TF W ! . VHWVWIWIKy T TfM !EiWHiralHHHlWsWI ft 3' .J ! f J 1 L V ) I s ! ? 11 c iniTTi"f.MWywiiMii.niflii.iiMiiWliriliilliirrtingintmli n1iwiintn.i'lirirriirr(riiiiiiitl Mid -Summer sale HRBSS Beginning July 24, and continuing throughout the week we will hold one of .the Greatest Dress Goods Sale, ever held in the city. There is No Goods Reserved. Crepons, Black Goods and Suitings, all included. July 24 Special Discount for Six Days WhIz 2? on DRESS GOODS at sl HOLVERSON'S Special Clearance of B0YS6L0THING; Every Boy's Suit in fhe l A line of Boy's double breasted j knee pant suits, worth $2, go at - - All our $3, 4, 5 and $6 suits Reduced to 2.25, $3.25, 54,25 and 54.75. Boy's half wool knee pants; ood for v vacation wear. Regular price 50c. ' a pair, sale price - H J. DALRYMPLE i COMPANY J Dofcclivc Eyesight in Gliililrcn la becoming alarming In Its pruval. onco, and parentis slnuld liayo it prop erly trcutod lit onco, for tholr future hupplnesx ami welfare 1 will lend the night und correct all forms of Im paired vision, und 111 tlio eye with glasses that will benefit ittiif relieve theoi. A handy repair shop Ih horo to llx up any llttlt; hurt to your - peetaoles! whlln you wait; othur ropiilrworkdono as pnomptly iu possible und nt fair charges. Your Eyes Tush-il Free. CRHINGBS (IIUDUATK OITICIAN. 20 YUAKH lUl'KIUKNfU. UUU COMMUUOIAU 8T, WBATHUH REPORT. Tonight mill Hut unlay fair. J5Cv3NCv5Vrv5NCCv5PaCy5Iy2vSn Tub Daily Jouknal has $ H more subscribers in Salem, 5 and paid-up ones at that, than any other newspaper. lea Not Olvcn Away. I cannot afford to ulvo leu nwny, lint am Hilling u pure urtiolw ut n price Unit in within tlio reach of ull. CltYHTAI. ll'K WollKM. J. Magulro, I'roji. 0 1ft If CAPITAL UKUWKItY HOTTLKO KllnfferA Ucck,Succcoi to UouthSalcm Bottling WorkN. All orders for bottled Iwor will lw filled nt tlio bruwory. Kent on cold vtorugo, Fm city delivery. Telephone 21.11. Ico Veiy Neatly Qlvcn Away, We can ulvo Ico uwuy, to convince you come and eo how big a ohuuk you net for little money. Our leo Ih mnuufao turo from pure distilled water. v anltul Ico Works, mt Ki.imuhu llitau NEARLY ALL LmIIm Puro Silk Miita, UJack if a Mir A Good Urge, Slio White QuIH GOo Ladltw Buiuinur Oiitan SulU .....-, , . . ami Me i.uihw mn, uhiui mi. GONE lino Fumy l'arasota at Uok Nt 1 IIMJ dj nuil IJnds The above low prices are taking the gopds out lively, ii you need any of these goods remember you can save your money when you trade with us. We are positively closing out OUR uusiness, we want to do it quick. Do not forget our Shoe Stock. CUIXLIS BROS.& CO. FIRST DOOU SOUTH QP PQSTOH)ICH, , .SLEM, OREGON. V wnFi-tyu up our iattrut Soploinbiir QOODS UAH 1 1 STORK House reduced, 1 1 $1,35 suit 1 25c a pair -9l t& sft w PERSONAL AND LOCAL, F. W. McKliulo, went to Albany Innt tilKht. H. Froldmau went to Portland thin af ternoon. Kx-Govoriior Moody returned to tlio city today. H. II. I'hilhrook came up from Port land today. A. Kllngor, of Woodhurn, wiihIii town today. Miss Hporrynud Karl Sperry loft to day for Nowjtort. Mrs. W C. Ilawloy und son wont to Albany today. linn. J. K, Worlhorfnrd, of Albany, Ih In tlio city today, MIkh Florolla l'hlllip In Hoiidlug a fow days at Ynqiiiun Hay. A. L. Auk, of Howell I'ruirio loft to day for n vlHit nt Toledo. Mrs. J. J. Dalrymplo returned from a vlult in Portland iiiNt evening. MIhh Ida 1'nrkur, wont to Portland to day to visit rolativoH. M. 8. ItnyloH, who haH Immiii victim; In Snloni roturnel to Orogou City today. Mth. It. 11. Flar linn returiifl from tlio xrand lode at Tlio DalloH. Win. Kalwir, tlio attorney wont to Portland thin attrnoou. Jan. Kylo, tlio fruit factor, wont to Portland on tlio early train. ltov, Koroiniu of tlio Corvallin Ctitho llt'ehnrt'h whn in town anil loft for homo today, Uoo. 1).ivIb Iiuh roturniMl to Pioneer. Illfdiop Driver hliiKik tlio dunt of Salem from IiIh feet today. Mr. and Mm. 0. 