The Daily journal. (Salem, Or.) 1899-1903, August 29, 1899, Image 2

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Dally, Ono Year 03.00, In Advanoo
Dnily, Tout MonUia $1 00, id Advanoo.
Weekly, Ono Yoar S1.00,,in Advance
Following is tho IcsuliiiK ilotiblolcndcd
odlforlnl in tlio Oregonlnn of August IB:
"Wo know whom tho politicians want.
Thoy want McKinley. Ho Iiiih given
Ilium thair hearts doalro to it full incus
uro. In ovory statu tliulr murhlno is
his. They liavo boon ulvon tlio olllcos
mill in return tlioy will give him dolo
KiitlotiH at tho national convention,
l'rotty muuh everything tho iidmhilftra
Hon could lay its hands on hus boon
turned into provender for the Iiowkih and
out in tlioir uril) for thoin to munch at
their lelmiru.
Tho first Kcriimhlo was for Alaska. Its
Blonder yiuld of patronago was mipH!d
up in tlio twinkling of an ovo, and the
result Is a national scandal.
Then tho wolvos howled for moru. Did
thoy overlook It? Not thoy. TJioy re
doubled tlioir erics. Ana thoy worn
hoard. Tho army was turned over to
thorn. Algors, hagans, Ilcckors, Duf
Holds, I!laiui!fl,Hricori, Quays, Mitcliulls,
l'latts, had their way, and had it as long
as tho ofllcos hold out.
This was not enough. Thoro was tho
classified list. Demands wore made on
that and tlio president yielded. Hero
in Oregon tho clvil-scrvico law had been
opouly denied from tho beginning of tlio
udministratlon. Tho order ratified
theso highhanded proceedings and
opened tho way for mora. Tlio Ohio
and Kentucky ItopuhllcaiiH hailed tlio
largcsso with loy, Tho Ohio Hopubll
cans had tho decency to say nothing.
Next thoro was tlio census. Politi
cians demanded these places, and to ask
was to receive, no sooner said than
done. Tho necessary qualifications
Morrlnm candidly said, is a pull.'
So there is no doubt whom tlio ioli
tlcions want, Thoy want McKlnlcy
Thoro ho is now, there ho will lw next
time, if elected. For him delegates are
already Holccted in many states. Por
him tlio "federal brigade" everywhere
is girding on its armor, preparing to
ralso assessments mill pack conventions
as in tho good old days of 'pernicious
Hut how nbout tlio peoplo7 They
ought to Isj stronger today than thoy
wero four years ago. Then thoy forced
McKinley on unwilling bosses, bucuusu
tliov believed in him. His (dontillca-
tion with high tariff hud persuaded them
ho was u fighter. Thoy loved him for
tho froo-trndo enemies lie had made.
Powerful enough then to prevail over
tho bosses who opposed him, are thoy
K)werless now to prevail over tho homos
who liavo combined with him? Thou
thoy loved him for a lighter, now they
distrust him for u shifty opportunist. It
tho head of the American people has not
been sobered by world-wide responsi
bilities into which the Spanish war has
thrust us, if Its heart has not Imioii en
nobled at tho sight of its host blood
freely and heroically shed on foreign soil
then It Is to bo despaired of.
Tlio Indirection of MoKlnloy's treat
ment of Alger, tho iniquitous conse
quences of his eniilvocul course in mak
ing war in tho Philippines, have unde
ceived many whnhavo Itcon believers in
tlio president. Thoy show his weakness
of conviction, his desire to placate popu
lism and 'autl-lmperilism,' Ids want of
conception of statosmaiishlp except In
the terniH of olltical intrigue.
No ono need delude himself with tho
false hope that theso incontestable
truths can bo kept from general know
ledge or Hiiccessfully denied before tho
iKjople. They can ho resisted, and wo
boliovo, successfully resisted, if llryiiu is
iioimuittcii uganiHi mm, inn mere is
time now to escape necessity of an un
enviable and dlllicult position.
Will tho iHioplotako heart, or will thoy
remain supine under tlioadiuiuistratious
alliance with the himiIIhiiuiii? Of one
thinir thoy may Ik assured thoy need
not ho deterred through four of the com
pact's Irrufragability. Hats do not do
sort tlio sinking shin with half tho ce
lerity tho hnsMm will show in desertion
of their wlilldom nlly.oucu Jthey are con
vinced of his uuKipu(arity.
Will u senator or a collector forsake
tho man who has given him Ills every
demand, onco ho Is persuaded ho onii
ally himself with a stronger candidate?
Hal Will a duck bwlm? Will a cut eat
mmws PILLS
Ourm Smtr Siothaoh.
