The Daily journal. (Salem, Or.) 1899-1903, October 16, 1899, Image 4

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i ,
For House Wrappers, Dressing sacks
Babies Cloaks, IlfankclH in fnct for
any garment from which you want
warmth nnJ comfort.
25 Inch wlilto and colored 2.3c.
25 inch Fancy colored COc.
48 inch Plain rolots 50c.
Comforts and
Full size comlorla from f l.OOtof 1.0(
Salem Blankets
l'ntninlo Ilonui Industry, Munkcts
JO.00 to 10.00.
For Ladies and Children
Largest Stock
In Hnlcin.
Collarettes as low
high us tUO.(K)
us f.1.00 and as
Complets Lines.
Extra Values.
'Union Suits
Full lineH of Oni'ltn, Florence
nnil Melba lirands for ladies
misses and children.
, Children's Unions from 115c up,
Ludies' slues from oOc up.
I-udles' llecco lined vests and
(ants at 25c each.
Fine wool garments In white,
gray or colors,$1.00 each.
Our men's underwear department
is eomploU) olid ti-to.dato.
Excellent volues in wooMlecoed
goods, full size, good length
50c each.
Polld color wool, wear regular,
$1.00 quality, to close.
50c garment.
Finest ((iiality ribbed wool goods
S1.00 to S3.60 garment.
J. J.
1 Mil li
Is watch repairing, tind the skillful re
pairer Is close akin to the manufacturer.
1 comhlnu both. If you have 11 fine
or coin 111011 watch, and any purt is
broken or lost I can replace it. You
may havo a wateh that you think can't
lie made to keep good time: It niav be
IsfaiiHu you have never placed ft la
skillful bunds. If so, let me see it. If
it ran lie madu Into a timepiece, I can
' do It.
Watches cleaned fc
Main spring "oe
Tonight and Tuesday rain.
Fort Stephens is to have a new well
WW feet deep to supply the barracks
with pure water.
Make Youmclf Comfortable
lluv'tho most perfect heating stove,
the Wilson Air Tight; Wilson is the lie
venter of air tight stoves, his pattern
is the best. Sold only by (I my llros.
Ice Not Olven Away,
t cannot afford to glvu leu away, but
am soiling 11 pure nrticlu at a price that
is wttlilu tliu reaen 01 an.
J, Magulru, Prop. (I lfi tf
KllngerA I)cck,Successors to UauthSalem
Ootthr. Works.
All orders forlioltlcd beer will be tilled
At thu brewery. Kent on cold storage.
Free city dejlvery. Telephone 21111.
Ice Vciy Nearly Olven Away,
Wo ciin ulvo lea awav. to convince you
coinu and ieu how big 11 chunk you got
ror iiuio money, uur icu is (immune
turufrnm pure distilled water.
liUIiUUI luu (Ttnnn,
Kmnukk Si Hl'.CK
Kiln la Here
And thu mackintoshes and rubbers to
irotect men, women and children from
lie wet can lie Isiugiit right ut
l-'rlcdiiians New ltackut.
l)ufur is to have u lire department.
1 Compier or Die.
The lloer intends to conquer or die,
and you to keep yourself tit good eondl.
t Ion for thu battle of lifu must eat llrst.
class provisions and groceries as nM by
llrunson A llugun. 10 lO.e o d
J. F. Ooxlo drove to Enger this
Shorlff F. YV. Dnrbin went to his farm
this morning.
Attornoy Wob. Holmes went to Port
land on tho early train.
Dr. O. W. Fisher, of Dallas, Sundaycd
in Salem with relatives.
Elmer Itccso wont to Silvcrtpn this
morning to recclvo some bops.
John Holm the blacksmith went to
Falls City yesterday on business.
Miss Kthel Raymond who has been
visiting in Portland has returned.
T. L. Hargrove went to Polk county
today to round up a band of cows.
I'M Kills drove to Golden's Ferry
Sunday, whero hu spent a pleasant day.
Supt. Paine, Col. Gillls, Chas. Jtlloy,
and Qook Pattou camo up from Port
land this year.
Frank Morrison, tho rustling canvas
ser for tho Morning gasp, took tho
early train north.
Jt. Fusee, tho popular barber, has
been quite ill lit his home, near Hose
dalo for n week past.
Miss Rosa McQueen, of the Ulloy
boarding house, Is visiting at the homo
of J. II. Jlllyeu, Turner.
Del. A. Dinemore went to Portland
Sunday to visit his wife who is at the
Good Samaritan liospltul.
