--r--.-'-- r 7JWg"WC I IT J aaaoaaaaB afaTaaV aflaakk AaflftaH Jr ! C H MACK Daily Capital Journal BY HOKSR BROTHER I TJk J BOeZTALXXS. I Safes tfcHM g?KJiu a Fan of, X-RAYS Fre Pes I 2Mf ' On tfee Webfoot Politicians. STATE XEWS TRW AX. APRIL 39, WTZ. , CesC TbeUBalbttMt Hfc xifesa-aee I. fccfcC It to rt wT -r. r. fci street, ea&ssw j afci. x-f UiMisi Ceasest ea Peoslet I 3tf.Trferrg52re3MeM to nwj jci ncss - "' - i EIHTORIA .ife OMIT !ndMlMii Xi , -- - - - is State ad Pi'sties. i' A SB mceedtee yMfefcAtS I- - l.g -asri I" te sfac3Mrvd treaaety j.iji t.-T?.i 1 i " ii ii i t rr OQ 1'lMtf I iSSSi'i .. - , -- afcc a-d .u-rto.ir " ISS' teateS t Hryxa sWpfrtifcirs If UT Ttal sjp t-h, -.y. . jrHja, aartr tfce SsfcL IWttri uwtihtzMmtir IicMii ,.Ws tar, w & Slf to Xc Brpaa, jt la a gTOdcrop af paaii. OWSH New. tVBBtSCWH to be tctj I C3 79 Tim U tfce- M to f jf mi am irtUr tt f n ' tfce Htm 4xictiM. WeiM ia atwei4Mfcsa&(etexiifea aM sat ttfawtorltr. It m l astke it wtact ar fearer clafe aa4 far crlartaii exf are aaaaylirre- a4 tm-ime zitKjxu to Ltea eoaaty.j Mcrffatf aUoadiace l the largest tteai of laofcr eryea. It a as V Vw aswoty -rt oexai tw Hsrft tMr ckm- I vwe jaaasef. Tbe 7.iaOf n,:ie KtBWk eMjrW- :.y brae hf zctfea wf the dis tort siw-rfn3rt eisalsal ae tiofcntlrff UcdfL'U It seems in Muf cwe$ a wzrrasl H Iseetd tt t Hirt j cil b fsd rr arrot A(u.fa, it wra aappesf, wfeen Utrjpa.njl t94 tbe jwwKttiag ibitMrK ha dfeappartd. Srtue e( lirtc wtfat ate frflea-fcrecrzfci X rwa a 4aia cet ez;arasszsd tbes 1 tt I dtHacrsrrf Jr vast rf i kkjIM. T .T4d fartar ex- cave 4aet mS tbe dciet. Tis Uw aBVrstikfrJaUcezadcaUaUe tbelr fei wfcrtber tbe prtj U arrested aed brwazalta trial er eec Tbo fee are Molarpe. Tare dsftar for Ieo- ralafcjir- fasMUted hr toe anea cba after MMeratlil a pracUeal aaanWtoa Uiat Um jHrcr asea ere ifrfct. Hior7 vai aukiaz fou. Tfce"wa Jtiea B9ad ia la- Sdd ta AraJe Uk gM ttaadard fotois, ad aezs ciaptkra iresU Ke two said ta&rd psrUes iatbeZdd. T7K rtes tfcst np psrted B.7&a fa forester called aod sraoSa- si roarer, drjaa vai EUire JpU&dtd ai a leader Ja de feat than be wzj fa tettk. II li saa zrun msjd ihovi&er to saoaMer acd were the eqaalf is ;ii8t of ira seifisbosss, iatelliiseaee aa jetnot Usiefaaj poiltka party tint bad ererexltted, aad wwrid froai preceat icd&attees vis a jlorknti rttuwj ia 13?, aad tlt! greater la KO. Drjaa ted zafast sla ia 1SW aa aaiud iveid stacdard &rtj-, all tae baafcla? lateiesu aad c&rporatioas aad aeuiy zH tae Bttmafactsrerc, aod Great Britain aod part of tae Popallsi aad D?sGcr3tic parties. Is Georgia aad Texas t&e People partj opeaij i ported the MeKinlej ticxetin Iare osmbers. Bat the People party was gmwla2 ia the direction of coofer ratUsi aod was making a record for Kuod soTerament soa practical ad- Aa4 it' PajCaauter Traae TtoK aaotar faKf at 3&HJleT ' aas teea iwa aatlar rewarBed. Tae ktcseaueaaaace af the ladies X. tae MantaBle eh tedfeates that tkeBt4ietareaiIfarBr7aa aad bet ter Ubm. AsaUtaefoltUci&Asaf Orera bare teea rvaafo? to TTaifet>oa. it wn aateralforthepeeife to talac. Got. Lord wid go. Bet It xeezis be cerer iateadeato. -9 Bseae agaia coees p frr distiac Uoa. Mrs. Strahzhof that dtj, is aa adopted dse?ater of Mrs. Bkoeer.tee woaaa wbo firt wore bkxnaers i ad after