OonsUtatiottf etc. Q
lO cents And 90 cent, nt itru ntnre. L
The Annual Circus Event Walter L.
Main's Fine Show Coming to Salem,
Tueseay, September 5.
It comes highly reccommondod by tho
press of both tho States and tho Prov
inces. It is a square dealing show, nud
neither gambling or pilfering is per
mitted near it. Tlio attaches tiro gontlo
nion, and will make It plonsaut for all
visitors. Kvory ono connected with the
show is proud of tho institution with
which lie is connected, and tho nubile
will bo surprised with tho enormity of
tlio show as well. It comes on its own
special trains, Tho parade will embrace
tlio principal streets and start at 10 a.
m., from grounds, and will be novel and
worth seeing. Many of tho animals will
bo open to viow. Thoro are some very
lino specimens of wild beast creations in
tho menagerie, in all over 25 dens. Our
unprecedented noveltv and curiosity is
the be by olophnnt. There Is n den con
taining tlireo baby lions only six weeks
old, another witli a kangaroo, and an
other having in it four baby monkeys.
Some baby Arabian ponlos aro other
features, also a big flock of ostriches and
one baby chick ostrich among them.
This great show has tho finest lions,
tigers and leopards on earth. Tho cir
cus is uxceilant. It is ono of the features
and full of comedy. The aorlalists.
riders, acrobats, leapers, and general
performers and tho very best that money
an procure. There uro sixty-nine acts
in tho circus, tlio finest of their kind in
the world. A freo exhibition takes
place at the grounds a 11 11. in., and at
o:'M p. in. Hand concert in circus tents
ono hour preceding each performance.
Doors open at 1 and 7 p. in. Program
commences nt 2 and 8. u & w
Klgln's now water works have been
completed and have been accepted by
tho city council.
V. T. Cook, of Canvon Citv. has tmt-
ented a non-oil bicycle chain lubricant,
which promises to ho a boon to tho cy
clist. Tho Dalles payed f!J,OGO in salarlo
.'00 for lights; 20.lll for police ser
vice; $11)2 for water-, $1,. 'HIS. 18 for
streets mid sewers; $1,021). -18 for the
flro department dtirhiK tlio hist llscul
Kx-County Clerk John A. Powoll, of
(Irani county, was killed by 11 falling
bank hi tlio Humboldt mine last week.
A. .1. Miller has been appointed game
warden for Mini county, vlco A, Strang,
Tho Tillamook Lumber Company
saw od from a log a stick 71 feet long fur
tho government scow to ho constructed
The Columbia Itlvur and Oregon
Timhornuiu, n monthly journal, devoted
to the lumber interests of Oregon, wilt
bo started soon in Oregon.
S. V. Kohart has sold his Cliowiincnn
ranch, in Lake county, to S. It. Chand
ler. Mr. Chandler paid Jltfi.OOO for
2,1120 acres and 7, MM) sheep.
Tho Wheeler county records have
been transcribed. Tho number of folios
is 1 l.tlK'l, and the total cost of transcrib
ing and verifying is about $1)00.
Tho DoBt ProBorlptlon for Mnlnrln
CIiIIUiumI Kuvurlm IhiIIIm of OuhviwiTahtb
tjutx C1111.1. Tonic. It in Mainly Inm hiiiI
iniiinnoiiiu unilnlm inrm. No cure. mi iny,
. iii'v iuu. 7-u 11 ,vw tin
Products of Oteit Uritnin Are Delng Ko.
llr Amiiclntcil I'm to the .iiiuriinl.
.Nkw Yoiik, Aug. ). A special to the
Herald, from Washington, says: Croat
uritnin, uoruuuiy mid Italy uro nil mak
Itain a Uloselnjr.
The Into min like many other favors
bestowed on us by 11 loving creator is
proving a hleosiug. .1. M. Payno who
as ti buyer 1a interested hi tho grain crop
of tho county, ilrovoout Imyond Turner
yesterday, ho looked over several Holds
ami brought homo more than a doxon
wuiinluri of whoat, outu ami barley. Tho
wimples wore taken from shwks that
wero standing up mid from others ly-
ing iiowii, tue two ropreseutliig the liest
ami the poorest. On examfnint; the
samples now dry you tlud tho straw
discolored but the kernels is bright ami
apparently after being well dried will
thrush out good grain.
liven if the grain is slightly dhvolorcd
tho improved miicliluery In the up-to-date
Hour mill will clean and briglitun
tlio wheat and lit it for export If nee
coawtry. While fall gnilu may liavo Ihiou
slightly Injured or the rain may liavo
given our farmers extra work towiro
mi im-i-nip inm. whs cut ami tin
threslusl, tlio many tliouwuul acre of
late wiwn snrhi whtit Unit liml mmL
little growth anil whb vry light bofuro
hniln. la now growing rapidly and
llkuly will more than inaku good any
HKiblo loo in quantity from winter
The niiu will also Iwnoflt otlier eitqai,
h)uU(hm ami many vtwtuhltw will bt
largttr. and umiw tho moat pwlltable
crop to tht hirnwr, W making woiutor-
lug spwliil efforts to enlarge tholr trade
Willi rnaiui America, and tli Hrltlsh
uovuriimont rocoutly ml Mr. Wothlng
ton, 11 sHH'lal iiniim'sslonor of tho bounl
of tnulo. to study and ramirt oonimor
olal conditions In South Aimtriw. Mr.
