Trv-S SWw DM I I V JP r(; K EH ' Si ' sr v 0 JTULvY POINTERS Read Every Word, It May Save You Money, Drug Dept, This is our Baby Department, tlio newest wo bave added, nod con sists of perfumes, Toilet waters, Almond Creams, Hair Lotions, Comploctlon Powders, Curling Fluids, Toilet Powders, Lavender Halts, Pure Cashmere Soap, Tooth Pasta, etc. Everything a Ladles' Toilet calls for. Ribbon Dept All the latest novelties In Fancy ltlbbooH will bu found here. Pull Hlbbons In fancy Plaids, Moires In all colors, Taffetas, Satins, Bilks, and changeable Taffetas. Hair Nets. ChntolnlnoBnus. riar, i'in. io -oathor Uolts Umbrella Dept Child's Parasol 20 CarrlanoShado 8LS0 Wltltn Silk Parasol 81.25 Changeable Taffeta 83.00 Uluck Umbrellas from $1 to $5.00 Jewelry Dept Shirt Waist Sets 25 Pearl Set 50 Black Enameled Sets 50 Stick Pins 5c up. Beauty Pin 135undl0c Metal Belts all reduced In price. Glove Dept Dents, street ulovc 82.00 Dents Imported Kid 81.75 Hystcmc Jay. 81.50 Luclle. 81.20 And the very best Olove on the market for 81.00 OA8ILJ 8TOBE HOLVERSON'S OASII kTOBB k BW-- jpJC fi vr v w New Gloves Two-clasp kid rIovcs In tans, modes, light and dark browns, blacks, etc. Two of tlio best values wo have over had. to 1.50 a pair. Striped Crashes A few moro pieces Just added. Plata crashes from , CD &$& 8 l-3c and up. White Duck RfPIuin and fancy ducks and llurud for waists. New Neckwear Just received a line of Pulfs In Lawn. Plouc, und silk; also till qualities In lawn string ties. 20, 25, 30, 35c a dozen. Celebrated "Silver'' Brand Collars, every new shape: linen collars, too, at the price asked for common cotton ones. 2 for 25 cents. J J. J. DALRYMPLE& COMPANY. --Sl atrti U l i . 1 1 1 ) Mcctivo Uyosigltl in Children PERSONAL AND LOCAL, Is bocomlnir ularuiliiK In Its nruvnL once, and parents sh juld huyo 1 1 prop erly treated at once, for their future happiness und welfare. 1 will test tlio Blunt and correct all forms or Im paired vision, and lit tlio eye with ulassca that will benefit and relieve them. A handy ronalr shop Is hero to fix up uny little hurt to your "-peetacles; while you wait; othor ropalrworkdnno hh pnomptly a possible and at fair charges. Your Kyos Testwl Free. O-H.filNOBS (IIUDUATK Oil III AN. 0 YXAHH KXI-KKIKKOK. BOO OOMMUKOIAU Hr, WBATHBn nBPorrr. TonlKht and Tuesday, hlr, warmer. The Daily Journal has v N M g more subscribers in Salens 2j g.and paid-up ones at tliatx 5 a than any other newspaper. & Ico Not Qlven Away, I cannot afford to kIvo ieoaway, hut am nelllug u pure urliolo at a price that is within the teaeh of all. Uhyhtai. Iik Woiikh. J. Magulro, Proji. rt 16 t( CAPITAL URBWKRY DEBlt, UOTTLUU K linger & Beck,8ucceiom to ttouihttalcm Dottlmg Works. All order for bottled beer will Iki tilled at the brewery. Kept on i-oM utorugo. Fm city delivery. Telephone 2111 1 . Ico Very Neatly Qiven Away, We can ulvo Ice away, to convince yuu come and eo tiow hl u chunk you uot for llttlo money. Our Ice Is iiiuuufao turo from pure distilled water. Capitol Ico Works, flMtf Klimjhu Si Hitoic Hon. (J. II. Moo run, of Oregon City, Is in town, Kx-Oov. Iord, wan a piiMnonjer on the early overland to Portland. J. M. Wallace mill J. II. Albert drove (o Biduuy today on IiiihIiiiihh. .Mr. and Mr. John W. Itolund, it turned today from .hiffenion. Harry Youiik drovu to Silver Creek Falls Htiiuliiy, roluruluK today. TIioh, I'omuroy of Muhama Is in the city to help receive the editors, Arthur Weluh returned today from a vinlt with old frlumtn at Htnyton. L. Koiuliill drove Ivor to Iniliipoud euro Hiliiday to attuutl the hall k"iih. Mr. and Mm, 8. Friodumu, were piiH Honors on the early train for l'ortland. Mrs. II. J. Hobortsoii has koiiu to l'ort laud to the Iwilrilduof her sou who is horiounly ill, Ixuils MuC'lauo and II. 8. tllle, drove ovortoOraiul