PHIJMIU111IJ1 1 t ,wu $) Mnmwcmm"-vm r'wfWWW' Tt"r ""'" 'n-v" mum Our: : : Guarantee Heavy weight Oxford -Mixed Cheviot Full f$5.85 S?.50?i llloo Oregon Olicvlot molutcly all wool nmi fnnt colors. ruin? m 91 .V And the Pride of Our Stock is n heavy, winter weight Blue Serge Suit, all wool, faslcolor, 59.50. fi I mm k COMPANY 257 Commercial St., Salem, Or. THE MILT JOUllNAL BY MOIOCH HKOTHKHtt TUi:SI)A, HINT. 2(1, 1K!M). Dally, Ono Year 03.00, In Advauoo I J Ally, row Months $1 00, IV Advance Weekly, Ono Voar $1.00, In Advauoo THESOUnOEOP ECONOMIC WIS DOM AGAIN TAPPED. Oncu moru Tiik Jouiisai. Ih Impelled to call attention to thu wimlom and tleiinilghtcdneim of tlio groat 1'orlland exponent of flnnnclnl and economic truth, Aliout n month ago tho gold ntuuil nrd paper nt l'ortlnml, In Itn editorial rolnmni), explained tho full in tho price of glltcdgcd Mauritius In Iviimpemi market:, on the hyothcHlH that the revival of IiiihIiickh had made more do main! for money and rnlHed liiterect rutei. Andltimld: "It in during hard times, iih our ux porleni'o ImH eliown iih, that money Ih cheap and glltcdgcd iiociiritlcN are dear." Tliin waNHOiind cenne, hut Its utter mice eeems to have lieun u nixo of mental ulicrrittloti, for the piiur In ipicntlnn lecdlly dropped hack to ItH normal condition of iinreuiiuu. Now, in tho Ihhiiu of the Sfitli, it lay? down alxmt thrco .tick of oracular wIhiIoiii on thu tutiiiu mibect, Hut thin timo it Ih oxphilnlng why Home f thu .tut.' I nvo Ih'oii ci n'dnl to udl !l, MJJunil lercuut botulmitu good price. ItHnyn: "Thu reasons for thin Imvratoof Inter entoii hondiaroknowu hy every obsorv itut man of nffu'-n uud every Intitlllgonl ktudent of economic ipiuntloiiH, They are abundance of money and faith in thu NtaMllty of thu Htunthinl." There you have tho cuiiho of low In (ureal in two uiitHhellH, one rimiul, the other three-cornered ; take your choice. And which evur one ynu uIioomi, ro inemljor that you liavu iih authority thu editor of thu great and only paper which known all uhout all llimmilul and economic quutttioiiH. i JOURNAL, X.HAYH, Did you lumr thu cniinoiiH Immiiii In Balem lu honor of Duwoy'r) arrival? Salem lint u government hy thu m pic, uud iih a nvgult thu Hoplu have coiilldeucu in it, . Commercial journal report that thu (nut nru already entrenched In tin Philippine for many linen of trade. . "Pau, what In untold wealth?" "That'll whut it good many pooplo liayti when thu tax aHMweor Ih pro-wot." Chlnngo TlmcM-llerald. When you hou a good word fur the rduto fair in the Oregonlun thut'it paid for. In thu meantime It puMUIimi free every Mug of tho ututo prow. "I'd like to wiiUt, hut I'm not heavy enough," Kild.ltlckettH, uiourufnlly. "Why not Join ono of tlm tkululou reglmmitiiT" iiiggoetod IjirUn. l.lfc. i ItepuhliouiiH of aovoral countloa in Urn Htrtto already contemplate n cltliena' movement in thu Intureat of lower tux and to oxturiulnatv dictatorial lxInni. . Kxcopt In tho matter of a few too) ofllatd it in aid that Lincoln ounuty'ri uffalni and politic nru dictated hy now nttldeuttf, and yet they VIJ ' Sv trnmeiit of tho pooplu I Tlioleor: Jhvo, loukoj tho world go 'round, Tho landlady: I wish lowi or fcoiuo thing t-lw would muko th's iJik'kwu go 'Kmrid, I.lfo, JSkr City busiiuwa men tprend iWMKinttr'iliit; than uny other town l.iklimho Puciflu coast, mii) ihey iw imfit tlm liurvcet tiiey ueervu. Tlbyi m4 fWHI tliolr monoy on ovory tMt )X FOinPf) fclojuf, hut nw It In In MiaMi MewnjJk4r ml. roar' Your Money if you want il! An Jill wool lllnok Clay Worsted Stilt tor' which othcra ask $1.00, at SM A fltyllflli strljK) or neat Hw cnecK iiiiuio Willi ton double brennt i nil in rn m. 1 I Mil ir-Li: Any jiiHtlllcatioii of n bounty on miar lioelu Ih completely llcnccl hy thu claim madu hy a Ii Grande paper that tlieru aru cuveral