Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899, October 20, 1896, Image 2

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    Daily Capital Journal
TUESDAY OCT. 20, 1896.
Independent American Bimetallism
and People's Government.
For President, . ,
of Nebraska.
For .Vice-President,
of Georgia.
N. L. UUTLER, Polk County, Democratic.
W. II. 8PAUGII, Lane County, Peoples.
HARRY WATKINS, Yamhill Co., Peoples.
E. IIOFER, Marion Co., Silver Republican.
The following arc extracts from a
letter written by un old veteran of
Eastern Oregon to a friend at Salem.
He lias been a life long Republican
and a patriotic citizen. He says:
Eigiit Milk, Or., Oct. 12, 1890.
"We are still complaining of hard
times, however, crops are better and
prices better than they were last year.
Those of us who oppose the gold
standard firmly believe that the hard
times will continue indefinitely if the
gold standard is permanently estab
lished In this country, hence we aie
for Bryan, first, last, and all the time.
This Is a campaign of falsehood,
triander and vituperation. It Is a
campaign Inwhich the rich jire ar
rayed against the poor, the classes
against the masses, notwithstanding
McKlnlcy- said In his letter of accept
ance that there are no classes in this
country. McKlnley may bo a very
nice man, but he has got Into bad
company, lie nas piaceu mmseii in
the hands of the most corrupt, ring
of politicians, that ever disgraced
American soil. When I consider the
means that are being employed, and
the vast amount of money subscribed
by the monopolIes,trusts and combines
to the Republican campaign fund for
the purpose of purchasing MeKinluy's
election, my blood bolls with Just In
dignation. I hope to see the day
when men, Instead of blindly follow
ing party, will lay aside party preju
dice and vote for principle, vote for
the welfare of tho people instead of
the success of parly. I was trained
In early youth to opposo slavery in
any form, no matter if It was black or
white slavery, chattel or Industrial
slavery, and I hope I have not so far
forgot my early training as to vote
with the oppressors of the human
race. When I look aiound me and
sjo my friends lending aid by voice
and vote to this unholy cause, to this
unholy crusade ,agalnst humanity, I
almost despair, I almost lose hope of
the ultimate triumph of tho right.
Tho Republicans stlll'lnslst llii'it it Is
only u lack of confidence, that has
caused the hard times and all we luivo
to do to restore prosperity Is to elect
McKlnley. I am one of those who
bollevo that confidence must have
something more 'substantial than a
mere 6hadow to rest upon."
E. B. Stanton.
Senator Tillman had an Immense
crowd at MoMliinvlllo Monday, whoro
ho spoke over the noon hour. Farm
ers came to hear him from points as
fur as Independence, Salem,Ncstucca
and others lcsi? distant. Loads came In
armed with pitchforks and all manner
of emblems, such as showed their ap
preoiatloa of the senator's position.
A McKlnley man in tho crowd asked
somo questions, which woro satisfac
torily unswbrqdi ""til ho sprung one
of an lmpertlnont nature. At this tho
Senator Invited his questioner to the.
platrorm, but ho decllned.saying "you
will try to provo mo u llur,"
"No,Msald thoSenutor,"but I might
provo you a fool."
The meeting closed with three
cheers und amJ.UQ. he of feeling.
There Is to bo a Bryan rally, at
Rickey, next Thursday night. A
good program has Iwcn arranged.
Gail Borden
Eagle Brand;
Condeflsea Milk
"Infant Health," ft a little book of
catio valuoUlot'8cnt Pres on nppll-
N. Y. Condensed MIHc Ca.
W X4joh street, sv Trk,
List of
Winners at
the 1896
Continued from yesterday.
class 0 special.
Firsts Display of hand work, Miss
C Crow, Clytner.
Seconds .ui.piay 01 iiar.u "'"
Mis Elsie Alleman. Early.
Firsts Drawers, Mrs Fischer. Spe
cimen lace, knit, same. Woolen
stocklngs.same. Socks, same. Fancy
stockings, same. Baby's dress, Mrs
E Warrener. Bed guilt, silk, not
crazy. Mrs M A Barlow. Lady's
shawl, crochet, Mrs J M KImscv.
