f l.i fr 0ur Guarantee : Your Money Back if Y ' C Vt You Want It! Top Coat is an absolute necessity These cold mornings, and we are fully prepared (o meet your every want in Box Coats, Ulsters, and Mackintoshes of every description. Tan covert box coats, lined and uniined, in all the fashionable shades and weaves ,$10 to $17,50 POLYGAMY AND SLAVERY The Result of Our Sulu Treaty Condemned. Salem Minister Oiyea a Tulk On Amerlean Decadence, Patriotic Blueblack beaver coat, well lined and trimmed made for service. $7,50 Mackintoshes in box and cape Coats blue, black, tan and browns. 51,50 to 512 5. TO. 3-obnecm & Co. 257 Commercial St., Salem, Or. THE U1U JOURNAL BY HOKBK BHOTHHHB MONDA s ', octoiikii. oTibw. Sally, Ore Year 93.00, In Advance Dally, JTotti Montui 81 00, 1.' Advauoo WctUr, Ono Voir 91.00, In Advance JOURNAL X-RAYS, All expansion of virtues, not vices, would lw tolerated. Dewey U not coming to lliu (rout. Hti 1ms liecn then) since May 1, 1KIH. . That burnt mill ought to bo an object lesson mi storing wheat without iiiMir nnro. . . Politics, taxes mid internal ruvonuo jnaku tbu bill for govurninunl come pretty high. . . The Oregon volunteers hail to travel tit their own oxpeneu. DM tbu shite military olllcials? A iay roll In ono institution growing nearly -10 per tout lit four yearn ought to open tbu taxpayers' eyes. It seems, wbctbur ntllronil companion film lull frcn piotses or special curs, or not, state ofllclnla churgo inlluogu Just tbu sumo. The Minnesota voliinttint got it great rceopllnii ut l'ortlnml. When tbuy reached tbo Unit suburbs, ut Oregon City, tbu whistles nil blow. It may seem llku extreme optlulHiii to Ray m, but tbu day may ytit coiuu when oven senators ami representatives will bo selected fur tbulr personal uhiiriictur mid tbulr sccliil Illness to servo tbo Hoplu. Old Hill Anderson, of Hrtlum, who ban lived through a greut many nunillpox scares, says there linn not liooiiu genuine case of smallpox In tbo dty thin year, that tburu I not today, mid that 1m what some of tho doctors say. C. 11. Moorwi, tbo Oregon City ollleial. Moore got bin olllro for throwing down Dolph, tbo caucus nominee. What Ih Eddy getting his pay for?- Was bu In tbo Tongne-Mcllrldo puidi at that tluio? Ho wan onu of the ostensible Dolph sup porters. The McKinluy iidmlnlstrutioti Ih latleniiig a ring-streaked lot of cnttlo nnro enough. An acetylene gas plant in use In tbu Odd Follows ball, Ijifnyotte, exploded wbilu tbu ltohokah lodgo vviih In session, Tbo plant wan wrecked, but no otbor damngo wax ilono. At llrst it was thought to bo tbu liuly orator who hud boon making a sccoh, . Fonutor Alloy, tbu loadur ol Tbo Thirty who jolted tbo Dolph Uepubll- ciiii caticiiH lii l8lMi, mid wiim a Ntulwart free Mllvor champion of Illngur Iluriuauu for eouator, In now championing Harvoy Hcott for I'nitod Htutos senator. Was bo self-converted?" Five Clackamas comity olllcluls havo saved tbu taxpasirs f,',l'A).'M tbu pant year, liio fact that tlioy aru Populists or Democrats entitles (bum to no extra credit. When wo eatuli Republicans doing Hiiob tricks wu ahull ox pose tbiiin lltut tiy fiillntli' Mark llaiina Hityn that bu In Mitru that Downy iIouh not want to bo prertiduut, "fur," MiyH bu, "thu admiral In nut a iHilltlolun in any huiihi." .Inst co, Mark, my loy. That'll tbu kind of a man wu want for proaldout. Tbu peoplo dun Mtantl MuKlnloy mid oxpamdoii, but tbuy ouu't utand the That Joyful Keeling, With tbo uxlitluratlnv kciiho of renew ed uoiimi And hirouyin unit iniernui oIuuiiIIiiohi. wblcli rollowri the use ol Syrup of I'Iks, Ih mikniiwn to tbu few woo nuvo not tirimriKM'ii Doyouu tnc old-tlino incillclneH anil tbo ulionp sub- Himium KiKitiimos oirereii uub ncvui accepted by tbu well-lnfuruiud. Ilii) tbo uumiliio. Muuufuc tired by the California Flit Kyrup Co, i,..i..i iii.j..ii.i r,.... Mid inuiivj, iviiuiii ijriviinif jiiii .Tin iiihuvu m iiiib ji in vnvt Juduo Judab, as city rtvonler, keopK rolling tbo money Into tbo ulty treiiHiiry, iiiNteoil of out. Hut bu mid Dee (IIIihoii oiiKbt to havo a vote of thankx from thu people of Marlon ouitnty for nbowlnt! only four