DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. $ ivJ k i JX Kt S v, i J- VOJJ. x. SALEM, OREGON, THURSDAY MAT 25, 1899, NO 324. V Spring Crash jfjNOBMARc:. E3E3 'SttMPraiNStfW Shoes furnishing' goods. Our prices are right, because we are do ng a cash business. No losses any where. This means a great saving, which we give to you, by marking our goods right down to bedrock. THE NEW YORK RACKET. E. T. BARNES, Prop. Salem's Cheapest One-Price Cash Stare, Cor. Commercial and Chemeketa Sts. Shoes Worth Having i Tiik iikahon rou Tin: oiikat iikmanii roit ouu siiohs ih 1IECAUSU TIIK SIIOKS AltK WORTH TIIK I'llICK WK AHK KOIl TIIKM. TIIKV AUK NOT AI-ONK TIIK I.ATKST HTVI.Kfl, llUTTIIMIt UUKAIIII.ITY IS UNBUItl'ASSKI). mr p -j ym j yi j unit uur inj;" "' mnen iiru iih ihmumiiii uuii GfrSfsQ' dressy iih win bo. Tlmt our high class goods h. M ' .t.i.i... I.ti.l. nlilua I'llfllii 1iIj.1i nlnau 111 .i.a.lr. - M lllLUlll lliil 1 Itirn wiltiu, illll vmpn ill, ntj lu, gf fuHliioii mid form, high class feeling and com fort, and high class finish, material and workmanship. Ikiikkii, that iikiii CLASS WITH UH MKANS HOSOIl AND TIUTTII IN TIIK HIIAl'K OK HIIOKH. Till) OIllj' thing not high about tliom is tho price. Jl'RPnthWoSr100-" L ACYlS NEW SHOh STORE, 94 State Street. . i W. V.iiu.Wb.U.tkWi)kkkVi!kW.W A -jrwi 1 1 in- 1 T2QHrXTTVYYOTnTXCk Q Dr. H. C. EPLEY s PHONE d t Bple & DENTISTS. . A Artificial Teeth 56,00, A In making artificial teeth we use the best teeth and rubber that J can bo procured In the market. 5j We guuruntco nur teeth ugulnst breakage, also guarantee a til. B Gold Crowns 55, Up, n We use 22k Gold in our crowns and fullr guarantee them. e p Salem Dental Parlors I OVER TOSTOPFICE. Roonn 27 and 29, Phone;813. jt kjcckthux: xr vexe ivt xtikxonlkchl 1 1 i " a11J"tto. GRAY Cor. State and Liberty Sis. Salem, Ore. V'MHWlqTMMiWl',.'':lll: Clothing Hats Shirts, pants, overalls, hosiery, under wear and all kinds of ladies and gents i STAMPF.D OX A SHOE MKANS STAND ARD OF MKRIT. PF.OPLK APPRECIATE FIRST-CLASS WORK. Tlioy understand Howling Success Was tho first week's sales in shoes at tliu cut rato prices, $15,000 worth of shoes to be sold within (10 days and we have made a big starter. You will never buy shoes as cheaply again as we are selling them during tfiis sale. Our OPPOSITION says wo must raise money to pay our bills, they know our business, having nothing else to do but watch us selling slioes with an envious eye. Ask your neighbors about thu bargains we gave them, you can get tho same layout during this sale; new goods at a big' dis count, old goods at your own price. Free shines. Kfausse Bros. 275 COMMERCIAL ST. Dr.- H. H. OLINGER. 8 2813, linger 31 I g Carpenter's Tools Blacksmith's Tools, Fine Tools For Every Trade at BROS OTIS CABLES News oILastEngage- ment. Philippine Rebels Took To the Swamps. To Save Utter Annihilation Peace Commissioners Return. lly Aaaoclnleil I'reaa to the Journnl, Washington, May 25. Gen. Otis cables tho war department as follews: "Manila On the 2:ird inst. tho third infantry, while returning tollalinag wre attacked tliis niorning, noon and even ing by a largo force of the oiicmy, suf fering in casualties two killed, III wounded. The enemy were repulsed, leaving on the field sixteen kilted and a largo number of wounded and ninny prisoners. Yesterday tho enemy apieared in the vicinity of San Fornandoo, were at tacked by the Kansas ami Montana reg iments, which suffered only slight los. The enemy was driven through the rice ili'lds, leaving 50 dead, 118 woundwl and 28 premiers. Fifty rifles and other property were also captured. Tho re treat through the swamp lands saved them from total destruction. Iawton is returning, leaving Mae Arthus on front tho regular troops to