COMRADE Mm H. DoLong, of Bchuylerrllle. N. Y., who -erred In Com puny E, Oth Vermont Volunteers, had other tota to buttle with after his return from tlio lato war. lie recently wrete: "I nave used Dr. Milts' Restorative Nervine for nervousness brought on by the use of tobacco and too close applica tion to business. It gave me prompt relief without leaving any unpleasant effects. Tfie result was beneficial and lasting. I heartily endorse it." DR. MILES' Restorative NervSnB is sold by all drupcists on Guarantee, first buttle benefits or money back. Hook on heart and nerves sent free. Dr. Miles Medical Company, Elkhart, In S, C, STONE, M, D. I'roprletor of Stone's Drue: Stores BAI,K.M1OKKCON. Tne vtoret (two In number) are located a No. i3& and .13.1 Commercial street, and arc wall Mocked with a complete Hue of drugs and medicine, toilet article, perfumery, brushes etc., etc., etc. I)K. BTONK Has hud some '2S years experience lu the prac tice of medicine and now makes no chkrge for constipation, examination orpreitcrlptlon. O. C. T. Go's I'ABSENUEIt BTEAiuKlt POMONA altonA I.KAVKS FOIl I'OltTLAND Dally except Bundny at S a. m QUICK 'flMK AND t'lIKAl' HATKB. Duck Imtwoon Ulntfl and Court Hta. M. 1. IIALDW1N, Agent. DTrnnnRTmnnnnnrnmnnnmrmTfTTTc I PERS0NALAND LOCAL For additional Local News ace Fourth I'ase. DUUUUUUUlimiilliUUUUUllliUlUUUia Mrn. J. II. McCormick and children iiml Mr. tint! Mrs. Jay McCormick have returned from near Gates, where they liavo spent several weeks. John Duncan has returned front Wll holt Springy. Kuuuno Hroyninn laft for Klamath Hot Sprint; 'llHt evening's train. 1 X. Derby, ox-deputy Hheriff of Ma rion county, left this morning for Noise, Idaho. Miss Ida Childers, of Sllverton. has returned after a visit with Salem fr!"nds. Mrs. J. 1 Robertson and Mrs. II. Itobertson havo gone to Portland for a few days. Mrs. V. A. Monro lias gone to visit her sister, Mrs. (Jhipman at Portland. V. II. Hobson, the Salem clothing merchant, returnel from Portland last night. Wdl Be Whether vou aro Ready. a soldier or havo other occupation, it is necessary that vou bo ready wlien caueu, mis is now you will Hud the White House Kostuu rant. Asylum Report. The stato olllcials comprising tho asy lum Iward held a meeting late .Monday afternoon and decided to elect a now suporintenditnt to take tho place of I). A. Paine at the llrst mite-ting In Soptom ler. Uids were received and nwucd for supplying tlsh for the tecond half of tho the year 18U9 as follews: Stolner's Market Chinook salmon, (ljac; steollieails, 7; silversides, 5.j; bluobaoku, 5. Halibut to bo .furnished when aalmoii not in murkut 0 cents. C. T. Doty Chinook salmon, 8so; nteelhends, 8; silversides, 0J(- halibut, The contract was awarded to Steiner's Market, of this city, it being the lowest bid received. Tho roport of Supt. I'aino shows tho following statistics of patients received, died, discharged, escaped and those tin- .t.,r mini ami t rim 1 1111)11 1 : Male Pmle No. patients June 30.786 371 No. re'd in July 22 11 Nn. escapes rot'd 1 TU. Hod 33 1 No. under care 808 Ihseh'd, died, eloped 21 382 12 1100 33 No.remainlng JulyJH78J 370 1154 juujuvirii'-! " ' A Mothers HV rf. Utosee to It that ber lllllll children beslneaxlr In Bill II I'- o tfcaopx -' ' U beads resnhuljr oocc a 11 -" - 'n "" stance, aiur the hair U thoroughly dry. soma mild, heal Ui-gt Ting tonic should be applied to tbe scsdp to aid nature In creating tbe best jnatlble growth of uniformly colored. Iutrouj,btaltbY hair the most Important feature