a FT AFITAI CITY AND YALLBY NEWS In ie Vlfar ffl Comrade S. Ha Burtis of Lowlston, lit., bad some, thrilling ex periences, but nono scorned moro dangerous tiiantliosoofiilslato heart trouble, lie says: "I had severe palpitation of the heart for years. My physicians said I was liable to drop dead any moment. Pulsation at times would be 150 a min ute and I could scarcely breathe. I grew worse under doctor's care and began taking Dr. Miles' Heart Cure. It gave me prompt relief, and today I am In good health." DR. MILES' Ho art UsoUl by nil druirKlati on cuarantoo Una Uolllo be nc II Is or money back. Hook on licurt and nerves tunttrcu. Dr. Milos Medical Compiny, Elkhart, Ind. REGISTRY LAW Books Will Open in January, Next Year, and Close in May. The Law Requires That Every Elector Be Closely Catechised and Give an Ac. count of Hlmsell Heavy Penalty Pro vided for Violation of the Law In Any Particular. fMMaosVff O. C. T. Co's PASHKNOKlllIHri'.Aii.KIt POMONA altonA LKAVKS FOIl l'OHTLAND DatW pxoept HnniUr at R m, QUICK 1'IMK AND ClIKAP ItATIM. DitrkllsUweeu Mala ami (Jourt'Htn. M. 1'. IIAI.UW1N, Agent. PERSONAL AND LOCAL A. Knr ailillllmial Ijneal Now" co Fitnrlli Page. Mr. unit Mm. Harvey I'. Cottle, of Ih Angeles, nro expected for it visit nut nro to Iks the guests llt ,1,u llomo of Mm. Cottle' parents, Mr. and Mm. 0. (Ireen, on Twi'nty-fnurtli and Oak-KtreetS. Mr .ml Mm, KiimmtV Willis went to Kory elector In tlio Btntc must regis ter between the first Monday In Janu nry, 1000, and 6 o'clock p. in., Mny 15 follow Ittfr : Such was tho law passed by tho last legislature. A voter may register with n notary public, justice of the peace or comity clerk. Electors nro not subject to expeneoin tho matter. A book con taining tho registration of nil voters In tho county will bo ' prepared mul from this general book smaller ones will be made, giving tho list of electors in each voting precinct. Klectora will he numbered, consecu tively, in each precinct, as they are en tered in tin general county register. The clerk shall require of tho elector such information as his registration num ber; date of registering; full nntno of elector; business or occupation; ago of tlio lector In yearHj country of nativity; if naturallred, tho time, place and court of naturalization or declaration ns ev idenced by thu legal proof thereof ex hibited by tho elector. Tho actual and precise place of resi dence of the elector tit tho tlmo of his registering will ho asked, and tlio pre cinct, and, if In the country, the section, township and rango; In cities ami towns havliiL' streets, bv snecifylng tho name of town or city, tho street or other loca tion of dwelling place, with tho iiumlier of thu dwelling, if it lias n number, and It not then such n description of the place that It can readily ho nscortalnel and Identified, if tlio elector bo not tho head of the house It must bo stated, and upon what lloor thereof and what room the elector occupies in tlio house. It iniiHt nlso Imi stated whether the voter la able to write his name and mnrk his ballot. If tho elector's Inn blllty Is apparent, In consequence of some physical inllrmlty, such as blind nessorhmof a limb, incapacitating the niinllciiut from writing, this fact must Imi set down in tlio register. Should the disability be Illiteracy of the otor, the clerk shall. In addition to stating the fact, enter as full n