riMdHMHttlftM W0fH HtpMRSffififCBtfiOM PWaHsWisWasP MM (I. .ft iiiii Tliiii'inTl'ir' )iiiitin',iii'fririli-jtMg-ky' l'1'ifa"'Jj"uxiiM'ii'iiriMi'iii -iibb nirnA;rnuiiiiiTir - '- r 1 in !. . -r t :ii i.' PE6IAL SALE S OF 60LF THIS WEEK. EVERY GOLF SHIRT IN THE HOUSE AT REDUCED PRICES. ALL SHOTS i I I HOSEWs r Sitters neck of the Bottle. Indigestion ! tbe cause of much sickness. If tbe tomacn be strong, sick oessw ill re un known. IJcrt tetter'a Btjm ach Bitters will make the digestion per feet and the liver active. See that a I'm vate Reve nue STAMP covers tbe STRAW HATS FOR JUST HALF PRICE. NEW CRASH HATS AT NEW PRICES. J. Johnson & Go.. 257 COMMERCIAL STREET. TUB DAILY JOURNAL BY UOPRR BKOTHEH8 MONDAY, A V CiUST 7, !. Da'Jy, One Tear 93.00, lu Advance Dally, Tout MonUi 91 00. L Advance Weekly, One Year 91.00, In Advance COHPORATIONS ARE REACHINO OVER- It -nti t iin nome of the rorjora tlotin enjoying franalilma to render a public aervice In Oregon are overreach ing. We liavo one traneiortatlon coin. jmriy in mind that got a large HilwtWy, several toMwuiUM, ami exemption from tazim, ami no monur wan It in oiwrntwn than It Joined the trnnieontinentnt tool to throttle ooiiitltlon and hold down Western Orison enterprtaei and devob opulent. Now It bodly demand u tmw mill alto lielnre It will even allow tin oomiiinulty that no geuurnuHiy foetrred It thejallghteflt fiojxt of expumdou. Tliuae are hard liuea to hold on tin ro aouruolul and enterprising a eople hh the race Unit inhabita tho iiorthwoateru I'aollla cout. Thoy urn not HIhiihIium content to llvo on Minoked iMi and (lainaft rootM, while u uou-roritdent ml of furotklunorH tuku all thu natural wnlth and produutr na their own. Wliut will will Ikj thu neurit ? If tho people, aflor giving a onrporutlou a frnuchliio and other eouccMiIanit worth all and more than it emit vo build tho plant and eu,ulp it to rundur a pilblle nurvlco, are to lie oppnml and bulMoxutl forever aftor-1 ward thoy will learn very hint that they have more nvur and retiourmw at thuir oommauri tluin a araature of their own orotitioii and endowment. Overreaching wrpornttoni will teanh thu hhiJh Mt- ruImueoaiHlownerahhlp of the public titUHKiM. and many private decked gayly with CURRUNT EVENTS At Montreal, (jiiimW, today marked the opening of on event toward whbsh Canadian wheelmen have looked forward for a long time thu onliig of the International hloyele meet for the world' uhnniplomdilpH. The Mnutroal reception eommlttco haa Imon busy all day receiving the viiritlng wheelmen, who have been arriving in rieleitallooa. ThttMi visitor, together with lho wlx arrived hint week, run the tot I iiuih bur of vlnltlng eyclUla up Into the him drink Thin Include MXiree of frack ruo orH.tho mnjurlt'of thein fromUte lidtetl uml the Dominion with othere from . HurH uml frum New muIi WuUw. 1utoria ami hMith Afrkn. All the fiuhlU' Iwildinga Imumm I tare U-en imttUnti in iionor of Ute Wg t'Hirna rnont. The rMtorn Iwve len urtonm all f tle privilegftx of the city and the promhwd rMt of the Kovemor-wnwrnl leMulnto the anticipation that the week will l one of unrallell focioty l4endor, Of con rw to the ma)ority tho mwt intorwitiK art of the wcuk in that dvotNl to racing. Tho Quean' 1'ark track whoro theprolhnlnar' ovunto are IwhiK run off today in In excellent condition and fit for tho record wiwch in whkh hi exxctod to take ila'o here during the noxt few iktyr. The racinir pngram, irovldini for ovary variety of Mcyele raco from a Miort dfatanre Hprlnl to a fifteen inilo road race, hi an fo'lewn: Atnat(nr 1. One mile. Slwrt die tarn'e clwniptonfliip I. C. A. medalf. 2. One litimlru.1 kilometora. Ixiik dit tanee rhamjiiotMhip, I. C. A. iihIhIm. 