The Daily journal. (Salem, Or.) 1899-1903, September 25, 1899, Image 3

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La W. Sione,
Anita, Iowa, served Ills country during tlio
lato war nt tlio expenso of Ills licaltli. Tlie
story concerning his restoration to licaltli
Is given below In his own werds:
"When I returned from the army my
constitution was broken down. I sufi
Jered extreme nervousness, and indi
gestion. Physicians did not help me
until one prescribed Dr. Miles' Nerv
ine, and today I am in better health
ttun l have been Jor thirty years."
Resfis&iive .
is told by nil druggists on guarantee,
first bottle benefits or money back.
Hook on heart and nerves sent free.
Or. Mllos Medical Cempany, Elkhart, Ind.
O. C. T. Co's
i'ahsi:noi;h btkas.ku
I lialivoxri'pisnniinv nt 7 a in
yuu a iiiMf. Ann i nr.Ai- iiaii.h.
Diirk U'lwccn Htntn and ('unit His.
M. 1' HAI.UWIN, Asotit.
am iNTriir.iri.niN noon mchic-u,
Tiacherof 1'i.iiin nml
Salem, Oregon
-DArrv lliiu.l n' Itixiui 10,
V lit I.' n. in. S l j !. hi
4 Kr s.lilUliiiial LhiiINohsVo I'onrth I'bki-.P
T. (intilot spout Sunday In nervals.
W. W, Hrooks of Portland Sundayed
In Salem.
A. W. McDonald wont to Tangent
Saturday night.
Miss Kvulyii Xowinau of Portland In
tlio guest of tlio Mlsi Illrtcli.
J. Itux llynrs went to Mohnmu via
wheel route Saturday to hh)Ii1 ii wk,
W. N. lkirrtt nml family, f 1IIIU
lioro, tiro the guests of II. O. tiiillil in
this city.
Mrs. C. J. 0"lnirtond returned from ii
visit with Portland friends Saturday
Hon. Julian Young, of Astoria, has
Wii in tho city visiting his brother II.
A. Young returned Imhiio Sunday.
Mm. Mnrf Kinney, of Astoria, who
lini been visiting Iwr mother, Mm. 1
II. Strang, left for home yesterday.
Mr. Dun Vollmer returned to Port
land yesterday, after a short visit with
her parents, Mr. ami Mrs. W. It. Amlnr.
a in.
Mm. Mary K. Shryoek mill II. It.
liryH-k li-ft thin morning for Huttlo
Creek Michigan t attend a M-lmul hi
that city.
Mm. John S. Wright, returned Sntur
day evening from a three months' visit
in Seattle with her lUiughter, Mm. J. M.
Mm. Win. ltohluuiber and Ml '
Paulson whohaui Iweii tlio gnosis' of
Mm. P. P. Talklnglon hao returned to
their home in Portland.
Mr. ami Mm. Clark (ilhson, of Mini
cie, Imllrtiia, who Iwvst Iwailthw jMHsstmd
their daughter. Mr. C. D. MIhIosi, in
l.nglewol, iurtl "ii thoir rttni trip
Mr. ami Mm. I'. W. "abiirw. of Km
gone, m giMUi rf Mr. tiiMl Mm. K. P.
(M.nrii. of tlilK ltv. Th iMiuiiiiwilltol
tlmrMi W.niu-. wl... isan uin-poi"
la'ht hii.1 ir -! -I l.i- -a
1 a-t
Dyspepsia Cure
Digests what you cat.
-.... --i.iiji-..JliAnanrlntdl
Nature in strengthening and recon-
clnii-llna ti( Xh3UStel digestive Of'
cans. 1 1 M the latest iisc i ned dlget
antand tonic No other preparation
can approach It in sMclency. It In
stantly reliKTeji and irnianently cures
Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn,
Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea,
ll other results of Imperfect digestion,
rtpartd by E. C CXWItt & Co, Cblcaqo.
Hst Browvr Mntt SoaUt fHnr.
Hop and Prune Picking Ate About Com-
Threshing niul hop picking are about
umplcted in Benton county. There
will be considerable of a prune crop in
uviiiuii iiuuiuy iiuer nu, nmi inanvor-
chnnls which did not promlfo anything
are picking from one-half to a bushel
per tree of excellent fruit.
Hop picking in Wnpliington county is
about completed mid ltok'rt II. Porter,
ollorettOrou', 1ms flnishiHl picking n
H'-acre tract, of iiop, wliieh yielded 4.1..
0C0 lounds, about the Mine ns last year,
but of much Mter quality.
It has lieen estimated that $20,000 will
Le paid to hop pickers in Washington
couniy. une lourtli of Uiis amount, or
.),IC0 wlil be earned by residents of
loiett Ciroo. Prof. K. X. Slaehr's
family of Ihu girl picked 1,000 pounds,
or SI 8 a d.iy through the season.
William Moore, of (ireenville. Wash
ington county, has flnbhed picking a
nine-acre Hold of hops, which yielded
him Wi.lPO pounds, as against 62,000
pounds last year. The hops all through
thin section hae been free from mold
and are of the ery best quality.
