: CHALLENGE SUlTS-t Never lu tho history of dry goods have mucIi values been Wiowii as thin yeir. Wc liavo three extra leaders In TAILOR MADE SUITS W.CO, MGOondM.GO. Perfect Fitting, Correct Hanging and Reliable Linings. HOLVERSON'S oash STOKE Two Weeks i Buy One of Those Swell Silk Waists Today. As usual, the largost and swclltstllne Is horo. New Crcpons Just added to ournlraady complain llrioajfiooshlpmontof Priestley's Black Goods In the now figures. J. J. DALRYMPLE & CO. Eye Responsibility Wo real lie thu rnxponslblllty laid on optician. Wo roullio thai wrong glassus will injuro sight. whle tins tight glasses strengthen the algliu lUiillzing lliotto things, could wo uirofd tube careless unci luacuuriito? Vo prlda ounutlvo In our w re and ncciirne.y. A nils take would iiurt, us morn lliuu It does you. Let us examine your Eyes Free of Jiarge 'J'horo tin break In sped Mules or Ions to replace we cannot do llio hiiio day yuu leuvo the work. (Irudtiuto O;itlialniologlt, Ocu list, rruscrlpltons a specialty. G H, HINGES HAMJM'K .OPTICIAN. 200 CUMMKIIQIAL HTIIKI3T. THE WBATHtin. Toulght and Saturday probably fair. pFrsonal and local D. 13. Ilrcwor, ditolplluiirlnii of I ho Ohemuwu Indian wohool. was In town today, Mls Ddlphlu Cornuyor, of Portland came up to visit her rather, Win. a. Uurnoycr. Uov. Kraut, 1'riWldlng older of tho Evangelical ohiiroh, Is In tho oily, tho guait of Hoy, Hhupp, pastor of tho tSutbulciu church. llnht. Coshnw went tn llrowusYlllo today- Geo. II, Uishuw, tils brotlur has been taking hit brothers pluco wlilo he was laid up with the urlp, 'and will cnntlmio until his return. . Hon. MoKlnley Mitchell, tho (lor ruli produce king, Is In town today. Humor has It that ho has u corner on spuds, having under his control ten or Sec Our New Uyram Nook Chains We, Wo nml ldks' Hows aud Tttts, t. Ladle' White Apruus rtuUherf with uhwouibrgldary, & ,Kow Nlukol lili, llio )uttt tiling. Our spring uikkIs are uum tug In nuw and thy will tw a rovi'luiluit to yuu No I,U-Ovnr ovury thing new- bought from the largootdry yowl Iiuiim) In Hie world. Yuu mutt not hum Miolng thoiu. Ready toUse '. yiieot Uc 81x00. wide liain, ftta. Pillow Uuhw. wide liom, Ma, pr. Willis Bros. & Co HJIwt IXor South of the Mwntao. fc haf.wm tutnnnv. '8Jodanl Pattern ml and olnwrwt. 5Wcycl Messengers will (Miner your mw or intoiagoe MtUfnotory manner. ;Do No Waste Your Time If It I worth mole than a lneigw'& Regular ounHinuni luuuUily rut lji)jir Utan anM boy. WPmA It Over UMlb Boxer, Telephone 40 mwlaii oolvi und iwsksgM to Ooutrnl Orllce. " LOOKWQOX) MESSENGER SYSTEM lal cash BTORE To Easter W" Do you know ho much better your wuUtllUovor Dr, Warner's Coroct ? If not, oull ut our store In the next day or so and see exhibit In ooruoi window. Wo are constantly nddlng now model. Otic of them niny Just suit you. twelve carloads, about all tho tubers In sight In Western Oregon aud that ho will clean up a nice profit on them. Mil. .oil Smith, of Portland, came up todays) ulose up somo butdno matters. Kho ruturns Monday whet, iho famll more to Seattle, where hot son, W. E. Calkins, has u txwlton u manager of t ho Electric Laundry, Will O. Miller went homo today alter a short visit to his giaud unch' Wm Mllllor, tho venerable arid well known 'Patrlaruh oullid "Sjeotoh" Miller by his ftlonds. Ho has boi under the wcuthor for a few days Inn Origin sunshine will lirlng lilm out again ull rlglit, Itoglnald lllililon, th vIonllHt, oamc up froili Portland today. He has class nt the college of mimic Mrs, C. (I. Honlinc, - ot Huuene, h Die guest of her daughter, Mrs, Kilo Thomas. Governor Ucor aud daughter, Mrs. Downing, went to Portland today. Mrs. K. Hroyiuau wan called tn till vurton today by t.tiu Illness of !mr sis ter, Mrs. IhibL. aknlfo. 