Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899, November 23, 1896, Image 4

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Daily Capital Journal.
. ' "--
MONDAY, NOV. 2-1, 1890.
H I Altona and Ramona
Portland, 6:45 a. ra.
Salem 7:45 a. ra., except Sunday.
Quick time, regular service and cheap
... .rates ...
Agent, Salem.
rH VH .si K s t sd y
Feather Boas,
Coquc boas, from 50c up.
Hackle Boas and Colarettcs.
Ostrich Collarettes up to $5 each.
Capes and Jackets,
In-closlngout our line of garments,
we offer exceptional values. If we've
your size, It's an opportunity.
Men's Overcoats'
Our "famous" $10 and $12 coats ap
peal to any prospective buyer. Try n
long Ulster.
Ruober Coats, Slickers, etc.
"We show a nice line of these, at
lowest prices.
We're After
Our Jackets, ,
This week we're making a clean
sweep cut on our Jacket stock of
20 Per, Cent
We've too many popular priced
goods remaining, $0 to $12 and 515,aud
they all come under the hammer.
That means $15 garments $12; $12
garments $9; $10 garments $8: $7.50
garments $0; $0 garments $4.80; $5
garments $4; $4 garments $3.20.
Come early.
Just Opened, , ,
Another lot of those neat black
bouclc capes, silk lined, thibct trim
med collar and front, $5.
T. flolverson.
J, J, Dalrymple Co
Thanksgiving night at the opera
house 'Senorlta." The funlest play
ever written. Produced by "Fin De
Seiclo Dramatic club." of this city
for benelit of the G. A. R. Guaran
teed to cure the worst case of the
"Blues" in ten minutes, a dollar show
ut half price
The Bowling Alley. Robinson
& Young have commenced work on
the bowling alley for the Illlhee club.
It is being constructed on "bridge
work," and will be attached to the
rear of the class room. Its dimen
sions will be 90x12 feet. Of this 25
feet will be used as a waiting room.
There will be a regulation bowling
alley of 05 feet, and the fixtures, Jetc,
will fbe the very best. Should the
......iimxim rniKiriiiiiu tiio """tractors
expect to have the work completed by
December 15th.
A Sukprise Party. Last Satur
day Mrs.Josephlne Faxon, who resides
at the corner of Mission & 13th
streets, was agreeably surprised by
about forty of her friends. The even
ing was most pleasantly spent in
games and other amusements and at
a seasonable hour a delicious supper
was served.
Repairing the Bridge. The work
of replacing the two piles and other
wise repairing the bridge of the Salem
Motor Railway Company over South
Mill creek near the S. P. passenger
depot, was commenced this morning.
Other damages to the road, caused by
the late freshet will also be repaired.
Warm Feet
You Will have Ifyou wear our shoes.
Try them.
"Little Giant" shoes for children
$1 to $2. "Crossetto's shoes for men
$.ito $4. "Sailer Lewin," shoes for
ladles, $3. " Waverly" Cork Sole shoes
for men, $2.75.
Heavy goods for less money.
Warm Hands,
You will have if you wear the
"Komfort Brand" heavy mittens, just
the thing for teamsters and mortor
men. Now Cashmere gloves just in.
xHowuoir caps, new oil coats see us
for Rubbor Boots and Shoes.
"Iron Clad Hoso for Boys."
Tho Cash Dry
Shoe Ilouse.
Court and-Liberty.
Goods, Clothing, and
Win. Erost left for Astoria Sunday(
Chas, Beers was a Portland vlstor
W. H. Butchart went to Portland
this morning.
A. Mason left via Salem Local Sun
day for Goble.
A. W. Gicsy was a Portland passen
ger Sunday morning.
Prof. O. K,. Byl'ind returned to Ger
vais Sunday morning.
Frank Davis came down from Tur
ner via the 2:20 local.
Mr. Klinger, was a busiucss visitor
to Canby this afternoon.
Banker J. C. Cooper of Indepen
dence, was a north bound passenger
this afternoon.
