Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899, February 11, 1897, Image 4

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Daily Capital Journal
THURSDAY. FEU 11, 1897.
K xxxxxxxxxxx
rortland, 0:46 a. m.
W Baletn 7 i a. m.f
fj Qoick time, regular lenrice nd cheap
t Agent, Stlem.
In tlic display of Hie latest color
InffS and dentins which we show,
ranging from ioc. u yard up.
New Art Demtntf and Tlcki
New curtuio awlssejr.
New Taffeta llk. , '. -
New black brocaded filk.
New Linen Iluck towel.
Beautiful Swl-Mt Cimbric embrolil
New Rents' furnishings
NewFedcr'a Brmh binding
sjyilaveyou registered for
Pi Invoice
of our nu kpriutf lined arritcd
Tpei.iy C7eninjf nig lines of
outlniff, 5c., Cc , 8 1.3c.. and 10c
Point j 6c. tu 12ic la ull tbe
oewMtf 97 effects. Silks In erery
latest pattern and shadings, r,r,
t0li25. and dress (roods In suit
lengths and yard goods, all of the
up to dato fabrics from 20c to
2 a yd. Will hare them on sale
at once.
More iroodt expected erery day.
A Job Lot
of outing flannel remnant 10 to
15 yard lengths. Very pretty
stylet, and good qualities.
16 Yards for St
See Muth window.
One pair of 14 Irish Point cur
tains remaining, yours for 87.
T. JioIversoD.
ii-taii a. gg
"The American
Call and investigate,
surprise fur you here.
is a
J, J, Dalrymple Co,
Mlex KNle Allen, of Polk, county. Ih
In the clly visiting friends.
ilotuer (hillock left Wednesday nf-
ternonii for III h'tnie at Thu Dalles.
Miss Minnie Dahl returned Wcdias-
nny afternoon toher home at Seattle
12. Cook Patton and Thomas Horgan
are spending! few days In the metrop
I). M. Smith, secretary of the Ore
iron Lund Co., was n Portland visitor
Miss Mario Paqtiet, or Portland, Is
the guest of Miss Ella Pohleon Court
Chas.Ua, of Ray's Lnndlng, was a
home-bound passenger vlu Steamer
Elmore this morning.
Hon. J. 11. Dlmlck, of llubburd, Is
In the city with his llttlo son who Is
receiving medical treatment.
Mlts It. T. Smith, state organizer
for the L. O. T. M., was a passenger
on tlio Iloseburg mall tills morning.
A. H. Hammond, of the Arm of
I!romcr& Hammond, the Montana
railroad builders, is stopping at tho
Miss Mary Scott and Miss LIhIo
Whltlock, of this city, loavo Portland
tonight for points in California to bo
absent sovcrnl weeks.
Otis Patterson, of the lloppncr Ga
zette, who has been hi attondanco at
tho legislative session left Wednesday
afternoon for ills homo at lloppncr.
liana C, Wnulburg, tho well known
hop and wool commission merchant,
lcaycs tonight for u buttlness trip to
San Francisco und other point In tho
goldon state.
Miss Molllo llornurdl loft Wednesday
afternoon for Pendleton, on a visit to
hor sister Mrs. II. II. Uallock. WIillo
absent from Salem Miss Ilornardl will
alio visit another slater Mrs. J. 0
Jlurtz at Tho Dalles.
President W. C. Hawloy, head man
ager of tlio Paoiilo Jurisdiction, Wood
iiiou of tho World, returned last even
ing from Denver where ho has been in
attendance at tho auual meeting o f
tho board of head managers of this
popular fraternal order.
Mrs, Flnloy Porrlue who went to
California u few weeks since tor tho
benotltof liar health, writes that the
object of tho trip Is being realised.
Sho Is spending tho wlntor with her
Blstor-ln-ltiw Mrs. 0. L. Keller In San
Francisco. . .
A.L.GuUs, or times U In tho city
and reports that the mllU at the
Qutiruvlllo mines are running with
about sixty men. There Mliulo snow
In the mountains, and the saw mills
along the O. C. & E. road arc prepar
ing to start up In early spring, as they
have ime orders on hand for the rail
road company.