8. HobortHou. of Clu eiiiuatl, Iowa, who havo Ihhui vIhIHiik a brother . I. V, ItnUirtftin, of Saloiii, loft for homo today. C. A. Johns, J. N. Smith, It. H. Itoau and Walter Lyon uiro Portland imihmjii Kern thin afternoon. II. C. Morwlu, loturiuMl to Imlepoud oihio hiHt ovenliiK, having come down to have IiIh oyoa t routed. MIkm Minilio Doinulr wnnt In Purlliitnl thiH morning via Httmmor eomln down from Tumor where hIio had Intm vUit lutf Jacob lienor. Socrotiirv (lulirlttlwm, of the state fair, and daughter ltutli wont to Portland to day to moot the nonrotary of tlio WuhIi Inaton Htato (air. Mim Dalton, wiprome court Monog rapher, ban koiiw to Portland otr Huu duy. Mr. A. F. Ilofur Jr., and olillilrwi ar nt AtiwHirt wwipyiiiKu wUuKfr a fn wotiLii. (Iw). llayno and B. It. Ilurfunl arrived frwm DawiKJii tixlny. Thoy v the Kldiullko eountry U overonnvdisf with jiHiplo, iiiani1 of.wliom arc making tlw Kmto effort to get out. Dawson Herb Toa uu re constipation, will pwltlvy Tin's refers to our summer goods. There nre some things yet that we desire to call your attention to, See our prices. 111K0 a no) wrtn f UK), mw flJI. half nrlcu. Moil's Stl In CorMit a H mm Hiufjirlwi, 6fA. 1Mb. Kjctiuiai Lirn'riti AT THE COURT HOUSE. Judge Boise Holding an Adjourned Session of Court. Two Arreau Made By the Sheriff and Their Cases are Dis posed Of. nicrcu! PATHH. For construction of paths in Marion county, labor only, following Btima have l)on paid eut: Salem to Aurora 8C5 30 fialem to Hilvnrtoii 303 02 Mehama to Stayton 100 00 Stayton ta Turner 100 00 Marion to Jeffomou 144 75 On the line from Salem to Turner a bridge in IxiIiik put in. TWO AHKBHTS MADE. Newt Morris and F. E. Woodward, worn arrested by Bherlff Durbin. Mor riH is charged with trespaRg and on hear ing before Juaticc Johnson, without wftnewe, bo wan dismlHtoi. Woodward Ih ehargeil wiUi tutsault and battery on the perron of his father- in-law, xnoniaH I'omeroy, ootn resiuinj; in the same Iiouho. This was Ml for hearing Monday at 2 p. m. before Juh tire JonriRon. iw tiik ciitcuiT cooirr. Judge it. P. IIoIhu called court at 10 a. in., Friday and heard the various mo tions. The Bilverlon saloon licence case was heard again this afternoon on a writ of reviow. An answer was filed by J. M. Wolfard today In the uit of John Nowsom vs. Joseph U. Moore et al., by L. J. Ad ams and Geo. U. i'inghntn, his attor neys. IIKAL EHTATK liCOOIIOS. Margaret Dougherty' to Albert O'Brien lot No. 5, in section 31, ts r2w; also 0.1.70 acres in the Joseph Del-ore d 1 c in 1 5 s r 2 w, w d $2,500. John W Harritt and wifo to D 8 Ilenlley, lots No. 7 and 8, in block No. 50. Salem, subject to a mortgage of $300, N. 8. to R. M. I'oc, patent to lauds in section 1. tp 10. s r5e. David Shoricli et ux to Christian New bold, 1-5 a in n e i of section 11, tp 10, s r 5 c, $25. Lost a Valuable Horse. C, E. Kays, lost a vatuablo horse to day, being obliaed U kill the animal owing to an unfortunate accident, and one which altogether too frequently happens and can bo avoided by n little attention. His horse, it seems, while scratching its head with its foot got the hoof through