Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899, March 14, 1899, Image 1

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    -i ;
wpw$ WVI
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-s 7
VOL. x.
SfflSfe!BS jSggS9S I
Out business contiiv
ues to increase when you jf
examine out prices,
General Otis Reports
them. TI10 orieniv tu
NO. 03.
1110 OIHHllV tnnrln n riinnlnn
(lirlif n.,,1 r,.ir..i ... .
Ha 1. , , , uu nuiiBiBu NJvurB 10SS.
un cue ifacue 01 mw ..rr As Arainst tira nniw.
iiuu uuiiu ami souin arc now closed,! ""' (jwiuu uxxw vurvu-
tlic American cordon stretching jout n
They Sns
Wc can fit anybody for wc cary all grades j
imAnr k V9'
American Loss Larger Than
Was Reported,
nine rrom tlic river no tho lako. The
rebels aro In force ut Patterns nnr!
Tagulg. Twoof yesterday's wounded,
Private Stewart, nf tho Twentieth,
and Private Miuson, of the Pwcnty
Second regiment, arc dead.
Shoes are unsurpassed, OurS
prices on these reliable goods arevill?
the very lowest ,
Volunteers Lead the Assault
on Pateros.
fin bfl
jgClothingi hats, shifts, hosiery f
Underwear and an endless variety of goods at
E. T. BARNFS, Prop.
qo Cases
,1,1111. --fkT s.
Of our new opening styles in
Ladies', Gents and Children's shoes
arrived this mooth, also Bicycle Boots,
Slippers etc.. New styles In Tan and
Muck In Vict Kid. Titan, Box nnd
Willow culf.
Finest assortment of shoes ever
shown In Salem, at prices below all
Free shines.
Krausse Bros.
275 Commercial Street.
Soles Of Oiu
s UW v7
zoVv 3
EShoes are thick enough and strong
enough to keep you out of water y
mm uiu ui ueu,
Try a Pair of Our
$2.50 S3EXOXXS
I w
04 Statk St. Salkm, Ouf..
llr Assoulittetl Pre lu Hip Joiirnnl.
Washington. March 14. Tho fol
lowing was received teday:
'Manila, March 14. Yesterday
Wheaton with the 20tli, and t!2od,
Oregon and Washington troops, a
section of tho Sixth artillery and a
squadron of the Fourth cavalry at
tacked a -largo force of tho enemy,
drove them back and took a lino on
the Puslg river.
Two Improvised gunboats in tho lake
captured considerable property. The
insurgents loss Is hcavy,our killed and
wounded slight, aggregating 35,
mostly slightly wounded, insurgents
made no determined Stan .
Manila, March 14 Noon At 7
o'clock this morning hearing Insur
gent bugles pounded, Scott'H buttery
dropped thiee shrapnel shells Into the
woods ou the left of the Paslg church.
No reply was made, und at 7:45 the
Twenty-second regular Infantry ad
vanced until they encountered a num
ber of volleys. This lire was returned
with interest.
A line then wheeled toward Pateros
lu the following erder: Oregon vol
unteers, the Twentieth regulars, the
Washington volunteers, a cavalry de
tachment, the Twenty-second regu
lars and reserve artillery.
The troops followed the roads, while
the gunboats Oestc and L'iguua do
Bay assisted in surpesslng the lire on
tho left (lank. Three rebel canoes
were captured on the rlvor.
The rebel sharpshooters at Uuloocun
continue active, but no casualties are
WAQIIIMTrnw 1..r.li 1i ft. Ic otilrl
........ ..,v.w.., t'tuiu.i .. u I" r......
to be the Intention of tho navy de
partment to scud 1000 marines to
Cavlto to take care of the naval stores
there. It is the purpose to send a
colonel In command of theso men,
although, until tho full regiment
Is on the scene, the marines will re-1
Understanding Reached In Regard to
llr AnnocliUcil Pre to tlic Journal.