itutomotwi in three iiioutlu. Col. Jim Kddy, ox-rullro-ul ooininU nlonur, prints HI tlmlwr laud advert Ihu munU lit bis last limuo. They aru from Oh, the Pain of Rheumatism! Ithouinntlim of ton ontnos tbo moat In tcuw ulTerliij. Many havo for year vainly nought relief from this dlunlillng dlOAo, mid oro to-day wowo off than ever. lthouiuatUin In u blood dUonso, nd Swift's Hpoclllo Is tbo only ouro, lx rauso It is tbo only rumedy uhieb can rmtch such dei'p-soattHl dlienso. A(wjrtfiIvriUWu villi Unram. lory KfceunttUui, wlilob Iceam to tuteat lUt wu fur wMki unatl to valk. I trtnl Mverat proaiinf at jilijol elauf uj log It their trvat uifnt fattbrull. Init vu uualle lo set tli tllghu t relief. luUol.mrcou. til tlon aeemod to grow worw, tlm i!lMteprrail w.v, tuvuiua iJouna from otIuUr to March Kui nloiity III illuet, uhiiL voueat. H it (lam bio, Vernon. Tex., hiivh. H rulluvcd mo from tbo shut, mid otued mo. It h mr eyurlastliiK' friend." Dnm Store. Stone's A SOCIAL EVENT. -V V .A Wf u Mis. 8. It. Jesaup Untenants in Honor of Auguttu Itownsdalc, Kutimlay afturuixui a jwirty wan kIvdii liy Mrit. 8. It. Jixwiiji in honor of Mlmi AiiKUitu liwnwlule. Tbo affair was ouu of thoovuntHof tliu ywr In wwlal mrtlo and the hixiutlful Jiwup liume wamliH onitixl exipiliiltely for the miulou. Tbo nfteriiiHiii was upon! in vurluus uuw Kumon, iimoiiu tlifiu "What a Work llankut Contain," was uimof tbu now out tilings out and euiiHHl u uroat diwl of nixrriiiuint, the ouu lulling all tbu my torkn onntaliHMl therein was MIm I'.llw Uitb l'oulke, of Cullforula, who was pre wiutetl with tbo Ilrst prbo, u p nitty jmlr of embroidery wlwow and Mr. Kduurd HirKcli won veooud iirlie, u ttrawherrv einory. Tiio mum In then went to lliu diiiliiK room wburo n bountiful ntght printed ltlf. Tburu were four tubliM, wliuit Kat tbo miet of honor and Minn I'milke, of C'ulifurniu. ThoM) at the llmt tablu Ih Mtm MIm faiwiisditht, wwro Mlso Iaiuii Hrey uian, M Im Mau II ltx, MIm Hllwlxtth 1'oulko, MIm AdilioS. Ilamuinlou, and Mum Kiln K. Ilirtch. 'Hid tubliM fairly ulUtouml with sllvur, ery.tal nml ex- luinito hmvd puintwl china ; nuiiHiudiMl frxun IhocbaudulUtr wusu Ihiw of while chiffon untwliiod with kinilox ami inine. Tbu muiius were of thu tuv int. coi'bi.axh'h aiiihikm ix iiiunr. Tbo jintrlollc nddroM of Dr. W. K. Copi'land, at tiio Unltnrian cbtircb laft evonbuj, bnd o truly nnto-belhtin riii(? to it, and the vury largo atnllnnco which was in attondonce heard what won pur hnpfl one of tbo moat poiutod yot timely sermons over dnllveroil hi this qtilot elty. Mr. CojKfliintl aturted out by cuy iiij;: "No one could have been looro oiitbiifiaMtic than I when war with Spain .win declared Thu United Htntes at onco tepK.il to tbo vury front of all nations, of thu world. Novur did tbo Stars and StriOH kcuiii to me more glori ous. Hut soon it became evident that there woro koiuc malign inlliiences nt work. The tncdlral department wn badly managed. Tbu trutipportatlon and ipiartermiutorV department wae no better, and woret of all was the coin uilsmry dupartinent. Tliat part of thu army oiiiipmi,nt which Kuropean pow ers make of tbo mont ImiKirtauco, the commlcKary, was farmed out to unpatri otic money grabber, Embalmed liecf iiiado n wjindal which uttrncted the at tention of the world." Continuing the Ieakor narrated the "Tartar" Incident, wliero tiio Ilrltlfh government wax, for humanity's pake, eomellel to Intorferu and force our army olllcom to niuko ad equate provision for the nafuty and care ot 1,-JOu solillurs rrowdeil onto ono ru turning trunnjHirt. Referring to Knglaiid's African troubloH he Hild : "IiiipurialiHin allied with coinmerclalloin ban mado Kiigland coiiHint to many disgraceful actloiiH and now those allied duiuons nru hurrying bur into a tnoxt unpardonable war. The majority of tiio United States Hide with tbullourHiiud condomii Kiigland, yet tho urgumcntH lined by curtain iiuwhhi pern in ruganlH to tbu l'hilippiiiuf, are iduntical with tbo iirguinuiitH put forth to KUHtaiu the ignition of Ibigland. it Ih our ilentluy, tliny wiy to civilUu the half-heathen jh-oiiIu. It is KnglundV duxtliiy to