The Daily journal. (Salem, Or.) 1899-1903, September 22, 1899, Image 1

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T Latest
Associated Press tele-
J Tho Dally Journal's larsro olrouln- J
tlon Is no accident. It's tho result or. 4,
hlah quality and low prloo. J
ows and Live 4
Editorials mako Tho Dally Jour-
Hcrae Made Goods
Specials: A very select
line of Boy's Knee Pant Suits
of our own goods made up in
New York. Get one for
your boy!
All sizes of Boy's Black
the very best to be had:
for them.
275 Commercial St.
R. 11. Leabo, Manager.
8S Stato St. Ladd ft Hfli lUuk;.
Arc our btronghold at the present time- But
we are equally well supplied with the more
plain staples at bottom
is a record breaker at
Are the best and cheapest ever shown in
pleased to show them, even if you are not
confident our prices will win your patronage
to purchase.
The .arirest assortment of
Mens Pants: Regular sizes,
exfrn si7M rinrl vtrn Inmrc
' .
Nn nmtfpr wlmf she vmi mil
f . " . """ V"" "
ior we nave them. A special
drive on them
he finest line of Crash Hat
for Men and Bovs to bs
in Patterns ade
Shoes are selling fast. Our
Fall Stock now in, all bought
before the late advance in
leather, and we are going to
sell them below any body.
Call and see our styles and
get our prices.
Salem, Oregon,
TARINGS BUSINESS. Our competitors
do not seem to appreciate it but our
customers do. All our Fall and Winter
stock cut to bottom prices. No f tore in
the city attempting to meet our prices.
Of course some people "will look
around," wc arc glad they doMhcy aU
ways come back if they know the dif'
ference between a $2,50 shoe and a
$3.50 shoe.
and -Tt. jv. WnlQHK9S'i7T77TS
prices Our plain,
60c each
ining Tallies
Both Round and Square.
flBiiir 'Tinrn a m "I
Nfl PTD W miriTlfP Ml C
I ivium, 1iJ.11.xu
Hundred Thousand
Dollars Loss.
One Hundred Fifty Thousand Bushels
Wheat Damaged.
At about A o'rlook this inornini n llro
ri tinted in tin1 fan room on (lie third lloor
of tin; Salem llouring millf, ami tirctul
lug with nmrvidmig riipitlity, it eonsuni
oil tlio mill irrpt.T and the largo ware
lionscin uliioli nlwut 160,000 Imehi'ls of
wlnxit van storotl .
Tliu origin of the llro Is not duflnituly
known, 'lliu mUlt'iV theory ix Hontnn-
i-ona roinbti-tlon, but whatovor ftnrtitl
the llrxt 8iik, it fouiul i-onditloiiH moxt
favorable for a eoiillaprntioti. The mill
wiw running ami the line diiHt with
uliloli the ilr unx churned, anil tho ex
co-win- (Irymfm of ever) tiling Innlile,
maile the blae Hpruud with the sudden
no" of an oxploalon.
Tho mill van in charge o( Miller .Mel
Line, ami the night crew were at work.
The lire iindboowtrcd by Watchman
C. J. Nt'lcoii, ami the men toon lntd
water on the blunt from their Hj'idcin
of In if e, but their efforts Mere frultlcp
ami they were noon driven out.
Nfcht l'olU'emau .Smith dlHcovurod
tho lire a few moiueutH after it broke
out ami turned In an alarm from the
Hotel Wlllametteo.
Tho lire department responded
promtly and lioth engine! were on the
fouim In a few iiiIiiiiUih.
The Ii Fmneu ungliiu wan Htiillnuod
at the river and threw two good nf rciiuiH,
and tlitwe mvwl the lower urilioiiM,
In which wuh ctorixl noinii .'t,(K lxirrtilH
of llour, and a largo amount of nIidiU,
bran etc.
The bi rotary eiiKJiie wan HtatieuiHl
at the cltduru on the corner of Commer
cial and Furry Hire!, but idio. did not
throw iiiiu'Ii water iixiii the lire, an mIiii
worked only by lito and aluMe.