description of the physical peculiarities of tho elector us possible, giving height, approximate weight, complexion, color of eye and any visible marks or scars ami their location. Tho law Is very explicit, and enters Into -tho smallest details, until after a "ld$ Insufficient t Tempered Babies, f dent tionrUhment naturally produces fll-temper. x Ocard t enlist frtttulnesa lu children by feeding nutri tious ar.J Uigestifclo food GAIL BORDEN EAGLE BRAND CONDKNSKD MILK Is a rerfrct Infant food. Tate no substitute for the EAULli 11RANO. BFND roil HOOK i "UAUirV BOnOCN'S CONDCNCCD MILK CO., NEW YORK CHANOE OF MANAOEMENT. alem Light & Traction Co. Receives Manager Anson's Resignation. Some Important changes aro about to take place In tho management of the Salem electric railway and lighting business In this city. Tho Initial moo in this is the wlthdrawl of 1. It. Anson from tho company and resignation as manager. F. II. Page, of Portland, tho majority stock holder In tho company, has been in the city, and having effec ted n settlement with Mr. Anson and purchased the lattcr's Interests, will take shargo of tho business himself. Ho will remain in Portland, but will manage matters through n superintend ent, hut who the latter will be is not yet known. Mr. Anson will remain in the city for the present, and perhaps permanently, ns ho has more or less business matters to look after in and about Salem. Mr. Page Is accompanied by Mr. .T, O. Gauld. who will remain in the olllio for tho present. My rids of thousand-legged worms have apHnrded lu Kast Portland and they are doing much damage. In developing a ledge, which is lo cated west of the town of Cornucopia and just below the Robert Ummctt" mine, Mr. Mackey camo upon a body of exceedingly ricli oro. Assays were made of tho rock and tho results show n value of about 150 a pound, or f 100,000 per ton. To Cure Conetlpatlon Forever. Take Cascarela Camlr Cathartic, 10oorJo. If C. C. C. fall to cure, drucBlsls refund money. Clackamas county has Just received a new rock crusher. Tho crusher weighs six tons, and cost $HH0; tho freight on it from Chicago was $310. The Key io Health Beecham's Pills A Gentle Cathartic Beecham's Pills f For Sick Headache, cte. Beecham's Pills Annual Sale, 6,000.000 boxes. 10 cents and 25 cents-Druggists. Portland this morning Mr. and Mrs. F.T. Wrlghtman nro In Lurron has gone through tho pro-ess of to Portland on Portland today. A.N. Glllmrt It In Portland for tho day. Willie IloUlor went tho morning train. I). II. 'eh, district manager of tho Singer sowing machine ooinpmy left. for Albany today. Ho 'ro valley V settling up rapidly, and that most of the new coiners aro Hermann. I.. O. Simmons, of South Salem, took n layoff today and went to Portland this morning. Mr. mid Mrs. M. Viosko are visiting relatives at Tho Dalles for a few weeks. Theo lUrmtul Mrs. .1.0. Harr went to Portland today, where Mrs. Ilarr, Sr.. will remain at tho Sanitarium for iilmut six weeks. Louis II. Tarpley, n bright young Sa i..n.tt.. ulmiir.ieticos law at Portland, went homo on the early train. Prod Hurst put lu the day "t Wood, burn. Thos. 11. Il.unea.of thi Garden ltoad, wont to Oration City Unlay on real estate business. Squint Furrar and a number of les aged and uxIoriencl hop buyers took the time to go to Wolburn today. Tho hop growers are the object of their solid- tide. llemitr lo leei. Clean blood means a ileuu skin. c "",. ,'.,,.,, rein CanilvLatliar- To3 c ian' 'o7r blW a. k-eVT. ,t cloan to stirrinK up the lazy hver and driving all iiu nurittw from the body, llegm, l-y to CnuTp miSW boili. blotches, Wtofa and that sickly bilious complex on by taUn Cascaret..