'A. Team race. Teatne o'f not more than four, orer h iliHlanro of lvu kilometers. Tli()cyclitchalhjKHtliield, ami prize of the following value), V, flo, f 10, ft. 1'rofeewlonal I, One mile. Khtrt dbtUnre clutmphin. I. C. A. mmluli) uml i-iuh prizee of fiMM), flSft, )M, V- One hundred kilomuterH. Ing dir. mnrochamploiiRhip, I. C. A. iiiwIhIk and catrfi prizee of f WiO, li, f7ft, f'ift. Champlnmriiip muteh One mile. Ojxtti to the wlmuirM of thn ommlle amatiHirund the oiut-inlle profeeMlonal chain pIoiiHhiw nwpeettvely. The KaltoiiKhip International Trophy ItopreKontlnK the gHnerul elmmpion xhlpof tlioi. C. A. ,on the olnU mt. cored hy enrii oinimtln Inxly, tiiwin- Itere of tlie aitioii. Hcoring, A lnti for find place, .1 xdntc for mm-oiiiI jdM'e uihI 1 (Ktiiit for third place. In addition to tlieee rwcen there will 1 a iinmlMir of half-mile two-mile, five- mile hamlluip, tHo-mlle tandem, five mile tandem pnrwill and other ovenlM iliMtrlhuted lietweun the umatmirH ami profuMtinmilH, ami a Miieektl one-mile re lay nice and a fifteen-mile road race. New York (HilltWiuiM are Mwailiiig with coiiHldtirable Interevt the omlcotiw .. ,1 1,.... ...iiii . . .. urn ciiithiiiiihi io oe iiuih hi umren don Hall, thin evening at wlilch it ie ex liectetl tlait a new Hilitllul lalor jwrty will he given birth. The movement Ih the direct out noino of the Hrooklyn street mllway HtHku. Tlie Tammany leadem are Kirtknlurly anxitwa ue they fear that thu movement may ulip from thu control nf the lbor agitaUtre ami Into the IhiihU of men who will flaht lammany tooth uml null. caivlhhttAf) ujfin wliorn degree are eon wureil. xtxl other .lata. The mm! v to to brotoii in unt, WM, ty detnnd ante of the partM-ipanU. In atlditiofi to Uieir ftay riere th Hlgrima will vM( Crijj4e Creek, victor ami vral otlwr eHim and will conclude their pffgrisiae im a exal ilewonHration to lx heM in Um ofHtra boncie in Denrer rxt Trfclay nhU Drix tboir 4ay in the Centen nial Ut the rWtorx will 1 enter taimal by the grand Masonic oWkens o Colorado and the loeal Uei of Denver. Colorado fpring', Crijjpie Creek and Vieinr. Ilrnutr l Illootl Deep. Chaa bkod meaiM a clean elm. Ko beaetr withoet it. Cacaret.Caudy Cathar tic dean )oer bkod and keep it an, b ttirrtag up tke lazy liver and driving aH ira pentia from tbe body, llegin to-day to banhti Hmrrfes, boiU, blotclien, bkelthead. and that MekJy IhIkhj complexion by taking CettlH, beauty for ten cenU. AH dreg- Scrofula to Consumption. Any one prcdUpouwl to Hcrofulu can lever Im healthy and vigortma. Thla taint In thu blood naturally drift Into fJoiuumption. Hohigiiueliadeop.Mted blood dlntmso, Swlffu ajH'olilo In thu silly known onro for Serofula, bwauio It la tho only nimedy whieh eait reach thu dlaeauo. NfufuU aporarol oh ihe W.l ot rajr lllllci iraadaitiUI wtHW iHtl IH tuuuiltn ulil (fuiiilty (Wf WraklHK hi it Kieal riltlljr ill utrt thai lur bed. 1 m aeultl arlM in aiUktaal Uuli,aul llir ud.it m matt ih ii ilfMiilivra el ilia rubui iliaanllitf amluuliraraUc rita iIUVm UMl ailalitt JbiiMM, ami w(wiimI !) aeeinitMUi ttaralght. Itaitt r(i in rruut litv mrteuiialutt eueetrr wero tfellfel, but ooul.1 tlu :? II waa ea anil tin m o lb ahllil'a aduluki vra ililil.t l.i try Hwlti'a Hjk. lelMHtf to reinnra Ida lit a laaereiti, ami Kara it u ilmlr Hiwiya thai lite ;a wh mnirtwt anil II iU U aavw lb eh 1 1 Utrti tliai wa itmtlil! ti (likl wteulatii al uiim maU a iHljr ami vum tt eura. 6li u uew a reuiiu latlv. anU kaa Wr bail a tlgu ul lh iIMm U rvluie Mm. It inn UKHKki.Kr, SallHa. Kail. 8arofuln U an olmtinato blood dlmiate, nut i lMyoiul tho reaoh of tho nverafi blood mudlolnu. tiwlft'a Siwoltlo SaSXBIood OimhI cricketera evtwywhere have to lay turned their eye toward the Hiilen- did llekl ol the Toronto Cricket club. The twoMly' mutch begin there thia ufternwun between the team of tlie Am milm Crieket Club of IMiilodehdiia ami tlie Crirketere' Aaeoeiatiun of Can ada. The mmiimm have attracted itiiueual altentiou in aHirUiig cirvlea from the fart Dial it U tle wily Interimtioiud match thiaveni in which eltlier an American or a UaondiMH team will Agwre. Tlw (nadian crie)ws4era are treired to tlo Uieir beat to retrieve the defeat Uiey au Uimal at Uie handa of tlie I'liiladeiphi ana at Uaerfonl laet year. 