The Daily journal. (Salem, Or.) 1899-1903, October 03, 1899, Image 2

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    t tjMt.waawMfaia bMr ut .i
?-,-sr .'' "a F',5
mQ$0mwwftwr? "
ur Guarantee
v X a-,- D-l
Top Coat is an absolute necessity
These cold mornings, and we are fully prepared
to meet your every want in Box Coats, Ulsters,
and AhcRintoshes of every description.
Tan' covert box coats, lined and
" 'unlined, in all the fashionable shades and weaves
.$10 to S17,50
Blue'black beaver coat well lined
and trimmed made
Coats blue, black, tan
0. TO. 3-obneon & Lo.
257 Commercial St., Salem, Or.
TUESDAY UCrOHRIt. 3, 1809.
D ly, One Year $3 00, In Advance
Ptlly, Tcui Months 91 00. ( Advance
WVekw Ouo Vrar BLOO, la Advance
Sir. Krngrr'a remarkable vitality srnl
opacity for hard mental lalxir nro ttio
result of the ureal rare which lie ,lo
stows ujon hlmMf anil tho regular
Ii.ililld which he ha followed forjnlmwt
twenty yam. Ho rWant half.pnst f
!' look wary moniini?, mid follow n
tally program, from which ho never de
viate unless ho la absent from homo.
After he Irate hi lcdrooui ho pro.
reeds to hi library and drinks several
rii of Intensely black caffeo, nnd
smoke several pitf-fnls of 'strong lloer
tobacco. Then ho .imU tho greater
partcf nii'lionr in family lorotlon mid
tho criat of tho IHble. After bnwk
fimt, at hnlf-pait 7 o'cl(o)c, ho recoivi
tho members of tho Yolksraud, nml
then Irniisacl the heaviest busiuoM
( tho day. Alter nil tho Volksriiad
ineinlHTH have dcpartol, ho steps out
on tho pinna of hi little whitewashed
rottugo and join the burihur, or Wi
lsons, who overy morning congregata
there and illsent state affairs
wiillo thoy nip (hit mfTtM nml amok
tho tobacco which tho prosidunt fur
nishes to all visitors.
At 10 o'clock tho Htnlo narrlugo and it
oxcort of (right validity nppnrullod
tmoiertinwnlllriui at thogulo, nml ho
I conveyed to tho government house,
M'tural block ilMnnt. A won as ho
arrived there ho Ik tolxt found ulllisr In
ono liiftiilatiio ohnmlMir or the other,
making addresses, or ipilotly watching
the progress of legislative mattor. At
noon ho returns to hi homo for lunch
eon, hut lit Ihiok to Ida duties In tint gov
eminent house at 2 o'clock, and re
main there for three hours In thoaf
terncou. Thereafter ho rvfolvt
iMirjjher at his homo until 7 o'clouk,
and let Ire every mviiIuk at pr-clolyV
o clock.
Tho iHer which lr. Kroner hait oor
tho majority of hit wHintryimm I tluo
In nomnsll lui'ouru to lit fondnoM for
coinomiiitf with thum. mid lit trimt
iiivut of them w hou thoy vhIt III oottiifjo.
Ah wion a the win ha Hmjii u mu
ktrvam of lloor wuiid It way towtird
tho prenldont' mttHKo mid uwaltii hi
upjeuiniic on tho phuta. When .Mr.
Kriii?erooiiumniii(; Ilium ho Iomm hU
Identity a prenlilmituml tncrvo hl Hjr
nmallty into that of an ordinary
lmi;hcr. Thl ruttoni lw oinlwireil
him In Die afTeotioim of hi eplo, and
a u riilt. whuuetur ho make a
taud on any iptitioii it may Ixj tnkwi
for vranted that ho ha thoroughly din.
ruitvcd tho tmhjert liuforu hand with hi
huriiW, and that h ran duxiud iion
tho uiaj-irlly of them for tholr up)rl.
To Curo a Cold In Ono Day
Tk Uuilil llrowu VNtalo "UtiUu All
i.r,;5it" 'o,' tnonaylfll (. W cult
Will ljtyiHH'L and Henry Truwliridga
hnvu junt ktarUxt to IVndlutou with a
Imiidof ino Utf cattle, whloh tho hav
pnn'urod in thu Io and llcar Valley
country . My thu Can) on City Xowa.
IIkkoiiau'8 I'lLLK fordUtruM after
AstoriaVitohool op4ucd )ttotUy.