In the make-up of beauUful women and hand tome men. For more than flfieea yean, tho 7 Sutherland Sisters' Scalp Cleaner 9t ha stood at the apex of all shamr-io washes, while the " lUia Oeovxr " has beta equal ly tuccatful In lu efforts to mora the Injured scalp and almort Utcles balr to tbtirori(lnal healthfulneas. sold by caccowTi. WWWWVWffAVWWWflW CROPS AND WEATHER Climate and Crop Service, Bureau. Weather Favorable Outlook for an Immense Hop Ctop Continues Official Report, Tho weather hat lias been slightly cooler, with lees sunshine than during the prccecdini; week. No rain fell ing tho week. High fog prevailed ,lr. from sunrise to auout iu a. m., wnen it was dissipated. Tho weather conditions have been normal. The temperature during tho heat of day rose to JM degrees and fell to about 50 degrees about buii rise. Harvest of fall-sown grain is in opera tion in every portion of tho stato, and the reports indicate that it is generally a llrst-class crop; where threshing lias been done the yield has been as good as is usually obtained. The crop would have lieen very large if it had not been for tho damage dono in February, which necessitated considerable re-seeding. Tho wheat berry is plump and large west of the cascades ; east of them the lerry is fairly good, but some shrivelling is reiortcd from various sections. Oats are turning out fully as well as tho wheat. Some reports arc received con cerning rust, but such aro confined to limited localities and produced by local conditions. The fall-sown wheat is turning out as tunny bushels per acre as are usually obtained, and these vary from 23 to GO, dependent Uou locality and systam of farming, Spring-sown grain is not up to tho average. The con tinuous dry weather from tho fore part of June to date has been injurious. West of the Cascades the spring grain is iu better condition than it is east of them ; iu tho former section it is head ing, but the heads are small and not well filled; in the latter the straw is short, it did not stool well, the heads are small, not well 111 led and the berry is shrivelled; the outlook for tho spring grain is not good. linin ntthls season of tho year is unusual and it iu now too late for much good to be done, Tho re lortB stato that spring wheat is now ex pected to yield from 12 to 20 bushels and spring oats from 18 to 35 bushels per acre. Grain harvest will continue un til September 15. The hay crop was secured in every section of the state without rain falling upon it; tills is not often tho case. Tho hay crop was heavier and of better qual ity than usual. Tho second and third crops of alfalfa and second crop of clover are yet to bo cut. Tho hop crop Is iu llrst-class condi tion. The hops are now iu full bloom. Tho chaneo lu the weather to more clouds is favorable to tho rapid increase of tho hop louse. Many hojigrowors aro spraying, and such yards aro iu good condition. Many growers estimate their crop at from 10C3 to 2000 pounds per acre. Tho cherry season is about over Peaches are ripening rapidly. Water melons will soon le ripe in tho southern counties. Tho plum and prune crop aro making progress, and what fruit there is promises to bo of good quality. In some sections the leaves on tho prune trees aro curling. Reports indicate that the apple crop will bo tho Iwst of all fruit crops. In some orchards whore tho apples aro not plentiful, there has not been as much spraying done as there should have been, and tho result is, In sects are becoming more numerous than is usual. Corn