'He exiaiitiK P!iKrlty i4 the work ing ciaaeea lu Kngiaml U atrikingly e idetKd by tlte riof t jilat taailnl by tlie oeUt4llce auviiiHa' hauk wvering the "' unuiwry i, itajv. rite r mkI aliowa tliat ho leae a mini than -18il, WW.IW) wua received from detMiaiuire. during the year, thia anuwut ineiHtllng tlteaum realised by tlie aula oi pnern nteiit aiock, Uie uiHount of divkleml relitl Ui deiMaMtore, awl Uie umtaiMt ortHllttMl a iwynieuW utaler the aniiiiltv uml ineHiUHce eontnteU. Tlie iutereat hi tbeae hummihU repreeeute a total of .of IN.lHlUU, while the tt of the luanageweHt of thie Umucb of the poet- oneelewrUMMit for the ymr awoentMl io fi,xu,aVU. SALEM SCHOOL BOARD. Pairing Begins Monday, Bids tor Re same the Several Furnaces Are Opened. The alem school board held a meet ing Saturday night. Tlie Brotherhood of I'aiutorr, I'ajKjr hangerD ami Decorators, of thia city, wIhj were awarded the contract for jiainting the Haft and North echool latihlingi) at f 400 ami f 110 rfMctivoly, mibiniltfxl a Ifoml. Vm arcopttil. The Iwerd dwridwl to have all of the iHiildingfi jwintei whito and appointcl City Hwjierintondejit YoJer to wn3rviie Die work for the board. Tlie matter of equipping oach of the five H;hool ImihllngM'with a telephone, wa referred to the HUprdy committee with imtrnctiotiH to ascertain of the teluphmte company the probable cont of Mich a Hjrvlce and reKrt the eame at a future meeting of the board. ProWor Yoder, city wierinteiiilont, nlHiiftteil a rejpiitdtinii for Mippliee neetlHl ami the eame wuh referred U the leipply committee with ower to act The loard oienel bldi for ruiwiring the fiirnacie in the feventl school buibl iogji. Three IimIh were NiihmlttiHl the bidder to furnlith all muterlala. Tliey were ao follow m: Stolner A Blower f I,0W) Knox & Murphy iri7 IkurA; I'etwl thM Tlw further eoiwkleratton of the blda waa ileferre.1 until thu Ixjard tiliall have an oportMuity to iiiveetlgate. A. T. UillHTt. of this city, ie eouii- ping IiIk residence on Marion htreut with gaKilino heating plant. Cmler Uie prueent ayatem, a uieinber of tho board Mild, tliat the cost of heating any one of SalemV four nrinciiml eeliool building wao at lt flt.AO ir day- over a eonl of wood Imlng reiilrul to produce the nereeeary hunt for a clngle i lay. 'Hie lemnl adjourned until mxt ftit unlay "vetting. When You Ride Your Wheel. Always shako Into your hIiocs Allen's "oot-Knso. a iMiwflur for thu fern li koepi your foot oool, proyontw awout lug feet, and make your endurance ton-fold greutor, Oyor one tullllon wheel iieoplo are using Allotrn Foot- r.nho. iney nil pralM) It. It glvos roanimi comiori to Mimrlliig, hot, swiKdon, nelilug foot, uud Ik a certain oure for Ingrowing null. At ull druu .t..11"'' S,UM) 6UnM, Uftc, Sample PUKK hy mall. Atldross, Allen S Oluiston, Lu Boy, N. Y. 3 SENATOR TELLER.: Silrer Chimpwn Ezs Been Talking is Oregea. He Tmnkj the War ResponsiWe for Present Good Times. I'oK7iA!c, Am. 7. United States Senator II. M. Teller, of Colorado, in company with his wife, spent Satnnlay in Portland. He k on a toer of tlie northweH, hy way of recreation, having f it wveral day? in biaho, at Spokane ami on I'ntset rannd, ani will now pro ceed to return to Colorado by Uie 0. K. it N. and