Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899, April 01, 1897, Image 4

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Daily Capital Journal.
Kid Glove Sale
H ' t ' " 'f
?; Altona and Ramona
)? dAily. (except Sunday) for
jj Portland, 7:45 a. in.
bteamers leave Sundays at 10 a. ir.
1 Quick time, regular semce and cheap
? ....rates ...
Yi The oolr daiiriboats to Portlin 4.
Aeent. Salem.
S 4fc S9 m Sm S S S S9l
"Fidelia V
For the rest of the week
commencing: with tc
day at greatly reduced jk
prices. g
Buy your gloves now, ffl
Trojan Shirt Waists
t n
a'itr ditniito, organd-
iei, finer Dretden ftgre. with mrtr
tnpei, etc. Some ib self eo'W id
cull. A thoroughly complete aatott
merrt of the leading make
Belts, i?C 2
Colored leather, tuede leither. V.U, can.
vat, and metal belti in great varletiy,
from JSC UP-
Waist Sets,
Fine, plain or enameled sit from 15c up.
Ladies' Neckwear 2
A line line of all the latest coloring! and
, , Dalrymple Co,
Wiggins Bazaar,
I hire opencl a ttore at 310 Commericial
Meet, where Whale's music store used to 1,
and intend carrying! staple lines of notions,
men's furnishings, ladies underwear and hos
iery, laces, ribbons towels, crath, etc. and a
well atsor'ed stock of kitchen hardware. In
enan.eled war', especially, I hare some ex
tremely low prices for all the regular neces
sities in pans, cups, kettles, tea and coffee
pots, etc. I am selling at racket prices for
spot cash, and your money back if you want
it. I have been in Salem ei?ht years in Mr.
Holrerton's dry goods establishment, so I am
not new to the trade. I am also carrying a
line of CrcKiu. liicylei at yo and 75, and
the Boston, a htcl I am selling at $45.
Come and tee me,
Proceedings at state 'House.
r Vr-
Personals and Pointers from the
. Departments.
Directed Upon the Oregon Politicians
and Public Men."
They have a Cumberland Presbyter
ian college up at Sodavllle that Is
making a success without any aid
from the state or taxpayers.
AfewSulem hosts arc discovering
that It requires iorncthlng besides ap
petite and duplicity to bold public
Tub Jook.val offers of a 8100 re
ward for any paper, except the Orc
gonlan, that can show an equal state
This was April fool
many a bill collector.
day sure for
The Democrats and their Wilson
tariff busted nearly evorybody; uow
let's try high protection and see if it
won't help us out.
The secretary of state actually be
lieves that the way to get a special
session of the legislature Is not to
audit and allow everybody's bills. He
is right.
II. Pohle, has returnd from Corvallls
State Supt. 0. M. Irwin Is home
from Portland.
Archbishop W. II. Gross, of Port
land, was in Salem today.
Itcv. W. 13. Copcland has returned
from a week's visit In Portlund.
W, S. Coopei, of Stayton, Is visiting
his sun, Deputy sheriff 13. 13. Cooper.
Mrs. Ilerryman .tetiiilulTs, of Oregon
Oily, Is the guest of herduughter, Mrs.
F. E. Ilodgkin.
Miss Lillian Haiti, of Portlund, is
tho guest of her grand mother, Mr.
P. 11. Strong, 011 South Commercial
CIiiih. Stuurt, who has been attend
ing W. U. medical college the past
year, has returned to his home at
Diiytou, Yamhill county. .
Itov. C'lias. Wnohtte, of Eugcni',
who was baptized at tho First Hap.
tlst church lust evening by Kov. C. 13.
Kllcwcr, went home today.
llalpli Tcrroll, who bus been visit
ing his parents County Judge and
Mrs. Torcll, litis returned to school at
Pleasantly Suiumubhu. Last
evening Misses Katie and Madlo
O'Flyng were vory pleasantly surprlso
at their home in South Salem
by a morry party of young folks.
Various games were Indulged In aftor
illicit a regular old fashlouud "taffy
pull" served to amuse I hu young folks
until midnight when the pnrtv
I'ikktok Tim Month. In cancel
ling your bills today do not forget to
ket'p at lotist 16 cunts with wliluli to
gut a good meal at George llros. lunch
Ida Fuller company, Friday night.