IIcIiIh of Ih'UIh around (lie city that after deducting ex ieiiMu of cultlvntloii, tuxcH, etc., will yield UiIr year $10 er aero, wivurul tltnoH of wheat, and that thu price o land haH hcun greatly lncrenHel around that city. Such land, tlm Chronicle Haye, on a ImihIh of 10 per cent on thu ! vcHtmont would Ikj worth f 100 an acre. Amlyet tlm eoplu of that pectiou of thu wtate have thu effrontery to go he fore thu etato leglHlaluru and plead for u iHiimty on iK'utn. Albany Democrat. A KITII'INO I'.MII.K. A lx)y who had u hrimllu dog on n Hiring wan ho tired that thu dogwiiHon thu point of achieving independence, when a moiulter of thu Society for tho Prevention of Cruelty to AiiIiuiiIh ac cented tlm hoy and chlded Mm for not giving thu dog IiIh freedom and finally bought thu Hiring for thu mini of '.'f ceutH. Tlm last the hoy hiiw of thu kind-hearted Htrauger hu wan kicking thuMtulllug out of the dog hecaiiHu It hung hack when hu pulled on thu Hiring. Judgo Charh'H CI, (larrlnon, of New Jersey, 'let iiiited In thu I'HIudclphla II cord. . Ilurnuy County Nuwh: W. II. Houaii, mild IiIh hand of cattle to Win. Han luy, poM IiIh upper ranch to "Iluok" Spencer, liargaluol for Inith bin other placcn, and IntemlH very noon to ull HtakeH end hetuke him to thu nlcepy Willamette, where iiiohh growH upon everything living or dead, and there nplii out thu thread of IiIh uxIhIoiico iiii dldturhed hy the thought that the chain- ploiihlilp hell, which be ho long carried, wiih in danger of panning from IiIh hh hCHfllnu. . An Oregon mail who wiih ut the Chi cago trilHt eonfercuco rather hkiIIh the llurku t'ochrnu ntory. llewiVH: "llryau txirrletloff all tlmhouorH and the glory, and had it hcun gotten up fur IiIh Hpcclul iK'imllt whleli it wiih not, hut they dared not leave Idui out ltvcould not have Ih'cii ii quarter tiiunipli for him." . The ('lino tilttl before the M, K. con feruuee wiihii littluou thu Druyfun or der. TliuuhargiM of fraud were nu laliuil, hut the roort of thu cmumitle wuitu't even reed to thu conference. Now it will I m hi order for the reverend real mtate bunco man tu rcniituo oiKir lltiOIIH. , utiriaiu waua -u woman u mired her hiiaband nlm never told him a lie and never would. No wild Iih did not doubt It, hut would heruaftur cut a notch In thr piano when hu knew die deculvl him. "No you won't," nhe (hthhiihsI, "I'm nut gobig to have my piano all ruined." tJylleltort My fe, inadume, will Im llvedulbUH. Client: I'or whatT "Wir thu uplulnii ynu had of me." "Hut I aumiro you I uttvur hud any opinion of yuu." Ally Slupor. Thu Sulvni vopular loan Iwh had Hne high unmpllmtuitit mld it 1- friuiid and (no of thu adiulnUtmtinu alike. Hut mm MmiuN tlm highest of all, iianmly thu iMiidn aru worth u prumluiu Iwforo thy urulMHiud! I'miplo who are prune to JiIt the French hy their geuomU bwibl n uiumlKir Kiiiu, Curtur, lluideknpvr. Corbln, Alger and a few other, Tin Freiiuh in'jht retaliate by Judging iih in the Hiimu way. Kx. Tho Fourth of July, Citiieiu, Kdi torlal, tixiioallloii sod (lo kimwa what other commltteo, went to Salem this wevk. I lie only wonder U that lliwy didn't graft tho xtulc oapllol bulld'uj U whllo Hior, Portland K)o. ThosttPoiulhriawho hnvodeoidol to "land lii1 thiuusohos" in tluiomlu eump.iigus uro Miming iv planning tur a might v louosoinu oxiHtruiueo, JaskNou villa Titiuu. llr'er Kline iimld now mmuiiio omr Hlloiis In IVrtlaud nnlvemlty oJs, hut t lie conference ha. klllixl the uulvur alty, romovetl thotwiiH) tomivolho of (vol. . . Why khouhl Iteimbllcuu mamiujrs ovu llorke Cochran more, than HryauT Tliuy'rti Istth Djuuujrutt, hut they al ways love thu inuii they can bundle. Dewey Is homo, the greatest hero f thu imal woild. Hisir the caniua s w WlWi IIIU ' v J J CONFERENCE ENDED. Finshed Its Work and Adjourned Last Evening. Apolntmenta Made I3y