Union Pacific. When Hren Senator Teller annovneed hinMolf ae still a Silver Bepabliean, and he is emphatte in eapreeing his opinion that Mirer will be etilt tlie leading iesoe in tlie presidential campaign next year. He i Mre MeKinjey and Bryan will be Ute respective etandanl-bearers of the opjoim? intf, awl thinks Itryan's cliancee are better Uian tb-y were in IBM. "Ie not Colorailo proeiterona ander preeent condition!?" was aekeil. "Yee, Colorado is alright; but she if producing millions of gold and a good deal of copper.Jsilver ami lead." "But tier etoekmen are getting good prices for Uieir beef, mutton ami wool, are tliey not?" "They are; but I do not attribute tbi to the workings of the gokl fctainlanl, Tlie lemaml bos sprung up ami the sup Ay hail begun to run phort." 5,Do you not think the United Sta'es is fairly progorous at prwut?" "I oilniit that present conditions are more favorable than they were, lmt this is the recult of tlie country's being at wir, ami is not n ermuncnt proiierity. Tlie adminititratou has withdrawn 2'K, U00 men from the industrial tHirsmts ami entered on an era of destruction in stead of building up. Tlie war creates a temiiorary demand for certain articles', a.xl tliis produces an appearance of pros Ierity in some circles. 1 would not con sider the country proterous in the real sense, and I could not say Portland is roseroug Irom apiiearauces, though you have a beautiful city and a river tha't is simply magnificent." The H'lmtor regards tlie formation of trusts uh the direct noltof the preeeut nwnetury system, ami lie looks for a crash within tlie next four years as a consofjuenee of the excessive watering of values in forming these combinatioiis. "Then you do not consider that trusts are the reeiiltof protection?" "No sir. Trusts are formed a a relief from low prices, litifint town of a cer tain line ogreo to combine in ordur that production may Ik limited uml fewer hamls imployod." Tlie senator furllur remurk'tl to n number of friends who had culled, that he had never yet been wirry he had iufl the rupubllcan convention at St. I.ouirt in '00; if ho had not left the republican IHirty then, he thinks he would hae done so later on. Just so soon as the convention adopted the gold htaudard lie concluded ho coillil mi Inneer uiirlt u if ft I in rcuani to tlie riiiiinntnos. lie m he "did not know-what we wore dointr over tliero," implying that no dooeud- ence could 1k ilacev on the news from Manila. As to our policy toward the Philippines, he did not think we had any; did not think McKinley had any; and if any one knew what the presi dent's policy was he "the senator" would be glad to find him wit. "We are in for a fight over there. I don't know whether we began it or tho Fili pinos, hut we must now proceed to whip thorn first; then wo can treat thorn after wards." lie did not think tho islandx wore worth the cost of a prolonged war, but that we should axerctse a protector ate over them in ordor to kceptiermanv from taking them in. "I think the islanders are canablo of irovernim. them. solves. If only assure! from outside iap.m. Interference by the protecting arm of a good, strong, civilized government." BttSiN&SS CASUS. C. M. IHACK IDenttet, Socceuer to Dr. . 