1-ewls M. Huker has returned from
Sumpter, Oro., whero ho has some min
ing Interests over which ho Is very en
thusiastic. J. J. Fuller ami wlfonrrlycd in town
today whero they will reside two weeks
when they will tako up their residence
In Dallas.
George II. Jacobs and Albert Ken
worthy, who huvu been over to Ocean
Park (lulling and hunting, returned
Saturday. They had a good tlino and
report roads bad in tho mountains but
caught lots of salmon.
We Shoe Them fill!
Every member
Of the household
jph tn. '
TN THE old days strong shoes
A titntvt nnl fim nnr vvirr fine
I Kin. IIUl nnv, itw. ..... ......
shoes strong. Now things are
different. We have stylish
shoes for men, women and
children which are as strong
as iron, as soft as silk and at
the tip top of fashion. We
guarantee our prices lower
than the lowest in the city,
and fully warrant every pair
of shoes we sell.
R. II. Li:AUO,Aanager.
K.S hlutc fct. I .add A lh-h Hank llldg,
Big shoe sal?
Takes place daily at our store.
We sell more snoes than all
the rest combined. Why: be
cause we cany the largest
stock, latest styles, best goods
at the lowest price. See our
1 lanan & Son's Shoes, and Dr.
Kied's cushion button shoes foi
men; Queen Quality for ladies.
Our stock is immense. Call
see our lines and get our prices.
Wc shine them free X X X
275 Commercial St.
Salem, Oregon.
People in the City From Other Towns on
Business and Visiting friends.
II. Ilciseof Crowley was In town to
Henry Keenu of Macleay was in town
E. I.. Harris of Crowley was in town
(1. W. F.innietof llrookswas in town
A. II. Emmet of Polk county was in
town today.
James Arthur of Chenmwu was in
town today.
John Groves, 11 Dallas bop man, spent
Sunday hero.
Frank Styles and wlfu of Dallas spent
Sunday in Salem.
Mrs. Win. Hatick o( Sllvertou spent
Sunday in tho city.
Mr. and Mrs. F. It. Durett of Fair
Held wore In town today.
Iku Lynch, the viilegu blacksmith of
Dallas, was in town today,
David Aegertur, of Staytou was in
town today buying it horse.
Win. Martin of the Garden Itnad
spent Saturday and Sunday in town.
Hon. Itcn Hayden returned from Polk
county today, having sout Sunday 011
his farm.
Mrs. Rebbcccu Wllloughby of llulsey
has been thu guest of A. I.. Itamsoy ami
went homo today.
David Williams and A. M. (irllloy,of
Oregon City, euino up on their wheels
for an over-Humlay visit.
ltev, and Mrs. S. Comllt of Auinsville
returned today after enjoying a very
pleasant time at thu synod.
G. Mlsteruk of California bought a
ft 100 farm, thu llerry place :t.l4 miles
east of Salem, of S. 11. Catterllu.
Miss Lillian Ackermau, 0110 of the
teachers In thu McMluiivllluhlgh school
Sundaycd with her parents in this city,
President Newllu of Paclllu College,
who preached at Rosedulo Sunday re
turned to Nuwlnirg this morning via
J. G. Stevenson, who has been atend
lug tho synod, returned toKugeuo to lay.
lie Is u prominent business mam and
political leader in 1-iiue eounty.
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Stlekll of Moni
tor were In town today to do trading.
I lu brought in n sample of his hops of
which he has 00 bales of prime quality.
Secures Satisfactory Business For Two
Popular Professional Men.
A year ago II. O. Eply and II. II.
Ollnger, two young dentists opened up
tho rooms, in the Eldrldgo block, now
well known as Salem Dental Parlors.
These young men although fotmcr
residents, of Salo."i had been absent for
11 Tow years, consequently wore not as
well known to our citizens us other
dentists who had been practicing for
years in tho city.
Although Messrs Kply and Olingcr
had thu skill to treat successfully all
who might come to tholr rooms, they
used tho best method to advise tho peo
ple of their location.
This firm now occupy one of the lst
equipped dental offices in tho state
south of Portland, and as u result of
skill and courteous treatment of their
patients and judlciclous advertising In
it daily patier, they as others of our pat
rons find themselves In control of a
growing mid paying husncsH.
Work to Begin to Place 300 Acres on
Elevated Trellis.
J. T. McGregor, who last spring put
75 acres of tho Horst Hros. hop yards on
high wire trellis, will begin Tuesday put
ting 300 acres more of tho samo (Inn's
yards on the samo system of wiring.
