Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899, March 18, 1899, Image 2

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i rttli wmri'UliariwitwiajjfiMiinMi
i tTifafdn-mt-Hfit
aATOUDAY MAItCII 18, 1899.
W i Hii ' -
UfttirtltPl Ytr 53.00, la Advance
& W'McmUi $1 00. Advnnoo.
WW'o Toar $1.00, In AJvnnco
What, U) tb on Huoday? Burcly
Unlet) Is wll provided with entertain
total. Thorn nro fouio twenty odd
euurchci, V. M. C. A. and Bunday
school. Tliarc n ro libraries and In
flncyfgHjjjhgf tlipfonre plenty of wood
walks to 1m had with lino views of
rlycr, mountain!), forexl utid crcn com
ctarlc. There arc the electric air
lines for family excursions at u low
rato of expense. Thero arc livery
etablcs where comfortable rl uod
slfc teams or drivers may be hud at a
nominal expense. For the thouithl
fol man or woman, cincolully If em
ployed with mislncMS or ptofctv
slonal carcn during iho week, Hundar
aliotitd be a duy of mental
as well as physical recreation. To be
perfectly composed for one day, to
studiously cultivate repose and seren
ity of mind Is certainly n noblo aspir
ation. Thin should lc dono religiously
by nil who are worn by vexations of
Ilfo. Begin I ho day with n complete
rest of alt the facilities, a bariMiment
of all contentions, a determination to
llvo one day devoid of nil but koo1
will to the rest of mankind. This
can bo shown to all wIHi whom you
comu.ln contact from the smallest
child to the oldest person. If you can
ct a few hours to youmclf to poro
over a few Kood book do so, Never
foret that to rend aloud to yourself
Ih n splendid recreation, Thus the
day will provo one of religious and
bodily recuperation and you will enter
upon llfo'd duties for tho ensuing
week a belter, purer and stronger
man or woman,
Tho blcyclo tax is uow proposition,
lllcyolo paths are to bo built. That
Is now Idcu. Tho iiiiasllon Is whore
and how P To build n kooi! blcyclo
path Is not n illuht tusk. Hut our
climate Is. yory favorable to them.
Thoy would bo more used summer and
wlatortlian nny other hluhway for
common carrlaKo.
Much could bo learned by Imltatlutf
nature. Wo now have natural' foot
paths tliaturouluan and smooth and
dry tho year around. TIuto Ik plenty
of soil In this country that will keep
ft smooth hard surface even under tho
mou continuous rain. Wo know
whlto moIU and clays that rnlns only
beat the harder uod that arc solid and
clean summer and winter.
Till kind of material and sand,
both our local sand und iirunlto sand
of Kouthcrn Orchil, could be uxnd to
advantage In connection with our
uailve soils In making blcyclo paths.
Hut It will require InlolllKCiit ookIii
eorltiK and pruntlcul knowk'dito of our
oils and nuturul inulcnaU to reach
me oet remits,
Ono thln should bo contended fort
tho cycle paths should lend from Ha
lorn Into tho country mid to tho main
county towns. Salem will puy moro
than half the of clo tax of this county
and unless tiyclo paths reach b'aleui
they will not havo much valuo to the
country, Hefore tt oyolo path has soy
value It, must itirt from somowhero
and load to somewhere. Uoforo all
tho motiey l spent out in tho country
there must to some dsllolto placo to
start from. Tub JoonKAt bollcVci
tho cyclo paths hhouldstartljn at least
four directions hhd -should be built
permanently and scientifically.
The Regents of the State Univer
sity, met at Tortland to consider the
welforeof tho Kuitcne Institution and
possibly to hear about n new president
to succeed Prof. Oditpman. What
ever touches mo state couca
tlOnal Interests Inn under vcryclo'o
to the heart of the pcoplo
whether It be tliu employment of a
toucher for tho hum bleu I country
school ot n head for tho largest stato
Institution. In no domain of human
activity Is there uch rapid progress
ns In education. There arc a ureal
many fads bclnn lopped off. A mom;
the over worked fads urc so-called
physical culture, that Icavos Its
victim a kind of Immature athlete
and yot imbued with a reluctance to
do physical labor. What the public
eduoatlunal system need Is to teach
proper respect of actual WOKK ns the
only means of developing a
sound mental, spiritual and pjiys
Bleat organism. An enduring
character cannot bo formed without
actual labor, nnd the nearer Itcomos
to belmt labor In contact with the
earth, or sotno manual trade, tho
surer will bo the result so fur as pro
ducing honest, solvent, nelf-suHtuln-ln
men and womon aro concerned,
und that Is after nil tho (treat con.
corn ot society und the purpose of ed
ucation. If you think that the phy
sical culture fad Is koIiik to save your
boyorKlrl, tako up your Ulblo, turn
to First Timothy, chapter IV, and
fersc 8: "For bodily exorcise profit
llctli little; but Oodllncs Is prollta
ublo unto all things, having pro ml ho
of the llfo that now Is, nnd ot that
which Is to oomo" Tho real purpose
of real education Is to develop nil the
(lod-Klven fuculllns nnd In reality
man possesses none other.