TIiIm engine had just In'ttn nvurlmulod,
and lutd not yet mn teat!, hi thai hIio
wuh nut in a condition to bo rellud iix)ii,
b'lt "he wuh brought out for the Hike of
ulmt gil chu mlht do. Ah it uaxcho
lid lit m li to fine the olllco.
At 4 1 5 the tire U-II wan runi;, tho en
gine ltoiiiK nlreHdy nt the lire, and tho
town wa anmwil. At tit in time the tho
high back dining chair
Salem, we wiU be
ready to buy, feeling
when you are ready
xTlH '
names had broken out ami tho upper
stories enveloped in Humes.
Tho llro liecninu hotter and hotter nud
tho efforts of the llrcmen wore mainly
directed to paving tho two other large
buildings, the wheat warehouse, on tho
east and tho Hour warehouse on tho
west of tho burning mill.
Streams from the It Franca engine.
were kept playing upon tho end of the
latter building and In spite of tho
frightful heat it was saved, though It
broke into a blnzo several times in dif
ferent placqs.
A stream from tho hydrant, on tho
corner of Front and Mill streets, wn
played iion the end of tho largo ware
house, but it did not reach more than
half way to tho peak of tho roof, and
above tho reacli of tho water it finally
took lire at alout 4 :30.
Tho ieak of tho gable caught llrst and
the llatnos spread along tho roof mid
soon got Inside, and in a very short
thuo tho whole uptcr part of tho build
inn was a seothiii mass of llame. In
tho mean time a blaro spread over the
lower lloor under tho wheat bins and
thU part was soon a furnace.
As the tiro ate into the bins aliovo
the stored grain broko out iMid flowed
down in a golden stream, spreading out
over tho ground on t'i north side of
tho building, and, on tho south, burying
tho driveway, then (lowing over tho
high bank of Mill creek in a stream it
accumulated above the mill race fora few
moments aim tiion swept out a sec.
tlon of the race and rushed down into
Mill creek In it cataract, throwing the
debris across the creek and damming
the stream until the backwater oter
came the obstruction ami J wept the
pile of grain down to the river.
There were several freight cars on tho
Southern Paeitlc switch, hut volunteers
from the crowd pushed them out ofdau.
When it was ween that the big ware
hoiiM! was doomed tho contents of tho
mill olllco wem rcimned lonsufodistaucc
in the street but the olllco building was
At one time it looked as though Com
mercial stunt bridge would go, but the
excellent work of the dromon wued tho
Tho S. 1'. freight depot was in some
danger, and a stream of water wuh di
rected iixin it several tiinos.
Tho cottages opposite tho mill were
wanned up but garden hose kept thorn
Had the llourwarehousegoue the lum
ber yard and sow mill and the O.K. A
N. dock would have licon In imminent
One fortunate circumstance was the
abn'iict! of wind. A stiff bret'.o from
the south would huo ineitably swept
tho lire through the huniliu-is section nud
nothing could lmo stopped it.
An old fireman with llfteen years ox
parlance says a llouring mill Is the
most hazardous place for a lire, and that
tho wonder Is that the whole town was
not burned.
Fire Chief C. N. Churchill was seen,
and whll ho was too busy to talk much,
ho suys wltlHUit a doubt tlmre will 1m
criticism of tho llru de-iArtmunt as thuro
alwuy is aftr u tiro, but th firemen
and the many rlthvns did the Ixiat they
wMild under all thocireiimstum'tts. They
kttptaMroumoii the lower warehouse
containing nlsmt IS.(M) Mtrks of llour
ninl savwl it Isioml iiisthin. In the
HMuiitJiiiM they uwl every avullabk
means to sa the Urgtir
which MtUliiM tliejlwlk of.the w hent.lHit
simply (VMiltl iHt throw the wutur high
enough Ui rtwch the MMitliHttst uorntir of
the lof which mm tin wor.t uxjmI.