Tho lluchaimn jyards at Conieliu,
asliington county produced alwitoO,
COO pounds; tho Sewcll yard, West
I'liion, 23,000; the William Hiigleyyard,
near about 17,000, and the
Pnlzgeber yard, West Union, -to.OOO
It is estimated that this jear's pro
duction for Washington county will
reach 025,000 bushels of wheat, and
nlxnit the tame number of bushels of
Hop picking Is practically finished In
tho icinityof Amity. I,. I). Mulkey
has finished In his eight-acre yard, live
miles west of town. The yield was nlxiut
oOO Imixos. l'ully -t'J per cent had to Iki
left on the vines on account of mold.
Hop pickers have made good wages this
season f 1.23 to $4.50 each ier day.
The Homeliest Man in b'nlem
As well ns tlio handsomest, mid others
arc Invited to call on any druggist
and get free it trial bottle of ICeinp't.
Ikilsim for tho Throat niul Lungs, n
remedy that. N guaranteed to cure and
believe nil Chronic niul Acute (,'augln,
Asthma, llmnclillls and Consiitup
Hon. Price 2.V.'. iind r,0c. eod&w
Switch Hclng Moved
The trackmen of thu Salem Light &
Traction Co., Iiegati work thin morning
on the switch in front of the Hotel Wil
lamette, and will take up ami relay
thoontiro system of track at that point.
When compleil they will Imi in the ecu
(roof the street.
How's This?
We direr One Hundred Doll.irs Ho
ward for niiy casuof Catarrh thai cull
not bo cured by llull't Cuturrli Cure.
V. J, Clli'.sr.V M Co., Toledo, O.
We, tho undersigned, hum known K
I. ChPiiev tor tlio last J.lyeitis and be
hove It I ii perfectly hniinruhlo In all
business transact Ions and lluanciully
iiblo to curry ouluny obligations uiiidu
by their llriu.
WKST.t Titt'AX, Wholesale Drugulsts.
Toledo, O.
Wai.dino, Ki.s'.van .t Mauvin, Whole
salo Druggists, Toledo, O.
Hull's Catarrh Cure Is taxed In
ternally, acting directly upon the
blood unci mucous surfaces of tho sys
tem. Testimonials sent free. Price
75c. per iiottlo. Hold by all Drugi'ltl
Hull's Family Pills are the best.
As Prank Surprunnnt was coming into
Astoria Saturday, from his Olney ranch,
ho saw n cougar attempting to kill n calf
on the road near (ireonwood cemetery,
lie mys it was a largo cougar and It was
erouc hint: at the side of the road. As
theenlf was isiss'ng, the cougar made a
spring for it Jiistiu Mr. Surprunnnt modo
an outcry which sturtled tho Um-t m
that it only got its claws on tho side of
the calf and then ran away. The calf
was only slightly Injured.
Don'l TUrro u and Muole lour I lt A"j,
To quit toliowo easily aiKl (oreer. beiosff
nellc. lull or life, nerve and lisor, take No-To-llac,
the wonder workir. tlt inakrj weak men
Krone- All druBelU,oorll. Cureiruarsn-teed-
Ilooklel nd sample tree AddreM
Slcrllng itemed Co, Clileago or New Vorlt
Use Allen's Poot-Ease in Your Glove
A lady writes: "I shake Allen's
Foot-Kase Into my gloves and rub u
little on my bauds. 11 saves my gloves
by absorbing perspiration It Is
most dainty toilet ponder "'" "
Foot-Hu'-e uiukos tight or new shoes
easy. Always use It to Dreak In New
Slums It keens tho feet oool and
comfortable. Wo Invite the attoullon
of physician awl nure to thouo
soltilu purltv of Allen's Foot-l'ise.
All drug anif shoo sUire soil It, 2rc.
yjitinle sent FUBB. Addro-. Allen
S. Olmstod. Le Uov, N. Y. I
Kislol Di-pysia Cure ouro dyspop
lu. "The public oaii relr upm It as
u itntsier remedy furail dlsolrorsiirrlv
ingfr.uii Imperfeot (llgosliou." J iris
M. Vi iiiiws M. D , In American Jour
nal of Ikalth, N. Y. ,-iUtnni Drug
lender ChuU nml io-wm Itooghty.
m Wissjumin nitllto, wlw w
lm-ti ii' Uit- Jenny Ciwk Uiulw ountry,
luring thssir 4y ii U- ir-
) , I.uhm A tltHiwr Until, lifigHUHUng all
it. .1.1 upnU U 4.UO s;ssji. tH
i 'urtli'-r MlrciUMs r imni "T""
Tb. pnr nwrwr tewm
th. W4 Iroiu tTWto $XJU.
ruu all
llluud llrr.