It will taku 160 tons of wire nud em
ploy a force of 25 men about six weeks
to complctu thu work. Tho wages paid
are from f 1.60 to $2.50 a day.
P. M. Eoonoy, superlntendant of the
Horst Hros. yards nt Horstvlllo, Yula
county, Cal., who has been at Salem for
a week, left for that place today.. Ho is
manager of thu largest single hop yard
in thu world six hundred acres lu one
Ixsly. -
Died at Asylum,
Mary Staiger, aged 28, died at tho
ntyiuin biinuay. Nio was llrst com
mitted to thu old Hawthorne asylum in
Portland when only six years old,
Business Being Transacted at the Court
In the
Ooens Tonieht At the Rooms
Hughes Block.
Ono of tho moat Important enter
prises over undertaken In our city will
ho started tonight under favorable aus
plcies at tho V. M. 0. A. rooms.
.Night schools In winter havo been a
great featuro of association work in
nearly all cities, and Gen. Secy. Stone
will ho hero to introduco the subject at
Salem this evening. A fine program,
that is free, has been arranged, and the
exhibit ofworkdono by tho Portland
Y. M. C. A. college will by exhibited.
Opening exercises at the night school
tonight at thu Y. M. C. A. roems:
Piano duet Miss Heatrico Shellon
and Mrs. Jos. II. Albert.
Address The Salem Y. M. C. A.
Pres. F. A. Wiggins. 1
Address Tho Night school question
II. W. Stone, general secretary, Portland
Y. M. C. A.
Soprano bolo Mrs. Francisco Seley.
Prof. Seley Accompanist.
Address Method of Instruction.
Prof. W. I. Staley.
Kecltation Selected, Miss La lllonclic
Rev. Montgomery, ot Oregon City,
filled the place of Rev. W. II. illeakney,
at tho Young Men's meeting yesterday.
His address was bright, and full of
(tainted illustrations of character build
ing. Lo Roy Gesner, Win. Skinner,
Will F. Ketchum, Jos. II. Albert, and
.Miss Gertrude Stahley compose tho Y.
M. C. A. orchestra. Good music will be
11 strong featuro of thu Men's Meetings
this winter. The orchestra will bo un
der the direction of Prof. Gesner.
m:uts fii.kii.
F. J. Van llehrcn to D. F. Kasthum.
60 acres in section 12, f IUr!w w d
In department No 1, the following
docket entries have been made;
J. 11. Shusford, plaintiff, vs. Herman
Ikirehert, et 11L, defendants, action for
money, Settled.
TIiom Pomoroy, 'plaintiff, vs. F. F..
Woodward, defendant, action for money.
Plaintiff's motion for a new trial II led.
Muthias llutala, plaintiff, vs. Frank Knr.
et ul., defendants, action for money.
John W. McKinney, plaintiff, vs.
Statesman Publishing Co. defendants :
on mandate from supreme court. Con
tinued by concent.
Alice lliiillongaud husband to Klnior
G. White, I, aero in Mill City, f200.
F. W. llruuk and wife to .Vina
Wehrrg, lots H and I), block III, ICuglo
wood addition to Salem, f 100.
T, L. Golden to Goldlu Fitzwutcr 20
aures near Staytou, f 100.
The Nejv Trains.
The llrst of the new Oregon overland
express tratus, that run through fiom
Portland to 'Frisco since Octolier 15, ur-
rived on time south Isiuud this forenoon
at 10:55. It consisted of mail and bag
gage, smoker and two day coachus,
tourist sleeper and Pullman. The after
noon train going north went through itt
1:20 p. 111. Ilotb are lino trains and thu
managers are to he congratulated 011 thu
Improved train service.
Chas A Miller and wife, Joh llarrlng-
1.1.. .....I MLoi:,.l .-..... 1 ..... i
M II Moulton, M Kennedy, Hurt Jor- encourages him to believe
K llierman. Fretl
More Kunaways,
It Is nqvorted that throe Ix.ys took
French leave of the Reform school on
Saturday and two on Sunday, Watt
TowiiMiul traced the fugitives us far 11
lluena VUta, and then came luck, leav
ing others on the trail. It is thought
that tho U.ys will U found Mweon Al
bany and Corvallls.
Fell From a Tree.
Simdav thu 20-ycar-old muofMr. A.
