Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899, March 17, 1899, Image 3

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" MMw,-OJ
..77it,,0 tceb U3 oaiuro intended."
xiA -IWi'- fi
Have Mercy on Your
ir Wearing the famous
J Hygienic Jenness Miller
- Best slioes made for
women, being scientific
ally constructed on purely an
atomical lines they "fit the
feet as nature intended."
As graceful as they are com
fortable. No other dealer in this city
can sell you the "Jenness Atil
ler shoes or any shoes as good.
We are sole agents.
Only' $3 .001
A Great Mystery Explained
Why J. A. Rotan sells un
dertaking goods cheaper
than any one in the city
lln oiirrios a full stock of furmturo, wall papor,
luouldlnK iinil ovdrytlilntf portalnini; to tho
lino, fi)8-20O two doors rnulh of postolllco.
I'honoi MM nnd 191. 3-ll-d.tw
Room 7, Patios IIi.ock,
MiksWIIonaM. Knight, pupil or Irvine It.
Wile. Mrn.MyraA. Wiirj.in, puiill of Win.
M. Chase. Charcoal drawiim front ut and Ire,
pen ntul Ink nul w.ish ilrnuliitf rr Hiiitittlin.
clasos in oil uml water onlor paintlnir. Tuition
! per month. Clillilrvu'a ol,i m HatimUy H
monthly. Alo preparatory roirMi for ntnilont
Intomllnjr tot.lmly ahroid or In tlio eastern
school. loi- who title of uluui hour call at
To Prevent the Spread of Contagious
Mnyur Bishop rul th committee
ou health and poller, of which Alder
man Burrows Is I'liiilriuun, have de
termined to Insist, on compliance with
the ordlnuuce requiring that n danger
HuK bo displayed at houses where con
tagious diseases are pro-sent.
Tho penalty for a failure to observe
this ordinance Is a Hue $100 or less,
and every persou should take due no
tice as the city oill-ers propose to sec
that the law Isstrlu'ly enforced from
this time on.
Tho colors of the Hags to be dis
played for dllToront contagious
diseases urn as follews:
Smullpox yell iv.
Scailet fevor lied.
Qlpthona white.
Measle blue.
Anvothor green
Butter cut that out and preserve It
for future reference.
Ko-TulM ir rifl Cuts.
Guaranteed Wtiateio liai.it cur. luaWe weal
nunairomt, Wood pui 60a. II. All oruemim
9 . Old Soldiers
M If you served nliJty days in th
MUpion Armv pr Navy during th
(jWarofttio na'jolllQn, and mm
HTO JUNE 22, 1874, you are on-i
Wtltlod to an additional rlgh'
Mwhlch I will buy, paying hlgos'
reprice. No middle, men. Yu
QJdenl.'dlrect. Widows and mlnoi
Norphans of suoh doceased 6ol
(jdterd have the same right.
Her Idol Shattered.
l'rom tho JWashlnnlon Blur
Sho was n girl from Cairo, Illinois.
In her wldo eyes was the far away ex
pression us of 'jne who dreams at high
noon. This wui her first visit to the
great white Capitol. With 0110 of
her miilo relatives an elderly man
alio was Heated nb a table In tho
Home Restaurant.
"The applause of listening senators
to command" she may- have been tin
consclouslv repeating this lino to her.
Rolf, for her lips moyed, and she was u
seminary girl, tier elderly mala rela
tive watched her without incltcutlnu
the amusement he felt.
She wan wrapt. He was bared,
lie perceive! that her men
tali exaltation was almost too
ixreat. Tor speech. Her American his
tory wus yet green In her mind, he re
dacted. Here she wis. under tho
sludow of the beautiful dome, sur
rounded by the custodians or the na
tion. Hero sho-was, Inhaling Incense
from the sacred Humes of Liberty
capital L. The llxed, pallid counten
ances of iJacknitlon signers, Wolxtor
lan periods voices hoarsened by the
ruge of patriotism, fiery sparks from
the clash or Intellects, air-sawing
arms, defying tlio world, right or
wreng: the brows of statesman hcctlu,
lluhcd with love of country the
mind of ttie jt from Cairo, Illinois,
was u Jumble Her colleo grew cold. '
" Aud iriheyrio, I'll soak 'eml
Yes, sir, 'III .soak 'eml Grown con
rounded sdr-righteous nil of a sudden,
haven't, the? I remember the time
when any one or the three of 'em"
The Cairo girl suddenly came to and
looked around. Tho man with her
smiled compluisuntly,
" Try to bamboozlo mo out of
this, after I've worked on it for four
years? Not much, they can't! The
thing's going trough I It's got to
go through! I'll make It so sultry
for those fellows"
The Cairo girl's mctuory was grop
ing uinong the files of cartoons she
hud scon.
