Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899, May 24, 1899, Image 2

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WEDNESDAY, MAY 21, 1809.
OMlf, One Year $3.00, in Advance
DaHy, Foat MaiJUw 91 CO, irf Advonoo,
Weekly, One Yoar $1.00, In Advance
; Queen Victoria rfrtchcil tfio fotir-scoro
mSlofltona of lifo'n journey loluy, Mny
2i, and in rclolirntion of tint Imppy
event, loyiil mid patriotic ileiiimiHtra
ttonji such an tlio worll luw ralilom
witiiPHswi uro bfhiK liuld lliroiiKlmut tlio
British oni))iro and wlmri'vor oIho
liundful of Ilriton'H noun may ImpiKm to
cangrrKiilu, In Kiiglnutl and Hcotlnnd
and Wnlo, and in tlio loyal pccIIoiih of
Ireland, tlio church Iwlls uro ringing
merrily and llns aro flying every whore.
There linn )coii niiioli talk of a donor
IoHticnl alliance with England. In re
reality It Is mostly talk. Not one in a
thousand Americanu uarou n whoop
nhout tlio Hentimeut and IiIh olitlcAl
iuntincto, based on Democratic tradi
tions and formed in the mold of new
world Democratic institutions, aro
avorHO to any alliance between tlio gov
crnmcnt4,cxccitiorhuiwfor mutual pro
tection and the preservation of peace in
tho world. Wo love and honor the ipieen
as a pure, nohlo and blameless woman,
but wo of tlio new world aro going for
ward on broader lines of human rights,
freedom and equality that offer few
Kints of contact to Great Jlritalu, ex
cept as indications to follow In the wake
of Greater America.
The rosiest dreams of the promolorsof
tho national peace Jubilee are at Wiish
lug, D. 0. being surpassed by realiza
tion. With a parade of school children
from all tho public, private udd sectar
ian schools of tho city, bearing banners,
flugs ami garlands, tho feature of tho
afternoon was u procoHsion of llower
decked equipages, which win followed
lator by a great parade of civic organiz
ations, Tlio latter Included numerous
fraternal oritaulxatlous, social, musical
and benevolent ImsIIch mid trade and
labor organization. The parade formed
In front of the olty hull and moved down
Indiana avenue to 1'ouiisylvaula avenue
mid thence through tho court of honor
where it was rovlowed by the president,
members of the cabinet, the diplomatic
corps ami other orsouB of distinction,
Hnlein people will do well to take a
deep practical interest in improving
their public schools. Much good can lx
said of them and there Is generous ap
preciation of all that has Isieu done.
Tho people appreciate the good work
that bus lieondono, but that Is not say
lug wo cannot do better. Our district
is heuvily in debt, school taxes aro high,
wo have thoughtlessly levied ftfMX) for
painting tho buildings, but wo need to
improve tlio real work that Is done with
our children. Tlio year's work is done
except reviewing a solid mouth of re
viuwlng, Tills review takes place at
Russell Cyclone Thresher,
Willi most (liroshiiiK inuchinoa tho oM anviiiK holds gootl,
WHS FRIKNI) WIND RTAOKER it iloomiot, for wo roguhitu
JLJio blnsta to blow whoro thoy will tin tho most goml. Our urn
Mtn for 1800 iro moiUluof porfootiou. Thoy uro built ospooi
ally for tho Pnoillo oonut t ratio, huvo obuiu drivo ami oxtrn laro
sho 011ml ato HiilMbuitinl iu nil thoirpurta. Tho OYCLONIi) will
throtlh tho fas tout, clotm tho bout, run tho lightoat ami luat tho
McCormick Binder,
Tljo MgCormt.k Himlo ami Mnvora nro noknowludgotl tho
bojl on tiurlh, thvs boinir tlio ohlout und larutwt mat ufturora in
Jiui lino, und bu:ll
11 uuti inuo 10 piHCB your ur cr 11 you imni 11 JMit'orini Hindi r
or Mowar. Last tcmson thoy tould not bo hnd at hnrviat tim, w'
ho factory outild nut maki thuiu fast onough.
mNoxt Door- taOraj; Bros.
lOWt iimfttMM Itmtatm
tho end of each torm. Tho work Is dono
slowly and that has merit. Hut our
schools aro bohlnd other towns smaller
than Salem, and the queotlon is do we
not spend too much time reviewing and
in parading and not enough on legiti
mate school work 7
Distinguished ministers and prom
inent men from many inirts of the
world throng Philadelphia this after
noon at tho opening of tho celebration
of tho 8ocntyhfth anniversary of the
American Sunday School Union.