Wothlngton rojMirta Unit Hrltlah tnulo
it , ny linos is tloliulng and that
1 rltlslj gooils aio Iwlng roplacoil by
those from tho United Statwi, from
Ourmaiiy and In mmio liiHtancos (nun
I'nineo, Italy and other continental
ToT,., Wl,.nl. Mr Wn,i.,. ' '8.,t..?.of.m. !?W iiHiy soil
assigns aro dlfforo nt InVliffrtS'. ! a .0 crop o.nuflTruii 'SB aillo!
1. . . . ?.,' ',?. V Ei " " " ,.UBr" "" WH k '"!'. iwvw fouml much fault
....... vv... v-.. ..,,... i..i.iiKu iiiiiiik ami ireoieiwi grwit ov iroiu t ha mlna.
mwofgiKMlsoflowor price and nmen and It U wf.oahing u Hl "1 . "
nferlor quality. In some linos, notable ischworful alwut it.
in min huh mvui giKHis aim various
Kimis 01 maciiiner
Department of Agricultural Reports
Hound up the Situation.
Tho rains have ceased and fair weath
er has nimin set in. Tho rains beimn
on August 0 and ceased during tho
night of thoL'flth. Halndid not fall every
day ; there wero intervals of fair weather
and bright sunshlno. but tho temiwr
aturo was abnormally low. Tho total
rainfall for tho month amounts to from
2.22 to 2,-18 Inchel, except over the
Plateau region, where one inch or less
fell. Snow fell during tho Inst week
upon tho mountains of northeastern
Oregon, and frosts occurred ovor the
Plateau region on tho 14th, 15th and
20th : on tho latter ditto frosts occurred
on tho higher elevations of Southern Or
egon, oust of the Coast mountains. The
wenthor which has prevailed during
tho month was unprecedented. At
Walla Walla tho records nro complete
since 1857 and tlio former heavy rainfall
in August was in 1800 and in 1807,
when 1.21 inches fell. At Portland the
heaviest previous Aumist rainfall was
in 1881, when 2.11 inches fell; in that
yoar 1.01 inches fell on the Kith, Mth
and 10th; then dry weather prevailed
until tho 20th, when rain fell until
September 1. In 1800 ut Portland 1,10
inches fell from the 1st to tho 7th. In
1807 at Hosoburg 1.57 inches fell, which
is the previous heavy rain fnll,nnd in 1801
at Maker City 0.15 of an inch fell. In
those years tlio tempornturo was higher
and tho air not so damn. Tlio weather
during tlio month was therefore unpre
cedented. Tho season has boon lato since Febru
ary. Ilarvostingoffall-sowiigraiu is usu
ally well advanced by August 1, but this
year it was not generally commenced
before thatdate: the result was about
one-half tlio grain was in shock when
tho rains began. Owing to the fact that
usually there is no rain in August, it
lias not been tho practice to put a cap
sheaf on shocks ; tho result is, the rains
thoroughly wet tlio shocked grain.
From tho 0th to tlio 27th thoro was not
sulllcent dry weather to iiermit the
shocked grain to dry out, with tho re
sult that sprouting set in. Tlio damage
done by the rains cannot bo truly esti
mated ; tho greatest damage occurred in
tlio Willamette valloy and in north
eastern Umatilla county. Tho damage
will in no case exceed 10 per cent, as
only about one-half the fall grain hud
been cut; the total loss will not exceed
5 per cent. Tlio rains liavo been of ben
efit to spring-sown grain, to hops, corn,
jiotatoes, pasturage, clover ami gardens,
and it is thought that the heneilt will
fully offset tho damage, so that tho only
loss is tlio delayed work. Harvesting
and threshing will ho resumed by
Haying is Into in tho mountain, val
leys of eastern Oregon and in portion of
the Plateau region; in those limited
areas damairo and loss resulted to tho
cut hay.
In tlioUrando Hondo valley but little
grain had been cut before the rains set
hi; hence, In that valley there is little
damaged grain and excellent prospects
for tho lato grain. Sugar beets have
mado wondcful growth and a thoroughly
satisfactory yield is now promised.