Sliivee, of Huttim Vistu, white out hunt
ing, shot a pigeon, which lodged In u
tree about 50 feet from thu ground and
while hu was attempting to gut tin
pigeon, hu fell from thu tree and when
found was lu an unconscious condition.
Tho young man was brought home and
U now under thu doctor's oare and is in
a precarious condition.
Yew Park Grocery.
Has in stock a large lino of
tablets and supplies for
Keeps A full stock of provis
ions, groceries and canned
eoods. Fresh goods at reas
onable prices. Taylor's cole
bratcd butter always 011
hand. Country produce
taken in exchange.
Allen & Bowersox.
dan. Miss Crouch
Savtlle. Julian Ilyrd, Hrcuch of Promise
Cot Win Wadlmms. R 11 Wilson, J V
Williams, Mrs J V Williams, A C Miles.
I) 'J Hauiia, Chas Steele, Mrs thus
Steele. ( II Prael. II N Pritehard. II It
Sill, Portland ; J It Wyatt, Albanv : W
It Sklneser, Denver, Colo; 1ai Wilson,
Columbus, Ohio; Chas II lugulls, CH
Smith, Ronton, Mas; O It Stublug,
Minneapolis; 1'clox Fnmdeiithal, Walter
SGrax, W A Stringer, Frtsl S Davit, C
11 itoies, Ntn I'mneisco; it jamiorl,
Chicago; D S How man, Jefferson; SA
Mulkey, Iudopeudeiicu; J L Hrown, IVvs
Moines, Iowa; N S Hutlcr, Monmouth.
HIIRTON. At Knight's Landing, Oc
toner II, 1RIH). Kmlly, Infant daughter
of James and Kdna llurtoi aged (I
Deceased was a grandchild of Mr. and
Mrs. James llurton, who resides at No.
:i2.'l Front-street, this city.
CADWKLL. At tho family home, on
Tneutv-llftli street, Or., at 10:50 p. in.
Saturday, October 111, 181)11. Mrs.
Loulsami,wlfu of Geo. P. CadwelLaged
611 years.
Deceased was suddenly stricken with
apoploxy. She retired in good health
apparently when in the night shu awak
ened her husband by ier Intense suffer
ing. Mr. Cadwell immediately secured
medical aid, but It was of no avail. Shu
passed away at 10:50 p. in.
Funeral services conducted by Rev.
W. V.. Copeland as chaplain of thu G. A.
It. were held at tho home, east State
street this nftomoon nt 2 oVloek. After
which the body was laid to rest in the
Rural Cemetery.
FRANCIS-FIDLKR. In this eltv,
oil October II, 18',1'J, Miss Rosa K.
Francis to Mr. .1. .1. Fldler, Isitli of
this city, Rev, W. C. Kuntncr. D. I),
For Southern Oregon fruit, Melons,
Lusalms, reaches anil iiraiics, at .). G.
Wright A Co's Commlsxiou House.
Shut Down,
The Capital Lumber mill shut down
Saturday night and will not rct-iimo
again for several weeks.
When It Kalns
Your hori-us need thu best of care and
feed and you need a covered rlit such us
aru furnished from thu Old PoMolllco
stables by Gilliam & Hrown. 10 10 cod
He bucerds Who Has Success.
To have success one must plan and
meet conditions. Hobsou the drv uoods
dealer unlelputed iircsout conditions. lie
llMilIeved tho peoplo would have more
earnings to spend, couscquuutly hu
bought and has 011 view a greater va
riety and it largu stock of staple and
fancy dry goods. Mr. Ilobvm has leen
successful in making sales to all who
liavu piuroulHHt nun. Ills (xist success
mat 11 you
lVTarTrintnQllC for Indies nnd gents, girls and boys nil sizes In stock. All new stock, no left overs frm. 1
xvamwxvx&avwoxxvo .. yQ Iu,vcrcarrv nnv rubbers or mackintosh goods from ono year to anntlm- Am UI
... ., - - v" UUfr,
0. I"II
; and shoes, rubber boots and oil clothing, storml
L'kintosh suits, rubber ca(tes, All new goods and best of stock, and pricas lower than anv 1m '
mako them go.
Rubbers boots
Coats and mac
A good overcoat for f5. We have cheaper ones and better ones. Wo li
coats at 11 25 ior cent, reduction from any other houso lu tills city.
for boys and men. Mun's suits from $1 up. lluyyour clothing of us; our low prices will astonish von
carry thu best quality of nil wool goods, but do not charge fancy-prices. " J "
Overcoats and ulsters.