31. Xeene, old White Corset, Saisn, Or. Pitt .es desiring ttipcrkx operation at moderate fees in any Uaacfa if in especial reqa-st. BX ALBERT A- JESSUP. arr Phone 1671. ROOMS 1 AND li, OKAY 1ILK. SOUIjB J3ROS. PIANO 7DNERS AND REPAIRERS PORTLAND, 0K Tat Bateia awt rkrieltr tear oelen at 06 C. Will's Nerie Store. k Salem tor OFFICF, CITY HALL For water setnee Jpply at office. Ittt' payable monthly in advance. Make complaints al the rPJ . You Can Get a Lower Berth, MONTEZUMA Is a beautiful dappled chestnut Ki)6 hands high, and weighs 1700 His. He is a ierlect all purpose liorse. Willleat Huffman's stalne, Salem, Saturday of each week in July ami Aug ust, ami Uie remainder of tho week at tlie Fair Groumle. Terms, $15.00 to in sure. Also uolta broken ami handled for SJH.'0d. II. B. BlTIIRKWlHI'. A LIFE SAVED. v Itli one exception the through trains of the Burlington Route are almost Invariably well-tilled. Tlie exception Is our St. Paul Chicago Limited. On the limited '.hero is usually room and spare. Don't Infer that It t Is neither so tine, nor so fast, as ANY train of ANY other line between. St. Paulund Chicago. On the con trary, thore N no more beautiful train in America. It has electric light, ste'tui heat, wide vestibules, the most satisfactory dinlng-cur service on the oontlnonL and lower berth 'or every body. A. CJ. SHELDON, ilou'l Apent, Portland, Or. 0.RM Dr. J. F, Cook, the Botanical Speo nllst. Succeeds Where Other Fall. To wlwrn it mav concern : Tills is to certify that Bertha P. Con ner, of Mt. Angel precinct, Marion coun ty, Oregon, has suffered from a cancer ous growth in the left eft r for about three vears. Tlierowth wus cutout twice and burned out once by Albany Physicians, but the growth 'came buck 'as bad us ever, and pained her so badly that she had to be taken from school. After three week's treatment by J)r. J. F. Cook, of Salem, Oregon, thu Botanical Specialist, the growth entirely disap peared, and at this date, four months since treatment was begun, the growth has not reu tinea red. uml the ear has en- 1 tirely healed leaving only tlie scars in- muieo uy ine rtiuuny uociors. I hereby certify that the above state ment is absolutely true, and tliat Ber tha P Conner, the person mentioned in the affidavit, has resided in my fam ily since early childhood, bearing tlie re lationship to me of niece. II. C. Lono. Sllliwriliwl mid minrn tn l.rir.. me 10 j this eighth day of June, 1MI. W. W. nail, county clerk of .Marion county, Oregon. Kurtz & Hamilton PLUMBERS . and TINNERS OS COURT STRF.KT. SOUTH AND EAST TE SH4STA Rfj-JTE OF THE Southern Pacific Co kxtk 7or Ml J 9-45 'Mf 7 45 AM) , I KXTKEM TKAlKS RUN DAItY 1::---WitJ::T:?no-x5 , ",: , Arvs.-a Ar. ban Francisco. Lv (7.'0 SOOpm Ar ugden... .Ar Ar .....Denver. . Lv Ar .... Omaha .... Ar Ar . . Chicago . . . . I.v Ar, , . Loa Angele . . .Ar Ar ... Hi Paso .... Ar 6W5 pm 6.43 AM 8-15 pm 7 oo a it S'lj pm 4.15 PM 7-55 A m Ar....Fort Worth..., Ar Ar.. New Orleans. Ar DINING CARS JAM CO PM IHOPM 6 45 PM 8 50 AM 6.30 p 9 25M 35pm 8.40 A m 840 PM OBSEkVATION CARS "Pullman hrst-claw and tounst sleepinR"ca?s attached to all throoch tralm . Toumt car. inruuga io .nicagu wiiupui cnange. ROSKBUKO MaJL, - DAI1 V. 830 ami Lv . , r&rt.and At Lv Lv ' 14-'3op I7.'3oa roniand to55 A m Lv Salem... 5.-2oPMlAr .. Rosebarg VEST SfDETDlVlblON. BETWEEN PORTLAND AND C0RVAUI5. Maid tiaitH daily except Sunday. "770 A MrLv.... Portland.. "ArJ S.-Copm 'ii5Lp M I Ar....CorvallU. Lv f i -20 p m At Albany i and Corral Hi con -, tains of the C. & E. Ry. INTJETENDENCE "PASbENGEk; ' KXPRESS TRAIN DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY.! 450 P M 1 Lv ...Portland... Ari 8'jcTiJ 7:30 p M Lv....McMinnville I.vJ- 550 a m 830 PM)Ar Independence Lv) 4;q a m Direct connection at n Francisco iih steamship lines f HAWAII, 1APAN' CHINA. '1IIEPHII.LIPINES and AUh! TKALIA. For throueh tickrts and rates call o V W. SKINNER, Depn Agent cr C D GAHRlhLH)NCity Ticket Agent, 232 Com mercial M. Salem Or. K. KOLHt.tU, Manage r. & 1 A. Porj.n nEI-ART MIU J Kant Mall p. in 8iu"" kan rljer i.aojim TIME RUIU'CIK. hum 1'ertUiMl lAllRIM' r-alt iJike, lner H. Worth' Umalia, Kaiisaa L'll), Htfi iSpm Mjum,v.iiii'a4(u auti nMK, U nil Walla, 