The Daily journal. (Salem, Or.) 1899-1903, October 21, 1899, Image 4

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g jHBo-. "'"
StylcvThe popular styles of Jackets for
this winter are severely plain, giving you
better material, better linings and a better
made garment for less money than where
half the price is spent in trimmings.
Cliildroim' Jnckots, nllfiixcn, !.! up
New Golf Ganes!
'Also Golf Shawls, or
Made of very finest materials in several i
i styles Some circular capes wivh fringe, '
others square without fringe, We think
i they are the best
labouts, Call early and pass your opinion
on them,
$8, to S15 EACH,
To Fit All Ages.
Can bo perfectly lilted with glasses no
matter wind tlmlr defect In lit tliln store.
An optician must Imi prepared iitnl tin
dcistiind liow to prviwrfy do this. I
lmvu thu latest scientific Instruments for
work of this kind. I will only give
lilllSSOS tO tllOSU Willi IIOCll tllOIII, If
vonr ulasses hurt yonri acu in liny way i
-...-... , -. . i r
will mail v niiiusi mom lor you n in
vim If I hoy
urti lientnrtoonurrow I will straighten
ami wlilon Hii'in. I will do tliln work
iron of charge.
Kyos tested free.
tonight and Sunday continued ruin.
(Iradunte of thu American Soluml of
Osteopathy at Mrksvlllii, Mo,
Olllce: ltoouiH a ami U in IIuhIi llrcy
mini hloek. 10-17 lm
The Palace Market
Will fill your order for a roust,
liroll or fry of uef, mutton, ,
- iork or saimiwe. Corned ImhiT.
nicely looked, Uincd and proceed
ready to slice for your lunch. CZ.
Wo han our own delivery man.
Your patronage mlltlled.
I'liont Sflttl. HWShituSt
1 IF - I -
I Uolf Capes two new lol just In.
Rugs, just received,
values shown herex
Ice Not Olven Away,
I'cannot nffonl fo give Ico nwny, Imt
iuii selling u puro nrtlclo at u prico tlmt
ih within tho reach of all.
Giiyhtai.'.Ick Woiikh.
J. Mugulru, Prop. n ir tf
Kllnijcrft Deck.Succesaors to HouthSnlem
Uotthr.i Work.
All orders for liottlodbcor will Imi filled
At tlio hruwitry. ICupt on cold storage,
l'rco city dellvory. Telephone 2l!il.
Ico Very Nearly Qiven Away,
Wo cun kIvo Ico away, to convlnco you
coinu iiiiii co now nig a ciiutiK you got
rnr llttlu inoiioy. Our Ico Ih inunufuo
turo from puro distilled water.
Cunllul Ico Works,
-Sit Kl.lMIKU & 1IKOK.
Aro her Accident.
Another lire. Another homo destroyed,
fortunululy Insured. In vonr homo in
wired"' Hurt oull in and obtain n ml
ley fiom a llrHt class American company.
Thomas IIoi.ton", Agent.
At the Journal ollice.
An Enjoyable Evening,
Tho nieiuhum of the order of Pernio,
who number ahont sixty, had a erv
enjoyable eiitortalniiiimt at their hall
liiMt evening. Tho uienilHirri and one
liunilrcd invited guests Hit down to sup-
jHir at J! o'clock. Ilro. l'nink Davuy was
tho orator lor tho evening, his theme
being "I'tir tho Oood of the Order."
mill Coming.
Hobum's fall stock of new lmmhIs is
still cninlntrl tho latest arrival holmr n
ease of Taffeta Silks In a iiumlwr of
neantiiui similes; those rich goods added
to the largo vurinty of drew goods in
siock make an nirsort intuit from which
all may imiko a selection that will please
and give satisfaction. IUh stock of
clothing Ih largo and Ih Juki what vou
need (or HiIh chilly weather, llo Iuim
the oil iiHito, hatH, Hiiair proof ImkiIm and
lailliw' rulilx-iH in all mien to make you
niln priHif. He keepn it laie htm'k of
llrt eluM good"! which anj IioukIiI for
ciuli and Mild for ciikh. He kIvoh hln
ciiHtoinui'H HitlNfaetion. You aro In.
vltod to cull and limped (he ainuU,
W. II. IIoiinon.
xur t.oiuiuereial ftnol.