clvlllne tliu Ikwrs," Mr, Copulaud laid Mtrom upon tbo fact that MilltarlHiii leado to Monarchy and that there Im danger to our republic in tbu M)cy of expaiiHlon for aisiulHltlon of territory only. Ho then turned to bis mihjcct for the iveulug, thu dipgruco to our Hag citiisutl by it recunt trouty with tbo Sul tan of tbu Sulu Archipelago, in which treaty our Htato department ut WukIi legion Iiiih countenaiiueil njygamy and Hlavury and ruheil, over ono of the world'rt deuiKint and wurHt ilusiHitH, our Hug of llliorty. Tbu agreement or treaty, inaduou theitOth of hint AugiiHt, umler tbu pretence of it military mvotwlty, given tbu Hula Sutlau f 12,000 a your KuarmituuH him tbu protection of bin propurty and the peaceful unjoymunt of Milygamy audslavery, and he In return gives over IiIh territory an a kind of In- dujiouduiit colony under thu protection and Hovorulguty of the ruitod Stulen. Tbo l'ni tod HtuttM Hag waving over all IiIh uominloiiH. Wu have Ihoii Imttllng ugaiiuil MorinonlHiu foryuurMiudiiow tbu Stars and .Strlxw lloat over a now territory which miuotluiiH polygamy. Thu Uuiteil Status is a republic, but ill our greod for territory wu confirm tbo Sulu Sultan In bis duypotlsln, If monarchy aiiddiw)liHiu,lavory and )lygauiy, are eoiiHtitiitiuiial in Sulu why not in Arltouu or Alukku or I'tuh? Human slavery prevails throughout tbu Sulu Umpire nut only of Malay h ami blacks but of whiten, and it Ih out unlikely tliat tburu aro A mm leans held In sluvury tburu. Sliowlug Hint our gov ernnmnt ru)ognlil sluvury, tburu is n provision in the trity that hIiiviw may buy lliuir liberty fur KM. It tulglit us well IiiivoIkhiu fXX), apTall tliu slave owns or obtains is tlm absolute pro-erty of Ids mastur. lly tbu tiouty, slaves e oaplug iiiiih. Ihj ruturuod, ovur from I'nltwl Matus utMMlsor free binds. Arllclu Mil of tliu I'nltwl ouiistltu- An Impure Stomach make IniDure blood. Constlnatlon. belching, nervousness, Insomnia, pal- pltutlon and ntiiousncss arc danger signals that your itomnch Is Incoiii pctcnt that Is dolni; poor work, Don't experiment give It Hostcttcr's Stonncb Hitters, and be well. Try It for malaria or fever and ague. The result will astound you. Get, It at any drug store nnd see thai u Pkivatk Rkvenuk Stamp covers the neck of the bottle. Hostcttcr's Stomach Bitters Thoro Is Nothlnft Just as Good I auffertd ,mnv I ,,!.! . ' many Uut iue)leina, IaiwiihIoIo wuro Mrs vytm awwv ,VirU UIV. 8.B, arar, da two r.Miitla two tluust. Thoto Invltmi to muut Mis (J W limy. Mm liurtrudu l.uw ihhIuIv, Mrs J M Kyle, Mrs Hugh 1' McNnrv, Mm I'lwrU-s liray. Mm I I. IVtturMHi, Mrs I' It An- h I Dju- ttlos, that I cuutlnurd tbo tfin. I lu,r Mrs II II TlilitU.ui Mnl'ImiMinm. imootUaIracumlioittplfi)y. 7r' ;'" " " wmih, Jimt lias AltKir', rainra .iirs vt in uniwu, .Mrs I. r .Mcvjornaol-, Uu' Mry II II l..l!.m Mry .1 V ll,il,uu M.- ..,. . w, ....,, .-., . ,.,,., -.,v I'rou ttio ad vloa of a irieau i ur6i(id ia i BIM allMbllnLf ,MA . ,.V II tr . my guardian, ytho a ehrialil. ana. A THIN DISGUISE. The cuttle fih lias a tricky habit of cmcring da tracks by exuding an inky mini which discolors the water und Uena him out of view. There's u good diMl of the cuttle fWi aliout some adveitiic inoiits, notably tho Hitix)rtliiK' to olfur medical advice by a vouuu to women AR. l',xft,""'t"'i of the udvertisouient will show that no offurof aimoi ad vice i really uuulu. And all the clamor about "writing to immiwii " is merely raised to diveit attention from the fact tliat a doctor's ud vice is not really ollcrwl ami cannot be given. The real miction Is not of vuitlug to a ttvwiiH or a man but of wntlng to a ifWfer, I'or the ndvlce ol an unqualified woman U Just as dangerous as the advice of an unqualified man, Hvery day adds to the mimW nf wnm. . ; ., ....... en wno take advantage of Dr. Hon provides that thoro shall not lie slavery in any place subject to thu Juris diction of tho I'nlted States, yet in the facooftbis the Sulu treaty has been signed. lr. Copebuid said: I romemlKir tbo groat Anti-Slavery leaders, ono of them, Theodore 1'itrkor, a Unitarian minister. I rumumhor thu formation of tho