Seconds Bed i.iuilt. silk, notferaiy,
Mrs Louis Foust, 'Brownsville, Speci
rncnt lace, knit, Mrs E Warrener.
Woolen stockings, Mrs I L Leitli,
Clymcr. Fnncy mittens, knit, same.
Woolen socks, knit, Mrs J M KImscy,
division n.
Firsts Bull 1 year and under 2, J
Withylcombe. Cow or heifer 3 and
over. same. Cow or heifer. 2 and un
der 3, same. Same, 1 year nnd under
2. Bull calf under 1 year. same.
Heifer, same. Herd of live, same.
Bull 3 and over, J Richards, Oakland.
Seconds Cow or heifer 3 and over.
BII Davis, Sllverton. Same 2 years
and under 3, J Richards. Same 1 year
and under 2, same. Hull calf under 1,
same. Heifer calf under 1, same.
Herd of five, same.
Firsts and seconds J WMcKlnney,
of Turner, took "blue" and
ribbons throughout his entire
JNo competition.
Class5 Jerseys.
Firsts Bull 2 and under 3, D II
Looney.Jeirerson. Bull 1 year and un
der 2, same. Cow 2 and under 3, same.
Cow or heifer 1 year and under 2,
same. Heifer calf underl, same.
Bull calf under 1, same. Herd of five,
same. Bt 11 3 and over, G B Miller,
Gervals. Cow or heifer 3 and over,
Charles Miller, Jefferson.
Seconds Cow 3 and over, D n
Looney. Heifer calf under 1, same.
Hull calf under 1, same. Bull 3 and
over, Charles Miller. Bull 2 and under
3. same. Bull 1 and under 2, same.
Cow 2 and under 3, same. Cow 1 and
under 2. same. Herd of live, same.
Class 1 Berkshlres.
Firsts Boar 2 and over, John Red
mond, McMlnnvllle. Boar under 1,
same. Brood sow 2 and over, same.
Sow underl year, same. Sow pig un
der 6 months, same. Litter of pigs,
not less than 0, under nine weeks,
Frank Durbin. Boar pig 0 months
and under, J W McKinney.
Seconds Boar nig 0 months, John
Redmond- Boar 2 and ovqr, Frank
Durbin. Bropd sow 2 and over.same.
Litter pigs,Myro McKinney, Turner.
Class 2 Poland Chinas.
Firsts Litter .six pigs under nine
weeks. A Henshaw, Albany. Sow
2 and over, C M Smith, Jefferson.
Sow under 1, satne. Sow pig ijix
months, F N Derby, Salem. Boar 2
and over, F E Commons, Scott's
Mills. Boar 1 and under 2, same.
Boar under 1, same. Sow 1 and under
2, same. Boar pig six months, same.
Seconds Boar 1 and under 2, Wm.
Durrell, Wheatland. Sow pig six
months, F If Derby. Brood sow. R.
N Williamson, Wells. Boar 2 and
over, A Stoutenberg, Wheatland.
Boar under 1 year,F E Commons. Sow
1 nnd under 2, same. Sow under 1,
same Boar pig 0 months, same.
Class 4 Ohio Chesters.
Firsts Boar 1 and under 2, R N
Class 7 Polled Angus.
Firsts and seconds R W Carey, of
Salem, took "blues" and "reds" for
all winners In this class. No opposl
tlon. -
Class 8 Red Polled.
First Cow or heifer 3 and over,
Mrs J L Parrlsh, Salem.
Class No 10 Milch Cows.
First Milch cow, any breed, D II
Looney, Jefferson.
Second Same, Charles Miller, Jefi
erson. DIVISION K.
O ass 1.
Firsts Buckwheats, W V Hursts,
Maclcay; tobacco, live pounds sample,
DC Matbeny. Display broom corn,
same. Oats, J C Kamsden. Shelled
corn, A Jones. Sweet corn,
same. Landrcth wheat, It E Down
Sublimity. Wheat, any kind, same.
Popcorn, Wm Wright. Winter wheat
In sheaves, E Wolf, Falls City. Oats
In sheaves, P L Lafollett, Wheatland.