Portland never had water In a fluid
stale until alio put In her own water
works; uod only lately olio has been on
tho point of assuming tho task of
furnishing her own lights, thcroby
bringing tho electric lighting com
pany to time to the tunc of a re
duction of $50,000 In the nnnual
Tho most advanced thutight In the
science of municipal government Is
In the direction of tho city owner
snip of all publ'n franchises. The olty
which has carried that principle to
furthest point Is Glasgow, and Glas
gow Is looked upon ns tho model city
of the world.
It would pay our wostorn towns to
study up tho latest developments of
municipal government before they
pluco thcuiftolycs loo complololy In
In tho hands) o' private capitalists
and glyc away all franchises nnd prlv
ilegos which arc of nny vjuc.
Perpetual Injunction,
Qnnted Against Paying the Bingham
Tax Collector Warrants.
Able Arguments of CounselJudge Boise
Holds Sheriff Alone Can Collect
Dr. Dull' Cough Byrup,
frloud. bus been In use over fifty yearn.
It euros tho severest afTcoKous of tho
throat and lungs; such as, bronchitis,
grippe, Inryngltls and Incipient eon
sumption, Price only 2fi cents a bot
tle :i 13 Ot
A Fine Show.
Gulf nnd Quecnlc ut Hansen's
stablos, thoroughbred SpanteN with
six puppies. .'l-17-lw
Patronize Home Industry.
Buy your Harness made at Kitlctn
from California Oak tunned leather
by F. E, Hhiifor & (Jo. 12.'l Htute St.
d & w
Cupid i u.
ully pictured
a freltok
seme, iiUjrful
llllle rVllaw. a.
way. Miiiliui or
UUElllMt, tut
Willi Jut trace
of muIIco In his
make up.
This it the
auitra (deal.
In icfellty, Cu.
rid In lbte
ilsyt u a mt.
Ur of fact little
euau He U
iKSlunlng to
Urn that life.
it not an a
summer Mi.
;Uy lie ia ftt
trarnlnif tbttt
io men and
. it J not turd tastier fur tneu and
V& ftii niVr the J
to rtore it ftr jt tut win ll tSS
tni. .Y.JTrrr. yi",m,? b"
i.i ?' T"T rr viiai(ty
Wo want to talk to a number of
towns In Oregon that aro proposing
to Ihsuo bonds to build lluht nnil
waterworks, Head this:
"As will bo seen In anolhsr column,
tho city council has granted u fran
chise to II. r. Gates, of HllUboro,
boro, Orcuou, to furnish anj oporate
nn electric light and power and water
works system In the Olty ot Prlno
vlllo. "Tho contract Is In tho shape of an
ordlnnnco which was accepted by Sir.
Outcs Immediately after Its passage
oy ma council and wmk to begin
within thirty days and to bo com
plcted by December I.
"Tho city ngreos to Issuo ns pay
ment for the 20 tiro hydrants bonds to
the amount of 110,000. Kitlier tho
bonds rcush aro to bo delivered to
Mr Oatos ono hair when tho umtcilul
Is on tho ground and tho rest when
thopluntts tested and according to
. ivinf ! fillip t... . ,
. ,.,-. Vl, tV Wfy 3)0 UfUMlu
frnuohUo for 15 years and to furnish
an aero of ground for stntlou."
Tliq aboyo Is from tho Prlnylllo
Uevlewnnd shows tlio shortsighted
policy which Is being followed by
many of our western cities und towns.
They aro nllowlng private Individuals
niiri r.ru,.)l.,.. .
.v.,n. ,,., M, uiipnipiiaio priv
ileges, In every Inttunco valuable und
in many onws liuinciuoly so, wlthmit
money nnd without price. Thoy aro
Hiving franchises whluh allow a
private tnstltuihii a uionojvoly of tho
busiuou it furnishing water or light,
charging sliut rates It plauww, und
assuring It of suuh monopoly for
term of ytwis, Then the uo of pub
lie streets Uglveu free for muins or
IKile. In it mnlurlty of iiuta,.,w ,,
substantial bonus Is uIm. ghou. j
tho ctM of Prlnevlllo thu um.ii iu
10,000 which will surely go a long
way toward iho gon,truollon of two
ninovHie, nowover reserves tho
riL'ht iiiiiiiu,i,.u..i ..