Washington, March 14. After
numerous conferences and tho ex
change of notes between Secretary
Flay, the British ambassador, it sat
isfactory understanding has been
reached between tho three powers
Interested In Samoa as to tho condi
tions there. This seeks to onen n now
account or Samoa and to obliterate
tho troubles among olllcials which
havo recently occurred there. To this
end Dr. Wllhclm Salf, who has been
nominated by Germany as president
of the municipal council at Apia to
succeed Dr. HalTel, will bo recognitor!
by tho British aud United States
authorities. '
Already this recognition is assurpd,
but it remains for the consuls at Apia
to carry it Into formal elfect, in ac
cordance with tlio lettorof tho treaty
of Berlin Dr. Salf will reach Wash
ington the latter part of this month,
tie will then proceed to Samoa,
reaching there In May His assump
tion of tho municipal presidency, with
tho approval of tho three powers, Is
expected to smooth out matters
among the olllcials nnd go a long way
toward adjusting the entire matter.
In reaching this conclusion, tho
ofUclalsof the three yowers have de
cided not to attempt a settlement of
thoSamoan kingship for the present.
In the meantime, tho status quo Is to
bo malntulned. According to tho un
derstanding reached, there will be no
move, to establish, permanently, ono
or tho other of theso claimants on tho
throne. The kingship will bo settled
by a full conference, as soon as all the
information on tho subject Is ob
tained. It developed that Dr. RutTcI was re
called from his post at Samoa lust
November, but he persisted In stay
ing after his recall, und his preseneo
appears to havo had much to do with
precipitating the trouble.
Allcgcmolne Kcllung says:
Count (now Prince) Herbert Bis-
mark's declaration of the Samoa con
ference lu 1880 barring Mataafa'a
claim to the throne, Is not binding'
because, ulthougli Sir Edward Mallet
approved It on behalf of GrcatjBrltaln,
Mr. Phelps, on behalf of the' United
States, said tho silence on tho part of
tho American plenipotentiaries must
Five Sisters Ordered Away
Prom Pinar Del Rio,
Tcrriblo Uproar in Colorado
!ly Aouclatetl Pre to Hie Journal.
Wasuinoton, March, 14 Sonor
Qucsodu today received a cablegram
from Santiago which says: "I'eoplo of
Santiago dls-authorlzo tho assombly,
sustain Gomez and are proparlng a
public manifestation.
Baltimokk, March 14. According
to a dispatch from Pinar del Itlo, live
sisters of tho American orders of tho
Sacred Heart have been ordered away
from Cuba by Archblehop (Jhapclle,
papal representative. Tho nuns aro
all daughters of lndlati chlofs and the
reason given Is "old hatred against
Indian sisters." According to promi
nent Catholics, tho expulsion of tho
sisters Is taken us u stub at American
Ism. Mauimd, March 14, Corrosponden
ola says that tho cabinet bus advised
tho queen regeut to ratify tho treaty
of peucc, with the UnltedStutes with
out awaiting the reassembling of tho
Takes a Vacation,
Wasuinoton, March 14. President
nnd Mrs. Mefvlnloy and a parly f
friends left the city ut 0:45 last night
for a vacation of two weeks at Thoin-
asvllle, Ga., whoro the train Is sched
uled to arrive at 4 o'clock today.
The president occupied the magnif
icent private Pullman observation car
lulunthe, ut the reui of tho special
train, the remainder of which was
maao up or a compartment-car, a
sleeper, a dining-car und a combina
tion smoking and baggage car.
Ten minutes before train. time, ths
president nnd Mrs. McKlnloy reached
tho station, where a number of people
had assembled, and wont aboard tho
train and greeted those who accom
panied them on tho trip. Theso In
cluded tho vice president and. Mrs.
Hobart and Master Hoburt,
Senator and Mrs. Hunna, Miss
Ilunna und Miss Pholp, Dr. J.