Hops nro in first-class condition; the
vines are free from lice, and tlio burrs
aro free from mould and aro largo and
plentiful. Tho hop crop Is today 111010
promising than it over was before. Hop
picking will commence in the southern
counties about September 1 and In the
Willamette valley about Soptompor 10.
The second cron of clover will be
nearly a i good as tlio lirst.
Corn is very promising, and with
warmer weather a largo crop will ma
ture. (.unions, lsirrios, etc., are in excel
lent couilitlnu.
Melons mid (machos have been riHm
ing slowly. Apples and pears aro ripen
ing. Prune drying will commence about
September 10, and dryers aro being put
in onlor for tho wor. Tlio nrtino oron
stood tho rainy weather in excellent
form, and u very fair coop will bo se
cured ; as a rule, tlio prunes aro larger
and hotter than in former years.
Tlio nrosnscU for enms in Oreiron are
good, better than expected, 11111!, on the
whole, nearly nagood as hi former years.
TIih mean tonuoruturo for tho week,
08 degrees, is 1 degree lower than tho
mean of last week and 11 degrees lower
than for tho corresponding week last
year. Tho maximum temperatures
ninged from 5(1 to 71 degrees and the
minimum from II to 51 decrees.
Hum foil on Monday, Tuesday, and
Saturday in amounts from 0.21 to 1.20
Tlio moan temperature for the week,
58 degree, Is a degrees lower than for
tlio prucwHug week and 12 degrees lower
than for tho eorresiondlng last voar.
The maximum temperatures ningod'froin
01 degree to 80 degrees, and tho mini
mum from 48 to 5(1 degrees, except over
tho Plateau region, where it ranged
from its to 40 degrees.
Itlllll fell Oil MoilihlV. Tuumliiv. Kntnr.
day, and a few showers Suiidnv morning,
in iimouiiUi from 0.10 to 1.22 filches.
ff LabbW P tm
Manv neoole burn
the candle of life at
both eudf. So tut
men who nevr 1
Into vicious di
tion use up their en
ergies juiit as much
by overwork or late
Hours; anu nearly an
women arc compelled by circumstances
to use up their vital powers beyond all rea
son : It may be in housework ; or social
demand , or the bearing and rearing of
children : At any rate the candle of life 19
too rapidly consumed.
Some people need to have their natural
vigor constantly reinforced in the same
proportion that it is used up. They need
the fortifyitiK help of Ur Pierce's Golden
Medical Discovery. It is a powerful altera
tive and invigorant of the dinestlve func
tions and liver; it cleanses the blood, and
makes fresh blood aud healthy flesh. Nerv
ous, debilitated women should take it in
conjunction with Dr. Pierce's l'avorite Pre
scription which is specially designed for
female weakness and nervous troubles.
Mrs. Bailie Kauffinan.of Vlrgft City, CodarCo.,
Mo., writes: " I had millcred from displacement
of internal organs aud female weakncM for one
year Had a bearing down sensation and very
tllwurecahle reeling after my second child was
born; I could be on my feel only a few minutes
until he was six weeks old, then I commenced
taking Dr Tierce's Golden Medical Discovery
and 'l'avorite Prescription.' 1 took seven bot
tles In all. After taking the first bottle I fell
much belter, t think I am entirely cured of alt
my troubles. I can do all my work anil am on my
feet nil dav. I am In much better health now
than t have been In four years; am fleshy and
ia "
O. JH. niACK
Successor to Dr. J. M. Keene, old White
Corner, Saksm, Or. l'attiss desiring wperlol
operations at moderate fees in any branch ar
in especial request.
(raluliiB strength very I
By writmtr to Dr
Pierce who Is chief
consulting; physician of the Invalids' Hotel
and Surgicat Institute, of Buffalo, N Y..
careful professional advice will be obtained
free of cost and specially adapted to the
individual case. Dr Pierce's great 1000
nage Medical Adviser will be sent free
tor 31 cents ; the cost of postage.
Given Away.
Ono 10-20 Plutionid given nwny every
month. For further particulars inquire
ut Tlio Fhto Studio. Successor to Sperry
tho Artist. Don't forgot that wo niako
twenty-one pictures for 25 cents.
Pullman Service to Yoquma.
Tho first Saturday night excursion to
Yaniiina was well putionized, This new
regime witli a Pullman car service to
Orogon.s popular seaside resort promises
to become very tioptilar. Husiness men
in any city down the valley can take the
night train to Yuquinu, get a good
night's sleep and reach tlio ocean in
time for breakfast, mid after spending a
whole day at tho beach can return on
tlio night train in time for business next
morning. Tako tlio overland train at
Salem at 0:45 p. in., Saturday.
your system
All woiik places In
closed against disease by DoWIU's
Little Kiirly Hlsors. They cleanse the
bowels, reguhito tho liver, mid lill you
with now vigor. Small, sure; never
gripe. Stones Drug Stores.