vrhoai thej were easted. We are giad to aeooaace that Ed itor Pletcber is isprori op. Be bad a arrow escape. La grippe will cot itaad to be Bade (fao of, ereo af so ireatel ahd kiadijra taan, as reus the Iadepeadeat- ptiiwlala wayaat azaiat Johp Df ar BieJurd Bje, who are aerer ... . t ' , .rnlDistrstloo Id poWIc affairs !a states . - -1 ,. - . J lljte WashlDjttOD, aod Nebraska and f acf esas the expeases of the eoflDtj I grerKKat. it raar oot be rair to am$an the adzulaUtralioo. of Judge Habbard aad Judsce Terrell on the iMMt tirae Mr. Terrell has been In oSce. slace the first of last Jolr. Bat at tbc tod of Ibe first jear a compari ton can be made with the year before nod Uj expenses accoooted for. Tbe cotJDtjf coart Is (be coantj leg islature, executive aod auditing de partments all in one. aod lt$ duties are difficult to perforin. If a Judge is Independent aod non partisan he becomes unpopular with tbe party managers and Is not re-nptuinated. Bit as he is In for four years be ougUt t bo reajcnablf Independent and not awetloa claims founded more on party pull than on justice or legality. Oold Ania Leaving. Nkw Yokk April 25. Gold col u to tbeamouutof II 00,000 lias been enafd for export today. Of the 11.500,000 gold for Ebrrpe, S10O0.0OO was withdrawn by Larard Freresand VMSW by Kidder, Pea Uby Si. Co., of Boston. It is understood that the lalter liuuve sends ito gold to Germany. A,t the banklnir house of Lazard Freres it was stated to a reprtsentatlTc of the Assoelatod Press thaj, the ship- muni. 4arttE titrtA In f Iia rrtila nrrlo ofbu.n8fts,toUauldatolndehd0e33,,vras,0,,r eaov' M ,,,at ! and was not a purchase of Bold on an vuc aTcraBe u ine waose united order from Europe, as was said of the States. Illinois and Louisiana had .blpinent of 1,500,000 ordered on at-! 5 percent Interest, but all tbe other unlay. Lazard Frerw feprcseotatiTe 6ta.M iiad Jeg8, rate of ,nt0re6t at said further that It was npj, likely .,..,. that rurther shipments of the Ut d0 percent Interest, character would be made by them.' The amendmect to reduce the legal Withdraw! or pj)d coin fo ship, rate of Interest to 5 per cent carried, ment also In prospect by other hpuses, Tue club adopted as a question for fur shipment by ae Saturday's lhe next meeting, the subject: jiwuict. 1.11C7V attiyuicui Bin luc Kansas Miss De Long recited "Laska" In a stirring manner and won a warm ap plause for her rendition of that tragic idyll orTexas. Sbe is rapidly going to the front as a favorite ekcuUoabt. Miss Gil more recited "Guilty, Jadjre, I stole that sack of flour." It was well received, as are all of Will drfe- ton's efforts. A song by Misses Coch- and De Long, entitled, "Just as of Old," came next. Miss Clark gave a splendid children's recitation. The interest debate was now re- sumed by Judge Boise, who favored 5 per cent as the legal rate. He did not believe that land or business would pay over 3 per cent and we ought to get tbe rate of Interest down to that figure, or as near to it as pos sible. Tne legislature nitebt not make a law at 5per cent, but If we aiked for that we might get It down to 6 percent. Judge Davidson askod bow if money was taxed at 4 per ceqt in the cities and 2 to 2 and per cent in the county, and bad to be loaned at 5 per cent, how much