N. Ready nnd George B, Cortcllyou,
assistant secretary to tho president,
and Mr. Barnes, ono of tho clerks.Scc
rotary Alger, Postmaster-General
Smith, secretary to President Porter,
General C'orblnund tho others wcro at
tho station to bid the party farcvoll.
IIaVA . Baking
r Absolutely ihntr
AfeCaf attMMaiaa Ta..u
Makes tho food more delicious and wholesome
OYt Bma rowot co., tw wok.
Savannah, Gh., March 14 The
special train bearing MiuCliilcy nnd
party left hero at I0:J!2 a. in.
One of the Tnree.
ll- AhuouIuHmI I'ro.H to the Journal.
Tacoma, March 11. Pugct sound
university has reopened this morning,
many students entei I ig.
vllln in California.
San Fkancisco, March 14. A good
rain has been falling since early this
morning aud the storm promises to be
general, lu which enso the crops will
bo sayed.
Potlatch at Fort Rupert.
Ily Annclntcil I'ren to tlic Journal
ViOTOKU, SB. 0, Marsh 14. Tht
HtcamcOVIllapa brings iiovs;i.liat a
big potlatch Is now going on at Fori
Rupert, where nearly 1200 Indians are
ald to bo gathorcd. dancing and the
making of presents,
Suffers a
Serlouu Rsnewal of Fainting
ir- Aooii4eil I'rrn U (ho Jonruul,
London, March 14. A Dispatch
from homo announces that the pope
Iuih Htlered a reuowul of fulntlug llt,
out mat the physicians do
rcgurd his condition us serious.
Mi'.MPius, March 14. Tho Sovereign
Camp, Woodmen of tho world, met
hero today lu biennial session with
sixty delegates In, attendance.
Lakb Citv, Colorado March 14.
Armed Italian strikers prevented
other miners from taking their placcu
this morning at tho Hidden Treasure
aud tho Ulc and Uruy mines. The
Khcrltl may call on tho govcruur for
troops to maintain order.
SherllT Beck with u deputy has go no
totho mhes tourrcst ton or u dozen
of tho strike leaders. The local
armory was broken Into lust night
and all tho arms und ammunition
stolen, It Is preeumed that the theft
was committed by strikers.
Special price on hop twino.
Before btivlng your twine call and
get our prices,
Wm. Brown & Co.,Salein,Ore deal
ers In Hops, Wool, Mohair. Furtt and
Hop Grower's Supplied, .l-tt-cnd & w
permanently curM by mine Mold Tea. A
pleasant herb drink. Cuir constipation ami
mllgetion, make you cat, sleep, work and
lippy. Satisfaction guaranteed or money
hack. 25c ami 50c. l.unn St llrooki ilrucgigt.
Spring tlredi.esN Is due to nn im
poverished cmullllon or tho blood and
io cured by Htind'HSarsaparllla, which
enriches the blood. ;i jant
not bo construed as consent. Chief
Justice Chambers, the referee, only Ciiioaho, March 14, The Appellate
had ta determine whether Mataafu court has ununlmously sustained tho
was elected lu accordance with Su- 'decision Judge Tuley. last summer,
moan laws und customs Tho paper .1-. .. , .....,. .i
1 . . viiuv UAiiuna uuiijiaiiiua uiu uuiim'tl
Itrniit) In lllood I)eci.
Clean blood nmiim a clean ikiu. Nc
licnuly without it. Cuncarct, Candy Cutliar
tip clean your blood and la-op it denn, by
itirrinn up tho lazy liver and driving all ini
purities from tlio body. Ilcgm today to
baiiij 1 pimplM. boils, blotches, blackheads,
and that sickly bilious complexion by taking
Uscaretsr-beiiiity i,- ten cunts. All drug,
gists, satisfaction guaranteed, 10c,23c,fll)c.
2T, r
Meat Supplies.
llr ANSoitlnlnl lrp 1,, tliv Journal.