the Conference For Coming Year. Cllne Found Ouilty an Charged. After two lioura illHunmioii it was votctl to return the report of thu educa tional committee to them that they might remodel It. HiifiiucM woh rcHiinicd, cominlttceH re ported on Kpiwopal fund, MoriiionlHiu, Church Imuirancu, CIiIiiuru MIioiiH mid Temperance. Committee on IMu ration again reported in favor of tho coiifoI Illation of Portland nod Willa mette UnlvcrBitlcH, nnd that Portland lrnivorlty cIohu up IIm work hy tlioond of thi year, and tlioreafter hu only on ncademy Hiihject, to Willnmetlu I'nl vorolty. TIiIh report wiih adopted hy a large majority and othor cominlttceH re liortitl vlx: On Indian MiHuioiiH, Tract; llihlo Caiine, Sunday ScIiooIh, Truaimrur, Auditing: ItecolutionHj StntiHtlcal Sec. uIho rejiorted, Ur. (leo. K, MorrlH addicwHcd tho inliiiHterH, hrielly, Un "Tho WIiihoiiiu PaHtor.". If. ItiiHiiiUH truntifered to Hock Pincr conference, III, ApKilntmeutH were rend at 0:15 p. m. and aru iih follenH: OIIASTM I'AHH lllHTIIICT. PrcHldlng Klder O. T. SuiumervIIlo; AltlmtiHu, to Imi Hiipplled; AhIiIiiiuI, .1, T. Ahhettj Central Point and Fort Klamath, to hu Hiipplieil; OrautH Paw, N. F. JcnkiiiH; Jackfouvillu, I hu Hiip plied; Klamath Indian MIhxIoii, C. K. Graff, Klamath FiiIIh, to Ikj. HUppltcd; I.uku View, G. F Itotiml; Meilfonl, W. II. MorH-i; Merrill, II. A. llilntol; Oak land; J. II. Skidmoru; Palnluy, to be Hiipplled ; Howdiurg, (I. It. Arnold ; Tun Mile, (o Ihj Hiipplled; Wilbur, G. II. Parker; Wlldervllle, to hu Hiippliod. KlXIH.Ni: DIHTIIICT. Prenldlng Klder, T. II. Fonl ; Albany, M. C. Wire; llandon, C. M. Ilryun; llrowiiHvllle, S. I.cej Cottage Grove, M. (). Drink; Corvallin, S, K. Muuiugcr; CreHuull, II. II. Klnorthy; Dalian, CO. Harmon; Drain, W.S. Gorden: F.uguno, W. II. IlollngHhead; Falln City, to be supplied Gardiner, II, II. Iluckiier; Hal ney, K. F, Zimmerman; Independence, I. Mottumhcad;. (unction Clty,O..I. Me PlierHou; Lebanon, II. Gould; Marnb Held, It, C. 1am; MouriM), II. N. IIouihIh; Newxirt to he Hiipplled; Philomath to bo Hiipplled. Hilctx, K. II. Ilryitut; Sheddn, II. M. Corner; Sprlnglleld, M. P. Dixon ; SIuhIiiw, to Imi Hiipplled. i'oiitwnii DiHrnuT. P. K., G. W. One; AHtoriu, Imuic Peart; Ikavertuu to hu Hupplled; Clatskanie, K. V. Smith; Clenne, to hu Hiipplled; Greshum, M. Ilardiugham; Knappa, to Ihi supplied; Montavilla, G. HykoH; Mount TalHir, Mulll gau; Odtvego, I), M, Shiimun Porthud Centenary, I,. K. Itockwull; Portland, Central, W. T. KerrjPortlaud, Chinemi Mission, C. A. loIs; Portland, Clark, (I. II. Ileunelt; Portland, First church, II, W. Kellogg; Portland, Gntce church, Itev. Atchison; Portland, Sell wikhI, to I hi supplied ; Portland, Sunny side, S. A. Starr; Portland, Patron, to be Hiipplled; Portland, Trinity, to Im Hiip plled; St. John and University Park, . I. Naiiglu; 81, Joliu and Woodluwu, to hu supplied; Kainlur, to ho Hiipplled; St Helens, to Ihi supplied; Warruiitou, to hu Hiipplled, HM.I1M IUHTIIU r, P. K., I). A. Walters; Amity, II. T. Atkiuipoir, llriNiks, L II. Pcdcrsnu; Cauby, It, K. Dunlup; CornelhiH, A. Kershaw; D.iytou, 0. K. Crandall; Dlllle to ho sniplltHl; Forott Grove, T, I,, .hum; lllllnboro, II. OUtrg; Huh luird to he supplied: Lincoln, .1, M. Sueney; Mehama to Ihi supplied; Mc Miuuville, G. W. Grannls; Nehalem to bo supplied ; NewlHirgand Ui Fayette, S. Snyder; North Yamhill, I). II. IawcIij Ongnn City, ... u vili,,u'1,i, nil uitiicliiiientb, l-d rawer, ouk i ii i. H,tiiblo.owlng iimi'liliiorriir$l5io 118.60. .h, John Parsons; Yuu do not tuKouny risk bending or Btilum, First clmr Sulmu LMie church, It, V lllickwcll; Saluni Circuit to Ihi supplied; Silverton, , II. Myers, Sheridan, to ho supplied; Tillamook, K. It. Smith; Turner, Kd wiml Gittius; WimhIs, to m supplied; Crippled by Rheumatism. Tluwo who lmvo lllioumatlmn find thoiiiMlvM growing atoiullly worso nil tho while, Ono reason of thi is that tho rtMiHHl(o4 proserllxHl by tho doctor contnln nioroury and H)tah, which ul tlnmtcly Intoiuify thoduK'aso by cnu--lug tho joint to well nnd btitTen pnHluoInK a aovoro nohliiK of the iHmes. 