-luty for ten cents. All drug, gists, satUfactlon tjuaranteed, 10c.S5c.Wc. iAist fall Mr. John Manl.oisl near Amity, plante.1 0110 kernel of l-renil w lintt! ' This year from that J V;"iel waspnxluctHl VJ stalks and .6. uoIh' Tho stalks were over wien tot tall Kndol mk ' " !, than one ear or more tin -. ! jPnnn years, or by fine not ! ,,MJn UrW . llnnnsonmnt. Any ron r..L.ikturinc lio w III think lie is miner suspicion for murder. Should an elector chaogohh? residence after registering, ho may, before tho Iwoks are cloeil, cause his former ny Istratiou to be canceled bya rtHjuest In writing to the clerk where ho registered, on a specially prepared blank. Section 12 of thu law Kty: "No irsoii shall register who Is not nqualltled clet-torof the precinct In which lit register, and v ho Is not a resident thereof, or regis ter In a name other than his true name, and no elector shall register a second tlmo in tlio same precinct or register in any other precinct until his first regis tratlon has been canceled." TiKin the day of election tho Judges, as soon as an elector applying to ole has given his name nnd residence, shall ask tho elector If ho is registered, and un vn..,lnn tho resistor. Kvon though . person 1 registered his vote may be challenged before ins ixiuov is ... In the Ikix. If not registered the dec .. iu . 1 mnsldured challengeil. In case of a uhalleuge, tho voter may huIh . .i .t. nnn blank, nrnted for suriiiv " "i " " . . the puriKiso. and this must also Ixi sworn to by not moro than halt a dozen freeholders. In trying such cases the election Judges have j-owur to Issue , sub lioenas to require tho attendance of wit nesHM before them. The last wctlon of the law gives the following warning: "Any county clerk. i.t, f niiv county court, or ot an deputy of either of nwli olllwrs, or any ludgo or clerk of election, or any justice of the iace or notary public, v.110 willfully disregant any i . 1 """"" of this act. or who shall willfully fail to ,rforu.or enforce any l-wyWon. of this act, or any person who .hall w 1 1 f..i fm.i.liilnntlv reglstur more than o. or resistor un.IT any but 1.1. true ,;. or attempt to.otoby perjonatinj .. i. 1. ...uinrAil. contrary to anotnor, wnu i 'vb- - .i...viJnnsoftliisaot, or knowing regi tor in any precinct wl.re ho Is not HWntlatthettnn.o.regUraUo., "r.' l1u3r7..ot pruoume.. . -- - Dysp than three 1100 or flue and Ito shall uprisonuieni. -m" . falsely sweurto any nuu....-,-- -. rt -X ...Un4- lfU f.at. itaStiwditw ! :jrlxrZ3 s in btreuBi""";, - iVnr.lJ"r a ' u i ..aHn astllllflt jorthosvwtoranyr-"- he M.ntyerK .or -..- 5r,ni the eifiawted digestive or- ' , , rdlngly." gans. It UtbeJateat JVei2,?n . ' .. J go tin- law n- . . ihx Ui a notary puu. . KnriVo'NJotieFplepamloD l j a. i ah anrr. i iu can approaca in iu A-"":"'-., ",,,, go"""" --'. ... . ..Im ih mat. ,. law ww "" ." , . .: j ,1,2 Vtiy rSKiw and irmanently cur lit innmeaiiuu. --- 1 . ". Nausea, ter n.crVjIu nitiit.n Rrtiir Rtomacn. nau, SlckIIeadache,Gastralgla,Cranps,auu J)twW, e lllotherresuluof lrnmieiuiKcw- (hc vme. eporta by K. & pen" - - STONE'S DltrG STORK SEVEN SUTHERLAND