'Oh, now I know who he Is !" she
finally said, and she mentioned a
namn to the man with her. He
"Why," she said, "he Is ulways rep
resented In a rrock coat, with his
rluht hand between the two first but
tons, and so diK'nlUed! Can It bo
P033lblb "
" And I'll Just casuully huppen
to mention on the llovr that little
scheme of theirs back In '01, and see
how they like It. Huh ! I'm too old
a bird to bo hectored aud bullyraed
by such"
.When tho two states 11011 passed out,
arm In arm, the Cairo girl's face was
a study. Sin sighed.
'Walt a minute, and then look over
there," said the mau with her. She
looked. The benign looking old gen
tleman with the smooth slmvcu upper
lip itid the white chin bcurd had a
Welsh rabbit and a bottle or ulo in
front of him. But tho girl sat up
straight' In her chair,
"Gracious I what a knife !" she ex
claimed In a whisper.
"Gluncoovcr to that corner," said
mo man wilii ntr, jtuwimuk ubhihu ...a
... ...,... ,. . 1 .... i.i.i.i 1.... I
Her glance took In a uiuu whoso por
trait sho hud seoj In tho papers since
her curliest childhood. Opposlto him
at his tablo sat an elderly lady. Thero
was a long black cigar In the states
man's teeth, and tho elderly
lady was cuveloped lu u blue
liuza or smoke. The statesman
was contentedly pulling away.
"Oh, It can't be !" s ild the girl.
A smooth looking committee clmkf
with a pen behind Ills car, sailed In
with hair a dozen letters In his hand.
Ho went up to tho table at which the
Chairman of his committee sat.
"Theso have got to bo answered to
day," said tho clerk. "Old Frenzy's
kicking up a pother In the Legislature
over your delay In"
"My boy, go away; go ay-way
write 'em. You know what to say.
Tell 'em oh, go ay-way. I'll seo you
"Why, don't they wrlto all their
own letters?" Inquired tho girl from
. jtj
x !
An Excellent Combination.
The ple.ii.ant method ami beneficial
effects of the well linown remedy,
Svuui or Flos, inanufuvtursd by the
Camfoknia Fro Svuui' Co.. iliu-.tnto
iie value of obtaining the liquid laxa
tive principles of plant lenown to bo
medlohiully laxative and prwnUng
them in thu form most refreshing to the
tofcto and acceptable to the kvitem. It
is the one nerfoet htrtngthenlup laxa
tive, cluaiiMiur the hysUm effectually,
dispelling colds, honclaelie and fevers
gently yet promptly and ennbliiifr one
to overeotne habitual oonhtipatUm per
manently It perfect freedom from
every objectionable quality and aub
stance, and its noting on the kidney,
Uvr and bowols, witlioiit wwikaniiiff ,
or IrrltHtlug them, make it the ideal
In the prooasa of manufacturing flffs
are usad, as they are pleuapnt to tha
taate.but the moUloinnl qualltioaof the
remedy are obtained from senna rind
other aromatic plants, by a method
known to tho CAUFonsiiA. Fio hviiur
Co. only. In order to get Us benelleial
effect and to avoid imitation. plcae
remember the full name of the Company
printed on the front of every paehage-
zxiuiavrtxE. kv. kbw yohk. w. v.
WKUi t kmo druaatt' Onn een doV
Ws&k&T? ffl'Jt
msttTd&&mqi vl&W
wmjM &s
bilbvi'u 'Vittjr,' mrr
'w?i s8&-?rati
Cairo. "1 wonder If those letters thut
papa got with 'Senate' and 'House' at
tho top of them weren't written by
tho statesman themselves? Papa
thinks so, anyhow, and so do I, al
ways, but"
aii, unigrcssuian Umptara. how
d'ye do; how d'ye do? You air look
ing woll, Congressman. 1 got vour
little note. Obliged to you. I knew
you'd help me along with your In
dorsement, In ifnf. Mini '
"Certainly, sir; certainly. What
lire wo here for except to help our con
stituents? You hayc only to nsk,
sir, and the thing's done, or will be.
A SOUrCO Of DOCllllnr nlonsurn in ho
able to oblige you. Ilow'ro the little
ones? Good! Well, good tiny
g-o.orf day, my dear sir." (Jlun
pisses out Hushing with gratification.
"Gentlemen, there's a mau that I
call a nuisance. Comes hero nt this
lute day and wants tne to got him a
woll, as 1 was suylng, I had three
sixes and the man that, opened It
probably hud threes himself before
tho draw, for ho only took two cards,
"Why," exclaimed the Cairo girls,
"he visited our seminary when I first
went there, and ho made, oh I the
noblest address to the girls I And Just
to think-"
'IVjc hear him rcverborate through
Ills cravat this afternoon ? No? Well
you missed It ? or all the lightweight
pshaw 1 1 had to leave the lloor.