Rev. Jno. Parsons returned this
morning from the lower valley.
Chas. Atwood is assisting at the
New York Racket Store during the
Misses Edna Purdy and Gertrude
Riddle returned this afternoon from
Mrs. S. M. Stock and Miss Reglna
Jacobs visited the Cliemawa Indian
Training School today.
G. P.-Hughcs returned this morning
from Portland where he attended the
Hirsch banquet Saturday night.
Miss Abbic Mills, superintendent of
the Salem Hospital, was a Portland
business visitor Saturday afternoon.
II. J. Singleton returned this after
noon from Turner where he has been
visiting ins mother, Mrs. Win. Robin
son. Rov. Win. Robinson returned this
morning to Turner having tilled the
pulpit of the First Prosbyt-jrlan
church Sunday.
Carl Grilith went to Oregon JCity
this afternoon where he will be tlm
oui ii is sister airs. K. A-Miller,
until after Thanksgiving.
Hon. J. N. Blown, representative
elect from Morrow county, arrived In
the city last evening and is visiting
at the home of Prof. Z. M. Parvin in
South Salem.
Frank Davey arrived in the city
this morning from San Erancisco
where, at times, he has been doing
reportorial work on some of the large
dallies in the Golden Gate City.
Antone Metscham, who has for sev
eral months so gracefully acted as
assistant in A. Klein's Boot and Shoe
Store, is the latest to don the cardinal
and old gold at Willamette University.
Mrs. E. A. Lynds and little daugh
ters, ueuna and .Esther, returned to
their home in East Portland Sunday,
after a visit of three weeks with her
parents Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Sauvain.
Architect W.D.Pugh returned Sat
urday evening from Warm Springs
Indiun Agency of Eastern Oregon
where he has been supervising the
erection of government buildings.
Miss Lena Iluber returned Satur
day evening from an extended visit In
Portland. The pleasure of the visit
was greatly marred by sickness, Miss
Iluber being seriously 111 for several
weeks. Her many friends In this city
will be pleased to learn the young
lady has recovered from her sickness.
Capt. M. W. Hunt ieturned today
from a two weeks deer hunt in the
mountains cast of Lebanon. J. T.
Hunt of Whiteakcr, E. A. Down
ing of Sublimity, and Leo Bilyeu
of Lebanon were in the party. Capt.
Hunt who Is a native of Oregon
says he never witnessed a more
severe storm than while out on this
Salem Wins Saturday's Fooiball Game
Other Notes.
The football game Saturday aftei
niMiii between the bccond University
team and Junior team from Chemawa
was extremely Interesting, but owing
to the inclemency of the weather the
irarne was witnessed by only a few
Salemltes. Both teams were quite
evenly matched, as was evident from
the playing. During the first half
the Salem team scored one touch
down, but failed to kick a goal, and
when time was called for first half the
score stood 4 to nothlmr In favor of
Salem. At three different times in
the second half, the Salem team had
the pigskin within ton feet of their
coveted, goal, when they lost
tho ball. But the next time they bent
Max Miller, the plucky full-back over
the line, and scored another touch
down and again failed to kick the
goal; score 8 to 0. The Indian boys
seemed to be aroused -at this, and be
gan to play hard. By a beautiful end
play the "red-skins" in a run of about
forty yards, scored n touch down and
kicked a goal just as time was called.
Score 8 to G in favor of Salem. The
game was one of the fairest ever seen
at Salem, neither team being disposed
to adopt unfair methods in order to
carry the day.
The prospects arc favorable to a
pleasant Thanksgiving day this year
and no doubt a large number of foot
ball admirers from Salem will take
advantage of the excellent opportu
nity ollered them for a pleasant river
excursion and go to Ncwberg to wit
ness the game between the Willam
ette University and Pacific college
teams. A great many have signified
their intention of going, add your
name to the list and let's have a large
delegation from Salem. An unusually
reduced fare has been secured over one
of the popular river steamboats.