Tlio sevonty-flfth anniversary marks
tho close of an epoch filled with great
achievement mid progress in tlio history
of the Union. The llrst Sunday school
was organized at Gloucester, England,
in 1781, The first organization of aSuu-
day school in this country was brought
alwiit as the result of a meeting Decern
bur 18, 171K), attended by Nov. William
White, Dr. lioiijiiuilii Hush ami Mat
thew Carey. On the L'llth. tho sumo
month a society called the "Society for
the Institution mid support of First
Day or Sunday schools in the City,"
was organized. In May, 1821, the pruri
ent society grew out of tills nucluus.
During the soventy-ilve yours of Its ex
istence 100,02!) Sunday schools have
Ihjoii orguiilzed. Those have fi78,l)80
teachers mid a grand army of 5,070, !l HI
The project of making Salem amuxloiil
center is still dismissed. There lias
been growth In that direction and aside
roui tho thorough work done at Mrs,
Willinaii'H conservatory and the l'rof.
Seloy's college of music, there Is a strong
force of teachers whose work Is growing
In all directions. There are teachers of
rare ability, thorough musicians, and
several "systems" represented at Sa
lem. If It were possible to unite and
harmonize into ono greater nehool of
music that would bring to Salem a
thousand students, what a grand work
It would Isj.
The opening this ovenliig of the
eleventh annual muetlng of tho Ameri
can llaptlst Society, at Sail Francisco,
mnrks the beginning of two weeks of an
niversary gatherings of that denomina
tion. Over a score of differuul organiza
tions of the Haptist church will hold ses
sions and business of national Impor
tance will be transacted.
One of the principal feature of the
sessfou of the American llaptlst Society
anniversary will bo an address by the
Ituv T. (I. llronsou, I). I) entitled
"Our Educational Attumpts and
Achievements on the Pacific Coast."
Salem this week presents Mivurul ginsl
musical Htrformauees advertised as
such and from exiierleueo with tlio
other two concerts wo have reason to
believe that the concert at tho Melho-
dlst church I'ridiiv ovenlnit will be tin
most iMinularof the season. There is to
be a harpist an Instrument, tho siuht
of which when played by a beautiful
woman, delimits the eye as none other
Halem'H public spirited men and
women have wo strictly speaking any
of the latter? should take hold ot two
Incut events and make them an umiall
lied suecoi the llrst Fourth of July
celebration of tho (treat r.xpausiou
era, and the reception to lie teiulere 1
the National F.ditorial Assoeiatln
)ff jflft natat . ff J ' ' - -t ,M4. - h
m& Afl O An 11 lM II Alirr rr 4Md II
'JMI f I v I I LJ nil I v 1 II 1 I 111) I O ( ( S0ssmMr
9t M
iiothiuu but hurvestoru nnd biudora. Nuw iJ
E. IB.
Rich tingling through the veins
n j means u clear mind, strong
KCd nerves, mid Iron will The
Blood sueeemful uiHil'wilwHy
a well man. lloUei
ter'rf Stomach Hitters makes pure
blood, it cures Indigestion, constipa
tion, kidney nnd liver nllweuts nod all
other troiinlcs caused by Impute blood
it means Hostetter's
Gov. I.arrnhco of Iowa Is dead against
acquisition of the Philippines.
. .
Acquiring tho Philippines Isone thing.
Acquisition of t lie Filipino is another.
Salem Is
What's the
to have a
matter with
cavalry troop,
a bicycle bri-
The Dc Moines, la., News, is hiking
a ballot to ascertain the popular choice.
for V. S. Senator,
Keep your eyo on Mayor Joints of To
ledo, He'll come pretty near being "de
next governor of Ohio."