replace the volun teers." Manila, May 25. Tho Filipino com missioners left by a special train today. It is expected they will return soon. President Gouzaga of thu Philippine commission, previous to his depart ire Haiti : "Wo greatly appreciate tho courtesy shown us. Wo have ppont some time witlt your commissioners, incidentally considering American annexation. Us principles impress us profoundly. Tho plan of government offered tho Philip pines teems in theory to ho a good colonial system, but why should your nation seels to make a colony of distant people who have lieen so long fighting against Spain to secure the same rights your annexation gives. You fought the same battle in America whou you fought against England." WASiiiNoro.v, May V. Henry, who lias is governor-genural General Davis, called 25. Gonoral Guy hutm superceded of Porta Rice by on tho president today. Genural Henry talks enthusiastically of tho island. Ho believes that it has a prosperous futuro and that the people will eventually make good citizons. IMMIGRATION. Problems Being Considered by the State Board in Session. Three members of the state Iward of immigration are holding u sossion at thu state liouso today. J. C. Coojnir of Me Miniiville, and V. G. Gossliu of Astoria, came up by tho Roseburg mail this morning. It was imjiossililo for Mr. Henry of Portland, and Mr. Colvig of Jacksonville, to bo present oji this oc casion. Mr. (iowlin Is also iicoompanlod by Dr. O. W. Reek-man, of Astoria, who is taking a deep intorost in securing (or Oregon a jtortion of thu Finnish immi gration now coming to Ainurioa. Tho board hold a short mission lwfore noon amlliscusricd dillieultios und oj portunitios lwforo thoin and mot again at 2 o'clock, when tho statu omciats and other citizens met with them, but up to press hour no steps of a definite char acter had lieen takun. Thu membvrs of the loard recognize that unless somo financial roeourcoa are plucod at thulr command their opportunitiuH for useful work will l virtually out off and that they might as well resign und limvo tho field to the local enterprises of tho Hivurul sections of tlw state. Failed to Float. Ilr AmoclHled I'rrca lu tbe JournuL CiiVHKACK, May '. Another attompt to float U Paris took plaw this morn ing without reseult. Columbia Model 57 $50. The fines chain wheel ever turnrd out of a factory, Hartfords, strictly high grade, 5J5, Videttes, folly guaranteed, $25 and SIS, SROAT Sl WILSON. PLEADS FOR KINNLAND. An Astorian Appears in Their Behalf liefore State Board of Immlgrailon. Dr. Oswald 11. Bookman, of Astoria, is in the city toappear before the State Hoard of Immigration on behalf uf thu Finnish opulation. "Wo are appealing to the American people on behalf of the two mid a half millions of Finnish neonlo who don't want to be Russified and wiped out as on autonomous people. There are 200,000 Finns in tho United States ami Canada and 0000 in Oregon. They' are coming to this country at the rato of COO a week and are a peaceful, indus trious class of iieonlo with tho lowest rate of illiteracy in Northerh Europe. The Czar, w ho is Grand Duko of Fin land and our constitutional ruler, has is sued n ukase saying what the Parlia ment of Finland must do. He demands 110,000 soldiers for live years each, and 1!1 years' sorvico on the reserve fund. Tho Finns have a Parliament and have always been allowed tliu right to mukv their own laws." Dr. Rookmnn is an intelligent, catwl gentleman, and presents case of his people in a forcible and qucnt manner. ' tljo olo- THE DEMOCRATS, National Committee Meets but No Platform Formulated. Ilr Aaaoclnleil I'rea In (he Jonrnnl. St. Louis, May 25. The members of the Democratic national committee went into session this morning. Gov ernor Stono was