Rut ho'll learn, he'll learn. 'The
public Interest Imperatively demands,'
Mild he tho numbskull I Walt till my
turn comes on that blll-I'll pound
him I I'll hammer him, gentlemen,
and you"
"How perreclly dicadrul !" said tho
Cairo girl.
A pondrous man, with an enormous
watch chain, dragooned in.
"One or the heap mtiches or the
lot," said tho man with the Cairo
girl, mentioning a name.
"Joe."' said tho ponderous man ton
waiter, "have 'cm 11 x me up one or
those pork chops, done brown,' and
bring mo a glass or buttermilk. Joe,
She was tho picture of a disen
chanted young woman. Tin Idols
wrought In Cairo were shattered.
"Shall we go?" she asked. The man
with her nodded,
"Makes me think of the first, time 1
ever saw a rehearsal of a Shakespear
ean play that 1 dreamed ovjr after
having seen It us 11 lad," mused the
man, as ho passed out with his young
charge fiom Cairo, Illinois.
Best; or All
To cleanso tho system In a gentle and
truly beneficial manner, when the
Springtime comes, use the true aud
perfect, remedy, Syrup of Figs. Uuy
the gauiilue, Manulacturcd by the
California Fig Syrup Co. only, and for
sale hy all druggists, at fit) cents per
To the Public.
! Inasmuch us Mr. Hendricks or the
'Salem Stutusman has made the usht
1 tlou that the only object, of the 1'rlnt-
cr's Union In taking the action It has
l In regard to his olicc,ls to compel him
I to reinstate his discharged rorenmn,
! wo wish to state plainly arid umnhat-
luuii.y iiiu'j auun la iiiiu liii; uiini
thus such Is not Hie case. Wo
C(Illzo t)Q rit,llt( r employer
discharge any union man lor good
reasons, and do not wMi to dictum
who shall be employed, but shall over
Insist upon a union oillco being true
to t ho olilicatlons which it bus volun
tnrlt.y assumed. The tho Statesman
olllco has not douo
Typographical Union No. 210.
How's This?
Wo offer Ono Hundred Dollars Ro
ward 'or any case of Catarrh that can-
not bo cured bv Hull's Catarrh Cure
F J.CuuNiiY&Co., Props., Toledo, O.
We, the undersigned, huvo known
! F. J. Cheney tor the last IS years, and
, believe him perfectly honorable In all
business transactions, and financially
able to carry out any obligation made
by their llrm.
I Wkrt &, Tuuax, Wholesale Druggists,
M'olnrln (1
Waldinq, Kinnan St Mauvin.WIioIc
You i sale Druggists. Toledo, O.
nail's cutarrn J.;ro is iukcd inter
nally, acting directly upon the blood
and mucous feurfacoa or the system.
Prlco 7fic per bottle. Sold by all drug
gists. Testimonials free.
Hull's family Pills arc the best.
n.-nuty Ih IIIoimI nci.
t!caa I'lowl iui.i. a tiuiiu skin. Kc
batily without it. C'ic4iU, Candy Cdtltar-
tto clean your blood and keep it clean, bj
BtlnniR up the lazy liver and driving all im
purities trom tne ixxly. liesui to-day to
Miiitli pimpleH, ImuU, lilotcliea, blackheads,
' and that sickly hilioim vornplexion by Inking
CVttrareti, beauty for tn cent). All ding
Pleasure and Profit.
On Friday evening noxt, (St. Fat-
' rick's day) it Is the purpose or Sulem
Camp, No. 18. P. J- W. O. W., to eu
tortuln Its Sulem friends nt Reed'
. opera houso. The affair will be car-
rieu nut oil inu buuid hi iiiinmt mm
pleasant uppulntiiieni, characteristic
of this big and popular
order, and
bliuuld not bo missed by u single muii
or woman to whom fraternity means
whatitslgultlos. Tho spaaker of the
evening will bo Hon. George K.
rS.iiBniitvnrm,nMrof the State ut ,
iCulirornla, uud his exeoUont work
will bo supplemented by a program
or very deHnlto Intorost, by well
known local talent. The whole Salenr
world is cordially Invited to be pres
ent and to bring Us friends also.
3 15 31
'Take Dr.
Bull's Cough Syrup for all
tj(b0 dangorous all
w(u plaurlsy arid
affttotloiis, severe
grippe, which
Pall and Winter bring along. It It.
tho greatest cure tor bronchitis and
all throat and lung affections. 3 13 ot
rfducate Tour HoweU With Otartf.
ChiHlr OaUtartta, oom MMaUeaitos forever
MV,6e. Itaao fll,ariigfirfuaUowij.