When It Ran
Your Iioom need the lnwt of cam and
feed and you netsl n covered rlt: Much an
aro fuiiiUhcil fiom tho Old PoMollU-e
lnMwi lt (illllam S, Drown. 10 lit cod
Price on
Shoes at
TC X We shine them free
275 Commercial St.
Salem, Oregon.
Amos Strong went to Kiikoiio today
on business.
Mr. Perry Raymond went on the
early train to Portland.
Judge J. J. Murphy waa a ;8engcr
to Woodburn this morning.
Walt Davis is running regularly as a
fireman on tho 8. P. road. He is one
young man In Salem who is determined
to learn a trndo.
Mr. and Mrs. Chiw. Gray have gone
to Sllctz for about two weeks. There is
o,uito a Balem delegation of the Salem
tribe over there.
llov. W. K. Copeland went to Albany
today, where ho occupies tho Unitarian
church Sunday mornings. He has
taken that deserted and abandoned
chapel of the Liberal faith and is gradu
ally filling it with the lost cheep of
Israel from the highways and byways,
who as a rule arc intelligent sheep.
The Governor's Movements.
A telegram was received at the gov
ernor's ollice today giving a copy of
tho cablegram pent by Secretary Root
toOcn. Otis, roiuestfng him to send to
Oregon at the earliest possible date a
captured Spanish cannon, from which to
cast medals for tho returned volunteers.
Gov. Geer is expected to arrive at
Portland from the east this evening its
he is elated to preside at the memorial
service to Ihj held thero Sunday in honor
of the-dead volunteers.
Rain or Sunshine.
You luivo to cat whether tho sun
shines or not, and you muy as well have
tho m'st in tho market as perved at The
Wonder Restaurant.
People in the City From Other Towns on
Business anJ Visiting Friends.
Cass Riggs of Crowley was in today.
W. II. Duncan, of ena, was in today.
Ren Golcon, of Zena, was in tho city
MissMtibcl Wnnlesswas In from How
ell today.
Fred Simpklus, of Wheatland, was in
town today.
K. G. J)ovoo of Whlteaker was in
town today.
A. P. Frozer of Hubbard was In town
today trading,
Peter Schindlerof Polk county wan
in town today.
W. Dicker, of Hilvercreek, Falls was
in town today.
Ralph DeSart of silvertoti did himiucxH
in town today.
Tom Price, of the llardeu road, was
in town today,
Mrs, K, Young, of Independence, was
in town today.
Mrs. I). K. Ilrower, of Cheiimwa, was
In tho city today.
Miss A.Joucs, of Sheridan, was a Sa
lem visitor today.
Warner Leo, Macleay, was In town
today on business.
Chris. Oeiger was over from Dallas
t'tday on business.
Al. Pettyjohn, of Crouton, had biici
nets at Turner today,
V. L and I). Rohhiusof Marlon were
In town today trading.
Mr. ami Mrs. O. S, Anderson, of
Pratum, wero in today.
0. S. Pomeroy, a Woodburn hop
grower was in town today.
Alexander Imlaliaud son Alexander,
of Falrlleld wore in town today.
Mr. and Mrs. I'. .Simmons of tho
Garden raod were In town todav.
John Walling, one of the leading lion-
growers of Lincoln, was in today,
I). K. Sterling of Itonedale was in
town today for medical treatniet.
Mr. and Mrs. K. Mauldiug of Shcrl-
dan dlil shopping in Salem today,
J. M . Dentils, of Falls City, Is in vis.
iiing ins orowier.iii.iaw, w, wniH'ler,
County assessor II. A. Stafford, of
Albany, was in town today on business
Grant Walling, of lloowell, was In
today in the interest of his lio-husluess,
Gisirgo Allen, tho Democratic war
borne of tho Rickey soIiiniI district, was
in town todav.
Warren Mutinous, II. Kpley ami I).
. Mouay of Uiwroneo wero in tho city
today trading.
Franklin Yoeoin, of North Yamhill,
who has beon visiting friends and rela
tlves In Ashland returned today.
Rev. D. P. Ward, of California, is
visiting in the city and will preach at
tho llaptist church Sunday evening.
Prof. II. M. Stoudemeyer, of Salem,
bus accepted tho ssltion of bandmaster
at theChemawa Indian training school,
Kinds Walt, tho meat cutter in the
Stoiuloft market returned from u visit
with friends at Llnnton and Portland
last night.
