' Va98fV ' '7"ff 2-'4 "V - - - f5iT?Tf mtjrZ .r -ppm) i u ' w.wm.JmlmM . mim y ww55S ' - -VBpri. iftfjIK fff iVlMII I Ml waniiMmaa VjIw imimmMiiw n'Vin n- " ffliirtf iiw.riywrtefl Daily Capital Journal. BY HOPBR BROTHERS. MONDAY, DEC. 7, 1896. i " " " " "" ," f "f i l DAILY LINJU TO PORTLAND. it STEAMERS H Altona and Ramona $ LEAVE k Portland, 6:45 a. in. $ Salem 7:45 a. in., except Sunday. f? Quick time, regular service and cheap Jt ....rates ... M. P. BALDWIN, IJ Agent, Salem Slash Sale of Dress Goods This Week. For convenience for you and us we've arranged tlieui luto lots nil conveniently priced. Its the deepest cut we've ever made. Look them over and then come and investigate. 5 pieces half wool Iridescent effects, assorted colors.'good styles 14c 5 pieces all wool tricot and half wool checks ...10c r24 pieces all wool Henrietta, all mixtures, zmw 4 incu koous, 40 to 65 cent values 20c 29 pieces, including 40 inch all wool Henriettas, all wool fancies In llouclcs and plalds.former values from 50 cents to$l 39c 29 pieces, 40 inch Henrietta, silk mixed fancse, Iridescent bouclcs, 75 cents to $1 poods 49c 9 pieces fancy liouclcs and irides cent novelties, an new jrooas, ioc to 90c 59c 8 pieces fancy mixtures and suit patlcrns,&7o to $1.23 per yard. . . .00c T. flolverson. Wool Shawls, We show a complete line from ooc up. Excellent values. Fur Trimming, For dresses or capes, inoludinir Thibet, mink, cross-cut mink tails, cream lamb, .silver fur, jetted fur We show some nice things in feather trimming. Men's Clothing. Let us lit you with one or our Happy Home and K. N. & F. suits. $10 Overcoats, Best yalue; try one. Hats. Most complete lino now In. Lead ers of style. J, J, Dalrymple Co, OREGON PERSONALS. Addison Wright of Mehama is quite ill. Geo. C. Litchfield, of Portland, is visiting relatives at Salem. John Durbin of Salem, age 103, was reported quite ill Saturday. Judge Fee expects to go to Malheur county to hold court Tuesday. Carl T. Roberts, of Tellurlde, Col., is visiting at Salem for a few days. Secretary of State II. R. Klncaid returned this afternoon from Eugene. Hon. Phil. Metschan and wife regis tered at the grand hotel, San Fran cisco. Gen. II. B. Compson, of the board of railroad commissioners, is in the city. Col. Robt. Thompson, of the cus toms office, returned to Portland today. The Oregon City senate was reor ganized with the following officers elected for the winter: County Clerk L. V. Ehlen today is sued a marriage license to John C. Hertz, of The Dalles, and Lillian C. Bernard!, of this city. Homer Crayen, proprietor of the Albany bowling alley, spent Sunday with relatives in this city. Win. Dunn went to Eugene this morning where he is to act as night agent for the O. P. company. After being in the dray business in Corvallls nineteen years, Alex Camp bell has sold out to Lee Well. Judge J. J. Shaw, a prominent at torney of Salem, was doing business In Albany Saturday. Democrat. Colonel R. A. Miller, president; John W.Clark, vice president; John W. Loder, secretary, and H. A. Web. ster, treasurer. Col. J. B. Eddy, of Portland, and A. We Sell Clothing Thatglvotho wearer satisfaction. To see ours Is to buy 'em. Men's suits, 96 to 310. Youths' suits, 84.50 to $10. Best values for your money. Xmas Presents for Boys, Boys' kneo suits, $2, $3, $4.50. They fit Well, wear well and will please your boy. Try us for oil coats, oil pants, men and boy's overcoats and mackintoshes. See our underwear, neckwear and hats. Yours to please for cash. WILLIS BROS, S. CO, Court and'LIberty. Cho Cash Dry Goods, Clothing and bhoe House. J. Miicriiin, of Forest Grove, of the board of railroad commissioners, re turned to Portland today. J. It. Bowman, traveling salesman for Salem Woolen mills in Colorado and New Mexico, arrived in the city Saturday evening to spend a few clays. Harvey Scott, of the Oregonian, would be u beau ideal for McKinley's cabinet. He is as far removed from the people as a man can be, outside an asylum. Bert P. Van Cleve it is said in the papers will lose the sight of both his eyes. A beriellt performance was given for him at Harrisburg to pay for a surgical operation. Rrigham W. Young, of Salt Lake City, is the new electrician in charge of the Baker City E. L. & P. Co. Mr. Young is a grandson of the founder of the Mormon Church. W. J. Best, brother