would be left for interest? It would not work as a practical mat. Iter. Wilson Putnam said 6 per cent T.T Geeris now besy trying to fgnreont tbe difference between a Clevetaad panic and McKiniey boom. lie is tbe speaker who toJd tbe peo ple that three ml nates after McKiniey was elected tbe good times would begin. A Chicago dorter now comes to tbe front with a statement that there is no such disease as appendicitis. These varying views of the doctors are perplexing. All the persons who have died of appendicitis most have been badly fooled. Tbe alieged "professor of ethics" at the state university is at present em ployed in tbe preparatory department. It seeais bis class was composed of sticklers on ethic, and refused to re cite to him. But that is not good rea son he should be deprived of his salary. Mr. McT3roy can no doubt teach readia' writin and ritbmetic as well as aBy teacher who only re ceives one-fifth bis salary. Editor Fletcher In the Salem In dependent: W. W. Martin, State street, gave a great many ocular demonstrations of the beauties of the single Gold stand ard previous to the late general elec tion in November, but be never garo one-half so truthful nor half so forcible as tbe one he has recently given by which the gentleman has ascended the .' golden stairs through the as signment route. A society of women in Eugene were given prizes for the best and the poorest answers to thequestion:'MVhy am J a Republican." The answer that received the booby prize was "Because I was born a Republican." The first prize was as follows: "I am a Republican because the principles of Republicanism involves all there is of freedom of speech, free press and free country, and because Republican? Wm gives us the most glorious and prosperous nation on the face of the earth, and makes us tbe bappy and coatoated people we are today--and because Republicanism is tbe rock upon which this free government rests. CAUgbt Irestiii reirt103 Cty fajt afgbS. A geerescst is a Jar a farpe dratck. Isaac Sattfa, af LsHaaute died s Wednesday, ajrf U year I TwoararewaaieaatBo erPJd a ras-away teas tee otaer I- DasM Master. daiiH acres to taat city toe a Tbe faesfey af taeO- A. a at Cr- TaHis played a aiae of ta- seewrs aad gat badly sogrtpsd. The Safaaaa raa fe tacfaag Iff tee CMasfanK tlM rirr falls aad sotse good catoaes are reformed. Tbe West Saore mm have offered to Mgfet Astoria for a wrath, wiu sot I taaa are rights. Astroia is awiaz to pet tbe battle Wp OregOB for tbe refitta this year which is to be aeU ia Aacast. Twesty-oae ears of cattle were shipped frata Abltad. Oregon, for Deaver.OaloraQO. bead ia all. Aa prospector, whose name is sakaewB, was drown 3d Tues day ia tbe Powder river, two miles be low Sumpter. Tbe bedy has not yet been recovered. Ia tbe lOJ-yard race in PendleUn Moaday, Frank Parr, tbe Indian, was beaten by Bert Haya, bat only by a about a foot- Tbe tiae is said to have been Hi second. Tbe semi-anacal statement of the soanca! condiUoo of Jackson cennty shows that tbe total liabilities of the county are IS7,&S7, and the resources 36.