ltontle Agtnwy to IIhIi und niHtioatu u week. Itulpli W'lithon, who has I icon vinltiiiK with frltinds, In Donvor, Col., Iiiih re turned to Halem. Mrs. TliotiuiH MuUarty returned to Fortlaud this inornluK, niter a visit with Halem friends. Mrs. (1. O. NiHilaud tlrovo over (rum TillaiiKMik, Arriving today to vinlt wltlt John Fainter, of llrookH. Mrs, Anna tVliodeek went to Williini etto Fulls after having heon here to visit with her hoiis for a fortenitu. The Salem Imll eluh that went to In- iletHindiiuee Kuiiday were lKHiten. The MMire hUmmI 18 to lit In favor of liuloptnul- lllll'O. Ml Maude I'omuroy and MIms Uw AnnstraiiK returuwl Sumhiy ninriihiK rout u visit with Mrs. Paul Smith at Albany. Superintendent Ahhiu Mills Iiuh ro tuniwl from a visit In l'ortland, and while thure, nwiired come new mirtdeul appuratus for thn hoplttd. Mw. L. It. MeClalne ami MlisJoan ft to Wadsuorth sturtod at an iwrly hour this morning for Mill Oily to take au outing in the iiiuutalnM. 8. T. Johnson, ilitiKit agont at JoiTr- sou, tudwy left fur Momow, Idaho, with his 10 year old win H-yrd who will stay there (or his htmlth with J. M. Johupou. Rev. If. W. Kuby went to Portland this morning. Mr. Kuby Is a travelling evangelist and has been at Dallas con ducting a campineeting of Free Meth odists. He preached In North Balem Free Methodist church Sunday. I. C. Button, an old asylum employe, and grandson Clarence, left today for Newport to put In a two months vaca tion. II. W. Sutton and family also go over this week. Caplcs Matthleu was a passenger to Portland this morning, going down on the boat with his mother's household effects. .Mrs. M. C. Matthews going down via train this afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. h. Woodrum oxect to move to Portland Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. I). D. Coffey accompany them to their future home. Clydo Ashby, of Albany, who has been visiting at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. Mel Hamilton, returned to his home today. Mrs. H. A. Matthews, of Mt. Tabor, who has been visiting her daughter, at Turner, returned on the boat this morn ing. 8. I). Craig and F. V. Clayton of Corvallls went through Salem with a largo drovo of horeos for l'ortland today. Thos. J. Nolan returned to his homo today at Corvallis, his health and eyes much improved by his visit to Salem. Miss Letha Fatten, of Halsey, who as beon a guest of Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Frlsby returned to her homo today. Mrs. Webster Holmes and children went to Portland this morning for a fortnlte of pleasuro with friends. Jay Smith returned on the overland this morning from California and joined Ids family at Noble, Or. Mark Savage accompanied his wife anil Miss Hrowu to Portland thU morn ing on tlutlr way east. Steamer Klmore brought upiiOOhhls of cement and lime for John Hughes the grocor. l'Mlth Vaughn, who has been visiting Mrs. F. M. Jones, has returned to Uoppnor. Miss M. Ore veil was a passenger for Portland where she will remain until the loys come marching home from Manila. Mrs. Dodd, of tho teaching force, is sHiuding a few days lit Albany. Henry Itrown, of Dallas, drove in by stage from that place this morning. Sam Itarkur and family, of Dallas, were in town yesterday. FLAO PRESENTATION. I will now sell all millinery goods at cost. K. Smith, State stroot. 