8. 8. 8. hiw Uhmi curing lUuuimntUin for twenty years ovuu tlm worst oaio which siHJiuod ttlmust Incurable. Capt. O. K. Ilughr. th uiiuljr rallruao eontliuitor, ot lVlumtda.8 l'!ha,lan eVtSil iuc wiih Ulirum.U.m vtUleU wuvlucwt Wu that ltira 1 mi r m - euro tor thai painful ill. tu ll aa. "1 Maaa grral ulltr (nM Diu rular Ithvunialltui I two jmtt. t i-oulit irat iio permanent rllt (nmi anr lurtllclna lr- aorllM hy uiy phjalclan. I loa aluadiuii Uil- uuw 1 am aa wall aa 1 UMOMuur H. B. ., ami frwalnmytlt. lam turo that your meUlclna eurvj ma, an J 1 would reMiiuviivudll U inruua M.Vtll unerin, (rom auy UooU dtta,M Kverylxxly knowi that lUioumatUn . It h dlaoaatxl atato of tho blood, nnd ony n nioou rtfiiieuy it Ui only propvt , trntment. but a remedy conulnW ! iwth nnd mercury only uggrvtc ' tho trouble. 1 C C Cfor Blood k-iW The Mine Towly Vegetable, goet direct t thu very oau.oot the dicuo and it er inatieut euro nlwaytreaultt. It U th. only blood remedy guamnteed to con tafn no Ktatli. mercury or othor dan gorou iinnorau. Hook mailed freo by Swif t SpeoiUi' Oomrwny, Atlanta, tieorgta. ' gy! &9Frf&f Uli'MiiMi'iiuniirin'r Rcccham's Pills ; " OUflESKK HEAD AGUE anil act like maglo on a weak Btomach aail disordered liver. U otnUund a cenU,t all itxtt llOKf. K- ' ' Woodhitrn, I.. V. liclknap; Viola, to bo Hiipplled. The trial of C. K. Clino was conchnleil Monday evening. The charges were concerning a IhihIiu-hh trannuction in which Ituv. Cllne had not acted in a Htralght forward way. Tho chargcH wuru iUHtained hy thu coiniulttce of 15 of thu heft men of the conferencu who found him guilty. Mr. Cllne ImH how ever apM'alcd to the uppelalu hoard of thu church. Hu has been dropcd from thu Conferencu for ono year. Tho Boot Proscription Tor Malaria Chilli, unit Kcvnrlna lioltlo uf niiotrNTAHTK I.rhh Cllll.l. 'Jiikio, It In fllnily linn iiii'l Uiilnliifln a JimlnloM.-, form. No cure, mi imy, PiietAK. M7iiw4in When dl..y or drowHy take AM'H VllAM I)i:kcii- BIO CROPS AND MONEY PLENTY. A Salem Man From the East Will Open a Savings Bank. Mr. A.T. Gilbert, who returned last week from a two week)' visit in tho Kant, repurtH bUHlncc.H conditioiiH aH j looking up in many linen of Industry. Ho vis ted Chicago and also bin old homo at Cold Water, Mich., where hu has ti brother In thu banking busiuctsM. Onu of tho objects of Mr. Gillnirt's iait wuh to look up thu Havings hank IiiihI ne.iH, in which hu is IntarcHtcd, with a view to opening such an institution In Salem. Mr. Gilbert found such Instllii tioiiH jHipular in tho emallur cities in thu ICaHt. They tiro kept open from 7 to 8 o'clock in tho evening to receive delim its in amounts of from f 1 nod upwards. Those deoitH aro largely from working pcoplu and children, nndintereHt Ih paid on them. Mr. Gilbert brought with him a sain plu of thu mill in which tho famous Kal amazoo celery Ih rained. It is black an lamp black ami vuiy light, which latter quality makes thu wonderful growth and crisp Hiicciileut llhru. IIu ali-o brought it sample of Portland cement, which lias been discovered in the bottom of hoiiio small hike in Micliiuau. It Is proving a bonanza. Mr. GillwrtalKo looked up thu auto mobile. Hu found thu factories a year behind In tbi'Ir orders and thu demand growing. He nays thu towns and small cities have greatly Improved hi thu mat ter of ornamental homes. Public own ernblp of water and light plants aru mi, ular, nnd greatly faciliatu Rprlukling nt rents and beautifying linuies uud pub liugrouudH. Money Is inure plentiful than ever J""wn, and