A dlstlugulihcd Salem visitor at
pref ut I Homer Davenport, the Ma
rlon coumy boy, who In a few years
has wmi a national tcnoun us a car
toon nr list on the San Francisco Ex
aminer and the New York Journal.
Mr Davenport left New York, Satur
day night, and came through on the
limited express, via the Union Pacific
and O. It. & N, reaching Salem at 11
a. m., today. He was grail tied to hear
of his father's improved condition
saon after reaching Oregon, and will Win
remain until he has so far Improved !p). L- Hobson, C. W. Yonke, E.
asto bear a Journey to the milder Burkholdcr, F. K. Johnsan, Frank
climate of Southern California.! Culver, J. A. Dickey, W. II Goulct
The Davenport family arc a happy ! and Bennett Pearson.
B.imt.t 'r.-.naacted I. lit V nous De
The caw of state vs. John It. Stock
man, of Albany, Indicted for shipping
wheat from a warehouse without the
consent of the owner thereof, was dis
missed by Judge Burnett, Wednesday
afternoon. Mr Stockman was Indicted
by the Albany Grand Jury on June 20,
1895. A change of venue t Marion
county was secured, when after a trjal
tbe defendant was found guilty and
sentenced to one year la tbe peniten
tiary and to pay a fine of 81.000. Fend
ing an appeal to tbe supreme court a
stay of execution was granted and the
case was heard by the last mentioned
court at a lower court was reversed
and a new trial ordered.
Tho case of state vs. Dick Horner,
charged with larceny from a store was
tried before the following Jury Wed
nesday afternoon: J. Murray, S. H.
Linton, B.Gesner, A. D. Hall, Theo.
neubcns.G. W. Staples, F. Culver, W.
8. Goulet, Wm. Flynn.P. Curtrlght,A.
Snyder, Wm. Mlley. Horner was de
clared guilty and will be sentenced at
0 a. m. Saturday. The particular
crime for which Horner was Indicted
was for tho larceny of a watch from
Johnson's Commercial street Jewelry
A verdict for the appellant was ren
dered In the case of Geo. E. Aitkcn,
plaintiff and respondent, vs.Sam Gold
smith, defendant und appellant, on
appeal from Justice court, of Salem
district. The trial was conducted be
fore the following Jury: P. Curtrlght,
Flyn, A. D. Hall, G. W. Sta
Becomes a Well Woman by Taking
Paine's Celery Compound.
household, with Honorable T. L. D,i
ven port out of all danger and the son
of whom ull Oregon Is proud with
them for comfort and encouragement.
To Bed-Rock Prices-$150
Takes One "of Those" Fine Harmon
Pianos at Gilbert Bros.
Wo aro going out of tho piano busl
ncssand that is why wo make the
sweeping reduction.
Within the next thirty days wo ex
pect to closo out our entire stock and
any one wishing to purchase will
please bcur in mind that what you
get of us there will bo a guarantco
that holds for live years. Wo will
aiso sen any piano In stock at a cor
responding reduction, so be sure and
call and see. what wo have bofore pur
chasing elsewhere.
Hk Slappkd a Boy. Jacob ldlc
wlne, of North Salem, was arrested
this morning by Chief of Police A. C.
Dllley and taken before Recorder Ed.
N. Edcs, on tho charge of assault and
battery committed on a boy named
Clarcnco Tuompson, also a resident of
tho northorn suburbs of tho olty.
Idlcwlno was lined 85 acid costs in do
fuult of which he went to Jail. Tho
boy claims that Idlcwlno slapped
him In tho face,
Business Meeting. There will be
a business meeting of tho Salem City
Board of Charities In Recorder Ed. N.
Edcs otllcoat 8 o'clock Friday evening.
It Is earnestly requested .there bo a
full attendance of tho members us
there will 1a business of Importance
to come up for consideration. 2-ll-2t
TUB RlVKK Rl8ING.--At 10 O'clock
this morning the WHlamotto river
registered 11 feet above low water
mark and was slowly rising. This
ralso Is accounted for by tho recent
rains und a further ralso of several
feet is still expected.
A ComtuoTioN. In tho list of sen
ate clorks publlsluid from tho state
records V. L. Fought was assigned to
tho committee on revision of laws.
when ho should hare been credited to
the committee on revision of rules.