Saturday's San Francisco Chroniclo
contains quite an article with regard
to the great Thanksgiving game to be
played between the Stanford and
Berkley-teams. Besides the article re
garding the game, from which the
following extract is taken with refer
ence to Chester G. Murphy, of this
city, who will play quarter back on
the Stanford team, the Chronicle con.
tains a cut of the members, of the
Stanford team, in which the resem
blance of Murphy, though it is quite
good, could be greatly Improved.
"Murphy will play the kicking po
sition and quarter back on line,
bucking plays. He and Cotton will
alternate at that position and full
back. Murphy, an Oregon youth, is
quite an improved player over the
form shown in the early games here.
He punts high and lonp wii -
.,muiu uieb vi accuracy. He passes
well and runs the team cleyerly. He
also has developed wonderful ability
on a free catch. It Is a question, per
haps, if his kicks are always well
timed, but he may be relied upon to
try every point of the Berkley line be
fore he is convinced the giants before
him may be held."
Speaking of the Intercollegiate
football game held in Corvallis be
tween the U. of O. team, of Eugene
and the O. A. C. team of Corvallis, In
which the former won with a score of
8 to 4, the Corvallis says:
"The Eugene boys put up a game
considering the horrible weather, and
while some of the team indulged In
unnecessary slugging, there was less
of It than Is common in exciting foot
ball games. They aie a gentlemanly
lot of collegians. They arc not re
sponsible for the rank decisions of the
officials, and it was only legitimate
for them to take advantage of them,
u. op o. vs. M. a. a. c.
On Thanksgiving day the U. of O.
team of Eugene will give an exhibi
tion game of football with the M. A.
A. C, of Portland at the latter city.
Tho Eugene boys will pass through
Salem Wednesday afternoon. The
Locks at Oregon City Opened Sunday.
Boat Movements.
This morning the river reglstored
12.3 feet above low water mark. The
locks nt Oregon City were opened Sun
day afternoon and boats this morning
resumed their regular run between
Portland and upper river points.
Agent G. M. Power, of the O. R. &
N. Co. today removed into his ofllce at
the foot of Trade street and was re
pairing the damages done tho onice
and dock by the recent
high water. Agent M.P.Baldwin was
also able to return to his olllce today.
Steamer Ramona left for Portland
this morning on schedule time.
Steamer Altona will arrive up from
Portland this evening, she being able
to pass through the locks again since
the "flood."
Steamer Elmore will arrive up from
Portland this evening returning to
the metropolis Tuesday morning,
Steamer Modoc will leave Salem Tues
day evening for Harrlsburg. She will
run regularly between Salem and liar
rlsburg In place of the Gypsy which
has been temporarily placed on the
McMInnville-Portland route.
Steamer Ruth will arrive up from
the metropolis Tuesday evening re
turning down the river on the follow
ing morning.
The government snag boat Math
loma has left for points up the river
and will begin active work In ridding
the river of snags and other obstruc
tions that Interfere with the success
ful operation of the river steamers
throughout the year.
The O.C. & E. Co has as yet adopted
no schedule but their boat, Steamer
Albany,goes and comes at the business
of the company demands. Sunday she
passed down the river for Portland.
The largcat line
Ladies ruiotb ever
shown in Salem at F,
S, Dearborn's book store
Sec his show window
for styles and prices,
263 Commercial st,
of jM, Capes and Jackets.
sH IT n N
1 V a
Our Dicsolution Sale et.nrle t,-.., ..
of Novrmber, Remember cveryXe .X
Our line of these goods is going very fas, a( sa,.
Baseball. The Indoor baseball
team of Salem's Y. M. C. A. ban Issued
a challenge to the Albany team for
an. exhibition game. This Invigora
ting Indoor sport Is being revived and
many Interesting games will undoubt
edly be played in Salem during tho
winter months.
Notice. The Salem Choral society
will meet Tuesday (tomorrow) evening
for regular rohearsal instead of to
night, as pre adjournment.
The Skull of a Mastodon.
Sunday afternoon E. II. Huffman
observed In a shallow pool of water
beneath tho South Commercial street
bridge, the skull of some large animal.