as u result Interest Ih very low, witli money hunting safe Invest incuts on every turn. This of itself is not u goisl sign of business ieIval, hut us tlm crops aru immense and the coun try largely agricultural, the pcoplu are enjoying gixsl times. To Curo n Cold In Ono Day T-tkn Irtinllvti limine Quinine 'IVIilnla. All ilniKUl-t". mluiiil I lie innii-y If II fll tntuie h. . Ilrnvn'a alsimture lnlitsioll ln. : Co cure l- Grippe, keep vrarm, eipecUta (tie feet, and lake Dr. MUet' Nervine. PIANOS, OKOAN AND MACHINES. SUWINO As now Is tbutlino when ninny lire thinking of buying pianos, organs ami sowing machines, 1 take this method to iciiilnd you that you have with yuu an old .iculur lu these lliies,wluiuiaken Hu study to luiv Ills goods mi hu win meet nil udvcrtUcd prices on thu miiiiu goods, lu thu sewing uiucliluu line pursons iluii come to my store mid seu what prices machines can liu bought for, buy hero Others, I llnd, sum), Inn not near vimuuy iih ueil ti-. cuio mj many salesmen they talk to charge to much miiro thiin thoy can gut llieui by sending for lliciu. 1 liuye in Mocrf iii,((i iirui,soK-tiireaillng .hut- depositing )ourcu8ii. ou can see tho machine and sow on 11 before you pay lor It. Figure your price udver Used mid freight uud you will sou 1 urn from it tu :' 60 cheaper than thau prices, Onu example: My guln on shipping u blnulo nlaiiu I have no on tlio load a car of planus, unboxed) uiiCKud in u car, at tlio rate or 91.60 u humlicd; prlco uf box, ii ut tho tnc tory; weight of box averages 260 pounds, at l u hundred is DIO; weight of piano In box ttlXi poutuls, at l, uuikus 2t. At the rule of Jl.tX) makes i) 00 a dlllcrcnco ou the nlar.o In Isix of H,-IOuiaklug u total dllleronco of. ti plus $10 plus tu.-IO or fM,W I save ou oucn piano, A very fair prtittt on each piano and a large saving on a car loud. 1 could till this entire paper full of names of parties that have bought eiuier a piano, organ or bowing ma chine from mo. 1 will give you the mimes of six only yU Prof, W. C. Iluwley, Geo. u Myer, Dr, W. H. Ilytd, Father V, l'laoltu, of Mu Angel, Sol Durbm and Mrs. C II. Hinges. From these professional men and ludles whoarogisHl Judges, you have evidence that they round mv stock as good and us cheap or uhcaH.r iiiiiu uuy uiuer piuce. As thet.0 neonle have round It to I liclr advantage to buy from me, will nut yuu al In bhurt. 1 buy and sell mv l-ihmIs us cheap and oluopcr than any outside uiaiiufactucr or duller can txisslblv luy dow uji single shipment of a piano, organ or sowing maoiiloe. CiKOUOK U WILL, No 'Si ("omuieiolal street, Salem, op IMisttu liiuli bank. U-IS d - w if r,, m,i,. v, ,, . ?y N. cf N,,?"e ,lf,f "i?,Vt '. K' ,u UV an.tluiimtt.l.llhfolluiliiclrlUd anluial trtiml ruonlu at Uocv wl'Vn th City at & law. tu-wlt. A IJjko.t whllSMriM lll.tatM hvlftsr W btfiDa, nu Maikior btamU. llMiBrr 14 axlwal Hlia- tluiwiu Ur inuflr priMtjf and ls.yl tfea yj htv o4 r" ot Uktas up msA kW, 4C .a.u4luilfauUtlvrvultr bi ttaa, I M rKH-llu t4irw4UI antouUt laWt wj Imi a pruvhlt I lu w, U-uiiM't So. u( Um arunsall u "'" u-m. ikis ml.- a. iwa. Ik W H ItlsOS till UartkU STATE NEWS. Ilakcr City is to bo blessed hy a foot ball team. Tho fair held at Baker City, this year has been a success financially. Baker City expects to have nn oar ex hibit ot th? Spokane exposition. Tlio Oregon City Courier Herald is printing .30 columns of delinquent taxes. Thu U. of O. football team, will ho augmented by several strung players this year. The Salvation Army In Pendleton, nru about to hold a harvest festival, to- last four days. A horse at Iirano, belonging to I. W. Petric, !wos driven near n thresh lug machine engine. Onu horses utiivcrcd a second nnd nt tin, then fell deud, from fright. Win. Scott, n prominent farmer of of Ililix, sold 0,000 sacks of wheat last