A QuonuM. Thore Is constantly a
quorum of tho tint, second and third
houses at George Bros. Stato street
lunch counter, and business Is dally
transacted there. Tholr lScentmeaUl
can't bo beat
Still Going On
The great coupon sale. Fine dress, nounclng
goods, clothing, hlioc and hats J Spot la ag
"'"I 1V WMV'Mlill V't It JUU UIIUU 111
thu coupons. Don't miss this
golden opportunity. Sale will
close February U,
Court and Liberty.
Too Cash Dry Goods, CJothlng and
Shoo Ilouw.
: Thin wupon, U presented at :
; ttmd or puiuuuho will entitle the :
, bearer to one-tlfth otT on ull cash :
: purchase of drea good, clothing, ;
fehojri and tuittt. Good only tu .
rbruary 15, i&tfl, , .:
r '" wrtua Jl.Koe Qg, :
Sad News. Mr. T. J. Sullivan
lert this morning for tho bedside or
4, her mother, Mrs. John Spetx, at Erie,
duiui iu response w telegram an-
hor serious Illness. Mrs.
aged about 00 veant and hnr
IttnSia 1.... -.... . .. ..! .
,u iiwuwuwctt a Borjous uspeoi.
rather an eniphstlo oxnreaslon but
nevertheless truo If you wore mli'ln
rormed about our business. Wo fur
nish the best lino of groeerlesat lowest
prlcetLUrunsau. & C
Wbv Delay?-A V. S. Senator
The following entries were made on
Judge Burnett's docket Wednesday:
Kola Nles vs. Phil Neies, action for
money; defendant allowed to file
amended answer. Plaintiff's motion
for Judgment on pleadings overruled.
G. C. Burkhart vs. John Weiss,
notion for money; judgment for de
II. F. Jory vs. James Bottgcr ct al.,
action for money; motion to strike
out parts of each causo of action al
lowed except as to specifications G, 7
and 8. Plaintiff to serve and file
amended complaint on February 11,
and defendants to answer same on the
E. S. Eiler vs. Tulklngton, Bottgcr
& Co., action for money; demurrer to
complaint sustained. Plnlntiff to
servo and fllo amended complaint on
February 13th and defendants to ans
wer on the 15th.
E. W. Copps vs. A. E. LaRocque,
action on replevin bond; demurrer to
complaint sustained. Plaintiff to
serve and tile amended complaint on
February 11th, and defendant to ans
wer tho same on the 12th.
Don A. Smith, plaintiff and re
spondent, vs N. A. Bowman, defend,
ant and appellant, appeal from Horcb
district, motion to dismiss appeal
overruled, continued by consent.
State of Oregon vs. Wlllard Birch
ard, rape; pleaded guilty on thice In
dictments. State vs. Fjank Emerson, larceny in
a store, sentenced to three years In the
Stato vs. Dick Horner, larceny In u
store; Jury trial; yerdlctof guilty as
charged; be sentenced at 0 a. in. on
the 13th.
Stato of Oregon vs. Gcorgo Sing,
burglary; arraigned.
State of Oregon vs. J. It. Stockman,
shipping wheat from warehouse with
out consent of owner; dismissed by
tho dls trlct attorney.
Allco M. Beelor, respondent, vs. W.
A. Rummol, appellant, on appeal from
tho Justice court of Salem district;
plalnlfl's motion to strlko 'out scco d
adlrmatlvo dofense in amended an
swer and demurrer to same 'answer.
Tho graud lury, this morning, re
turned two bills, ono "true" and tho
otlior "not truo." Frank Davis has
been indicted for adultery and was ar
raigned this morning. Ho will stand
trial and has retained Messrs. Mc
Court and Prescott to conduot his
defense. A "not truo" bill was re
turned against Jack Thornton, who
was accused of larconcy from a dwel
ling. Thornton will be remembered
as tho follow who ontered tho Cottago
hotel early ono morning and remov
ing some article! of clothing from tho
hallway. Ho was duly arrested and
bound over to await tho action of tho
graud Jury. Shortly after his com
mitment to the Jail his mind became
badly deranged, making his commit
ment to the Insano asylum necessary.
Jackson, tho colored gentleman, was
this morning sentenced to four years
In tho penitentiary for larceny. He
was accompanied to tho "State street
brick mansion" this morning.