Re publican party who.o main purpose was to prohibit human nlavery. And now 15 years after its formation not M years since our great Republican prusb dent, Abraham Lincoln, signed the emancipation proclamation another Republican president iindouslio work done ut such n terrible cost, and casta A stain on tbo glorious Stars and Stripes, Whither are wo drifting? Is this the thermit of tbo expansion o!ic.y7 If to work out thu manifest destiny of tbo U, S. is to clvlllzu tbu FilipinoH, und it Is necessary to legalize slavery to say nothing of olygumy ; if it is to ho neces sary to lite our nublu navy in returning escaping slaves and our army in bunt ing slaves, bettor call homo our soldiers and make u Ism lire of our navy, "If this Iju tho result of expansion let us stop before wu wreck tliu republic. With ono hand in Cuba wo strike off a clutlii which only hindered civil llburty, and with thu other in tbu Orient, rivet tbo chain which makes of a human lieing an articlu of merchandise and de clares that tbu worth of a man is f'.t). Aside from the question of Iinper.illsin and expansion Ih tliu question of bu rmiiiity. If wo permit this disgrace to remain unchanged, wu duservu our sulvos to become unstayed. "lly tliu inuiiiory of our martyred president, by tbu muino.-y of tbo grout anll-slavory hero, by tliu memory of the thousands of patriots who died for their country wo domain! tho destruction of that Infamous bargain which allows human slavery under tho Jurisdiction of V. S. ami w hern the Stars and Stripiti Hunt. In tliu niime of liberty, of Justice, of religion and of loyalty to thu constitu tion und tho Hag, wo cull on tho presi dent to free thu slaves in tbu Sulu Islands or to withdraw our Hag from that pluguuspot dueccrutcd by siygamy, piracy and sluvury. To Ciiro n Cold In Ono Dny Tki liatlvn llromo (jnliilne 'nil.livln. All 'IruHKUuiufiiiul tin- iiiniinylllt rll hi cuio l:. VV. (Iron.. ilHiMturw I peli lux. 'V. Marriage Announcement. Tbu inarrliiguof Miss Augusta Ijiwii. dale, of this city, to .Mr. lbslger II. Sin not, ol Tbo Dalles, will 1st t-olomnlzed at tbu (1. W. lliay residence, corner of Statu and Fourteenth streets, nt high noon noxt Thursday, Oulolwr IL'th. Illsbop l. Wlstar Morris, of tbu Kpiwo pal church, will orforiii tiio curuinony. - . Tho Dost Prosoription tor Mnlnrln CIiUIiihiiiI l-Vvvrlin Initio of (IIIOfHnTAHIK l.fclM t'llll.l. Tnvin. It U .li.w.lw Ii.... u...i Oulnliie In a ImIiI fnnn No nire, linear. iMwwie. 7-17 it .Vw-lm The "I'luw Hoy l'ri'iicbor," Uov J. Klrkiiiiiii.says: 'Aftorsiiirering from bronchial or lung double ton yuais, I wus ourud by One Mlnutu Couth Cure." .It cures uougbs, colds, grippu and lung trouhles. Stone's Drug Store. Mrs. A. Mc.Nury of Kola was in town today visiting frltuuls and shopping. Dr. Hull's Cough Syrup Is Unques tionably the most remarkable remedy uver produced for tliu euro of Uiroit and lung troubles. It luis cuied thou suiiils, und bus done wonder In ninny aiecH of lurlpluut coiisumptinii. PIANOS, ORGAN AND MACHINES. SBWINQ nnr, vit kukiuiiu. wi rrtJ,Wi Hadr, ad tiruaouocwt r ol i .... .imi,,, ,, , wawreurr. iiriiao muca iurrIli i i, iiu nr"., .! a no nri wK permautnt, tor I lure uev r sinea vi nuumaiuiu iuuuuii I to (Uutp and cold oaikf r :iivn 11. TiiniL TU Vao4toa Avenue, I'bllnUlpUU. 'tMffwrlongerwIth Rlieumatlsm. Wkamr aU voilr olla nnd liniment, aa Hht mm Hoi rMoh your trouble. Don't itoitMl wMopltsUIy !fttroy your dlcoc. """ MiM ,'1U r RIaatI jtounnw na iRHinatiy SilPtf. if m MMMltMd pamJIy Tg(l)0, und mmmk no poudi. iMreury, or other K K Waters, Mrs A K Strang. Mr ltuulioii llolw, Mrs J II Cuvnnaugh, Mis J8Fiator, Mrs F Soloy. Miss Foulkr, MIm Mau ItuUo, MIm Margrt Cinpor, man, MIm JoJu Urv.v- K HirsMli, MbM Im llirech, MIm Mnbol Carter, MIm Addiu H I'lunumdon, Miw tiludya llyrnt. Tho uftornooii wusn glorious fuast of sociability ami diluting all pronklmi-d Mrs Jivup thu most oxriulsltu utur talner In Ibu Cupltal City und the event by Swift ' will long U rimuuiborel bv lbov at tcildlllb'. I'ipftN.' Keiutiue oiler of u consultation by letter lire ui ci. as ciuei coiuuittug pliyM ciauof tbo