Have You Caught On
To tho fact that tlio finest pictures in
the city are made at tho Kllto Studio.
7-10 tf
Irritating stings, bltos, serutchos,
wounds and cuts soothed and healed
l)ii DeWitt's Witoh Hnzel Sulyc. Ho
witro of counterfeits. Stones Drug
Bern tlio x N Kind Voh n Alnayg Bfih
Signature Ifi . ,$, .,rT"
Wrvat-VS '&&&(
Phone 1071.
ROOMS 1 AND 3, flltAY 1ILK.
Salem Water
For water service apply at office.
payable monthly in
complaints at the rffv
advance. Make
Steam Dye Works,
No. 105 Commercial street,
opposite Willamette hotel.
Ladles' und gontleiuon's
clothing cleaned, dyed, re
paired and pressed. Fine
blankets clcuncd or dyed
und nicely finished. Kid
gloves cleaned, 10c; dyed,
Platino Photos,
Enlargements in Crayon and Water
Color. Photo Htittons.
Amateur developing and llnisblng
neully done. D.J. HltOWN,
GltOUND Flooh
24.' Commercial St., Salem Oregon.
Rssay Office
No, 71 Chemckcta st,
I. II. T. TUnilLI. Assaycr,
The German Market
Will bo found all kinds of meat
and the best of sausage. FltKK
DKMVHUY. All bills duo tho
late firm of Wolt & Miescko
must ho paid.
moi-,z, st son
171 Commercial St.
The Palace Market
One buyer rounded up thirteen
head of lino young cattle last
week, which will ensure you a
lino steak or roast. We also
keep up our stock of prossod
meat ami sausage.
Whon starting for tlio butcher,
Oregon Short Lino Railroad
Tho Direct Roulojo
Montana, Dtali, Colorado
and all Eastern Points
0.1m rhnlco of two lavorltq 1 routes, via the
Union 1'aelfie Fast Mull Mno, or tho
Itlo Grande ticcnlc Moos.
Look at the time
H Dayp to Suit Lake
2 Days to Denver
Hi Days to Chicago
4i Days to New York
Free Reclining Chair Cars Upholstered Ton
lit Sleepliitf Can. and l'lillmaii l'ninco
Sleepers operated on all trains,
fur further Information
1JOISK & UAIIKKIt, ARCiitu, Satcin.
W. E. I'OMAK, cn I Aueiil
(5. O. TEIIUY, Trav. Paw At
121 Third Mt Portland
Itaa gna m mwni nniHiiMiim
From Portland
8 p. III,!
uaI. I nb a llnttvnp M. Worth
Umara, iuiiimu . 1 10, dlu.iui'iii
LolllB.C'mrago and hast.
H no
te ne
8 p m,
itn. in
ox. Sun
day 10 p, m.
7,lf am
ID 11, in,
UulK Wnllii. KnnUmie. Mllilio-
apiillx, ttt. mm. jjiiumi, jui
WIIUKCC I.IIU11B" nu e"i-i.
1'orSan FranclwH),
Sail every llvoda.
To Astoria and way i-nmllugn,
a. m.
I p. 111
I p. m.
ox Hon.
wn.t.AMirriK itiVKlt loin
Portland, Kowlicri,' and way Op. 111.
Ulllllllfc'B. , V.",.l
For Dayton Tlinr
1 cm,
Balim CorvalllB Allmny mid Way
Tn Tim
3 p. m
Ar Ha-lem
10 a. 111.
aud Frl
Daily lxits to Portland as aliovc.
Tiarwfors to street car line nt Oreg Oil
if the steamers arc delayed there ouur)
trip tickets to nllpointsin Orogon. Washing
ton, or California. Connection made at 1'oit
laml with all rail, ocean nndrivcr line?
Oen'l Pai. Ant. Portland. 0.
O. M. POWERS. Agent, Trade street docV
S.ilcni ,
Citv Agents,
CanadianPacific Ily
138 Stato struol
S, C, STONE, M, D,
Stimples of pruuofl brought in aro vry
iipKunv wio'iiiougm tjiui a
, lsnio ami
; light crop
Mr. Wothlngton,
fouml the trade of tho rutted StutM in.
Amurlwui loeomotivo ho found in
very gonoral use on South Ainorliwn
railwayu and ho npprovod tho husiiuMw
iiiuthwls of tin American maiiufuc
t it runt in having skillud uikii to romwly
defects mid study tht kpwriul nuodi of
thu South Aiiierlitin rail wa vs.