-.-., ,w,..v nig nuri ai, Ulfluxnir
Ex County Treasurer, of Linn County
Indicted by the Qrand Jury.
Albany Herald, March 17
Luto yesterday nflernoon Ex-County
Tronsuror P. 0, Morris was arrested
by Deputy Sheriff Lewelllng und
brought to this olty. The grand Juiy
brought In two Indictments iignlut
him charging him with appropriating
county funds during ouch term of his
olPce ns county treasurer. Tho
amount claimed to bo duo the county
Is :isoo. Mr. Morris does not seem to
know what became ot the money Ho
husulways borno tho reputation of
being slrictly houost and It Is hard to
Imltovu that he wilfully and felou
louly embezzled the amount, The
.uuney Is short und this Is tho tlrst
step toward recovering It. Mr. Mor
ris hud been visiting In Iho olty dur
ing tho past few days and hud started
to his homo on tho Santlum. Tio
deputy wont over to his placo yoster
diy, and not uwuro Unit Mr. MorrN
wits In town, Ho met him and his
wife uit ho wus coming back to town
und MorrlH seemed to bo oxpeotlng
tho urresU Ho said he know us suon
us ho saw tho deputy sherllt that he
wus wanted.
Ho wus brought to the shorlll's
onieoaiidRoiitlorlIon.il, . Hew
itt, who will defend him. lie refused
to say anything fur publication re
marking "that too much hud been
said already."
The case of Stat of Orpon, ox rol.
Lev! Ilcrren, vs. W W. Hall, clerk ot
at, came up for trial before Judge
Holso ut 2 o'clock Friday nr.d tho af
ternoon was consumed In lbs consul
oration which resulted In the lent
porary Injunction heretofore granted
being made perpetual
The prosecution introduced ns evi
dence the records of the county court
showing for what purp'He Geo. 0.
ii nullum wnscmplovcd; also his bl 1
for 9180 for such services; also the
rocord of the allowance of sild bill.
The prosecution claimed that this
was Miiliclcnt to show the Invalidity
Uio Poople'a of ,,0 warrant, us the county court
had no right to employ or pay nn at
torney for collecting delinquent tnxos
Tho defense then moved that the
case be dismissed on tho ground that
the warrant in question In stilt in the
hnridsofthc county clerk, but the
motion wus overruled.
The defense then Introduced the
original contract between Hlngham
nnd the county court to show that
other services wero provided for, In
looklngaftcr property which had been
bid In by the county on delinquent
tuxes. Tho prosecution objected to
tin admission of that part of the con
tract relating to other services, as
Immaterial, etc Tho rciords, In
connection with Mr. Bingham's bill,
showed that the warrant was drawn
In payment for the collection of de
linquent tuxes und for nothing else.
Hlnghnm was sworn. Was asked to
identify the hill Introduced In evi
dence. Said It might bo the bill, but,
If so, there had been an error In the
bill In tho case of tho 1800 tuxes ivhlch
hud been llgured at 20 per cent In
stead of ir per cent Thought It a
copy ol his bill. Had undertaken the
collection of those tnxos ut the re
quest of the county court. In con
sideration of expense for postage
stamps, stationary und clerical work,
tho compensation hud been llxod ut
the figures stated,
Tills compensation was also In con
sideration of other services mentioned
In tho contract. Tho court asked If
all delinquent taxes paid in to the
shorllf had been considered us col
lected by Ilingham and commission
allowed to him thereon? When u
man came In und paid to the shorllf
delinquent taxes, Mow did the sherlll
know whether It was through Hing
hum's oflorts or not v Wits he allowed
it purcoutiigo on nil? Illnghum said
there wus no wuy for thu sherllf to
know us to thN, nnd nil suuh tnxos
wore figured on In reckoning up his,
llliighum's, compensation .
Counsel asked tho witness If this
did not Include compensation for
The Natural lure
i - for Indigestion.
Ou you have pain In the stomach after eating Z
you have a yefiow tondue? Wind on the stom-
i? Constipation? These things arise from v
iMMHiiimj-ii"i a ii ii iiirtnTri'jforniri' ti
T$'1H,'0 II
Videstion depends on digestive fluids or
"PermenU" secreted by. certain dlands. When
'the secretion becomes, insufficient, Indigestion
results. Dr. Williams' 'Pink Pills for Pale People
cause these dlands to resume their normal
action and dood digestion follows.