Invalid' Hotel ami 5ih..um1 I Iiittitute, of IlutTalo, N. Y Dr. K. V. fierce lu, lu a pmclice of over thirty year, trrateil more than lulf-a-uulliou women for female troubleawith the re markable record of ninety -eight per cent, of cure. Sick women are nivitnl to consult Dr Herce by letter, without fear ami without foe. Hvcry letter is held aa ttrictly private and Mcrwlly co Udeiitul, and all answer are mailed eict in piatn euvclope without print iu of any kind upon them. Dr. Pieroo's Favor ite Prescription makes Weak Women Strong and Siok Women Well. ah now N the time vvben iiitmy uro thinking of buying pianos, organ; und living machines. 1 take tills method to remind you ihalyou have with you uu old .leulur In thee lines, who mukwi It u study to buv his goods so bo coo incut nil mlvcrttKOd prices uu tliu same gmxls, In thu suwliig uiui'hltiu lino persons I but como to my store und tea wluit prices machines can ho bought for, buy here. Others, 1 llnd, send, but not nonr viumny us uud t. do.lio cause so many siilesiuen they tulk to charge so n uch inure than they can gut I bem by bonding Tor them. 1 hayo in htock liUli.arm.solf-thruuilIng sliuu tlu, all attachment., l-ilr.iwer, ouk tiiblu.towiiig UHihliiesfiirllftio tSM. YoU do IIOl tUKUUIIV risk' m'IkIIiiu nr diqsii.lt lug your cash. You xn see tiio inaeiiine und sow on It before you fay lor It, h Ikiuro your prlciw adver tised ami freight and you will sea I .im from l to a(voe!ieaKrilian those prices. Onu ox.unnle: My gain on lilppliigulnulu pin no-1 have no otilliuriHid .t cur of planus, uiiIkixciI oscied In u eHr, ut tho rate or 11.60 a hundred; prlco ot box. 2 ut tho Ihc- n.rj; wuigni or li uvernues a.u L. M. KIRK. 54,60, & 68 Phono 871 Stato St Grain, Hay, Flour, Mill Feed, Building Material, Lime, Oment, Plaster etc, Grain, Hay and Straw stored Wagon Scales. Prompt and careful attention given to the delivery of goods to any part of Hie city. -8-tf OLINGER " RIGDON Undertakers and Embalmcrs. Wo wish to announce to tho general nublic that wo have nurchilscd tho most elegant and magiilllcant funeral air, ol latest design, nnu are tnereioro in a posi tion to handle funerals in a much better manner than heretofore, and witli less ex pense. Wo have long felt that Salem, being tho capital city of a great state, should be up to date In tbo manner of handling funerals, and wo have therefore spared no expense hi purchasing the car. It was built by the James Cunningham Co., Itocliester, New York, who build tliu finest vehicles In thu United States. While tills is not the mostcxieii8ivu funeral car ever built, still it is tho llnestever shipped to Oregon. Wo cordially invito all to inspect our facilities, and when necessity requires, to give us liberal patronage. OLINGKU A ItlUDON. Mils & Eastern Railroad TIME OAUD, 2 For Yaqulea: Train leaves Albany I2:S0p. m, Train leaves Corvnllls.... 1:45 p. in. Train arrives Yaqulna... 5:00 p. tu. 1 Returning: Leaves Yaqulna 700 a.m. Leaves Corvnllls 11:40 a. ui ...12:'.!op. m. HBATING! STEAM, HOT AIR, HOT WATER, Estimates furnished, and work done promptly, substantially and at honest prices. Fruit and Hop Dryer work a specialty. T. S. BURPOUGHS, 102 State St, Phone I5II MOO BEST OIIPN MM , Is issued Thursday iiiornlng'lnjtlmeto read; all puns' of the stole tbu same week. Hie ill Wlj... 0.R.&N dipauti rou "fHV Mall 8 p. in, I Htx" ksne Fljer 2.30 pm WIMjkMKTTK HIVKIl DIVISION STEAMER ALBANY, Caplatn Znmalt. Leaves ditlein at "a. in. for Portland and way landings every Tuesday. Thursday-and Saturday. Tiio steamer ho U't-n cililpil uilli flrjt elnu accommodntluii, Intluillii)? nil vk-KSiit piano. UiisurpnsKcl for raro'liiR txilli (relslit ami parrriiKcrx. Doclfr-Keot n( Stale trrel. KII. N. KIlKa Aiicnt. Canadian Pacilic lly Soo Pacific Line. Travel in comtort by the IMPfifUAL LIMITED Sp in. 8 p. m. ox. Hun Batur- Uay 1cnve Salem C ou am Tu Tha unU Hat TIMB arnKDULK. Krum I'ortluiid (AllRIti Salt Lake, Ucnver'Tu'worlh "" I (Imalia Van. u... .."" Arrives Albany.. i i-or uetreit: Leaves Albany 7:40 a.m. Arrives Detroit 11:55 n. in. Returning: Leaves Detroit 12:25 n. ru. Airives Albany.... 