To Cure n Uolit In (Jim Dnu
R lTtiivAi .lttmn, KTii wk KS.
Tluoehlng Today.
W. AI.SH-HwturU to thrwh twlu'
f mm tho shook. Ho hiuM) neim of
luK'k jsmln yl to Ihnwli.
The Homeliest Man tn Salem
As well us tho hiindbomost, und others
aro Invited to on II on any druggist
mid got free u trial bottlo of Romp's
Hulsuin fur tho Throui und Lungs, u
remedy that Is gtmninlootl to euro and
boliovo all Uliruiim and Amite Coughs,
Asthma, llroiiuhltls ami fmsiinm.
tion. Price 3Ri', ami 60e. oiuhtw
A Palace or Salt.
Utah's u'llttoring Salt Palace, with its
Midway nuisance and otlierattractlons,
oisins at Salt I.uko City August :ilst.
Thu Uio tiiando Western, tho only lino
running uiroiign tlio .Mormon Capital,
has arranged to give holders of all
classes of tickets n day stopover at Salt
Lake in onlor that thov nmv lmv.i m.
opiwrtiinlty of visiting this wonderful
strueturo. built of salt crvstnls taken
from the brine of thotlroatSalt Lake it
self. Tho inauguration of tlio Hio Grande
Postern's dining car service, doing
away witli tho necessity of stopping
trains at eiitim: stations. lcmv.. imti.ii,,.
ing to lw ilosirwl for an ideal trip across I 0reat Oppertunlty for Home Seekets,
iiiecoiiunouv; mr too eiUtpniont audi, close on estate which is tomowlmt
train service aro einml, if not suH)rior,to involved, town properties, farms and
tlioeo of any of the trans-continental I niall tracts in fruit and othorwiso tail
linos, rurthermnro. no linn r,iv.,rjrw 'in Snloiii nml vfoiniivi ,.;n i. .,.:n
any section of tho American Continent Only imrtinl imvinent ronuirml. In!
Proprietor of
Stone's Drug: Stores
Tneinoros(two In number) are located a
Ko. ass nml 3S8 Commereial trcet, aut arc
Hell stockeil with a iiunnlete line nfdruwand
meilluluiMi, toilet urllolw, imrfumery, brush
etc., eto.,te,
IlahadomoMer oxperlenee In the prae
tleoof medlolneand noiv make no olihrge for
consuluUon, examination or proscription.
where there is so
much grandeur of
setmory. A daylight ride tlirough
tho heart of the Itockios leave iiothini;
to bo dosirwl.
For inforinatioii as to mtos and for
doscrlptlvos immpblots, address J. I).
Manlleld, (ienernl Agent, 25: Washing
ton street, Portland, Oregon. 8-11 tf
quire of
HltOWN, WlimilTMAX AMykks.
Tioga Plock, Snlem, Or.
Best Value.
While price vary, you get more fo
your money nt Strong's Hoetaumnt tlinn
v uuf uiuur pince in 1110 city. 8 28 tf
100 to 1R0 biiBhohj Cmwfonl
for oannhig. ltivuyour onlor.
8 ft) Xt
Beware of Imitations !
180U, JojwhIi Smith, u imttvo of Omi.
ndu, agod ol your.
Otwutigml formorV Hvl in SmImii, Lmt
for Um ist twenty ymr has Ihwii a
nkliitof Walla Wlillu. lie lwviw t
! throe ehililruii tluintliter ami
Mw. Adolino V. Cux, of this oily.
suio kasui.-. Aiimiitig. ima. at th
fmnily iMme aH a Sllverlon wwil, of
bowel trouUle, Ikmbtlm Stcwdl, Hie
1 1iinw MiMM
Soo Pacific Lino.
Travel in comiort
by the
the fastest
train crossing
the continent.
It is a
through train
making fewstops.
Its equipment
is of surpassing
elegance. It will pay you
to travel
K or full Darticulnrs as to rutos, time
ami coplos or O. P. It. publications ap
ply to
Agont SaiomOro.
II. II. ADott, Agent PortlKtid.
h. J.Coylo, A.G.P A, Vituootivor 11.0
Southern Pacific Co,
t7lOO V
1 A
Ar. ...botem ....
Ar. San Francisco
500 r m
0:05 p M
6.43 A M
815 V M
7.00 A M
8' IS I'M
4.15 r m
7-55 a m
Ar Ugoen ... .Ar
Ar Denver. , IjV
Ar .... Omaha .... Ar
Ar .... Chicago ...,Lv
Ar. ..Los Angcle.. Ar
Ar ... El l'aso .... Ar
Ar....Furi Worth..,, A r
Ar. . New Orleans. ..Ar
..Ar 1
Lv b;0j
;io An
"So AM
0.30 P M
2 3STM
8 4ort
Pullman tirst-clais and" tourist nice nimTTrr.
attached to all throufih train. Tourist can
through to Chicago without change.