A miner namo.1 O Ilrleii I ehargMl
Ulth Ulii: r-olh-dcln debt o( fH from
another miner luiuod Shi, at tho wlut
f n pistol and tho JoM'phlno jtrond Jury
I Invedlgatlng it.
" HS" CannMHinnBHilHnilT WaaWaWSa
The Best
Washing Powder.
Hmmmmtk to Hni
sV C
Your Money Back if You ant It!
tor service.
box and cape
and browns.
SL50 to S12
To be public flpiriUil it Is not necM
Mry t rob th6 tax ayer.
rrciddcntMoKInloy wa ontlroly toi
lmy to attend tho I)woy reception.
The mind of iiumnroux w, tloar-
henilol man are growing rotnowlmt
. .
It wllllioall off with Oti wlmn eoiM-
In (leori;u IKiwoy hn liml n chat with
tho IWtdont.
It wouldn't do to 11 n) mnokoIcM lew
der on t Itawcy knlute, m our military
department tiwd tho iiolfolw kind in
otoud, Whan a man tolls that wo never hail
tho double Mnudanl, or had bimetallHiii,
I pimply reply to him: "Olvo mi what
wo hud and you can name It.'' Wm, J.
. .
MoKluloy hail tlmo to n to Ohio
when tho campal);n 0'iiiil, and to
I'hllndelphln when tho volunteer re
turned, hut ho was too buy to pay IiIh
rocwt to Downy.
. .
Dr. I'll I n u, ho who run the AhvIiiiii
for tho I n en no n n Klltlonl liunex, was
rccviitly oonittllel to diiuihiirvo u il
from Kiikouo from ilrunkeiinow". Ho
thou lilrwl him oor niraln at double!
A eonfoluiitlnu Itepuhlluau of the old
coin 1 anil our iittenllon to tho fuet that
MoKluloy wit not reoiialblo for the
appointment of Gen. Khkiiii. No, and
how ii not rejHinlblo for hi retire
inout ollher.
. " .
l'utrlothj partkanliip Iwllovtw In uoh
men a Altter, Oil, Tron Hirer ItolHirti,
Orter, lii;nii, l nl. Iltftli mliiiUil
AinerlpiuulKtllovo Imueliiumin IHjhov,
HixMuvolt. Ilrjiwi, IIIiIiokIi !, Jri
Wliwlor, t al.
" . .
Tho jple don't want to Hy trlUitu
to Mipiort tlm ItepuhUniu forty, the
IViuounitlr party, tho l'upiillat jmrty
or uuy other Ktrty. They will reHvt
tho limn whoKho them a Hpwro ilwol
nml nono other.
. .
A llttlo mer a war uk'o oii fmpiently
liMtrd tho word "wlmtV the matter
with DoweyT !)owoy I olriiiht." What'
the mutter with tin fellow who did tho
yllitu- theiit lluv thy dbmnvarod
that tlray worwull wiwikT
CtMiie te think nlxwt It, U.tttiMttit of
North OaruliiM to didrawhW th mg
runs is Hot no bad as the shaimtful nimi
uur hi whleh Amorlo.ui CMiltelit ami
Hosdati po!IUn niblml the lluw-nl-lans
of tlw eWetive (rnichl-w, l(x. m
kf Some of thetboot ltulilkMH In Ore
gon still think that iMway b Html oi
tho trtto stufr, even thoHgh le wi
proetiUa Donworut, nml tlwt Mud
d( lmIoiiuUiit ltepublfHHH twivstltiite
tho rKwtWe xirt ( th grttwl oid
Ailmlrnl Mnrtejo, who 1ms ntHitly
Umii dlsgroettl and UitiUdieil by bis gov
ernment, proKtbly fought wltli as much
valor andM Admiral Dtfwisy, Iwt the
fat wre agiilnsthliii llu ertid go-
ununiwt w 111 proUihly m uhI htm
the lull iuvHiHte ofth IcUirtous ad
miral reMitkn, In New .rk, Juit ur
Work Without It.
. .-. . . .
taken at night will make you
riraht. Thev cure Consilnation. I
10eaUad9SaU.iitallriraMr. t
,tlt. ,!. 4
"- -.. -
From San Frandtaoo to Manila aud
All Othor Amorloan Points and a
EJrnnoh to Yokahorna,
II r Acnorlxlril I'm to Itir Jmirnnl
Nbw Vohx, Oct. $. A special to th
HeraM from Walilm;ton ay: Pred
lent MrKinley Iki determined to urge
ajmin upoi rongref the authorization
of a transpacific cable, and will bo able
to anivxinee that a nnval curvey mwr
that the route 'elected I practicable
The Mirveya arc beinm"de by the rA
tier Nero, under the command of I.teti-tenant-Comniander
IIolnw. Ilecann ol
the complete Bounding taken in former
year between Han Francitco and Ha
waii there la no nccercity for furtbnr
work there,and I.ieutenant-Coinuinnder
Hodge ha confined hlniulf to tin
water wctt of Hawaii.