Two Tralne Daily.
The Northern Paoltle Railroad Is
now running two trains dally from
Portland to BU Paul. PullmHO and
free sleepers on ou.h train. Lvave
Sulm7 a. rn. and 2 p. in. Leave
I Portland 110 a. ru, and II P- w
Thomas, Watt & Co. - M'Ot.
St. Patrick's Day.
In the morning there was n special
religious sorvlco at St. Joseph's
church, conducted by Rev. Daly, who
Is a descendant or the old saint, and
attended by muny Irish neonlo and
On tho streots many ndmlrors or
the noble saint of Irolaiid donned tho
green In commemoration of his ser
vices. From 2 to 0 p. m , Mrs. E Hofer, as
sisted by her sister, Miss Florence Mc
Klunle, entertained about titty young
ladles and young mirrlod lady friends
at their home In Lincoln Park. Whist
and music were followed by .refresh
ments, and the beautiful day lont not
a little enjoyment of the occasion.
This evening, Miss Marian Gra7
will oiitertnln at her home, corner of
Ferry aud Cottage streets, tho mem
bers of the Phllodoslnn literary
sncloty of Willamette University, and
inyited friends. Tho occasion Is the
regular seml-torm sonlul meeting of
that society, but the event will be
known us a "St. Patrick Day's Party."
This evening It Is
Salem Camp W. W ,
the purpose of
to entertain Its
friends at Reed's opera house. Tho
speaker of the ovenlug will bo Hon.
GeoK. llogors, deputy organizer or
the State of California, and his ex
cellent work will be supplemented by
a program by well-known local talent.
The whole Salem world Is cordially
Invited to be present and to bring Its
frlendf also. A banquet will bo served
at the close at Insurance hall.
Makes People
Ilostottcr's Stom
ach Hitters Is an
appetite - maker,
and helps the stomach do Its work
right. It Is the great blood cleanser,
llcdi'hulldcr and ncrvo tonic.. Rest
medicine In the world for the run
down, weak and debilitated.
Try a bottle und Hostcttcr's
see Tor your- f ,. ,
seU how much b'Ofac"
good It will do. Bitters,
Pon't Totinvc &,it niul Smoico tuur 1.1 fc Aaj,
To quit tolmcco osslly nnil forever, lie mag
nctlo, full i.f llfo, norvo mid vluor, tnlto No-To-Duo,
tlio wonder-worker, that malie renl( men
stronc. All (IrnnKliW, Wo orl. Curouuaraa
tccd DooUlet niul nin)lo frco. Address
Stoillni; Itomedy Co. Chicago or New Yoilc
New Apf ointment.
While you are enquiring who the
governor Is likely t ajipolnt to tdllce,
remember that Bran son & Co. huvo
the stock of groceries thut you need
ror your family. 3-13 i;t
ItreitmUh you whether jou continue tlif.
norTe-KHiinif louacruunnii, nt.j i
reniurrt invaeoirvioriuD&ct'o, i
out nwrruiu ui.irei., iixli nlco.
tine, purlHt'i tbo blood, reXI
itoren lost mmlwvd. Ti A V W H IRlfogo hnirl
mutt row .iromr t . icji ' loin, too nno
lnlieUh,nerTOarIWIWf'a'iiaiieiirurrir tlujr
ml pockot--rtVf?V1 KLwWO TO-ll A ! from
book. iill 'i7ATour own drupirlit. who
!wlUT0Urh rorui. Take It with
' wlU.patlentlr. per.lilcntlj One
ix. tl. liiuallr cure.: 3 lioifi. HU.
BltrllnB.irfJjC.., lkln.,B.ll,Kn, Xtrl.
eritntft'.il Inrnr. nr wrnfunil ttinnrT.
PoKTt.ANi) Mar l.'i .-Wheat alley
CO: Walla Wnilu, O'-'c.
Flour-Pnrtlutid, $.'J,120; Superfine.
2 lr per boi.
Huy $6(fpl() per ton.
Hops -H'ji'llo; old crop Uc.
, Wool Valley, 10li5c; ICnsk'rn
Oregon, 8(($llt..
Mlllsrull' Uran, $17; shorts, I8
(.i $15 00.
'Poultry Chlokoiis.inlxu(l..'l.flOCl 0
turkeys, live, 10l2c.
Eggs -Oregon, 16c purdoz.
Hides Green, suited tJOIlw, 6i(ai)a.
under 00 lbs,7K't81;HhwP peltH,160i0n.
Onions "Sc(al per suck.
Huttor Hust dulry, 40c: fancy
creamery, B0c(ar5 per roll.
PoUitoos, 76c((i80c pur sack.
Hogs Ilouvy, 8l.7'J.