CuutiuiM-S mm tVurlh l-f-
Tasting Is Enjoyment,
orns ami bunions of all pln ami
Fin Vtmii ClM-oolatB Cruams for the glvos rent and comfort. Try It Uslay
ladifs. Pwiny wfl for the babts. A txthi ny all druggists and kIhmi nUirus
mxsI suHikti fur tltf gutJHvii. Fruit, k forfte Trial (uokac FltKK Ad
,ram ait.lutl drinks for all at the Hfni. dreM.Allen U. Oluiktod, Ias lUy,
IVin, IM SUUj Str.t. 1 N. Y. 6
Now the next thinjj is where will we tlo our
trading? We all want Shoes, Underwear, Hats,
Caps. Gloves, Sox, Hose, and a jjreat many Dry
Goods. Now, I will tell you, John, that we can
save money by trading at
In Salem, for 1 have priced their goods and know
they are all right. Keally. John, I feel like we
ought to tell everybody that they can get more
for their money at THE FAIR STOKb in Salem
than any place else. O. P. Dabnuv is the
proprietor, 274 Commercial Street.
Filipinos Open Fire
On Our Men,
Six Companies Give Them
Hot Cliaso.
Siys Churches are Respected
Homing Volunteers.
Ilr Annoctslril I'rroa to (lie Jmirnnl.
Manila, Sept. 2:'. A parly of insur
gents ditched n railroad train a mile ami
a half south of Angeles this morning,
and then opened llro un the derailed
cars from n bamboo thicket close to tho
track, killing two Americausaml wound,
ing the otheri.
Lioutemtnt Uiiiio and live of Ids
scouts who were on tho train iiiudo a
vigorous defense and caused tho enemy
to I lee. Six dead relels were afterwards
found in the' thicket from which tlo
rebel llro came.
(leneral Whcatnu with six companies
proceeded from Calulet to -the relief of
tho train, but his forces were not
Wasiiinuton, Sept. -".'. The warde
parlmeiit has rocehed tho following ca
blegram from tieneral Otis reganliiig
tho military uie of church property In
the Philippines:
" deferring to your cahlegi-am of Sept.
IK, sixteen churches in different locali
ties uro occupied by tho United States
troops. Four are only partially occu
pied and religious services are not inter
ferred with, also three convents are oc
cupied, The set here and ten of 111 churches
were formerly occupied by the insur
gents. Church projHirty Is respected and
protected by our troops.
San Fiianoisco, Sept. '!, T'he trans
Mirt 'iilniiilla with a portion of tho
llrst Montana volunteers on Ixmrd has
In-en ulghted off (lol.len (late. Tho Val
encia with tho baluuco of the .Montana
men is exacted shortly,
Chinese Exclusion,
Wasiiimhon, Sept, IS!. At tho cabi
net inn'tlng tinlay tho silhJiHit of Chi-
new! uxclilslou In tlio rliillpplnes was
diH'UHstil at some length. It was pro-
k)Hh to ask (leneral Otis for delluito
Information us to what hud Ihoii done
and sicolally in regard lo tlio particu
lars of the complaint from tho Chinese
minister that one shipload of Chlnwo
had Ihi-o stopHl, (ieneral Otis will 1st
uskisl to give reaMiuswhy this action was
llouemcn heaving.
F. I. Norton, of Murshlluld, will
leave tomorrow, taking his trotter, l'hil
N. t) the North Yukima fair, from
whence ho will no to the Walla Walla
fair, l'hll N. wan sired by Honour, N.
II., formerly nwnctd by Mr. Norton uimI
prninlhOH to le a very sjiily auliual.
In yesterday's race he wunta iiiIIm in
Chris BIiii'mmiii, ownwr of Alia Nort
ami Honour N. It., will ship his Imun-h
tomorrow to North Yakima.
Ity this morning's l-ut, I', W.
I'uasley and CM',. llollgrUr HUfhJdpHl
' ' r,m' l"",w' " I'ortlaml, utxl J. II.
Hotrtui shlisi oiglit.