Canadian white wheat, L Townscnd,
Whetland. Australian wheat, same.
Golden clwfr wheat, same, Oregon
spring wheat, C D Nairn, Ballston,
Canada white, same. French wheat,
wheat, same. White barley, satne.
Surprise oats, same. Side oats, same.
Russian winter oats, same.
Seconds Wheat, any kind, W L
Slmcral, Maoleay. Oats, same, same.
Tobacco, II G Matheny. Oats, any
kind. C M Lafollett. Wheatland.
Landrcth wheat, J T Hunt, Wheat
land. Sweet corn, Wm Wright. To
bacco, live pounds, O II Chapman.
Oregon spring whoat, P L Lafollett.
Golden cliuU wheat, CD Nairn. Pop
corn, F Lull, Salem.
Class 2.
Firsts Timothy seed, Myro McKin
ney, Turner, Onion display, O Dick
inson been to. buiom. Mcsquito seed,
Marlon . Sample peas, R Scott.
Onion sets, C II Chapman. Golden
millet seed, Mrs M Gardner. German
canary seed, MrsL L Whltakor, Inde
pendence. Flaxseed, C D Narln.
Whlto beiius, Ruth Yager, Hubbard.
Seconds Onion display, Wm
Wright. Mesqulte seed. Clarence
Hunt, Whltaker. Whlto beans, C II
Chapman. Onion sets, same, Peas,
F A Wolfo, Falls City.
Firsts Grain, field culture by one
man, C E Narln, Ballston.
Oil Paintings.
Firsts Largest, best display, land
scapes, Mrs Lida Nlcklln. Fruits
from natUre, same. Flowers from
nature, same. Water color marines.
Mrs Claud Gatch. Photo views, am
ateur, same. Bromides, same. Water
color portraits, Mrs L II Tarpley,
Portland. Water color landscapes,
nature, same. Crayun portrait. C
MerrltL Tapestry' painting, Miss
Gertie Savage. Pastels, Miss Maudo
n I-tiVc ill
Mfih'iuV. Arcliitecturara)arnilii, U
H Burittrrafr Water
color,51; flowers,
Mlas I'nnri t::irtr.
Seconds Marines in oil, Miss Pearl
(Carter. Larcest and best display
i:inriKr:ii('H. .same. ituiul uuiiil urn-
, traits, Mrs Claud Gatch. Water color
i,,,,,,, same. Photo views, ten
' largest unci best, same. Portraits In
nil. Mrs FL Kiclmiond. Landscapes
in oil. Mrs L JI Tarpley.
Water color
marines, same. Tapestry painting,
Mrs Joe LeVcaue." Fruit In oils, Mrs
M N Chapnian. s Flowers inolls.same.
Flowers In water colors, Miss Pearl
Clnss 2 Black and White.
Firsts Crayons,drawlngs,Co raGris
wold.Salem, Animal life, same Pen
cil sketch, Mrs. F. A. Wiggins.
Seconds Crayon portrait, Mrs. Lida
Nicklln, Crayon drawings, Miss Maud
Jackson. Animal life, Miss Ida Child-
crs. Etchings, JJenry Jauqet, Salem,
Pencil sketch, same.
Class 1 Oils.
Flrsts-rLandscapes In oil, Mrs. F A
Wlgginsi.Salem. Oils on silk, "Mrs W
Martin, Salem. Animal life.Miss Jes
sie M Monkers, Salem Portraits, oil,
from llfe.Mrs F A Wiggins. Etching
specimen work, Mrs Frank A Welch.
Still llfe.Dr AFJefferlcs.Salem. Mar
ines, oil, Mrs. J C Grltllth.Salem.
Seconds Pastels, Miss Ida Chllders.
Animal life, oil, Dr A F Jeffries. Oils
on silk.Mrs B MGrlswold.Salem. Still
life, Mrs F A Wiggins.
Class 2 Photography.
Firsts Photo views, ten largest and
best, M rs F A Wiggins. Photo views,
portraits, largest and best collection,
II D Trover, Salem.