Washington. March 11. An ex
pedition under the rovmiuo cutlot
service will bo sent to Alaska at nn
early day. Arrangements are now
being made for the trip, tho object of
which will bo to cstubtlsh sources of
meat supply In tho territory.
Lata Slate News
Hugh Fitzgerald was appointed
postmaster at Dover, Or., vice Susan
R. KtUmlllcr, resigned.
Mrs. Sophia Seely, aged 77 yearH.and
11 ploucer of 1851, was married to
Franklin Ford, u ploueer of 1853, at
wusonyiiic, Monday, where- they will
reside. Both are well-known old
Clackamas county residents.
Flax culture will bo tried at Geryuls
the coming yeur, us contracts for acre
age havo been extensively mado oy
Messrs. Luke Smith and W. B Brown,
local representatives of tho Portland
linseed oil works. They expect to have
scvcrul hundred acres under contract.
Tho spring run or logs to Suitor &
Thurston's mill, ut Dullus, Is being
mado now every day. Tho boom on
Oorlmiii & Co., three miles nboyo tho
town, was carried away Saturday
when struck by tho lloud of Suitor &
Thurston. Tills may create trouble,
us the two linns tiro ulready lu litiga
tion on points portioning tocuttlng
logs, Hooding, etc.
Tlicro was u small vote at tho Ore
gon City school election. Uharlos Al
bright was elected director over W. H.
Carll by llyo majority. Mrs McCown
was ro-electcd clerk.
tAt an election hold ut Stnyton tin
following oillcors wore elected; Muyor,
K. F. Bcunott.coiicllmon,A.n.Dinoy,
Henry Kconc, G. n. Trask, Joe Whit
ney; treasurer, W. II. Cooper;recordor,
O. II, Quosdel, marshal, A. II. Smith.
'IhoGaylor &, Miller lots of hops, at
OorvnlH, 1 wore sold at Hubbard Inst
wcok. They are about all the hops of
1808 remaining In llrst hands In this
county. Tho price Is not stated, but
as chcy wore held for 15 cents It- Is
supposed that they brought abott
that amount.
Three more prisoners In the Lane
county lull wcro baptized on Monday
by students of tho Divinity school.
They nrc Charles Ilalstead, J. II. Hay
and Claud McIIarguc, all of whom
huyo been sentenced eo confinement
In the penltentlnry.
Counterfeit GO-ccnt plccos havo been
found In general circulation at Eu
gono. A number of the coins have
been detected nnd marked by the
banks. Tho counterfeits arent.lflc
ilghtor ibuu tho genuine coin, and
lack tho ring of the genuine.
There promises to lie considerable
building dono In the Gervals section
tho coming year. Tho general lumber
mills hereabouts have largo orders. A
81500 to 82000 building will bo erected
In Gervals for tho resident priest 011 a
plat or ground opposite tho Catholic
church. An addition will be mado to
tho Musoulo hall, where all lodges
meet, which will be used as a banquet
lull, Tho contract Is lot. A brick
building Is under consideration to be
two stories high and 45x75 feet. The
lowor part for store rooms and the up
per part for unices and lodges.
A onow-storm a
in Summer
Kverioflonn? We never did; lint
yta havtm-fn tlio clothing At this time
or the year p covered with dandruff
Hut It looked m if it had teen out In
a reguUr noir.torm.
No need ot this snow-storm.
, As tho summer sun melts tho tall-
Ins now,"' '
Hair Vigor
, molts thisa flakes of dandruff In tho
hcs1i. It rocs further than this ; It I
I'rnTonm moir rormaiion.
It alio rostore color to gray hair,
without fall.
And It feeds and nourishes tho roots
of tho hair. Thin lialr becomes thick
hair, and rhort hair becomos lone
h .. v,.uuhuu,uh. .in unjoins,
C If 7011 do lint nbulo all the brnoOts
C you ii.acled from tint uia of lh Vtzor,
F wrlly tlio doctor about It. Ho will tell
C TOUJuitnlmrnthatrouliltli.