of Peter Best, who was drowned in the North San- tlam river at Detroit, has come on to settle up his brother estate, and will prove up on his homestead. An exchange says: Hon J. N. Brown, of Ileppner, is a candidate for speaker of the house. He is an able man and we believe is entitled to recognition and should be elected. William McBride, of Rosedale.G. B. Weaver, of Detroit, W. J. Best, of Vlllisca, la., B. A. Kellogg, of Al bany, and A. C. Hough, of Woodburn, were registered at the Cook hotel on Sunday. Col. B. F. Alley says: "jSo lady clerks In the legislature is boldly ad vocated by sonic papers. Not many years hence there will be no male clerks as the ladles will control both branches of our state government." The Lincoln County Leader, Inde psndent, thinks as Senator Mitchell has adjusted his silver views to the party, he should be re-elected, but says he will not be, J. M. Lawrence, first; E. F. Park hurst, second; Hiram Smith, third; J. S. Graham, fourth; are the candi dates for aldermen in each ward of the Salem city election, without op position for the first time in the his tory of the town. New Oregon Notaries: N. C. Mc Leod, Elgin; James K. Sears, McCoy; M. L. Causey, Union; Perry H. Blythe, N. A. Pcery and W. B. Struble, Port land; J. F. Darrlen, Cornelius. Lucian Everts, Long Creek; T. T. Struble, Portland. John S. Gurdaue. a Republican rep resentative of Umatilla county, tells the East Oregonian that Mitchell will be re-elected and believes the Umatilla delegation will -vote -solidly forhlra. Mr. Gurdane was an anti Dolph member in 1895. Colonel and Mrs, S. L. Howlett of North Yakima, Washington, daugh ter and son-in-law of Mrs. A. W. Den nis, of this city, accompanied by S. Cammeron, a prominent Wool grower of that section arrived in Salem Sun day morningon a flying visit, en routo to Arizona for the winter. T. A. Richardson, candidate for mayor of Salem today without op position, has practiced medicine at McMinnyille, The Dalles, and Salem. He was born in Illinois on November 15, 1840. Ho removed with his parents to Oregou in 1851, when he was 11 years old, and they settled in Linn county, near where Scio now stands. Ho received his literary education at Lebanon academy and Bothel college. Mr Tongue will bo the member of congress representing the First Con gressional district after the 4th of Mnroh next. Frlenduof protaotlon in Western Oregon and of nn onen river from Eugene to the sea in the- Willa mette valley, aio encouraged by this fact. Salem Statesman. And we will gamble two to ;one that Tongue will not got a .dollar for the Willamette river nor for coast harbor. Col. Alley in Baker City Republican. As Mr. Tongue is a gold standard convert who was formerly a.silvcrltc, there Is no reason why he will not stand as high and have as much Influence as any other man who Is an apostate unto goldbuggery. Minnie DeMoss Cochran died sud denly at Wheatland, Cal., on Tuesday of last week, and her remains were taken through Albany to Sherman county by her husband and brothers and sister. Her death was caused by blood poisoning from a carbuncle on the jaw. The remaining members of the family are dishcattcned, and it probably means the disbanding of the famous troup that has played on two continents. The deceased had been married only about three months and was27yearsof age. Ten years ago a sister died while the troup was in-Cali-fornla. The DeMoss family has been traveling for 23 years. They attracted attention by their singing of "Oregon" at the world's fair. WILLAMETTE Wins Saturday's Game, Pacific College Defeated Score of 14 to 0. MARRIED, Elks' Memorial Services. According to .the custom of the or der, the -Benevolent Order of Patri otic Elks observed Sunday as memor ial day throughout the United States. Salem .Lodge fitingly Observed the oocasion in their hall in the State Insurance building. The hall was well filled witli the -members and friends -of the order. The memorial sermon was delivered .by Rev. W. C. Kantner, of the First Congregational, church. It is spoken of as on appro priate effort. Short and impressive addresses appropriate to the occasion were also given by Judge F. A. Moore, Hon. Tilmon Ford and Hon. P. II. D'Arcy. Mrs. Ilallie Parish Hinges sang a selection and Prof. Etuil Win kler executed a piano solo. These memorial services are