the throat latch of the halter and in its effort to relieve itself from Its difliculty it threshed and iiouuded around until its head was badly bruised and when found in the morning was swollen to twice its normal slr.o and it was Impossible to get its tongue back into its mouth, and It was llioreloro deemed oxpediont to kill tlie beast. Mr. Kayes lias learned a lowon at the cost of a valuable horse. Mrs H. II. Ilensonor of Dallas re turned to her homo today having Imjoii at tlio bedside of lier father. Mr. J. 1 Johnson who is slowly recovering from a stroke of paralysis. Chas. Maddox returned from Oregon City bxlay, where he has Imjoii working ing in the pulp mill. Hlmor (Ulliam and II. Itrown, of Dal laH, went to Detroit today, where they will camp out for two weeks. John ltatel.olor wont to Dallas this morning. A number of Mill City timber claim ants wont to Oiiron City this morning on business with the U. S. Land olllco. Hugh Kldrldgeof Fairfield was In the city today. Aseher Abernethy wont to Castle ltoek, Washington to visit relatives. John Brooks the Silverton druggist Is in the city. l'rof. Ben 'Irving, Mth. O. W. Jones and Miss Iouoro Kay were passengers forClladstone Park this morning. W. II. Dauuy, manager of the Tele phone at Halem, was at Monitor on bus iness today. It. It. Ilogue and family of Portland ate In the city the guests of Mr.andMrs. S. It. Jossup. Mrs. MuCully and two little daughters of (lolilondalo, Wu., arrived today and and are guests of Isaac MeCully of this city. Miss I.ora Dunne of Portland is the guest of Miss Ague lillliert. Miss Alta Battels and friend Miss Me lutwnl were passengers for Nowort to day. F, M. I.iehteuthaloraud niece, Miss Kate I.ichtouthaler, of Portland, are the guestsof Dr. and Mrs, K. A. Pierce. Fred Shores ami Bob Crossnn drove to Mc Minuvillo today on basinet. ne tfitth ff! On Summer Shoes and Oxfords. On Summer HatsCrash and Felt. On Ladies Leather Belts. That's a wiving not to lie snuoxod at low, then eomc ami wu the goods. full trade. Shoes Summur Ilium only cut. ly 01 1 lilai Our. . W) gouts' til Kino' iiunts' tine viol In nlaok or tan Hutohlns' wurrautisl gisnU $Ab lino Tan Viol. Vent Ton. . tM Am lllauk Viol itM flno Olwoolato Viei . . LADIKS' lUttWHt M. lllauk TuriiMl 2 80 2 m 2 00 Sal, ViMt 'l)i, Oouimun &oiih uw Pine .W Tun, same out Vt Tttiw ItMIViiVM, Vwt Top . . t4l Unm Maek Viei.lmltatiwi 2Q 2 80 2 00 trt IW HJftllHWof tan 1 03 All linos of Mliwtw' tans, ami al! UiuM of Oxfonls out ft) ior tmU Wo are autug uj atook in wiriimU Odd lota of slices at miiah Um liou Wu keon our stoak oloan ly making it an object t trade horo ami btu' tow. Eomo good luralna In inoirM heavy hIhkm ami In luilkw' Imttotw. Coastersi Harvesters, Hop Pickers Wo have hmuIo ujhwUI preparations for your nels, and aro thankful to my that Jim- kvop ua liubtllng. lug II hm ! Uh aittt gruHtto war, straw hatd, gtovM, tKNke, hwe, towoU, crank, www (dwooU cloth .ami tho UhmimihI and oh every ilay hji1U at lot UAQKKT lMtlCKS. Oomo awl eo anyway. lrko r (U. YomM ktww a Iom UtlHi wImmi you got through about how low m11. WIGGIN'S HAUKWIMUtlOEa. I i-irwr ft ii ii nriigT.iTfiraViwvitii 'i jWaJtsritiiraTiMS ALLEN CANNING cti. Will Finish Cherries This Week anil Starts on Peas' at Once. The Allen Cannery has put up 30,000 cans of superior Oregon cherries. Some are still coming in ; small lota will be handled for a few days yet. In all about 35,000 cans will be put up. The cannery began to receive peas Thursday, L. M. Benninghoff taking the first