Supt. Potter, of theCI.emawa Indian
training soiioot, was In the city today,
ami wnlkvtl bauk to e the Indian lovs
put up n HlfT gaum of hall.
Chicken Feed, .
o.n .... i ...":".."
mi iiiri- nun mn jour llllv lit tho
Wallace warehouse. Pultun Flourlnir.
Mills. 10 SO tf
Tpcure T. Gripp. keep wsrm, crpccUIh
Ibc lett. aad tko br.IilefNtnine. '
Yew Park Grocery.
Hus lit stock a lnryo lino of
tablets and siiidies for
Kivps a full stock of provis
ions. Knwrio and canned
gooils. Fresh gooiU at reus
ouahlo priit's. Taylor's cele
brated butter always on
hand. Country jinnlmv
taken In exchange.
Allen & Bowersox.
Seventeen Companies Said to Be Lla
able to Have Licenses Revoked. Does
This Affect the Validity of Policies Is
sued I
An opinion which is of considerable
itnjiortanco to foreign insurance com
panies doing business in Oregon, was
rendered Friday by Attorncy-Gcnoral
Blackburn at the request of Secretary of
State Dunbar. Mr. Dunbar, in request
ing tho opinion, stated that ho had re
ceived a number of complaints from in
surance agents saying that tho provis
ions of the act to regulate and llcent-u
lira insurance companies, and to pro
hibit overhead writing, Is being violated.
Thu violations, it is alleged, consist
in the establishment and maintenance
of more than two agents or agencies in
Portland, and more than one agency
or agent in certain other cities in tho
state. Seventeen companies nro alleged
to have violated the law. Tho com
panies appointed the two agents they
are entitled to appoint for Portland,
according to thu complaints, and also
appointed or pretended to appoint
agents in one or more of tho towns or
villages near that city. Theso agents",
it is alleged, though supioscd to lx)
doing business in the towns for- which
they wero appointed, maintain resi
dence and fixed olllces in Portland,
where they write insurance on Port
land projierty as well as projierty In
the town in which they are supjiosed to
bo located. Judge Illackhuru's opinion
says :
"Tho law is that each company may
apoint two agents in each city in this
statu having a jiopulatiou of 40,000 or
more. No greater number can Iks np
x)lntcd unless thu quarterly license is
paid. Tho additional agent or agents
which have lieen appointed have been
appointed for towns whici aro ndjacent
to Portland but have been appointed in
Tho action on tho part of thesu com
panies In npoihtlng them) additional
agents seems to boa willful and deliber
ate attempt by thorn and each of them
to avoid tho payment to Multnomah
county of the sum of $100 quarterly fora
licence for each additional agent so up
(Kjliited in tho city of Portland, and to
evade tho law as claimed by complain
ing parties ; and, in my opinion, you have
tint right to revoke the licence of each
and every agent in this statu appointed
by such companies."
Mr. Dunbar will toml n circular letter
of warning to insurance companies soon,
which will embrace Judge Rlackburu's
N. M. Learned Wins.
In tho caso of Swegle vs. I'iirned,
which was tried in Justice Johnson's
court, Friday afternoon, tho Jury gavo a
verdict in favor of defendant, allowing
him to remain on tho laud until thu
expiration of his leasu in January, 1001,
by payment of : per week hi advance,
according to an understanding bad with
The Fruit Crop.
James Kylu returned this morning
from Douglas county whore he has been
buying prunes for Page rt Sou, Port
laud, Mr. Kyle says tho Douglas county
prunes am very line this year. Mr.
Kyle will extensively handle potatoes
ami sikiii exccts to make some Hhip
incuts from tills point.
First Congregational,
Rev, W. 0. Kuntiier, imstor. Preach
ing nt 10:30a. m. subfect "Tho Pro
cess of Addition in the Religious Life."
Plan of work for fall and winter will be
announced ami all members are urged
to lie present. Sunday school at 12 in,
Y. P.S. C. K. at (1:30 p. m. Kvenlng
preaching service at 7:3') subject "Tint
vt lileness of liist's .Murey.
Had His Leg Broken.