conducted out of respect to the members of the-craft who have departed this life dnring the past year, and Sunday's scavlces were especially impressive. A Second Lectuhe. The second in the series of the Willamette Uni versity lectures will be given Wednes day evening, December 10, by Prof. F. S. Dunu, at the University chapel. The subject will be "The Passing of the Etruscans." Tills will be the last lecture berore the holidays, after which they will be resumed at weekly intervals. Prof. Dunn's lec tures will alternate with a course by Presieent nawley, whose subject will be "The Rise and Fall of the Slave Trade in the United States." The public is earnestly invited to attend these lectures. ' Work op a Sneak Thief. While the Newberg football team was at the fair grounds,sorae contemptible sneak thief entered the Y. M. C. A. dressing rooms and removed about $5.75 In cash and four pocket knives from the cloth ing of the visiting football team. Chief Dilley was informed of thc theft and it is hoped the guilty party may be apprehended and that justice may be meted out to him. The return game of foot-ball be tween the Pacific College team, of Newberg and the Willamette Univer sity team of Salem.played at the state fairgrounds Saturday, resulted more disastrously to the visiting team than did the Thanksgiving game. Tho game at Newberg on Thanksgiving day resulted 0 to 4 in Willamette's fa vor, but on Saturday our local team succeeded In making the remarkable score of 14 while tho visiting team failed to score a point. Rain in torrents commenced to fall about 2:30 o'clock and continued at Ir regular Intermissions until 4:30. But this did not detract from the interest of the game which was witnessed by fully a hundred in spite of tho heavy rain fall. Water to the depth of 12 and 18 Inches was to be seen at many places on tho field. A resume of the game will not be attempted. The affair was too much "one-sided" to prove interesting. Willamette won kick-off and gradually worked towards her goal and soon made a touch-down but failed to kick a goal. The Newberg team was out playedJ In every detail, nevertheless they played very plucklly until within ten minutes of the close of the last half, when they gave the game up and re fused to play any longer. The visit ing team accepted its defeat grace fully. They spoke In the highest terms of the treatment received from the Salem teams. The changing in the positions of Salem players accounts for the grand victory while the performance of right guard Williams certainly added materially to the result of the game. Willamette's half-backs, W. Evans and Legg, "played ball" with telling results. Legg. though he has been on the football field one year, has devel oped into an excellent player. W. Evans, With his experience of two years on the gridiron, always suc ceeded in getting theplgskln on a fumble by the contesting team, John Williams, who played on the University team in the inter-collegiate games of 1895, played right guard Saturday with great skill. Macey very acceptably played end man. BROWN HEATH. -At the homo of the groom, s parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. Williams In Oakland, Cal., Thursday evening November 20, 1890. Miss Josephine Brown, or this city to Mr. Francis M. Heath, of San Francisco. I Thebrldo is the only daughter or With a Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Brown of this city. The newly wedded couplo will reside In Oakland. BERNARDI IIERTZ-At tho home of tho bride's mother, on South High street, at high noon, Monday, December 7, 1890. Miss Lillian O. Bcrnardl, of Salem to John O. Hertz, of The Dalles, Rev. J. S. White, of St. Joseph's church, offic iating. The newly wedded couple left on the 2:20 local for Tlio Dalles where they will reside A Lady Voted That Sonncman had the finest lino of China and Chrisfmas goods in the city at prices below all others. At 124 State street. Pictures framed by Burcn & Hamil ton. 12-5 3t New and Elegant X Crockery being daily ceived, Prices Are Cut to suit the times. re Grocery Specialties ! The finest line in the city Always best service, TODAY AND -:o:- P66lu -:o:- UNDERWEAR We are showing In our window nn mi... . dies' vests and'pants, rcgubMfteVooaS6 ln la 25c. A heavy grey fleeced Union suit nt. XZW UOOMH in T.I1IS nn rn,ln,.,l '-nn All the