HeporU rccciteil by Itoar-Admlrat It
U. Ilradford.chief of the bureau of equip
ment how that the Nero firft proceeded
directly to the Midway ieIands,.ouiidlng
on the way and then r!g:z.igged acro
the lino to determine the buit point to
locate tho proposal cable. Prom Mid
way I'liindi tho Nero went to (iiinin.
From Guam ulie steamed to Manila,
then returnel U Guam and later went
U Vokohania,where die in now preparing
for the return toyuge. Ijhuwill zigzag
aero1 tho imaginary lino drawn during
the voyage from Guam to Yokolwinn
make further Hiuniling from Guam to
the Midway idaud and ugrln to IIoih
lulu. No aihern; rxirU have Iwen recehed
eoncertilug the route from Guam to Ma
nila, mid from Guam to Yokohama and
tho authoritie are eonlklent that no ob
dado eixful that ohii present tlt-o lay
lug of a oable from San Praudwo to Ma
nila, toiiehlug oi ery where (hi American
The idea of iiiimhg a branch line
from Guam to Yokohama mMm. from
the wirhof tlieoltriluftrat(on to make
tho cable a commurchd miccoim, tlumgli
It I dodred primarily for government
ue. The priMidout appreeiatiw that
rongre may decide it Imiiollte to hate
the ouhlu i'ontrui'tel and niiiliitaliul at
thooxK)HKiof the I'liltcd ."tutiw, aiel
nhoulil it private couiiHtuy Im allowe.1 to
tako up tho ent irjirlw the Yokohama
lino w wild Im an inijMirtniit tMinniilera
thin. The work of laying the cable
among the Phlllppluo IxlauiU ha In-en
deluyed by thu mhhap to the ouliW hip
Hooker. Tho vol will lie temporurit)
repalrwl at L'uvito mnl then i-unt to
Houg Koug where ho will mpidly Ik
put In eommtaion, a tho military
autlHirltitai dedrtM tho prompt otlilfeli
meht of tho line.
Tho Uost I'rusanptiun tor Mnlnrln
CIiIIUiiimI Keirtirha ImhiUuI IIKiiimTAtT-r
i,0mi.i. Tojia li U .lw-Jr lim t
QdMlii4liiaUttlfM(ttnN Xo ran). wiMr.
iVteo&Vi. l-YI A mim
Ur ttiaiii-lalril Vtrmm u Ilia Junrnai
A-.TOHM, Oct. S. (Special to The
Kumliig Telegram.) Paddy I.yneh, the
ippi-.ed shaughaU-t sailor Uxtnllng-house-
keeper, arrivwl on the steamer
Culumblu Momlny morn ng from San
KriiiieUoo giving every np-ieamnee of
proiiHrity. He claims that ho Ihis
Unui In Hau l'rmiei-co on buslue utwl
was always In oorrtvuidaiico with hi
imrtner. Ho denies tlmt he tvu
slianghuiail, ami that the telegram that
ho mint to Sun Fmtioisoo was h blind.
Up doort state that he met UrryRulllynn
in Portland as lw was going away uihI
rwdee t)ll0 from him if he wimld stay
away, with which money lwenjoys.1
liliiMlf on in tM llay City.
Ur Aaooclnfrd Pro lu llir Journal
., 0H. . Harry lo, of Chb
wgH, has rtNriH-i from an e-4or)Hg
trip along Ota south' r.i ami wed
m emit of Ala-rka, whre h Ims ttath
ohtsl nearly a OHupkte colHtiwi ol
Akskat uhIhwIs ami binls. He brlnits
HBwn that at Istsst Ihrw voleaiwesi ha)
Uhim in erupt ton this summer In Wtwt-
in Aktaka, ami r- still soppunsl to bo
M(i. Tbes art) the vvVmimms oil
L'mja islMmUml two oUmnm kmimi to
Ute Hnttv as hivlolf ami AiwUtt. The
Wtter sHtiHHW are looHtsd waw o(
MaNHt St. I!lia ami uorik 0 t'uok'k
Hi tJismaHd fur Aahfond inmisw Ims
Ikii uiiUMUtlly brisk llw mU kmL.
nis tho Ashhtml iTdlup. Sshw tlsvjosi
nun ..1 ugust until tlw past wM, lb
rri'it AsMvtutlwi Ims Ugn nuW tu Mil
it .t lu-s for full tstrs of ixstehwi. but
U ff.'m liM-cttr loy nt W ewU r
l s I . b boro, whteh Minn in by twl-
grapli .Nitunlsy, had U Ut dwiliiHsil.