re-elected chairman. Rcpor fi on thu organizations and condi tions of different states were inado by thu representatives who outlined tho conditions existing at home. Not one of the speakers touched upon trusts, imperialism or silver. Rryiin was introduced mid made a short ad dress, urging organization and that an effort ho'inado to establish a fund for the coming campaign. No action by thu committee regarding plans for the next platform is expected. Japan Occupies Marcus Island. Ilr Annuclnlril 1'rena lo (lie Journnl. Nkw Yoiik, May 25. Tho Herald says : Tho attention of the state de partment has been called to tho recent occupation by Japan of Marcus island, in the Pacific. The acquisition of thu island by Japan has the effect of causing a change in tho Instructions given to tho collier Nero, which is hin- voying tho cable route jirojwsed by Rear-Admiral llradford. This route avoids Wake island, which was taken possession of by the gunboat Pennington in the name of the United States. The route recommended by Rear-Admiral Bradford and which the Nero is surveying, contemplated the laying of tho cablu between Honolulu and Mid way island, acknowledged to bo Amer ican, which possesses a harbor capable, with slight improvement of accommo dating vessels of eight feet draught. Thu distance between Honolulu and Midway is 1100 milos. A projiositioii was then considered to connect Midway and Marcus islands, 1500 miles apart, Guam, thu next cablu station, being only 810 miles distant from Marcus island. Marcus island is 1000 miles from Yo kohama, and was placed by the United States wan-of-war Tuscarora in 187-1 in latitude 21! (leg. 10 mill, north, longi tude 151 deg. east. Rujtorts received at tho department regarding Wake island show that it is of little value for a naval station, Ixdug a few feet tilsive the sea level, mid frequently submorgod. Information has been received at the navy dcHirtmont that a vussol for sur veying tho projiosud cable route ImHwcoii Victoria and Australia is aliout ready to start. It is understood here that a sta tion will Ihj established probably at Fan ning island, also British, Tho cost of the cable is estimated at 18,000,000, 11,000,000 of which has boon subscribed by Canada. All Are Invited. lly Aiaorlnteil I'rrm lu the Juurunl, Mi.snkaimi.is, May 35. In Presbyter ian assomblv today I). W. Gluss, of Bal timore, caused a surprise by introduc ing u resolution advocating a confer ence of all Evungeliual churches, in cluding Roman Catholic, to dlsaiibs the harmonfous iirruugumunt und distri bution of foreign mindon. Referred, without debate. Schley at Denver. Ilr Aanuulnlrd I'reaa lu the Journal. Dknvhk, May 2. Admiral Schley has arrived ut Denver this morning, and was greeted with tho clutors of hundreds of (Ktojile ussemblud ut the Union depot. Kxbauitlon and brtak down follow Drip f (event it by mine Dr. MUet' Nervine $Z7 u SAMOA TROUBLE. Tlie Commission Session. m 2 W t Deliberations Will Be Kept Secret. But it is Reported the Action of Como dore Kautz Will Be Upheld. Ilr Aaauclntri! I'reaa lo tlie Journal. Apia, Kanuu, May 17 via Auckland, May 25. The Samoaii commission ar rived .May 13. The first sitting took placo May 10. Thu commissioners weio engaged all the morning in conference wfth Chief Justice Chambers. Noth ing was disclosed regarding tho dellbor ations but it is reported that they will uphold the action of Admiral Kautz. Mutaafa sent thu commissioners a let ter of welcome and expressed tho ltopo that they would satisfactorily end the troubles lu Samoa. It is understood that Mataafa will obey thu unanimous order of the commission. Tliu Miitaiifaus will probably disperse to their homes if ordered to do so but will never recognizu Malictoa as king and doubtless there will be