11. M. llratisou, th tialcmi grocor, wont to Portland today on a hi'NliitMt trip. Mr, aud Mrs. J. b'owor want to J'orlland today tn ninko tliolr home, Max iCalin, of Kiiii Krauulsco, k'.opiHMl over at Salem today to visit his cousins, the Misses l.vvy. Tho nnnlvorsary or Mrs. Jotsr lioonoy's birthday Is to vt celebrnted with a grand dinner part nt the home of Mr. and Mrs. Nod II. Looney nwn Jolforsou Saturday, March 18. Then is tn bo a reunion of the family, whou nine of grandma Looney children will bo picsout, as fullu; Hx Senator John II. Loonoy, Mrs Krwlurlok Stelner, Jomo W. KiHUiuy. Mrs. KIIbii 0 a I tics of Corvullls, ileu V. hooney. of Jefferson, Miss Pauline Lootiny, I). II. Loonoy, Sonutor Nwl II. L uney, Mrs. Krnneos CorniU U i and ma Loonoy has ulmiMt iiumhor lowidesitgudants, but uouu of them will evor surpiiH tier own ohlhlntii, she still loves to call (hum, and with lust right ou ii feel proud nl having rulsod a Hook wltnout a blaok shssjp, but on tho conlrurv ull men uud womoii wlioaio a Hdiircuof pride uud Immir to tliolr country. Tue only our of tho ton children not preut on litis ticwultiii Is Mrs. Athlltt FitlrbaMfc. or Puluiua, Uul , who wits ul lK ulo Iiuimo sovor.il tiiuutn last uuiutr, out will bo ioImhhI tMtrlhhM Thort Is pr lulMy iHtt ittwtUvr wohnik lu Um UltKl SUttt who has rr w larg u ruuitly and ttajuyw lutvtmi ilium all alive, well ami protjroiw. mill i n- m 1 mi A violinist ami u ilddlar nri two dllftreut iimu. Max itndtx U Um VlullnUl, uud Is u ntnuwnod miMloliiti DATES OF LOCAL EVENTS, ltetullx Co., Monday March 90, Ooriunvky.itlKiiUUTihMMy Artl It mm Co., FrtiUy Msy M, Jamiy 0bars Is the njtntHo whom BttH)txhof6rhloAtiiPHUy. Ttu Ssleto date I Monday, Mnrah . promptly tu any ivui of tho oily In V'M I Salau, Ortn J AT THE INDIAN SCHOOL. The Celebration of die Nineteenth Annl vsmry of Chemawa. On Saturday.l'obruary 25, Chemawa was 10 yoan old, which will go to say Lhatsho Is no soring chlskcn. The day was observed as a holiday, with u grand entertainment and anniversary exorcises lu thu evening. The band played tweet music on tin lawn lu the (afternoon. In the cvenltu Supsnnttfudent Pot ter opened the masting with some ap propriate romurks regarding the school and Its growth, the success and failure of pupils who had boon at Chemawa, aud earnestly brought be fore the minds of tho pupils proscnt, whether or not they would belong to the Huceossful clusvir be found anions tho failures, urging them to Imj In oarnest In gottlngnn clucatlon, and nob carolesly waste tliolr nroolous momunts while studuuts. lie thun Ltifin referred to Mr. Ilrcwor as being tilt only ono present who saw Cham cwa started and has been here ever Inco as n pupil and employe. Mr. Hrewer then delivered a most luturootlngnrid able uddress, rcvluw lug thoourly daysof tho school's ex lalenco, relating