J i: Reynold mports tiKtt acwrdiHt;
L Ittot wlllHAtiM tk portions f his
U-rit Hold now UiiHg lttnMtsl ykl
j Irvin Might to tm Iihm r uvTw, wtys the
UtlroHilo nirtwickh IIihs W oh tlw
I rvt pMTtkins. w hkh nro tU rt hi
ripoti. His iHitlro yhskl W tttiitiMtwl Us.
ttssHMt 10 and IS tmt pr aotM,
Thf rots prwetkully m tl)i luthe nwt,
ml tlHtro ttrxMVwt oHuufb lg muulitl
w pumf vniiuivy rtsHMHg.
AjdurU lliidjjv't.
ANiorkt schools ohiusI Momlay
Bo Sought From Congress
the Coming Session.
New Yohk, Oct. 3 A rpedal to tli
Herald from Washington kijk: Ilrig-adler-General
Charles P. Kagan, who
was appended from rank and dutv as a
result of the language employed by him
before the war investigating comrniMKMi,
hopee to obtain vindication before Jcoii
grow during theromfng efoi.
uoneiai ivagan I at Yt aliinet'm to
!!t,IeJ,!?U0,, r0W(t!te,, t' I''" '""""
tare of the how lie occupied before I. if
lepartore for Hawaii. It is underMnod
however, that hois etilit the
yinpalhic of members of coi?rr in
order to obtain a congressional invert!
nation of the lef seaudal.
Tliere I no intention on the part of
the admfnitratioi to restore General
E trail to duty. In fact, it is dedred
tliat he should apply for retirement in
order that tho president may appoint
Colonel Weton, now acting eommiceary
general, a brigdicr ami commipmiry-gen-ral
of siibdetence. Tlie presiilent i
Anxious to do all that he can for the
;oioncl. During General Kagnn's stay
here a determined effort will he made
to induce him to apply for retirement, he will not do so,
in view of the fact that he Is now draw
ing full xty, and would only receive
thrttMpiarters on thu retired list.
Street Riot.
Cine -.oo, Oct. 3. Fifteen men with
revolvers, knives and clulis, engaged in a
dos-ierate hand to hand street buttle at
lllack Hawk and Klston avenue. Ilcfore
the oilicers arrive. in response to a riot
call, Colac I.Isan, who the Killce Bay.
was an ex-convict, had Won killed and
coveral others badly .wounded. Only
twnofthotri were arrested. The fight
started over the assertion of ono of the
men tltat some ono In the crowd had
stolen something from him.
Hr D. F. Hear, who has been visiting
with his father near .this city returned
to his Iiome in Xewberg, this morning.
"May good diges
tion wait on appetite
and health on both."
That sentence from Shakespeare is a
genuine benediction of the body. In this
a in so many other things the Intuition of
un mighty
mind seems
to have fath
omed the facts
which science
has slowly
Science ha
shown that
ditcate in any
Kurt of the
ody is at
tnoit always
by weakness
and failure of
the digestive
and aMimila.
tive oigan.
Under thee
condition the
stomach, liver
and blood
making glands fall in
their appoint,
cdwotk. Then
the avmnlnma
of dleaic appear, often in organ appar- I
enlly remote from the real caue Vitality 1
is lowered There is a dull and iluwrUb I
feeling often accomranled by headache I
The heart may eem affected There may
lie Uckof ambition and energy with mental
irroolulioD With tuch symptom a thrae
"delay it dangeiout " Such a condition
afTouN the favorite starting point for con
sumption It luieles to 'doctor" for the
symptom The remedy that reachea ihe
cae must reach the mum of disease The
grratrit medicine for all diteaea of the
tomach and other digestive and nutritive
orgaut is Or Pierce's Golden Medical I)i.
covcry. It rettorea the appetite, re-eatab-lithe
a sound digeition. purge out the
blliou polon which infect the blood, car
lis off watte and build np tound and
healthy tiuuea The " Discovery " i net a
atimulant It contain no alcohol or whiky.
No other medicine ha o great a record of
cure, therefore accept no substitute
I)r Pierre' Pellet cure constipation.