Artificial ferments (of which most so-called
Dyspepsia cures arc composed) may give .tem
porary relief, but Dr. Williams' hnk Pills for
pale People afford a permanent cure.
Poor digestion often cau.es Irregularity of tho notion.
ThU irresularlly may bo mUlnken tor real, orauiilo mart
SJ!!!E&.1S?, if."nrnVr ISlo lirrumlMlan
r.nerated br the Indication preyed on the heart, uiiil cnui ai
frrewlarltyof ltawtlon. Hholmd much uln l"liwtoinBrl
undlieart.BndwaMUbJecttorrequeritHrid tewre rlic,hlnjfi I
1-hi.h mnl.flv.ra at nleht. Doctora wi ro I rleil I i itln; tin
'ui.-JSiiiS fih.i in intirrttlii In wh oh her nliliioli did not
nnnov her. her lieart'a action beenmo nnrninl. Hrnonlne
tha proper raedlolno to treat that trouble ni .1 w I Ih I nut imJIi no
irood rewlU. Her nppetlta enmo Imok, the ohokli rcll
K?ame la frenuent and finally 'iJ'",r,f,w Votilm
had been greatly reduced, wai reitored nnd Mie now nclglw
nTtat a'thunarknow tho menm of ouro we Rlu the nnrria
ortho medicine u.ed-Or. WUltains' I'tak IMII-i i for le l'.-o.K
The8 pill contain nil the oteinonm n"'"
llfo uni rubric., to tho blood .;$ JjSKa!'
Sold by all drufJdists or sent poitpaid by the
Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Schenectady, N.Y.. Prtce
Sooner box-, fa boxes.S25-?. A diet book sent FREE
- "- r ' -,.f -. - -
Denver k Rio Grande II B.
The Favnrl.c Trniiacontlneiitat Itoulp Hetwccn
the N'orthet and nil TolltU UmU
Choice of Tho Houtes Through the Fumoui
Ami Pour Hnutcn Mint of
l'liehlonnd Ilenwr.
All pflMongerRrfliiled n ilny Moivoror hi tlio
Mormon Capital or nn) where between Os'lcn
nndUonvor. Personally condiicteil Tourist Kx
curilous three du n week to
Omaha, Kansas Cm, St. Louis,
For tlekits nml nny Informntlon rejjiirilltiit
rates. rontei, etc., or for ilMcriptlvo nihprtUltiK
matter, call on agentd of OroKiin llnlwny A
Navlsatlon Co., Own Short Wne or Southern
Farlirc compter. g ,.. 00I,EI1(
0. I A T. Agt.. Denver, Col.
II. C. NirtlOU
(.on, Ast lit Wa.. St., l'ortlanl, Ore.
From I'ottlarid.
230 p.m
Salt Lake, Denver Ft.
Worth . Omaha , Kansas
ly, bt. Louis, Chicago
1 Kast.
6'4S P.m
K p m
Lalncd, but the testimony wan put In
under 11 provision of tlio stututo which
allowed It to be dono ut the expense
of the defense,
This was a point over which there
were several fitrunles. The defense
endeavored tn show Mint the compen
sation allowed speclllcully for collec
tion of taxes was Intended to nUo
cover Mr, Ilinchuui's services In look
ing after the county's roal estate.
Rut tho pro.iccutlMi contended that
the bill In payment of which the war
rant for $180 was drawn showed that
it was for thu collection of taxes
alone; this was thu view held by tho
court, shutting out us Immaterial any
oyltlunco as to other survlcos per
formed. l'ogue, KbinliiK and Shoiman spoke
for tho prosecution; Wrlglitiuiin and
Hrown for the dufaunc.
Fleming claimed that the code set
tled this question, ns Itproyldad that,
tho shcrill Miuuld collect delinquent
taxes, nnd the county court hud no
right to employ an attorney for that
purpose. The sheriff's testimony
showed that the.se taxos were being
paid In right along before Rlngham
was employed, and It was manlfestlly
ivninir tn (iftv ltlnt.li .,.. ...fi,..i....
...I'.. fc. ,... ..ii.Ht.ulll l I'lllllllllJIJ 1
loe thcie taxes nltoucthor, the county
would better pay even fifty per cent
for their collection.
Cited authorities to show that the
county court had power to employ
an attorney to collect these taxes;
therefore had a right to draw the
Hrown cited caso of Rurnett vs.