many Incldouts wtiloh wore pleasant to hoar. He then coiiparod tint advuntngo ofCheui- ewu, Liion, witu only w,0O3 per your your appropriation to those onjoyed now, with $100,000 appropriation an nually, and advised the pupils to ninko the most of their opportunities. Tho Noslka Quartet sung two very lino selections and tho hand gave some lino music, and other songs, Inatru menUil solos, and add tosses, and the (veiling closed, all thankful to bent old Cliomawa the home of homes. The Chemawa American, 13 1'UELINO DIJTTER, "Qionilma" Mrs. E. T. Albeit Rested Welt Last Night. "araudma" Mrs. K. T. Albort, who has neon ill for several weeks, rested well last night and slopt about six or Huven hours. During tho evening Mrs. K. T. A I tMirt seemed much sliouger lliaii usual and mis rational, recognizing all who cutorod the sick room mid conversing with members of ',hu fam ily and riiitnedlalo reltlvos. Mrs. Albert Is ihu mother of John H.iiud T, tl. Albort ol this city, whsru she also has other children milled. There will he great lelolelng if thu coutlnups to Improve. MARION CIRCUIT COURT. The vVooilbum Injunction Case Argul lUfore Jmlg Uulst anil Dbolvl. Intu Thursday iiftorncon thu ciiwj of HrtiMii s. Unwlhy was disposed of, and the Wood burn case was then willed. W. II. Ilolmew ap pen red for the plaintiff, or iiiitl-olmrtur, (Juo. 0 lllugham aud .luliu A. Cnrson for the lufnuso, or pro-charter. Thsdomtiriur Ui the complaint and tho motion to dissolve tho Injunction wore argued and at O.'.'h) the court took the matter iimlsr ndvlsomunt. Judgo lloha this forenoon -dissolved thu Injunction in tho Woodburu charter suit, whorolii Holmes and Mc.Vnry appeared for II. A. Catheyvoi il., anil Coo. 0. lilm-linm ntiil Jnlm Cnrsou fur thu City of .Wondburu I'hls Is a victory lor the new Charier, ludgo llolw holding that he could could nut go Imhlnd thu rooonl or the ItfKUlaturu lu Its method and protd ore of passing bills, The wise will probably be appealed to the siiprume ouurt, nml thus thu new charter will oe delayed from going Into olfeut. 1HXJKKT IJNTItlllH. Or. Uud Co. liisolvont, Chasicott aaslgno. Order granted. K. A. Ford vs. M. J. Kgn ot ap, foreclosure. Amended complaint to be tiled March 21, u'n answer to he tiled lour days thereafter. A Perioral OfTleial TalM tiipU S. B. Oriusuy, chlor of the Timber Uud Ittwerve lusMwtors, was soon by h miHirtur and says he knows nothing of tlm Intended trip to the Piiolfts ciwet that Preeldeut Mo KlHley U Mdvwrtleed tu innke In HOiueofthe Mieri. It was reported in une tlmt Uiuger llertnunn would rviMiMuy luui, ' I think Mt-Klnley niny oomu to the oonel just Urore his term te riut, how Hr,"iMildaiit Ortushy. "Ofcowrw ihst miii tteRfitr lie u rnnoMdHUitMi, elMsii ue by atlui,nlu Tlie iHwltU ht H broken up while mo eoutH nml wtel will b uhU1 tors trotiMl term." AhkeU If he Ihomiitt tberv wookl be toy HUll t'XIMtUlUII OPIMMltlUM toJIc Kloltyta the IUpuUllosu nrly, ho About Laces and Things. nesreooiuge imoo buttons at iur i.cw huh uiuoruidrrv couniitr wwu). we bare one or I how lire Initiation Ton-don Tirvad Uw ehMil two Inches M, at ft cent, be le tin very vlMau imtuiltxi TurulMMW tuoch le. Theee Dae In, iUtUtn lorvtiun are bk eellera for un dviHvar, Our tiUubrultfery linvn run tnm ti evuu up and the uaturtw an w y