S30 A M 1 Lv... l'ortland.'.ATr47ioTS
i.rri nil., Ul. t. 1 1 J"'"
,v,33 ... r ., . . . .u..IU. . . . L.V I SO. f tl
j u I
Lv... Portland .
Lv.... Salem....
il Ar .. Koscburg.. Lv J7.'3o'a u blUli DIVISION.
Afail tialns dally except Sunday. "I
730 AMI Ly.. . .Portland. . At I 5;c0 p
! a r' ...iii 1 r - -
. 1-V I.-2
con, ect K
1 1. -55 r m Ar....CorvnllU
At Albany and Corvallis
tains of the C, & E. Ry.
L,v .. i'orlland... AriS.-ieiG
Lv. ...McMinnvllle Lvm.'Soa h
Ar Independciice Lvl.'coiu
4.'S r M I
7.-30 P M V :
Hflo I'M) .
Direct connections at Xan rraticii-cii i"i ,
steamship line fo HAWAII, lAI'AN
For tickets and rales call n- V
W. SKINNER, Depot Acent, or (' I)'
(JAURILLSON City Ticket Aucnt, 232 Corri
mcicial M. Salem Or,
K. KOKUI I'R, NfanaiT
C.MARKHAM G. F. &P. A. l'oitlau,
You Can Get
aLower Berth,
W I tli otic exception the HirouKli
trnltiH of the litirlliiuton Koutc
aro almost Invariably well-tilled.
The exception Ih our St. Paul
Clilc'Hjo Limited. On the limited
there Ih usiitilly room and to
Him re.
Don't Infer that It 'is neither
so linn, nor so fast, us ANY train
of ANY otlier line between St.
Paul and Chicago. On tlio con
trary, there Is no moro beautiful
train In America. It lias electric
liulit, stc'itii heat, wide vestibules
the most satisfactory diiilnc-ca
service on the continent and
lower berth for everybody,
don'l Ai'cnt, Portland, Or.
loday we have opened the largest, best and
most complete stock of Room and Picture
Moulding ever shown in Salem. Your
calling to see the stock will give pleasure to
F. W. Hollis & Company
First Door North of Postofficc.
Ituriul will tai
Mt tlio Sllvwton
Washlnf Powder
i?y ar not thcro it nothio g m good as
tbaficnuU. GOLD BVMT for all cleaning
bout the houao. Ak fox QQIB BUST
twj n. t FiiuiNK mrm,
M.L-U N4YMt iMtM
IsraAkS xJM.M. . . .rTO5
k?PV ftTt M A
mm &d&S
mmu wuttVAtmx 1 '
Coniuiuen ahould bewaro of the chenn nnd :.?M,.""Sul)' W"Hfo AHltblt .
iho. cn ,. b. ,;., S5 e wa japfc'sft's
'U stinloiita who enttr during Soittombor.
Por iircular or caURuo, addnW
Dr. J. F. Cook, the Botnnlonl Spoo
nllst, Suooeeds Whoro Other
To whom it may concern :
line ih to canity mat itortlm P. Con.
ner, of Mt.Aui;ol product. Marion conn.
ty, OrOKOIl, llHH UtlfTurod fnnn 11 nnnnur.
0l" Browth in U,e loft our for alxmt throe
ib. jiiugruwiu wua cutout twice and
burnod out once by Albany Physicians,
out the growth canto back m bad
as oyer, and pained hor so lwdly that
u 10 liad to bo taken from scliool. After
throe week's treatment by Dr. J. P.
Cook, pf Salem, Oregon, the Botanical
bliecialist, the growth ontirely disan.
pearo.1, nnd at this date, four months
since treatment was boKtin, tho growth
has not reappeared, and tho oar has on
tirely healed leaving only the scars in
dieted by tho Albany doctors.
I hereby certify that the nbove stato
iiMint .is absolutely true, und that Iter
1 u.i uV101"1 tlie iwwoii mentioned
uie HiiHtavK. lias resided in my fain
ly since early childhood, bearing tlio re
latioualiip to me of niece.
c. 1 11 1 . H. C. Long.
huhscribed and sworn to Wore mo
. mgiiMi nay w juwe, m. W. W.
Hall, ootmty ohjrk of Marlon oounty.