7 ll (It Struck by a Horse. Saturday evening while II. S. Itada luugh uas holding au unruly horse by a twint ut his noac, so the blacksmith could shoo tho animal, tho horse made au effort to free himself and in so do ing struck Mr. Itudalmugh under the ehln with its hoofs cutting a large gash in his Jaw and knocking sovural teeth out. Mr, Itudalmugh was given medical aid and is now under thu doctor's care and doing nicely. A Valuable Dog, wouldn't sell for ten cents to a man who doesn't want a dog. And that Is true with most anything olho. The only oxHditous way to tlnd a man who wants to buy a dog is to nook to ovorylxtdy in Salem through Tiik JouaNAi. uaut columns, ThoHOwhonro interested will respond. And it would 1m a very uulntorostingdog indeed that wouldn't suit anybody. Most anything you don't want can Iki sold at some price if properly advertised Dawson Herb Tea euro constipation, will positively Just a few samples .9' t,,'Jlv l'.r,co? ,,,at WB nr0 !Wi'K t ourolwhuj wit mila-not or 'Mtaoket Trash" but for (lrst-oUxs goods taught from thu beet Iioum In Amariou. Men's stiff hats former prlew KJK) now ijft Men's working shirts ... ffl Men's iHirvalo shirts with willar and onffs ,95 Men's summer undorsutts , Men's canton ilaunol uudsr shirts i ladles' belts, all sites and dolors ,k ImAIvu' summer union suits ., jm Oft the Tracks. Southern Pun I lie Kngluo 1701 went off the track at the Oregon Nursery Company's wurehouso at 10: 1ft a. in. Kugiuu 17oT left a freight train that meets thuother freight hereon thu sid iiiguiid helMMl jiull 1701 bauk onto tho steel bauds that reach across the conti nent at exactly ll:fW. By J. W. Oeary Post At Eugerie, to St. Mary's School. J. W. Oeary Post, W. It. C, L. of O. A. II., and Sonsof Veterans, met nt O.A.It. hall, 0th street, ut 2 o'clock p. in., Sat urday, July 1st, and formed the lino of inarch, bearing their colors, the Cath olic school, and formed a hollow square around the magnificent flagstaff which hud beon erected at 10 o'clock a. m. by the O. A. It. The donors of the flagstaff are as fol lews: Tho upper portion is of fir and was cut and furnished on the ground by the young Mr. Orlplo and was hauled 7 or 8 mHos; tho lower portion is of cedar, sawed eight Briiare and was fur nished by tho Cedar Flat saw and plain ing mill, some 13 mllos away, K. F. Chapman made the bauds and Hug swivel and It was spliced by him with the assistance of Henry Chilsou ami some of the comrades. The ball and weather vane wore mndc by Mr. Aya, and is very accurate and ponsitlve to the wind. Tho hall, spear and cannon were laid with gold loaf by tho Sons of Vet erans and is beautiful. The flag is magnifieient und is of the government standard and wool hunting. It was furnished by Father PrzybblBki, also tho cord; the Sister Superior sowed tho flag to tho cord. The exorcises be gan by Catninandcr Chapman reading n short but appropriate address. Presentation to tlio school by Com mander Chapman was restKinded to by Father Przyhylskl In very able and well selected remarks, and was very Impres sive hot li to the old veterans and tho pupils. Then tho stars and stripes wero raised heavenward by tho assistance of Father Przyhylskl, tho Sister Superior, the president of tlioW. It. C. Ladies of tlio G. A. It. president of tho Ucd Cross the president of the I.udtes Republican club, the past captain of thu Sonsof Veterans ami tho commander of tho Post.) The flag was then dedicated by 12 little girls each hearing a bunch of flowers, after singing tho Star Spangled H.uinor and then saluting Old Glory, and was responded to by a salute from tho Grand Army. The girls then followed by depositing tlio flowers around tiio (lug staff, saying: "Wo dedicate this flag In behalf of tho Grand Army, to St. Mnry's Convent of Morcy." A good attendance was present and uverylxsly was woll pleased. Mrs. Me Hlroy President of Woman's Kupuh Mean club read a very duo and appro priate comiMisition on patriotism and loyalty. Father Przyhylskl pronounced tho boucciction all departed feeling well pleased. F.ugono Guard. CAPITAL CITY'S CORDIAL WELCOME Continued Pmm Flrt PK. MAniON COUNTY MATTERS UuoIneBS Ueing Transacted at the Court House. I'HOIIATB. Adda Parvin, uxeuutrix of tho estate of