With the assistance of two bystanders
Mr. nuffman carried the skull from
the creek to Ills livery stable near by.
It strongly resembles tho skull of a
mastodon. Although tho exterior
parts are badly rotted away, enough
remains to justify the conclusion that
it Is certainly the skull of that ani
mal. Its upper surface measures 3x2
feet and the skull weighs about 150
pounds. As to its discovery there re
mains but one conclusion that the
recent high water unearthed It hr it
Is highly lmprobab'c that the force of
the current was sufficient to trans
port it from some point up the valley.
Mr. Huffman will no doubt realize a
handsome little sum for his tind by
disposing of it to some museum or
collector of relics. While these skulN
have been frequently found in the
Willamette Valley one seldom com
pares with the one found in Salen yes
terday, either In dimensions or in
Lots of good garments left that we i-a ff .
thaj will please the closest buycrT fctmgatPrfc
Dress Goods,
Wonderful bargains in black,
well as fancy g
All our standard brands reducer!. P....
for the holidays, "y our suppty
All our new holiday goods in and are bcin
sale prices,
Hosiery, Staples, all at
is a genuine sale,
reduced prices, Remember this
Boiled cider
1(1 to 1 at
c telnet's1
" -f.
Boiled Cider!
257 Commercial st.
We have got some very nice boiled cider in bulk. You
can get it in any quantity from a pint to a gallon, It can be
diluted onevhalf and otiil Lo of the &ame strength as that usually
P, O, Grocery,
Agents for "WorldBeater" Soap,"
New, Plain and Plaid
CJust JnZC
game promises to be quite interesting.
Rubbers,. Boots, Coats, Slickers and
Winter goods of all kinds. 'Shoes at prices ulways below others.
E. F. Osbiirn's Racket Store.
Thanksgiving Program.
At 1:30 p. in. next Wednesday the
following program will be rendered
at the East school:
Song and Chorus "Oregon"
By Pupils.
The Governor's Proclamation
Clyde Brock
Recitation.... "Etllo's Thanksgiving"
Lila Swallord
Solo "Speak Ono Kind Word"
Lizzie Swartz.
Recitation "Uncle William"
Wi James Caly'n,
Duet Selected
Georgia Davenport. Grace Davis.
Recitation "One Chick"
Ruth Leeds.
Solo Selected
Mnttte Southwick
Recitation "Thajiksglving"
Margaret uocigKin.
Song "America"
By Pupils.
Patrons and friends of the school
are cordially Invited to attend the
exercise. Tho regular Tuesday's pro
gram will bo omitted this week.
Registration Day. Today, as
the first day lor the second term of
tho school year of 180G-7 at Willamette
University, was devoted to tho regis
tration of students. President W. C.
llawloy was quite busy all day enrol
ling students. Several new students
are entering the school at this season
of tho year.
A Card Party.
Friday afternoon Mrs. C. A. Gray
at her beautiful home on Chemeketa
street delightfully entertained a
party of her friends, the occasion be
ing a whist party. MissColiuan won
iirst prize while Mrs. II. n. Thomp
son was the recipient of the "booby"
prize. Those enjoying Mrs. Gray's
hospitality were:
Mrs. O. E. Krausse, Mrs. Prank
Hughes, Mrs. J. C. Grlfllth, Mrs. A. E.
Strang, Mrs. J. II. McNary, Mrs. C.
D. Gabrlelson, Mrs. W. T. Gray, Mrs.
F. R. Anson, Mrs. Jos. Albert, Mrs.
F. A. Legg, Mrs. E. G. Cross, Mrs. A.
E. Crosby, Mrs. Dr. Byrd, Mrs. Geo.
B. Gray, Mrs. S. A. Sanford, Mrs. J.
M. Kyle, Mrs. R. P. Boise, Jr., Miss
Magdalena Breyman, Miss Jessie
Breyman, Miss Anna Metschan, Miss
Julia Metschan, Miss Mae Boise, Miss
Edna Moody, Miss Coleman. Miss
Georgia Glltner, Miss Cranston, Miss
Amelia Metschan, Miss Ella Illrsch,
Miss Zadie Palmer, MissM. J. Cosper,
Miss Gussle Lowntdale.Mlss Mae Car
penter, Miss Van Wagner, Miss Mary
sonage of the First Presbyterian
church, corner of Chemeketa and
Cottage streets, at 7.30 p. m. Sat
urday, Nov. 21, 1897. Mrs. A. M.