Orogon. '
A Few Interesting Facts
When noonle arc coiitcinnlitini? a trip
whether on business or pleasure, they tutur
Ally want the liest service obtainable so far
ns speed, comfort nnd safely is conicmed.
Employes of the Wisconmn Central Lines are
paid to serve the public nnd our tiaini ate
operated so as to make clo-e connections
with diverging linei at nil junction jointi.
Pullman Palace Sleeping and Chair cars
on through traine.
Dining car bctvlce unexcelled, Meals
a la Carte.
In order to obtain this first-clus seivlce,
ask the ticket agent to sell you a ticket over
and you will nuke dirert connections a
St. Paul for Chicago, Milwaukee and all
points East.
Por any further infonnatiou call on any
ticket agent or correspond with
General Pass, Agent.
Mtl.WAl'MvK, Wis,
Geneinl Agent,
246 fitnrk Street,
Portland. Ohk,
Corvallis k Eastern Railroad
l:J;f,0 p.
1 :!.". p
..". p
Mew York Life Insurance Cr,
Largest International Insurance Company in the worM
Inattmuct. in f.m. June 1, lHsjei r "' ,n u,c World.
With over 400,000 Policy I l4dr f 1.001 ,063,060
ThedectmseiJ lvju Iwwbaml, tw,i
n und tw3 tlunghtaivi Punwal ser-!
ww UM ut the home Monday t ,
- . iock. lwri It. u,e Jones corner, . " Kxpe f iwsm9 OVer ilu: Tu
iii in iHMiraiuie ih isms
I hanioil for l4ky Iwhlere in M ow
1. Ifiiit 1m nliluliu.1 ,..v... ,1.... .. ...1. . .. n l....... . . .... HUM Kit
f ' . f -" "i-sm Mum miiwM uy use ""' "im aawm uaun U(UW
"T.."' "" "whmi. whhi Muuiuna. 1 t
liwraurautoHofcMiiiMiwit i.J.
uIh fouml ff va um Utia Ui .j ..h
mi jroH'U wtiit a loH Hum if
.....a.... Yf "---
Express and Transfer
Mets all ruAil anl pner umm
cagendexpra to all p,,u ,,',
I'rompt service. TalepLene No. 70.
Satisfactory Help
metltuiMs, wait hwvol8Htory upidlmtiMw by
omietHt imfr. Th IhhiimI
ar. tlie mm tki t m from lear Mf4mt
looking fair uwk. 1'I,W iitttll iZZ
rend UwJofkNM Miul dWt h
make a ttoau fur work.
jsMlTII, Spooial Atrwit.
Htt Silain rir.
"" I V4
Phir. Salt, JUv Quhiks!.
Phomt 1781.
Mill Feed
I'V Ynqulnn:
T111I11 Umivum Albany ....
Tiuln h'MVos Corviillis...
Tiuln mrlvi'8 yaitilim..
1 1101 ui inns:
Louvoa Yittiulnu 7tX)a
Louvos Corvnllls 1 1 :1" a-
Arrlvos Allmny 12:iri .
.1 i'or Detreit:
Loavos Albany 7:10 u. m.
Arrives Dotroll 11:.V u. in.
1 lleiuriilnu:
Louvoa Dctndt 12-2." n in.
A 1 rives AllHiny 6:: p '
OLouves Albany ti:o.' p. iu.
Arrives Corvullls :.v. p. m-
'SLenves Corvallis :W a. in.
A rrl ves A ibany 7 :J" a. m.
Ono and twe connoat ut Aloauy and
Corvullls with Southorii Puclllc tialns
lvlnu direct borvlao 1 1 am) from Ise
IMirt aud udjacont bunches.
No. 0 runs from Alhanv toOnallls
on Jlondays, "Wednosdays and Fridajs
No. 0 runs from Corvallis to Albany
onTuosdays, Thursdays and Satur
days only.
Trains for tho mountains arrive at
Detroit at no'iu, Riving ample time
to roach oompliiir grounds ou the
Hreltonbusb atitl Santhiiu river tlie
sumo da
H. U
1 (lay.
T FT P. A.
Alliaiijr. Ore
Kuiall pruVts.
'Jl Uurt su
Brewster & White
St.te stret, n4r ratlwad. " v- - -alin
town mt ""
sooLia mtos!
I'Uffo mm m mum
IWSOm4 Tietalir L.M .1
C WUI's Uiuk Sto. "
wiLUMHrrr bivbk divuion
CitatH Zumalt.
Loavos Salem at 7 a. m. for Portland
aud way htndlnt'd every Tuesday,
Thursday and Saturday.
Tfc s4Mier has m ulwl '"', "''
IwissmmI fw wirrytuK lri n4
Merrhnf TailOP
rySutU S15 and upward. ,
Paula S3 mid upward