(apt. Mullet of Now ork who went
over to tlio coast to capture 100 sou
lions has got away alive. The lions are
still there.
This paper called a certain llverystable
kcoifor In this olty a Quaker. It sOeius
! he is not. Ho is such a unlet steady-
going man we were led into tho error
very naturally.
That's a fine bicycle path up the
north side of Wilson avenue. Tub
Jouu.vai. still believes Just good plain
Oregon dirt will make the lMst path for
man, beast or bike.
The occasion of Populist Popjier,
whiskers and all going over to tho Repub
lican party is cause for rejoicing In many
quarters Many who had thought of
Joining will now think twice.
It lias nowir boon seriously contra
dieted that if Mark Manna hud not used
some of his persuasive inllueiice John
II. Mitchell of Oregon would have come
out for Ilryiin in IWIll or gone to
Hon. Phil Melsehan, ox-state treas
urer, has pucluiHcd an Interest in the
hotel Imperial at Portland, and instead
of tho people feeding him he will feed
the people Coqiilllu Hulletln.
The late ex-stato olllelal will no doubt
smile us he reads the above. Ho did
hold a fat ollleo for eight yearsand made
a lug fortune out of It. lie has now got
back into a eoniMtitive business and It
Is a questive whether he will not enjoy
ttnntore full, rrKular nctloa a
of tlio liotu'li, do not hrl- W3km I I a,
tntn or Initiuim, tint Imvu r 1 1 I C
II III ilnllraln iIIkmUvk nr
raiimii III xrrl voikIIIIjij ity icm
n.irM Ulll 11 J ,
niiitin in Mrret t'oiHlllljii it. tlii'lll M
l'rirl unly .j c I. I1.khI a lv.. Luntll. l...
. 1 fll ...... 1
ti - u. " SiflKiVMiJkTfcSSKeSB!
Wc carry the old established lines of goods The McCormick
bndcrs and mowers Bain wagons? genuine Columbus buggies?
Racine buggfes, carriages andhacksi Monitor and Tiger drills and
seeders? Buffalo Pitts' spike, spring-tooth, and disc harrows? Moline,
John Deer
straw'stackcrs and threshing machinery: McCabe Waterville hop
press, Janesville hay tools? also a full line of Extras in stock for all
of the above-mentioned goods,
an In lopendent career far moro than
oven holding tlio fattest ofllce in the
the state. State offices generally hn
provish a roan. He has been worked by
politicians in the guiro of friends until
he has jmrted with a largo share of the
spoils. In bis private life and his now
business enterprise The Journal
wishes Mr. MeUohun groat success.
When Prosperity urrives fully, that
Is when she Just comes right up and
puts one arm around your neck mid sits
down on your lap and fills your pockets
with something besides sawdust, a syn
dicate will put in a million dollar build
ing at Portland, put in a million dollar
morning paper at Portland, and run
siatclal trains through to Ashland mid
Huntington by daylight to deliver it.
W. T. Itigdou, the Salmu undertaker,
delivered one of the ablest, most elo
quent and patriotic addrosses wo have
ever road at the Memorial service in
honor of an Oregon Volunteer at Me
Minnville, May J I. It Is puhlMicd al
most complete in the Mc.Mlnuville
Trmiscrlnt mid It is certainly a credit
to our fellow townsman.
It is intimated by tho Albany Demo
crat that the sea lion oxHiditiou of dipt.
Mullett along the coast south of New
port has proven a failure. Ho did'nl
uet any scu lions, mid then charicd it to
his crew, eHlllnL' them a "la.v, filthy
mouthed lot." This leads the Kowiwrt
News man to call the captain u liar.
Captain Ormsby of Salem, has ap
K)Intel forty-live forest rangers for the
coming summer month1. They . will
have deputy U. S. Marshal powers.
Their authoiity is not dangerous. It
extends to arresting fires, and the fel
low who sets them if they can catch
$8, $8,50
Chi D t f n Cassimers, Cheviots
v K v and Serge
G, W, Johnson and Company.