Malarkey, page 30, 24th Oregon, where
a county court had employed assist
ance for the assessor In preparing
his roll, claiming that It was n par
allel case The supreme court had de
cided that case infavorof the legality
of such action. On this ground hi nt-
uicKcd a ruling or the courl, made
several days ago. Tho court roplled
mat there wus a distinction between
oniploylng an abstract company to
prepare an ubstruct of title for tho
usoof tlio assessor, which nbstruct
would become the property of the
county, und mnplolng an attorney
to perform tho duties of the shorllf.
as In this case.
Sherman claimed that the duties of
the county court nnd of the county
olllcor are dourly dullnod by statute
that the county court has' no muio
rlu'ht to Interfere with tho sheriff's
iiuiiuiiiiuiiuu in uisuuMes or to em
Ofliirs travelers choice of the following
routes east. They are all famous for their
tcenic attraction.
O. K. Sc N, via Ogdcn and Ucnvrr
Bhista ReUle via i.icramento, Ogdcn and
Miasta Rou'e via Sacramento, Mnjote
A dally line of tlirouch TULLMAN
Francisco nnd Los Angeles to Cliicag this Is
The Short Line
from southern California
To the East,
8 p m
ex, Sun.
lu p tn
711SP m
Walla Walle, Sookane.
oiinnenpoiis, St. i'aul,
Duluth, Milwaukee Chi.
cngo and hast
For San Francisco.
Sail every five tla
To Astoria nnd way land.
rortiand, Newburg and
Way Landings.
A 111
ex Sun
I U9 I UU ,
and Sat I For Dayton
toa m.
Mon Wed
Fri ,
I. alem
Tu.'Ihut Corvallis Albany and
is at Way Points.
3p. m
Ar Salem
6 p.m.
Tu Thuf
Mi p m
Ar Salem
10 a m
Wed an1
t Apply to the agents of the O IV & N., 0.
S. L , Southern Pacific, or '.he undersigned,
for folders and descriptive literature.
Hide Portia td
Gen'l AgtWorcester,
fit.liitr kitrvli,w flhlnnlfifl tn lit. n.,tj,i
Ho wus arraigned boforo Judge Uur.!cllUon. MUmll0fi' Amort 1 it,..
county court ever llxod componsatloti
fnr lliese other services. Objected to.
Sustained, ns the b'.ll showed that tho
compensation was for collection or
taxis alone. Exception taken.
Wltnossoxeusod by defense. Prose
eiillon moved that HIiilmiiihi'h tnmi.
'"yjinony t;o stricken out ns inimatorlal,
omj. uvcrruioti. rogue usked wit
uohs If lie got 11 percentage on nil
tuxws for these yours 81:J to I81MJ,
whether tho money pnsscd through
his hands or nuts' Yos. Did not the
witness know that money was being
paid In on those tuxes tu the sheriff
from time to time boforo mis win
traot wus ontered Into ? No.
Sheriff Durbln was culled by the do
uett ut 0: it p mid he will plead ou
March 21 ut 12:10 p. in. Tho llrst In
dlulmontohargos him with wrong
fully und fraudulently stealing nnd
milking way with $2,'M.0, thu nor
Minn! property or Lion county und
uoyors the period ut his llrst term us
treasurer rrom July 2, I8UI, u
a, ihoo.
The second Indlotuient Is similar to
tho llrst, but the amount short is
tl,60i.iVl und Is for tho second tonn
from July a, IStft), to July A, 18U8. Tho
wllnossos tKiloro thu grand Jury wore
K. M. Rod Hold, 0. U. Iloguu nnd
A. Whcolur.
Tho bond was llxed at 41000 on ouch
Indictment. It wan Un Into last
dofon lant roumined lu charge of tho helplul to tho prosecution.
Hl.orllTuntlc-xpoou to give iho bond! 1 ., i ,.... ni,'7i
..w v,ii,,uu UlUKIIillll.
on all that, had been paid In, whether 1 ploy nny ono to porforni the hhorlH's
uiroiigiiuisoiiorw or tlio inillvldunl dutlos in his place than theslicllT has
Ut usurp the authority of the county
court. Tho case rosted on the statute
which detlued the dut.es of tho shorlll
and gave him full power In the mut
ter In giving his decision, Judge Uclse
said that 11 was tlio duty of the sherllf
mj uuui'i-b uui. liqueur, utxes, tux Is u
(iDblj can be collected fruut any prop-
urtyoi iiienoniKiiient. Xo one lias a
r ght to attach (iroporty excopt tlio
sherllT; when he has nowairunt ror
suuli procedure he can got ItjUiccotintv
court gives It. It was tlio Miorlir's
tlutv to uitike the levy; others could do
nn, 11 im out, rue leuors; the nherlir
niibiiiiive 01 1110 taxpayer. io war
tut had boon Nsuod by the county
court to tlio bhorlir Tor tho collection
or those delinquent tuxes, and '10 had
boon glyon no uuthorltv to proceed lu
the matter, but Mr. Hlngham hud
been employed oyer the head or the
sheriff, without uuthorlty of law.