Seconds Photo views.collcction.am-
ateur,Mrs F A Wiggins.Bromide.same.
Uiass z Miscellaneous.
Firsts China painting collection,
Royal Worcester,Mrs J A Richardson,
Salem. China painting In LaCrolx.
same. Same in Royal Worcester.same,
Herbarium display, Dr A F Jeffreys.
Collection china painting in La Croix,
Cecila Dorrls, Eugene.
Seconds Collection china painting,
La Crolx,Mrs J A Richardson, Herbar
ium, Dr A F Jeffreys. Specimen china
painting, La Croix, Cecilia Dorrls,
Class 3.
Firsts In pairs, pigeons, pets, etc.
Black Rollers, L Davldi-on. Quakers,
same. Runts, C II Rilley. Trumpe
ters, same. Barbs, same. Homers,
Chauncey Bishop. Starlings, same.
Pouters, Bert Long. Carriers, R
Smith, Shaw. Hungarian high llycrs,
same. Antwerps, same. Denny
pTieasanLs, J FWeed, Jefferson. Fan
tails, F P Litchfield. Owls, same.
Jap long tails. T H Blundell. Ja
cobins, same. Tumblers, same. Tur
bitts, John Beak. Guineas, L II Rus
sell, Jefferson. Belgian hares, w W
Greeu, Tangent.
Seconds limits, C II Riley. Ja
cobins, C Bishop. TurbHts, Bert
Long. Carriers, It Shaw. Antwerps,
same. Denny pheasants, J F Woed,
Jefferson. Pouters, F V Litchfield.
Tumblers, same. Owls, same. Roll
ers, same. Quakers, T II Blundell,
Belgian hares, WW Green. Fantails,
E Gilllngham. Homers, same. ..
Classes 1, 2, 3,
Firsts Pillow slips,
lio.no lll
Alice Clark. Clymcr. P
Docket handker-
, ubtMaviviii
chiefs, Ruth Gabrlelsoii, Salem
Toilet cushion, same. Splasher, out
line stitch, same. Sofa pillow, Ethel
Knight, Salem. Six doylies, same.
Specimen silk embroidery, same.
Neatest hand made garment, G Mc
Crew, Clymcr. Plain hand sewing,
any material, same. Cotton patch
work quilt, same. Apron, outline
stitch, same. Button holes Delia
Roberts, Portland. Tidy, drawn
worK, same. stocKing oag, same.
Fancy tidy, same. Specimen hem
stitching, Alice Clark, Clymcr.
Knit stockings, Elisa Roy, Stayton.
Butter, 1 pound prints, Belle Wolf,
Falls City.
Seconds Specimen silk embroidery
Cecilia Haines, Salem. Six doylies,
Ruth Gabrlelson. Cotton patch quilt,
C A McCrow, Clymer. Apron, ont
llne, E McCrow, Clymer. Specimen
hemstitching, Delia Roberts. Plain
hand sewing, same. Knit stockings,
Alice Clark, Clymer. Pocket handker
chiefs, Mata Klein, Salem. Toilet
cushion, same. Sofa pillows, same.
Splashers', same.
Classes 1, 3
Firsts Penmanship, best, A L
Pearson. Best landscape paintings,
Fannie Lane. Marines, in oil, same.
Fl6vers, in oil, same. Water colors,
Myra G Raymond. Drawing, Adolph
Dagnoy. Herbarium, not less than 50
varieties, Jay Bceler.
Seconds Specimen water colors,
Myra J Raymond. Herbarium, Scott
Beeler. Pencil sketch, from nature,
Rockwell W Cary. Drawing, same.
Brownsvillo'sBryan and Watsonclub
has a William McKlnley, one of the
old residents of that vlclnity.a Demo
crat and a staunch supporter of the
free coinage of silver.
Tho McKlnley ' club at Harrisburg
has put up a 100 footllag pole and
floats a 12x20 Hag on the city hall.
Bucklcn's Arnica Salve.
The best salve in the world for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, foyer
sores, tettcr.chapped hands.chllblalns,
corn, and all skin eruptions, and posi
tively cures piles, or no pay required.