receipt from Mrs. N. J. Lottzitz, the accountant. The plant will run full blast on peas for several weeks. Mr. Allen seems to bo quietly conducting the cannery in a successful manner. A New Diamond. A new baseball diamond is being got in readiness on the west end of Wilson avenue which will give the baseball lovers an opjwrtunity to play ball with out going to the fair grounds. The Foresters and Ited Men who will meet to decide tholr superiority at the Na tional game have about decided to meet at the west end of Wilson avenue where a fine diamond is being prepared. This game will be hotly contested. A purse Is being arranged by citizens in order to make it of intcrestand to defray the incidental expenses connected with a ball game. If played on the avenue diamond thegame will be well attended. Contracts Awarded. Bids were opened for the building of several hop houses, for Horst Brothers various yards. Al Campbell of Dallas, receiving the contract for -the buildings to bo erected on the large 400 acre yard on the old Dove place wiiere Jtho build ings to be constructed will consume alwut 60,000 feet of lumber. Gilmoro & Fin ley of Salem, have been awarded the contract for putting up the houses and dryers on the old Bcek place north of town where two houses and a cooler will be built and a large amount of material is now being hauled. ii i a i Steamed Up. This morning the Capital City lumber ing company steamed up, after a long si ell of preparing for a uig run. Many improvements have been made in the mill and some new machinery has been put in and the mill will probably be started next Monday on as fine a lot of logs as has evor been brought to Salem. A new engine to run the mill has been placed in jiosition and everything for a two months run is in readiness. John McCrow of day in Salem. McCoy spent the WILLAMETTE HOTEL ARRIVALS M. E. Oslxmi, New Yerk: C. A. Johns, Baker City: Oscar I. Heiehen bach, J. A. Allen, San Francisco; C. II. Backler.J. B. Kolter, Chicago; C. W. Barr. Iobnnen: John L. Beckett, It. G. & W. Ity.; E. B. Duffy. D. A It. G. rty.; L. II. Burton, h. Goodrich, St. Paul, Minn.: Julius Lyons, Keokuk ; Chas. Dawson. Tacenia: E. N. Clintsman, In dianapolis; W. T. Crochwoit, C. II. Gardner, J. M. Haberly, Portland. COTTAOE HOTEL ARRIVALS. Thou. Call I eon. John Hoofer, Cham Imhii;; S. N. Jenkins, J. Hurley, Eugene; F. M. Kagg, Pertland: Thos, Mnrion. BORN. FLUTOHKU July 21, I8!K. to Mr. and Mrs. I). C. Flotoher, south Commer cial street, Salem, a son. "I liKTe berii unlity M Vltl TS Tor IosoiiiniH Mi'h nlncb I i ave I en , r icinl tot oterlKOiily vrant rul I en y lit ill .ttcureu barealreu me more relief ir nan yntliri' reme dy I Imve fr t iftl 1 H itrtiMiuy rreom mctiil ttir m 1 1 my trleud . an I., .u' il tliey uti repreteiiUMt Tiios. till. i aim. l.,e,m, ill. PUafttnt I'alaiAbla. Imiii ti,-. tirw t ... CUBE CONSTIPATION. ... tlttllM Riaf fnf, ftl,, M-.U..T. K, tl. Hn.Tn.RAn Mani1 u.rcnlf.l l a.uirue nU-IU'OMU k,itu rVItK'l'ntavollaliii M iiuJr CATHARTIC - these days. Glance at soma of the priced bo .Ml g1ui, fresh stouk, getting ready for a big Summer Hats Men's dollar oruehora In wklt4 or navy 80o Tlio 76o lino in blue or gray 60c ttto linod bluo or white 6So 7CV cniith lmt 6ftc ftOo erwuh Imta lOo ornh hato 3So 86c omw 20o Thaeo ImU ara now, fnwh, uloan IMtotU. Many of thorn eultablo for la dkw or goHtg. Seo south wlwlow. Leather Belts All of our Uig assortment of o WKls In blacks, oolru, jMtont lorttlion eto iee AUlioaml 19o 1Ihj Ho All Mo nn& SSe YohMI lliul tliwo dH tko diaiOav rak tnile the door. AJZAJR 307 CQMMEKOUL tfrREB aaasazrjraaayffTiKry.g-aaas Bargains We propose to make the dull India Linen worth 12Jc a yard for 8c a yd. Crash skirting worth 12Jc a yard for. .'