Mutton Woathors In; drossed, 7ic
Reef titcora.8:i.f)tC'-"S: eows, 12.50
(aWJ.O!) dressed, .Vrti
Oats 35u.
Hay Haled, ?hout, $7.00
Flour In wuulosulo lots, t2 75 v-
MHlstutr-brnn'910 00
Hogs drohod, 6ic.
Llvo cattle SJfjUc.
Sheep Live, 8ii!oOC(a.
Voul 7c.
Ruttcr Dairy lHe: cronmory Sic.
Wool HcwUnc. Mohair Me
Eggs- 8 (w 10 in caah.
Poultry Cnloktttig, 8(g10u; turkey
1 1 ye, out of market.
Farm smoked meats---Huron, 8o
ham, no shoulder, .
Potatoes (!Ur.
Apples lOc
Dyspepsia Cure.
Digests what you eat.
Nature In strengthening and recon
structing tho exhausted dlgostlvo or
uans. It Is the latest jiscovered digest-
ant and tonic. No other preparation
can anproactun in e.iiciency. j.k w
I flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea,
Prepared by E. C. DeWltt A Co.. Crjleaoo.
nlih pro'.rudiiic iU bruuKl't by eoaotina
Hon hiiii wbh n I w aMIcted for twtr
mn I ran taatl your CAST AHIJT In the
Iowa of Neweii. U . od aorer foa4 auylhlBK
to cQual tiiem To-day 1 at eatlroly free frem
pile und ffrsl like a uw maa "
C II. Kim. llll Jones St . Slo-t Oliy. Is
PiMaaM. I'aiaWBle I'ueeM. TaMe 0.
061. Mit MinfcB. Weaketi ur Uiif. tt
(U M HaSBR fllfenagaWtesflp
m M CATHART,C jaf.
for Enfants end Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
"emf CgEEBGfaEasaaSaWMI,,
In Use For Over 30 Years.
OncMmu'e Cough Cure, llmt' wlut
you want. Mone Drug Stotes.
pctmaucntly curitl by uihir; Mold Ten A
pleasant lietb think. Cute constipation nml
Indigestion. miV vml MLilciin. umV nnil
hnppy. Satisfaction guaranteed or money
back. 25c and 500 , Lunn & Urooki druggl
Miss Alllc IIiipIic. Nntl.ilk M I, fn'K-
burned on fjee ami neck. Pain was in-
.tanlly ichevcd by DeWitt's Witch lineal.
alve. It U the famou pile remnlyl
Stone Drug Stotct.
Dull H'atlache, I'altm In v.ulous.parH of
the body. Sinking at the nit of the stJmtch,
Loss el appetite. 1'cvemhr.ess, Pimples or
wrcs ar all positive Rvidcnscs of Impure
blool. No matter how it became so it must
be pudfied in order to obtain good healtft,
Acker's Wood Eicxir has never failed tr cute
Sctofuloiis or Syphilitic poisons or any other
blood disea.es It is corlainly a wondtrful
remedy and we will sell every bottle on a
positive guarantee.
It is caw to catch a cold and easy to gel
rid of u, if you use Onu Minmc Cough Cute.
It ciucR coughs, colds, and all lung troubles.
It is pleasant to take, and sure to cure.
using Acker' Dypepiin Tablets, One little
tablet will give immediate relief or money
refunded. Sold in handsome tin boxes at 35c.
Lunn & brooks, druggists.
-r XTaoasv o
Piojpeilty C"in to the man whose liver
s in g xwl rond lion DeWllt'i Little Early
KiKers are famous for ton tipatlnn, nnd all
stomac'i and liver troubles. Stone Drug
to es.
To Curo i!nn.tliiitluti rornverv
TaUo 1'iu.uurou C'limlv Uuthurtle. lOoortio.
If 0. 0. 0. fall to cure, Uruucliita rut uml mouoy
Mis. Stark, Pleasint Kldc O., styd,
' Afar two ilcicto s gave up my boy to die
I sav, (I h m from cough by usu.g One Min
Uiefnugli C'u.e." It is the quickest remedy
for cou l Menc Drug Sto os.
Tor Infants nnd Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Hours tho
Signature of
Notice of Special City Election.
Not Irn In heriihr alvn. that, iiiirinnnt to io
1I1111 WnrtliH fhnrternr tho city of Hnhun, Or.,
niirov(l I'ulirunry 17, 1H0J, and to n rt'niihitlon
uiloptml by the cmnnitm oiiiniull ofiwld city, on
March 7, IRK), thrru will Im n nixx-lnl nlpotlnn
nna lu tlio luty ornlim. UnK n Thiirwlny
March 30, lhW, nt whU-h llnif tho X1I will Imj
oien friiin 10 o'uloelc a, 111., until 4 o'vlook p. m.
mrtliK jmriMwwiil vntlnit, liy itio taxpnynr jmy
Injr luxe mioii niMirty In uld city. l'Oft or
Aii.ir,Bi'tiioiiiiiiico irnoM)H, pHyahiii on
or Uifiire 10 yrn and at a ruto of liilnrusl not
iiioroiiiaii lour nun 11 nnlipiir pent.