All the latest styles new,
up to date toes, Colors 1
black, brown and red,
Prices always right,
Spring 2
Dress Goods and Shirt
Waists, Exclusive novels
tics in foreign and dev
mestic goods, Our great
removal sale still in full
blast. Call and get the
The dog editor, of the Statesman, Is
reminded that all the curs In Marlon
county have not cost the taxpayers as
much as one pap editor, who has run
the state fair and stae reform school
as "pap'-annexes of his printing of
licc. The taxpayer arc getting rid
of their worst nuisances first.
The rich can road themselves out of
Heaven according to Rev. Mathcw In
this Issue.
Net nearly so many people are In
danger of bolng shut out of their
chance for Heaven on account of
riches, ns a few years ago, thanks to
tho Cleveland administration.
The only way the nlnteenth general
assembly can ever get it cent for their
services Is by a t-pecial session. Do
tlioie fellows Imagine the people
would evor elect a legislature to pay
them pcrdlcm and mileage whonthey
never even organized ?
Ivlncaid has a clour head for a man
who Is only a country nowspapcr man.
If Secretary of State Kincaid would
go to grinding out dollclonoy warrants
thero would be no end to the claims
that would be piled up against the
stale, and thu nineteenth goncral as
sembly would novcr meet.
A letter from one of tholr lcadcrs,lu
this lssuu,says that thousands of Pop
ulists voted for McKlnley. They
must be getting their eyes open.
Tub JoritNAL don't use type-set
ting machiucs and prints a better
paper than the Statesman. It pays fif
teen pooplocash wages wlil:out"pap."
Assignee of the J, M. Moyer & Co,
Stock Forced to Sell.
Poutland, April 1. Hy order of
the circuit court lion Selling, assignee
of the $76,000 Mover woolen mill cloth
lug slock, has put the uniform suits
that wore hold in pledge by tho Hank
of Columbia unto t ho market at JS.50.
Then) all wool dark bluo navy suits
wero never sold tit Portland beforo for
lo-w than $12 to $10. d & w
Our Spring Opening a won
dcrful success, Over five hutv
drcd ladies availed themselves
ot the opportunity to sec ex
clusive styles and dainty effects
shown by the "Nonpareil," 317
Commercial street,
You can 11 ml most any shade In
"Porfuotlun" Dyos, and the color Is
pcruuuiuiiL Druggists have thorn fur
bale. tf
This was an April fool day for
th-se who based their hopeson getting
state warrants cashed and is very bard
on all Salem business people and
The weather forcast for today was
rain and cooler. It was dry and
Adjutant General Tuttle is in the
city for a few days.
D. M. Jones, of Sodayillc, founder
of the Mineral Springs college at that
tovn, was a caller at the governor's
office. He was present when Judge
Lord was admitted to the bar and has
known him ever since he was a young
man. Mr. Joneshada pleasant visit
in recalling old times at Salem. lie
says Governor Lord's hearing is much
Slate Treasurer Metschan received
one remittance of taxes March 31,
47,000 from Jackson county. That
county has remitted 39,000 in all so
far, and owes 310,242.13.
Joseph Cook, of Marlon, and Wm.
D. Fcnton, of Portland, were made
notaries today.
The state house barometer today
was rising indicating good weather.
Senator Calbreath lias gone east to
take a post graduate medical course.
Governor Lord's message Indicates
that preparatory departments in state
colleges are an injustice to the other
Attorney General Idlcman is kept
busy nearly all the time at his office
these days, furnishing opinions and
legal advice to the state officials,
boards and even to county and school
TheOrcgonlan prints the following
from Salem:
"The first quarter of the year with
out an appropriation ended yesterday.
The state's "pay-day" is at hand.
There will be some difference from
the usual mode of collection. Claim
ants will not go to the office of the
secretary of state, procure warrants
and walk across to the state' treasur
er's office and have them cashed, as
The state's servants will not resign,
either. Money can be had on Just
and regular claims. There is going
to be an cllort to realize on all man
ner of claims, Claims unlawful, and
for which tho state hus received no
benefit, will bo pressed, Some were
touched upon In the governor's mes
sage. The effect will be to let in
much light on the drain from the pub
lic treasury that will doubtless result
In a great saving to the state.