SISTERS' a( u-v-o'.'r'flti (pST CHPliILt . Is.issuctl Thurlay moriilng'.ln lltuu to re.tcliV.nll patfs of the Mtate tho sutno week. ' The $1.00 Weekly In.twu parts cniitolnsjiill Importaul. I'otelgu, Nutlonitl,, and Stute New. i JtiiH TO ill JODRNA An Economical Cook Should have one of our meat choppers attached to her kitchen 1 iiselitln -. " J - .... -.i.,... ...! rri... 1. particular season, nor any particular nrncio 01 uwi. 1 no iukh table tho year around. Its 1 lnesa is not eonlltuil to any eli steak and "left over" pieces of cold meat may lo changed into palatable and wholesotuo dishes by its use. Dcsides It will chop meat and apples for your mince pies. It will chop nuts for your s.tlad and cake. It will chop cabbage for cold slaw. It will chop onions and peppers for the Chili sauce. It pulverizes crackers for escalloped oysters. It pulverizes dried bread for dressing. It pulverizes, nuts for nut butter. in fact it does everything and more than can bo done with . .-". . .. .. '' 1 ,.. ....,!. .1... ,1..,.. 1 hupping DOW I anil Kline nnn in une-ieiuu uiu nuiu. is " fit la 11... f.. ..II.. nl iiinet iititilit. coit can lo sav Wo sell them for The nrlce will permit tho family of the most moil income to own one, ami lis rate out ot the scrap dish. R. M. Wade & Co. ! $1.50 Hardware. L -.,-pifc Mf. r- It isJBcttcr to Give tlian to Rev cctve, especially In n u'til cauo, and tlml Is wliv we (Icllglit In glvlnj! our ctiMtnu t'rs'micli perfect lnuiiilry work when thuy favor us with their pulrotiiiuo We not only give them perfect sttl ! f.ictlon lu tho color itml finish of their linen, but we glvo tlioui iwrlco tho wear that they would get If the r gar ments were dono up by Inferior inetl'ods. Salem Stoam Laundry, OOI.ONKI.J. OI.MHTKl), IMtOIMt. Phono 411. 'j:iOLIlerty8trcrt IHJS1NESS CAUDS. O. H. OIACK H)enti8t, Snceesver to Dr. J. M. Keene, old Whiu Coraei.SsUni, Or. I'art.es desiring superiot riavons at moderate fees tn sny tirsneh are tei fecial ttijtitst ALBERTAJESSUP. Phono 1071. HOOMB 1 AND U, OKAY IIL1C. sjrNJtsJavatsijwlsNiss 7 INTBR-OTATB INSERT CONSERYATORY 0(1 fate Co., OFFICE, CITY ItALl. For water serrlce ppl at ellice. Ilil'. payable monthly in advance MaVe complaints at the ofR . OLINGER - RIGDON Undertakers and Embatmcrs. We wish In announce to tho general public that we have purchased the most elegant and magnillciiut funeral wtr, of latest design, and am therefore In 11 mil lion to handle funerals in a much better manner than heretofore, and with less ex. leiise. Wo have long felt that Salem, being tho capital city of a great state, should lie up to date In tho manner of handling funerals, and we have therefore spared 110 exiienso hi purehailng the car. It won built by the .liimeM (.unnlngham Co., ItiK'hester, New York, who Imild the finest vehicles in the I'lilted Slates. While this is not tlio most expensive funeral car over built, still It Is the llnestever shipped to Oregon. . ,, , , Wo cordially invito all to Inspect our facilities, and when necessity rwiulrej, to give its lHMjriil patronage. OI.INUKK iV UIGDO.N. TOP NOTCH Of Hrfcfthm lu ipmllly mid L.OCD NOTCH In honest prices for honest goods. Thal'it our inolto. and that's the reason we sell more goods eery year. Don t fail to we us, HARR1TT &. LACDRBNCB OI.II POOTOKHCK OltOCKHY, PLATlNO PHOTOS. Knhugcinents In Crayon nnd Water Color. Photo ltultont) Amateur developing