week at lojjj cents per bushel. This farmer has 800 acres of summer fallow which hu Ih now seeding. A largu section, comprising almost half tho entiro area of thu government wharf nt Newport fell into Yiiquina Bay last week, toredos having eaten off all thu piling. A. Dittnar, of Fairfield, was recently robliod of nearly MOO In sliver, thp thief overlooking a pack of gold coiitoining twlco that sum. Tho money was to hu used to pay hopplckcrs. The Sampler valley variety show, has dosed its doors, Isjinga failure llaminc hilly and now thu building is occupied by a soda hop works mid Sumpter citi zens will now lloat and expand their imwerful minds on soda water Instead. THE PARIS. Headquarters for Hoppickcrs, New. Goods Arriving Dail , All undesirable goods have been sold at auction, leaving in stock the best and most seasonable and staple goods. The mammoth stock of MILLINERY must be sold out in six weeks. Cheap for cash. Mrs. D. L. KIESTER Mgr, 2S1 Commercial st. HBATIN0I STEAM, HOT AIR, HOT Estimates furnished, and wor and at honest prices. Fruit and Hop Dryer woik a specialty. T. S. BUR HOUGHS, 102 State St, ,00 III6T C TOKU j In issued Tliursday morning of the state the same week. J- In two parUcniituliiM all and State News. u Week SALKM If Tho Mmlel Oregon Newspaper and Family, Journal, Uniting News, Flutlon, Literary, Uauuh ami Dairy and Market News In attractive reud-tble forui. ) m-m An tudepiidont AsMKHiatjMlVttss laerfor theyl'ei plc Semi fm w m pies free TuKJouuNALliastiICfulJei,t roporlof thevdolnga of the UgWature and .talc niJIolalu, a well. atMndepen dent, vlear imi coiicIm emiunnt on nil public matter. Vend a trial Mil.-crlptiuu, Prof. K. 11. Lake, ono of the botanists nt the Oregon statu agricultural college, is making a collection of tho noxious weeds of tho state. These will be mounted and sent out to tho various county courts throughout the state so as to enable the county officers to deter mine whether weeds alleged to lie those which come under the ban of tho state law are in fact such, or not. The funeral of tlio Hon. J. h. Mor row took jilaco Sunday at Heppner under the auspices of tho Masonic or der, of which he was a prominent member. Tho Knights of Pythias also turned out in a lsly. Tho procession was ono of tho largest ever seen there. James Kano, of Gcrvflis was thrown .from n wagon Sunday night in a run- 1 . ... . . a "n-wny accident, and Instantly killed. Tlio accident occurred near St. LoiiIh, three I miles west of Gcrvals. Death was in- staneous, as bo fell on his head and his neck was dislocated. Thu Baker City high school building which was damaged hy nru a week ago Monday lias lieen rebuilt and ready for school. Tlm Dalles merchants pay for nnd constantly keep n man nnd team a work on roads leading into the Dulles. The District Silver Advocate has ab sorbed tho Ontario Mattock, which latter publication will be discontinued, Tho western division of tlio State Teacher; Association will meet in Salem Decerning L'Ttli to Sltli inclusive. Heat) Quarters, I'or water melons anil cnavns, also Southern Oregon grapes Wholesale. 'Jl-tf Wright & Lo. WATER, lone promptly, substantially Phono 1511 in lime lo rwuiUtnll p. is Important Forelg'n.'.Niitlonal ' "" , W MWU u k m Corvallis Si Eastern Railroad TIME OAltD, 2 For Yaqulnu: Train leuves Albany .. Train leaves Corvullls. Train arrives Yaqulna 1 Returning: Leaves Yuqulna Leaves Corvallis Arrives Albany 3 For Detreit: Leaves Albany Arrives Detroit 4 Hclurnlng: Leaves Detroit A i riven Albany OLeuvcs Albany Arrives Coivullls 5Leavcs Corvullls Arrives Albany ..12:50 p. ui. . . 1:15 p. in. . . 6:60 p. in. .. 7-00 a. in. ..11:10 a. in ..12:26 p. ui. .. 7:40 a. in. . .11:55 a. tu. ....12:25 n. .. 6::i5p ... 0:05 p. .... (1:55 p, ... 0:40 a ..... 