Claims for necessary services and
supplies can be sold at par when the
secretary of state and moncy-loaners
can agree upon a negotiation form
for the claims. Of course, it Is ex
pected the btato will pay Interest on
claims from the time they are due
until paid. But .the interest would
be offset many times by rejecting par
asitical and unlawful claims.
The following state papers were
Issued by the state poard of education:
Life diplomas Anna S. Ross and
Emma G. Claggett, of Portland; M.
C. Case, Gale's Creek.
State diploma Bertha Cavanangh,
of Portland.
State certificates William Martin,
of Florence; Charles E. Hull, W. S.
Gordon, L. R. Traner, of Forest
Grove; Jesse M. Starr, of Salem.
Thocaso of II. W. Dunham, respond
ent, vs. W. 11. S. Hyde, recorder of
tho town of Marshtlcld, appellant,
from Coos county, was urgued and
submitted In tho supremo court.
Tho orders mado by the court were
as follows:
Adolph Frank vs. Harry Bailey;
respondent allowed 30 days' addi
tional time to serve and lllo brief.
Donny Falconlo, respondent, ys. E.
S. Larson, appellant; order that cause
bo udvanccd for hearing.
Maria Feldtuan, respondment, vs.
W. V. McGuIro, appellant; ordered
that the respondent have until April
20,1607, to serve and fllo brief.
Eldon A. Kern, appellant, vs. J.
Y, Kern ct al., respondents; ordered
tho appellant have unt llAprll 20, 1707,
to serve and Ulo brief.
J. A. Allen, appellant, vs. Laroy
Uyorby, respondent, uppoal from Polk
county, urguca and submitted. AV.
11, Holmes attorney for appellant.
tnitior iV 'rowiisenu attorneys for re-
This suit Isovor possession of land
in Polk county, Tho Jury found the
defendant, Loroy Ryorby, not guilty
and tho court entered decree accord
ingly ami costs against plaintiff to
amtmat of 953.25 wore entered.
, 1
Champion Michael Advises Use of Paine's
Celery Compound.
1 r ife
-ik r7 C"fe,
Special Bargains, J3CA
257 Commercial st.
James Michael Is thecliampion long
distance bicyclist of the world.
ne recommends all wheelmen to
take Paine's celery compound.
His experience is that of thousands
of'Others. With the opening of the bi
cycle season many a youog person and
hundreds of older people who have de
termined to take ud bicycling as a
health-giving exercise find themselves
really lacking the proper "snap" or
stamina to begin on. Their bodily
condition prevents sosplrited exercise.
They would like to ride, but they are
out of sorts, run down by a winter of
work or indoor life. Many who are
really sick, vho have suffered from de
bility or wasting diseases for a long
time until they begun to think their
trouble had become chronic, as noth
ing gave them relief, would turn to
bicycling for relief. But this splendid
exercise, like any other, requires
strength to undertake. The blood is
out of order, the nerves are deranged,
and nature's food for both is needed.
All such persons will find to their
immense Joy that Paine's celery com
pound, taken now, will make them
Paine's celery compound works won
ders in the spring. If you have la
borea under the load of repeated head
aches, neuralgic pains and days of
nervous debility, now Is your best
time to get well.
Michael is today the most phenome
nal rider in professional ranks. As
far back as 1694 he was undisputed
champion of Great Britain, and in the
following year he went to France and
scored 2o straight wins against the
picked riders of Europe. He has de
feated such famous men as Jacquelln,
Gougoltz, Huret, Rlvlerre, Bonhours
Bourrillon and Barden of England,
and Lcytcn, the Belgian champion.
He has just returned from Europe
and is now ready to Join the racing
men on the Pacific coast, despite the
large amount of work he has i;one
through during the past months.
Michael has made cycle racing a
careful study and is In a position to
give excellent advice not only to rac
ing men but to wheelmen and athletes
In general. In reference to his ovn
methods the following letter will in
terest everybody:
BOSTON, Mass ,Feb. 21, 1397.