ttntl finishing neatly done. K J. HltOWN, UltOUNU KLOOtt 21.1 Cotntucrclat St., Salem Oregon. L The Model Oregon Newspaper and Family Journal. Uniting News, Flatlnn, Literary, Itanch andJDalry ami Market New.Jliilattrantlyelrcadatdelforiii. DA Olftl . A L. M. KIRK. BV, DO, .b OB Phono 871 StntoSt Gram Hay, Flour, Mill Feed, Building Material. " ' Lime, Omcnt, Piaster etc, Grain, Hay and Straw stored Wagon Scales. Prompt and careful attention given to the delUery of good" any lrt of the city. All fresh seeds. No old stock left over BRBWSTBR phone 1181. del our prices, lowest lu the city Si WHLTB- TIIIC IFLOUK AND KICICIJ MICN 111 (!o'ttnt UANIinfln ilPQTlll.'l'll ..ni-.i'simi'H V"iiow Biuuiijuw ii.iwivutiu vri' "nin. 1111. wnniriui i.'i.t.u . .MrMMTH. tieh e WeW , 1 1 ut Mmiliiol Nliitilly l'.mi- rewir. ; i ni' ' ' Ma....... Hm.Im Iu V. .L I till. ..-'. ....n --.- .-. .. -. -- - Monk SrrviJkll l' .i. I III lirilCMIItF uikhiii, runi t.y iixilliful rrr- .., . iiw of .tlinuliint wIikIi Imi lu lnhtistl) or liiwn l I. in In kurrteil la tot .kcl fiiujirr bus Atuit I', i. 'ii I'KpuM Circular Ore AllilriiKit Take no ott.r l.uuij. lunj l.y the Ivan StcdiciueCu , 1'jtKI'raniv .luc-n.tvlu Uri4iCCo.iUtritjutlus;g(nt, TlllKOANIYAMIIir.t.Hll I'PMTHWII, OSEOOM r4r FOItSALB HV l. J. FHV, SALIWI, Oltlfl(H)N. THE WEEKLY JOURNAL AND TMwCtmkMn Jn,M.P.kiiiBfwaUnielltl'inorAiJir1f4n AciMulluruiiK UK hMmIi bi. Mid wot rurllral IxotroflUtiliJ. FAHW FEATUHcSI ,1,'Jiii.fe, i'y"llr."''kl .ararnii.. n4 olLr tapUs vrtllen ly .r4-llrnl auit errM.rnl trmrn. Illo.lr.Ud l,r .1,1. ,ll.U, m. II lI.UIUllirorillrllMfc 1beUlr.lMi.rl.eU uuX .MwrrrUI Aarlrullor (e u.i. eltxl fMluru FAMHV FEATUBESi r:;;. W; W2JT& .i i.L. .uIm. ." u. fU. nuke lias dtiiuMt I uwt o ui riMoii i M. , - -- -f - u i fA Are U U rtpmiv U "J J? a iu ot Uissl K-itki "- A12?. dacsuu.1 law1) i - ., , , ,cwlWonk8lMn i.roWtor XlWee oil"."" , ti letor. wt .y..'" L rvHscHbtank rtit.-i t bv the YJr awl the county clerk. ........uiibtrti Seer Uf. !. To quit tolco ll aa l.r U timet. AU onmii,,,v''" cii.es Tub JouhnauIu me fullctxcporliif llieilulnin uf the legislature awl uie mlk a-JweJl. It .11 .v.iKll'inatliirel . A,.m ....I -,rLii.uiiiiniib .ii .M"..v ...siv' fcnd a trial nulM-riptl'.n FWEE YEAH IQBK ALWAHAO. ; a. lu. ie preMTilr.1 ,mmInmi. iih iiw ieiAoiceeaiTTiiaiiiisnqiJfiPiiiriv. -jaw ilitt.i CrUrmtUkcf lYutrrrMSiilKiniUla Ike Wbole WorlA A HmtktlUuUril t.filtUiMmmmri t Treeiiirjr if Malblira, A llrli-rrr Mrl uu tTtf HutlMlof Tlaitlr let S"rlll tu aertrwilnrei -diulr,, i mmMtr. S'uklle AlTalfe, SlevMkeU I'iira 1, IKIUI.a, u4 Vwvmm. II U lM n AUSASfatf ft mrmmn. tte KnlkH, AUueiulCJil lU, MUU fr Bferfc Ml, Stale, etc. Steam Dye Works. Nu. 105 Cotniuorcial street, opposite Willamette hotel. Ladles' and gentlemen's clothing cleaned, dyed, renalred and nrcsHed, Kino blnnkeU cleaned or dyed nnd nicely fin ished. Kid gloves donned, 10c dyctl s2Ac. ETTAANDERS-WILMAN Associate Teacher .Westers Consema- I tory, Kansas City, Mo rerresentlng j trie Interstate System, at SaKm. Ore. H Over First National llanV. Uesiitence , U 176 Church street. Studio hours- 9 to ' fa to S- rSIlrINNi WANTED New today nuvortuomonu lo 1Iim or loss in tnia column 'nsortcci ture times for 23 otan SO ots a weok, 01 per month. Alt over tour Ittica at an mo rato. GOATS FOR SALE. Ninety of wethers hlah gnules ntm Address Asa Kolt, Mack-ay, IfKMt. herd