&32, the indebtedness being Six or eight Greeks In Astoria sold oat their-netVaad other ashing gear la t Saturday, and, with the money started back to aid toe mother coun try In her struggle with Turkey. Following new postmasters were ap pointed: John Riley, Althoose, Jose phine county; C D. Burnet, Lelaad, Josephine county; L.S. McCoahellj Sherwood, Washington county; W. L: Tcoze. Woodbarn. Marlon county. Short time ago tbe men working' the Pioneer rock quarry moved across a gulch and began operations on tbe" north hill side. When the rock w;'a,s laid bare to the sunlignt, it "lifted1' a ud proved to be no good. The quarry was shut down and some 15 or 20 men are out f employment over there. An expert is en route from San Frapclsco to see what is the matter. nOOU 9.- DENTIST.-! Pills Been fcS. itrzitr xSSoa " A4CriirSftr . a 8v- gwalie cr pain H titct. tsofeiam. Itj tb. 3 ScMever ta lh. ). M- Keeoe, oM Vfbkt Cocser. Sites. Df. PRiei destnsg rperia ia etfiecimi ieqae. VI I fl Oregon Stale Ftf. Tbe Oregon -State Fair for l?t7. -j. . ..-. t.r'mma an 'ihHrsruir. AeDiemuer of rvnmw, , -j--, ---5 vj-' n..w.r b Th trsjks are bov pen for eatries for tbe following stake races, the entries ciosiBg oa May 1 . TBOTTECG STAKES. For 2-year olds, mile beats. 2 in 3, forcoits owned In Oregoo, Washlag toa. Idaho and British Colombia prior to Janttary 1, 1W7. Entrance it': mrable 13. Mar 1. 15T-Sie July 1 1SOT, and S10 bef6re starting SBoaey tlM. ftlUfthabo .mm OAHS rr t 7 psr cent (H f"3 i inMilr wimwr had teeaikj at 8 per ert. Safe Jom suit for rwn. humnoce e&oed u relubtr tortpuMt. JOHN MOIR, Brotrr. v-om Ko. 2, h bk mllnt. j$am am. a ai'aawawat aaawaxaja gbr aaaja araaraT S .4 JaTaTl aTaTaVt VJ iiiB wk Lv rrs New Quaetebs. The SaWttf Fire tdepartment occupied its new quarters on the ground floor of the city hall for tbe first time last night. In removing into Ithelr new quarters care was taken to prevent any confu sion in case a fire alarm might be turned in. Tbe fire bell has not yet been placed in the city hall tower bat it will no doubt soon be removed. The sleeping department for the fire" lads is large, bright, airy and cheer ful. JUI) X. Added Tl . - .. tJ, ,Ha luatl --Jl ! im -jei vra, mire ireaj, -- Z'S MARKET t ri-i-t iiirt. r o n Lt n B1I5.3 At rripwj for Ddbn i"atl lwA of dak sad lt tzix i Lard ia balk, ;e a Ih. Cteipert meat ic h own Trytbea. 171 CcmmetcaX . issim ram a OSk WRame'teHolftlBsiWin apply at oSkc, class. 3 in 5, conditioo came as 2-year olds. fe0 added. Ko added mosey for walk overs. rinwiwhth mik dah for 2-rear ! olds, owned In Oregon, Washington Idaho, and British Columbia prior Januarr 1. 1581. Entrance S2a. p able tt. Mav 1. 1S87. HO. Ju'.v 1. Y3T, and 10 before starting. .Vdded For 3-year olds, one mile, conditions . jor ww emce same as for 2-year olds, S25 entrance. 1 rrW: ooctalr m adrzact. 1200. Added. . , eompUiati at tat oSct. "o added money for walk over?. . v CONDITIONS. O. rl. LJh.iS.Xlf, There most be three legitimate starters in tnese staicesto carry acMea money. Jf less tnan tnree. tne en trance moner will be divided 85 per cent to first, and 35 per cent to second i colt. Other races will be publhhcd-latter Address C. D. Gabrielsox, Secretary, Oregon State Board of Agriculture, Salem, Oregon. tf Klh Male at iilKMNTTAIlf II i . cti! -. -il-n Of "to.u Sis npwarto Pants S spq-ao-lr S The Objection Not Good. There arc people who have objecttoa to advertising matter in tbe reading colums of a newspaper. Tbe