Pri vate Mo Caudles, ot Company K, died at sea. Filipino Movements. Ilr AiK-lnlrt 1'rrii tu lie Journal. Manila, Oct. 30 Numbers of Chinese are coming to Angeles and Tarlaek, paying tho Insurgents fur the privilege. It Is reported that Jgulnnldo and the Filipino congress nro still at Tnrlac. There nro about 3000 Insurgents before Angeles. Thoy have been unlet tor the past week. Two Thouand relsils aro at Bamban, live miles to tho north. General Hales has been recalled from Ban Fernando, and ordered to sail for tho southern islands as soon as possible. MINERS FROM CAFE NOME. Ilr AMorlMrd 1'reu lo the Journnl. Fairiiavkn, Wash., Oct. 30. Tho Abordccn Packing Co's cannery bur ned thts morning. Tho loss is estimated at 150,000. Insurance $70,000. There were llltccu thousand casea of canned salmon In tho building, very little ot which will bo saved. Tho tire originated from an explosion probably in tho lacquer room. Tho Falrhavcu Canning company's store house is partly burned and part of forty thousand dollars worth of soekeyu sab inon damaged. t Ur Anoclatfd ITe.t to iha Jer-U Nkw York, Oct. 30.--Tho condition ot Vice President Hobart, who ii ill, at Patterson, New Jorsoy, has undergone a n marked chango for tho worso. TOWNSEND NOT QUILTY. . t t aMMHi Kx-Sonator JOliil L. Vllsffn,-Bt Kpo- of I his cm knno, Is tho man credited with en glnoerlng tho deal. Mr. Bldpath, one f .i... .... nilmliR Unit the sale Is Ilr Anaoclnlail I'roan lo III Jnornnl. Most of the puasengers are from tho Ciipo Nome district. Tho aggregate wealth of tho passengers Is placed at over two million. Miners euv tho dis trict Is Hcher than Klondike, though not so healthy. THE FRIARS ORDERED OFF By tho Amorlonn Oovornmont or tho lalnnd of CHin'm, Man He Killed Was Committing n Frl- onjr tn a Dwelling House, Ilr AaaocUIrd I'raaa to Ihe Jonraol. Prndlutxin, Oct. 30. Tho Jury In the Tim Townscnd murder raso returned a ordlot Kunday ot not guilty. They hd been out 21 hours. Although It wna ad mitted that Townsend killed William Halo, shooting him with n Wincli-rter rlllo, the verdict ot acquittal was appar ently tutscd iioii the claim made by tlw defense that Halo was on tho point ot killing Tom Tattle, Townsend'a friend, and therefore in tho act ot committing a leiony in a uwciung nouso, in iviiicitcaso tho law excuses killing. Ilr AaaoeUlril I'rraa In I lie Journnl. Wabiiimito.v, Oct. ,10. Tho navy de partment bus received tho first roiort. from Captain Unry, naval governor ot Guam In tho I-idrone. The II ml Ameri can governor of tho island has already boon obliged to adopt n heroic niraeuro to Insure tho proer administration of nffalrs. Ills authority was Inilng subverted und every uieaiuro of reform which ho promised was litdng defeatwl by the hos tile Inlluonco of the friars. U-ary re ports that ho was obliged to notify a half-dozen friars that thoy might have Ur Aaaoelnteu I'rfaa lo I be Journnl. Lonikjn, Oct. 30. Tho war otllco has received a dispatch which sayn that General Whlto fought an engagement, presumably with Joubcrt's forces, which were pushed back after several hours fighting. Tho Ilritlsh lost Is about ICO intn. Tho Boor's losses are retried much greater. under way, but refuses to say to whom Frank Graves, another owner says mere Is n sale on, hut asserts that he dotw not know to whom. country attitude, Is credited with having Impelled Germany to mnko the llmt test. Tho result Is that