'"" I
.kin vvMU&v.laTiyu.. '. . - a
n VViWti;itW. " " -.'i t
9 MTSM&rj' -7-
and Syracuse plows?
255 - 7 LID6I1
Give Warning.
tho system la accumulating Impurities i which
CflD UCI D rnust bo gotten rid of ; thoy aro an urgent appeal for asaistanco
rUn nLLl i a warning that can not safely be Ignored.
10 neglect o purujr mo uiuuu u "
time meAns moro than tho annoyanco of painful bolla and
unsightly pimples. If these Impurities aro allowed to
remain, the system succumbs to any ordinary Illness, and Is
unable to withstand tho many ailments which are so
prevalent during spring and summer.
Mrs. L. Gentile, 2001 Second Avenue, Seattle, Wash.,
Bays : " I was afllioted for a long time with pimples, which
wore very annoying, a thoy disfigured my face fearfully.
After using many othor remodloa In vain, 8. S. 8. promptly
and thoroughly cleansed my blood, and now I rejoice In
a good complexion, which I never had before."
uapi, nr. xx. uuuuii, un""' "
a riotous condition,
S. S. S.
in the best blood
k 9&WM
and la tho only ono that Is absolutely freo from iwtash and mercury. It
promptly purities tho oloou anu inorougniy cieanses too syHieni, uuima ui
tho general health and strength. It cures Scrofula, Eczema, Cancer. Rheuma
tism. Tetter, Bolls, Sores, etc., by going direct to tho causo of tho trouble aud
forcing out alllmpuro blood.
Books freo to any address by tho Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Go.
and $9
agents for Russell
, ojjv.-CTwrto.-n---rv.ncm
flfc 6 k
it. it., unauanooRo. xuuu., n.-o.
Several holla nnd carbuncles broko out upon mo, causing
-,.-t .,..!. .,! .mtArnniu Mv Itlrmfl aAfimml in n ill
nnd nothing I took seemed to do
any good. Six bottles oi a. a. a. curea me completely
; and my blood has been perfectly pure over since."
remedr. because It Is purely vegetable
Screen Doors and Windows.
Seieen cloth etc., Poultry
mid Lawn fonciug of all
kinds and shingles.
WAI.TKII Mom.KY. I'roe,
'1.115 flu 8lulc Strmt.
A Foul Fiend
of dUeiiM is what sewer pis resolves it
self into, w lien your plumbing is im
perfect. If your family becomes en
feebled, orsiekne-s is prevalent, look to
your plumhiiie, aud rectify all defections.
As sanitary pliimliers, steam and huh
litters, our work is uusurpiiscd.
2i,j COMMKUCIAl. SlkECr.
Telejirione No. 2371
Cos wind
,'"k ' eoPTKllrt l
The Bain Wagon is not the chonpost wagon in prico, but tlio
ohoapatt in tho end, as it is tho best. It's mndo by honost dnv
work-no contract or convict or piece work plan-and has oak
1:;: tJ, s rt huhs in n m v . p.intod
nuggiaa uml Hacks, Surreys nnd Traps. Yes, I have nil of
them, nnd they are built especially for this coast trade To an
preciate them cJl and soomylino. p
The Geo, M, Bcclcr
Insurance Agency .Hft,
Always to the front with best
rates und policies In the leading
Employment Agcn:y,
Do you want, won?, or need help
of any kind? Apply at once.
Rental Agency,
Property to tent. ItegHtcr
our agency.
288 CommkhcialSthkut, Salum.
All people are hereby notified that a
tax on Iii7ors of UTic for rctom poring
is now on and can be paid at the phop
of Sim II. White and Co. at High
street, opposite the Court House.
Steam Dye Work
No. 10.") Commercial street,
opposite Willamette lintel.
Ladies' and gentlemen's
clothing cleaned, dyed, re
paired and pressed. Fine
blankets cleaned or ded
and nicely finished. Kid
gloves cleaned, lOc; dyed
Kurtz & Hamilton
Make a specialty of nil kinds of
Sheet. Steel and (in I van I zed Iron
work r-jofini; und uutterlnu', a full
line of I 'ii nips and pump tiltintrs.