furtljer trouble in future if his kingship is maintained. To the corresponiient of thu Associ ated Press Mataafa said that it was the head chiefs, not himself who began thu war. Mataafa claimed that hu upheld thu treaty and said his orders through out weru not to flro upon Europeans and but for this order thu whole parly of bluejackets would several times liavj been shot down by largo bodies of na tives concealed in tho brush. St PirrKitsiuiU(i,May 25. Advices from Riga, capital of province of Llvqnl, say that thu military in suppressing rioting workmen killed twelve persons and wounded fifty. Pkki.v, May 25. An Imiierial edict has been Issue 1 giv ing assent to thu building of the Tien Tslu-Cliiu Kiting railroad. '.Will Not Be a Candidate. Wasiiisciton, May 25. Secretary Wilson today denied the report that he would Ihi a candidate to succeed J. II, Gear, as United States senator from (own. Makers' '1 rial. A Jury hits been secured at Dallas and thu trial is proceeding without further difllculty. TURNVEREIN EXCURSION. Prom Portland to Albany and Re turn $i. On Sunday May 28, takes placo the excursion of tho Portland Social Turn veruin. Leaving Portland utOl.'iO a. in., and return. leaving Albany at 5 o'clock p. m. Tickets on salu at I'atton Pros., Rook Storu. Salem passengers will tuke tho ilrst section, which will loavo Salem for Al bany alKmtUiIU) a. m. Thu cars will be limited to seating capacity. No tickets will be sold after May 25. Uaggago cars for lunch baskets and bicycle will be at tached to every train. Returning all trains will stop nt all stations and tho first section will leave Albany at 5 p. m. 18-td 308 Commercial Street. Here yon can buy Ladies' French Kid Rutton Shoes for 2, worth ! I. Boston Shoe Company. A 15 t( Raker City Ih making preparations to send a racing team to the Walla Walla (Ire tournament. Sometimes u icrwm Is more pleased with poor glasses than they are with good ones. Thu objw t In fitting glasses should not be to please immediately but to please for the future We so fit tlie eyes with glasses after a careful testing that tliu glussou improve the eyes. We work for the future good of our patrons. Soiuetimwi glussus with which you win see purfoctly ut present you ought not to have becuuso they will not improve your eves and will not act upon them prop- urlv. Let us explain the difference to you any day that suits you. BARR'S JEWELRY STORE, 110 BTATB 8TRDET. WHERE WILL IT QO? A Baptist Theological School Recom mended for Oregon. It Aaaoclnlerf I'reaa In tlie Journnl. Sa Fiiasoisco, May 25. Today's ses sion of tho Uaptlst Educational Society was occupied by a conference and the discussion of tho subject "Is the estab lishment of n Uaptlst theology school on the Pacillc coast desirable and feasible" Rev. Alex lltackburn 1). D. of Oregon, took part lu tl.u discussion. Silk Mill Destroyed. Ilr Aaaoclnleil I'reaa lo Hie Journnl. Pattkuso.v, N. J., May 25. Tlie Nightingales Silk mill has been do Btrooed by flru. Tho factory contained 200 looms. Thu loss is 50,000. Robbed. Ilr Aaaovlntv'l I'reaa lo the Journnl Taooma, May 25. Tho Oakland pub lic school liouso broken into last night and robled of everjbook and all othor paraphenalia of study, Destroyed by Kiie. Hr Aaaoclnleil I'reaa to the Journnl. Pirrsiiumi, May 25. The fortlli-dng plant of Walker, Stratum! and company has been destroyed by lire. l'Mward Probst, 1111 employe, Is missing. Loss 11,000,000. COMING WEST. Chance for all the Towns to Extend Invites. Ilr Aaaoclnleil I'reaa to the Journnl. Wasiiinoton, May 25. President Mc Kinley has positively decided to go as far as west this summer ns St. Paul, but whether hu will go to Yellowstone Park and tho coast depends u-kiii circum stances. Fire in Indian Town. Ilr Aaaoclnleil