Banford to R. II. Price, Rev. Win.
Steele officiating.
Katie Emmett in Thouers. Plays
may come and plays may go, but "The
Waifs of New York," like tho brook,
seeraes destined to run forever. It
comes to us tonight at tho Raed's
Opera Ilouse better and brighter than
ever. And, by tho way, there does
not seem to be any other soubretto
that attempts this stylo of character.
Wether it appears to bo difficult or
not it is hard to tell, but Miss Eraett
seems to have the Held to herself, and
her popularity Is well deserved, for a
brighter and more pleasing person In
trousers It would be hard to find.
You can expect too much
of Schilling's Best it is
only tea.
But your grocer gives
your money back if you
don't like it.
In packages, full weight.
A Schilling & Company
u iuiisto
SPEAR Atdier home at Frultland,
at 1:30 p. in. Saturday, Nov. 21, 1896,
"" j-Tuuuje oyuur, agea u years.
Funeral services were held In Ma
cieay Sunday afternoon.
A Fatal Wedding.
While the wedding bells were ringing,
"Golden" Democrats were there
To the G. O. P. were married,
Thinking "pie," would be their share,
Telling tales or fond affection,
All were acting well their parts
But when that "pie" Is delivered
There will be some broken hearts.
Sad, very sad; but "Senorlta" will
not break the hearts of .any. You
may break some buttons off your
clothes, laughing at some of those In
nocent Wall Street lambs. Rcmnm.
ber the date Thanksgiving night.
Seats now on sale at Patton's,
Order Your Cakes and Pies Of
the young people of the Congregation
al Church will take orders for cakes
and pies. Leave all orders at Stein-
er & Co. and Branson & Co's stores.
All home made. 21 3t
Holiday Novelty. Miss Sperry,
the Artist Is showing a beautiful
novelty for tho holiday trade, and
those desiring something line at a low
price will do well to give an order at
once. n-10 1
T-k I . -4 A J -.
- Don t buy old goods when you can
get new at a lower price, In mackintoshes
and gents' underwear we have the largest
assortment in the city, and at the lowest
Reed's Opera House
TATTON BROS., Maimers.
To Wed. A marriage license was
today Issued to Fred J. Miller and
Maggie J. Kennedy.
WANTED.-In every lodge and con
ity cood agent, canvasser and correspW
Big pay, steady work Address Couc,
Denver, Col
NOTICE.-Tl,e party who tool 4 J
and digging bar from the ' "K
Chemawa, will please return than J
themselves trouble. Oregon Tel. JO-w
By W. H. Daprrv. "-g
WANTED -At the Union jjj
E.b,a,eSLdy Clerk one ItataMP
German. " ''
2-3f . .
FOUND.A pair of gold 'W'Mi
Owner can have namely FfWf
and paying for this notice
DLSOLUTIOtV-Tbe Ute pwwjg!
Bushman & I'oed.ghe.mer ,. .
Wood i w" wasuiu -;
The new coin toes are the latent lu
hoes. Krausse Bros, have them.
Leavo your order now for a turky
for Thanksgiving poultry at Stelner's
market. - 03.2,
. limit
Monday Night,
In Her Famous Play,
Waifs of, Neyv York.
Seats now on Sale
de thankfully g,
TO RENT.-A Urge, ruoilfu j
at this office.
brown wrapping paper J&Z ' &
the thing for puttmR un r-
Journal othce
Half Dressing.
Scalp Cleansing.
Dandruff Tre4 .
Eldridge block-