7:25 a. m O'ln and two con ne; I nt Albany nnd Corvullls with Southern I'aclllc Mains, giving direct service to and from New port, und adjacent benches. No. 0 runs from Albany to Corvullls nn Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays only. No. 5 runs from Corvullls to Albany on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Satur days only. Trains for tlio mountains arrive nt Detroit al iio'in, giving ample time to reach camping grounds ou thu ISrultenbush and Saiitlam river the siiincduv. II. U WAI.I1K.V, KDWIX S'lONK, J. TUKXKK Accnt, Albany, Oie. WILUMKTTK U1VKII DIVISION STEAMER ALBANY, Captain Zunmlt. Lcivrs b'llcm at 7 a. ui. for I'ortlaml uud way luiidlugs every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Tlio ntciiiner lias bfcu ciiiliipil wllli flrM-c1h- Httuimnoiliitloiiii, IlitluilliiK mi uti'Kniil plmid. Unmirpnttcit for carryltuj tilli frclulit nmi pn,MMiKi.'r, Dock-Koot nf Stale tlrrct. IMI N KhIM Afc-i'iit. Soo Pacilic Line. Travel in com lor t by tho IMPERIAL LIMITED the fastest train crossing the continent. It is a through train making fewstops. Its equipment is of surpassing elegance. It will pay you to travel For full particulars a to rates, time and copies of C. I'. It. publications up ply to C. M. LOCKWOOI) Agent. Salem Ore. II. II. Allot t. Ak-cnt, l'orllaud. K, J.Coyle, A.tJ 1' A, Vancouver It O. (li'igon SIiliti Line iiailioail Tlio Direct Itoiiiilo .Montana, Utah. Colorado ami all haslern ruinLs Olvm choice nf luo luvurllu miilcii, via tlir Uiilim I'ui'llio Paul Jlull Line, ur lliu lUoilriunlotkoiilo IJiH'x. Look at the tunc Ii Days to Salt Lake -J Days to Denver Hi Dll)'S lo Chicago 4j Days to New York Kris- ltei'lluliiK rimlr Cnr, t'plioliiirisl Toil lat HIix'pliiKfura. ami I'lillniHii 1'iiliico Hlrviiemiisiruteit on a.11 lrulii. Kur fnrtlur Information apply to IIOIHK A. 1IA1IKKH. Afteilla. Sltcin W K COMAS', (leii'l Auenl i O. TKIlllV, Trav. 1'um. At K'lTlilnlM . 1'nrllainl HED FRONT LIVERY FirstClass Feed and Boarding stables, Hit COMMRUCIAIa STItHKT. SALKM, OUK. ULLREY & PAGE Best Rigs lor Commercial Men Etablna In nine bWk lli.lel WilUnitltn HiTSafo tams and comfortable rig for ladles and family driving a ih'3 ally. IIorsoslKia ded by day, week, or month and Iwst of witifm'tlnn k'uarantctd. l)-7lin. SALEJI FREI'ARITOIIY SCHOOL ill open for tho now K-hool ywir Sept. Jo, IMI. Tim cehool was neor moro ir,wmrous than at the profit time. A larger attundanco than UMial it anlioi (Kitwt for the coming year. -'--l. l'rinoliul. THE QREAT SALT LAKE HOUTt The altem-on nl c-.vil,u,n.i n, rJ .. cillnl tu ihe advantage 0r U thin b) !. Kio Uramle elero, tin Gkmi . alt Kon e " the rn rairi prevailed uli tU ic ui)i it ma e. via iiununifuu m an In cro 'Jlie aeni:rr U hi. eft. ic ..I m, lOutcaouiol inftlaiKl. thue tbrough Cuiu tado, and lour cat thereof Kj Mh t lint outof IVmlaru) ran offer tuch a raiwty oJ routes ln-Hliilioo, dy,tor-erlciTn all xiiter at any roint in CUa or Colo. uo. inr,.uKn n aul touiiat leei ing cars are run cm all trains, as well u fne ........ ... v.,.. lnc acrvice ana n- cimmoiUtions oaVred ate equal, i( pot iu. i 1 e lor to tho.c of any Itans-cuotinental rua.1. , aiij ialcsarvaUayalor athc lowest . U. Manstieia. U ncral Agent Kio tirande Aestem kaiiwar 141 k.-a irret.lolra :::T",l:t",c "P a, wn. to jiviw lorany inMtnta cfcieiKC tu tain, nwie Canadian Facile By jvu may reeil a or actuaulsiruns w II lotf BKMHT T1MHBCHEDUJR. roa From I'ort'iuiu AIU Van Suit la7koTi)i'iiYi:r Tl " ,?..", i Mult Oinolia ' Kanili, Ciiy 'm1,'1, . S . in, Iul,01ilcao nmi lji"t,' c aK Him WnlU WiiluTHwViiin",!!.... i -. w,mU-e Cl.lcaBo .ii'lmll '"'I , " 'I'M I II JU knnc Flyer 2.80 pm o:i:an aiimiSliiVs. ' For Snii rmni'l.rci, HaUvrery IIVoilnJ. ttTuTMiTi'iliivrii " rn. l Mu 8p in, s ii. m ux Buu1 oni- , lt 10 i, in. JTo Alorlu nihl wily ji !IM ."J Hun, Irtve Hull in 7, IS Bin irua 1 hu iiniltial - I .. wii.i,AMimi:iiivin ,Y-S!uW!;nreHUr -' .ArS. , l wnl p. m I Sl'n, WW, I in W1LIJVMETTE R1VEK DIVISION Dally Ik.M W I'ortUud a. !". 