I'reaa to the Journnl. St. John, N. IL, May 25. A serious flro broko out at noon today in thu In diaii town district. About thirty build ings have been destroyed. Counterfeiting. Ilr Aaaoclnleil I'reaa to the Juurunl. Rkuii.no, Ph., May 25. Jus. K. Nor ton, job printer, was arrested today charged with printing bogiiH cigar union lalHds. The Ptcverslty of Things, "How the dickens dovou keen vour lawn so free from dandelions, Jonus?" "Patent scheme. I found when I tried to raise grass I got nothing but dandeli ons, so I madu 11 chanuu and tried to raise dandelions." "What good does that do?" "I gut nothing but gruss." Hurper's llazar. Proof Positive, "Ih sliu a woman of much executive ability?" asked thu one who puts ijucrlcH largely for thu purposu of making con versation. "Is she?" remarked the matter of fautoue. "Well, she made her French modiste put 11 iocket in her party gown." -Life. Waller Downing was a passenger to Poitlaud this morning via steamer Rutlii MlIBKiUUtiiihl a . I J I Jos. Meyers & Sons,! CI u CM Salem's Greatest Black Brownie Overalls Worth a Quurtur, 19c. B Ml a i Short Length Bargains Wo have just received some of the greatest bargains In short lengths of White India Linens Silk StriiK) Ulnghams Colored Percales Tlmt are offered you at unprece dented prices. 5c, 7c, 8 l-3c, to 15c. A yard for good", well worth dotiblu thu prices, don't take our word for it, eoino and see, Table Linens and Napkins Matched or not just us you wish: direct from liulfast and Calerutuu, Ireland. The good duiuudabte wearers, bountiful new iluslgus. IMduuh Rluucli Dumnsk at f 50 Oldncli Pleach Dumusk at 75 llH-lnch Illuach Damask nt . 1 00 Thut ure isiriltively iiuinutched HxlO und 8x12 Rleuch Cloths with Nupkins, from f 2.50 up. OUlt ! 278 -280 Commercial St,- The Old IlllMBIIllIillllHIWIIIHHIlllMlilHIIIlIJilMliiMIM""11 Royal r -Absolutely "Pure Mokes tho food more ftOTAt tanroa CRIMINAL NEWS. Mayor of a Qeorcia Town Calls Out Militia to Protect Negroes. Ilr Aaaoclntci! I'reaa lu the Juurunl Gium.v, Ga., May 25. Tliu Hogging of four colored oierntlves of tho Kincald mills, Monday night, by whitecaps, has led to poiisatlonul devologoinents. Last night another negro was taken from his liouso and severely beaten and cut. Tho negroes are law-abiding eitiiions. Today tho superintendent and others ut tho Klncuid mills were notified to leavo at once or they would be "dealt with." It now transpires that a club hasbeon formed hero known as thu Laborers Union Rand, for tho purpose of driving tlie negroes out of thu country. Tho baud has about 500 members, a largo number of whom aro Iwya under age. Upon orders from tho governor, tho Griflin rilles are in their armory await ing orders front Judge Hammond to pro ceed to the factory. The mayor baa been reliably informed tlmt If tho militia goes to the factory there will bo trouble in thu city tonight. Ho has ordered all thu (Milieu on duty through out thu night. Suspected Robber Arrested. Reston, May 25. John T. Roach, of Montreal, alleged by tho police to bo n professional pickpocket and all-around crook, lias been arrested on tho charge of being implicated in thu robbery of thu Dominion bank, Napanee, Ontario August 28, 1807, when 12,000 in cash und notes weru taken. Roach is fifth and last 011 thu list of suspected Napa neu robbers. Lovl Moore's Victim. Kansas Citv, Mo,, May 25. Mrs Anna Mack, of Turner, Kan., who was shot Sunday by Lovi Moore, a city market clurk, died of her injuries today. Mrs. Jennie Campbell and Mrs. F.Ila Landis, Moore's other victims, are believed to Ihj dying. News Prom Dawson, Ilr Aaaoclnleil I'reaa to the Journnl. Dawson City, Ahisku, April 28. In dicutlons now are that tho Yukon will break in two weeks, und very soon after that the