tho United Htntea has demonstrated her friendliness to Great Britain, thus verifying tho pre dictions that tho United Slates would mniutnlu tho status quo In Hamoa. The hiding at tho navy department, that It TACOMA BOYS HOAE SATURDAY would lw well to bavo a largo American FreoTrnnuportntlon and n Ulu aoptlon Preparing For Thorn. Ro woos$ w& hteamer From the Yukon. Mr Aaaovinlrd l'rea lo lue Journnl. San FhancIsco, Out 30. Tho Bteamer Bortha arrlvetl here from St. Michaels I with 300 passengers. Furniture Carpels B k HailtoN . FURNISHERS x Picture Holding Wall ftfer Ilr Aaaorlnlrd I'rraa In llir Journnl. Tacoxa, Oct. 30. Tho recaption ooin mitteo has duposltwl tho money for Mvontvilvu tickets for that many Tuconia oohllerH aUmt to lw mustured out at San Franotseo. It In uxKHited tho soldiers will reach homo Saturday by rail. An ontliiwlttstta rwHipllon will be proiMirud fnr them. wiiiadron cruising off wist Africa, undoubtedly basel on news received free pnssago from tho Island and ho ..l...1.l ..w.....l It...... it. .nil l1i....iK'AU fit Hecelved Iter Pay. ... .. .r, ...i. i..., .. i.u. i.. Tiwlnif A. n. llrnu'n riH-nlvml Aitriltll ' .... , ....... . '-.i . 1 tho Island and ho U said to favor the --," i" .. ....,-. Farm to Rent. Gool farm In Linn county to tho proper person. Inquire, of K. M. Cro Iran, Implement dealor, Salatn, Or. "Tlve way to b happy is to have a omilivcrandajood heart." You look to tlw heart McCoy, Oregon. Mr. Taylor was a member of tho Modern oodincn of America In which order bo curried n imlley (or $2,000. Tho fumlly were not In tho best of circumstances, havlmr como from ICiiiinih to Oregon and had some bad luck. Mr. Taylor left n wlfo und live children who will, ut least be provided for temH)rurlly. TUB EQUITY BRANCH. Department No. a of the Circuit Court for Marion County In Session. fit. I.... ILilo.. mirrl.tjl lU.nrt. Ill II It ,11. I .flt.lKW inPWU ... I . V...1IV ...ft. .... Washington tbut contlngonohw may for tl Ootolwr term. Tho docket was nrlso In tho progress of thu war hi willed on illvorcos were granted hydu FOOTBALL TO DATS. Play hi pilu1 wi n in 1 t w S J j--S1 prs Have Yoen Hi'shano flcure with ns for your new carinds. Wo can save him money and at tho wm time give you tl mi inxoli that are turned out today. Divis-fl Srrs 0 chairs, extei.ti'Mi and sideboard 1 00. ta' I r.- y-Ajjg:.- I iwom B5MM t " -kf1- - ii i " IT"'?8 Sf rr) fgsy r f'fi mS j JfiaaH-fc -j.JaEi--' I MATrawsta Avuraiiivra of avery kiml to lw found amiiuour artiniit. It don't tak- a lank aor-Kint toowni a liairii'4itr. t- wlia' w lv ni ttiat I in. fcialim Defeat Albany and Wtll Corillls Next Saturday. ti... Uii-Mi f.-.tlmll teum dafuateil tho Allmny college team at Albany Saturday afternoon. Tho game was lioiiy w t-teil from start to llnlali. TJio Salem twim returnad Sunday ami were warmly congratulated on tlwlr vletorv. as tho Albany ure a wl toam, but tho Ktilwu's prow! In Imtttir ewi- ditlon. IhHilMin, Ollngor ami uiamip oi the Salams dlstingulslwil thamisilvaa, while Hava)rovil ldil' wiwI'Wot gnt work. Ollivor, thr Berkley ii h '' Iweii engagwl l IwtalUi thf tJahtw tUMi l4i-WH-lMlMrly tliw wMk, hi i...r.i .i.iii tin, limo taam will III n sliUo to iniHit Corvatlta Ih Mi fll In- tereollegtate lagu gam ni awra. The following hatiinlay tlaiy pky Ma FnrtaitOrovtf. Tne flMiinaaa ldk) Talnl aria team Weatl at Pwttawl by tb MultniMMti Mwm tetmOay atlwmmi by .. ...