It. D. Perkins, of Prulthtml, who has
lieen working for the Corvallls A F.ast
em, had his leg broken while working
at tho Kerry sawmill. He was hook
tender and out) of tho hooks Hew out
and broko his leg. He was taken to
Albany for treatment and his wife
joined him on Friday.
ttxclting News,
Notwithstanding tho daily news wo
wo aro attending to husliicxs, Wtt have
a llrst-class cook and serve all whueoino
with a good meal including chicken for
your Sunday dinner at the White House
Conquer or Die.
The Itoer Intends to compter or tlio,
and you to keep yourMilf in good condi
tion for the battle of life must eat Hot
elans provisions ami groceries as hold by
llraiison & Itiigau. 10 111 o o d
I'OR 8ALK -Confectionary and Cigar
store, good location doing good bills
in. Owners Uinerciiind elsewhere,
an opportunity and a Iwrgain. Kit
qulrout Journal ollice. 10-21-tlt
About Umbrellas I
Kvorybody has more or Iws of1
an unibrella line. You'll llud
nuwt u( tho stores making a 1
leader of wnne one tiling, audi
Hnibly uiakhiK it uji on oint!
other numlHirs. Wo kII them I
till at our nopular racket prices I
and, if you'll measure tho values '
you II llud a considerable savim;. I
o have homo of thu verv latest
thluus too in duintv straight
handles of pretty wThhIs, with
silk loops, from fl.SO up. Our
tienta' and ladles' dollar lines of
tlln-ia silk, jteel rtxls, cutcli tho
ee. iM.inch fast black cotton,
0 cents.
The blgccst business we've ever done. Prices right,
Business Bejng Transacted at the Court
Mr?. Addle Parvlu, ex cutrix of the
estate of John Sutton, deceased, has
been authorized to cut and Fell timber
from lauds of the estate for tho purpose
of pa ing debts of thu estate.
A. A. Spcrry and wifo to John R. and
R. W. Craig, 100 acres In section 21 and
20, In 1 8 s, r 2 w., and 12 acres in t 8 8,
w. d; fl,000.
Jus. II. llson and wife to Christina
M. Harold, 32 acros In t (1 s, r 3 w., w.d j
James II. Wilson and wifo tollrtico A.
Jones, 153 acres in faction 13, 1 0 s, r 3
w q. c. il,; $2.
Ilruco A. Jones and wifo to Nancy J.
Wilson, 32 acres In t fl , r 2 w., q. c. d ;
Jefferson Myers to Mary Diekman, lot
5 In block 14, .Myers addition to Salem,
L'nited States to Lewis Stout, n e V
of section 8, t 0 h r 3 east.
United States to Clara R. Stout, u w
t of Section 8, tOsr.'Jcast.
Gaines Ford to Kdwln C. Croa, 70.41
acres In Section 31, t 8, s r 2, west', also
105.31 acres in Section 0, t 0 a r 2 west;
also 18.22 acres in Section 0, t ! s r 2
west. i'ii.
Tho New suiting and Trousering have
arrived at Lane's thu tailor.
Heavy Train Late.
Tho now Oregon express that takes
the place of tho Rosuburg local bus
lieen from a half hour to nil hour lato
reaching Salem from Portland every
day. Tills is explained by the railroad
ieoplu hero us duo to tho heavy local
t radio iM'twccn hero and Portland, and
thu large number of freight trains.
Some of thu engine crews say thocngiucs
are not heavy enough to make time and
hum wood. Tho loss of time falls on
thu railroad as well as on tho passengers
nud persons eniployoil who wait on the
train at Salem. Tho Oregon Kxpress
that goes north seems to lie on time
Tho Now Suitings and Trousering
have arrived at I.aneV the Tailor.
The Damaged Wheat.
Farmers nro Interested in knowing
when a rcort may bo oxectod from
thu Flouring mill company as to the in
surance adjustment on the wheat dam
aged in thu lire, and thu probable per-
centugu that will Ihj realized upon tho
grain which wiison storage. As soon as
anything delluite Is known in the mat
ter Tur Joi'iin'ai, will Inform Its readers
at once, Imt at present no data is avail
able for making a reliable estimate.
Just Imported,
Wisconsin Swiss cheese arrived at
Sonne muuii's grocery.
F W Kckstrom, Oakland, Cal; Geo
liuran ami son, Pendleton ; (ico P Win
ford, Miiiucuoliri; John II Winter,
Waldo, Or; Jeff C MoDaulol, North
Yakima, Wn; I) K Sullivan, Rochester,
N V;.M.I Lineh.JR Hicks, Thus Keogh,
O A Hodson, L C Mandel, Sail Fran
cisco; J I. Ileokott, W J llrowu, K Can
non, Win Harder, Portland.
ha I. KM.