'N- J mnsfers lo slieet cat hue at ),eij n if the -.learners are delayed there ,,,1 trip tickets to all points In lliin W..M. mi, r California. Connect onW.t ft" larnl with all roll, ocean an.'m.,1M , W. II, HMKLIIUkT. I'.. M. IMM !!.: A , ' ,""n,. W. " -- .,.... ., wciii. iuilc,r t Salt.n docV liOISK it IIAKkhK, c'tv Atenu. SOUTH AMD EAST TJF. SHTa RO'JTL ektiii: Southern Pacific Co, KXrHMS TRAINS RUN HAILV KXrHMS TRAINS RUN OA1LY 7.-M, r mi i.v..,ioriiana. ,,Ar (U:I5 9'45 l,M-rtr....Satcui .. .ArJs.-JtA 7 MS a m ) Ar. ban Kruncisco Lv m', t lJv.,,rortlana. ,,Ar X All Ii 5 oo l' M 0:05 P M 6.43 A M 815 P M Ar Ugilm .. Ar Ar Denver. . hv Ar .... Umaha ... Ar Kiuru 645 m 850AM Ar C'lilcaiM l.v 6,iu 7.00 iki A M Ar. , Ar . Ar.. .Ln Ange'.e... Ar 925 tlVJM , At Xfu 8'IS I'M 4.IS I'M 7-55 A m ..a-uii iiuiiii,, ,nr 8.o A Ar.. wewurleans. Ar Kinm IJININU cxiur OllbLhVATIfiN CAItS. Pullman lirit-cla.s ami tuuna Mr,, ("", attached to all thruugli train. . lourisicM. through to Chicago wuhoui cliangi.. ROSKIlURO MAII , IIAII.V S.'Jt) A M Ml Lv... I'oitiaiiil" .Ar 1 1 r mJ-Lv....KaIcm . . Lv 1 1 a mi Ar ,. Koseburg,. Lv (V.'joAH loSS A 5.'2l, P WhMTMIDKIJIVIMtiN. IIKIWKKN 1-ORtUNI) ANII COkVAIIK, Mail t tains dally fcxcepl Sunday 7,to a Ml Lv.... Portland. Ail J sum '.;S5JL' "i'LAl- . .Coivullls. Lv f 1 311 r w At Albany and Cnrvallu cm ec i 1 aim of tlieC. t K. Ry ' INlTUl'KNDENCK "I'AniLMjr.K. KXPRI'JiS TRAIN DAILY EXCKPl SUMlAV.) 4:30 pm) Lv ...I'ortlaml tii-2$ni 730 p m Lv....McMlnnvilleLv " -ham H:3u PMjAr Independence ) 450 AM Direct connections at "-an Prancisco vTitb Meamtliip In-i fi HAWAII, lAI'AN. CHINA. llinPlllLLII'INLi and All TK M.IA I'or through llck'ti an I rates call n W W, SKINNKU, DeikH Agent, cr (.'. t) CAIIKIhliSONCily ticket Agent, 2J2 Cihii nu tela! St. Salem O K. Ktlhlll LU, .Manager C.MAKKIIAM j. r S.V A. foillan You CaruGet a Lower Berth, v Itb one except Ion ti'f tlimuuli trains ol the. Ilurltngioii K"Uie aro aluuisl inyuri.tbly w iilnW The exception Is our St Paul Chicago Llmllcd On I in limited tiiero is usually room and t siaru. Don't Infur thill It I neither so linn, nor so as A N train of ANY other line Ik liven Paul and Chlcigo On the i1"'" trary, theio In no more ixiuliful train In America. It has tloctric light, stettu heat, widevctibulei thu must sullsductofy diiiliigH'1 Hervlco ou thu ooulincnt wi lower Iwrtli 'or every IhkIv. A.C.SHI.I.IJ (Jen'l Arcnt. 1'iiril.iiid.Or. A Few ln;ei esting FdCis When pnjple are contempt !' ',: a " whether on huiinen or pleiure, lt i " "' ally want the hot service oi-iauuble W as speed, comfort and sifeiy I c men! Kmploycsof the Wisconhin lentral lire'." paid to ierve ihe pulilic und our rs " 0ieratt ki a. to make do c am " with diverging hne at all junction ln''lt I'ullmm I'aluce Sleeping and Clmr i"' on through trains. . Dining car service nncxcehel, "" a la Carte, Ioordei to obtain this first cU -rn'. ask the deket agent .u vcl' you a l wk i'" TUB WISCONSIN' HiMiiAi, LINES aid you villi mike dirrit i' M. Paul for Clitcaco, Milisauke. r , . l i-onilf Hat. Fur auv luit rr into malion call en ticket acnt or orreil wild JAS, ltlNI, General Im-. ' ' ' Mll ' ' ' " or AS. A-l ijriCK, Oan-'i. I gent, a6 - Mreet IUm.ANl, Obk. NoMoro-Uarpot Monopi y !Ue uti-i i.rltJ a tan:.' i" ' kukt Uu irf aiu. Hut M Tbrt arv Uh)hi ih '" ' ' ami will bnsW dkiboi-'Ij i ' flia. A XJ2AV HEARSE Jut aiMoJ i.t tlw fie- la-e "' if our fwlcrtakintf lVi ' ,j Capital Junk Shop Peal, r in (tt Iron. W r. .i ' Stove pl.tttw, rop-r. bra-' l.tiii wvitu. Itfi.-a In t I ieraml Ikiii -J ...-I . . -,., .....'.. , . J. D III ItLNsTUN IV ir 1 13o l wort st "a vi ' l U IIOF12U UltOS