Tho following entries were made on
Judgo Burnett's dockott this fore
Underwear: Underwear
All goods in that line reduced, An extra snap, -heavyr&ed,
fleece lined vests and pants 21c, worth 35c, ;
257 Commercial st.
Mrs. C. C. Newcomb of St. Louis
finds herself"a new woman," in the
best sense of the word.
An Invalid woman Is always a sad
sight sadder even than that of an
invalid man, because of her greater
capacity for suffering.
Neuralgia, backaches, fits of depres
sion and headaches compel her to think
or work with half her braln,whlle the
other half throbs as if It woula go to
pieces. There are np more striking
examples of the great, practical value
of Paine's celery compound than are
heard from the lips of women who
have been made well.
Its ability to relieve those ills that
seem to be peculiarly the misfortune
of women Is overwhelmingly proyen
by innumerable testimonials from wo
men of the highest standing In the
communities where they lle.
Mrs. Newcomb, writing from her
home, 2205 Market St., St, Louis, says:
"I was taken with a heavy cold, which
I neglected, and pleurisy set In, then
I was in bed for several weeks. Wlu n
I recovered so I could get up I had
that tired feeling,' and was never vciy
well. My doctor told me to take Paine's
celery compound, so I got a bottle and
have taken It. I feel much better
than I have for months. I was nerv
ous and could not sleep at night. Now
I rest easy, sleep well, eat well, and
will say that Paine's celery compound
has really made me a new woman."
Paine's celery compound Is usediby
physicians In their own homes as well
as prescribed to patients suffering from
nervous diseases, sleeplessness, neu
ralgia, rheumatism and a "run-down"
condition. It is within the reach of
every one.
die Fa
X Tableware,
The Pioneer Store Is making a break
in Crockery Glass and China ware,
which places their fine line of goods
below anything ever attempted. Din
ner sets 126 pieces, seml-poreelain
decorated $10 99.
44 pieces Tea Set. $3.25; Water Sets,
imported glass, $1.85 to $1.95; worth
nearly double.
Everything from a teacup to the
finest Imported sets reduced to the
cost line. Cash takes everything at
yonrown figure,
A. S. Cone vs. S. A. Bogjn, eject
ment and damages, cross bill in
equity having been tiled by defendant
this case is continued.
F. V. Simono's and Son vs. F.
Wrightman sheriff, replevin con
tinued by consent.
Webb ys. Plowman, action for
money, Judgment for defendant on
State vs Frank Davis, adultery, ar
raigned. G. W. W.Watt vs. J. K.P.Farrens,
motion for present sheriff to make
deed, present sheriff ordered to make
Tho case of stato ys. Wlllard Blrch
ard, charged with rape, the crime al-
legea to have been committed on his
daughter Minnie, about Nov. 1, 1890,
wascalled before Judge Bnrnettatl
o'clock this afternoon. The motion of
me aerenuants for further time In
which to subpoena witnesses was over
ruled by Judjro Burnett.
Tho task of securing a jury rcqulreo
over an hour, each Juror beinir suh.
Jected to a careful and scrutinizing
Tho defendant Is represented by ex
Dlstrict Attorney.Jas.-A McCain, of
McMInnville, Messrs. Sherman.and
Condlt, of this city. District Attor
ney Samuel L. nayden, assisted by
Deputy District Attorney J. II. Mo-
Nary will conduct tho prosecution.
Tho case promises to bo yery warmly
contested as was evident in the se
lection of the Jury.
At 2:15 the trial opened, after the
courtroom had been cleared of all
It Is hardly thought all of the testi
mony will have been introduced be
fore Friday evening.
Carrie O. Kenady, guardian of the
person and estate os Eva n. Dennis, a
minor, has filed her annual account
with the probate court and It has
been approved. The receipts are
shown to Ihavo been $6,599.89 of
which the.amount on hand ls$6,415.9S.
Abraham Ebochand Minnie Warner
was the happy couple to whom County
Clerk L. V. Ehlen issued a marriage
license Wednesday afternoon.
Joseph Shulz.a native of Germauy,
today received final cltlzenshln .
pers, having renounced all allegiance
to his mother country.