and vegetables uro in need of rain, though a fair growtli is yet rojort. ed. Pasturage is drying up. Cattle pud stock are iu good condition. TIIK WKATIIEIt. For Western Oregon tho mean tem perature for tho week, 07 degrees, is3 de grees lower than for the preceding week and 5 degrees lower than for tho corres ponding week last year. Tho maximum temperatures ranged from 70 to 02 de grees anil tho minimum from 50 to 00 degrees. For Eastern Oregon tho mean temier ntnrn for tli week. 71 deirreen. is 2 de grees lower than for the proceeding week and 7 lower than for tho corrosjionding week last year. Tho maximum tetniHir atures ranged from 70 to 01, and tho minimum from 4iito (Wdegreo. Thunder storms occurred over tho southern Plateau region, from wlilcli some rain fell, but not enough to do any material good. Shake Into Your Shoes. Allen's Foot-Ease, a powder. It cures painful, suiurtlng, nervous feet and Ingrowing nails, and Instantly tukes tho sting out of corns and bunions It's the greatest comfort discovery of the age. Allen's Foot-Eaw makes Unlit or new shoes feel easy. It Is a certain cure for sweating, callous and hot, tired, aching rect. Try It today. Hold by all druggists and shoe stores. By wall for 25c In sumps. Trial pack- aue FREE. Address. Allen S. Oliu sted, LeRoy, N. Y. 4 Kodol Dyspepsia Core cures dyspep sia. "The public can rely upon It as a muster remedy for til disorders aris ing rromimperrectaigestion." jamos M, Tnnwas. M. D , In American Jour nal of Health, N. Y. Stoned Drug Stores. Good Pasture, , About 00 acres, good fel, has had no . stock on it this year, plenty of water , and shade. Apply to M rs. Kflen Savage, east of Asylum. 8-3-1 w. ' YOUTHFUL PHILOSOPHY l'urtluid NewUy' ir'attirday Eye A loy's idea of complete contentment 9 a 1. - lu..l.a nab l.f,n tf Ik. tvliritH 18 to nave uui w "" "" a hair cut and a shave all at once. ! If a women don't weigh moro than i.-rtijkigijydigesU the food and ttlda eighty pound., she w pretty apt to be i N""Ta, lengthening and recon herhiiiband'abo.. A litt e women is Nature fftu a good deal like a pepir box. Urge i JgJ11 Jf -;elaUt iiscovered digeat women have more oT the sugar M ffind tonic; No other preparation quality- 1 car, approach it in effloiency. It In- , lBtantIfrellTe4ftniJKnnanentlycures HrigwIiorStephetiMarlisdlCowwMtwI-yjjjia Indigestion, Heartburn, ing the Northern Paoifl CIW Di- pfat.luieDci, Sour Stomach, Nausea, vision will coduat the hervkw in Um i si0kHedache,Gastralgla.Cratnpi,ana SalyaUon(Vrmy ftarraoks at 8 p. m. AH i ajiotherreiulW of Imperfect digestion, are invited. Kmign and Mrs. ainBk fJVpa,(iby t C OaWltt A Co, Cbiwao In charge. b'iXJNES DIU'O STORES X-H-s-H-t-t I i II 4 4--H--M"H-4-x Don't tall to try t ! BEECHAM'S PILLS whon muffmrlnm front any bail condition of tho Stomach or Liver. 10centannd9ilrnt,at drag it ore. X-M--M--X'fr-? J-X Pleasant Party. Tho Misses Leoiiu and Delia Hrlggs, residing at corner of Twenty-first and Court streets, with some of tho neigh boring girls gave a very enjoyable home entertainment Monday evening. A program of about an hour's lencth. cen: sisting of drills, songs, recitations, s v l,lclures u,c was rendered inn manner highly creditable to the young lerfornier8. Quite a number of the young folks of tho nolghlHirhood were present, and the affair was greatly en joyed by nil. The Homeliest Man in Salem As well as the handsomest,, und others nrc Invited to call on any druggist and got free a trlul bottle of Ketnn's Balsam for the Throat and Lungs, u remedy