- , ih taO. It I saU by -eta- M ,--..-, ----.-.. - , . . Ura tliat tit P-rUawl M trk thu TnuiMVual such would nutku tl.o presenro of n largo liody of sailors and marines n neeoMlty In that neigh-Isirluxxl. Uell's Men In hattle. Ilr Aaanrlnlrd I'rraa l Ih Journal. Washington, Oct. 30. Following l from Otis: "Manila A delachmeiit of Bell's reg iment, the Thlrty-sl-th volunteurs is ro- eonnolterlng toward Florida Blancu. TJioy struck a Iwdy of InntrgenU In nowly winstructwl trenchas, drova tho enemy, who left In tho hands of tin dstachuumt four Insurgent ollleers, olghteaii kllleil, ami thra prls- fault of defendent In W. F. Feller la Angle L. Feller and W. V. Ullery vi. K. 8. Ullery. Introiliiollon nl American reforms. In the Supreme Court. Htato of Oregon, resiiondoiit vs. Jnko Andrews, appellant. Judgment of (ho lower court reversed. Opinion by Moore, J. Oregon Lumbar Company, rcsimndont vs. Uivl Jones, et nl. appellant, Jmllf mentof tho lower court iilllrmed opin ion by Bean, J. Ildcgerty Puppleloii, resondent vs. B. J. Bryan, at al, apK'llants. Judg. meiit of tho lower couit rovuravd. Opin ion hv lU'ftii. J. OttoBeliuman.aiinellant vs. Plioebo U'niiir. rosisiiidunt. Juduin'eiit of thu Imii-r court reversed and remandod for a now trial. Opinion by Wolverton, 0. J. Ayef Pills will talis care of the liver. 'j WHEAT MARKET. Oiiioaio, Oct. 30. D.ambai 00JJ Ch 71. - . . n... Han Fiuncimjo. Oct. 30, Casli 1.06i, THBUB AHH MANY I'UCBS WIIBRB VOU CAN CUT CANDY HUT THBRIS IS NONB WHBWB you can nirr IT AS I'UESII as at ELLIS & 'INN'S, NO 154STATBSTRBBI' SAI.BM, OKBGON. The Best. Equipped Gloihlna Department in All Salem. Men's Suits $7,50 to $22,50, .aVC m sras sov lAr w TO AID CUPID Iiwiw8- ei. toB ubd andAlbard ms l0 O-rkpfr.. aJ rtkat U new aad de ; rUa Ih tWs . vH1b airs. aaBCiaflHHP97ai09f iWllaT wk " 'Br BBfMBtT '- r-iBai3W s9TS ' aKna-aaa-B JiHi' f V i Ml5 LaHtaHHJ jTl , ' ' I IEiialaaaaaaaalHaHHIl' VfSi fiSiJWJ Try Allen'a Koot-Eaie. A tswdr to be shakart IhUj the six. - Your leot fl wun. "" i ami not. and net i-rwl wdly If you , imte .uiartlnu- feolor tight le. tr Alle ' F-He. liewd the ft ' ana make bilking eay- Cure - len. wratlll ll. iPJfrowlM Mil. ' II, ur ud calhw H1 euro awl bunb.n of all IIh d Gordon Hats "C Manhattcn Hats X Rouioff Hats S3 S3.50 S4 ?T E2 MATERIALS j3! Our customers tell us wc have the largest and best linc ncse g00s n a b'alcm, c-rtivert ui uaw iua iik'Kiiw''. We have an immense line OI u.ttheimiUH)HiubpwdtHMn.. beautiful diamond el. Hh, IHfir- MMlliHiiaiiljr Uw HtW 4IIU UC4UI,, an 1 dal not Indailg in nrt urniaiuy. unu IHiii-Y Jiuiit in't, 10 K rings and an entirely new line of Sterling silverware suitable for wedding presents. We have a ready received a good many holiday goods, and invite the public to can anu inspect our stock and get our IIATTBNHUIK1 BBAIDH POINT LACK 1IBAIIW IIArrBXBUIKIPKAItLIMI POISTI-tCF. PKAIlLIXU -, a rnrmn A 1"N IlATTRXUUlia UUfrONS OU-KIKO FOllNl LAUfc ItlKUnU H,vTTKNIlUltOPATTKN8 Nos, 50 to 1200 IKlVVMTrtV in, unu H,r6-inoETC--rra Handkerchief linens and art linens of all kind Cushion covers, stamped doylies, etc, . Rennaisence 2C Battenburg studies JJo$ffly0Ut J: 4 ' i .JI i ! f 11 x r. I n ,1 14' t utvea real ami eumioru nj t wj - -m jrXT rTSH T ld oy all rirugtfUW wl , o? ilrirt. prices. HERMAN W.BAFRS,0 Jeweler 8 8ta Wl Mats, Doylies, etc, 2 .VIL c URBN S HAJviii-'JL XL 5?p,,,SK"- CD 248 OOIviivirrvA"-' i cy TT -J