John Sutton, decoucod, has Imen authorized to borrow f!W,00 to pay the indebtedness of the state. ciuiTiT couirr. In department No. U these docket entries have been made: S. U. Young, ot id., vs. John Hughos, administrator, demurrer to complaint overruled. Defendant bus leave to answer. John Hoofer, ot al plaintiff, vs. A. Chnqiiotto, ut ul., dufoiinaiita; fore closure. Demurrer siibtalned. IIHHJIW KII.KI). W. G. Daws, etui,, to John F. Daws, H.tvd. to 1 ucro in Oglo's add to Wood burn, Hot). Win. 11. Ashley to W; W. Curtis, trustee, then l of tho u o W of section Ht 10 s rft oast.tOO. Chus. Scott, assignee Oregon Land Co., to Cora It. Tahuforro, part of lot No. 2, and all of lot No. !, in Sunnyside Fruit Farm. No. II. KuV Phoebe Fullerton and W.S. Fullerton, utuoiiii ii. Aioeri, ihs acres In t i a, r 2 w, deed of correction, f 1. and to show them as much of our city and the surrounding trimmings of God's green earth as the limited time will permit. Marion square with its noble forest of firs has beon cleaned up underfoot and overhead, all trash being taken off the ground and the lower branches of the trees trimmed off, so that tho cool breezes may fun the editorial brows of the editors ami the fair faces of thoir escorts. Ten long tables have Ikmmi construct ed, and those will ho loaded down witli nn abundance of good things to eat. 1). K. Ken worthy will furnish the food and deliver it at the grounds, and each table will be in charge of two ladies, who will have ton young lady assistants, insur ing that the guets will receive every attention. There will be a short address of wel come by Justice F. A. Moore of the su preme court, and there will probably be some informal after dinner talk from the distinguished visitors, among whom it is needless to say are some of the brightest men in the Union. After tho conclusion of the gastrono mic exorcii-oB tho visitors will lie given carriage rides to the sightlies pointst for scenery and the choicest cherry trees. Proporations have been made to en tertain about COO iicople, as it is ex pected that number will come. There will Ikj 3o0 on the trains, which will ar rive from F.ugono in two sections at 1 1 :20. These wont south Sunday on the west side, going as far as Koseburg. To day they go to Ashland und back to Itoseburg, coming to Eugene during the night. Tomorrow morning they will hike breakfast at Eugene on Skinner's Iluttc, then come to Salem. Word has been received that 150 members of tho association will come up from Portland and Join the others here. Oregon has never before had such a chance to distinguish herself in the eyes of the very people of all others whoso good will may do her some good. It will be a long time before she has another such chance. Let Salem peo ple and the farmers and fruit growers of this section put fortli their lwst efforts to give those gentlemen and ludies u rousing welcome. Especially is every one who has a "rig" urged to lie on hand with it and to devote a few hours to showing as much as possible of this, the fairest part of the groat Willamette valley, to those people who come from every section of the union and who are people of standing and influence at their homos. IS' CIIAIIOK Ol' TIIK TAIII.KS. Tho managing committee having the banquet in charge consists of Mrs. Geo. II. lluruett, Mr. E. M. I.uloround Miss Calista Moore, and tho ladies having direct charge of the tables are as follows, two for ouch of tlio ten tables: Mosdamos C. E. Wolvertou, F. I. Dun bar; W. T. Williamson, Win. llrown; J. D. Sutherland, W. T. Gray; P. 11. Ktiymond, A. F. Gilbert; Hay I). Gil bert, W. 11. lyrd;Th(H. llolmaii, E. A. Pierce; Ida Halicook, n. Savage; J. J. Murphy, F. W.;stousloff ; Wm.Kiiglund, W. II. Ackerniau; E. P. McCoruaek,aud Miss Lena llroymuu. I.ATKST. It bus been decided to