It Is guaranteed to give perfect satls-
factlon'or money refunded. Prlco25
contsper box. For sale by Fred A.
Victims cf Lost Manhood ehouM Bend at
onro lor a ioa:c
that osrUlua how
full tiimuy vlor
Is easily, quickly
nnd lioruiitncntiy
rvwioro.1. riumnu
Buttering from
weakness cam at
Cud tolvnoititlitj
tluoly uitvico.
nrok tolls hoi.-
full Eti-ABitth. ilrv
vcionmont and toco
iimoat ana toco nro liniarted to urari
JKJfllUU OI inn lkjij. Dual .Villi IKUIllV
.1 .,. I.-l C.. .t. ' i - "
----- . 4.T ' ' "- ,-- T
t toois iseaiea; jrta 10 any man on awilcn tlou
.ZX "iliGW
from morning till night the woman who still
uses soap for cleaning. The "Gold Dust' woman
is through by noon as fresh and bright as her
house is clean.
makes one stroke serve for two in house clean
ing and the saving of money is equal to the
saving of labor. Sold everywhere. Made only by
St. Louts. Chlcaoo. New York.
A Mnn Dies of Thirst Within Ono Hundred
nnd Fifty Tarda of a Lake of Fresh Water.
On tho burning sands of Conopah des
ert, besido n lnko that appears to bo of
tho coolest and tho purost of fresh wa
ter, Ho tho bones of nu American who
died of thirst, and around him nro five
or frix holes of two or thrco foot A tlopth,
which ho dug with his finger nnils in a
frenzy of thirst. His flugors nro worn
off at tho cuds, nnd culy his whitening
bouos nro loft to Lear v.'itnuta to the
Joso Garcia, who makoa a living by
peddling from ono little camp to anoth
er on tho desort, has returned from n
trip which bogau ou Aug. 20. Ho loft
hero at that time and engaged a guide
at tho now placor camp nt Loj Pitmchos,
bolow tho boundary line, to taku him to
n mining camp in tho Cocopah moun
tains in tho heart of tho desort. Tho
guido was named Quiriuo Sosilio, o
half breed, and with thoin wont also
Frank Cota, n Mosicau. Thoy left Los
Picaohos in tho afternoon, travolod nil
night, nnd by tho noxt morning were
fur out on tho desert. By somo miscal
oulntion thoy wero without water, and
though not lost they were bewildered as
to tho nearest way to a woll and spont
tho next two days in traveling without
water, becoming almost insano from
thirst. On tho evening of tho third day
thoy found water. Thoy woro thou on
tho northeast sido of Great Salt lake, or
Lasuua Salada, that lies botweon tho
Cocopah laoiustains on tho east nnd tho
Painted mountains on tho west. Tho
Inke is about s.ix miles wido nnd 20 or
30 in length, varying in sizo according
to tho season, indicating that it is fed
by tho gulf of California. ' It is very
shallow and saltior than tho waters of
tho ocean.
Tho thrto men proceeded southward
botweon tho lako nnd .(Jocopahs for n
distance of ten miles or so and there en
countered two Mexicans and a whito
num. Tho two former wero named Mar
garito Angulo and Folipo Moreno, and'
tho American's namo wns not learned,
but frora tho description ho is thought
to bo Frod Wnssum, who loft this city
for tho Cocopah placers Eomo weeks ago.
Gnrcia continues tho story as follews:
"Tho lucucaiuo from Los Picachoa by
way of liiji and had been without wa
ter. for rwc-vt.l days, and ono of them,
Margari'iJ Angulo, was already ornzy.
Ho was 03 deaf ns n, post and wandered
around liko a drunken man. Ho paid no
attention to my guide, nnd wo had to
lay hold of him to make him drink. In
a fow hours ho wns all right. Tho oth
ers wero in their right minds, but in a
tcrnblo condition, mid as I saw thoir
swollen tongues my own began to swell,
for I had passed through tho samo tor
turo only two days beforo, mid oven now
my tonguo swolls whilo I think of it.
Wo gavo thorn water, and thoy soon re
vived nnd continued on thoir way. They
wero burdened with a dry washer nnd
many tools and moved slowly, so we
left them, my guido giving thorn direc
tions whoro o find tho next water.