JuckC Olephaut, A R D Paterson,
Portland; A J Lyons. San FrunoU'o;
Mrs Dixon, M II Grim, St Paul; (
Kornko, Mill city; F.d Gilbert Aunis
ville ; It M Ciishmaii. Rrowiisviltu! F M
Swifter, Iloistwoll, Ore. ; A II Hunting-
ton, .Mrs ueo rorter, liaker City.
Tho New SultiiiL's
have arrived at 1-ano's
and Trom-criug
the tailor.
"AYenuIno Yentleman"
which is Anierlcaiiietl Swede for "A
Genuine Guntlouiuu, is the rather
unlijiio title of Run Hendricks' success
ful play which will bo seen at the opera
house Tuesday night. It is Mr Hen
dricks' latest effort and the leading
character which he assumes is said to be
tho most humorous and by far the
most artistic tiling lie lias ever done. It
begins with laughter and ends in a
roar. It will Ihi presented by arrange
ment with Jacob 1.1 tt.
Women Wages at Salem.
Tint wages paid by tho mlllfners and
dress'uukers at Salem average from .fit
to a week for ten or twelve hours a
day. Six mouths to a a year is taken to
learn to do the work, when no wagon
aro paid. In' tho laundry hands get 10
cents an hour and work eight hours u
day. Finishers get 121, cents an hour
and wtirk longer hours.
New Arrivals,
Another arrival of oil clothing, llub
bor cluthiug, Mackintoshes and Rubbon
which will Ih) stild cheap at Friedman's
Now Racket.
Women With Colds
If you'll dr3 vour foot with
more Judgment you won't have
half tho trouble. When wet days
coliie, lay aside tho thin turned
shoo, count tluw ii and tj one of
our llexlble wolttsl wles, with in
visible cork miIo iusidtt, ou can
top out on the wet iwrch or
t-round without a chill lnstiii):
ovvryou. Thee i;oods come in
the very latest styles, button or
law, at tJ.50 and t'JM, and
they won't tire your feet for the
solo while thick is verv flexible.
Kvery pair warranted. Our uirls'
and boys' school shoe aro all war
untixl. Sold at lowest racket
iiOTlllltimiiiii iiliiiiiiniTTliinirnTimMniint
K 7T t ' - -1 i
lyigniTITlTOSlieS ""lies nun
mako them go.
, ., " ,w
Rubbers, boots and
Coats and mackintosh suits,
Overcoats and ulsters.
mfc for boys and men. Men's
... .v -.- ....... - "
carry tho Uest quality of nil
olankets and comforters, 5,.V"lLKf.bJ""hV7cJ,..f.!:,.,.l
.......a ..mi.. uo,...i J.1I1.U, wuuo mi... j Ulljlllg juur uiaiiKcts Of U.S.
Trunks, valises, telescopes and hand-bags in great variety,
DrV POOds, n',',! Cflr7 'i!rk'0 ,.,n?9 of dre,', 81h, llnlncB of all descriptions, bindings, all wool flannels, outinu
3-"-"--" flannels, flannelette, vrapors, beautiful linos of capes, dress skirts, muslins, sheetings calico.
hosiery, unik'rwear, corsets, gloves, and ovorything usually carried in a first-class dry goods store. Wo do im!
charge fancy prices, like some stores wo know of in this city, but sell our goods on tho lowest poiibh. intrgli
Friedman's New
nil our customers, for it is busi
ness to make ono satisfied, and
wo satisfy all witli our high
gradu low price moult.
Sf. EIero
244 Commercial st.
Clean Streets,
All residents of Salem aro hereby noti
fied not to permit any old paper, saw
dust, broken-glass, old Iwttles, crockery,
nails or other substance to Ixj thiown
tilKin the public streets or alleys. Sec
tion r of City Ordinance No. 203 im
poses n finu of from fr to f50 for such
offence, and tho sumo will bo strictly
enforced. J. p. l',
20 21 tf Street C'oiumiioiier.
Continues th:-Rest,
The Wilson Airtight heating stovo,
after live years trial continues 'to bo
tho Ix'st made and thu price is right,
sold only by Gray llros.