Af now in the tlmo when nmny aro
llilnkliiu of bii. I ni: nlurioo. orians uml
Hiwlrii; iimcliliiM. 1 Luke this ukjUiihI !
Miiemimi vou intii )uu luYo wild you
tin old louler In thevj linrM.wlxuiiakiH
it a study to liuv Ida k'XKl m lie oan
incot nil advortlixHi prlctw on the same
sfondH. In the bewlnc uiaehliie Him
(Hjruiiw that come tu my store aud see
wlutprleos uiaoliliuvi tvtu bo bought
fur, bur here Othars, I Hnd. send,
but not tiuar vunany n uxxi u do,be
etiUMi so tnaiiy salosmun they talk to
cburcu su much more than they oan
k'utlhemby sending for them. 1 have
lu uei liUlMuiu.htfltaliroatllnK huU
lb), all uttaelimeiitk. t-dniwer. uik
tubla.sewlrik' inacliliipsforfl&ui IIH40.
otidunot t.tKeauy rllc M'odlOk' or
dopoMtiiik' )ourcli. You oan see
the luuchlne and sow on It rxfore you
U) torn. Ficuto )nur prieH'i udvur
HmkI and frelk'ht and jou will mm 1
am irtiiu f I to ii so cheaper thau Ukh)
prlow. One exauiiile: My k'ulw on
shlnrviuk'a kiiu'l niano-I hau hum
ou the rad .tear uf niumw. uhUixmiI
iwckwl In a ear, at the rate of II 50 a
riumiitxi; pneo oiiwx. t the luo
Uri; welk'lil uf u,x ar.iL,o n
lumls, at f I a humlrod u llo, w elk-la
ofblaik. in s ikxi pound. at i
hmVs H At the rate uf sl.CO make
sxj -a d I He re nee on tho plai.u lu box
f til 1? niakliic a total (IttfarorKW of
Hu 10 plus 111.10 or luo 1 mivo
itfii ptunu,
. tery tair proat n
aeh ivIaiHtusxl .tlarKOs.AV'tiik'im a car
I wwiW HU this entire piper full of
wiiie uf iktrli that have ImhiuIil
rituor a piano, orv-un or sewing uu-
siiiiuv inwi iuo. 1 win jtive vow the!
ihiiiiw uf six only vlJ I'ruf. (1 '
HawLjv. o .1 MV.Tr i,,iv,,.i
fg&jt St?
VTt J-I-7, t- -i5i 'urn
tyiii. Futlwr 1. i.eiiu;; ,' j,'llieimivllonsofordlnaQCs No, aw.l
imim. su tiuMHu and Mr. 1. n.
1 1 Mik'e rtm. t tie proftYMkitial Uhjii
I ml lad to wis,. atdAMid ludL.. ..
Hav oiuhtMM Usui tboi -fuuna' mv
ihassasiiutWr plate, '
shsi wu alwtT
lutein, l buy unit k I my uMa
wpaud vliwspor tlwn auyuT.we
rSSWIll 21IU1 till,v,fS,ir IlLMn mi.w .....l-...
- ',' ...-,--. v.r.. B.,j vu.ihib
rwn ur xwln,; niwililna. S ,
,.i, (5 HUKQ K C. S I Lu.
'""No -nitV1t11u11.rvuUlrsvi.S4W1 'p
BWiyuruuturvr or utler C4ii rsstu4r
,,WIU, iiui, tkiUk
1H tl.Vw
54.50. & 58
Phono 871
Grain, Hay, Flour, Mill Feed, Building Material.
Lime, Cmcnt, Plaster etc,
Grain, Hay and Straw stored
Wagon Scales
Prompt and caref nl attention given to the delivery of goods to any part
of tlic dtv. ,JJi'tl
i We wi.h to announce to the general publicthat we have purchased the most
, ,nt ami maumflcant funeral car, of latest design, and are therefore in a oi.
I tim to hamlle funeral in a much better manner than heretofore, and with Icmcx-
ne. We have long lelt tliat fcaiem, wing tne capital city oisgrwuwic,
sIkwH Is? up to date in the manner of handling funeral, and we have therefore
pared no expense ill purchasing the car. It was built by the James Cunningham
Co., Kochester, New York, who build the finest vehicles in the United fctatos.
While this is not the most extensive funeral car ever built, still it is the finestcver
shipped to Oregon. . . . , , ,
We cordially in ite all to inspect our facilities, and when necessity require, to
give us liberal tiatronage. OLINGKH & HIGDON.
Estimates furnished, and work done promptly, substantially
and at honest prices.