,1'lltST WAItl) -Tho polling placo shall l.ont
No. a Kngllio lluii.u, nt tin north end ofl.iborty
BKtONI)VAItl):-ThHH,lllnB place .hull ho
m imwiyii iiiyury ninoio on l oiirt atrsci, do
twsMj l.tborty nnil IIWIi MrtMilH
. iiiiuw ivai.ij Jiiopolllnir
placo hlmll I10 nt
TO Ult I'll VfA
at OllmyV l.lvc
tlip "Armory" IiuIIiIIiik on Hlntn utrrct. mwr
WA III): -Tlic iintlliiif iilttuoi.linll Im
in v i.ivirr kihiik, nnrnur ,ti i rfiiit. ntm
i ... ....... . . "1 -v "
foiiiiywrolnl strecla.
, WlTNlWH my hmul. IhU Hill day of Murnli,
1W. at thu t'lty ol rUloin. Orotron
. ,,., N. J. JuiiAit.
m-ld Clly Itwordtr.
You Can Get
a Lower Berth,
Vt llli one exception thu through
trains of the llurllugtou Roulo
are sluioat Invariably "well-llllad.
Tho exception Ih our tit. Paul
Chliwgo LlmlU'd. Ou the limited
tlieio is usuully room and to
Don't Inter that It Is neither
ho fliitt, nor w. fast, as AN Y train
of ANY other line between fiit.
Paul and .Chicago. On the 'on
trury, thine Is oo morn tHKitttlful
train In America. It has ulctrle
light, s tea 111 heat, wide veatlbnlea,
thejno6t wttlsfactoiy dlirluK-our
kervlea on th3 oontlnunt and a
lower b0rt.l1 for oyaryhody,
Gan'l Agont, Portland, Or.
Salem Soda Works,
R. H. WESTACorr, Prop.
All kiada of auft ilrlnka awl Ur syrMfn a
pelaltr. Vttrt elana Uullrerr,
punRY BTiiobr,
3 11 tl Daok of Turuar Dfoolr.
Caoital Soao Works.
Uunniag at fall blast sad Htaklni! tr
of Uusdry and tlst swim. ( uw to oall
fur the Sjatem brand wnen )mx wuni iasl
Kurtz & Hamilton
Make a specialty of all kinds of
Sheet. Steel and Galvanized Iron
work rjoflng and guttering, a full
lino of Pumps and pump fillings.
Prompt work and reasonable prices.
Wo carry 1 11 stock the Fairbanks
wind mill. Call and seo us before
giving your order for mill or tank.
Phono 2.11
Kolo AkciiIr to
Ait. Work Goakanixko.
Telephone No. 181
TO TUB llOtli
There aso but few laundries
which can wash well,
Hut hy our minium prow, with kiioiI ninlcrlnla
dMiry Knrnirnt o"iu out, whim whxIihI,
('lann aud Bwott und
Tr our new work.
Retailing ol' liolilcil Beer
(liimlirlnii. uml Huhlllx nbvaya 011 ilruiiijlil
Dtfllvureil free to any prtrt of the city,
lllto. I. NKAU I'rop.
I.ltt (till ltillauat ripLitiiri' Qultvill
I'lu.na JOt UOtomiiiuri'fntHtreut
unranicnl tocurrnll
IhIh (L...iM llua.laMll
alona. KaivouRiicss. i.ll
j? I '
ilxwo. iiatne'inurfiuienia. xiuruau j Yam mil hi- -,
Try our rtlh, llity 1110 the kind
fife l hI) mnhi nppiloHlloii. Vu
UI'I'MKS, fiMiyKiiiikiur Hive,
Siiect'ior lu tho O. Dickinson b'oed Co,
a-uMtw ii-.li. -iii.mi wi-m mm iwm
Eave Spouts and Guitenng
Wind Mill Tanks
103 State Street
fltmiNuaa oahdb
Sueeesser to Dr. J. M. Kccnc, old Whttt
Corner, Sal m, f)r. Parties desiring sipeiln
peratioi)s 01 moile ntc fees In any brancli ar
ia espccinl request.
For Biitom niul vicinity leave "orders at Oco
C. Will's Muslo Store.
For water set vice apply at office. llll'1
payable monthly In ndvance. Make
complaints at thf f'?r.
