(V nr. in. i i - 'imUam'mRt n,tffffmiiiisaU6'.ilm "' DEDICATED. Tbre dwells in this my Is r, A bright eyed angel ot liuht, Sj1u' crowned with a wreath of auburn liaij, And her way nr: winning and blight. In sunshi.ie, orthad iw, or rain. She always will gladden our tight: In so row or joy, or gladness or pain, rhe brightens life'rf dreary nigh'. She lies in a cottage so cozy. With a wind mill ist back of the door; And her fate, her smile, her lips so rosy, Drive worry away evermore. Then hail 10 this maiden so kwiet, May her life foiever be g ad; Moy the brambles ol life never wound her shy feet, Nor her journey lead where it is sad. IN MEMOKIAM. In toying remembrance of Shirley Mobley tlte nine year old son of Mr. and Mrs. R. Mobley of Mornlng-slde, died Nov. 24, 189(5. Through u prolonged sltffcness of typhoid rever, little Shirely showed the greatest patience and bore all his sutlerlntr with fortitude. Shirley was atlectionate and kind and studious in school, and beloved by all who know him. During his illness the children In his room manifested more than usual Inteiest in his condition and hope of his recovery. When his death was announced a suuddwr fell upon the whole school, all well knowing that the ibrlcht. happy face of this loving affectionate companion, they would see no more In tills life. Ills school mates respected him, his U-adhers loved him and all felt that in his death a lovely light had gone cut. With the bereaved parents we sincerely sympathize, well knowing tne wish nearest the parcn ts heart was to have their ooy grow up to mannooa and till someplace of honor, to have him as-thcir pride and comfort In their declining days. Thus it Is a bitter grief and disappointment to have a lovely bright boy, a boy of de veloping powers and alfectionate re gard for parents, to be taken away, at so early an age. But no one can criticise God's dispensation. He plucks many a lovely llower to take it to his bosom while leaving others to grow on in beauty and perfection. Some to wither on the stem, some to fall to the- ground and decay, and often the brightest to flutter away, beat by beat. It seems all for the best fcwhen God ylucks the whole ilowerorbud at once and takes it as an ornament for Paradise. This child never lingered to be gradually with ered on the tree of life, God took him fresh in the bloom of life and placed him amongst the choicest flowers of the Father's Home. A precious one from us has gone; A voice we loved Is stilled; A place is vacant In our home, Which never can be filled. God, in his wisdom, has recalled The boon his love had given; And though his body moulders here, The soul is safe in fleaven. A Friend. CHURCH SERVICES TOMORROW FIRSJ CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. Rev. W. C. Kantner, D. D. pastor. Preaching at 10:30 a. m. subject "Paul's New Year Message to the Christian Church of Today." Sunday School at 12. a. M. J. C. Tutlilll, su perintendent. Junior Endeavor at 4 p. m. Miss Fernle Bently, Superin tendent. Y. P. S. C. E. at 9:30 p. m. Let every Endeavorer be preasent at this meeting. Mrs. J. P. Farmer, will lead the service. Preaching at 7:30 p. m. Subject "Signalllzing the Flast Sabbath of the New Year by making the Great Choice." At tho evening service, Mr. W. Babcock will sing a solo. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN. Rev. Wm. Steele, pastor. Service at 10:30 a m. Subject, "A New Year's msn." sacrament, or tne Lord's Supper and reception of members at this service. Sunday school atl2ru. Chinese Sunday school at 3:30. Junior Christian Endeavor at 3:30. Senior Christian Endeavor at 0:15. Evening service at 7:30. Song seryice and ser mon. Subject, "Pentecostal Power." Week of prayer will be .observed, meetings each evening during the week, at 7:30 p m. All are welcome. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE. Every Sunday at 10:30 a. m. Wed nesdays at 7:30 p. m., at 299 Liberty street. Those meetings are conducted by tho students of a normal course graduate of the Metaphysical College, Boston, Mas., founded by Rev. Mary Baker Eddy, discoverer and founder of Christian Science. The public are cor dially invited to attend these meet ings. UNITY CHURCH. Services at 10:30 a m and 7:30 p m. Sunday school at 12 m. Unity Guild at 0:30. Rev. W E Copeland, pastor. Subject of morning sermon, "Fret Not Thy Spirit." Subject of evening lecture "The New -Law for the New Year, in which will be described the labor exchange ana some other live questions." y. m. o. A. Key. Wm. Steele will address the men's meeting at tho Young Men's Christian Association Sunday after noon at 4 o'clock. The Presbyterian choir win be present. All men are cordially Inylted to attend. UNITED EVANGELICAL. On Cottage street, near Center, J. Bowerspx, pastor. Preaching at 10:30 and 7:30. Services nightly next week, at 7:30. Sunday school at 12 m. K L C E at 0:15. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HALL. Cor. of Court and Liberty. Lesson sermon 10:30. Sunday School 11:30. btudy of Science and Health Wednes day at 2:30 p. m. FIRST BAPTIST. Service at 10:30. No service in the ovening. Blood, Purifier Tonic. haJrtaanfeSlrTl'ia laimeS t'lfij aothe medicine that I have eve? taken and I highly recommend it to others who need a blood purifier." Mrs. ECnX , .Hood's Pills are easy to bur ewt take, easy In effect. l0Dueasy to PORTl ND MARKET. trovision Portland. Dec 10. Wheat aiUV. SWoiSs Walla Walla, 82 Flour Portland, Penton co'tnty, 4 50., 4 40; graham, 3.75; superfine. $2.50 er bLl Oats White, 4244c; grey, 39aS4o;rolIeJ in bags, 14.25(015.25, barrels, 4.50(37.00: , cases, 3.75. Potatoes.. Oregon, 5oa7oc per sack. I Hay .Good, 12.501313 per ton. j Hops 9toc. Wool .. Valley, oioc; Eastern Oregon ! 68c. 1. '"MIIIH Jf"V. Millstufls. . liran.H5.00; shorts $16 50. Poultry-Chickens , mixed, $2to$3; ducks' 3a4; turkeys, live, I2j. if d'mvf. rArtnn tl -Jn IU. At9 mouair. . iiozuc. Hides . green, salted 60 lb? 7c; under 60 lbs 66c; sheep pelts, lo7oc , Tallow 2jc3c ; Onions, 85c per sack. Wheat Bags Calcutta 4.254.37i . Beans-smali white. lV.ciJc. lima 34C Hogs Heavy, 3.00 to 3.25 Butter.. Best dairy,2S35c; fancy reamery 55oc. Cheese .loHc. Dried Fruit Apples, evaporated, bleacnrxJ 6ifla7e: unbleached, 3V.c4c; sundned. 4c 5Jc. fears 5c6c Plum& pitless, 3c4c. Prunesc6c. Veal small 5; large 4jc per lb. Mutton -Weathers 2.00; ewes 1.50: dressed mutton, 4c. Beet-Steers 2.35; cows 1. 75-:2.25 ;dressed y$ ... Cured Meats Hams 10c oyta Dacon oc. Lard .in pans, 70. SAN FRANCISCO MakKET. Wool.. Oregon' choice 7$oc; inferiors 7c, valley, 8oc. Hops Quotable at 8 10c for new. Potatoes 4o7Sc per sack. Oats Milling, i.oji.20. SALEM MARKET. Wheat.. 72c. per bu., Oats 352400. Hay.. Baled, cheat, 900; timothy 11.00. Straw, $3.50 to $4.00. Flour.. In wholesale lots, 4.20; retail 4.20; bran, bulk 13.00; sacked, 14 ! shorts, 14.0015.00; chop feed, 15.00 (6.00. Poultry. Hen$5a6c;rurkeysioc.; Roosters, $1.50 and $1.80 per doz. Veal Dressed, 4 Hogs.. Dressed, 3 V3 Live Cattle. . ij2 Sheeu.. Live, l.5o2.oo cwt. Wool., .best. 12c. Hop. .Best, 9 atoc. Eggs.. Cash. 27c. Fruit.. Green Apples per box i.oei.5o: Farm Smoked Meats Uacci, 6c; humr 9c; shoulders, 5c. Potatoes. .35c Der bu. Onions, 50c. Dried Fruit, Apples, evaporated bleached, 7c, 8c: unbleached 4c5c. Plums, 4c. Prunes 5c Beans, 2C Lard ,7c. Butter.. Oregon fancy creamrry 2o22. fancy dairy, I5i8; fair to goo.1, i6i8j Cheese .Oregon full cream, 10, Catarrh Cannot Be Cured with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as they cannot reach the seat of the diseaso. Catarrh is a blood