that Is guaranteed to cure and believe all Chronic und Acute Coughs, Asthma, Hronchltis :uid Consump tion. Price 25c. and SOc. cod&w OASTOnXA. rWs th j The Kind Ym Ww Always BongH BASEBALL. Salem Juniors Scoopei at Gervais. Game Here Tomorrow. Tho Salem Juniors met the Woodhum nine at Gervais, Sunday, and the latter sat upon the former, in tho ratio of 37 to 8. The Salem kids simply bit off more than they could chew and had to take tho consequences. Tho third and llnal gume of the For-estors-Kedmen series will be ployed on Willsnn avenue Wednesday afternoon, and will be well worth witnessing. Each nine has one game to its credit by a majority of one tully, so it is evident fiat tho teams are well matched, and it will bo "devil of a whirlwind" when they come together again. A Child Enjoys The pleasant llavor, gentle action, and soothing elTect of Syrup ol Figs, when In need of a laxative, and if the father or mother bo cntlvo or bilious, the most gratifying results follow Its use; so that It Is the best family remedy known and every family shoud have a bottle. Manufactured by the Cali fornia Fig Hvrup Cn. Irritating stings, bites, scratches, wounds und cuts soothed and healed ba DeWltt's Witch Hazel Sulye. Ik ware of counterfeits. Stones Drug Stores, Amateurs, When you are looking for some one to do your developing and lluishiug. re member that the Elite Studio is doing llrst class work at moderate prices. All weak places In your system closed against disease hy DoWltt's Little Early Risers. They cleanso the bowels, regulate tho liver, and till you with new vigor, sinull, sure; never gripe. Stones Drug Stores. For the Seaside, Your family want the homo news nt the Seaside. Tiik Daily Jouii.v.u, will bo sent by mail at a sjieulul summer re sort rate of One Cent a Day. No order taken for less than ten cents. 7-lHtf a u3. a o xh. i j&. . Sean tU t lb- Kind Yi Have Alas BouRh llgnatnra &&i & Have You Caught On To the fact that tho finest pict :iitu ilctiires iu tho city are made at the I Studio. 10 tf Dawson Herb Tea cure constipation, will positively Dawson Herb Tea Ik selling like hot cakes because It docs the work. Blow Your Own Horn und blow it hard. Tho choapust, quick est and Iwst way to makoyouri-oH heard, when you havo a proposition to prosout to the iH'oplo of Salem, is to use the Jouiin'al want columns. Most any sort of a proositinn will strike someltody just right; but you must get at n great number of people if vou want to ferret out some imrticiilar lew. For the National Encampment of the (i. A. H. to be held in Philadelphia in September, the Northern Pacillu Kail way will soil tiokotu at largely reduced rates. Ticket) are good guhig on August 20th and 30th and lliml limit of tickets for return Is October 31st. Sue the agents Thomas Watt A Co, 227 Commercial Street. UmiOIIAM'8 'blues." 1'U.LH will dlspol the A Conservative Estimate. Mr. Curmlchael, one of the mrwt re liable hop buyers at Kulem, consider that condltitions for an immense hop crop continue favorable. ItejxirUt from all yards sujtjort the prediction that the yield this year will equal 86,000 bales an increased yield over lust year of 17,000 bah. He reports the yards in the vicinity of Lincoln in splondid condition. The burr has formed ami is already awuin ing a golden yellow hue. Mr. Cr- mlcliaei says tne io. j-nw re duce 1600 pounds jr acre, bearing uny unexjHjcted calamity. In (act, lo cal buveru all agree that the only thing that can materially damage U Iwpnrup now Is a heavy ram fall. The hop