Fruit and Hop Dryer work a specialty.
T. S. BU2F0UGHS, 102 State St. Phone I5II
I isued Thursday uiornliig'ln'lliiie reoult nil pi s
of the state the Mime week.
Tho 1.00 U
In two part.Hwmtulu all
aud State Newc.
n 1
li raiLi
The Model Oregon NowsrHper und;.Famlly Journal.
Uniting News, Flallun, ILUcrury.iIUnolijMiKi Dairy
and Market Ncwsjln atlmi"tlii readablu form.
An independent Argitttoil
pla. Send fni 3miiles free
Tiik Jou una l has the fullest report Mf thedulnk-? of
the loK'IsIaturo and stale wthilnU, as wall, ai'lndopon.
dtint, vllear ind fnLKimt()4Ht on all uWIuiaUr.
innid a trial suliitrifitten.
.,i. ml.
- ..... . w ... ,
NsrtlceU hereby irlveu that under
will on
al s o'esuck p. tu. at the. pound In the
ulty it'yatoui. eli at public auction,
W'V IWWWK dOrlbvHl ItUlKHlDdetl
1":? - ... ,.. . ,
u" "Vure ;. one arwve me oilier,
.""i'" ,.U,CY "tV..VA w" ,W4U' M,uu
. ltt ... ., . ,
I, .MIS. na,K, .v
,1..,. ;.!.,. skM ..ItuJ Ml 1
Jilued Iwfow a Id date, sale
",aie wt , , .
n- NN . f5 - 'V0
tity Marsha
"" s.kj .wjici,,, auiuiai
tsftobcr S. 1-WW.
10-J M
State St
J n,u,l-
linporltint. lflroTgii, NuiJuiihI
- - - 3.00 Ifflll
Fris lVmr-fr tluj!Vu.
no it Kit .mtos
Marshal's bale.
Notice I herety ithoa that under
ihe provision!, of ordinance No. iiX)
1 will on
aiio'chK-k p. tu. al the pound In the j
alttf nf Salrtnt. al. nnhlii. ttuntlun 1
the follow I Ok' described ImpouBded
animal, to-wlt:
One Uoan horx?, 0 or 10 years aid,
brands ou both shoulders, white spot
In forehead, two hind feel whit, sl.txj
tu fruni. weik'ht UU0.
Unless the above described animal l
claimed before said date, sale will be
without reserve.
City Marshal ,
isaietu, OoUtU-r 7. IbvJ lw-2 5
Mils & Eastern Railroad
2 For Yaqulaa:
Train leaves Albany .... 12:50 p.m.
1 rain leaves Corvalll!.... 1:45 p
Train arrives Yaqulua.
1 Returning:
Leaves Yaqulna
Leaves Corvallls
Arrives Albany
3 For Detroit;
Leaves Albany
Arrives Detroit
4 Returning:
Leaves Detroit
A rives Albany.
0 Leaves Albany
Arrives Corvatll
50 p.
, 7-00 a. rn.
..11:40a. tu
.12.".!5p. rn.
. 7:40 a. m.
it-rj; i
.12:2.") n. m.
iV-To p. in,
(J.-fti p. 111.
. !&' p. tu.
UM a. ni.
Arrives Albany..
7:20 a. in.
dii-anil twr conncsL ;it Alhunv and
Corvallls with Southern I'acltictiains,
giving direct service Dundfrutu New
port and adjacent beaches.
No. 0 runs from Albaov toOnrvallls
on Mondas, Wednesdays and Fndas
Ko. 6 runs from Corvallls to Albany
on Tuesdays, Thurcdays and Satur
days only.
Trains ror me mountain? arrive at
Detroit at noon, giving ample time
to reacli camping grounds on the
Ilreltenbusli and Sunllam river the
ame day.
T F I' A. Manager
J.TCKNER Ant, Albanr.Oie.
Captain Zataalt. '
Leaves Salem at 7 a. m. for Portland
aud way landings every Tuesday,
Thursday and Saturday.
The steamer has been equipped with Jlrt
cIsas acnmimoilatlon, Including an clegaui
UniurTi-3 for carrying Loth frvlght and
Dock-I'oot of State ttrret.
Kll N ElilS AtenU
Soo Pacific Lino.
Travel in comiort
by the
the fastest
train crossing
the continent.
It is a
through train
making fewstops.
Its equipment
is of surpassing
It will pay you
to travel
For fi!l uurticulnrs as to rate, lime
and copies of 0. 1. U. publhaitliin'i ap
ply to
Ageut. Sjaleui Ore.