After the exertion of my record
rides while with the Morgan &
Wright team In the south last winter,
during which I lost somewhat It.
weight, on account of the unaccus
tomed climate, I was advised- to use
Paine's celery compound. I am
pleased to say that It gave such satis
faction that I was Impelled to u?e it
again to brace up from the effects of
the two unusually rough ocean trips
that I have taken during the past
month. I believe the wheelmen who
have to undergo the hardships of
"circuit chasing" will find Paine's
celery compound of assistance In
keeping up their physical tone. '
Jimmy Micheal.
Every one needs to take a spring
remedy to purify their bkod, arouse
the circulation and counteract the
debilitating effect of months of con
fining work, worry and excitement.
The more intelligent portion of
every community are the ones who
best recommend Aalno's celery com
pound. They have looked into this
great redemy, followed its remarkable
achievements In the ease of friends,
neighbors and relatives, and know
just what to expect from Its use as a
nerve and brain strengthener and
restorer and an Ideal invigorator for a
rundown system. '
Our Leader
All wool Cheviot, worth Sic
All wool worsted, wear 2 year
Fancy Plaid, all wool
Imported worsted, all wool
Invisible Plaid- all wool. satin
trimmed, very swell
Bovs' Electric Suspender overalls
6 50
1 0,00
CpPrices in plain figures. One price eo all. These goods for high quality,
supsrb style an low pric. take the lead over any clothing ever offered. Call
and see for jourself, or send for samples.
I ;i-5ifc..7SrBC7i
261 Commercial St.
Salem. Or,
Cojrt nJ Ubcrty, ilia Cull
Clothing and Shoe House.
You will uovor know the sutlsfac-
Goods j lion iff dying until yeu dyo with "Per-
' feotlou" Ityo. tf
Following tribute to the lute Mrs.
West, was written for The Journal
by Emma Babcock, secretary of tho
Ladles' Aid Society:
Sof tly,Sof tly, tho Boatman
Came In the shadowy dawn
That the silent watchers, scarcely
Knew when the soul had gone.
Only 11 trembling hand clasp
Only a fleeting breath
And the spirit burst Its fetters,
Triumphant over death.
Bearing her trials with paWence'
Thinking it all for good,
Waiting the summons bravely
As over soldiers should.
Leaving her best and dearest
In tho Commanders' hand,
Brayely she followed the Angel
Into the "Promised Land."
Of the scores of souls the Boatman
Bears off as the hours tly,
How many know how to grandly live!
How fow know how to die!
The color given cloth by "Perfec
tion" Dyos does not fade or crock.
Insist on having "Perfection Dyes.
For Kile by all druggists. tf
A Social Event.
Mrs F. W. Waters and Miss Leila
Waters, entertained a number of their
friends at the home of the latter on
Summer street, Wednesday afrernoon.
The principal feature of the after
noon was a "Floral Love Story'' which
proved very interesting. Mrs. R. S.
Boise Jr. carried off the first prize and
Mrs. E. A. Pierce the booby. Those
enjoying the hospitality of Mrs.
Waters aud Miss Lplla Waters were:
Mrs. Geo. II. Burnett, Mrs. A. A.
Lee, Lot Pierce, Mrs. Jos. Baumgart
ner, Mrs. John Krauv, Mrs. Jos II
Albert, Mrs. P. II. Sroat, Mrs. Geo L.
Rose, Mrs. Thomas llolman, Mrs. J.
F. Hughes, Mrs. Ray Farmer, Mrs, R.
P. Boise Jr., Mrs. J. IT. Wntrc m-
The unfortunate girl was sent to the n. W. Meyers, Mrs. Frank DaviV, Mrs'
asylum from Woodburn about six J H. McNary, Mrs. G. G. Brown,' Mrs'
wceKS ago to winch place the remains v. A. Gray, Mrs. W G. Wcstatott
was shipped this morning for inter- JIr- W. S. Dunnaway, Mrs I San-
mcat' ford, Mrs. A. X. Bush, Mrs. 'c. D
Aurora Public School. M Stolk VrP, '' Kf1C' 3''
At the closing of the public school $& Mb S n u"" BlV
Aurora March 26, 1897. After an ad- ? KSJJ W T SV A
dress by Superintendent of Public S m r' j'r'nS', MM'n- D
Instruction G. M. Irwn, O. II. V? J r,th' M-T.B.