Express and Transfei
Meets all mail and passengor tralht. lisp
gage and express to all parts of ths sit)
Prompt suivicc. Telephone No, 70.
SLAlt tfOlt SAL.E--
3 GO Ac 03 All In Yamhill County.
XQ acres for sulo In n hoily, or In 40 aero tract.
Icateil half ainllo west of Wapato atntlnn, In
Ynmhlll county, Oregon, ami one nnil n hall
mllcr south of Unston. 1'rlue for cneh forty acres
from UM npunril, acconllntt to Improvements
nml location. Hood soil unit onsy terms, l'ur
further pitrtluulnrs emiulru of W. II. KUAN',
ll-'JU-luio-dn llrnoks, Orvgou.
Merchant 'Tailor
211 Commorolnl nt,
CgrSultD $1S nnd upward,
Pants 33 nnd upwnrdi.
lino ulnars nnd tobacco, soft drinks, meals
at all hoiirm nice cU'ivu beds. North Sttluui.
near w, L. waue's l'unilo wutetlng troinjli.
II 10-line M. FEICllTINQUK. I'rop.
g.s. mmm
St .le street, near ml road. Freshest anj
nest meats. My pn:rons say I keep the best
treats in town 2 2f
Good Nows for tho Suffering
The envlou r.vals who were iktermtned'lo
make Dr. Conk t-nubld In the cnatji hare
backed down, ana their alleged case win
dismissed whan it came In o circuit court,
riicy ill In't dure t. meet the truth, as Ur
Cook's patient's are loo numerous and the)
lire ever (rueful to the man who has cured
lliem and can cure others.
Dr. Coo' nnkej a Bpeclalty of chionlc
disoases, and doer not use poWonous drugs U
cure limn. If you have a friend who needs
help send him ti
DK. J. I". COOK,
301 Liberty street
Ooniultalion free
liy hwIhk Or. I'l'nii'd
Yi-!I)W Mnio IM'.Im.
This Ajfhlrirul rtiiMlw
11n. - 701ndl.tann. such ns Weak H-.uorv. l.o. ,r
,L'at.sli.lKJa V n.l ..a. t.r.n. K. .,..- ....,
urnlns. losa ?f mwrr III lieimrn. ' Onraur ,.r
V llll 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
eltlur mix, rauiMMl by orer-exciOon, youthful errors, ., t c o
(uLmicco. upturn or at iiiiulaiiui, which lead to Infirmity, Lr .1 -..tottot
i.-aanUy. Can hecarrleillii ymI pocket. Ji.ooptr Ixix.T Vj.liymall
p.paW. ClicularHrte. Bold liy all druifeUn. AnV:furll,t Honootlwr
ManufiietureU iy tl" Peau Mtdlclue Co., V itt Prance. 1 siifliiTl
(link urnw. Our wiUilogu &ul
11 Uo iwrry 11 ftlll llnoof lllfilt
ynotlons, Hinokars, Kte.
Satcni, Oregon
Jllli LrL
Associate Teacher Western I'onsstva
lory, Kansas City, Vo.. renretentimi
the Intcr-stae System, ai Salem, Ore.
Firsl National hanV-. Kculderice
Church street. Studio hours -o to
Paluta, Olio Window Glnsn Var
nlnh, nnd tbo most coarploto stock
of Drusbca of nil ldndfl in tho otato
Artioto nintorlnlo, lime; hair; co
mout nud Bhiugloa; nnd Uto nneot
quality of ernsa oeed.
Now today navortisomenu lour Hhcb
or loss in thia column innortod ttuoo
timco for 25 otn 50 ot n week, $1
por month. All over tour Unca ot
samo rata.
WANTED-llity and outs. Those
huvliiK buy nml outs for sulo please
cull nl thu olllco of A. M. ilumnhrcy
& Co. 2U0 Cotnmcrclul St. nnd uct
our prices. A, M. II & Co 315-31
clean coiitmc 'jnlurnlHlied or partly
rurnlshed by a youuit married
couple. Address "0" cure Jotirtnil
olllco. 3 15 3t
WANTED An hpnestpoor miin who
wtiuts 11 homo With llitht work and
Hiniill puy; inusLbo strictly tetnper
u to huvo L,'oud uiornl charuuter und
be untuurrled: uiiddlo nued from 40
toftOyrri, prcfered, 478 Front street,
tjulutn. 3-13 tr
VOH SALE GO acres cf pure prairie
laud, Kood soil, Kbod locution,
otic-fourth tnllc from school house,
40 acres In crop and can be had ut u
burK'uIn, Locuted on west side of
French Prulrio. Enquire or Win. II.
Eun, Urook9, Or. 3-14-ltu
WANTED.-A itond horno, must be
cheap. Call or uddruss J.L.Putton.