oauei kouh b nrui llihs arp nalBa pin. wltii xcelieot eli. Te (VUaMwk la lull ot mt vafues Ml tmk m HntM. A MHVndld nntent HwUMr lor Ilk). Tina new inlng. MJB, In leather uad Mngh are oultr to intag. IVnrksce on all lbe eou arv lower (nun otbeie. We Mltawarithi.. it lowwt raokel luloee for osn, and W ? wtU nook aoeuunta ft:r yMjr. Warm ftif tow to c.k. Wfltt.jniMownn (kflea a you like. IT R KKT PUIP. said there might but It would not amount to anything and would be more than made up from me ouisme. LEOAL MATTERS. Opinion by Attorney General Wackburn. Cases In Supreme Court. In answer to an Inquiry from the treasurer of WuUown county as to the rale of interest to bo paid on county warrants Issued but not profcnlcd for paymont prior to the passage of the new law, Attorney General Black burn says: "By thcactof tho legislative assem bly, upproved October 14, 1X03, Interest from that date on county warrants prosontcd for payment thereafter, Is only six percent. County wurrunts do not draw nny Interest whatever until presented and Indorsed 'not paid for want of funds.' (Hill's Ann. Laws of Oregon, sec. 2105). After suoli on. dorscmont It draws legal Interest. "I, therefore, advise you that, on warrants presented uud endorsed ufler October 14, 1808, (It matters not when Issued) you can only pay Interest at the rate of 0 per cent per annum." State Food and Dairy Commlssloccr Bailey, reports the foltowlng facts to the attorney general: "Frank Leo, recent deputy state food and dairy commissioner, under II. B. Luce, claims that tho stole owes him a sum of money for olllce rent arid ho Is holding the state's property to secure the payment of the sumc." In giving Ins opinion, the attorney general say: "1st Mr. Leo has no lien upon, or rlglit to retain any property of the stute as security for tho puyment of any claim lie may have against the slate. ''2d It helms any claim iigalust the slate for olllce reut, It Is his duty to present it to tho legislative assem bly for Its action; and this Is his rem edy, audsu far as I can see from your letter, his only remedy, us the proper lieu Is especially provided for by law, such Is not the law lu this lu tancc." On the calendar of tho supreme court the following casus have been sot for hearing on tho dates given': Monday, March 27 Katie J. LoomU and Olive Swalford, nppollunls, vs. Lewis Utisunthul.ni'd Caroline Ru.sui thal respondents; appeal from Mult nomah county. Tuesday, March 28-Thumus 0. Lit tle, appellant, vs. Win. Phurcon, ro 8lioiKleM.au appeal from Lake county Wednesday, March 20-Friuik Bol ofulir, doing business under name of F. Botefulir& Co., respondent, vs. John Itometbch, appellant; an appeal from Multnomah county. Thursday, March 30. J. M. Arthur & Co., a corporation, respondents, vs The Palatine Insurance Co , Limited. appelluuts;au appeal from Multnomah county. Salem Kvangellcal Church. Tho Young People's Alliance ol thu Chemoketa and Seventeenth street o lurch, hold a very Interesting meet ing Wednesday evening. After the usual business n program was rendered embracing the follewing: Scripture reading Dv W. A. Krust; Instrumental s iid, Miss Mu'jol Shupp; talk, Iluv. N. Shupp; vocal duett, Mlsos Maud arid May Savage; select reading, Miss Grace Smith; vocal solo, Mrs. O. C. Iltitchlus; Bible character, Bert