constitutional disease and in orde. so cure it you must take internal rempdiesf Hall's Catarrh Cure is takemnternally and acts directly upon the blood and mucous; o faces. Hall's Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine. It was prescribed by one of the best physicians in this count ry for years, and is a regular prescription It is composed of the best tonics known, combined with the beat blood purifier, acting directly upon the mucous surfaces. The perfect combination of the two ingredients is what pro luces such wonderful results in cunng Catarrh, Send for testimonials tree. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. Sold by all druggists. Attention. There will be a public installion of tho offlcers elect of Sedgwick Post, and Woman's Relief Corps, at their hall In the Insurance block, Monday evening Jan. 4. 1897. All comrads and their friends are especially Invited to ne present. j. y. .Barnes, Post Commander. D.W. Matthews, Act. Adj. Notice, Office Labor Exchange, i Branch 108, Salem Or., Dec. 28, 1890. ) All persons holding certificates of membership in this branch are re quested to present the same at this office for enrollment. Gto. B. Jacob, Manager. W. H. Jov, Accountant. 12-28-0fc FREE TO EVERY MAN. he Method of a Great Treat1 merit for Weakness of Men, Which Cured Him After Everything Else Failed, Painful diseases are bad enough, but when a man is slowly wasting away wilh nervous weakness.the mental forbodings are ten times worse than the most severe pain. There is no let up to the mental sufiering day or night. Sleep is almost impossible and under such a strain men a te scarcely responsible for what they do For years the writer rolled rind tossed on the troubled sea of s xual weakness until it was a question whether he had not better take a dose of poison and thus ends an nis tiouDies. nut providential inspira lion came to his aid in the shape of a combi nation "bf medicines that not only completely restored the General health, but enlaiged his weak and emaciated parts to natural size and vigor, and he now declares that any man who will take the trouble to send his name and address may havo the method of this wonder, ful treatment free. Now when I say free I mean absolutely without cost, because I want every weakened roan to get the benefit of my experience. I am not rt philanthropist, nor do I pose as an enthusiast, but there are thousands of men suffering the tortures of weakened manho v who would be cured at once could they but get sqch a remedy as the one that curerd me. Do not try to study out how 1 can afford to pay the few postage stamps necessary to mail the informrtion, but send for it and learn that there nre a few things on earth that although they cost nothing to get they are worm a toriune 10 some men and man to lifetime of happiness to mot of u. Write a Thomas Slater, Box 390, Kalamazoo, Mich . and the Information will be mailed lu a plain i.a -..i-- -i r- VMbU MfbUfJ. Zimi.ildtH, hWV.I1 V Cttti 11 1 'in id "j!" 1 in" -in Tin 1 1 i - ima ii-i - ..I - 1HI u ; ASTORIA '"' ' " " iiiiiii.'mm AVcflctablcPrcparationfor As similating IhcToodandRegula ting the Stomachs andDowcis of VSSSBMWSM Promote s Digeslion.Chccr ful ness nndRcst.Contains neilhcr Opium.Morphine nor Mineral. Not Narc otic. XtapeoTOuia'SAMUIlHraiKn sflx.Sairut JorA,U,SdU dnillSttd. mermint . Ml CaHatnUSala Jtimzr hwayrw tlamr. Arjcrfect Remedy for Constipa tion, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, Worms .Convulsions .Feverish ness end Loss OF SLEEP. Fee Simile Signature of NEW YORK. exact copy of wrapped. yVwy a r)r.?r 1.nfVl.flnnh.Trp cnlrt. am mn inin nwwn Ita rnftr 1 ' ..11.:! .11 urn, n ty Ri 13 - he u ii itv? B M mw b y"B9iw form. No-to-bac Is ttio greatest nerve-food In tbo world. Manr KMnlOpoundsIn