5:.'tj p. in. OLcuves .Albany (1:05 p. mi. Arrives Corvallls 0:55 p. in. 5 Leaves Corvnllls 0:40 u. in. Arrives Albany 7:25a. ui. Ono and twf connezL ut Alhunv nnd Corvallls with Southern Paclllctialns, J10 v n- giving direct bcrvlce toundiruui Kcw port und udjacent benches. No. 0 runs from Albany to Corvallls on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays only. No. 5 runs from Corvallls to Albany on Tuesdays, Thursduys and Satur days only. Trains for the mountains arrive at Detroit at no'in, giving ample time to rcuch camping grounds on the Ilrcltenbush und Sanllam river the same day. II. U VVAI.DKN, KMV1K 8T0NK, T K. A I'. A. JIliKKi! J.TURKKR AKent, Albany, Ol, OniKllS. Klnua (Mlv u. Loula,0lilco amt Katt, vT,'iiitjVi'ii""TrrTTrr--"i. - ......a ."-". OWKBIIC, .Mllilie- n,vii, n.. aqi, IfllllUii, JMI, WRnkce Chicago anU cnt. I 00 BAN HTKAMHilTeu For San I'ranrlncii, Ball ctery live un)-. COI.U.MHIA ItlVKlt Tu Aetorln and way IjinJInm 6 I5pm StiiT" Kane Flrer S 3D a m. p. m I l. m. ix Hun. vynxAstETTK mvi:n Ar. I'qrtlaiid, Newbcrs ami way fi . ,,, ioni W'ni, rl Landings. WILLAMETTE H1VER DIVISION -Daily boats to Portland as above. Transfers lo street car line at Orcr, C if the steamers are delayed there wai trip tickets to allpointsin Oregon. WisM ton, or Callfoml a. Connection made at Poo land with all rail, ocean ananver line, W.U.IlUKLP.Ukj Osn'l Pas. Ant. I'oitland. V CM. I-OWKKS. Agent, Ira.le street docV Salen., IIOISE & HAKKEK, City Agents ICT u SOUTH AND EA! VIA THE SHSTA ROJTL OP Til K Southern Pacific Co, KXTSKSS TRAINS RUN DAIIY 7KX) P 945 P 7.-4S A Ml Lv,,.;I'ortianu. ..AriUilfiau M Ar....Satem .... Ar 5.; A M M ) Ar. San Francisco Lv (j:0., f 500PM Ar Ogden....Ar 0:05 PM Ar Denver. . Lv 6.43 AM Ar .... Omaha .... Ar 815 pm Ar.... Chicago. ...Lv 7.00 A m Ar. ..Los Angele..,Ar $15 pm Ar.... El Paso.... Ar 4.15 v M Ar....Pon Worth.. ..Ar 7.55 A m Ar.. New Orleans. ..Ar IIIOI'M 645PM 8 5" am 6,30 r m 9 S i' i 35 r m 0.40 A rn X 40 m In two partscontalns nil Imporlaut Foreign, National and Slate News. WBEKLY JOURNAL) 9 1 the fastest train crossing the continent. It is a through train making fewstops. Its equipment is of surpassing eleganco. It will pay you to travel by it. I'or full particulars as to rates, lime nnd copies of C. 1'. It. publications ap ply to C. M. LOCKWOOI) Agent. Salem Ore. II. II. AlKitt. AL'cut Portland. B. J.Coyle, A.G.P A, Vuiicouvcr H.C. DINING CARS OBSERVATION CA US. Pullman tirst-clais and tourist sfteuiiii! car attached to all through traim . Tounsl or through to Chicaco without change. ROSKBURO MAIL, .DAILY. I'ortJand 830 A 1055 A 5:20 p Ml Lv... Portland .'.At 4Vii'.v MM.v,... Salem.... I.vh 50.111 M Ar . Uosebutg.. Lv 7.'3oA u WEST SIDE DIVISION. BKTWKRN PORTLAND AND COKVAI.LIS. Mad tlalns dally except Sunday. 730 a Ml Lir..;. Portland.. Arl 5;5pm 11.-5; r M f Ar. . . .Corvallis. Lv f 120 p m At Albany and Corvallls com ret w li rains of the C. & E. Ry. INDKt'ENUErTctfTAlSENGER. H KXPRKSH TRAIN DAILY KXCRIT SUN DAY. 1 8,'2 A M A M i A M Direct connections at ban l-rancuco uh steamship lines fa HAWAII, lAI'AN. CHINA. 'HIE PHILLIl'INES ami AlS TRALIA. For through tickets and rates call o- W. V SKINNER, Depot Agent, er O Ii. GAHK1LLHIN City ticket Agent, 232 Com mercial St Salem Or. '50PMJ Lv .. Portland. ...Ari 8.-2S t 30 P M Lv. . . . McMinnville LvV 550 1 o pm) Ar Independence Lv) 450 , K. KOEIIirER", Managei. C.MARKHAM G. F. &V. A. Tertian Tbo Model Oregon Newspaper and Kauilly Journal. Uniting News, Fletlon, Literary, Uaiieh and Dairy and Market Nuwln allrautiyi) readablulforui. DAILY MM J- W An tndoiciiiluut AssiHjiaU-d Prass Paper for tluPeo idu. Send for iuiuplas frcej Tint Jouu.MAi. has tha fullest rcixirt of tbadoliiL's of tbaloglslaturoaiid sUito uiUdJuW, as wclb as Indepen dcnl, elo,ir iud conQcuiinont on all public matters, &nd a trial subiurlptlnn. 