Try Allen's Koot-He.
A siwdiir to Im! shiiken Into the
khiMts Yo'ir feet feel smoIIuii, iiurvnus
anil hot, a ml ikU ilitst easily If you
have kiiiiirtlun feet or tight, shoo, try
Allen's PooUKjmi. llusd the ftui
and initkos v ilklng eusy. Cures swul,
lri, sweating feet, Ingrowing ridlls,
IdUters ami caIIous spots Itelleves
H.Trask of Fox Valley isattendlngtho
state fair.
Miss (5. Ivrllw of ItnviL-u i-m n Snli.iu
yiuor unlay.
- . w. .....u..., ., ,,u .,, ..( I IM
I.. Alderman, of WixxIh, Is attending
i on muio nur.
Steve Cash of Scott Mills iiimo down
to tho fair today.
K.C. lluntlkerof ItrookH wnsu state
fiir visitor t(Hlay.
George Tow nseud of Amity was In town
today on business.
F. M. Momle of Stlviirtin tin In llui
city today on business.
OeorgoIalK)ofSlicridu, wasa Salem
business visitor today.
Charles II. lkiodof Portland, is In tho
city today on huslncM.
W. II. Holmes and A. Hush went to
Dallas this morning, on business.
Misses Flora and l.illlo llobrlk of Port
land aro visiting Salem friends and the
Prof. X. Worthy, left this morning for
Osterander, Wash., whuro ho will teach
Mary UeUy of Portland Is visiting
Salem friends and attending tho fair
tills week, . r .
F. J. Parker was u pas'emjer home,
to Newberg, having licon in Salem visit
lug friends.
I.. F. Piplu ami souA.J. otChltwood,
Lincoln county, came to Salem today to
attend tho fair.
A. T. (illlx-rt and dallu-hter. Kuthrvn.
n'turne-l last evensng from an extended
visit In the Fast.
Mr. and Mrs. Allen ltutlierfnnl wont
to their homo at Vancouver this morn
ing after a brief visit in Salem.
O. F. l.ukoof Portland arrived hi town
last evening to visit his relatives at
Hosedalo. Mr. and Mrs, lllrdsall.
Walt Johnson went to Sublimity,
Aiimsvllle and Staylon to purchase a
stock of Hilly tloats for Mr. Hanson's
goal ranch In Polk county,
Mrs. (ieorge Holland and son Do
Uieoy, of Sprague, Wash., are visiting
at tho homo of Mrs. N.J. Stahley ,ou
F.lghtcouth and Trade strtvls.
(Ieorge Ashhy has taken it position
with the Paclllc Vinegar works, of Pint
laud as salesman, and has the terrltoiy
of Washington, Mainland Oregon.
Mrs S. W. Martin of Oregon City ar
rived on the morning train uud will
make a short visit at tlio home of It. I..
I'eutou on North Commercial street.
Sol M, Stock, of San Francisco is vis
iling old Salem friends having an I veil
last evening fioui the North, lie Is now
engaged in the wholesale millinery bus
T. (). Marker, of this city, J. II. Sleg
miiud, of (lervals and (I. II. lloyt, of
Jefferson, exMVt to start on a hunting
trip Sunday in the mountains in I, Inn
county., of MoMlnnv'llo, brought
in a hack load of delegrtes and fair visit
ors today, Mr. and Mrs. II. Mills and
mouieraiiil .Miss .. uaniucr iimi.Messrs.
Iter t Itoni, C, Henry, I'. Igau and S,
The trial to-lay, before Justice Jnlim
sou, of the snake man resulted In his ac
quittal. Look At Us.
First door cast of
pavilion. ' Finest of
candies, cigars and
solt drinks.
Commercial s(
Cor. Court.
Made Suits
For Ladies
Or Men:
New York
A very stylish Reversible Vestdifferent
Makes the food more delicious and wholesome
qyi Mioowtnco., mew o.
May Take a
in It.