- 4i 1. li. 11111 in 11 iiki m
"- WMIllli ?1 1 .N. f 'I"
1 ... j.
CARTER. At insane asylum, March
31, 1897, Rebecca Carter, aged about
12 years.
Don't Fail to call and see the new
lot of Fedora hats just ree'd at the
New York Racket, and the celebrated
"Star-5-Star" boots and shoes of all
sizes and quality. This is a time to
save money, when the opportunity of
fers. 2-d-lw
Reed's Opera House,
PATTON BROS., Managers.
One night only,
Friday, April 297,
Your grocer is glad lo
return vour
for Schiliiia's
in ful)
halciug Bowdcr
tfaieOHg extracts
if not satisfactory.
For u! by
land nrinclnal of tln sniinni .', 1. . J"8, b- M
county diplomas upon Ui7fow Ing SnwrtRU?WP' "
named cradunt,lniTPin.Hn,i.o..J-- """Blit; Misses Ilortense smri
Willie Krans, Hattle Will, Blanche Si p,1 Mlss Lou Allen' Miss
Byland, Julius Zimmerman Ida vi rS? 'tn lMd '".
Glesey, Tobias Snyder, Katie Ehlen m?1 TntCr,MT1SS L Williams,
Emma Snyder, Tillle E. Fry, Julius fr m T JuUa Motschan' Mls
Snyder, Edmond Snyder. JJ f, T Miss 'e
SllWaeI,,?,I,8S Lola Prlnt'lc' Ws Edna
rBeN,?wJork Racket ias made a X Vi,M Mararct Uosper, Miss
great reduction on rubber boots, (Nos Mae a Miss Ethel Cuslfli-
nnVnM,yJcft,an,duladles' and' cents Miss Genevieve Hushes MfJw. ,'
and chlldrens rubber shoes to fw tt.w.i.o,, ... " "ufaues. miss Ethel
out tho lot. Call and SSSmoneyCOSC hS?'m STEUa,Uirscl1' Miss Lou
2-d-klw Si '?' IIs J?etteMordedeth, Miss
ne'en nibbard. Mis ni,M o....
The Best ,s Not too Good. Miss Zadle Palmer, Miss Lizzie Vnn
TCi"'rra$at,ucr sayint than that Wa'ne'-. Miss Mollie Crelchton u
traveller going eau to remembe, that he will T, "
...... ., uu iui ne snould nuke a ,!.- . " """iikuuo wisiios tn ..j
Mncerest thanks to the kind neihnV
trams ana frlonds who so fHin,n.. , , ,
dur nL the ic j. .
trailer, seek ; o "m,ny Mrs. West's life and sine; n i i M
'-SWJLIto? W.J t0 als" gratefully r-v,nJ:lsl"
- w-n v initi in lip n nn aa ;. 1. 1 3j wu . ws i nn
at leasure as they speed to ihArA. .- " h,ua acl ' the Derro ..f ir ,
TkZl?th c: A John w. v
or iml. l ... .'"!. '''". WIS. ""o,
-- -rrv - tii ticket igent. tf
choice of routes from thereto Chl,;"':! slncerest thai.t-s tn ,i. ...., ."
Miiwauisee. The Wisconsin rfn7 L.. n,i .i.,"". v" v"on,uu neighbors
run Jvtwn ,v.,..:.. ...""""
n,;,:;-. ll.n ?''""" nC close con- tll fnn.lU.
nections with nil
Posted travellers
trains at both
freM Fuller, Friday night,
Sister of La Loie,
The world's greatest illusion dancer
assisted by a company of high class
Dramatic and
Vaudeville Artists.
Every performance given under a
positive guarantee with all of the
costumes. Electrical color effects
and stage mechanism as produced
in the large citses of Europe and
Scale of prices 75 and 50 cents.
Seats now on sale.
Reed's Opera House
PAS ION UROS., Managers.
One night only,
Saturday, April 3f A
The irresistable comedy.
By W. S, Gilbert,
Unde the auspices of Unity church
assisted by Salem's best local talent
under the d rection of
- Miss Viva Mason,
or the Frawley Stock Co.
specialties will lie introduced
Popular prices -2$ and 50 cents,
now on sale.