Wrlghtinaii argunfl Hint thoro was
a point beyond whloli tho oliorllT
uuuldnotgo In collecting dlllnquent
taxos. ir ho could not got it blddor on
property put, on sale ror dlllnquent
utxes, no was powerless to collect the
tux. Klemiulngobjeutcd to this nr
guuient ou the ground that there was
no evidence- pororo the court to sliow
iiiai uio snoriir Had oxhuustod his
power to collect thuce tuxes, or wus
unable to collect them. Wilghtuinn
proceeded to nrguo thm, rather than
A Few Intei esting Facts
When poople are contemplating a trip
whether on business or pleasure, they natur,
ally want the best service o -tamable so lar
a sjH'Ctl, comfort and sifety is concerned.
Employes of the Wisconsin Central Lines arc
paid to serve the public und our trains are
operated so as to make clo e connections
with diverging Ifnc at nil junction points
Pnllmsn Palace Sleeping and Chair can
on iiirongn trams
Dining car service
a la Cane.
In order to obtain this fiist-ckss service,
ask the .icket agent to sell you a ticket over
Dally bois to Portland as above.
Transfers to street car line at OiecJ Cltv
if the steamers are delayed there ootid
trip tickets to all points In Oregon. Whlnii.
ton, or California. Connect oj made.at Port
land with all rail, ocean andriver lines
ueni ras. Agt. Portland. (Ir
G. M. POWERS. Agent, Tr.de street dock
City Agents,
Uialr cars
unexcelled, Meals
iij LU1
and you will mike direrl connections at
bt. Paul for Chicagi, Milwaukee and nil
points Eist.
For any lurt er info.mation call on any
ticket agent or correst'ond with
Central Pass. Ag
. . MlLWjkUKK
or jis. A. CLOCK,
(ienenl Agent,
246 Stark Strict,
Oregon SIiou Line Railroad
Tlio Direct Houte to
Montana, Ulah, Colorado
and all -Eastern Points
Gins 0 mice ut o favorite route, via tao
Union I'acllio Kat Mall Mix, or tLe
Itlo Orandu Ucenlu I.lnen.
Look at the tlme
li Dayf to Salt Lake
2 Days to Denver
3J Days to Chlcugo
i Days to New York
Freu ItecllnlnB Clialr Car. Upholstered Tau
lt Uleeplnir fan. and Pullman Palate
Sleepers ojierateU on nil trains.
Tor further liiforiiiatlon npplysto
I10I8K A llAltKKIt, AgcnU, 8alem.
W. K. COMAN, Oen'l Acent
('. 0. TCItllY, Truv. ruH. Aut
tit Third fit.. Portland
Canadian Pacific R.R
srwiAnd cioo Pacific Line
ooiilcl (In tliut; lii deputy could du It.
If tlio sherllT hli-mld say ui a 111.111, "I
havo a warrant und will hei your
property," It would have more effect
tliau for un attorney n say, "I navo a
note ugulnbi j on and will inn It.''
the iiijuiji.tliin was uidde perirctual:
JuiIl'o Hoist then adjourned court
until Tuoaday ut 2 o'clock.
this morning. It U a strnnua oiuu
and It Ih a mystery to nil. Ho Is an
wolinmlMl, saving man, nnd would
U tho last man who would muunder
or iiilsupply funds.
Ho hud
(tun mi warrant, iroui tlio county
ttourt to collect llioce Uixaam tho time
IJIiigliuii) wusomployed by the county
court. Hud rocolvod roniitijinp.w m,
j thtwo taxos, uoeauinnulcd by the in.
tluosuntby Illnghuiu. Couldn't say
, thut u very largo proportion or remit
Uncos recolvod hud Ixion uoconiiwnlvd
Ihysuch nut Icon. Was nsked If re-
. uulpu for tleliuquun; taxes had not
materially lnurollo(l after lllngliam
1 was omulovtri. I'.nii.iu'i t,... ,1....