8Skane. MIiihb- auiu. HU I'aul. IH.IIlU.. Mil MNulee elilfaK" ami wil. I 0CF.AN 8TaMHIUP8. S iii.K.ir?ii PraitelMMt, IHatlevery e ilnyn. coTtu5TnA"iffv"Kli HTBAMHKi. naiur- 1T0 Asloriit ami way LtnJlHlM. Civil Service Applicants A civil service examination was eon ducteil at tln Salem Kstolrlce Saturday by Scott IttMurth, clerk of the local loatl of examiner. Three applicants for the IHwiUou 0 carrier presented theiUHdves for examination. They were: Prof. A. W. Img, Joint Farrur and Hdwaixl lluwit. Doa't Tvbtrro spu aid Smott Toir IJfe intj. To quit tuboeeo easily and (orerer, be mac netle. full ot life, nerve ami vlfor, take Ko-To-Ilae, tbe wonderworker, that makM weak men stronir. All druggists, eoo or tl. Ourecuaran teed. Ilooklet and sample tree. Address StcrllDg Itemedy Co, Cblcajo or New York. !.eavo Hiara 7.1 aw tTn Tim audHati H, M Mou Wel rrl The River Steamers. The O. It. A N. boat Klinore leaves for Portland Tuewlay, Tliurnlay and Satur day at .If) a. m.t returning to Salem Momlay.WodnoHlay and Frklav letween llvo ami six. Tho O. C. T. Co. have a daily ImhH at 8 a. in., for Portland the Altona ami PomniM, The city ot P.ugene is riiiinfng wild, but making regular tris. Tlve are all the boats 011 the river at present. Ijtave SUUm TuThu . I 3)1. M WIMiAMHTTH IllVKH I'ertiaed. NewUrt and IJHdlHEt. Fur Dayton 8 Kane Flr a. m. I t. HI I II, HI. ,x Hum. ,r Salem WIIJ-C l, M. .Mon Weds Ta Thar Eat. 3:M pm Makes specialty of nil KinrH of Sheet Steel and Oulvanlzod Iron work rjoflng and guttering, a full line of Pumpi and pump linings. Prompt work and reasonable price. We carry in Usjk the Fairbanks wind mill. Call and see us before L'lvlng your order for mill or tank. Phone 234 Oregon Short Line Railroad The Direct Houte to Montana, Ctab, Colorado and all Eastern Pointa Glrua chnice ol two lavorile ro iten, 1a the L'nloii I'nclnr PtM Mall Line, or the KloOraielerSeetilc Line.. L(Mik at the time 1 Day to Salt Luke 2 Days to Denver 3t Days to Chicago 4i Days to New York l'te Koclliiln Cbalr Cars, t'pholnlered Ton lt dleopliu; Can, and l'lilhnita i'Hlarc tilevpert operated on all trains. For further Information apply to HOI.SK A 1UKKKK, Axentx.saieia W K COMAN.oenl Akvui C O. TKltKY. Trav. Pass Ant 121 Third St PurllauJ In no Ull i i), n PliOMPr WORK AND LOW PRICES! wiu.MirrrK wvkr L-orvauu AllMey and ISHNU. Ar Ba li m Wj- Ma. iu. .Mou Wed 'and Pri Tho Intor-Stnto Unlvorslty System of Musical Instruction. K. 11. SCOrr. D. t. PK1W1DKNT , A Nattooal (MiratUe Inttitutlou whleh U lalnnln to numlwr lu laeulp- by tmndrwU awl it. papiu hy thousand, Kmbmoluic i.,i asrU bUtTHCjr BMir ror tw unf-tll or Pnplls of PriThto 'IWhsrs At Horn n .ie ?"",T" scHoiASTic vmu. U.SrfaSlKStA'a?."11 '""" " ,W,,r,' UT Hxplanatlim or he tem In detail In tlitwo roliiMns . .. Watoti for It. hlT.V ANUBRS-WIUIM AN. Stale ReprecenuttUe aiHlMwuber of jh Inanity Btmtmi over Plrnt National Hank lllili; Oa or two pUcoa (, fr a-Uaaewl players ia piano qaartet. innKnni n aula uai I S00 Pacilic Line. Travel in comiort by the IHPER1AL UMUl HI bl ttrMtllh yot vhttber jt contino Ibe lUlf llaCt t ttL ft U-l 0.11 Adtfl itm aarttriorutisBro,iVB, arvklltiBif ttU5Y& I r B I rWrtt f LafCIfl & B.'B'IAAl rv ai'Bia ari B T lllll KidM T. 'aWt 3S7i U K SSM Sfl Sj flavcrw HssWawi (Mttarvuutduir. ipls lla. uria lb blood, t irt io vaanooa. DiftSBi you tiroaa IBBtAIID, and pi S4wk. Uil.t SCO.000 uuj At Colorado tfiwiwua Use arruHgo. menu are MUtiuhjU for reoeiving uud entertuiHiws tlie hoote of Cryptic Kite .Muaonii who are oxiteil iit Springe toiourmw evesdug ur tlay illuming to e.ewdify tJie degrxnia of Koyul, SehHt uml SiHrAcelleit Mauler on the auiuuiit of Pikee Peak. Thu event ia expected to attract hmhu- laire of Uie MaKinle fraternity from a doaen atattsa and the week will be a .. .,..!. I.. .... 