ground objection" istbat they do not want to read advertisements. Xow this ob jection is not. good, for often time tnese advertisements convey valuable information. For instance, bo v. tle wduld the trtfrelllng puKfc lesru n' the excellent alnlngcar service f tl Wisconsin Central lines between Si Paul and Chicago, or the genera. -,.. fortof traveling qvet this popular ;.d For" particulars call on the njr-t ticket agent or' address J. i' V - G. P. A., Milwaukee Wis . or '. . Batty, Gen'l Agt. 246 Swrk .i. P 1 land, Oregon. If you dye with "Perfect lo goods will nut fade. MB! BilllS! HARD TIMES PRICES.-Bailu I2jc eaci .ttortclxin Mbs-'X for ;oc. MilU't Wbersbop. y) Cocmeid ., Silra ;ytf To B?3 Healthy yygaegv You must undoubtedft culation. It is th mainspring of life. Our Circulation CORN CHOP AND CORK it be qld rcUaly led store of iRLWif & WHITE, 1 c SALEii. 2Slw CASTOR IA Tor Infanta and Children. TllfM- &x ' ltd rrrr Killed in a Runaway, Tacoma, April 29. Wm. Wright, a laborer' aged 23, was killed In a runa way accident. He whipped his Tidrse, which started to ran. The buggy struck the railing of a small bridge throwing Wright out, aheadflrst. He died an hour later. A San Francisco millionaire named Bradbnrv is nndtr arrest on a charge of expectorating 31 times In fil street car on one trip. TJJ? Bicycle Ordinance. Commenolng at 12 o'clock tonight, the bicycle ordinance goes Into effect and it might be well for all wheelmen to look up the same and avoid any rtoultof a dissolution nf the taelL. What is money as dellned by tew nosjiWe misunderstanding. Thr. areement among foreign banker pot ana accoraing w monetary science? tieular ordinance No. 321 relating to tohlp gold utjtllL Sterling exchange should rl tn,tha baiUvafJ4,83 for Concressman Henderson'. Condmon, demand stcrllng.actuyffcenand vqfm. In., April 29Congress MorllnglswlTiiaTaTeiras the rnan Henderson ' local suregons have rosult of the dissolution of The airree tadvlsed amputation of his leg above menu , the knee, erysipelas having developed walks of the city of Salem, The shipment, aq jar this week orue ds aR0- Arepoitof his con , within tbe following HmlU; amount to t3,7,00u, a-id It Is now anion nasoeen rorwarded toa Wash generally foil thaLUili it the inamjer. logtoa suregon, whose opinion Is atlon of the legular'gold export move incut. awaited. I Monetary Conference. I Washington, April 29. The mem- bers of the proposed international bl- Terrif&c Hail Storm t, t -m j oeni 01 1 iic proposed international bl S't. Lfitlifl. Anrll fl .A crww ,.if,in...f..n.u..ii t . , ,,s. u,V(. riMSico. o ,. WZSttTSffTS: S.rTSSSS.'SSSKSa bicyclist Is as follows: "It shall be uniawmi ror any person or persons (male to ride any bicycle, tricycle, unlcycle or tandem between tbe hours f Jj. m. and 10 p. m., on the side- Included On Com mercial street from Trade to Center streets; on State street from Oommer plal to nigh streets; 00 Court street from Commercial street to Liberty street during the months of May, June, July, August and September of each year." Any person vloUtlng Glole.DeiiirK:rat.