Kd wards; recitation, Miss Mary Hutdi Ins; selection by quartet consisting of Miss Cleaver and Mis Shupp and the Messrs. Edwards. Itev, A. Ernst, of Portland, presiding elder for the Sa lem district, will preach at the church this evening. Quarterly conference will bo held at 2 p, m, Saturday to Oe followed by tho quarterly muotlng Sunday. Good son Us are still to bo had for the BendlX'Osborn concert uoxt Monday night at the M. K. Church, lloxsheet ut Dcurboni'. A St. Patrick Window, This IsSalnt Patrick's day In the eiut window of Iuoy's Dime store. The window Iscnrpotod uud hung in rush da ik green; ouch shoe Is lied with u iioat bow or green ribbon; and the whulu olTect Is one to gluddeu the heart or a iwtive or the Emerald IklH. The ticket for the lleudix concert oust one dollar, bucnose the artist giving the profram unt rour Uiimw hs great us tin two-bit perrornwrs. Cau you stiy mi huMi, when Salem U Hooored by h visit rroin the grandest violinist lu the United States Y A good mov wtmhl be to go to DMrbnrns and gl s. rerved Mt ror the BeoUlx ooaotrl next Slooday ulgut. $38 Cash ....vKour. our. iu"w Tribune. ,.. iiBMiiir price ie 0, Willi ft IK I cent uir u the ctkli cuktoaier U.stJ. CLlN'CHKtt TIKUb' CUMKNTTIR8. Kl LACKORBLtl . ,;;i . r ,f,,,'"oo lliun that oUl uwwu at any twice run any nriiu m.. . ana n.r uiu nualitv aud workuianehlp. ibey ar an Uln utdc LW li ! V1 : to con and iSZ," "'jwnngi are like a Nik '""y" "ir . e j'HUUi are r. j ' iUK "" crown Is arched n urtip K.fJvo. the fcorvickelt rr r:rV!!' NM?r.. .aoV n7.j2 ii "'" au now be M ikM Uie cnaln run like a dream :"V!!!T " "h- vou aw always . ..., . . " vai.xfcnui kriKKHT MARION COUNTY MATTERS, Records and Orders Entered In the Various Departments. Uuslness Is Increasing in all the de partments of the county government. BKAL BSTATU THANBFKK8. John M. Blgler and wife to John Ferguson, lots 1 and 2. In block "B" Savage's addition to Salem, $1,000. John Ferguson and wife to John M. Blgler, lot a and the wjof lots 5 and 0, undeasti of lot 7 I" Harden City addition to Salem, $1,000. Chas. Scott, assignee Oregon Land comnany. to John and II. J. Pent- borton, lot No. 11, of Sunnyslde Fruit Farm No. 0, W81, Win. Waldo, unmarried, to the Sa lem Improvement .Co., lots 0 and 10. block 2. Null's nddltan to North Sa lem, $200. John C. Stanley, unmarried, to J. Stanley, fractional lot 2, block 2, of Oeo. II. Jones' addition to Salem, $05. Ernest L. Hrown and wife to Clyde A. IJrowv, 126 acres of the d. I.e. of of Samuel Brown. Marguerite Brown and husband, to Clyde A. Brown, a part of the Samuel Brown, d.l. c. Fred Itutz to Maria Ruiz, 143 01 acrosln t8s, r3and 4 w, sale made subject to u $300 mortgage. TUB PItOUATK RRCUKD The supremo court has decreed the Instrument of writing bearing date of June 10, lgo&i to be the lust will and testament of Catherine Darst. A. N. Bush Is made solo executor of the Darst estate, tho other co exec utor, Rev. J. S. White, having died last July. The estate will now bo Ml- ministered unon as directed tn the will. Jefferson Myers was appointed ndminlstrulor of the estate of A, D. Rlsdon. who died In November 1880, leaving an cstnto valued nt 8000 S. R. Hammer now decease:1, wuu appointed administrator, but his dcmlMi necessitated the appointment of a second