E Adtlren, Du. J, U. ATKH.
I. Lowll, Hull.
Ily AHKot-lateii l're tu the Joiirnnl,
Ciiioaqo, March 14. Mny 701: caih
2 red 70.
San Fkancisco,
1.14 cash 1.1?.
March 14 May
adtll Its tllilt Dr. RufTnl. nrnuwlnnt. nf
.. -..... W.....W. W W. .... I
tho municipality of Apia, was wronii,10 lUTm" war reyenuo Hiamps 10, -ju
ti ... ...- .....:... .." ul.in..n,o !
main under the command or Major " sau m," T iona or cnicr i--.
.,..,.. I lUHtlco In tho absence or Mr. Chum-1
"""J""""! uiu duiiiui U1111.U1 ui biiu berH. wll ft t iissrrl. f.hnf. Mm l..t,.r
wm not empowered to exercise Juris
diction over Herr Orosmuhl.
Medicated mpiexionTohet
1 aSS -2 tf?3v v
WlmSJflw I.
w vj--v r
m,. A
j 111 t-UJN I b.
G&t-' '
r varne
Chemical C0.1
For tho Complexion and all
skin diseases.
By Mail lOo Per Cake
or $1.00 Per Dozen.
Money refundod If uot satli(aclor)'.
For 8h1o Ily
IIS State Btrect, UALKM, QBE
We Are Headpartess
For pruning tools of all dev
Draw cut Pruning Shears,
Pruning Saws, etc, etc,
K. W. Cor. State & Liberty St., Salem.
corps, now In the Philippines. This
stems to be a very large number of
marines to station at ono navy yard,
but tho fact Is that the Cuvlte station
Is the 1 urges l in tlic possession of the
United States, Including about 70
square miles of lund with about 13
miles of water front. On tho govern
ment lands aru many squatters, and
some small towns, and a lurge number
of mca will be required to thoroughly
police this territory.
The work of rcpalilng three Span
ish gunboats raised In Manila buy Is
reported to bo progressing rapidly at
Hong Kong, under the direction of
Constructor Kapps und Assistant
Constructor Hobson. The yassels are
said to be in excellent condition as to
machinery, and even before tl.ey went
Into drydock to be repaired, the lsla
de Cuba mado 13 knots under i.er
own steam, und the Don Juan de
Austria was only about a knot behind.
The constructor's report to the nuvy
department shows that the other
surken ships have been so badly dam
aged as to be not worth the cost of
raising aud repairing.
WA8WNaTo.v, March 14. A corres
pondent of the stato department,
writing from Ponupl, Caroline Islands,
says the Inhabitants like everything
American, They are hoping and
praying, he 6pys, that the Americans
will take possession of all of the is
land, and, If not all, at least the is
land of 1'onapl.
Manila, March 14. General
Wheuton's column adyanued today be
yond Paslg to the share of Laguna de
Bay, sweeping Qyejythjng befqre
Bryan Invited.
Ily Ansucliiteil l'rtnn tu tlif Joiirnnl
Jkfkhrson Citv, Mo., March 14 -The
house has reconsidered Its actum
of Saturday lust and adopted a reso
lution Inviting Hon. W. J. Bryan to
address the legislature before Its ad
journment. Maccabees at Toledo Fair.
Ily Amoclnfei! I'rrm to the JoiiriiMl.
Tomjoo, O., March 14. Tho order
of Maccabees today decided to erect
a $40,000 building for tho benoilt of
th ! order at the Onto centennial ox
position or 1002.
W. Mltohumor Oukvlllo. the Invon
tor of the Poor Mun's Fruit Drier, was
In town today with it modal.