lOdarsand Ituovct X&lls to make tbo wcafc Impotent man strong, vigorous and magnotlo. Just try a box. You will bo dc iigmcu. we expect yon to oeut-vo wnat wo iay. ror a euro is ansoiuteiy Ruaranweu uj aruggists ovorjr Wbero. Send for cur lioorlot "Don't Tobacco bplt nnd Smc-ko Yonr Ltfo Away." written puarantco and 0 sample. Address 'rtliZ K'l'IUtLIKaUUU&UX CO.. C'Mcacu or Ksw Xorlk. SOLD AND GUARANTEED BY D. T. FRY, Salem. OreRoru - Ai -fc j h PI H O y h rfrf i i-f&E&wr iff ffl H I M II . -. - JCL ..12- . The Willamette Hotel, Salem, Oregon, calls attention to the redduced rate now made persons visiting the capital city upon offiaial or other business, The Willamette is located in the business center of the city, opposite the post off ice; also in same building are the telegraph and Wells, rargo x Co, offices, The electric street cars 'terminate and leave the hotel every few minutes for all public buildings and other points of interest, Every and all conveniences are offered to our patrons, The Willamette is headquarters for all public men. Is one of the largest and best equipped hotel Very respectfully, See those genuine Westenholm Carving Sets at GRAY BROS A full line of pocket and table cutlery, razors, shears, etc, Northwest corner State and Lioerty sts Salem, Salem Steam Laundry Please notice the cut in prices on the following; Shirts, plain 10 cents Under drawers . 5 to 10 cents Under shirts ; to 10 cents Socks, per pair 3 cents Handkerchiefs I cent Silk handkerchiefs 3 cents Sheets and. pillow slips 24 cents per dozen, and other work in proportion. Flannels and other work in telligently washed by hand, Col, J, Olmsted Prop, TRADE MARKS, DESIGNS, COPYRIGHTS Ac, Anyone londlng a sketch and description may quickly ascertain, free, wbetber an Intention U probably patentable. Communications strictly oontldentuL Oldest agency rorsecurlngpatent In America. We bare a Wasblnstou offico. Patents taken tbruusb Muun & Co. recclTO special notice in tun SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, beautifully illustrated. ot snr scicntino journal, weekly, terms ixuu a yeart IL&Oslx mnntbs. Hpecluen copies and lumii 11 Uoou on i'ATKMTS sent free. Address MUNN & CO., 301 Uroadnnv. New York. MADE ME A MAN AJAX TABLETS POSrTIVELY CHB2 A LL. Dtrvou nutates rslllaa Msm pry. Imiotencr. HleeploMness, etc . caaMd in Abiue and other rprmm and Jndls crptlODi, Thru tjuUklu and tunlu restore Lost Vitality la old or loam, and It a man for study, builsets or mtrrUgB. taken In time. Xbeir tio shows Immediate improve ment and cSeets COltB where oil others falL In. lit upon hating tba cenulns AJax Tablets. Tbty nave curoa inoussnas ena win euro you. lie bits a positive wnuea susrsntee to street a cure in escn tlra wrltlan imarantAe iur( ornfaadtbemoasr. 1'rloe OO cents VS.Kfiifm'airK . Olrcalar free. iUptckuH (fall treatment) for clain wraotier. ODOn racelot or nrli AJAX REMEDY .. w.t Okast, Ul J uarbrai rki. ill. TV For sale at Salem, Oreeon, by I). J, TRY and G, W. PUTNAM, .LIMA A hMmmi 80 YEARS Fv fe EXPERIENCE. . qHT TRADE MARK8 . fSi r&vwe$rWc , . . , J.-Y. .',: . SEE THAT THE FAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE OF IS ON" THE WRAPPER OF EVERY BOTTLE OH1 CnUoria is pnt cp in cno-stio bottles only. It is set sold in balk. Don't allow asyono to ssll n(t.lilnH mI.A AM 111. l.ll S AHI.A 41.... I& jSj i- "just as good" and "-will answer every pur. S3 rose," J53- Boo that yon get O-A-B-T-O-S-l-A, 7h ht' tla'U &&& It 03 c!sai'.3te( urj vnpptr. c( sssrysgras. 223JEH CV&&' GUARANTEED .'.- riflirrft OUREfPr HAB8T tn rtnstrftv thn desire for tohftcra In anr sin the northwest. A, 1, WAGNtiK, rrop, ?H FASHIONS CHANGE BUT $ I POZZONFS I Complexions X POWDER X .6. v r REMAN U ALWAYS TOE SAME. T Tho finest, purest and most beauti fying toilet powder ever made. It is soothing, healing, healthful and harmless: and when rightly used fa A Invisible. If you havo never tried ft POZZONK'S A you do not know what an IDEAL fS COMl'JLUXION l'OWUJjn la. 