!. VT" 'ZrZ .TiZI.,. (ulrCalUr
C'leD btuul
a (IMH M.UI.
t llM rfMT ble4 d tT.nSi2
HJI UK IIBII 7" -'"V, ,
"":--.". t t. ...-i.. ,
and that ljr u "r" 7U TuT,"
guu, Htolwtiw gmrtd, IC,26i,a-
-bitfrotsd wjinsrriilWlud
Tl.ur-1 with Wd ' M-
lumber Tb niiuVlufrr i
twt my it cm hl a,
tl.. rn
t I u..
t, when h ii"pro' ' "
bnit iud on " '
ill- tlM HTsMtUl at titf'
Tie ialsusH rsm, at Aona. -i ,
t.i ail t-xpwutiuiMi m ry liLt ' '
llrtil.t Uwrv will be " r"" ' -i' ik
tiiil h,Ut ran -t in
"i nine iii-rn iniuu ( k.- ,1 Jll.l'i f ii
Insoiuu m. u h .i h h I .7i . n , r u I ',
OTertwenlyrars,andlr.n.V!iiii. i.s. , ,,t,
hiteuheiinieiiiorercldt! , a , , n,e , I
dyl iruecicr tried. 1m,.i rrriKlnlt r.r n
mend them to my fuei ds , i, , . th, , L
represented Tuos. hglu'llL
l'letvvni I'alstsh'e fotent 1 ,.iP r. iv
3ioJ. hivt Sicken. V eslirn or ornr tin- .
Iltrilat ll..4, f. .,!,, 11,1,.,., Inlmt S. ;i, :ii
nUMU-Urtll Bi,t,,0 cUIIRTPtMiccii llabll
A Musical Innovation.
Patunlay evening the customers nt tho
White Corner diy goods 'store were
given n while they wore be
ing united tiiwn, by choice selections
from three of Salem's jiopular music
ians, Misses Xellle llrow n, Nettie Heck
tier, and Will Skinner. Miss ltrown,
violin; Misi lleckner, piano; Will Skin
ner, clarinet. This enterprising llrm
will no doubt continue this series of
The Ladies
The pleasant etfeet and perfect
safety with which ladles may utc
Syrup of Fig", under all condition,
makes It their fayorlto remedy. To
get tlio truo iind genuine, article, look
fjr the namo of the California Fig
Syrup Co. printed ucnr the bottom of
the package. For sale by all druggist,
Reduced Rates
To Chicago, Xew York, Philadelphia
and other eastern cities over the Xorth
cm Pacific. See the agents, Thoiuns,
Watt it Co., 227 Commercial street,
licmcuibcr also that you sao money bv
buying your tickets in Salem instead of
going to Portland to buy. H 2.1 It
Ijulies Freo harmless monthly regu
lator, cannot fall. Mrs. II. llowati, Mil
waukee, Wis. 11-21 liiiihlw t
Do Witt's Llttlo Karly Itlsers pro.
mote health by keeping It properly
reuulated. "Host pill made; wo will
use no others." (I. II. Applegute, J,
P., of Clarksburg, N, .1. Sione Drug
O .. ,t
.. j.j.xyi..
Stars tto
llie Kind Vim Urn Mau Bavftti-
f i-fia'.
-' -j" .
1'liero's ulwais hone when there's
Ouo Minute Cough Cure. "An attack
of pneumonia left my lungs near thu
lirstsliigesoicoiisiiiiipiiou. Ouo Min
ute Cough Cure cured mo." Helen
Mcllenry, Uismurk, N. D. Stones
DniK Store.
"I sulTered with piles eleven ears
lietoro using DoA'tttV Witch Havel
Salve; my health I rnstored I feel
llku a now iiiiiii" Conard Stange,
Plerz, Minn. A srothtug. healing
prop.iratlnn of standard merit;
stones nrug store.
"llcsion tho tunrkot f jr coughs and
cold; for croup it lias no equal."
writes Henry It liltfonl, South Ca
('nun, Conn., of Ouo Minute Cough
cure. Slonos Drug Store.
For Infants nnd Children.
Hie Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears tho
Signature of
Koihl Dyspepsia Cure Is a scientlllc
roiupoiind, It "digests whulyou eat"
anu euros (iysHnsia, .1. a. iveiroo,
llloomliigdalc, Teiio., s-'iys it cured
him of Indigestion of ten yours' stand
Ine. Stones Drugstore.
iuri a lh icirt im iit Ain Eiti
r cZa&ml
Poktiami, Stlpt. 'ifi. WIlMtlt valley
110c to ill ; Wullu Wallo.JWc. t Wlfor new
60c to IK) for old.
Flour Portland, f 8.W to 3 lit. KuH-r-flue
s.15 iwr bid.
Out White nW 40.), grny (l to ..
lla 'liniotliy B(tt0ior ton.
Hop HdtlSc; il erop fie.
VI-Vllf'. 139 1.V: Kastern Or
g(Ki, h Molusir, 37 Q 80.
Millriufl-ltmn, (17; s)iort. $18.
Poultry -t'lin'kBim. ihIxsmI, f i JW to liO
Htm A to ft.y, lurkejs, livt., MllilsjC.
Kmhr Ortiiuli, lh t 18)fl jstr dux.
IlldsNr (i rtwn,isli0 llw, SWV.HmlH.'