administrator. The estato ruw consists of about $7000 worth tf property. Free scats for tho Bcndlx concert next M iiiday night, that Is, there Is no extra charge fur reserved seats The llckols cost $1 ouch. Among the Tilled Ones. In the governor's olllce commissions were Issued to the following named gentlemen, who will bo on Brigadier Ucuciiil Chos F Beebe'sslalT. Schuyler C Spencer, colonel aud Judge-adyocate general Angus B, Glllij, colonel uud sur geon general, David M. Dunne, colonel and com missionary general, Tho ranks of the olllcers of the mill tla organization are helug graduj uliy tilled up by appointments In the executlvo olllce, but the appointment of adJutant.L'enoriil has not been an nounced. Among those who were ap plicants for the position which carries asuiiiry of $1800 per year and a tltl, aroCapt. W. M. Hum, of this clt, nml Col. H. B. Tuttle, of Portland, the latter tho prosont Incumbent. The latter was appointed under Governor Lord as the result or a deal by which Tiittlo "worked" tho A. P. A. vote or Portland, as ws pointed out to Lord at the time but he re fused to believe. IIu was fully ecu- vluced of this howeyor, before ho was done with Tuttle, who has few friends loft lu either wing of tho Re publican party. A Fine Show, Cull and Quoonlu at Hanson's swtuies, inoroughbrod Spaniels with six puppies. 3-17-lw " m Max, Bendlx says that Jonny Osborn is lite best sonrnnu slncwr In tin. States. They appear together Monday March 20th, In Salem, on Dr. Bull'a CotiBh Syrup, tho People's friend, has been In use over llfty years. It ouros tho ioyorost atToolUins or the throat ii'id lungs; such as, bronchitis, grippe, laryngitis aud Incipient con sumption. Price only 26 cent a Iwt " :i 1.1 dt Patronize Home Industry. Buy your Harness mmio m Salem ,rr,",'i! (&,.foriuu Oak U nned leather by V. B, Shafor Co. 141 Hlmo St. d Si w Mux Iloudlx and Jenny Osborn ut M. U. ohuroh next Mmnlay night. TUkoto $1.00 m Dearborn. 4o extra charge for reeervod seats, Meat Market. tiio inoat market formerly oon duulwl by Brown & son in KustSulom Hun been relltted and will bo oun ductwl luuenfter by Baker & Moyer. 3 11-at UORN. SAVAOK." At the homo, In thlselLv. uuruorof Hluhaud Mill skseets. at lltllt) p. m March lu im. ui Mr, uud Mrs, Murk buvugu u daughter. O, A, H, at Montreal. ll- ,atiiilutrl l'rr. u tlir Juiirmil Lyndonviu.h, Vu, Mareh IT.-The tlvcUIOHor DeiMtrtment Conimandtr Harris to hold the next state annual u. mnntof the C. A. R hi Mimical B J una will mark an oth tn the hU- Ury of the orOer. as this encampment I wm w me arst nekl oy a htato eom mundery outoide or the ni5rlbod limits of the Union Ciiuundor Harris believed that Uil da u will bo popular among Vor. wont Qouirudtki. The oblojus are tw. roW, Hrst, in benelil ami anaaunu. tn O. A. R. poets whlon into lfwrt moiii! ima (wuibiuneti in ijuebee and diwqbimi ana, leconaiy, to sJmiw In a mathoillnal v,y tiw oordlullty oxistr lag lhUeon tlie United States aud onr nnlghbors acniis ino border. Tim qru uutu thx fcora cunu taxntlye Hromn Quinine Tabjati Brlppo The genuine hR R. O on each Tablet, aftc. N' Grea i Of Dry Goods and Clothing nt Friedman The. price reduced on every article in (he store -; ".rt . Sec those ladies' skirts at one-third reduction, The immense bargains in kid gloves, The largest