stop trains at tliedojiotand bring passengers down on the electric cars, and give the excur sionists free use of tho street cur sys tem all day. Escort of Honor. FrMlD'S N6W Met 4 X X X X X X Celebrated tho Fourth and so did all the rest of the people who purchased clothing nt Friedman's New Ituckc'.., for they saved enough money In tho bar gains they got at Friedman's New Racket that they had money to blow In at, the Fourth And you could see by their faces where they bought tho goods. All those who looked pleasant and smiling and patronized the restaurants, peanut and lemonade stands were the ones who purchased their wares nt Friedman's New Racket. Tlio few dejected looking people, who went wltli outtlielrdlnnerand refreshments on the Fourth, boughtthclr goods elsewhere. And now Friedman's New Racket Ispreparlngfor the Fall trade: and down goes prices still lower In order to make room, prices go down still lower, nnd those who are In need ot clothing, hats, gents' and ladles' furnishing goods, staple and fancv Dry Goods, blankets, comforters, laces, ribbons and embroid eries handkerchiefs, towels and notions, trunks, valises, etc., will find timt It will piy thaiii to in ike their purchases at FRIEDMAN'S NEW RACKET Cor Commercial and State streets, Salem. Ore ALLEN CANNERY. And Evaporator Will Run All the Week on Cherries. In two half day runs last week the Allen cannery put up 200 cases of choice Oregon cherries. They ore being shipped from points In the valley from New Era to Eugene und packed at the Salem cannery. Manager Allen has enough cherries in sight to run all the week, beginning Tuesday morning. Tlio price paid is 2.50 to f!J per hundred pounds. The Royal Anno variety alone being the top figure. The cannery will next lie run on Oregon peas, which like cherries are the finest in the world. Dawson Herb Tea Is selling like hot cukes because It does tho work. sou Many persons die of neglect, Daws llurb Tea llxoi 'em, A Small Discount. Chairman Judah, of the Fourth uf July committee, has found that tho ox m)imm of Urn oeltfbmttoii slightly ox ceodod the funds collected, audit will Iki nucttMMry to dUoonnt all hills S per ctint. Coming Nome. The soldiers are ooiiiins homo to hsc llmlr picture nmdtt at the ltlito Studio, Sueeotwor to Sparry, thw urttot. 7-10 ti Now Firm. 1.. M. Kirk ban taught out J. T. till uioro tho fl man who will retire from biiMiio. Tho new llrm will oKnte in the feud hmuuuHS and ex tend thu alrwidy largo trade enjoyed by this llrm. .Mr. Ollmuro will romaln In Salem for the prueout and make his tlnal euttluimmU Apt Quotation. Proverbs, axiom and wise sayings have been uttered bv Confucius ami other wise men from time Immemor tal, but few people realize how many there aroof them, C. 1. Hood oc Co,, of Sarsanarllla fume, have over two tuoiiMiuu ami nicy tiavo originated the Ingenious pluu or serving thorn up In deloi'tahlu siiune in thousands of nowspaporr, with ouch one noatly turning a point as to the merit of inoir wen known medicine. Tho ex tensive uc of these proverbs is or iginal and creditable to Howl & Co. 1 Sunday evening tlio following named party left Salem for San Francisco us an escort of honor to greet the volunteers at the Golden Gate: Col. 1). M, Dunne and wife. Col. S. C. Spencer and wife. Col. H. 11. Tuttle and wife. Me I. Wood. Cunt. Mours. Col. A. It. Glllis. District Attorney S. L Ilayduu. Judge II. A. Johnson. Mr. and Mrs, J. Connor, of Hotel Wil lamette, leave this evening to Join the party and greet thoir sou on his return. Judge Johnson also goes to greet a son , and Mr. Huydon goes to meet his two returnim; brothers. Miss Alice Conner Joins the governor's escort at Ashland, The Volunteers Fund. The soliciting committee to secure funds for the volunteers reception, F. T. Wrightmun, G. W. Wostacott