II. II. Ahott, Agent Portland.
K. J.Coyle, A.(J 1 A, Vancouver II C.
Oregon Slion Line Railroad
The IMreet RoutOo
MofitiDi, L'lali, Colorado
and all Haslvrn 1'oiols
OItci choice ot mo latorlte roilo, via Hit
I asoe 1'aclhc Fiut Mall Lints or ttii
lik) Uramle Scenic Units.
Look at the lime
li Daye In Salt Lake
2 Days lo Denver
3j Days tu Cliicauo
41 Days to New York
Fr KmIIIiiic Chair Cars. Uphotsurrcl Tou
1st S1jng Cars, ami Pullman raUce
Blers operated on all trains.
Fur further Information
POISE 1 II MtKEfl. Alieuts. Salem
W E. COMAN. Ucn'l Aeenl
a O. TEIIUY. Trav. Pass. Ant
U4 Third fit . I'ortlaud
The attention ol eastbound trarwcis is
sailed to the advantages crTereU them by the
Rio Grande Western, Phe Orest Salt I ake
Rome " The same rales prevailed whether
the trip it ma e via lluuunuum or an Fian.
cisco The pauenccr has his choice of two
routes out ol i ortland, thite through Colo.
ruJo, and leur cast thereof. No .ahtr line
out of Portland can tlTcr such s variety of
routes In addition, a day's storvrer it given
all 1 umbers at any point In Utah or Colo
rado. Thruugh pullmsn and tourist sleep
ing cart are run on all trains, as well as free
reclusm chair cart, ihe service and ac
comroodationt offered are equal, if not su
perior to tho.e of any trans-continental road,
and tales are alts a) t as low as the lowest
11 you contemplate a trip cast, write 'o
1. 1). Mansfield. G ncral Aeeut. Rio Grarxie
Vestem Railway. 141 third Vrtet, 1'oit.and
Oregon, for any intorrrulio-i jou may need in
refcience to rates, routes or aororm dationt
Crossing the Rockies.
Ibe most delighttul rule across the con i
ncnt is thraugb Utsh and Oo'oiajo, tvr I
vthat it known as "The bt-cnic Koale of the I
WoiUl." It mstters not at what saatoo o(lnnd)ou will injkc durit ctM,nv a
ihe year the tup is made, at w tune does . M. Paul for Chicago, Milwaukee ssl all
the scenery gnw nooxMonout. It is an ever toinii East.
changing pauorama of the beauties of nature. I For anyhirt er inlotmaiion call isi aiiy
One mon.nt you are passlsg ihiouih gorges ticket sent or ctrresood with
walled ia by rocks thousand of feet ligh. AK POND,
and the ntat you are above the snow I nej I General Pass, Acent.
skirting peak trrat toer arxse jon until I Mllwti'KSk., W
they teem almost to reach the sk. One f ' IAS. A . LOCK,
the charictcitsttcs of the Cuterado climate, G n-tal Aget-I,
istbit the extr nits of teospcraluir ae , 34 Mark Street,
never met wi h It s neither, cold in' lfss.TLA.ND. Osk.
wsnicr norwaira ia sumnur. at u. u.i ihe
lines of railwa whsdicrsMs
d tests
pjaias Tte travele. .er the Ro Uia de
Western also hat the pttvilo.e uf a atapser.
f he toelccsat .saft Lke Olj. Misi
where been lAflea sj ttnve sut a I
slatsei o tickets i
For lafoiaia sou aa vsiates, cc . a fe ,
i.. . u -.ii 1 .v. - ... '
j ,.J.Hrc AH.WI VS, , W l" "Wl
i iscsti Aget oi toe ii i, N oi , v-u or ,
vuiMin i'iaif t u . ui .J rets
Kii Gr ad W.uera Kailwaj, 141 land
Vet, PottUnd Oregon
Great Oppcrtunity for Home Seekers.
T ekje an cutate whkhis HHsswwbat
MVulvesl, town, propertied, farm aul
small tracts tu fruit and oiImm-h so vail
in Salem and vicinity) will bo suarifievd.
ftnlv lurila! luvrsaiii i-mimim! In.
ipiire of
IVKOWN Kh.llTM - vV: Mv uu
TiO)tl4txli aleiu. Or
dxpa T timk acarbctE. 7T-
tor Krom I'ortUna i''i
If alt Lake, Demer It
8 p. in,
omaba. Kinu. rt..
Loill.ChlcaQ anJ Eat,'
WalU Wall, u..1 -"
ml Klter
wankce Chicago and eat. I ,'
Forftan FraneiMM,
Hslleterjr fit da?.