M II-, 71H' : Iim-p I-.IU, lftV.
UlltoO I Ui IV4C
IulUr lsrt lUiry, WA3ft: frnwy
rrmmfry, Iftc U ! vt nll, t '. Ui
l'olutM IS to 75c -r Of ntol.
II. I liry drMhl ' Ut ''
Milium Irwsil,V l'i 7c yr iiimI.
Ilwf KttfS. MmAl . i:i.J
13.-10 drswwsl, (m( t 74, 07e.
Wltaat IM iidMuds aiwl OMtr i'V.
Wool lft.-. Mulwir Vk.
WmtUj 45 Vu Vw.
(MU 3rV.
HayIWwl, )isMt ftMd ekmir -Tlmelhy
1-Cir-lM sIsssmIs Into 3. rniatl
MiikUi8-bB tISJ'l wkJlm fKU
Hiis sirukMMl, ftMc.
, j euW-tstopM $l(uw9l, t .
I fcltettlr-ftKWfg.
'- ' Vial HVie.
KuIIst I0ry eisiiKfy le.
I'.rttluy tsMiitt; hiekM lo MH"
IMistsw I0c.
KMay NiMc.
Katls U issscir ' "
ii isimri iht t-'ttrr --
iMutfnuaiacsllM Wlfc (rtf
A Ma-
Muksdl.ilIMW WuWHti WifV
miM I . " U&i" .
i . .na'-i rM"' u "i '
i d. tu.-rii ' laws I
H. r O M.'l -' lW
wl WS K.l4SU . U
i. V. ..HS-"H
As now Is the time when many arc
thinking of buying plauos, organs and
sewing machines, I take tills method
to remind vou that vuu have with you
an old dealer In these lines, who makes
it a stiKiy to uuv ins goods so no can
meet nil advertised prices on tho same
woods. In the sewing machine Hue
persons that come to my store unci see
what prices inuclilucs can bo bought
for, buy hero. Others, I llnd, seud,
out not near soinauy as used to
cauo so many salesmen thoy talk to
charge so much inuro than they can
ttul lliem by sending for llietii. 1 havu
lu stock liiKli-iirm.selMlireadlng shut
tle, all attachments, 4-drawcr. oak
table. sewing niacliluesfur$irto $18 CO
You do uot tiiKoany risk sending or
depositing your cash. You can see
the machine and sew on It beforo you
pay for It. Figure your prices adver
tised ami frelubt and you will see 1
am from $1 to $2.60 cheaper than those
prices, One example: My gain ou
shipping a slnule piano I have now
ou the road a car or piano, unboxed
parkud In a car, at the rate or $1.50 a
hundred; price of box, ii at tho fao
tor; weight or box avenmes 230
pounds, at $4 a hundred Is $10; wclht
or piano lu box liOO pounds, at $1,
makes $J4. At tho ralo or $1.00 make
$0 GO -a dllTerencc on the nlar.o In box
or $14.40 tiiuklnga total dllTerouco of
il plus $10 plus $14.40 or $20,10 1 save
on eacn piano, A very fair protlt on
each piano and a large saving on a car
load. I could (ill this entire paper full of
names of parties that have bought
cither u piano, organ or sowing ma
chine from me. 1 will gle you the
names of six only ylz Prof. w. u.
Iluwley. Geo. 11 Myer, Dr. V, II.
Hyrd, Father P. Plucltus, of Ml.
Angel, Sol Durbin and Mrs. C II.
Hlnifc. From these professional inuti
and ladles who aro good Judges, you
havo evidence that they-. found my
stock as good and us cheap or cheaper
than any oilier place.
As thce people have round it to
their ndvantdgo to buy from me, will
not you also?
In short. I liuv nnd sell my uood a
cheap and cheoper than any outside
mutiuiac.iurcr or ue'iier can possmiy
lav down a slnglo shipment of a piano,
organ or sewing tnachlno.
No. 2.11 Commercial street, Salem, op
posite Hush bank. U-18 d &v tf
C? Jf Si. JL' JC. m
S IH MW1 1B1 113TB AW!
lbe KhhI Yen m Alwait Bought
Notice Is hereby ghenthatii peti
tion has been tiled In the City Itcc.or-
tier's oillco or the City or Siileni, Ore
gou, on this 1 1 nay orepieuii)er, iwirn,
bv n resident mid nroneriy owner, iisk-
Ing the Coiniiioii Council tliereof, to
Micite two certain portions oil llie
west end of Wilson Aeuue, described
as follews:
"HcKliiiilngat. the northwesterly cor
'ncr (at Church and Court sircotsj
of what I. known as Wilson's Ave
nue, according to thu recorded
plat or tho City id Salem, Million
County, Oregon and or record at
pages III and 'JO id Volume. No. 1.