Shuw, Or. 2 23 iw
WANTED. riunlriK cf 1 11 machinery
for sale or tradu. Ai dress I), ti.
Llve.suy, Woodburn, Or. 3 4 tr
FOU TEN DAYS-1 olTor for 8ulo"u
hoibocontiilnliiK one slttlnK room
12x10, onu bedroout. 12x12, one 10x12,
hard lloinh (new) a dining ruom,
12x10, newly wulnscoutcd and
papered, n kitchen and iwochuniber
roouiH, 11 wood und cow shed, noort
well ol water with pump ut door,
loh fjOxlOO. 0 blocku from court
house for $326, Apply to 331 Liberty
sli'cul, A. W. DecuiH, 3-1 lot
WANTED.-A Kootl Im proved farm
from 100 to ICO acres near Sulem
uhuup ror cash. A: F. MuAtec, I.oal
est me. 103 Slalu Hircet. Address,
A. F, McAteu. 3-11 tr
HOUSE FOir"SALE. - A kuuiI
linrtic. 8 yo-iiH old, will work uuy
whore, single or double. I'rlco $20.
Cull north end of Liberty stroet or
uddruss 110x301. 3 11 nt
W AN1M5I) -Clioppors U) cut 100
cords of wood. Uoud loruis olforod.
Apply to Eli I'ruy, five miles east on
aMiicluay routl. 3 13 tf
IIORS15 FOR SALE-A Kootl youni
horsu, 0 yours old, weighs ,1200
pounds, auntie, works stnKlo or
double. Also a II rat-class home
iiiutlu two-suatud hack nt u buruuln.
Cull ut 403 Center street- 2-22 liu
paired und pressed nt Steuui Dye
Works, 1U.1 C'oiuuiurolul street op
posite Wliluinottc Hotel. 28 tf
FOU BALE 10 pussoiiKcr wuifonelte
first class, mudu to order, will sell
cheap. Wllluuiutto holul. 1 25 tr
pu I rod uud pressed ut Steuui Dye
Works. lUft Commorolnl street, op-
l'olteWllluinottu Hotel. 1 IHtf
CAU LOAD -Of whuols oinlni; to
Biiluui. Wourwonlurirluu' our whop
nud luuruuslin; our fuolllUes. for
iMiikliiK ruimlrs. We have u lure
utwirtmuutof newoovors uud L'uur
anlsatoHutlsryour patrons. IlrlDk'
your wliauls uud umbrellas when
ronalrs are needed to Ourdaer k
Will to, 28 Liberty threat, llolmau's
block, next door to stoaui laundry.
1 30 tf
inUBH OlTBANEllS - Komembor
thut the best uud uhmpest curpet
puprlH the lieu vy full paper suld
tit Thk .louitNAi. olhtw. 20-tf
MUblCAL A linuud number of student
taken, on piaiw, vivltn, uttar. mandolin
and slitter Also German sod French
lcoiw given Anna M. Kiebs. Music
studl, Uiay block, room 5. Call from 2
to 4 p m 1 1 1 11 m. tf
l?bUSA7rB-M:ierw tin land with
liouifl, iwro, Mime fruit, kihxI well
WMtr und Ml) rrnretJ. About InO
uurdB sltudliitf timber I ucnw under
oiillivtttluu bUiioe Mtiily cleared.
Joins lli "IndUn ijcbooi'' urouuds.
Prluo W0O-iOUinwi. time un bul
anuatu stilt. Cull ur write (1. W.
l'ourinino, two in lie north of Sulem
on ltlver road. 8-14 tf
WANTKD-Sovenil trustsvorthy per
suns In this suite to uiuiuiuo cur
bulnoNi In their own and nourbv
uiiuntloH. it Is mulnly olllco wotk
conducted ut homo. Salary stralbt
4D00 u your mid oxpeusus tlullulte
bouuHdu, no mure no ley salary t
Monthly W5- Refororicos. fcJuoliuo
hOlf-udilittsw'd tnuip() envelope,
Herbert E. Hess, VteaU Dept. M.
Chltwtfo. w-H.gtt.Hm
GET YOOIl HlJ0011lAnd car
rluneapulnted in time; raw Is the
time. Wo have pUnty of room ana
viirolsb will last louuer if thor
oughly drlsMl iwfore uslnif. Feouol
Curriuk'o laUiry, SOI Cotutuerolal
stroet. 3-stU.lw &J
FOUSAIE-tJ0aur8 of nuro prult
no luridKCod will, nod location,
unf fuurUi mile from 9Wv Uouw,
,tn mims fn nrimiinil call ualutd at ll
klruulu. Lrioatron m de of
Frermh PrulrrieT 'BoaMlja M W
II, EKtiP, Jlrookn, Q& 1 rffc
i Over
M 376
( 2 ard