is not two weeks later than last year, as has frequently beu re ported. Harvesting will begin bet www Kodol DvsneDsia Cure. . ". . .. - .X DldeStS What VOU eat CMfi September 8th and 15th tho samo dates upon which tho picking began last year. Tiik JovtiN'Ai. is of tho opinion that 50 cents a box will not bo paid In the heavy yards. At 40 cents n Iwx n good boy or girl picker can make (1.50 to (2.00 a day. TODAY'S MARKRT. Portland August 7. Wheat valley 57k ; Walla Wulla, 50 to 50c. Flour Portland, (2.75 to 3.25. Super lino (2.15 per bbl. Oats White -I345c. Hay Timothy (8(ttior, ton. nops limine; out crop Wool Valley. 1213e: 0c. Eastern Or- egon. 812. Mohair, 27 30. Millstuff llran, (17 ; shorts, (18, Poultry Chickens, mired, (3.504.CO turkeys, live. 1313)bC. Eggs Oregon, 18 to 18e per do. Hides Green,saUedG01bs,8(Sno.iiudei' 00 lbs, 7Jt8J6 ; sheep pelts, 15(320c. , Onions 75c0O per sack. Huttor Best dairy, 3035; fancy creamery, 40c to 45c per roll, storo 22 to -'7C. Potatoes 75 to (1 per cental. Hogs Heavy dressed 5ll Mutton Dressed, (iffloV iwr jound. Ueef Steers. (4.00(3(4.50; cows, (3.00 (3(3.50 dressed, 0?4. Veal dressed, (l7e. SALEM MARKET. Wheat 47. Wool ltlc, Mohair 30c. Oats 38c. Hay Haled, cheat and clover (0.00. Timothy (8.00. Eggs 15c to 10. Flour In wholesale lots (2.50 retail (3.00. Millstuff bran (15.00 shorts (10.00 Hoirs dressed. 534c. Live cattle Steers 3l.( cows '!. to Shoei-2.503(3. Dressed Veal 0)c. Hutter Dairy 15e creamery 18c. Poultry Spring chickens!) to HV. Ileus 8 cents. 3 Hamilton Clark, or Chuuncey, Gn., sajs ho sulforcd with plies twenty years beforo trying DoWitt's Witch Hiicl Salve, two boxes of which com nletely cured him. Stones Drug Stores." "Our baby wis Hick for a month with severe cough andcaturrhal fever. She kept getting worse until wo lived One Minute Cough Cure It relieved and cured her in a few days "II L Nance, Prln. High School, HlulTilule, Texas. Stones Drug Stores. Notice. Olllco of the secretary of Statet Sa lem, Oregon, Juno 24, 18!)!). Notice is hereby given that tho Stale Hoard of Agriculture having, in compliance with an Act of tho Twentieth legislative Assembly llled in tho olllco of tho Sec retary of Stato February 23d, 181K), deeded to tho Stale of Orogdn tho lands known as the "Stato Fair Grounds," tho iimmmriatioii of 7.000 for tho iwiy- meiit of tne warrant indebtedness of said State Hoard of Agriculture issued nrior to February 23d. 18!)!). nronerly en- dnrped, warants, will bo issued on the State Treasurer to tho extent of the appropriation. Interest will not bo al lowed after this date. F. I Dunbar, Secretary of Stato. In accordance wll h tho above notice, holders of nil warrants ol the Ureeon Stato Hoard ol Agrlcul litre ilatcil prior to r-ohruiiry .Mil, lb'.m are hereby notified that the same will bo paid on presentation at the olllco of the Secretary of Stato, or at tho olllco of tho undersiuned, and that interest will cease after this date. J. II. Albert, treasurer of tho Oregon State Hoard of Agriculture. 