Big Bargains in Mackintoshes H, G. SONNEMANN 124 State st, Commitments. To the State Prison Saturday night from Portland were: Lrank Monroe, larceny, 2 yci'is; II. M. Huff, larceny, 18 months; James Laney, larceny, 1 year: John Downing, larceny, 5 ycur; Tn iias O'Brien, larceny, 5 years; Levi Dunr, counterfeiting coin, 31 years. To the State Asylum for the insane: P. A Sakcy, of Astoria, William Barrow, of Lakcview, was another ar rival at the asylum yesterday. He is a native of Georgia, a laborer by occu pation, and CO years old. Sheriff F. P. Lane and L. F. Conn, acting as guard, brought him to tho clty Shoes snoes New Officers. The Order of the Eastern Star elected annual officers last Tuesday evening as follows: Mrs. Josie La Fore, worthy matron; Miss Marcie Rizer, associate worthy matron; Miss Callsta Moore, conduct ress; Mrs. Helen P. Gatch, associate conductress; Mrs. Ida Babcock, secre tary; Mrs. Isabel Farrar, treasurer. Judge Geo. II. Burnett was duly elected as worthy patron. Sheriff Sales. From this date uutil further notice The Weekly Capital Journal will publish no tices, of sheriff's sales, at $5 a piece for the full five weeks , according to law. Persons making foreclosures or having execution notices to publish should make a note of this. Capital Journal Publishing Company, Salem, November 1,1890. tf Wind Storm. As a result of Sun day night's terrific wind storm,several electric poles were blown to the ground hut they were soon replaced this morning.. No damage of a serious naturd has been reported. Boiled Cider ! We have got some very nice boiled cider in bulk, You can get it in any quantity from a pint to a gallon, It can be diluted onohalf and still be of the same strength as that usually sold, flnRRITT .& LAWRENCE, P, O, Grocery, Agents for "WorldVBeater" Soap." mmsam 257 Commercial st. 300 New, Plain and Plaid SUITS ust Don't buy old goods when you can get new at a lower price, In mackintoshes and gents' underwear we have the largest assortment in the city, and at the lowest prices, 100 Ul mVii STQtt A Pleasant Afpajk. One of tho most satisfactory experiences is to take a meal at the White House res taurant, Kcnworthy & George proprie tor, 100 State Street. Holiday Slippers ! X Great shoe sale ! One of tho largest Btocks over brought to tho city, to bo sold ajb prices to meet tho Ilard Times. 'Don't fall to seo these goods before buying. E. F. Osburn's Racket Store. Pictures framed by Buren & Ilamll ton. 12-5 3t Cheap tea you th i n k we mean trash; we don't we mean Sciithiir's Best It is the cheapest tea in the United States. If you don't like it, your grocer will give your money back. It costs him nothing. A bCAiuinr cc lompuy but rruscuco 423 Salem Ministerial Association. At the regular weekly meeting of the Salem Ministerial Association held at the Y. M. C. A. parlors the matter of holding union evangelistic services during the spring was consid ered. The subject was discussed and the secretary was authorized to cor respond with Key. Williams, a success ful evangelist of Atlanta, Ga., who is now laboring in Iowa, with a yIow to inducing him to visit Salem be fore returning to his home. Incorporated. Wm. Naylor, Da vid Kauble and M. C. Burns, of Co burg filed articles of incorporations of West Point Lodge Df Odd Fellows. M. J. Kinney, L. C Kinney andN. W. Kinney have filed articles of Incor porations of the Astoria Packing Company. Capital stock,$100,000. Catarrh Cannot Be Cured with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as they cannot reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh is a blood constitutional disease and in order so cure it you must take internal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally and acts directly upon the blood and mucous sur. faces. Hall's Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine. It was prescribed by one of the best physicians in this country lor years, and is a regular prescription It is composed of the best tonics known, combined with the best blood purifier, acting directly upon the mucous surfaces. The perfect combination of (he two ingredients is what proluces such wonderful results in curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials free. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. EF-Sold by Druggists. Don't Be Duped by selllng-out-at-cost schemers, but buy your holiday goods at Tho Fair at low prices for spot cash. 12-3 2d 1 w NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. WANTED - LADIES r-$150 IN GOLD GIVEN AWAV. Cut this out and save it. It will not appear again. Who can form the greatest number of words from the letters in INDUSTRIOUS? You can make twenty or more words, we feel sure, and if you do you will receive a good reward. Do not use any letter more times than it appears in the word. Use no language but English. Words spelled alike, buf with different meaning, can be used but once. Use any dictionary. Plurals, pronouns, nouns, verbs, adverbs, prefixes, suffixes, adjectives, proper nouns allowed. Anything that is a legitimate word will be allowed. Work it out in this manner: In, into industrious, no, not, nut, nuts, dust, dusts, us, sit, sits, etc. Use these words in your list. The publisher of Woman's World and Ten- ness Miller Monthly will pay 20 in eeld to the person able to make the largest See those genuine Wostenholm Carving Sets at GRAY BROS A full line of pocket and table cutlery, razors, shears, etc, Northwest corner State and Lioerty sts Salem, feed, flour and hay. Only the best goods handled and prices always the lowest. Mamma, Take Me. Salem Jolly Lady MInlstrels Friday Dec. llth, at Heed's Opera House. $20 in geld rcest list nl words from the letters in the word INnilS. TRIOUSj $12 for the second largest: $10 for the third: $8 for the fourth; $S for the ten next largest, and $2 each for tho twenty-five next largest lists The above rewards are given iree and without consideration for the purpose of attracting attention to our hand, some woman's magazine, twenty.four pages, ninety-six lone columns, finely illustrate. and all origiual matter, long and short stories by the best authors; price 51 per year It is necessary for you, to enter the contest, to send 12 two-cent stamns for a three months' trial subscription with your list of words, and e very person sending the 24 cents and a list of twenty words or more is guaranteed an extra present by return mail (in addition to the macazine). of a 2oo-,nairn honk ."n-...;'.. Fortune," by Florence Warden, a love story of intense interest. Satisfaction guaranteed in every case or your money refunded Lists should be sent at once, and not later than January 20. The names and addresses of aucccssmi contestants will be printed in Feb luVX ?SI,, published ln January. Our truncation nas been established nine years. We refer you to any mercantile agency for ??r.fi?.nd'nS' Make your list now. Address, JAMES H. PLUMMER, Publisher, 905 Temple Court Building, Dept. C. P., New York City TO TRADE. A 160 acre farm in mas county, for property around BREWSTER & WHITE UStf --fEEJh Reed's Opera House, PATTON BROS., MH"' Two Nights Only, Monday and Tuesday Dec 7 and 6 In Darkest America!, Clacka-Salem, James Schiewe,over Steiner & Blojser's store balem, Or. 12 7 3d WANTED -Lady to work for board. Mid- dleaged lady prefered. Mrs. D. Bailey, corner of Sixteenth and Trade streets. Refer ences requi ed 2 31 MRS. N. B. SCOTTr-Stenographer and typewriter, room 12, over Ladd & Bash's bank. Prompt attention to all classes of work. 12 2 tf Counter and railing for sale cheap. Address C. M. Lockwood, Salem Oregon. 1 3' FOR RENT., Eleven acres adjoining the Indian school, at Cheraawa, five acres of garden land, good house, bain and well watei. By month or year for low cash rent. Address Box 145, or apply at G.W.Pcarmine, two miles north of town on river road. 1 1.351' WANTED-A good respectable girl for gen. eral housework. Apply at Journal office. 7 it LOST-On Wednesday last a leather purse containing small sum of money, a pearl handled knife a baby's gold ring and a watch key Finder will pleaso leave at Journal ofiice, J-7 3t CARPET PAPER Large lot of heavy brown wrapping paper for sale cheap. Jus me luiug iur puiiing unucr curpeu, Journal office. Call a Hair Dressing, Manicuring, Scalp Cleansing, Dandruff Treated, Scalp Cleaning, MandrufT Treated, nair aresssa aaiiy uy me monin ior 13.50. Eldridge block: Mahara's Refined Minstrels' Aal.ow.forWlafhf5V( iiuuiirii up - i - . -x t firni I .MW .- rrrAJatfiib -J Younir, America- .-- B children ?. and sweet - &sr&msf and wing dancers' m. Fun maters. Www d8te & Pnnular prices, SoOSdu. M -ELKINS' I nowj0n sale - ri ' i