and Milt Meyers, commenced work this after noon. They are meeting with a liberal response at the hands of Salem htiiduofrs men as they should. When seen they had .ocured tho follewing: Ladd & Hush, f-'O. E. C. Cross, 10. F. P. Tulkiiigton. f 10. George Uros., fit). M. Klingor, f 10. F. Gimlet, $10, Wostacott k Stolz, J 10. E. Ilofer, ffl. Mel Hamilton, $10. J. 11. Albert $10. Neckcnnan it Rogers, $.10. A. T. Gilbert $5. C. P. Hishop, $10. F. R. Aiikiii, $10. E. P. McConnlck, $10. Gray Uros.. $10. R. M. Wade & Co., $10. Stoinbach & Co., f 10. Ed Hirseh, $10. J. R. T. Tuthill, $10. Gilbert A Raker, $6. New York Racket, f5. ffliy Every Alan Should Insure in llic New York life. 1. Rccausc It Is tho strongest company In the world. 2. 1 1 bus over $216,000,000 assets, .'I. It Is purely mutual, all Its assets, caanlngs and sirnlus belonging to policy holders, HOMER 11. SMITH, .Special Agent Olllce with Salem Land Olllce. 0-Oma Salem, Oregon m M 1 LL STORE Lure stock fresh from Factory. Parlor, Dining and Bedroom Suits. Caipets, Linoleum, Oil Cloth and Matting. Wall Paper and Aoulding. i I HOLUS MP mm, 1st Door North of Post Office. WILLAMETTE HOTEL ARRIVALS II. E. Loiinsbury, Pertlrnd: S. W. Thompson, Honrv A. Towiiseuu, Citvj Kdgur J. Dlven, Chicago, III,: Win. Mc Gowan, Portland j Geo. Knight, Hub bard: 1). R. Mackie, Portland; Mr. and Mrs. J. I)., Vulo, Ore., A. F. Rogers, Portland; T. J. Rurdnian, Jos. Steinan, San Francisco; 1. W. Streit, Edgar M. lizarus, Portland F.J. Culcf, Geo. Kluwuns, Chicago. Notice. I hnvo for salo on my Ho wall Prnl rot Ranch 200 tons of A I Clovor hny at $V.OO porton In tho flold. FRANK DURDIN. COTTAQE HOTEL ARRIVALS. I O. Win Portland. Tilly. S. M. Tillv.Rothunv. Mo. : M. Tilley, Spencer, S. !.; J. I.inn, 1 1 food! Hll ood! 1 I I H ood! J own! own! Pbone 301 own! We are now pi enured todeliverCord Wood w follews: Large body Fir, choice live wood, in cord lots $2.05 per conl Large Second Growth, cut from lilrtrit tfJIJta flu irniul au Int...,. 4I- 111 Ot Can deliver at once. This is a chance to lay in your white? wood clump. It Till' lie higher soon. Do not delay ; place orders won as sunnlv on bund is limited. s- "TH3C36,3Erar & oo. I UK) .'Hll niinmnl'Al.. n..1 T.VAn ' viiiiiiunuut unit x luut - $Sk smr-. Jacoh Vogt Young Mother should loam orlr th necct. upply ot Who Is to Entertain? Don't depend on the public tnmnrow, but come where you will lw certain to tlnd a Urst-class dinner at the White House Restaurant. PERSONALS. Kx-Gov. Z. I Moody lttft for the Tho Dalles Unlay, Mrs. Thos. King went to Oregon wHiuy, City The Prudent Housewife Takes advantage (if )m fruit w...iunn when it is plentiful and cheap and does ' up nor lollies, preserves and canned goods. She is always suro of getting hero tlio very bout and purest spicos. sugar, white wlno vinegar, 'spirits and oulor vinegar for this purpose, that will I iiiBiiiuiiur irons uguuisi spoiling, our I prices are the lowest. SonnemanN, THE GROCER 124 Stato t Tolephone 31 l." STATK STKKI5T. Just received u full stock of Ladles' and Gents' Spring und SUMMER SHOES. Will sell for tho next CO days at the lowest prices over knowu In Saletn. Will bo pleased to show patrons our stock and guarantee satisfaction on every purchase. Prices the lowest. During Hot Weather. Vnil U'lll t.mlit... ikiiii.l, f..w .. ...Au .... I .1 .w.i... ....rv.i 111,11 B HUH US I.lttle Mis Mlklred ItagUiy, hhI nhw. .,l,",r SH'rlw. Vou will find the fruit, ....- 1 . - - I IIH IH TV (1 I I 1 I 1 ,Boy' Linen Pants fc 100 pairs Indies' Qxfortls ut, Kq, jnir. "Y1""" "'V iiwvb ni .... flUM JHJT .HUU B II wlr wlr wdr uilr ail i jtx neavv worKimc snoes.... ...i.uu ix.r 100 jmirs ehlMnwi's white kid ulM ll a. per r- Kvrythiv In our stock at such law prloo as will make U au object to yu - mi no rour iratiiut; wnu u as u urt St, POSITIVELY Rin'lltl.NU FROM Ul'BISltSS. II3LIS BROS.