110 vis 11 niufos Notice to Bridge Contractors and Builders. Notice Is hereby given that thu County court for Marlon County, Ore gun, requests bld from contractors and builders torenalrtbe lulol countv coii'hloatlon bridge over the Sautlam ixuimis.ui fi it liuiiilreUUJIO; weight rlvor between Marlon County ami of piano In Im.x w poiimls, m ,jLlnn County noar SUtyton, Oregon, makes W At tbo rttloor 11.00 makes und repair and rellll the same with Hi CO -a d I lie re nco on the nlnr.o lo tmx 'new timbers above tiio mrdle luiniii. . .- - ----- .. -- . ----- vn. , f $M.W liiaklllL' a total illuVrenrn nl ii plus $10 plus 91 1.40 or IjKJO I avc on ohcii ptuuo. A vorv fair pwhi on plaiHiunrt it large navlngon a car load, 1 could (III this entire paper full ui nuiiiiw or wriioa mm h.tvu bought 'tiler a plm, organ or Kwvlng mii ebluo fnuu uie. I will give you the iiaiuos of six only via: Prof. W. ( lluwit), uts. 11 ,Mvr, Dr. VV, . Itvid, lather P. Pheltus. ,.f Mu Angel. Si'l llurlun and Mrs. II. lllngos, Kroiu tlioo nnifcaslonal men I nun nine-wliu ute good Judges. yu fiiH ovioonre mat inoy toumi my stock as good and as eboap or elManer man uiijr inner pmre. A tho iKHipUi have fouuil It In their odvuHtJgo to Uu) from me, will not you uUuT In short, 1 buy awl Hdl my g-4. ns ohoanuud uhooper tlttiu nuy oovldo tiianufanluivr or dhr can luisiiiiv lay down a Mnglo shiniiienl of a piano, organ or sowing uiarblne. nKtUMlK V- WILL. 2. ill ou 11. riMi hinvi. v.iU',11 ..p ollo ltiuii Uuik u H w lu accordance with tbo nlans an.1 and tiDcoUlcallonson tile In .the t nice of tbo County Clerk for Mitrlon Couuty, Oregon, and also on tile lu tbo olllce of Hie County CletW for Linn uouuiy, uregen. ami net ice is lieicby further given that Hie County Cviurt for Marlon Umnly will meet on Wed ueMlay the I St It day of October, ISW, at tlie hour of three u'clock p. m , at the County tiurt room In the CounLv v.uui" iiuu-r lUtMUiuitUiVKUU. Ill op'll and consider mid bid, at which said Uiuo and plueo the Couuty Ciurt for Llnu tXiuuty, Dnvou, Is hereby re quunted UiJjId and couslder the sutil bids unit the matter of runalriiiL ti, Mild bridge The right is reserved to reject any ami all bid. A cettiacd ulit-oua n.iv. able tu the urdor uf Hit LVunty Clerk tor oiariuu wunty, iiregon tor uiiiuli or the old stringers for limning purposes that ,ro sound and tit fur mat purpose. imnc tins niii day or October, 1SW). W. W. llAU., County Clerk for Marlon County Ore B'ti. Oot.Cd&w-2w Oivgon Slion Lino Tho Direct Koimlio Montana, Utah, Colorado anil all Hastern Points (liven rlinlro of luu lavorlto roultx, via Hie Union I'KtilUo I'ikI Mall Line, or tliu Itlodraudvtk'Vllll! I.lllm. Look at the lime 1J Days uiSalt Lake UJ Days to Denver 31 Days tu Chicago 4J Days to New York Prut Itcrllnluir Chslr ("aru, VplioUlrrtMl Ton 1 lt HIH'.lnu Cr. ainl piilbiiaii I'ulitco Hln'wriiriUHl on hII iruliu. Knr further Information auply.to I1UISK & ll.VUKKll, AkciiU, Salem. VV. K. COHAN. (Icii'I Acent (I. O. TKKKY, Trav. P. Agt lillliliilst . I'oillaml TUB OnUAT: SALT LAKE HOUTl Ihc attention ol eathound traveieis is elled lo ihe advanta-cs offered thim by the Rio Giande Western, 1'hoGieai Salt lake Route " Ihe same rale prevailed uhtthei the trip is ma-e via llunllnmon or an Fran Cisco The passenger has hit cneice at iwo loutes out ol I'ortlaml. ihiee through Colo, railo, and lour cant thereof. No mhr line out of Portland oan tiler such vaiiny ol routes In addition, a day's stopover Is given all 1 assenRers at any oint in Utah or Colo rado. Through pullm n acd touiist sleep, 'ng cars aie run on all trains, a well ai fiee reclinini chair cars. Ihe service and ac commodations olTcicd aie equal, if not su perior to thike ol any trans-coniincnta! road, and latesareaUays as low as the lowest. If you contemplate a trip east, wrile to J. D, Mansfield, G nral Agent. Rio Grarde Veitm Railway, 141 IhirdMreet, I'oii.aml Orrg.in, for any information you may need in refeienie to rates, routes or accomodations w 11 10-if Dikaolution Notice, The undersigned Ins old his inter est In tho lied Front livery business of Ullrey and Page to W. A. Stevens, and tbo business will be continued by Messrs Page and Slovens. All bills uguinst the llnu should be presented t mice ami uu accounts aw pay able to the undersigned. Win. Ulmiey. Sept. 20. ISW). 0.1-tf Uiasolution Nsucr, The business lately eunductisl bv It. . luicvuiKu.