I young. Oregon. FOR 8Ar.n. A Sam Six years old, weighs 3000 pounds, tho i;. K. itcltl larm S ml years old V.. K. Ite: Turner, Joseph llilyeu. of work bores, at os cast 01 10 23 :m MALK Iir.I.P WANTKD. Govern, tnont positions! Don't prevaro tor any civil service or census examina tion without seeing our catalogue of Information. Scut free. Columbian Correiondeneo Collego, Washington, hi s oit I). C. M S, C, STONE, M. D. Proprietor of Stone's Drua: Stores HAl.KM, UHKtlOS. Thoitoretttwo lit iiiimtierj are Inratnl a Vn M eiiil rat ('iiminrreUI strecl, ami arc wi'lUliK-kml Hllli iviiiiuplKte lino nlilrtiysaiiil mvtllrliirii.liiMit rtlrli-, iwrlumi'ry, Imnlii's oto.,etc.ittc. lilt. BTONK HmIikiI ninp ii jrurn t.iierlenre In the prse. areiiliiinllrliieaniliinw maki's no cln.rr,e fur ronitilutlon, rssnilnstlnn nr litem rlptlnn. C. H.'LANB Merchant TaiiOr 07 8TATH HTHKirr. tyOultji BIS and upward, Paula S3 and upward capital em Express and Tr ansfct Mils all malt ami pattengor t ait.k. gige siul esnteis U all pails of the PiiMhi'l sctvlce Telephone No. 70, D1SOUK HKIPTON Use. nil) MAN WANTK1). I want to let eon. tract for taking out stumps. Any mutt who don't know how to work or can't show n record for reliability need not apply. Must know how to use powder. John Hughes 10 10 tf WANT HIV-To renlToO lieml of good Cutswold or Shropshire slice p. Ail dress F. A. Mclntyn), Uosvdale, Or. ltyk lw Cigar news. Urtiier.i timOreiulreilelsowherf, UK H.V .K-Uoniei'tionarv unit Uiin store, giHHl liMttlon doing good Imiih an oiMiortuulty and 11 barualn. l'u pilm at Journal nlllce. lO-'-il-til NEArr MARKET St.te itrett, near railroad, Frcihett sml best meats. My pa'.roni say I Veep the lust meats in town' ISOUJjE lUtOS. FIANO rUNEIIS AND REI'AIKEIIS I'OUTUNl), OIIK. PiirHlriaii'lrlrlnlly ie ontera at (leo Wllle Jlli.U Hli f Phototiraphs You ran get Just what you want Jit Tin; r.i.rrr. hti'dio V1.1I1I111, Imt II rut i-lniiufirk turiusl nut Tliolluiiest Pulargiil Work on the coast. 7aV 1 JsLh I IsHiB) ii !1 PAKTIM'K for horse and cows, two miles (nun town, Kates reasonable. J. W. Watt 10-l.'lw'J I'Olt llKNT. Desirable riHiniH fur iiIsIiimI or unfitrulsheil for gentlemen. Terms reasonable. Call on F. (lou let, tin) Commercial street. 10-1 Mf FAHM Foil HAU:. lobaTrettTin Yam hill county, 7ft In cultivation, good now buildings which cost nlwnt flL'OO. Prico W'MO, iialf down, balance nt (I lHir cent, Addresi) ''. T. Yoder, Whlteson, Oregon. 10 7 Ilin imSAI.lTBovend gTwd farms. lOfTto IHX) acres, fJ06St:t0 !cr acre. All well ImproMil and 110 waste land. 8. I.. Hayes, Halsey. Or. V, 27 lm FAUM WANTl'.D.-To rent for lertti I Hire years. Iteferenco given. Address farmer care Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon. II-25 lm HIUYULK PATH H ytiurliiuyclo needs repairs bring II. In, wo lme tho skill and stock it) keep It In llrtt clasa conUltltin. We carry a full Hue "I sundries unci iniikeu special lly of cnatuellug cotuoaud see us. wo satisfy our natrons. Gardner & White, 2&J Llbuit.y suect. Hulumn'i block, next door u steam latimlty. Plionu 2355. MlK tJCT:TNi:Uj - ttuuiumuei ITTOHFT that tho Iwsl and cheapest curptt paper In thu heavy fell paper sod ui Tin: .louitNAL, onicc. soi t WANTLJD--Rejected Wheat Itrlng samples now and get prices. Full value paid. Oats and barley winded. Tillsoit.lliirtlctt Grain Co. Olllceon Court Ht. rear of Dalrymple'a