Death of George 1'ry,
George Fry, aged 7i, died at Udianon
Friday morning after a lingering Illness
of several weeks.
Has a Pet
P. Feuley is carrying his left hand
around in a sling on account of a severe
felon on one of his lingers.
itEHDs op Kit a irousi-:
l'.VrrON IlltO.S., Ic ,v Murmur..
An Illustrated Talk
On the Work of the
SECOND 01itt
Capi. Harry L Wells
Illustrated by
Aore than 100 Views.
Orchestra, 50.
Paniuot, 60.
nrit Jtitlooiiy.
Sei-ond Ilalcony, .15,
Gallery, 15.
iwrro.N niios , !.., uDi mn.
One Night Only.
Tuesday, October 24
ith tho latwt and beut of thu
Series of Suetlith t'oiuedv
A Yenuinc Ycntcliiii
Dhwtion of author, C. Aiston.
IncJuditiyulI theoriginal tcunery
mechanical ami electrical effeuu
and a roniiunv n( "i"V iwv.i.1..
?eo the fully rigscAl North Ger.
man Lloyd's ateamer with iiau
uramic view of Now York Ilar
Iwr; tho Coeur tl' Aleno gold
mlno and explosion of Ueurtx-k
Pkice: 25. 50, 75 and Si. 00.
.- jt i i -ii ; i.. -i i-
guiiui, gins nun mijs mi oizes in buick,
-.--- "" -... 0
shoes, rubber boots and oil clothing, storm
rubber cajtes,
aii new goods mm oesi oi
good overcoat for $3. Wo have "cheaper ones and better ones. Wo sell over
coats at a 25 or cunt, reduction from nny other hoiuo In tills city.
suits from
" i -I- ". j" -'yi "'. "i " " in- win iinionisn yon.
wool goods, but do not charge fancy prices.
4 J lift Tint rtitt ntif1ifwf
minis tlmlr usual price. i?avo
Racket, Cor. Com. and State sts.
To catch the eye is sometimes very diffictiltj
To catch popular favor is still more dilficult!
The clear Havana cigars
Have succeeded in doing both,
Aug. Huckenstgin, Prop.
Have arrived now in stock. And we are ready
to sell you a bright new carpet for your home.
We have all makes, qualities and a variety of
patterns: also Rujjs and matting; Come in and
see our new carpet room.
F. W. Mollis & Company
First Door North of Postofficc.
Make Yourself Comfortable
STEINER 5 BERGER, 130 Stat? Sf.
We have just
Largest single
Ever brousrJit
They are the
The latest pattern of tho hasr.
Air Tight Heater
Cor. State and Liberty Sts. Salem, Ore.
S-ssa j fiJ
-100 AltOllllS Hi inna .1 .v., .(a an..l.
WiUiChnst Sjrius.'hy Murray, 35 and
50c each. '
!K)0 titlos ol tho Mershor 10 moa 25c
'M0 titloa of 12 nios of Standard
Authors, 25c each.
Olive Optic Serio Juyenilos 75o.
Tho Henty lkxtks 50c Sorioa.
Sailor Boy with Dewey Series 76V,
Iiitorv fciianirtli.Aini-ric.iii Wu- i....
ouiio cenu toe also J
to read.
....:i. oJS . V. . ... . " '" "w
ilticharxl Carval 26c
David Harum 25o tn rnt
Illack Douglas 25c to read,
in -.-..I. -- i ,.
ju nutv muck, no leil overs from Imi
.. rfw. vr ii.iul lltl.
biock, aim pricos lower than any hou
tin nti lnu titrtnn 111 i l
AV-YK! .'T" ina,,o'.,,n"kt8 at t.
one I
"vBuy the "Home" Air Tight
Stove, and the "Home" Steel
Range -made at Salem -the
best Heating and Cooking
Stoves on the market.
"tCome and see them
patronize home industry.
received tho
shipment of
to Balam.
in the Market.
An Appetizing Breakfast Table
Is tho one that la set with our dainty
chon dishea, oat meal sets, covered nuf
hes, coffeo nuns aud saucers, and
prettily decorated china or English por
ceiatn, chobcn from our handsome stock
of table ware. Our flue decorated din
ner seU, tea seU and china mako one of
the most acceptablo presents to tho
bride that intends housekeeping.
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