or the public records or thu said
County or Marlon, Stato (it Ore
gon, afotcsald, ami running
thenco easterly along tho south
lluuor said Court street and the
north tluu of said Wilson's Ave
nue, three hundred and forty-six
reel .1UIJ toil point upon whul
would be the westerly line or Cot
lago street In said city, If the
same wore extended southerly
ucro the said Court street ami
the said Wilson's Avenue, accord
ing to thu recorded plat aloresald;
thence southerly at a right angle
to salt! south Hud of Court street
11 foresaid, llu i') chains irthrcu
hundred and thirty feci U0J lo
the north line of .State ulteet and
tho south lino of raid WUsou'i,
Avenue; theneo w. sterly along
the wild north Una of Statu street
and the south line ol Wilson's
Aveiiuo iiforexild, three hundred
and forty-six root aid) to the
southwesterly corner of said Wll
son's Avenue aforesaid; llionrc
northerly along thu easterly Hue
or Church streol and the westerly
Hue of tub! Wilson's A venue aforo
sald, live chains f or three
hundred and thirty reel (X'WJ to
the place of beginning." .
A ho,
"lieglriuitigaia poinioniiiosoutii
lino of Court streol uml the north
lluuof Wilson's Avenue according
to thu recorded of the City of
Salem, Oregon, aforosald.J three
hundrod and forty six Mloj feel
easterly from the northwostorly
ooruer of s.ild Wilson's Avenue
uforosiild, and wheru the suld
south line of Court street and the
wild north lino of WHmhi's Ae
nue, would Intersect thu Austerly
lino of Cottage streol in said city
If (lie same were extended south
erly uurnts Mid Court street ami
Mild Wilson's Avenue, and run
nlng theneo southerly across said
Wllson'1 Avenue tluee hundred
and thirty t'iO) feet or llvo ,ij
olmlns, toa siinl on the south
lluuof hhIiI Wilson's Ateuuu and
the north line of Statu street
t'irto hundred and forty-six ,'llii
feet from the Miulhwosterly oor
iter of Mild WIImiii'j Avenue;
lliuncii easterly along the wiutli
line of Wlluin's Aventiu and the
north line of Sut street, li'liety.
nine reel and six Inchtss .oy fHitj!
lo a Kiliil uxm what woo d I) thel
(tustorly line of wild Cottage street
If the same wore extondwl south
erly acros Mid Court street and
said WllsonV Avei.ue to the said
north line of Stale strwil and the
south lino of said Wilson's A vonuo
ufuroaahl; liienro northerly ucmh
iuhl Wilson's Aw;iiue live elinlos
ortnree hundred and thirty 't'l
(MlUia isilutnu the khiIIi lino I
of (imrl tret and tlio nu'lli of I
Wilson's Avenue aforuMhl awl
wlre the said l-ist nainisl Iiiihi
would IntstrnsM the oasterly lino'
of CulUge street a'irtsald If the
mxtHV weri exU.nilwi southerly
aoriiwtd Cuft sirnol urxl tho
north Himi of WIImio's Aiwiiw
afnrewahl, awl Mwue wstfly
iiliiog Um Mkl south Uw oi Court
tretaiid llie Mirth line of Wll
ssrti's Arenue afi.reswskl, ninety
Hlfie fsl a no six lnchj fi feet J
1st tlie ptaeeof U'lrlnnlnir."
Ussfii Uie toiHi awl ooMslUloft and
for lis ! awl iKirs a lhsiH
Ml forth. , ,
taW Miiltk will mm up fur lHir
lug at tW soeobd regular mmltn uf
Uh) UMnwou OmihciIuI HUm. Ore
giiu, for tw hhwU of lHut, lew,
UiwH, m th 11U iJr,ort'??!,J.,I1l,'
N J. J UwAllfl
llwmtdet ( U Cy f Kkw. Of
nan. awl Hx-OUtrtu Jusllre t the
for Infants nnd Children.
Cnstnrla Is n linrinloss stilistltuto fr Castor Oil, Pnrc
Korle, Drops mid Soething: Syrup. It Is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcothi
siilistniteo. It destroys 'Worms and allays Kovcrlsluicss.
It on res Dhtrrlnea and AVInd Colli'. It rolloves Teeth
lnir Troubles and euros Coustlpiitloii. Jt veijuhttes tho
Siniiiitcli and llowols, Klvlnir Iteultliy and natural Bleep.
Thu Children's Panacea Tlio Mother's Friend.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
1 Boars tho
Use For Over 30 Years.
0i ?$?
mr'ifofr.& m
I. !
WTC. 'jA
You srr they IlioiiKlit tlie tilcvi If In llie
lilow, wssilieuidy one wr liu.l. 1 iie
wrtr iilrnly moir Innlile liowrvrr, imlsl
suia'rmouers.l. Wrcsulll viiuoulslso
J vuu n i' '"
w. i ' i- " . i ;
VI' 's , . i i '
VJIft) '
I . "i u
irtt nivt'
Mritiir,,li ..l.i..
sloii ..
liysiMitliliil ctuif.
imiivtlr liisjiiilv 1. jii Ix
tf m
' ljgjg aoofl
box.oror Is. I.y iiuilivtfi.i eiiiuurncv aii.iiukkisis iusc
nuutl'tr Maiiurucluit.l liyllie Itau MwlliliicCo.l'mls.l'rJiict.
i.uiil'I)iivIi DruitCii. JI.tillmllDiroKcnls,
Tiiikii anii VsMiitr Mrs . Isisti.aho. Osmos.