0-20-tf. Many persons die of neglect, Dawson Herb Tea llxos 'em. Pullman .Service to Yaquma, The llrst Saturday night excursion to Yaqiihin was well putmnUcd, Tills new regime with a Pullman car service to Oregon, s popular Muiside resort promises to become very opular. iliisiuess men iu any city down tne valley can take the night train to Ympiiim, get a good night's sleep and reach tho ocean In time for breakfast, and after sjieiiding a whole day at the beach can return on the night train hi time for business next morning. Take the overland train at .Salem itt0:lf p. m., Saturday. CASTOR I A For Infants find Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought ofWiS Boars tho Sltfnuturo Call for Bids for Hay. lilds will lie received at the olllco o' thcCKy Recorder for tho City of Sa lc.ii, Oregon, from the date of this notko until fi o'clock p. in. nf Satur day, August VI, IbOO, for furnishing the City or Salem with firtceii(!)touh of cheat or timothy hay, baled und de llvered at tint city hull lu txtld city on or before the 1st day of September, 1801). Done pursuant to tho order of the Common Council of Mild city, made and outurod on the Oth day of July, I8W). N, J. JUDA11, City Recorder. Dated at Suloiii, Oregon, this, July J.l, liiOO, 7-1.1d&wtf Salem City Bend Sale. Notice Is hordby given, that pur suant to lite order, of the Salem City Council, had and ruoordud uu tho 0th day cf July law, subscription lists will be opened, at 8 o'clock on the morn ing of Thursday, July 20, the olllea of the city recorder Inlheolty halt of said city, for the Jpurohiise, by the citizens at largo, of 106,000, mu nicipal funding bonds of sulci city of Salem, Oregon; (sulci Iwuo to oonslstof bonds In the hums of "M," $100," "iiOO," "WOO," and "11000,") princi pal payable attlrttoflloe or the elly Ueusureror of suld city of Salem, Or egon, on or before lOyears after the Ut day of October 18M, the date of Uue of iald boud; the Interest thereon, at Hie rate of 4 nor cent mr annum, iwy- 'able seiul-antiually. at the olllco of 1 said city treaiu.erer uforeld, uu the 1 first days of A prll awl October or each laud every year thereafter, until call or maturity: nrlncliul and Interest Siyable lo gold colu of the United lutes. The cty recorder or tald rlty I win receive, tile Jtid regUter all sub scriptions lu till buhair.and said i-ut-ttrlfitloD. under tNHnubllcallou, will cloieat6,ockck p, ni. of Friday, the Mrst Any of HepuMbr, m. Done by theipeiilUwiiiMlli of Itond Iwu. this, Saturday, July 1&, IMW.atSflleiu, Oregon. (SigriMjJI IsitgDed Slgnttd l-iitr. V V. HISHOP, Mayor. . S. J. J UDA H.uitjf uecorair A. II, HUtCIfh'.CiMJUilliuan. E. IKW A I,K Bit, CiHJnolluwn for Infants and Children. Ciisloria Is n. Imnnless pub.stttuto ibr Cnstor Oil, Pnre Borlf, Drops and Soothliig Syrups. It Is Plctuuint. It contains neither Opium. Monihlno nor other Nurcotlo substnnoc. It tlcstroys "Worms and allays Fovorlshnoss. It ctiros DhuThauv ami "Wind Collo. It rollovcH Tooth liipr Troubles and cures Constipation. It vctrulntcs tho Stomach and llowels, irlvliiir healthy ami natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. The Kind You Have Always Bought Boars tho In Use For Over 30 Years. TMr CNTU H ytMwv, y MMY, TT MUnntV TifT, HlWYOnflCJtT. XI THEY ALL WANTED ITU You sre tliey thouetit the Mcvcle In the window, wis the only one we Intl. Tli'te were plenty tnort inslile however, anil w sold 'em one eai).. Wecaufit vououtals WITH A LEUELflND, RE5CENT. V9 J - ' ,"".rf"""li' 6 Water Prolongs Your Life, If your hoiiNo m not mipplleil with a Hath it ought to lxt. 1 will make the e,alviiulred iron Taukj put iu tho Tub, the hect of 1'liinibiiiK', and do all klmlH of tin work. Call and nnk for itHtiiiintoH, T. S. BURROUGHS 10.1 KTATR.STKEKT HAKUOOD RE8T0IIKD &WiiWK?ffl rruie-lyigiwranlrrt loinrrall iikivimm UUwmh, wirh n Weak Mvniory, IIiadai'lir.WHlirlullnrM.lxnt Manhuul. Nluhlly ltml klons. Nervuutiii-ui, Uh nt iwer in Cvncrallve Ori(iu, rauieil hy voulhrul emu, cxcvmivc ute or Mlniul.uili wlilcli ImiI tu ur Inunily. Cun Itcinntcil in veil pocket. Jt.mix-r tjoir. 