Wesley Mllholland and J. J. Oulu,
two successful fruit growers of Linn
county have bulltand tested this kind
of u drier und It undoubtedly has great
Geo. II. Howell, a roDrosentatlvo of
the International Typographical
Union, returned to Portland this af
ternoon. Ho has been In Salem since
Sunday trying to adjust a dllllculty
between the morning paper and the
local printer's union. Ho had not
succeeded when hu left and declared
thut he bad been treated unfairly In
being called u walking delegate and
other choice epithets when his inlbsoii
was one of poaco. Ho says tho news
paper they ure lighting has always
hud u lurge purty patronage and that.
Its manager has drawn from $2,500 to
$3,000 11 your for many years out of u
parly olllce nud has had all kinds of
party putrouuge and thut It Is u Re
publican principle to pay fair wajes
und for thut, reason the olllce has been
ratted. The light may be prolonged.
J hair Cars Between Portland and Albany
Comfortablo upholstered revolving
chairs, observation ends, attractive
smoklntr rooms, llrst class In cycry
partlculur, 26 cents Porllund to Salem,
ftO cents Portland to Albany, Cur on
roar end of truui. Thosocurs will bo
run throughout the session or the
legislature. 1-17-td.
Get the Best Bicycle Made
If you aro going to spend hard-earned money lor u whuol, don't buy one
because or Its llushy appoarucco- that's somotlmns put on to sell poor
goods, or don't let u dealer talk you Into trying it now Kind ti-ut ho
don't know anything ubout hltiibolf, except us he bus read In their
catalogue. Even bicycle catalogues sometimes misrepresent facts.
Remember you trust your life and limbs
to less than one-fourth your weight lu bicycle material every time you
mount your wheel und self regard should prompt you to got tho very
Columbias and Hartfords
arc built In an honest manner from honest material aud guaranteed by
an honorable firm.
Standard of the world
in quality and workmapshln. Prleos j)Q hlgliar than for poor good..
COLUMBIAS $M-$40. IiaUtPUBRS ttS-130. VBDBTTW 126-126.
IJos. Meyers & Sons.
Salem's Greatest Store,
.Sroat & Wilson
1 'OT' ftsMWW lllsTsWMlL:
m Newness
Qr In all tho latest and stylish
ULitorlnlH. and tho lnrtii.
M Mil rln.l ..n.l ..li.l.u, r.l. ...!.. ..
(Hllt.ll, (till, HIWHU31 PllllHIIII L'
ever shown
I n t li I f
town, aud
cmHritl 11 g
or HerouloH,
houiiic he h.
Funey Silk,
Milm Cold,
nllle. eict
lu Braids
and Gimps
galore. In Kimitlan trimming, an-
(mpllquoCliilTori und Silk Embrold-
(crv. htocl 11 nil M'nrfiimWn Pmirl.
j Bowknots, Jat'kduw, etc., etc.
1 1, in uis mi un uuiurs irwiii
Uc a yard up
fancy uuiMra-rrom
5: a yard up
Curtains lur surpaas anything In
this line ever shown by us tho bast
yaluuHobtuliiiibli'i tho pair
75c to $12.50
New Rococos
The very latu and stylish Boblnot
Luce, rullled and Inserting to match.
Aro lior c,f
bring theboysi
1,1 EPA rlinrii.v
trlu.mod I n!j
blue and red.j
Will your boy'
be tho first to
(wo a Rough
Rider! Prlc-i
dM nn
Wash Suits
for Boys, in Duuk and Linen.
SI, $1,25, $1,50
soy's sun's
In many exclusive patterns.
ine wnnia of our customers uavei
boon mado a chwo Kludv und we arc
now rwuly to you tho largest und;
oo8b soiQdieu lino 01 ciutniug even
prougnt to saiom. j
Brand Is MiMcUiit guarantee et:
thuir goodness.
278 280 Commercial St, The Old White Corner
msm&M$mmrmmmmMi8mmMi i
ilisfHft iiriliMiiti r-Woi"&-. i'tifcia?ifci.if ; . ,A... . ..
k i ' ' .- mw .- f j I. A fi-iH. AtSi.
-sWdt&frkaL tr. W -A 'JrT!-'v
. ' .J.T
. H