& CO. FIRST DOOR SOUTH OP POSTOPI'ICK, SJALEM, OREGON. Uittsolved PAttnershlp. Tho llrm of Woli A Mluscke pniprietur of the German Market, hue UkmuIvmI iMutnarslilp this fith day of July. C. Wuli tuUvi eltargo and oolltwt ull bills The bustuwiw win htinwtter Ut ooudurtisl by Woli A Son. "ftlf Police Conn. A young John Duo was before Riv order Judah this morning, through too llbartd an indulgence in hug juieo over ftuiuUty. Ho was lot on with a wurl-, mnud dollvered lit Judgo Judah's uust lmpreiite style. Volunteers Soon Home, In making prepivrtloHH to udwuno tin hunxM rooiomlKir that you own Ihij all the grvKwriw ami huurliv. htmM at llrrttwn iV RngaH'. Have You Caught On T the luat that tho rliiMt i4tuiw In tho ti are made at the Kllto Studio. M0 tl Gail Borden! Eagle Brand! Kntr, xklnif. It h tool tie tMt for forty years. IVko no ouUUiut. BKXl) OR UOOK ON "1UBIES." DOSCtN1 CONDJXtCO MllH CO., NtW YORK t' Seasonable Prices Jolly Tumblers 30 ami Mo. dot uiuio I'umuiors 3o oaoh tuu comblnatlotudriisstiig ,U Rluck Lhiuld dressing . too iuuiiuiiii all tho above on the rack uuuddo Hu? door. Look them over. went to Portland alone today K. C. Croi, left t vwiiitg for Kiamatli Kails, to m ulkxint wvaml weeks on bushuMe and ilsasure. V. L. Wade, who accidently receivetl a bullet wound in the alulomttn Tum day, is reMirtetl recovering nieely. Miss F.tnmu Moore of l'ortlaml who bus Iwen the guet of MWs IiUth Lewis rturuwl to Portland twlny. the isrs , Rujcmii's. and tho sugar ul Rruugon cc -eol UlOLsZ, & SON The little German Market on South Commercial st. All kinds or MEAT AND SAUSAGE In roason. Prompt free delivery and satisfaction guaranteed. 7-01 m ONE-HALF CAR LOAD WANTED. Twenty oxtra boys to m11 paoew Tiwaday evening to the tsll trwl excuraiunist. Premium on Warrants. AnyfarUVM haviug Marion or I'nllc county wnrrunl in .ll.e of, will ilu wll to 0ll a tlwollUtfof Kagone llrevuun, 270 Couisr'ial Mtot. with llolte A IlitrkiT. 1 will allow premium on all uoh properly eiHlurved tr runta. Money to loan at 6 ami 7 pr eut luter oil m lmirorU (artan. No loDimlwIon ?,?.f,f .,, KrOU.N BIIKYMAN While Cornor lllook. m t'omwecil trwt Mason Fruit Jars ipeure ua Grippe, keep warm, espediUt Ae feel, and lake l)r. Mile' Nervine. ARRIVED AT THE YOKOHAMA TEA STORF, MACHINE AUDE VERY GOOD FINISH. Tolephone Red 2091. Froe Delivery. Hammocks liood sle. pillow and spreader .76o Laruor, ami stronger . . OSo llaadiotuo fringed unos l 35 up Wo Can save you some money. Try and see. Hit; linos of mou's straw haw, working cloven, ovohhtrts, stout shoos, suspenders, heavy Koks etu, at lowest raoket prices for cash only. You sayo dollars on the oxuh plau. No other man's bills Blue Streaks Black Streaks Rlifdlne llnully urrlvort Friday evening. Wo can now till all baoic orders on tho Q Moduli, and ou the 30-Mioh at $30. I ho ladlos' btaok on as are inirfeot u'l"w. Per com off for gash .nemwant ou l0 lrX t'o wheeli ThorunuliiK tiualltlos U what counts. to ivty. 'lVlesaupe traV4, eto. fur tourULs, shawl So Easy So Quiet Rytjr.ybody says so. wiu u nuutra .nurpiiys rtwtrtl or a uiUo In 47 4 seconds on aTtlb. oee our au. last. fgw dayt. tine : 80S COMMKHOIAL ST. "lArTSTIVT'V . "w r-r- n -w Laaam....,l.v..:;r' VUIVylR IiJJ W J , 1U0KKT PUI0B8 m cojjmjjuoj STftKKn,i Have you noticed The bids for Street Lighting? 45 Arc Lamps, all night $281,25 per month, zuu vjras Lamps, all night, $666,66 per month. o fcTLamPs' until midnight, 5225,00 per month, iUO Gas Lamps, untU midnight, $458,33 per month Lowest proposition from Gas companyi 100 Lc$S UntiI midnisht, except moonlight nights, &.j.,w per montn, Lowest proposition from Electric companyi 35 Arc Lamps until midnight, every night, $175,00 per month, Is any Comment Necessary