&avfitha Ilia. Vcrtle iiifi Kt.t .w. , .... . uan. uu wui.wuu iusrw ueiore we .. . . '' ('a TO 5f v....v ww...., vin.Vv w sail IIU1U valley hau ta JlWtwr .j terrlftlc Xew York on the 6th of May. hall storui. which ruined the grow Ing cropa mid caused greal1osaof life. TteiwrU have benu received here, of the killing of 41 persons by hall .wam.. St.. ..... i...i,....f .. a a.:.. nnjiicts v11 iiuu uugipuuH i tariu f nanus wero killed, bxmjerjuhall v,usu stones welglicd over Thrco pounlls. -Jf 'Perfection" Dyes aro as near per fection as dyes can be 2S- OAIBTOIIIA, city recorder be fined not less than 110 or more than 1100 for each offense or bylmprlsoumant Id tbe city jail not less than five or more than twenty five days." TtM- OJfLS-X'OXIX.X. tWasT. &Atf&fa A Kansas Judge has written a, play pntlflpH UThrwi RMmnaM rt TTnll I SAVE YOUR ORAIN. Few realize that each squirrel de roys 81.50 worth of grain annually. Wakelee's Soulrrel and Gonher Exter minator Is the most effective and economical poison known. Price re duced to 30 cents. For sale by G. W. Putnam, Stelner Drug Co., Lunn & Brooks, G. L. L. Baskett and A. I. Stone. d & w-3 104m Perfection in dying is only attained by using Perfection Dyes. 21-6t J- i'. GILMORE, iJ8Cj-or la.VfhJte&Giloore, ,i, ' Mt, Lath, Plaster. C a aal jCom Chop. aU kinds of feed. 54 STATE ST. T- H HAAS, WATCHMAKER AND jtWULER, Xlakesasp-ialty. !hac rqwir work. Sett Thfxna elork. etc , sis Oxr.taercial Stieer l"ne Pohle shop, oa corntr of u:e and Krott is no prepared to doofint claw -wmm - AND GENERAL JOBBING. Among the masses j phenomenal, and er eryone who is caoaK: of judging declares thi The Evening Journal Is perfectly healthy ana capable ot bnne ing the very largest re turns to those wide awake people who pat rontze its columns, I -. G5fSatisfa,ction guaranteed. Give ui a call I 12 im POHLE & BISHOP. Alwadt evMy ana in Aeric lai aome digeatlve trogblf. When taen meet, tne grretlr tsroaH-r Q ': T'Well tow are yqn?" That de velopt fiealth talk. The ram-n who baa no itpm- 1 acn or bowel troobl is almost a cnriojjty. Tfrpuble ,ia mca utc no care of them- aelres. Th u if their rar cia&e 'f Iwwi and tbelr bralna of steeU Tkey eai.aa if ttey had copper atotaach nd bowcla cf braaa. By and by. orerworked nature re- t fip- rSoV bcla. Then cone headickea, aervonsneaa, d blood, Hverand kidney trochlea; health coet and atrensth "yoea. It fa ritXlj won. derftl how sntch abnie the htossa body will Undl It ia equally jroaderfal how quickly it will rccoTer from abdae If cm I helpa In rational, wrtaraj way. Pierce's Fleaaant Pclleta were prepared. They are for constijtttion said torpid liver, and in carina; thoae dcranrtmenta nre nany CwjipUcationa and rcaoltant dlaeaaea, anch as aich and billons headache, dlzxi. aesa. tour stomach, loos of appetite, indl resUon, or dyspepsia, windy belchinfs, " heanbnnt," pain and distrts after eating; and kindred derangements of the liver, stomach and bowels. They are mild in action "-merely snerienentina- nature. They are the result of years of study" and experience, and the is nothing 'else like them nothing so eutctiyt. If your drur gist tries to sell you something else he Is cither ignorant or makas more money "out of lh other thingr, We Give Away Absolutely froa of coat, far a UM1TBB TUW NLY. Tm People's Commas a to the Innildi' Hoi. a book oT iojS large vm s4 a9 IHotntioqa, la strong paper corara, to any cat trading u ooe-oni auiaps a eonx coat or mauing Mh.l