0HtlM bltl imIoh j tbouu.Iy ' l,,uy ,,u,, BUltwl that theso' dolln
tKyHMl tin? skill of tit durum Tlwy (' (,nnt u,xw ttor ""Ink' nuhl lu from
y diMe n imthsnt fur y,, mi tkoir ! lll,ie ,0 l,,u ,h'fur l:e employment
hituwirlttl ami potAtlt MtiMKliw, but kr ,l,r N,r 'ni!hm,
nV,imlH' it1 1H1 o Ui Mu Wrk was mlltd and t&stllled
uZ nU . . 1 ""i. S"$li?m w Mro ( (mving.workitl utMler Mr. ltimr.
for ihiiwniUUm; uI1: , """ wiHrvlltin lu the oollenlun of
I tne only rvtiwdy whkh in ilinwt tu , , MXv' """ wr" Hiut three
Doctors Can't
Cure It!
Southern Pacific Co
j Mu.tieapoliR
at. i'aul
rmiftdclphia (J
asn r
Nw Yoik
H.a? r
and all points eati anH.r.iV,.,..
la2ns,,CSt UtM' be,t$e,vicc anJ'j Kcommo.
ihrouglitouiist sleepers to
M. I anl, Toronto, Montreal,
without change.
mIl11 'TA.rl2:3A 'Canadian Pacifift hlhw r &..,.
8-''5A m) Ar. San Francisco LvlLonvM ! ineof iP,m..i. . r ' .. . . "
- " - - -...r- tw iMuH biiu L.nina.
route to the
M uiuttu ,ia on UiepurWH prlc lN " 2?1 ' t,M Pftll-y " 'O the rZll ,
ThU u wit i-uroUwuicIit, M fur 11 WtLm JMin tZVl ,,,,,"iwnl tuxrs. iM,cti .u wuk him
vsi''. r. iinur. ktti iii. .hi TTsnwn am
MPHi": HPi
W(MII Pttf
Haw tM.iR id iiir ht imiu.infAL'tLi :.S
w her le ualmpoitauL TfcrV crew
worm vttUI hc utrer all tb tiwo
mnr and dtantuit MBMiUms. ami
tA Ukrto Mvr M Kin
Hy (tits
cwplcljr unlit her for ifhood
Wfisia04. l)r 'ieKv J'avoriln
mmt f an uuintiiiis aihi.,iu sn.. .i
i5jaik- j. " "?
S Z.ITuL """" wien ronrtraru
rz.rwz!r y " mtw wtii am
n.ti, Mfrv
m BMiiwk.
,, , .... , ,
Hut why nmtkl mtl'riutnui, or any
other UiWN put to l4 QW WRlM
work, and cloatric HkIiU? Ko prl
vuto iKirty will undortako 10 tin li in-
1 ho tstu no tt very m prutlt to
bit made. Why should not tho tuwti
or olty do thU and litu.o iirwtlt
K toward lvrMiiitu tho burtlin U(
tX4tlo, pr elw Kiv9 uon.uuiar tha
Ixfoetit f lower rat nuu my ,,rl.
rate ooitiny uan affardr
fnr,tiu.i 1 k.v,.!
W. Mil lltn .1.1 1... 1
M lo Ma-li Hi- .i.
I. ftlMi U.t n.. ,(w,
kwr I mi,!,,
MiIiimI. furu a.s mr.
Uta I I witil.1 ut.r I.
minMl Anil aitt 1
J ttitmi I thru i. . k
N. o. S.uiil taMrutt lliii
itov. t (Maiinur.t
)l Mtd lpiM tktTlllW
tu rviuru
W. H KCttNtv
Hay, Grain, Mill Feed and Flou
(JVC trains itnn at ml .. .'.'...-1 Th in..... -.i i:'.i . iiii
bn. l'onlami mY' Ci. "1T", f a".on' . .', " ""i; L " " ' "'"" MU,P on the Taclfic
flerson, Allwny, Tanpent. WirfddJ. Halsev 'orient.
"?' Ju,,Vn City. Eugene, Creswefl
Cottage Oroye. Drain, dakland. and all sta
ttofli. hom Koselwig to Ashland, inclusive.
.3 A M j Lv . . I'ortTand'
,0.55amlv ...Saleru
5TM),r . Uoseburg
......, uunet steeper and secoml.7i7.
Canadian Australian S. S. Co.
and Austulla The
4llilLlU,. A . . m a. .
-t-'K.ri --.acnea to alt through train
" iiiut, wiviaiuw,
I-ockwood, Agent,
kMiiin- in v oa --mmereiai st.
Kesldencel'honelvo.is. Salem. Ore
ymcc 1-rior.e No. do. sKd 1 :iiT, W
AUU. utn. daily excej.t SundiyT ! '
7fOAHlU .. Portland. rA7rT77opii ,y
iiiirliAL Corvallis.. Lvf ti-lopH -.