"A fow miles farther wo enmo upon
tho bones of a man lying stark ou tha
Baud about 2o yards from tho lake.
There was noflosh loft. Tho coyotes had
found tho body. Ono leg was gone, but
tho rest of tho remains woro thcro. The
head lay towiu-d tho north, faco upward.
Tho whi.-J:er3 wero dark and turuiug
gray, and tho hair was tho samo. The
mou had worn a bluo jumper, a red
woolen undershirt, ono boot and n brown
slouch Int. I foimd a cheap clasp purso
in his jumper pocket which contained
this paper, which is a pioco of nu en
velope or paper sack, addressed 'James
Mooio, paymaster A. T. and S. F.,
Topeka. In tho purso was nlso part of
a greenback. There was nothing elso to
identify tho body. Tho boot was nbout
u No. (i, raid tho man did not Boom-to
have been lar.se.
1 e Uo Uuvo It the Shake.
Undo Allen had dropped into a cob
bler s shop for repairs. As he roso up
after putting on tho mended shoe hd
pulled tho chair up with him.
"That lump of wax," said the Bhoe
maker, "seems to havo formed ft strong
attachment for you."
"I don't reciprocate," replied Unci
Allen, "but I confess I'm a good deal
tuck on tho chair."- Chicago Tribune.
London tlctd It 'ibv.
Ho wns au applicant for n position J
""' w I'ouuucroi', "v nature
your qualifications for tha place?"
RskoU thu superintendent.
"I ILSCd to work m 11 fini-rliim imi-V
uiereshiWi-Oiinuitt " Rxc-listrcfl.
Tit to-
1 lie
Boston, Philadelphia, San Francisco.
The people at Turner were doomed
to disappointment, when they ex
pected a treat In the way of a polltl
cil debate. The Republicans refused
to enter Into a joint dis-usslon, when
challenged by the Bryan men.
Wm. Clarke, the veteran Republi
can, who is assisting In this campaign
told an intimate friend confidentially
the other day that ''McKlnley is de
feated beyond a doubt." Mr. Clarke
has ample opportunity to know.
Your Boy Wont Live a Month.
So Mr. Gllman Brown, of 34 Mill St.,
South Gardner, Mass., was told by the
doctors. His son had Lung trouble,
followleg Typhoid Malaria, and lit
spent three hundred and seventy -11 vt
dollors with doctors, who tlnally gae
him up, saying: "Your boy wont ne
a niontli." He tried Dr. King's New
Discovery and a few bottles icstoied
him to health and enabled him to go
to work1 a perfectly well Mi.tii. .,
says he ownes his present pood he.l I
to use of Dr. King's New Dicoer.
and knows It to be the bet in t
world for Lung trouble. Trial Bott 1
Free at Fred A. Legg's Drug Store
Be Comfortable While Travelling
In cool weather. The Union Paclfit
system heats its trains throughout in
steam heat from tho engine, thu
making every part of all its cars pleas
ant and comfortable. It also lights
its cars by the celebrated Pintsch
Light, making tliem brilliant at
night. Passengers carried daily on
the Fast Mail, which leaves Portland
at 7 p. in. For sleeping car reserva
tions, tickets, or information, call on
or address
Boise & Barker, Agents,
15 12d 4 w Salem, Or.
Before . Sending East for
Willi paper you should bring your
samples and see what we can do. We
will duplicate any of the papers ad
vertised by Chicago houses nt the
same prices and save you much an
noyanco by waiting. Be sure to bring
your samples for comparison. Buren
& Hamilton. 10-tf
Via the Union Pacific System
baggage Is checked through from
Portland to its destination. The
specialties of the Union Paclllc are
unexcelled track and equipment,
union depots, fast time, through cars,
steam heat, Pintsch light and couit
eous treatment to passengers. For
rates and Information, apply to
Boise & Barker, Agents,
15-12d-4w Salem, Oregon,
Friends of Bryan and Free Coinage
tf ho can contribute to the campaign
fund, even so small a sum as 23 cents,
should do so as funds are badly needed
in the closing days or the campaign.