FOIl .SAL liS HV 1). .1. FUV, HAL 131, OltKCJON.
vSs. . ? iuIPIw V
Spoclal rafos g'von toJCommcrcial men.
Drives msilo U sll imlnls st sll limirs lllv tit esll sinl I lUrlnl. riixnc HI.
Not Grocers to
But Grocers to the Peop'e.
We keep in Stock a full Variety
of hovisioiib, Groceries ami Fruit,
Anything and everything you need.
At prices lo compete, call and compare.
oi.i voHmvrtw. uitiKJimv,
If you contemplate btiyiiiff
anything i" Hie line of
Furniture, Carpets, Wall Paper,
Linoleum, Oilcloth or Carpets,
You should call and sec our
Goods and get our prices.
F. W. Hollis & Company
First Door Norlli of PostoHicc.
First'Class Fred and Boarding
bALHM, OltK.
Best Rigb lor Commercial Men
HuUwIsuut bWk IUt Vr.lUstMtls.
CTrsafe uam ami comfortable rig
for ladles and faiully drlvlnrf a v
ally. llorjsli4diJ i day. Meek,
or month nml lst of sailsfsnllon
guaranu-rd. 'Jl lui
Signnturo of
Always crowns our efforts to produce
the llnest laundry work that can bo done.
Wo aim at perfection hi tho laundering
of Hue linen, shirts, collars, and cuffs,
woolens etc. and always reach it in tho
most artlstle llnish nnd faultless color.
Our work is par excellence, and Is iiImivo
rivalry, as well as our prices.
Salem Steam Laundry,
Phone 411. u:iO Liberty SI reel
Best and largest line of
Bicycles In th: Gity,
Car load shipments
Direct from Factory
Wo havo....
Best Bicycle
r. k'utlll'd VS'llOW
i- I'tni. i s .i i i ii'ii
tvi ' . wl, M ll n- Wrrtk
u I .1- l tjH'Mi.l Nlulilly I'lilis
ii 111 l.rticiiiuve IIiksiis, csusr.1
i.s. uf ' wlnili Icu.l lu
isrnr.1 in vrst iMickrl ll"T
112 KKHItV HT H.M.I.M, Oil.
J. J. FIDLER, proprietor.
Horses Hoarded by thu
Day, Week or Mouth.
Kliinlliig Teams, IHo.
Hlngle Horse 10c.
the President!
ill uinMt fur th iww wImsi! ymir Msipt
th, HfJ TI.M mIhmJ whs wvt iiuiru
iirMfrui tlwn nt llw prmMiit time, A
larger atlriHlum- Umii umiuI In uutlvl
wtwl for th "oiling yoar.
A. J. (iaki aso, M. A ,
U-2-liii. l'rhi-isil.
Oiest Oppcituniiy for Home Bctker.
To etuwt an tMtuto whieh Is xnwislul
iinolvtsl, town propurilt), farms sod
MSMlllravU in fruit ami olhwUv lull
hi hiH ami vlrlnlty) will Ui surlflVl
Only parlsMl iyHM(it rsuirtl. In
quire ol
HuowM, WuKiurMA A Mrs
TVoiSO lltuok, HuIihii, Or.
Cais and Coniloit,
H ysH driv uite of our 'immk ysrti list,
niiiifort. if you stable lour horwM at the
old I'iMt Ollleo tliey have lb
4IB (iilliaiu A llluwu V IHtsj.1
Succeuer to Or. I. M. Keenr, old
Comer, sxUm, Or. l'
mtiet (lesirltiR iipenoi
opeutlons at moaerste tees tn any branch an
Inetptcial tcquest.
1'hono 1071.
KOOM9 1 AND 'J, (1IIAY llt.K.
Salem Water Co.,
For water seivtcc apply at ouicc. Iltl'i
.jsvalilc monthly In advance. Make
-omplaints at thr rffi-i.
Platino Photos.
Kiilatgciiienls lu Crayon and Water
Color, riioto Huttons.
Ainalotir developing and llntslilng
neatly done I', J. IIUOWN,
Ouounu Flooii
243 Commcrchil St., Hulotn Oregon.
Steam Dye Works
No. 105 Commercial street, opposlto
Willamette, hotel. Ladles' and
gentlemen's clothing cleaned, dyed,
repaired and pressed. Kino blankets
cleaned or dyed and nicely Mu
lshed. Kid gloves cleaned, loo;
dyed 25c.
S, C, STONE, M. D.
Stone's Drue Stores
Tno smrr. (two III number) nro ItraUsl a
No. SU ami S3J Conumirv'lsl tttpcl, an.) an
rtclWIix'ltHl with a riiinplclc hue olilriiiisaiiit
meillclnrs, tullct srllrU's, iwrdnntry, litmlips
etc, etc., tic,
llll. HTONK
Has lisil some Uyt'ars uiKrlrnr In Ilia prao
tlioiilinisllplnraiul now makes no rtisrse fur
niiisiillall eisiiiliislliiii nr iriMcrl'lln.