assortment of embroideries and laces in the city, Fine lines of linen towels at 33 13 per cent, reduction, Our table cloth is the talk of the town-vMhat 50c, goods going now for 25c. a yard, Just a lew patterns left. Dress Goods arc going fast, call and see them before you arc too late, , Skirt linings at 3 34c, a yard; waist linings at 8c. a yardj good grade calicoes, 3 3-4c, a yard, Now is the time to get your supplies, ew Soring Goods Arriving Now. JUST RECEIVED SCO BOYS SUITS THAT WILL BE INCLUDED IN THIS SALE. COME AND GET YOUR PICK AT SACRIFICE PRICES. Do Not Forget Our Mens's suits. $12.00 Suits going now for $8.75; $9 Suits going now for 36.75; 6.50 Suits going now for 54.00. Prices reduced on every article in tlie store. Fine line of Hosery Underwear, Corsetts, Blankets, Hats, Trunks and Valises, Umbrellas and Alackintoshes, at Friedman's New Racket Cor, Commercial and Dock Beer. Slltz Hock Ileer nn drought 220 Com mercial street. George No.il & Co. :i IS 21 Chair Cars Between Portland and Albany, ' Comfortable upholstered revolving chairs observation ends, attractive smoking rooms, tlrst cluss In every ink uuuiur, .hi cuill I'oriiiinu losalptn, ftOconts I'ortlund to Albany. Car on rear end of train. Those cars will bo run MiruilHIOUl legislature. TO HOP GROWERS, Special price on hop twine. Hefore buying your twine call got our prices. and Wm. Urown & Co.,SiiIoiu,Ore., doal ors In Hops, Wool, Mohulr. Furs and Hop Grower's Siipiilloa. 3-;i.w.l & w S, C, STONE, M. D, l'ro.rioUH-or Stone's Drue: Stores HAI.KJJ. OKKOO.V. TtMMoHadHii in HHwbw) at lotel, at a SH ami m CoMmtNlol m, ...i . Xa. ! 4ka wtih a eomptot. 11m oUmt nu.1 M.. lc., tC. OR. 8TO.NK Pain Brothers BOOKS, CAAIERAS. STATIONERY llio sosslun of tho AWm -. teifJd 'v-K uwirn "85 pewTiunK rw ferl C Highest, pnees paid fnrul. k.n4 L, Avn'N G metal, bottles.' mjk.. wicks, rags ft I lTfcs. ATI OHK CITV ( "ffiveat3coniT Kf P-S! iAmmmi I ADLER k Rl'BENSTEIS g UVVAAS jy V J . 1 56 State street. Ri;il(liitiiiu i i New RBMBMBBR State Street, asiiglF tfDlGTED C0MPtf.T0!iiT I-17-td. 'Hl '.JHfcr.,' " t ID )QSl IS HIII)HH!HIH!)!ll!!i . RUSSELL & CO.'S ENGINES AND THRESHERS M'CORMICK BINDERS AND MOWERS Italnt Wagons, Racine and Columbus Surrays, HbcIcr and Bu.lta. v , .f , , M Croisan Implement House, .. 0-.. U M, utuoriy streot, Agncy for the Away With Weeds Island Garden Sand We a row kflliur an exim gartan auut, om half cln m loam. SplniiJ (or Hrdi7it mI. Dy tiZA Fir Vuif m iS mST V.!JW ow "Uu an exim ou.hiv r tBli 0.hH)t Sucaetm u, tiww Iiprovewt Co. Assay Office AND LABORATORY. No. 71 Chemekcta st, I. B r. TUTIIU L Ayer, O. C. T. Go's PAajKNcia-R aTi;tiiij lltonaPoDiooa IXWK FOrWOItTLAND JUr. HiojH 8nndy at 8 a. m. WICK TIMB 4ND OHBAP RATES. Oaak Mntg Bta aa Com $& M. P. BALDWIN. AL sale Now On. R3CK6t ! Salem, Ore, USE DR. WAHNErt'ti. MEDICATED COMPLEXION AND TOILET SOAP For the Complexion and all ""kin discuses. By Mall lOo Per Calto or $1.00 Per Dozen. Money roritmlea K not latUfuctorj-. For 8nle Ily USSlatoatroot, HAI.KM, OHK ie Ckeavest Ruw - n Wml Stacker. Salem Oregon. Just Arrived At Sonnemann's Gpocery STAR Summer sausaoe. HOLSTEIN sausage, GERMAN Salavci sausage Also have a lot of cornfed STAR hams, Call and order one for Sun day dinner, SONNEiYIANNI J TllE GRQQEU 124 SUte at Telaphouo 3V