-ii ami j. . lioiL'eiman iierK-iiuaeo 0; iiiugeinirtu will Isj oon turned by the uudersigiuxl, he Imving iKoight out all tbo inierost of bU late jwrinor. All bills due to and liabilities of the rate nrm win im KUtlist bv " 0 U.J. llBlteH-OR.MII. President Kiuif, Farmer's Hank. Hrooklyn, Mich., has used Little Early risers fur years. Says they are the rL Those famous little mils cur oiooes Drugstore. Htm 1 Mil iiiii i. aai mi II iiiiiiiiii 11111 uin ru 7 uulred to a-scomivany each bid 'i,iuiCOOsllt,l,on iiuccfNrul bidder will bo rcsiulred uij exticule a A fur Hi.t r- 1 1, r,.i .v....' fortuanro or tli-eui tract The cvo Bt lad Vw fan Unn Batl tracti.r to wlinlii Hi,' .s i.lrirt ni.iv r,. ti y3r (!'. I,' ' awarded shall bo fimtl.-l lu use mi f JsftfjrJ&ecAZve "STST& 3? O 3fi.X Crossing the Rockies. The most delightful ride acre ihe conn. Bent is Ihioueli Ut.h and Colorado, .v.. what is known as "Tlie Scenic Route ol the ii onu. 11 raaut n tor at whit w-isjn ol ihe year ihe t ip is mule, at w time doc ihescsnar) giow aonoionous. It is an ever enanging unurama 01 me twautitt of nam if One mon. nt jou aie passing th osith gfirge wallrdiobyiockt thousands of fet Hcb ami the nest you are aboie lh snow line,' kirting peka that tower atxve sou until iney seem ainot to reach the sky. One of the cnancteii.tics of the Colorado climate utbit the cxir-nx a of teopcraiure art nevtrmctwttt It is neiihersi cold in winter lwivim in Mnmrr. as mon ii ones 01 ran Ha wnHtiics h duriis ami plaint. Tte truvelcr oier tbo Rio lira lie Waslem altabai ihc nrivilne ol a (vxier, if be soclccsai aft Llc Cly. oc anr h-relwen l gdeu and lJcnvcr. on al cla. o' iKkats. For o.fiiiu4iK)n aa teiatoa, e.t , awl uu Uttcnpibc painhh et. call 01 t e n aictt Ticket Age t ui ike U. R R. &. N Co. oc bouihern I'actric l o , vi d rest J I). MANsjUBLD, Geut Agt. Rio Gr ni Wpmoti Ha waj, 142 ikinl tret, Portland, Oicou. You Can Get a Lower Berth, Yv ith ono exception tliu through trains or the Ilurllngton Route uro almost Invariably vvell-llllcd. The exception Is our St. Paul Chicago Limited, On the limited thoro Is usually room und to spare. Don't Infer that It In neither so lino, nor so fust, us ANY train of ANY other line between St. Paul and Chicago. On the con. trary, theio Is no moro beautiful train in America. It has electric light, ste'iui heat, wldu vectlhules the most satisfactory dlulug-e a service on the contlnent-and lower berth 'or everybody, A.O.SHKLDON. tluu'l At'ont, Portland, Or. A Few Interesting Fads When people are conleropl'ilng a tup whether on I unnesa or pleasure, Ih'y natur ally want ihe tcst setvice oltJinal'le so ur as speed, comfort and safely is c i-rcirt Employes of the Wisconsin Central Lu f s aie paid to serve the public and our iraus aie operated so as to make clo c conmcinn. with diverging lines at niljuatiin joir.i. I'ullnun IVIace S.ctpicg and Chair can on through trains Dining car teivicc vetxcellrd, Meals a la Cane. Inoniei lo clsatn ihii Out cln huh', ak the ticket agent ;u tell ou a uckci tt 1 TUB WISCONSIN CKXTIIAl LINES and you will make duett c Und Kins a St. Paul for Chicago. Milwaukee ami all lointf East. For any lurlr r infoimstlon call 11 any ticket acnt er correspond wi JAS. I-OND, General 'a, Agem. MllwAl'KUt.. V I' or JAS. A. CLJ3CK, Gnx-ral t,ent, 2t6 Siark hueet, lOKTLANll. ORK. Great Oppettunity for Home Seekers, To close an estate whiehts MMue-Ahat involved, town projrtiw, farma and small trseU in fruit and othorw Um mil i 1 111 caiuiu aim vwiiiuvi will IM) MlCrjB.txI. 1 finny iKtrtta! iyHi-ot rwpjirml. L, : .piiro of I lluuw m..ii'Ui tvMvKit. Tiigii Hock, talent. Or. No More Uarpot Monopoly. lajssal m-clietl alanf tsul Waii HI ll"l'l" IU linv of 1 arista. Itwiri, am! TV'aa ait I tmhi lu ihe-! waii Sb.1 will Lnk iuoboihiIj kr m SleH. ANEW IIEAltSE Jut iklol far tbe tirOHnl fl' of nur Undriiaklna; IHarltii Capital Junk Shop. V Dealer in Cast Iron,Aroogbtirun M Stove platan. i-opK-r, bran", aitic, S Ksui.roie, rublnir, lugs, IiMm, V per and Ui nes. y) T r, lll'liL'V'i-T'L-IV II..m..Ia, i 13d Curt 1st haiem. Or. V a 1 u t VXXAX2NlA2CiAi SXA&XAS, V