Htoro. Pctvonal, Uttlle later, cannot fall. Milwaukee, Wis. Fnij liarmles monthly regu .Mrs. II. iKiwuit, 10 SI lm A Lllfja SAVMD. A Bu rated Pipe Is nn accident thntlir)uowltoiluve to ctinlentl with often, cpcciully the liul wutei pipe from ntuge lo toiler Ilanue work uiitl the repairing of worn mid broken pipe, si cam limiting and furnace vMirk u u Hue Unit we give pcclul ulleiillm tu, West nil mine btitexi't'tl workttieii when filled, itml our worK itsciciiuuc uuusiui-iih; "i BARR&PETZEl 114 (OVIMKKUlAI. HlhrTr:! 1 slept one No. JJ7 Or J F. Cook, tho tlotanloal Bpuo nllat. Hucooode Whoro Othur Fall. To w horn It may concern : This Is tu certify that llertha P. Con tier, of Mt. Angel precinct. Marlon coun ty, Oregon, ha suflcnnl from a cancer mis growth lu thu leftear for about three years. The growth waa cutout twice and burned out once by Albany Physicians, hut tlio growth came back ns bad a titer, and pained her so badly that she had to twt taken front school. After three week' treatment by Dr. J, F. Cook, of Hali'in, Oregon, the llotaulcal HKYiitllt, the growth entirely uisaiw K-artl, and at thU date, four months kluce treatment wuulicguit, the growth has not reapiM-aruil, and the ear hat 1 if llruly iicaicii lunvingouiy uiu aca-e iu Dieted by the Albuny doctor. I hereby certify that the ahovn state iiiettt U alMolutely true, and that Her tha P Conner, thu l-orson meittloitel in thu allldavit. has rraldcd lu my fain lly since early ihildhooil, U-aring the re lutloitship to nu of itlecu. II. O. blNO. Huliscrlhetl and cworn lo beforn mu thin eighth day of June. trim). W. W. Hall, loiinty clerk of Marion county Oregon. REDFRONUIVF.RY Boarding MONKY LOAN First-Class Feod and Stablos, IritOJUIKHIIAI. HTIlKrri i.i;ti IAI, HI lt PAGE & STEPHENS -a.f (lUME PsIBV fTkeOneJa4rf-rIII 1 U UOMAaUM ,U J'AIAJSIUI, Mwole Mi,l klre,lll, lt.1 IIOVBIt 1JHOS Our SPECIAL Offer: Weekly Journal One Year, or Daily 4 months $1.00 Orange Judd Farmer Weekly - - 1.00 Year Book ano Almanac - 50 Our Price for all. S135, $2.50 P,Ku Preferring a IW wall mtp of Oron. (iitalnlim ntw fmiity Wilder ami Uixatir of ll wt us In llitt aUjriiuii luvj It In IIimi f llw Farm aisi ypar b'k. 7 HOFKll 1IHOS.. SAIeHM, OH: Best Rigs Tor Commercial Men Htel'lo lit Mwe l'l W llwl WtllsiuMlbl rr-K''' Is'" ! swuluiwlil ttte lr u3Ttt! umili dnWim Mlhr lli f. 1 1 ii k ir hrt'ii ' "I"- fjcli '. iji.jriiiiewl e-T-itu LOANS r 1 1 uiu;sr hatb IShl ItANOK, HKAI. KHTATi: hhl'l KITY U)Mh. iiozoiiTii nnos. mu Coium.rul! . "'7 tt-l'tf.d'V w The German Market Will be found all kinds of meat mid tho IhmI f satisjge. FltF.K DF.UVKKY. All WIU due the late firm of Woll A Mleeeke must Imi paid. (DOLsZ, 5t SON 171 Comuii'rolal Ht. I Furniture. Pianos. Organs, Yag 1 tins, or other articles of VtUin-. ' liFO. I' Wlll'll 101 .State l. I IO'.V-lm I MaTSMVai vjrsJT4BlNJkVBlOaTSaSrV i ASSAY OFFICE AND LABORATORY. No. 71 Cliemeketa st, J It T 'ICJlIll U Awayrr vkiMiaL 50 YEAH s irvjJ'LifJl' 9 71 1 3i IrCI frr7TTTl 0wsairTtVc. Aarooe seeate a iuinhsmvw ! Mlm pew eeeuei wi waleaea. C(ejiniil(k SSenJtjoca (A PWWU daleklr utwutn uir upwitat. inienilun u wmtur I lutt M rut I f foubioutul.. til free, I'.ianlt tfi'Ut H-ttU4, ffir1 tissixsftwsah. U4 H-AH4, UitS aw, Sciennftc nmtftm. le r.uttt kVMW MlAMslsaW. mt.w A ttaadwutlr IUurirll esir. larews see. taUliim el eeieniuie t".M.nu, lenee. a wei iwuf HwfliHi, r 1