Important Cabinet Meeting
In London,
Baron Rothschild Keeping His Hand
on tho Throttle
Ilr ' iicli-lrit l'rras tu li Jnnrnnl,
1.onion, Sept IS!. A cabinet council
was held today. The cabinet ministers
wore loudly cheered, Clmmbtirluln re
ceiving the lion's share of applause.
Previous to the meeting of tho cabinet
Huron Itothsohlld visited First of
tho Treasury Hal four. Tim circum
stance is unusual, ami, Is said to Ihi In
connection with tho ditlli'iiltles the gov
ernment Is encountering regarding the
proiH'ctof a Military campaign.
Dispatches from'tho Cuo continue to
ho of a warlike tone, and voice the In
dignation of the llrltlsh contingent
against tho Orange Free State. The
impression Is current here thai the cab
inet will secretly prepare the details of
an aggressive campaign.
Tho cabinet meeting ended at i!:lti p.
m. .Nothing trauspireti regarding tlio
action, taken though tho general impres
sion has spread that a vigorous line has
Ik'oii adopted,
Oemian Kmbasssilor Calls.
Uisixin, Sept. !M. Immediately after J
the cabinet council tlio Gorman malms-
sudor visited Premier Salisbury uud had (
u long ooufiirunco with him. Tho fact j
that a similar visit liiiinodlitloly I
followed tho previous ealilnol
council leads soino imiiihiiis to
attach significance to It and to Infer that
i;msiror Willlaiii Is taking an autlve
Hirt in Transvaal affairs. It Is much
more iiiobahle that tho ouimthiu of Do-
l.igoi Hay wasdlseiisseil.
Iluusrs Hall,
llotuiVY, Huit. '."-'. Tho remainder of
theNluetc!Utli Hussars and the cavalry
stalf sailcl for the Capo.
No riHiriililiin or oiil
MM. I'll us All I'ktll
ins i Ilr Mllm-TAis
Meyers &
All the
New Ideas
Silks, etc.
Fur i win.
1 "' fiiiiiimHt v
i4t'fl'ri'ttHV M'Wf Znj'''.ll ''"'""" Vv
i i i XlUl RJiUi ai w, il'.. JX" ""' """" 7.1V X
W vTil nrii Pa ! iJ-rifl,7 WT, '. af'-iri'"". : " '.'..'.'Alt y-
yAfiiS-'v f-i3.7 jfc-..',,;'7'lHi,'"-""".'Mtr TJ
'I s JSTa.A u Irfrfri'K v t .1 ." 'Htfr' -, ?r
NO, 223
Chosen to Visit Washington During
Next Session of Congress.
Or Amim-IMci! I'trmt In thit Jovrnnl., Sept. 15. Via San Fran
cisco, Sept. '22. Judge Shartwell has
been chosen by tho government to rep
resent tho territory of Hawaii unoffici
ally In Washington during tho coming
congress. ,
President Dole stated that tho action
of tho Hawaiian government In sending
representatives to Washington was not
only with tho knowledge but with tho
hearty approval of President McKlnloy,
One of Dewey's Captains,
Skvtti.k, Sept. S.'. Captain Colgan,
commandant of tho Port Orchard dry
dock was today ordered Fast to attend
the Dewey reception. He was In com
mando! the Italelgh during tho buttle of
Fall Millinery Opening
Thurxlav. Frldav and Sntiinhiv. Hunt.
Ul.lWand IX. i
KONI'AlltKt., 1
1117 Commerulal street. J
Yellow Fever.
WAMUiNirro.v, Sept. UU..Surgeon.aen
end Wynian'ri advices from ICoy West to
day roiMirt '.'I new eawH of yellow foyer
uud twoihmths.
ilicy 'vc Imitated
everything else, but
they've never been
able to imitate the
quality of
Cash 71
Hept. Z D.vomboi 7t!J,
Hv I'hamisco, Hept
!.-Cash 105.
While Corner
i'lioiic II.
Coif Capes,
Plush Capes,
Cloth Capes,
Handsome Jackets.
pattern on each side
1 1