OtcTt&ojioocopiMof thbcoaplctt Famly Doc-) tor Bosk already sold ta doth blBdlsf a rcnlar I vncMot sLjo. woato-s iUWj(YakMcai JOHN HUGHES, S riot&. U nonPCDico dhito " rwi itaioi 111 U11VUL.111L.0, rnuiio, o'lL'Si Window glass, varnish, and the most complete stock of BRUSHES of all kinds in the state, Artists materials, lime, hair, cement and shingles-, and finest quality of grass seed. ' m m NEW MARKET, It's, Daily Circulation State street, near railroad. Freshestfand best meats. Mv patrons sav ri-wn i,- 'y. weats in town. 223 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. LOST A Knieht Temolar -nich rV., Engrayed initials "C M L" and other ,! graying, km. Or. auu ninr n nerarnto. m. jjockwood, Sax 27 3t WANTED-Highradc woman.good church standmg to act as Local Manager and State t-orrespoodent here, after thorouEhly learned Hder.'CeneialMaoacer, care Daily Journal 27-lm Hello ! SEE D, SlBENTLEY. 1 a y0",?01 m or want a load ol any hnd hauled or want a load of manure, din. sand or gravel, or cement, lime, hair plaster, bnck or swe, pipe sw D. S. ner of Front and Chemekeu streets or ting np telephone 30. Also wood and coal of hands at all times. Orders prompfly attended Is the homes of tit people. The peoji read it The pe pi support it The peo ple defend it and it defends the people, You Can Not Have Their Trade WAN l''U.1tifSi.mlfl. m.n , J -v , Jlanding, toicv & 1 Manager State fssstsss&fJrs . aa i 7 " M'ucu t to A Daily ..wuxuujjocaiaaary 900 fqnalifie Enclose jelladdreased .uapeTeavefope to T-EIder. General Manager, wre orDai r . TpDBBrsroffEWjraim l rnnr mno ava i yvi. CJi. 1. ' .ic o oe lound at DeatbctrnV aril iVn ,wi mi j ' v,,.; '-I3r ""V. " "ui ao vour rXV,.rL t HO'Cker, more clearly - "kui uaniar mt htr. j.--.r unTT...... 1 i. .--n trr.???jFiz- k. 7Tr .r."1 l 'P"3" oousework. .U. . J m ooor calut wmer Court nd2lstreeij, or telephone to Eppy grocery store. Terms reasonable. AAna i. "., . . - - J 11.11 .T 'J io. . v. bCOTTxenoPTanh .-3 typewriter, room 6 nw. 1 .JJj iT. "TT -- - - oxil sat rtnch't cl p.'.:t: r.1 ",v..iru . .wBHTOaiaW tQ al el, jj, f . f1 jITitIii in '- "Wsy, aTArt1' "ViihOiXjR DR7T4T" tparamaa i the world. aUnrMorrTf savages and bMbarous lands. FrfTt2:. laimagt's books sold, aad "The P,wv7 T led"U nU Uiest Wd ' grandest: DElS ENORMOUS, ffr....? BSaSaWf AB?SBeSB SSg?OT,!t!3rBr.BnT8S Atefe.S...Z"fr -m touiaiunirfniAm tv. Company, StarBahdag, CficagV. "5ffluaoa Depot Express. Meets all mail and passenger trains. Ba? gage and express to all pits of the d:y Prompt semctaTelephoiTNo. 70. T 1AMES RADBR; FOR SAL-IS! fr f S00d bottoa liai " cadcr fe'ff??. 00t "J '35 res in croS ..-u UOu new irame barn, yery larce AU goes for $3 ,000 on easy aymeL Vo" funherparucfars enqnire of CSS.lt " w ia unless you reach theffl with -your advertising' j O ,t y-t -, opace in tne eveuu Journal is the only means of doing that AciueSteamCanner me-ntXrwrfteTorSan .bctil.nuo; Sparta, MW.. KQ' MCUTCHEON 4-M-tf tms to suit, or will trade fee . -v tiunuars address boa Our Circulation covers not only Saled but is general all ottf the state. Every ttrf made will coaria:: that We Have ".ffiSasAss lfarminx.. wffT. T " f Pacr ... - V5TT Cfiftltl am a rSThe Circulation. 3-9-3 - afcJASiwasi3i ,ai3afcWM"Pr'rr'g'ff. .an 11 1 ?irs i.ijrtitt