The following deed was tiled with
Recorder F. W. Waters this morning
Geo. M. Lease and wife to M. E. Wal
ker, lotsO and 7 block 63 North Sf.in
consideration $350. '
B I D j
has not yet been elected and possibly l: , , , .
never will but do not delay auy longer Capital Lumbering Co, vs. Sarah T.
wuv mbii. neuu xiroa. tjomuiercial
aircei oyster nous., oysters served
In every Btyleat prices suit the limes.
Oyster la any style at Strongs, all
hours of tho day or nUht. tf
Learned and J. B. Stump, action on
replevin bond, Judgment for plaintiff
ou verdict.
Kala Is'ela vs. Phil Kels, action for
money, plaintiff has leave by counsel
to fill amended complaint, defendant
OtWWnft. iitUn -'for , lndl$tttai i to anwf r ' on Februiry-12, IMT,
spectators, before the following Jury:
0. W. Yonke, P. Curtwright, P. K.
jonnson, Frank Culver, Adam Snyder,
J. A. Dickey, Ellas Burkholder. Wm.
Miles, Wm. Flynn, Tueadore Reu
bons, W. S. Goulet, and J. Moore.
HOOKETT.-aT Lake Labish
Wednesday, February 10, Jan "to
dughS. MrS' JaC0b rfM
LAWRENCE.-On Satin.. rv..
arv fi. 1RQ7 m f. --TW cum.
LawrenceVadaughteT B
Civil Service Examination
There will hn n nii-n ...,
nation held at the tofflw ffi "
Or., commencing at 9 n m i&
Information for Persons Receiving Copies
of This Issue.
Tnc Journal has in the past year
ga ned a state circulation. It is the
only paper in Oregon besides the Or
cgonlan that is taken in every part of
the state as the postofflce records
show. You are asked to circulate it
1. It is a clean paper.
2. It is an indenendint. nnnnr
. It Is an opposition paper. It op
poses corrupt pol i tics, corrupt methods
and corrunt men in nil nn.tiD
1 if iWrts aggressively the GOOD
n $MnDrPiUbI, ?."d PflVate llfe anl
KWMt.Bttacta tl,e evil
f..V? ,J?DRNDI' advocates old
sfmnWv hTJeS,ty ,.aPd Jersonion
fn S y' ll doa l know tbe mean-
destroy freedom and equal
;. asfWOHl&.
We want your tea-trade
for the rest of your life.
Do you see now how we
can afford to say: "Get
every sort of Schillings
Best Of VOUr rrrnrr -,,
get your money back on
what you don't like"?
A SAaUar k Cop,
1. 1897, to nrocuro rti,.iMr. "an:
ApDllcatlont ,a.r?r2ls,a1?'", Or.
Diem fnrm .. ," ",eo in com-
ihan FebruaVy loS. Ur" not latr
employment. wmVmPni??0 Jut of
to some such person w hnl lmnd tuIs
wrn a little moner? WaDts t0
plSmenK?nout of em.
eheapet newTnaner in ??t(eUHMna
Ko capital qSrod tUm l'
drew to aTiwoo.vi5&Iir,ad
Ore., for full Instructing !a!em,
W0tandglKScl egijj
"TbTTS? Bitterf(
Valentines, , , ,
' Valentines, , ,
' ' Valentines,,
.' I Comic,
and Fancy Mounts:
In order to reduce
my stock of ladies' purses
and card cases I have
marked them airfdown
35 per cent, Now is the
time to buy. Notice my
show window for new
263 Convs
D A rr a tk t fl I
I "-Ltt WV1IN S 1 UKD J
Removed to 291 Commercial
ilf"!8 h?avy plow shoe, reguW
if Buoe, ror 05c T,
& aforinaei.dress 8hoe' reKUlar
shno1,68' 5nc dres3 shoe, regular!
shoes, for $uo.
iiOVS1 flno nn t .. rn raanW
81.50 shoes .for 80c , ,.
Uiiidren's heavy button shoe, 8 to
pWar 81 shoes, for 70c. ,
o yiU,dren 8 heavy button shoe, 13
- regular $1.20 shoes, for 80c.
ier goods jn proportion.
book store. ' I M, J, MATSON. ft
Ar ' ho losy Freshness
SSs,?S,nSd by tboio who uo FMo
-in -
"n' , "