Portrait Frames, 10x20 inches
solid oak only $2. Others Tor Sl.ul) at
Buren & Hamilton's. 10-tf.
Dealer in groceries, paints, oils,
window glass, varnishes, and
the most complete stock of
brushes of all kinds in the
state. Artists' materials, lime,
hair, cement and shingles, and
finest quality of grass seeds,
TO RENT. A large, rooir.y bun.
at this office.
c me unnerigneu are now renovalin
feathers at 186 Ferry street, for the next 30
days. All ladies that consider cleanliness
next to Godliness should have their feather
beds throughly renovated at once. Uedrock
prices. Respectfully yours, Franklin &
Waze. IO ,2 ,m
WANTED Two snare and one bass drum
mers. Apply at Bryan headquarters. 1 1 8 tf
FOR RENT 11 room house, in good re
pair with barn and good well water. With
one and a half lots. Enquire at premises on
loth and Chemekcta. 106 im
brown wrapping paper for sile cheap, as
the thing for puttim- under carprls. Call a
Journal ofiice
&1QO worth for 10c.
f04 " niu ln.urtl book uuiuko
vilkMl mm U U arabm.
TfeTOSf1". '
, I c
J-'-'cccsor to Dr. J. M.IKeene, old White
Corner. Salem. Or. Parties tlesirintr sunerior
' operations at moderate fees in any branch are
in especial request.
Depot Express.
Meets all masl and passenger trains,
gage and express to all patts of the
Prompt seivice. Telephone No. 7o.
WOLZ & MlESCKg Proos.
Dealars in all kinds of fresh an.l salt meaU
EyFreih sausage a specialty,
Mrs. C. M. Ogle will re-open her kinder
gartpn in the Congregational church parlors
on Scptemlcr 21. 8 29 im
On farm land security. Special
rates on large loans. Loans
consideied without delay
limb Rank buildinS.
On city or farm property.
Over Bush's Bank,
Makes a spwialty of fine repair work, Setb
Thomas clocks, etc., 215 Commercial Street
211 Cimmercial st., Salem Or
Sails Sis upwards. Pants$ upwands'EJ
Capital Restaurant
Tult opened, next door to Western
mlnon, 214 Commercial street. Best
.ueal in the city for 15 cents and up
vards. All new, neat and clean. All
vhlte help.
Home Bakery
G. A. Back, proprietor, 327 Com
mercial street. Freh pies, cakes and
bread always on hand, "Just like your
mother used to make."
Office: W Hameite Hotel BuiMin"
For water service apply at office. Bill
payable monthly in advance. Make a
complaints at the office.
There will lie no deduction in water rate
on account of temporary absence from the
city unless notice is left at tho office,
Hereaf-tr WJter for irrigation will r.nly be
furnished to icgular consumers u-itig water
for domestic purpose. Contractors for side
walks, t-rick work and plasteiint; will please
read "under buildinc purposes" 'iuee 17 of
schedule of rates for 1 893. Apply at f
I'll copy.
ihasta Route.
Southern Pacific Co
California Express Train Run dan between
Portland and San Francisco.
.8:50 p.
I :oo p.
10:45 a-
. Lv Portland , Ar. (8:
. f Lv Salem,-- Ar. i8:t
1 Ar- S. Frisco Lv. ( Jn
10 a.m.
00 a. m.
7roo p. m.
Above trains itop at liast Portland. Oreron
City, Wo dburii, Salem, Turner, Marion,
Teflerson, Albany, Albany Junction, Tangent
Shedds, Halsey, Harrisburg, Junction City.
Eugene, Creswell, Drain,! and all stations
from Roseburg to Ashland, inclusive.
North I
8:30 a.m.
lv. Portland ar.
lv. Salem lv.
ar. Roscb'g lv.
4:40 p.m.
2:20 p.m.
8:00 a.m.
11:00 a.m.
5:20 p.m.
a South
North o
4:00 p.m.
0:15 p.m.
lv. Portland ar.
ar. Salem lv.
10:15 a.m.
8:00 a.m.
and second-class sleeping cars attached to all
through trains.