Airenl ..A ...... " U. AUUIIl.
--0- 1 . iiuro iirffil. Wt.nJ
E I. rwro
'tlcl Tasscngcr Agent. Vancouver. B. C
At Alhanv and r..Flll."" r. i
trains of iheO. C &E.Rv vu"""1 w,,r
4-'5o p m
7.30 r u
&30 p si
McMinnville I
5 1 Corvallis Hasten Railroad
Coiinecilmrat YAQUINA with the
riir. . '- - '
sjiivli ijuiin(ia7iirirs i v.. l. . . 1 .. . -
Occideni.1 aud 6,1 ,,7" 5TF2K "1 i A ,VA IHV TPAMOIIID paiidimv
wfm iAZiK"?Z?"X?..y 1 l " Miunuwim Will AH 1
ilmg datea on appficauon 'A STEAMKI18
Katea and tickets
7 . '.V. SKINNEK,
KMmship linns for IAPAM Avn ..,....'
lmgdate.onapPf,cai.ofl ' 1
A Vvu. Un or QllVBS .SHKOtt
OlTIt MOTTO: Jkk l,,, mm,
1 rtniovo nml mim
ut once Yon can ahvv I
SUuul.,1. VM
1, l III 1.1.
'? "" itrMiuin tu cumii.i- '.kU .Hruu
Nrly , wy cty WatrWl ur !. XZft$1' & thobn.1 cTtlhlr." Ilk" T
"t. tl I'v tha tlrwuiAil crotni, you iA iN S D O O QJ N 1
n.itl not Clwjmir, I)r John W. Bui?" I nmr -. vwn J
jiih i-set. Lime MUfl Fiuiir iiuo..;.
- ""--tun
First.Class Feed and Boarding
Hrl-eUs. n CVcr) re eet. Tho above
learner Is due to sail from Yaqnlna
ery fight daya.
tkf ni
e' 1
sw ril.kl
or nrivattj ooniptaloa rmu Utwitttt
loaituit kuoj of truW. The
fprlovr valluy Water QiwtwHi' lu.
SiHil Id
frwsi timv
39S3sa&H : " vr t"'", - KS'saxTsst
nssfMH atisa tmrmt i-faii - uu ii-tts uiMaLiiiiini Kin m h.ilk,i. 1 niwHHiHu MHaVamr" t
(SMMtit. fclnJlnorriinilnn m i! 1. T 1 ll .sUtBt i 1W h, 1 WlllouroCrOUnwUhftiitf.il
... r,,, ,u rumetHW.! bhibwioiiui.u 4,1.... -. ".. ..n .i ,:':. ' ."r' "
. , ., .n . , . II 1 . " " r tU Mft.ft. UvIam
.wMVK , u j-. -"."" I
- WIMf g,Mt
ough Syrup
Hvt knii-itrddiiHn
tbw prtce ..r
t i rtce j rtaia.
Shortest Houtn n..i.. ......
Beiwtea Valley Points aod hi Franeisei
UMny and I'olnu West lo San Fiaiiclwo
v.u.,, low
KomidTrlp ,700
1 -A. Manager.
J.TUUNKR. AMiit. Albany. Ore.
Captain Gh, nnabe.
Mop:;HaBtHt,V-ri.nU0.rn1K".Ua '"", """
rrfivv , UI.VBR 8c,,KytE.
- . . ,- - -7'.v...M.riil"C a - .-
)' iawim ttaiaiu ... a. in.
Iv New WJ W w
. Aiiivn iwtu:r.;7 - H'.S
rni.... ... . " " -.aa. 4:-o
- -.w.j. Miunlaya and PrM.ra.
S ll I IJlli 9 llT (1 1 IN ft 1 1 1) TO 75 (-1-S I ? for Ccrrial Men 3jp3
unuijin v iju filJ 1 IJULU . . . iuit sack. ft5ESK s ? oiohm. ,l,,4.12r,!-rfSSS
tur ladles nnil rumiiu h, ,..... .u',", . . in, l. ...,... .. !..
Every Artlalc In the Store ! Proportion.
-----x .4
'' 1. O tiinvKaY
ItlltV. IlDr6W.Y,,J.,n? a V
-t inntiiiuii " nnti iif.,1.
. . . -- van. llPHaT
bol r -aWsaotlon
1-1 It
or womb and
ifsssaaatJwU. iiV
;dl with flr
nr; an eleeaitl
$SmF " Mr,y"r both frtijht m.
0. WAERTZ, if sat.
SaJsra. Ortra