'gV IT IS SOLD EVE11YWIIERE. A A '& LOOP POISON A SPECJALTYra "."kVHR. '"SON penanently ccredln 16 to 85 days. You can bo treated it homo f orsame price under same cuarnn. ty. If you prefer to mmnhn;.iu.. tract to Darrallrnfuirnrnnnih(ai Km. vr. TOebarM.ifwe(all to cnralfyoa hare taken tner cu.rjr,rU,do V.ot.a,,, ?nd "' btt ohei and pains. 5Iuct.ua Vatchea In mouth. Horn Throat, 1'lmpJee. Copper Colored HpoU, Ulcer on any part of the body. IlulrorKyehrowe falling out. It is this Secondary liLOOli VOIHUN we cuarantco to cure. Wo solicit tho most obsti nate cases ond challenge tho world for a cuso wo cannot cure. This dUeaao has si vara baflleUtheakllluftliemoaterruSeutpliTsi! Ctana. M600.000 capital behlnObuTnncondl. tlonal s-usrantT.Absofute proofs sent eealedoo appllcatton. Address COOK, ItKMKDY CO. 807 Masonlo 'Xemplo. VHIOAOO, ILIm UK Qui non-ujlaonoo- remeoy ror uonorrhtes CDltEitH "I??, epermatorr II 'lnlwtilr.l Whites, unn latorrbuia, stural dls charges, or any luflawtna. trnmu MaurJaa. tjen of mucops Inern rHlErtsjCHtMiCilCa brsnes. Non-aslrlngfni ni la .trixtara. lion. Irritation or ulcfira iCSiamV.O.Jm uo" "' ruBF. or bvqi m piaia wrap(, by ezortas. eraoald. fol iixo. or s Uiltlas. tl;j.A Ctroulir soot vu remwt. R Proposals for Supplies. Tho board or trustees br tlio Oregon SUitc lnsUtto asylum lHVltcu bcalcd proposals for furnishing at the asylum near Salem Oregon, for pIjc months ending June 30, 1897, the following supplies: DltY OOODS. 2000 yds. Pequot A sheeting 45 In. unbleached as per sample. 2000 yds. Pequot A sheeting 30 In. unbleached, as per sample, 1000 yds. Lonsdale sheeting 30 in. bleached as per sample. sou yus. juarsciiiCHtJiiccK xorK Man ufacture as per sample. 2500 yds. Mariners Stripe Shirting Amoskcag as per sample. 1000 yds. Blue Denims Ooz. Amos kcag as per sample. 2500 yds. Canton Flannel Rashua XXX, unbleached, as per suuinlc. 300 yds. Crash Bleached 18 In. as per sample. 200 yds. Sellsla drab as per sample. 144 yds. white table oil cloth, Pot ters ns per sample. 300 ydi table linen, bleached 58 In. as per sample. 500 yds. calico Indigo Blue Ameri can. 1000 yds. calico, black and white, Pacilic, Aniline, Lawrence & Co. 1000 yds. calico Turkey red small stripes and small figures, Garner & Co. 30 doz. ladles' hose, cotton, aa per sample. 125 doz. men's socks, cotton 101, as per sample. 10 doz. hdkfs. Turkey red, as per sample. 24 doz. stay binding B & II No. 10 4 doz. corsets, size 22-3, 23-4, 24-8, 25-8, 20-7, 27-4, 28-4, 29-4, 30-D, aa per sample. G doz. suspenders, men's as per sample. 2 g gross pants buttons, aa per sample. 10 gross coat buttons, as per sample. G gross vest buttons, us per sample. 0 gross pearl buttons, white 4 holes, lines 24, as per samplo. 12 gross pearl buttons, pmoked 4 holes lines 24 as per sample. 0 g gross shirt buttons F B as per sample. 15 packs pins Eagle F. 32 & A B,. 120 papers needles sharps gizo, 0-00, 7-G0. 3 doz. knitting needles No. 17. 7 doz. thimbles No. 8 us per sample. anocEiUES. 15000 lbs. granulated sugar, (Ameri can Rtillncry. 20000 lbs. Golden C. Sugar (Ameil- tun Hennery.) 15000 lbs. Liverpool salt, 1500 lbs. oat meal, In barrels. 10000 lbs. rolled oats, in barrels. GOOOlbs. cracked wheat, in barrels. 1000 lbq. cream wheat, in barrels.t 2000 lbs. hominy, small, In barrels. 1000 lbs. liomlny, large, In barrels. 500 lbs. corn starch, Oswego. 400 lb3 gloss starch, Klngsford's 1 lb. pkg. 240 lbs. China starch. 5000 lbs. rice, Island. 3G0 lbs. soda, A & II. 400 lbs. cream tartar, Folgcr's 25 lb, boxes. 150 lbs. Pearl barloy. 