. . .8c a yd. Silk Veiling worth 20c a yard 8c a yd. Ladles' fast black hose worth 20c a pair for 12capr Boys' Bicycle Black hose worth 20c a pair We have knocked the profits off all our beautiful Organdies, Chiffons, Lawns, Dimities, laces ana embroideries. Just a few words about clething: Men's Suits for $5.00. Good serviceable suits only a few of them left, come and get one, before it is too late. They are the same as sold regular for 7,50. Now is the time to get bargains. EDMflNS Cor Commercial and State streets, A MANILA LETTER. Brave Oregon Boy Who Has Been a Conspicious Target for Filipino Bullets. Hon. K. L. Hibbard of this county re cecived following letter from Manila, of date May 20th., from IiIh nephew Walter Perkins in the Washington reg iment: WALTF.H l'KKIN.B LETTKIt. Your very kind letterhas been received and must beg your pardon attempting to write mv renlv with a leu ncnci The heat down here is terrible just now, May being generally tlio warmest month in the vear. Our regiment has beenconstantly on the lino since tlie commencement oi Hostil ities and the hardships they have under gone have been terrible, being blistered by the rays of a tropical sun during the day and after being drenched to the skin by rain, while lying in tlie trendies at night, are notfiing pleasant, I assure you. Tiie hospitals aro tilled with sick, many being overcome by the heat. Tho authorities aro doing all they can in their towor to prevent any news an to the condition of thinua over hero from reaching the states, for fear tho people would demand tho return of tho volunteers. All those reports now cur in the states alwut the volunteers want ing to rc-iniist are purposly misleading. Not one half of one iierccut could be in duced to remain here for five times tho ffiOO, bounty the government has offered. Tho volunteers havo been doiiiL' all the active lighting, while the regulais have invariably been hold In reserve, or for interior guard. Now these men, who often against their honest convictions of what Is right, have fought with a cour ageous zeal for their country, never excell ed in tho annals of American warfare, say that the war witli Spain, for which they loft their homos and the civil walks of llfo Is now over and their contract with the United States now terminates. Thoro has been no general engagement witli tlio enemy since tlio nig name on January, oth.. though we havo had nu me rou s skormishes with them. Since thoy havo discovered they could not force the American Hues, thoy havo re sorted to gurrilla warfare, thou favortito tactica being to venture down out of the mountains nt nigiit ami attacK our out nosts. returnini; at day break. In one of thoso skirmishes, near tho fit at of of April, we had a captain killed, one of tho most popular olllcers in the regi ment. I p to date my company has lost llvomen killed and four wounded. Thotu-h mv work has been such as to spare mo from many of tho hardships oi mo campaign, i uavo oiicn neon a consplcous target for sharpshooters at both lone and siiort runue, while t-aliop- ing across tho country with dispatches I recall ono instance in particular wiion an enterprising iusurgot mado me wish sincerely that I was only about a foot high, and if thoro is anything in this world that can tnako a fellow