Merchant TailOp
117 HTATK HTItl'.irr.
nrUulU 6119 mid upwmiU,
I'aliU (A3 nnd iipwnuU
Express and Tr ansfci
MkIs all mall and nasvciuior Iralss, IUi.
age ami eieicss lo all paits of the cit)
riiiinl seivtce. Telephone Nn, 70.
li.S. 111!
.St.te diccl, near iiiluad. Kicslicsl an.
best meals, My patioiu say I keep tlie Us
ipeats In town 2
I'DIIIINl), Ollli
Kiir HsUm an I vltiliilry lev) onlsrs at (Imi
Wl I I's Untie bin 1
You run get Just what you want at
Tin: i:utj; ktudio
.Nothinghiilllrst work turiRKl out. Thu
biggest Kiilargod Work ou tho coast.
How About Your Heater
Is It all right and ready for th W lnt-r?
If not this is the ls'l lime to hive It
ih-iinisl mid put 111 repair iMiforo you
sturl)otir winter's lire Or poiiblyyoii
lietsl 11 new one' III UUV iuso v.Hl vs ill
llud our work 111 tins line of tho IxniI.
We will put 111 slmini heating upNiriitils,
hot air furiiaivur hot water limiting at
11 reiiiwiuubh' tost
114 COMMKKUAl. isiKKXI'.
telcpliune No. 3J7'
CioMing die IdKklM,
'llrii iwisi dchgl.lful lule miuss lUc oni
MMt is iluutiB" t,l ""J OuuJ. wu
bl is knuwnsl ''llichtcK Ivouwof IIm
Vs.4lr' It iHiltsit uui at wltst ssvasm "l
lis yn tli I ip It Htil, l u !" dims
ilicM'iurr) gio isvimmohuxs. ll Is sn 1
shsiiKis diwiAiut ul Hit Uuu Us u inline.
Ooc iwuiunl you aic pissing lb wimIi gurgo
wallcit inby lucks lltuMsswls f fst ligh.
ml llm lissl yiM are alwsa ilw B"r luw.
tkiilinK sks tlmt Uef .n yuu uwll
lUy tii alnujst lu isJth th sky. One uf
Ihachsiictrtlsltct ' U.IkIm cluuan
Ulbil lb cslKins uf Itmiuime ar
ixvci inc4 wl h ll Is rwUMf s SUM in
winter iMif wsnii In iMiiMHSl. as upwi ll
Uses ol rsdwas whu mjs tu asiis iu
iilsins I Le lfaf lc ossi Us: Km (ia l
Un'siri aim Us lk pfinl'K l stopir,
if Iw solsai Hah Uke Cily, o an,
wlxre Usui! lvg4cn 4 )liifr, imi all
cliixi ol tlclsls
Pur lnfuiiua lo as lu rsWs. U , an '. f N
discriptl wniphUm, call ou ll naissi
llckst Akcm vi lUe 0. K. K. N Co. o.
Suudwin I'aaiM Co.. or sd 'ksi,
I I) MANsr'IRI.O. Osn'l Attl.
Hi) 0,sn4 Wrslem Hallway. M n'd
sirret, I'wlUnd, Vttin
St CC It ItfiNpll ATB
HOZOUTU liuoa.
yia OtJistiitar-l! Ml. Or
UI tWd,1 w
r:' ', Myilli'le
siws IS-- JCTffi s
Assoclale Teacher Western Consetva
toty, Kansas City, Mo., representing
the Inter-itale Syilem, at Saktn, Ore.
Orcr Hrst National llanlr. Healdence ,
376 Church street. Sludlo hours- 9 to
sirNWsJMUwsK I
Now today nctvertinemeiirsi loi.r lines
or less lu tlila column nuietteti uiroa
times for 23 cbs- SO obi a week, 91
per month. All over lour Hues at
same rata.
KOU SAM: A span of 8-year-old bny
mares, weluh
it 1250 a piece. Kiuiulro
of W. A. White nt
0 20 st.
"MliN Our Illustrated catalogue ex
plains how wo tench burlier trtulo in
eight weeks, mailed free.Moler Harbor
College, San Francisco, Cal." 0-2:1 (lit
I'OU SAI.K. Choice young Jersey cow
hi milk. Price $25. P. W. l'enrmlne,
two miles north on Itlvor road.
11 23 !lt
WAXTKI) Ayoungmnn to learn tho
jewelry business, only those who come
well recommended need nnply. C
II. Hinges, 2W1 Com. St. 8-W-tf d&vr
WANTIH) TO UUY-Oentleiiiait's
ltond Horso. Willamette Hotel.
I'OU HAI.K-Welchhnch Illinium, 2roU
eneh. Wlllametto Hotel. U 17 If
FOU1. DOI.UUS li:il I)AY-Mcii aio
wanted to cut, split or haul cord wood.