50 lbs. beeswax, common as per sample. a50 lbs. beeswax, pure us per sample 40 doz. ovsteis. Cove Fields No. 2. 40 doz. corn canned, White Lily New Crop. 4 doz. Worcestershire sauce; qrt. L&P. 4 doz. whisk brooms. 30 doz. No. 1 best brooms. 40 gross vulcan Safety matches, as per sample. 15 boxes .macaroni in 8 lb. boxes, white. 2000 lbs. corn meal, yellow, in bar rels. 0000 lbs. Costa 111 co coffee, as per sample 500 lbs. Java coilce, as per sample. 300 lbs. Mocha coffee, as per sample. 1500 lbs. Chicory, as per sample. GOO lbs. Sal soda. 300 lbs. Chloride lime. 200 lbs. raisins, London Layers 20 lb. boxes. 100 lbs. Zantes currants,20 lb. boxes. GO lbs. Chocolate hukic. 1 id. iikc 10 doz. cuns concentruted lye,Glant. 50 lbs. Pearl I no. James fyie's. 50 lbs. bluing. Nuremberg, -In balls, La A, 500 lbs. cheese, Cranston's or as good, more or ie6s delivered as re quired. 500 lbs. soda crackers, XXX, mora or less delivered as. required. SYRUP AND MOLASSES. 2000 gal. syrup, bidder to submit samples. goo gal. molasses, JNow uneans, Did der to submit samples. CKOCKERY. 25 doz. tea cups, W G ware, as per samnlc. 25 doz. saucers, W G Jvvare, us per sample. 1 doz. pltchers.'tollet, W G ware, us per sample. 2 doz. pitchers, 1 gal. W G ware, as per sample. 0 doz. pitchers, cream, W G ware, as per sample. 20 dozen soup bowls W G ware- as per sample. udozen DaKcrs 12 in. 1 ware as per sample. 10 dozen bakers 10 Inch W G ware as per sample. ISdozen dinner plates W G ware as per Ramble. 0 dozen pie plates W G ware as per sample. 12 dozen glass tumblers ns per sam ple 2 dozen salt shakers as per sample. 2 dozen pepper shakers as per sample. 4 dozen butter chips W G ware as per sample. UHANtt. 10000 lbs. beans small white as per sample. SOAl 2500 lbs net sayori best standard soap. 1000 cakes White Lily as per samplo, 500 cakes Peerless Kitchen as per sample. 180 cakes Shaving J. B. Williams as per cample. 84 cakes toilet. 8PI0K8. 500 lbs. pepper black standard ground In 5 lb. cans. 100 lbs. mustard standard ground In 5 lb. cans. 25 lbs. inaco etanuurd ground n Q lb, cans. &?L - -' t WJi . 100 m glilger Btatlqard gtolind In lh. (Vi ns. &0lbs cuinKtiion standard ground in 5 lb. cans. 25 lbs cayenne standard ground In 5 lb. cans. 25 lbJ. sage standard ground in 5 lb. cans. TOBACCO. 2000 llw. even change. 500 l'os. O K Durham 2 oz. pkg. nitusu.ES. 8 dozen dust brushes as per Sample. I 8 dozen pcrub brushes as per sample. 2 dozen dusters, ostrich feather 22 Inch as per samples. OILS AND TURPENTINE. 120 gal. turpentine iu 5 gal. cans. 5Ugal,linsccdoil,bolled,in5gal.cans. 200 gal. kerosene, more or less, in tanks, delivered ns required. SUOES. 88 pairs shoes, ladies, size 6-20, 5-25, 6-25, 7-12, 8-0, as per sample. 34 gross shoe laces, 4-4. FLOUR. GOO bbl. No. 1 flour, more or less, de livered as required. 5 bbl. No. 1 graham flour, more or less, delivered as required. Jb'IBH. 500 lbs. (Ish nor week, more or less. us required, kinds ns required, stating I price of each per pound. MEATS. 600 lbs. tbecf. nor dav. mora or less, delivered as required, equal parts fore and hind qnarters. 200 lbs. mutton, per day more or less as required. DRIED PRUNES. 10000 lbs. dried, nrunes. bidder to submit sample!). DRIED APPLES. 40)0 lbs- dried apples, bidder to sub mit sample:;, DRIED PEACHES. 2000 lbs. dried peaches, bidder to submit samples. MISCELLANEOUS. 30 doz. table- spootis, us per sample. 6 doz. tea spoons, as per sample. -12 doz. knives, ns per sample. 200 pipes and stems, as per sample. 4 doz. mop handles, as per sample. STATIONERY. 1 gross Payson'a Indelible ink, as per sample. 4 gross Falcon pens, D 2 gross London Incandescent No. 4 M. Jacobs. 2 gross Glllott's No. 404. Gcjoz pencils, lead, No. 4 (Jobaun Fabore.) VINEGAR. 1000 gal. pure cldar vinegar, 40 grs. Bidder tb submit samnlea. DRUGS. 2 kilogrammes ammonia mur. gran, (Squibb.) 