6 for fi. Iy mall pteiuilit. Circular rrre. AIlilniKKUu Take no oilier. Manulailurtd fiy the I'eau Medicine Co., tfrRi-rancc. I.uuc-unvlM Oruir Co. ilUtributlav sienu. TUIKD AND YaMIIIU. FOIl SALE HV I). J. PRY, SALI3M, ORKGON. THE OLD POSTOFFICE STABLES. Special rates g'ven to Commercial men. Ifrlrra itiadn lo all irftlnla at all hours, 'live ut a fall and ln satliQed. I'lione t?l. not groc:rs to the president. But Grocers to the People. We keep in Stock a full Variety of Provisions, Groceries and Fruit. Anything and everything you need. At prices to compete, call and compare. HARRITT Si L.AOJR.3NOe Of,U I'OBTOmCH (IHOOKKY, Mt. Hog?I Colle ee Halew, 40 miUtf frutw l'ortUtvl.) Comi-i.istk arnl Tiiohouhii Couiimmi PrjaraUiry, UUirory, tiolwiUlh', ClaMkwl, N'unwil, Comiimreiul. tiftmui. Coiuixhh in Mutlie iiMitka, BHrrtfytNg, Drawing. CivM Hervlm, Freiwb, (ierniun, HKii,uib. IIhIIuii, SlMtrthaml, Ty4wrHiig, Tltrzraphy, Munje. A upwial olatw is providixl for siu dwits who oh aeoount ol farm ImImt, vtish Ut enUr luU lu fall und leavis Mtrly iu prin. Ai-4uIihU hrwv) and tu.hnra otat c4rUi1eMtMi and (dale diplomas eon (rrxl. H'imI for aUbzue. AldrNM, Tiik futMiitHNT Mount Akwbl Cuu-uib, Ml. Anj(l, Ore. SLOO IST(llGI)NVi!II,H' .:.:i w 1 Signaturo of Love's Leading Strings, may lead n man to 1)1 Ihh and lutpplnefR. but the road to our laundry will lead him to a pliu'u where he will rwolvu full fiitiMfaetlou lu the beauty of bin linen, pcrriilcsund woolenn, when wo put tho slainp of our perfect laundry work on it. Our lino laundry work Ih utiflurpaKii ti for beauty of color and llnlvh. Salem Steam Laundry, COI.. J. OlMSTi:i. I'ltOl'H. Phone 411. -WO Liberty Street sMM.1 Best and largcsf'line of Bicycles in the Glty Car load shipments Direct from Factory PRICES: IF,10 Wo havo.,,, n v vi Y wadb i co. I'UONK 15)1 til.. l'OMTLANIJ, OKEIlOH. 02 HlltllV HT HAI.KM, Oil, J. J. FIDLER, proprietor. 1 1 or ww Hoarded by the Day, Week or Mouth. Ktaiidliiu Team, lfic. Hit kIo llorne 10c, For Im)'s him) young muii. ('undiiitcd by tho llwiuditftiiit) rather. lUalthfully und attrautivuly hxiitwl. (II iuIUm (rum f 5ia . 'WSsJrv-rsJllTrBNJsTjrllN1OlN INTEnSTAaD ETTA ANDERS-WILMAN Associate Teacher Western ConsetvA toty, Kansas City, Mo., representing the Inter-state System, at Salem, Ore. Ovcrl'lrst National Han If. Kcatdencc 376 Church street. Studio hours 9 to toS. VlfNJaVHv I WANTED. New today ndvorusoraents lour line or losi lu this column 'naortcd tntoo times for 25 otn, SO ota n week, $1 per month All ovor lour llnca at same rate WANTED. Men to cut. or Hplit or haul wotxl. Wo will pay 50 couta for split tin. Cash every week If wanted. Salem Fuel Co., room 13, over bank. 8-8 tf WANTED At our warehoused nt Snlent and Marlcay 100,000 btlnhela or more of wheat and onto for which wo aro prepared to pay tho highest market price when furniorH dcslro to sell, Wo mi p ply thopo having grain with sacka to ilellvor their crops. Also storage for thoKO wiahitiR to atoro. Ho miro and xce tin ovary day in the week. Oniee 'JOO Commerelitl Htroet. up HtalrH, or warehouses. A.M. Hum phrey ifc Co. 8-7 !lt WANTED. Wheat, oaM and barley, bags furnished, (.let our priced be fore you noil. Olllee on Court ntrcut rear of Dalrymplo's store; wnrqhouso libor Exehauge building. Tlllsou. llartlott Clraln Co. 8-7 tt WANTED. Men to learn harbor trade. Only 8 weoka riiiiiral. Bpeeiitl In ilucemontH for applicants from a dis taiinee. I'ositlons giinraiitced. Com plete outfit of tools presented, Wngcx Saturdays. Places for 500. Cata logue mailed free. Moler Harlior col lege, Hail Francisco, Cul. 8-7 Oil KOU SALE. Clyde mare, 8 years old, weight 1000. Enquire of O. W, KolT, MiH'leay, Ore. 8-4-lw. ESTUAY NOTICE Taken up nt the John llughcH ranch 011 Hlough Hoad, one black hornofi years old, star In forhead, weight about 800. 