Proiupt work and reasonable prices.
We curry In stock the Fairbanks
wind mill. Call and sec us before
L'ivltie; your order for mill or lank,
l'lioiiu 2:14
riiowr work m low prices.
'Ilisrc h only one plaie
In town to yet a
If you ore 11 stranger, ask
your neiiihltnr, h" will tell
jou to go to W. W.JtiIINd
ms" Uitk of the Red Fionl
biug Store. 4.15c! wim
Huie Wing Sang Cu
Indies Furuishlni! Goods, Silk
Fancy Goods, Knibroldery. All
kinds of Mattinj,', Cliinaware and
Tea. Hottoni l'rlces 5-12.111
Opera House Block, 112 Court St.
1 .-VijyaurMa;.va,KV ivas?s5iKi& w
Russell Compound Engines.
tho most poworful ongino built. It saves ono-third to ono. nlf
in fuel and wator, is of loss weight than tho singlo cylindor stylo,
and ho pneo is right. If you contemplate buyine an ENGINE
for our 1 S00 catalogue, nnd when in'Snlem call nnd see us nnd ex
nnuno our lino of machinery.
Bain Wagons.
We will shoe your horse, build or
repair yutir wagun or Implements
Being lcated to stay our patrons
have it guarantee that our work will
be satisfactory. Shop 100 Cliemcketa
street. Tcleohotfe 2705. 4-1 tf
S, C, STONE, M. D.
Proprietor of
Stone's Drug Stores
Ilicntoroi (two In number) ure located
No. 205 niul 333 Commercial street, mid ure
well stocked with b complete line oiilrugi and
medicines, toilet nrtlclcn, perfumery, uriuUei
etc., etc., etc.
HiKlinit conic 25 ytars experience In tlio prap.
tlcoof medicine niid now makes no otikrife for
consultation, examination or proscription.
Do you want to die?
Do you want to get well?
Ifjninvnnt to Die keep right on flllliiK your
Mittomwitli MINiaiAli niul othor l'OIHUNH in
the hnio ot DHUUU and nltoitvil mrtliclnps.
If ou wunl to Kit KNIlitKUY t'UUKU.
Wbl.b unci STOUT, quit nllowlntr iloctors to
KXI'KIIIMKNT on you w Itli ilrutrs unit try
k. r. r. cook,
Ofllce 1101 Liberty Street, Salem, Or.
Ho Iim cured icorenof peopto ilnco liocntno
to Unlcni. IIu is a repiiublo pmctltlonor mid U
n Krnduate of two K'Kally oharterod colleirca.
Ah to his Klandlnir as a citizen iiuil Ills reliabil
ity as n buslnusK man, any ono can be convinced
that ho Ih not only a uood rttUen hut an huncat
tiiiin. Ho has been ltoil about and mUrepro
Hunted moro than any limn in alom, but ho can
count hid friends runout; the tiest cltlzunn of
Sak'm and Wlllametto Valley. Ills bent friend
nro IhoMO horn ho has (TIttil). Ills remedies
uro tho result of n lifetime of stu ly, and judging
by tho marvelous cure pcrformod richt hero ut
holm1. Hhcro his pntlontB may bo ween and
talked with, Uo ono h ho Is alck should lu-allato
to one him.
lin abolutoly curtM nil kinds of Chronlo
DIeavoi, after nil other hoIiooIh hnvo failed,
Btit'li as fiineer, Oravol, Kidnov Trouble, llono
I)laeaneK, Asthma, Skin l)'neaNi'i, Ktc, without
thnuidotthe Knife, l'Iftstors or Toluol), and
vrltli no pain whatever to the patient.
TedTront livery"
FirstClass Feed and Boarding
KM Commkkoial Stuki:t.
Wm ULLREY, Prop.
Best Rig, for Commercial Men
Stabled In bamd block Hotel Wlltamotto.
tfJTNafo teams und comrortublc rlu
for ladles and family drlylni; a spec
ialty. Horses boutded by day, week
or month mid best of satisfaction
liuarantccd. 3.1 tf
m, ore.
Next Door to Graf Br.
r -