feel like as if ho was as long as a barn is to hoar tho "ping" of a Mauser bullet that eon voys the complements of some hidden "gee gee" in a bamboo thicket. I have never quite gotten over tho tempta tion to duck my head when those loadon Christmas present come very near that part of my anatomy. My experience has been that a man is generally more nervous when he is llred on from long range by a hidden foe than at any other time, this Is os iHvially true, if tlio man has uood roason to believe that lie has 1hou particularly singled out for a target. During a spir ited ougaomont (ono is generally borne along on the tide of enthusiasm and ex citement, that cousciouNuostt of danger rarely exists. I long for my return to tho states and to civil me, tor, aitiiougu tuts exper ience has leeu of inestimable valuo to me,in many ways, one never realize how dour aro the ties of country until thov havo been Mtparatcd from its alioros. - A Child Enjoys The pleasant tlavor, gentle notion, und soothing ellcctof Syrup of Figs, when In need of a laxative, and If the father or moiiier oe costive or bilious, the most gratifying results follow Its use; so mm it is mc oesi ram ir remedy known and eyory family shoud have a bottle. Manufactured by the Cull fomlu Fig Svrup Co. Great Power Wo obtain from water but to apjiJy it you iuhhI to uo such provisions and KroeorfM as you oau buy at llransos lUgaii's. 17 i 3, Salem Adders. Nick Haas and Harry Young, clerks ill UlO Ollieo of the stmrotarv nf ,lit Uxiay aildeil together l,V60nuinl)ora ar ranged in a oolumH SI feet in length. Tim work was done on an adding ma ehiue. Fried Chicken Dinner. A dolMous dinnor, indndiHg IHaA mrlHgchlekon will besoivl from 11 a. HI. to X 1). 111. Oil Satimlav niul S.nul.n. ttl, and Mid IhsL. oly S60 Strong' rtwtAurant, 2r8Commerriol stout. 21 2t - 1 m ifc .. Band Concert. Salem Military Rand will tiv tiuiwi meort twhjhU If woathor ioraUUHg, conw OoHiwonkl and Fern- stmt!. wr Hotol W IllaBiette. Obtain the Best. vi Nwt ym mn to take ymr nnA.i umvb wm roweitthr the host U at (he owlr retitaiUHiit. t TffrTTtViT irtiiViSTrirfr'atrffli , Here We we Bright and Early with in Hot Weather Goods season our busy season, andto do so we will sacrifice all profits. We will sell: for Fine shoes w'drth 2 to 4 to close Fine Oxford Ties to close NEW Why Insure in the New York Life? UKCAUSR--YourInsurncc Is not u Luxury nor an Expense without taogl ble return, but an investment of a small sum each year to mature 10, 15 or 20 years hence If you live. HOMER II. SMITH, Special Agent, Offlce with Salem Land Uillae. C-OniU Salem, Oregon I I Wo wish the people to know that there Is a New Furniture store next door north of thepostotllce, where they will tlnd the furniture they wMi to buy. If you are planning to beautify your borne you will tlnd a large stock of wall paper from which to select. If you Intend having an outing come In and see our lice of camp goods. Come and see us whether you want to buy or not, as wo are anxious thut you should know what beautiful wures we have to exchange for n small amount of money. F. W. Mollis & Company I own! own! own! uolivereu nt once This is n chance be higher soon. Wood! f ooa; jr Do not delay ; place orders coon as supply on hand is limited. Succcmom 7 & 1 mn OUTING Wo havo had 1000 Cartoons made on purjo-o to put up Picsli Roasted Coffee and Tea in 1 Iti cartoons, toaled up air tight for arties that are go ing to tho coast or mountains. Remkmhkh, Coffee roasted twice a week, and put up just when