Rlcrtrfc nnrl rnmfftr'fpr'C. 500 pairs of blankets to cbooso from. All wool Oregon made hlaiik(.i.i.
DianKeis ana coimorterb lllinlH iUer , 1)rlc(,t gnvo 00 tlinl ,,y buyfng yoHr h) Ui
Trunks, valises, telescopes and hand-bags in great variety,
OrV crnndc; Wo enrry largo lines of dress goods, linings of all descriptions, bindings, nil wool llaiineli m I
y gywot Uannels, ilanncietto, wrappers, beautiful lines of capes, dress skirts, muslins, slioetit,K, c,vT?
I1119 iiiiiiiru-i'!ir. rnrui'M. l oves. ana inerviniiiL' uhiiiiiiv earned in 11 nrsL-eiiiss lire unn ut..r.. n. . -i
" J 1 ......., .-.. -. ,,-. , .- . .-.--- . , .. ... ---J nww..u Dimu,
V'e 1)0 1
clmrge fancy (irlces, like some stores we know of in this city, but hell our goods on tho lowest (k silile mjJ
Friedman's New Racket, Cor. Com. and State sis,
all our customers, for It Is busi
ness to make one sutisllcd, and
wu satisfy all with our high
grade low' prieo incaN.
Sf . EIero
244 Commercial st.
Pokti.and, Oct. 111. Wheat valley
Walla Walla, 58c. to 60.
Flour Portland, $:t.00 to 3.25. Super
fine $2.15 tier bbl.
Oat White :i5.10o, groy 3.1 to 3le.
Hay Timothy $!)Q:fl 1.00 per ton.
I lops 11013c; old crop Oc.
Wool Valley. 12 13c: Eastern Or
egon, H Mohair, 27 30.
Mlllstiiff Hruii, f 17; shorts, $18,
Poultry Chickens, mixed, t.VAO to 4.00
liens 1 to o.uu, turkeys, live, !2$Q4i;jc.
Eggs Oregon, 21 to 22J&C jer lo?..
Hides Green.saltedllO lbs, 8i)c.unde.'
00 lbs, 7Q81(i ; sheep jielts, 1520c.
Onions 1 to H4c.
Uutter Rest dairy, 30(335; fancy
creamery, 45o to 60e per roll, store 22 to
Potatoes 50 to (JOe per cental.
Hogs Heavy dressed Ou to Okfe
Mutton Dressed ,0,J6ot'i 7c tier pound.
Hoof Steers. $3,500 LOO J cows, $3.00
1.50 dressed, beef 0 to "M
Veal-dressed, 7(J38e.
Wheat 5S iiouuds and over 47e.
Wool Hie, Mohair 30c.
Harlev 45 to 5Iic.
Oats-25 and 27c.
Day Haled, cheat $7.00., Timothy
$8.50. to 0
Eggs 18 to 20c.
Flour In wholesale lots $3.00 retail
Millstufts bran $13.00 shorts $15.00
Hogs dressed, 6)ijC.
Llvu cattle Steers 3iYcows 2f to 3.
Sheep J2.50$3.
Dressed Veal 0c.
Hatter Dairy 18o creamery 22'sc.
Poultry Dens 7 to 8 cents.
Potatoes 30c.
Let England and Transuaal Warl
lu would bo nothing compared
to the war among smokers if
The Cleat Havana Gigars,
ur dbampiott
Could not bo found In every
llrst-cluss cigar store.
Aug. Huckenstein, Prop.
For in less than a week
Have the finest line of
we wil
If you want anything in this line
It will pay you to consul tlus.
F. W. Hollis & Company
First Door North of Postofficc.
ami others who want n nice garment to
make you comfortable this cool weather
will come in ami examine tliu stock which
include ladles' suits, ladles' cuiies and
Jackets, Uiys' and youths' clothing, ho
will Ih able to supply you with the ar
ticle that w ill give you satisfaction.
W. II. Hoiisos'
207 Commercial street.
That Joyful Feeling.
With the exhilarating senso of ronew
od health .ind strength and Internal
..In., ttl I i A.J.. .. I.I..1. frtttia .l..i ... ..
Syrup of Figs, Is unknown to the few
who iiitvo mil. progressed ueyond tue
ohl-tlmo medicines und tho cheap sub
stitutes Kiiiitllines oirered bin never
accepted by tho well-informed, liuy
tue genuiiiL. .Manufactured by the
uaiirornlii Fig Syrup Co. Z
lit 1 piety, Kodul Dyspepsia Cure
will digest what you eat. K. It. Gam-
me, vernou, Tex., suys, 'It relieved
mo from ihe,Jtuii and cured me. H
s my everlasting friend." Stone's
Drug Store.