8.21 wt lCXPEUlENCED-Krult dryer, (owing to tearclty of fruit) Ih open for en gagomsnt to dry hops. Hest refer ences, l'rult Drier, enro of Jouimi.. 7-1I2w WANTED Immediately Urst-elat waitress, Htuady place at Wlllamotto Hotel. 7-iJG-tf WANTED. To buy ryu for milling. Ap lily to or uddresn Joseph Drcchsler, Halem. Mill on Marlon between Fourteenth and Fifteenth street. 7 18 lino FAUM WANTED. Tlio unilerslgucd want a farm of from oO to 100 acres, will take It (or cash runt or on shares. Hood reference. Apply to J. 8 enro Journal Olllco. 7 10 lni DETROIT HOT sFMifNTlH-f amVi the Held again, with ;iy imck horses, to carry you to tho HpringH, or any placo iu tliu mountains, In tho vicinity of Detiolt. I have been here suvon years, can tttku you to all thu good camping, hunting, and usbing iilaunit iu thispartof thu uiouiitains. Frank Terkett, Detroit, Oro. 7 3 0v FOE SAI 13 -Good dry wood, delivered to any mtrt of tho city, l'rico reason able, loavu orders with lliirritl it Ijiwroneo or Farmers' Feeil yuid High, street. 5-2fl-;hn HIUYOLK PATII-lf your blcyclo needs repairs bring II lu, wo havo tho skill und stock to kcop It lu llrsti class condition. Wo curry 11 full lino of sundries und iiiukoit special ity of enameling uoinu und see us. wo BiillRfy our putrniiH. Gardner & White, 288 Liberty stieot. lloliimu's block, next door to steam laundry. I'lionu 285fi, l-20-t HOUbE OLE AN KUS- llouionibcr uthat tho best nnd uhcupest cariot jpnncrlH tho heavy felt paper Bold ut Tiik Jouknai. olhcc. 20-tf n swfi Docs Your Gas Pipe Leak? Or are your chainlelium old fashioned and uornout? If sol we will put iu now, rleh und IwiimImjiiio chandeliurs, and lay new gun pipes at 11 reuNniiuhle uot. Am plunilMira, stMim mid mh litters our work is unexcelled and "ur priues for llrsl-ehiM work ih beyond eompetitlou. BARR&PETZEL M CO.MMKHCIAI. STKF.ST. Telephone No. 3J71 - 1 n -a in 1 1 1 na n si Headquarters for Screen Doors, Etc., Ijiwn, Held und iioultry (uiich ami Hiilnglos at lowest priiuM. HALICM KKNOW WOHKB, Waltkh'iun. W Hlato 8ltt CURE YOUPmFl Vtr lllf H lf IU14I.IU1 h..lirgw, lkllklMll MM iKIUIlolM II MtltllS .f . . ..ill kukMlk . 1.1. 1 l- PulisLsMd. mtul UiU Mtin IfHlElt-lCMUiUlCO. HlWlHl ' yr MAI IU H'" (1Flr. L. .iBruu. bfflflNtld. IU I in. ,.r i Ull, .X ("rtuUr ! uu inmI Premium on Warrants. Auyirtn haTliiy Marlon or Talk founly vrun.uU lu ilUloe ut. will tlu wull tu sail a lUcolluii.f fiuv-uo llrinu. 270 QiuiirofUI tfrl lid ilU & Itatkar will -Uuw it treuluni on all auah i''"l',''lt imorK.I war sauta. Muom tel'wn a 0 and 7 lir cent IuIik- rl ou Biirof imi ittmt. ladAwilw iit , TlilU('orwr lllock. .?.KSPtem..t l.ruuir nnr.iAiA,i VTQ CuwioatdUl sliiwi TaVo In" The Whole Kuld if you ha.u a want that you think miiii man in Marion County can till, tukti in Ui wliQlv fluid at onto hv inwirt Inu a wunt add lu JoyiiKAU There's no half way biulneiM nltotil thdjavuNAi.. Itfe-eta richt out anions; all tlu iMoid who art worth talking to And If your uhu is In town you'll tlnd him. TliKtu's no doubt atout that. CIS V TRY "j.'. j f "t 1 1 avJrLl. V,W n asMr 1 uf.irB nmt ihm(k v ST4U.ST U4 M MfUM V' WA e.(.Q ssVw " - 3M Ltel s' "