Sp ra.1
Sp. m.
ex. Huo
To Astoria and wy,,.
I P. a
; p. "
6(0 am
WlLfjAMfrrrK iiivn.
. ItM
f. h.
I'orthilMl, .NewUfK u-l
Dally bovu to Portland as abote " "
Transfers to street car line at Ores .v
if the steamers are delajcd there .
tnp tickets to allpointsin Chegon wV,M
ton, or Califomi a. Coantct.oo made al rv,i
land with all rail, ocean arrfntcr lina
(n'l Pas. Act. I' u
G.M. POWERS. Agent, lrle,t,ttt i(K
UOIbE & IIAt KEk Arniv.
Southern Pacific Co,
9-45 r
7-"4S A
Ar....Satem .
. Ar lU.lSa
o Lr (h.(x7
'J.15 a h
Ar. San Frsncitci
S oo r
b5 p M
6.43 A M
8-15 P M
7.00 A H
o'lj PM
4.15 PM
7-55 A m
Ar Ogdtn ..
Ar Denver.
Ar .... Omaha ,
Ar . , Chicago .,
Ar. ..Lo Angete
Ar .. El Paso..
1 iom
6,30 fM
95 m
840 A tu
.Fori Worth.. ,Ar
New Orleans. Ar
Pullman hrst-clais and touns-'l5ep:nij ciri
attached to all through train). 1u!iti.u
through to Chicago without change.
S10 a M ) Lr. .
PortTand ..Ar
1055 A mJ-Lv.... Salem
14 3
(7 30
5J0 pm Ar .. Rosebure
Mail tiains daily except Sunday.!
710 a Ml'Lv.
n.'55 r M I Ar.
Lv... .Portland.. Art 5 50 rx
ConrsllU.. Lvf l Mrs
At Albany and CorvsTlii
rains of the C. & E. Rr.
con cci t ii
TSTJLTen'deSce" Tasse.slku
450 V M
7.30 p M
130 P x
Lv ...Portland... Ar
Ari S iS
Lv) 4 5
8 ii A H
Ar Independence
Direct connections at Mn hranciscu
steamship lnev fo HAWAII, lM'AN,
For thiouch tickets and rates call c W
W. SKINNER, Depot Agent, cr (.' I).
(MURIhLSON City 'llcket Agent, 932 Com
mercial L Salem Or.
K. K0EI1LER, Manager.
C.MAKKHAV U. . 4: P. A. IVrilai
You Can Get
a Lower Berth,
Yv Itli one exception the thmuu'h
trains of the liurlltik'ton Route
are almost Invariably welMllled
The exception Is our HU 1'uul
CIiImko Limited. On the limited
there is usually room and to
Don't Infer that It ls neither
so tine, nor sc fat, us ANY train
of ANY other line between M.
Paul and Cliicauo. On the con
trury, there Is no more beautiful
train In America. 1 1 has electric
ltk'ht, steitu heat, wide vestibules
the most satisfactory dinliik'-ia
service on the continent and
lower berth 'or everybody.
(1C11M Ai-ent, Portland, Or,
A Few Interesting Facts
When pjple are conteroplsttng a trii
whether on Luuness or pleasure, tVy natur
ally want the best service ol tunable so Ur
as speed, comfort and safety It concerrcd
I tmpi
Employes ol the Wisconsin t-cnirai i-iresa"
raid to serve ihe public and our Ham are
! operated so at to make clo e cwinrction
I with diverging line at hU junction oiMs
j Pullman Palace Sleeping and Chair cars
j on through trains.
Dining car service uncxceheU, !cal
a la Carte.
I In order to obtain Ihsa f.tcltss seiTKe,
, ask the .tckel agent .0 H vou a ticket -tt
No More Carpet Monopoly.
1 ttl A V ft vis liriv
''! -iVjiN sV lli 1JS
Haisvjn ,-. ii ua .rl sk9
Sb ,,t ariii. itu and Mattsa.
TWs anc UuAi la ish- M wsitrt.
tvt will tmak nurDuiwlr l-rir., la
iuM skklivl tVr the tit ntmJ fwlrvM
of Hr UtpSMtaktag Deiartmst
Capital Junls Shop
IWkriH Ca.t Inn. rou'htiro"
Stovti plates, cupper, bntm, zific,
lestsi Vu,e rubber, bags, bidus, U
purasul lunra
J. l HIUHNKIN. Propnotor.
! Iwtirt t aleiii. Or.
Jl tf