ordered, mid you got It f rosh. jOff l'lease mention it when you want it scaled. Again KniKKiiKit, our Coffee, Toa, Hairing i'owiler, Spicos ami extracts and order at YOKOHAMA TEA STORE, Telephone Red 2flul. Free Delivery. The Palace Market Has added a new f oat lira, unpleasant work in tho SAVOS VOI1 boat. Tho beet of beof. comad. Iioilod bonmxl ami proved, and ham MUisage tender and sweet ready to slice. Give us a trial order for your Sun day dinner. " 21 2t MOYKR & CO. State street. "Sweet Home" If you want froeh home made candy, ico croum, ico cold biimnior drinks, or a noon cigar ran ai me "sweet Home No. 22UVfc Commorcial street. 7 20 tf For the Seaside, Your family want tho home news at tho Seaside. The Daily Journal will lie Hint by mail at n sjiocial suinmor re sort rate of Ono Cent a Day. No onler taken for 1o-h than ton cents. 7-18U A diseased stomach undoriulnos heultli, it dulls the brain, destroys the nervous system. All dyspeptic troubles are cured by Kodol Dyspepsia Uure. It has cured thuus-ands of cases. Its Ingrodlonts are such that It can't ueip curing, stone's Drug Stores. New Work. Tlie new Dhotos that vn nrn mnU-Ini' 01 uie miiuia oo-s are tlio tinost over -f .i in. t . . .- -:" d '(wi in the city. Four full length fig ured on ono card. Elite studio successor to Sperry the Artist. Reduced Rates. Tlie steomora of tho O. R. A N. oom pauy make the low rate of one and ono nfth fare, all persona wishing to attend tho Willamette Valley Chautauqua Aa elation at Gladstone Park, from tho 18th to Slth inclusive. 7 16 lw Dawson nerb Tea is selllnjr like hot cakes because It does the work. DeWltt's Little Early Risers ben efit permanently. They lend gentle assistance to nature, curing constipa tion and liver ailments. Stone's Drug Stores. . P. l? Vim Fot.vs at the Bill eiikll Suleii Jlo. Only place ou can got them In em. 1 1; jrava Trry.v-tc 12Jc a pr LOO to $5,00 a pair, size. $1.25 worth 2 to 4 75c RflM&T! Salem, Ore. irrnn i SI J m u u Wo are now prepared HL--- nn io.rflvood rnone 301 Large body Fir, choice live wood, in corn iota. 2.05 nor conl Largo Second Growth, cut from lariro trees, as irood as lame fir. 2.2.ri. to lav In vonr winter wood cheao. It will Huh m Imp. Co, 110 Chemcketa and Front, JTacoh Vogt, 05 STATn STitKirr. Just received a full stock of Ladlei' and Gents' Spring and SUMMER SHOES. Will sell for tho next 00 days at the lowest prices oyer know.i In Salem. Will be pleased to show patrons our stock und guarantee satisfaction on every purchase. Prices tho lowest. UJOL.Z, & SON The little German Market on South Commercial at. All kinds or MEAT AND SAUSAGE In t-oason. Trompt free delivery and satisfaction guaranteed. 701m Ohl What a Difference in tho morning" when you lay on of our fine toilet sets on your was stand tho day before. The will adorn the room, besidoa being con venient with wn"hlowl "' r1, " slop bowl, soap and toilet. Our ttne tollot sets of decorated china, r-ntt-losh iiorcelain aro handsome, ami tho best quality for tho money ier ' sold. SonnemanN THE GROCER 124 State at Telephone 51 Dissolved Partnership. The firm of Wolz AMiescke proprietor of the Gorman Market, have dissolved partnership this 6th day of Jul y. C Wolz takes charge and collect all bill-i The busluoss wifl hereafter le conducted by Wolz A Sox. 7 6 tf Many persons tile of neglect, Dawson Herb Tea fixes 'em. Cominj; Home. Tl soldiera ara ooming home to have their pUituroj made at the Elite btu.i. kuoesor to Sporrv, tlie ariui. " " EsS.B!-te91KVt ifi I . JL j5