1 kilogrammes ammonia bromide, (Squibb.) 5 klllogrammcs chloroform. In 500 gramme bottles. (Squibb'.) 500 grammes potassium acotatc, bicarb, citrate, (Squibb.) 500 grammes (Squibb.) 1 kilogramme (Squibb ) 2 kllogrammo potassium potassium potassium potassium iodide, and 80- 3 kilogrammes dlum tart, (Squibb.) 2 kilogramme sodium bicarbonate, Squlbb.l 1 Squibb.) 3 kilogrammes sodium bromide, (SquiOD.) 1 kilogramme tlnct. (Sauibb.) oplurn deod., 500 grammes Fowler's (Sauibb.) solution, 500 grammes acid tartaric, (Squibb.) 100 grammes mercury mass, Squibb.) 250 grammes zinc sulphate, (Squibb.) 500 grammes zinc oxide, (Squibb.) 1 kilogramme Iron pyrophosphate, (Snulbbj 1 lb. acid, muriatic C P. (P & W 35 lbs. chloral Hydrate, (P & W 2 lbs. sodium nhosnhate.fP & W 25 lbs. potassium bromide, (P & W). 12 lbs. acid muratiit com., In 0 lb. glass stopper bottles, (Mai.) 10 lbs. ammonia muriate powd. 20 lbs. borax powd 5 gal. concentrated water of am monia, in 5 gal. glas9 container, (Mai). 5 lbs carbolic acid, (Mai. gold label.) 5 lbs. magnesia Carb. (K & M) 10 lbs. potassium powd. 12 lb. gum arable, select. 2 lbs. oil sweet orange. (Lehn & Fink.) 4 oz. oil bay leaves, (Lehn & Fink.) 1 lb. granulated arnica flowers, (Lilly & Co,) 1 lb granulated cannabis lndlca, (Lilly & Co.) 1 lb. granulated Canada snakeroot, Lilly & Co.) 1 lb. granulated colurabo, (Lilly & Co.) 4 lb. granulated nux vomica, (Lilly 2iCo.) 1 lb. granulated dandelion, (Lilly & Co.) & oz. antmamnia, 0 gr. taoicis. 10 oz. phenucctlnc. 50 oz. Sulfonal. 8 oz. pepsin, (Bondault.) 0 oz thyroids, (P D & Co.) 2 doz. Wyeths beef Juice. 5 doz. cascara cordial, (P D & Co.) 1 doz. llsterlne. 5 lbs. bromldla In 1 lb, bottles, (Bat tle & Co.) 20 lbs svr, r. Hvnonl losphltcsco., In 5 II. Vifittlan . (iVumpolc.) IU. UUUUibDi I , u.i.J.w.v.; 0 doz. Alcock's r asters. 1000 empty capsules No. 1,(P D &Co) 10 lbs. cocoa, (i'liuiips.) 5 lbs. fl. oxt. corn silk, (P D & Co.) 5 lbs. II. ext. sarsapurllln co. for syrup, (P D & Co.) 1 gal. distilled witch hazel, (P D &Co.) Tablet triturates to bo In bottles of 500 each. 500 tub. trlt. aconltla, (Wyetu.) 1500 tab. calomel and sod. bicarb co. (Wvoth.i 500 tab. trlt. cannabis Ind.,(Wyeth. 600 tab. trlt.codelnosulnh.. Wyeth. 2000 Tab. Trlt Ccrll Oxalate, (Wyeth.) 2000 Tab Trlt Digitalis & Strych. fioTab.Trlt Opium (1 gr ) (Wyeth.) 600 Tab. Trlt Podophylln, 1 gr. (Wyeth.) , , 1000 Tab Trlt Dover powders 21 gr. 1 lb. Wllson'sCarroslvo Antlccptlo tablets. (Wyeth.) 500 Pills Saiol. 5 ar. (Wyeth.) 1000 Hypodermic tablets, No. 48, In bottles of 100 each) Wyeth.) 1000 Hypodermic tablets No. 08, in bottles of 100 each ( Wyeth.) 1000 QuImneSulpli. capsules, 2 gr. (P D & Co.) 2000 onlnlno -Sulnh. fcansulei. 3und 6gr. (PD&Co, HniiiiitB Zi. 6 5 gross each Cla-lo A, extra lone 1 ferosf CHcle A,' extra' Von'g ' " bro pcrlptlon corks, No. 10. p 1 gross each prescription -rials, Phil adelphia Oval 4 and 6 oz. W T & Co. i gross each tin olntthent boxes, i oz., i oz. and 1 oz. ' I 6 gross each English pusleboard mil boxes, Nos. 29. 3o atid 31. , lOOcachWhla-Filur papers 10 in. 200 White Fllterpapers 13 and 15 In (WT&Co.) " ' 1 glass mortar 2 oz. (W T & Co V II A IV 1.U.J 1 3 doz. T&Co. medicine glasses No. G. (W 1 2 doz. Empress syrlnges.No. l.( W T & Co. 1 doz. Davidson's syringes, No. 2. ! 1 lb. sterilized lambs w&oliln U Toz. packages, (J & J.) 1000 powder envelopes. 2x31 In. as samme. 1 doz. Chamois, as sample. 1 doz. Bromo Seltzer, (ucdlurn. I HARDWARE. ! 100 each 3-lCxH and 3-10x2 inch Nor- way Iron carriage bolts. 60 each ixli, ix4 and 1x6-1 ncif Nor- wuy iron carriage bolls.. . , I 60 each 5-lGxH. 5x2, 5-10x4, 5-16x5 Inch Norway Iron carriage bolts. 50 each 1x2 and 1x4 Inrll "Nnrwnr Iron carriage bolts. 50 1x2, x4, ix3, and 1x0 Inch coach screws. 