Will payfiu rents for splitting nnd 1
per eonl for hauling tidlstaitcu of2'ii
miles, Haleiu Pitel Co., risiin lit, over
Hush llrtiik. 8j8 tf
CIIATWIN llOllSi:, Centrally loratwl,
twnbloeks from htisluess center, uulet
homo, nicely furnished rtxiins, with or
with out iKiard, terms on application
20(1 Church street' fMMinns
WANTHD.-Tenms to haul lumber
fniiu saw mill to Keio. A gtsul team
eati earn f l.fH) a day. For fiirthur par
ticulars call or address llunseti .tc
l.aiidou, hnleiii. K 31 tf
WANTIH-lhiy a Isitllo of Chloro Nap.
thollum hrforo going lo the hop yards
of Itols'rt llasey. H-!ll-l t
NVTriTlKVIieiit, oals Hltd- liar ley.
h.igs ftirnlrhed. llet our prices ls
foro you sell, Olllro 011 Court street
rear of Halryinplo'ri store; warehouso
jilir Kxehaiigo building. Tlllsou.
lUrtlettllralnCo. 8-7U
NOTICKTO Till: l'UIIMC.-Notleo is
hereby given that tho undersigned
will liervaltor lie resHiitslblo for no
bills contracted by aiiyonu except
himself, or usm Ids writtuu onler.
W. W. I.lttle, Hahuii, Or., Heptoiulior
2, 1WM). U 4 lni
IIOIIHH POIt HA I.K. Thu MliciiJii 1
Uiwls.t Hlaver Co, hruiieh hi this
elty, has a gissl general uirsisji
horsu for mio. Call enrlv. P. P.
Carey, mititager. U-o-tf
1I1UYC1J5 I'ATH-lf your bicycle
needs repairs bring II lu, wo havo
thu skill ami stock to keop it lu llrst
class condition. Wu carry a full
lliiuol sundries mid iiinkuu social
ity of enameling couiu uml seu us.
wo satisfy our patrons. Oarduor &
White, 2&S l.lbeity stieol. H0I1111111
block, next door to s tea 111 laundry.
1'hono 28.W. I '20-1
iPlTJrTrrULlJAlTKtl1? - Ueiiiouiucr
that tho Iwsl and cheaK.l cariiet
pa imi r Is the heavy full paper sold
lit TlIK JdtJItNAI. olhcc. 20-tf
"A""!!! liTSXNncI).
Or J. P. Cook, tho llotnnlonl Hpoo
nllat. Uuooiiocls Whuro Otlior
To w Iiiiiii It may concern 1
This is to certify that llerlha 1. Con.
iter, ol Ml. Angel precinct. Muriou eouii
ty, Oregon, has suffered from 11 cancer
011s growth lu tho lefti-ur for alsmt three
yiurs. Thu grow th was out out twice uud
buruisl out once by Albany I'hysU-luiis.
but the growth cuuiu lutek as Isul
us ever, uud pained her so Isidly that
shii hud to Ihi taken from school. After
three week's treatment by Dr. J. P.
Cook, of Hiilem, Oregon, thu IVotnnleal
Hpitiulist, tlio growth entirely iIImiix
peurod, and at this date, our inoiitfis
niiii-u triHitiiiunt was U-guii, the growth
has not reappeared, nnd ttiu ear lins 1 if
tlri'ly hwiltsl leaving only thu sears In
lllctisl by thu Allwiny duetors.
I heruby lurtify that thu ubovo stute
muiit Is ulMMihitiiiy true, and that Iter
ibu I' C.niiir. thu isirson iiiuiitiouetl
hi llm Hlll.litvit. bus resldisl In mv fum
lly since isirly thlldhisxl, Injuring thu ro
hitlonsliip to mo of nlei-o.
11. 11. UIHU,
riubserllssl and sworn to Is-foro inu
this eighth day of J turn, IH'.fJ. W. W.
IUI1. eoiiuty elerk of Marlon county.
No, 71 Chemcketa st,
I. II. f. TUTIIILU Aissycr
The German Market
Will lw found all kinds of meat
nml tlw IkssI of suiuago. PltKK
liKI.IVPItY. All hills duo tho
Into lino of Wolt ik Mioseko
most Iki paid.
moL,z, &:son
171 Coiiiiuureliil HI,
Torn. Clilnuwaru, Janunoau Fnnoy
, Ootid,
KiuhruLUstal Silks. IknMiiu. l.rv ITsrsluss.
TuiiiiUi, sUll. J'witl iuUkl urnauiats, ltaw
im, ika., iti,Uwi war. Junius, oisirlt sl
Mukursof ull kinds of Tulteii UinWrwear,
Uutals ItM-clttst by llst'iy Hummer UnUra
I'omt'lly PlikMt
lliiuuilbirwl, (tr ltmiulig(Uliair.
CaH or WrHa
fa lfetfft B AUaMymAA aajauaA
6 & 63 MrcisswHRlmMisi
9.HWJNfVhtinz smaisissWW
i-i u ansuMl Witia l S " "M""