1.. .1... 1.... .... , earica. 1.. wntea vimnriwK in uiw witvr-AKiy iiusiory o ( MM t my wMe. I tfm r (a the only remetly equal to itioh deop eated disease, it goc down to tlie very foundation and force out ovary Ulijt, It ia uurtty ttfftaUt, mid it fbnjyuly bUaxI roinedy guarantewl tg eOiitrtfii no inerouri', jxiUah ur otliar siiiiivraiuiwinngo wjittiever. I lu-ealarftl Rive. In an 1 oin&?tt' 1HW", 'ftiWifitiaui r!"k wH,.; uomjwny, Athuita, OoortfiJ. ..1.1 rlat. U-ann.' the nam uie unier. AcoortltHg to the pr4it pruxntHi the entire njght of We.lnee.ilay will Ik) uiHNitwU tliwlHwk in the ritsM. ami (Jut Hj0Uj)liH will b iUmnltsateU ttKVlsMI 1 tmlml names a Use W hen a younjr man ak a fulh r for his dauhttr'a hand 111 uuittaur, if tae ratlser is tt wine oi.r he Ikiuka uf out thiHt; isiual ly an imHitant aa ibr .mug mua muruU. eeclat aad busievM statKliuB and iHtrtlt Kf . A youuc man whu uthn ftoai ni hawltk haa ho iiKht to nwrry uatit ku health la ietiel Tuiluwii to romotit a crhue ajcalaet ttie huwaa race While alt dtet way am W dueclty iwbeiited, the coHatitu !?' teatWacy to aciuiir them ia iuber- ilel If a hmh ia a coaaewptive, the I "" "i iw hi cnimicu will have weak, undeiUd luee. and a fMrdlaiioal. Hon to aetpiire the Man dUease fhe yoasK man who sutlers frow brou. chlti. weak Iuhk. amtlBr of Ukk1 k any UUlMHr at tin. air ruuj. ,t.,..l. it Z Culumdo lected lead up to conumptio, may take Wwdiie-. V "f'Jlodn Medical IMacovery with .,..,, mmc suaisiirc 01 lecuwry It cutca o3 er cent of all cosea when taken la lime It soothes and heals the delicate aad acusiUvc tissue of tbe air ruji:osi and Iuhk. check the cousb. facilitates eipect ration, drhes out all impuritiea ami di ,' frow the tainted blood and builds new ami healthy ttasuea iimu u SMS. M MM Ubrttv Av Mil. 1 Mat tfckly melSM ant I CaVWlfur. TO llAfrom avB rira..nl ..h Ulfitt,kfulfl. T.k.llwilk CLDtlBtlr.nral.taiitl iiba " t, u.wbii run, iNifi vim, nirul.MlliinT. or nfund mun.r k. a tt t., lakii. iHitHl, .m (wi. "Sweet Home" If yu want freeh home made candy, ue cream, ice mild mimuier driuka, or a good cigar will at tlie "Sweet Home" No. iftWttf Commercial street. 7 SW tf Tho Boat Proaorlptlon for MAIarla Chtilsaiel FnfMn hftlile at llauves Tat- . nn.i. 111.NIU. it ia kWipiy 1 1 ost MS4 QMlalne In a uuirim turwi S.i rum. m py. rrtatW MTdAwiw JERSEY BULL. Full blood Jereoy, servksw for oaon only f I, ajKH eaah. Ooraer of llilrteoitlit and Center streete. 6 tl lla own A Son. WILLAMETTE RIVER DIVISION Daily boiu to Portlaud as abore. Transfers to street car line at Oreg Oitj If the steamers are delayed there odnd trip tickets to all points in Oregon Vib;ng. ion, or California. Connectioa made at fott land with all rail, ocean anrivcr hue W. II. HURLHURT. Cen'l Pas. Aat. Portland. Or. U. M, POWKItS, Agent, Trade street dock Saleru UOISK HARKER, City Agents. A Few Interesting Facts When people are eontemplting a trip whether on butines or pleasure, they natur I ally want ihe lxt service obtainable so lar as seed, comfort and safety is conceraod. Lmployes of the WucotMin Central Lines are paid to serve the public and our trains are' operated so at to make clo e eonHeeuoos 1 with divergwf lines at nil junction pou.u. ' Pullman Palace Slcwm- and (),,!. .. , on through trains. Dining car service unexcelled, Meals a la Carte. In Hdei to obtain thU fir$tck ne, ! ask ike .icket aent to sell y a ticket -over f 1 TUB WISCONSIN CBNTKA,, LINES aajl yea will iylc dutrt eiMuwcttom 15 l. y-mSt .MUwaeV.ee an) ivmts mast. Her any HMt.fr inHMtiM call on' ticket agent or cotter nasi wit JA. IXVNO, General pats, Aijs. orJAS.A.CLOCK, '" GnMia) A Rent, 246Siaik $,, POWtAXU. OkK. Steam Dye Works, No. 105 Commercial stroot, nppoMte Wllhimotte hotel. Ladles' and gontleiuen's clothing clounod, dyod, re paired awl pressod. Fine blankets cleaned or dyod and nicely finished. Kid gloves cleaned, loe: died !C. Platino Photos. Enlargeiuents In Crayon and Water Color. Photo Huttons. Aiuatour developing and finishing neatly done. K .1. DROWN, 0 itor.su Floor JI.I Commercial St., Salem Oregon. the fastest train crossing the continent. It is a through train making few stops. Its equipment is of surpassing elegance. It will pay you to travel by it. For f ill particular ns to rules, time nnd copies of 0. P. U. publications ap ply to CM LOCK WOOD Agent Stilem Ore, II. H. Abott, Agont Portland. R. J.Coyle, A-G P A, Vancouver I5.C Corvallis k Eastern Railroad TUUZ CAJW, .12:60 p. in. . 1:15 p iu. . n:.V) p. in. fissay Office AND LABORATORY. No. 71 Chemeketa si, J. B. r. TUriULL Assayer, Ltbct 8e tSbly ti in caesti avaiL-a buw. . a a G I" wst1 rt w ihi iv 1 aw It) Ike ku( u VBTWMHNlltMl IB lMMUttf .J.Wi , aa... .r. tilk.. ni' tnZ :C 7i:. T.T'.'I""'"" rsiii Tw; ,r..vrTT.,jri. llno'i ( Z, 'Sy.l'?., MHHj. t haw T-elieT-.W.l.T,: mTISTT1 V. T-1-' asee. am aa 1 aa en bbjHbwx KED FRONT LIVERY FtrsMass Feed and Boarding stables, U 4 .COMUHltaiALlSTHKMT :salkm,oe. t?. fl. LANE Wm.ULLREY, Prop.! Merchant TailOp .'n 0 nnnnniinn 7n :a.irilliBDllliviin I I NEW iVIARPCET S.ie street, near railroad. Freshest end l-eat meats. My patrons say I keep the best evats In town a sf Annual Encampment Best Rigs, for Commercial Men 8UU la same eUea Hrte;VUUiiMs. ttfSafe teams and tmrttrtab4 ti fwladlftsawl faiully dHvlaw a spo laity. lUMtwUMrfTtit Ivy day. .weak er iHtMitli a 1 Hi bu.1 nf patlfoattaR .worantect). ..j tj 91 STATK STRHUT. Gf Suit SIS and upwards, Pauta S3 and I yi Juiiii A. Logan eterau Iteuutoii .HK-iauost at .Meiuuna, Or., couinteuc- iegAisgMt Tawd ctiuiiumaK throuieb upwardt Itl.owoA. Good sickens aud aniii- .'"" Pvaio,i tor younsr uud old. M . ! k wnieatly invited to Wms NBtwe- ? eaajedally all ex-eosOsers, aallun I hava for aala on my Howell Prat. 'mmI nwriiseM of tho war of 1SW-4, m w1 r4 Rnnah SQO tone of A I Olevor a" "oldiem ot th,- n.r w ith asUn or the) y at $4.00 porton In tho field I'mhppOHc. RDANV niioniu ? IS lu. M.- .... I... ... . ........ .wouin - . ..j nun 1 ruuiiuuiee. 4 2 For Vaqulna: Train leuvos Albany .. 'iruln loaves Corvallis. Train arrives Vaqulna 1 neiurning; Loaves Yuqulna 700a iu. Leuvos Ur vull is 11:10a. in Arrives Albany 12:36 p. in. 3 For Detreit: Leave Albany 1'AOu. m Arrive Delroit ll:A5a. in. I uolurnlng; Leaves Detroit 12.-95 n 111. Ai rives Albany ft:.t6 p ui. tlloaves Albany HAW p. rn. Arrives Corvallis 0-5 p. 111. 5LenesCorvall's (IHOa. in Arrives Albany 7:36u. m. One and tw connect utAloanyand Corvallis with Southern Faolffmialnk, giving direct servlso tiantl from New port and adjacent ieaohas. No. 0 runs from Albany to Corvallis on Mondays, Wednesdays and Iridays No. 6 runs from Corvallis to Albany on Tuosdays, Thurwlays and Satur days only. Trains fiir the mountains arrive at Detroit at noon, giving ample lime to reach camping grounds on the Hreltenbush and Santlam river the same day. KI1WIN MTONE. Albany, Oie II L. WALDKN. T F V A. J. Tl'KNKU AffWt, WILUMBTTBCUIVKU DIVISION STEAMER ALBANY, Caput n Xuasalt. Leaves Salem at 7 a. 111. for Portland and way landings every Tuesday, Tliursduy and Saturday. ,Te steasuer bat Wh euulppftl iUi SrX easvMi sienanwiiilKMH, leeasMltnc PaeartuMMBt Uh IMC ae vlegaut earrysaa hoth (rMlKbl aud Uwcktot aiate Meet. BfT S. BOHW Aat. CAPITAL CITY Express and Transfei Meets all mail tmi yassoager iHWk figc aad express to all pait ef li Puatpt service. Telephone No, 70. DliUK A SKUTtlN lias-at,