Dctwccn Portland and Corvallis, daily (ex
cept Sunday.)
7:30 a.m, I Lv,
I2MS pm.f Ar.
Portland. .
Ar. j 6:20 p.
At Albany and Corvallis connect with
trams of Oregon Control & Eastern Railroad.
Express train daily except Sunday,
4:4S V- m.
7:25 P. m.
Lv. Portland
Ar. J
8:25 a. m.
5:50 a.m.
to .11 points in the Eastern States, Canada
anii 'mope can be obtained at lowest ratei
two. W.W. SKINNER, Agent. Saltsa.
i: P. ROGERS, Ast. U. r. & P. A..
R. KV.EIILER, Manager.
Portland, Or.
0. R. 4 N.C0.
G,VES TIE ci,nttE
Two Transcontirienhl
eastern cities. "r " ratua
Steamers leave Alwworth ff p 'm
Pt. 14. 19. 24, 29 and Oct. To ,!fW
and 29. ' 1 9i 14,-19, i(.
Fare Cabin, $i2jtteercr '
Steamer Gypsy for 1'orUank dJwT
Sunday at 6 a. m. "' exwpt
Steamer Ruth from Portland to Silcm a ,
except Sunday at 6 a. m. '"Mailjr
.Lowest freight and pas'senEemti i
tnp tickets very cheap. tIcLm , ,? 0M
baEEage checked through to ,n i
Oregon, Washington aniheEa 7 "
charge for baggage tran5fers. Choice of
road or river route to Portland ceoftl1'-
-iu aeiaiis call on Boise &
agents, Salem, Oregon, 'or adclrejj.
& Barker
e. McNeill.
Foot of Trade st.
Local Jpni
Through Tickets
Union Pacific System
fhrough PullmanJPalace Sleepen. Tonri
Sleepers and Free; Reclining Chair Jiily
Portland to Chicaou,
Our trains are netted
steam and
lighted by Pintsch lijjht.
I line to Chicago, J !'- Jays
Time to New York, 4 1-2 days.
Which is
n is man
hours quicker than coin
For rates, time tables and fulliinfonintoii
apply to;
I it:nu, Si.eni, Oi,
CI 'iieril Aijcnt
1 ?; I'hinl 'n-ei.
C. E. ISKOlWj,
)it. fast. .1 gen!
Northern Pacific
l3ul!mari Sleeping Cars
Flugant DininCars
ion S'Mi'. Cirb
To St. Paul, Minneapolis, Dulatn, rart
'.rand Forks, Crookston, Winnipeg,
Helena and Butte.
To Chicago, Washington, Philadelphia, Nt
York, Boston, and all PointsJ
East and SoutbJ
SIFor information, time cards, Jmapsltal
ckets, call on or writ t
26s Commercial srreet, Salem, ur.
- .. n Air
A. D
Charlton, AI.Oen;.ir:f-
Morrison st
o.irnerlinira rum-'- --
ste n R, K. Company
-il,,,n.; ...'i! -I vSuin. Bay with
i7.,-:,, x- Va.ni n 1 Uay BIWumtv-
1 St va.umi wr -"-."-r-.
Sails from Yaquina every 8 days w
Francisco. Coos lby, rort Orfort, n
and Humbolt Ray. unsurpassed
Passenger c'i0n"UjJt'willanieiiertllr
Shortest route iKJtween the Willamei.e
and California. ,;., wet to 8s
Fare from Albany i; 7 ,5l,l
Francisce: Cabin, ) "?????, 7lani!U.
Ray and Port OrfordX' &, J.,. ,
uay, cnu.u .--.,; i,AY
in o; i""-";r.-lV
The mwW""'" uSerW
North Pacific Co.-..t.
bathing absolutely sare. fa liog ,al
For Tb se wi,hir.g to comb. , ,
flWiing with aouatic port, tnis' k rCj,
equaf Deerar, e k. cougar, n Dfi
IftVl""" - " . on
and salmon iroui 1 itf. of iht lr
within a fow hours' d tv o M-
eiuvinI CONK. v'4Xm
t. I' UM.nWIN, Lum' Ac'