50cachi.xl,ix2, ix3, 1x4 Inch Nor way iron machine bolts. 50 each x2, ix3, 5x4, fx5 Inch Nor way Iron machine bolts. 60 each 1x3, 1x4, 1x5, 1x6 Inch Nor way Iron muchltio bolts. 100 round head stove bolts 3-16x1 Inch. , G Hat bastard flies 12 Inch. 0 Hat Mill bastard Illcsl2 Inch. 3 hair round bastard tiles 12 Inch. 2 each 4, 0. 8 and 10 flat mill files. 2 Heller Bros, horse rasps 10 Inch. 5 lbs each 1 and J Inch washers, 1 gross each 1. 11. 11. and 2 Inch No. 2 round head screws. 1 gross 2 Inch No. 0 round- head screws. 1 lb i Inch oval head copper tacks. 3 lbs 1-Inch oval head copper tacks. 300 feet of i Inch round Norway Iron. 100 feet sach 5-10, f, 7-10, 1 and i round Norway iron. 50 feet each 1x1. Ixf. 1x1. 4x1 nnd Jxll Norway lion. 10 feet each landi Inch octagon steel. 3500 lbs blacksmith coal (like sam ple.) 20 feet Too steel Ixl Inch. 15 feet Too steel lx Inch. 10'Ubs Burden horso shoes, No. 2 hind. 50 lbs Burden horse shoes, No, hind. 5 lbs each Putnam horseshoe nails, Nos. 5, 6, 7, and 8. 12 sheets No 24 It G black iron 30x00. 4 sheets eaoh galvanized sheet Iron No 18, No 20, and No 22, size 30x90 1 box l.X bright charcoal tin 20x28 2boxeal.XMenlo redlppcd roofing tin 20x28. 100 lbs solder 1 and 1. 1000 tinned rivets, 0 lbs. 1 bundlo 03 lbs ot No 7 Bright iron wire. 50 bushels charcoal. 1 tinner's hand snips, Peck,' Stow & Wilcox, No 8. PLUMBING 24 elbows 1 Inch. 24 tecs 1 inch. 12 each socket couplings J, 1 and 11 Inch. 12 each flange Unions 1, 11, 11 and Inch, G each flange unions 21, 3 and inch. 24 each plugs 1, 1, 1, 4,1,11, 11, and Inch 24 each bushings ix, 5x1, 1x1, ix 1 inch. 12 each reducing elbows lxl, lx, iXl. 12 right and left couplings 1 Inch. 24 right and left cast elbown 1 Inch. 12 compression hoso bibbs for Iron Fine with, stuffing box and swivel disc inch, finished. 0 compression, basin cocks No 1 nicklo plated and swivel disc. 1 package brass safety chain No 1. G rubber bath plugs 11 inch. 72 each boss bibb washers 1 and 1 Inch. 72 Sherman hoso clamps for i hose. 12 hoso couplings, i Incfi. 1 gross hoso washers 1 inch. 100 feet each of 1, 11, 11, and 2 Inch black pipe. 60 feet each of i, I, and 1 Jnch; black 12 elbow burner cocka 1 inch. 0 Scotch gauge glasses ixlG Inches. 12 feet of Garlock spiral piston pack ing I inch. 2 square yds of Jenkins plumbago sheet packing wiro insertion i Inch. 7 Columbus sink couplings (com plete.) 280 lbs dry asbestos cement fcltIntr. 1 Barnes three wheel plpo cutter No 1 plumbers shave hook. 1 Eureka plpo bender for 11 Inch lead pipe, , 2 Franklin plpo wrenches 18 inch. Samples mayibo seen at tho com missary of the asylum. Goods must bo In accordance with samples, and bo original packages, when possible. The right to reject any and all bids la re served. Delivery ot supplies will bo required within llfteen days' notice of acceptanco of bid. Each bid must Include all thn items and totals lu full, with tho except lona of Hour, meat and flsh. Payment will not bo mado until the bidder has completed IiIr cnnrrnc.r,. A conv of thoadvertlso ment must accompany each bid, and tho name of tho class of supplies bo Incrlbed on tho envelope. Auditing ofllcers aro prohibited from confirming accounts of purchase when the adver tlsment docs not contain u full des cription of tho articles to be pur chased. Each bidder will bo require to furnish with his bid a certified check in an amount equal to ten per cent of his bid (save that for flour th check Is to bo for 300, for meat 8250, for flsh $75,) payable to tho order of tho board, to bo returned In caso ills itiri u mitred or lini nronosal com piled with. Bids will bo open at the governor's ofllco at 2:30 o'clock p. m. Monday, January 4, 1807. Dated Salem, Oregon, December 15 m' WM.P.LOBD, v. H. It! KINOA1D , PHIL. METSCHAN. Board of Trustea O. H.li A. V -