steamlioatH will Im running from thu lakus down. All tho smaller streams, und oven tho Klondike, aro now running, und sluicing for the gen eral clean-up has commenced 011 many claims. A very unsatisfactory estimate gives this year'H output from f 15,000,000 to $20,000,000. Governor Ogllvie today gave an exten-' skin of time, till June 15, for all resi dents of the water front to vnciito. The flru lust night took one-half, and If thu high water mid ice should taku thu other half the matter of moving will bo made an easy task. His omeial report of the royal commission Investigation has just Plain and Colors 15c, 8bc per vd. For Graduating Gowns Our line is most complete and consist of the best values obtain able. Reul Swiss Organdies Chiffon Organdies Persian 1-nwns India DimltUw Silk Mulls Trimmings In all that's new and stylish. Nw Val Ijicimi Now Val Iiiburtious New Chiffon Rullling New Riilllod Rlblsms New Wash RIIiIkiiis Now Satin RIbboiiH STOUB OP JON KVJjJNINCjy. Baking Powder delicious and wholesome r - owta 00., tw tokk. been completed, and will Iks started to Ottawa by special courier today. The contents of tho report will not bo known until mado public by tho ofllclala there. At least 20 llrst-class rhcr stcamors, will ply between Dawson and Lake Ren- . nett tho coming summer, and so much competition will make rates correspond ingly low. Alex McDonald, James McNamo and n number of other wealthy Klondikers have arrived safely In from tho outside. Information has boon received that 15 agents fcr wealthy syndicates are en routo hero for the purposo of purchasing' mining property. - Dates of Local Events. May 31 Juno 1 County Sunday school convention ut Marion. , Juno 11 Railroad conductors filcnlo at Fair Grounds. v Juno i:i Willamette Unlversfty Alumni Reunion. ' &'t juuo .iu. ommenceniciit interstate t r.. r. ... .-, .MUBicul Conservatory, Etta Anders-Will man Principal. Old Soldiers. Tho Central Congregational church,! corner of Nineteenth and Ferry streets, will nbservo Memorial Day by a special. service at 8 p. in. next Sunday. The pas-' tor is un old soldier and will make tho address. m) Dr. M VKAI. ' NLuyal'lJiHTKnitor HCINfU vu ururcuusen ia roran "' f l.'twk.Aut, r r D&C3 Yaua Head Aclto Aro ymir ncrrci wak 1 Can't jixi r.n'i. irciiv Tain In your UukV Uirlc cncriy? Afpetlto uxv uric energy? Atnctito rV liitlon Uid? floiuor l pic '.' Tlu'onro Imtumioof I 4 4 1 I' I1(" '.' till rvtiitM of conitlnatluii. If t thin. 1 .in of Uiolxm via urn not rriiui 1 .1 Iron t!;o body each (Liy, aii nature Intended, jiol.Mm 01 ti 1 n-aiicei are turn to lienb-orlK-il mm tho blood, alwnrs causing lullerlnranil frequonUy rntiiliitf torero it raio. x una u a oommoniriiM curs. Ayer's PSLLS Thv ilnllr luiura an eair and na'UMl momnentof tu Imt.-cIh, rrlc,Wc u hot. All druggist. Ayop'a Sarsaiarllla wlibtiioillUwIIItustcnrccoYery. Vft'ta Ilia doctor Jolt bow yoa ra ull.rlii' You will relTa tuDtl ruatllral hJIc without roti. Dh. J. 0. AYKlt, Uw.ll.Mtn. K'T.V.ft WHEAT MARKET. . Chicago, May 25. July70j, Cash 24 red 7(1. San Fiiancisco, May, 25. Cash 1.07JjM "- V 111 if ?H ZJl-iW 5iW IIIIHllMlllMIIHMIIIIIIllllllllIillllllllll m Store. Blond Net "; Ties for ladles' the swell now tie. ' 75c and 51 .00. Bring Your Boys to iis for their spring Clothing, i Wo have somo economical aur ' prises in store for the Mother i! who likes to huvo her boy look aaj good as the lieat. , Vestee Suits Red ond Blue Sailor Collars, to match 52.50 Self collars nicely braided 53.00 Silk-facwl with self vestee, pearl buttons, nicely braided. fS.00. :, Clothing. Plain Crashes Just opened tho kind you've, been wanting for that spring ' skirt, 12 1-2 to 18c. A Columbia Bicycle Given uwuy free July 3d. White Corner. b ii i a wi.'iWTf. k tjJtBliaattMUji