Joseph Stockford, Hndgtlnn, Me.,
healed a sore running for seventeen
yours by using DeWltt's Witch Hazel
?alve. Stone's Drug Store.
To cure La Gnppet keep wann, epeclll)
lie feeU and take lr. aIUcs' Nervine.
Make YoLirselfComfopf able
V. Winkler, J. L. Lambtrth, City;
MIssGlranl, Mrs. Uirancu, Hurt, Wea
verly, Hreaoh of Promise Co., Win. It.
Sampson. Spriugtleld, 111., W. S. Paige,
Seattle; (I. W. Ashford, Portland; Don.
A. Smith, Gates, Oregon.
When You Ride Your Wheel.
Always shako Into your shoes Allen's
Foot-Ease, a powder for the feot. It
keeps your feet coul, prevents sweat
ing feet, ami makes your endurance
tun-fold greater, Over one 111 1 II Ion
wheel people lire using Allen's Fool
E;iso. They ull praUo It. It gives
rest and comfort to smarting, hot,
smooIuii, aching feet, and Is u certain
cure for Ingrowing nulls. At ull drug
gists and shoo stores, 25c, Sample
FUEE by mull, Address, Allen S
Olmsted, Lu Hoy, N. Y. 3
We have just lluUhcd marking thu
niot complete lino its been our privi
lege to show. Thu ftiMiiuatora ranu
from an ull wool at 20c. 1111 to tliu
llnest goods you'd want at $L2v) Thu
knit tupiare shawls come In elegant
designs all prices up to $l,T0, Infants
wool hoods 23 cent up.
Tho Hamilton Hrown Shoe Co.,
is thu bigcest shoo house in the
world. Thoy toll more shoos
tlinu any Unit in existence
I'm selling dozens of their g od
Kthool shoes. Men's work shoos
and tine shoos I .udius' every day
and tine shoes. In fact we am
lit out thu family at thu lowest
prices obtainable, and guarantee
overythlng wo soil. Wouldn't
sell a shoo we can't warrant.
Taku a look at our window, Sell
ing lots of 5 cent handkerchiefs.
See north window. Warm under
wear, mackintoshes, tlceccd hose,
etc., lowoM racket price for msli
The Palace Market
III till your order for a roast,
broil or fry of beef, mutton,
pork or sausage. Cornell beef,
nicely cooked, boned und pressed
ready to slice for your lunch.
v e nave our new delivery
our patronage solittted.
XKuy the "Home" Air Tight
Stove, and the "Home" Steel
Range made at Salem the
best Heating and Cooking
Stoves on the market.
CCome and see them and
patronize home industry.
"mana srhsPmreTrrtVsr
STEINER'5 BERGER, 130 Stat? Sf.
l;W state St.
l'ATTON IlltOS, Uev ml Mnaagrri.
Monday, Oct, 16
iwuci-: co.mi:dy, m
A Breach of Pr
400 Altenus U mos,25 cents each.
WithChrist Series, bv Miirmi- .ts .m,l
60c each.
JtOO titles ol the Morshor 1ft mn w..
200 titles Of 12 11)118 f Slnn.lnr.l
Autliors, a5o each.
U ie i Optic Series Juyonilaa 76e.
Tho Henty Itooks 50c Series.
Sailor Hoy with Dewey Series 7W
History bpanish-American War Juv
ende Series 70c also ItioharU Carval 25o
to read.
David Harum 25o to read.
Black Douglas 26c to read.
Book Store.
An Appetizing Breakfast Table
Is the one that is set with our dainty
chop dishes, oat meal sots, covered muf.
nn ilislies, coffee cups and saucers, and
prettily dei-orated china or English (xr
celaiu, ehofon from our handsomo stock
of table ware. Our lino decorated din
ner tets, tea sets and china make ono of
the miwt acceptable prttsents, to tho
bride that intends housekeeping.
12 Stato st Telephone 81
Street Hats
A large consignment of
Tamsi Walkers
Ami other street hata in all the
latest styles at the
Paris Millinery Store,
10-Ottt 291 Commercial St.
latest shaiws In dress and street hats
Just received. I. SmiUi, State street.
10 U lw
k AM
tlWJJ33Siy I v I
Bf 111 w
rrtt - i i t - !
Our Pricesi 25, 50 aad 75c
r jtfonp,y'ffTitr ""