DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL wiNnWWwitMNtwfrai it? V p w r- f VOL. 8. Daring the Course of the State the a: SALEM, OBEGON, SATUIiDAT. OCTOBEK IT, IWMfcf - . Fair ZtfO.-JtM v ii V RflftkTT nJ V IitiIiI r i i. . inuiL will continue to sell their goods at their usual low prices, They have a fine line of men's and boys' clothing and overcoats, Also the celebrated trgyg Wu'JW,7VLL7TiWiA? iASJiA? THE FRIDAY RALLY. A Fortunate Termination in Tillman's Absence "' AN IMMENSE GATHERING X, v" w i" v 4(L -t women and at very low ipr ?? 2r J3i line ot boots ana snocs lor men, children, of the best quality, and prices, 1 he line oi UNDERWEAR for men, women and children is complete, Also ribbons, laces, embroideries, handkerchiefs, sua j penders, hats and caps, wool, yarn of all kinds, duck coats, overalls, jackets, and a thousand other items, all sold at 15 to 25 per cent below orduv ary prices, Call and see for yourselves, We will save you money, E.T.BARNES. w. s. U'Ren and Elder Give Hot Talks, Barkley w OREGON ,v,v DCKisfria; HfoosifioD Portland, Oregon, Sept. 19 to Oct. 17. , The great resources of (the Pacific Northwest. Agriculture, Horticulture, Fisheries, Mines, Manufactures, 1 ransportation, Machinery, Trade and Commerce will be represented more completely than ever before. 37Grand band concert every rffrnoon and evening. Special attractions every night. Lowest rates every made on all tran ortation lines. Admission 25c. Children 10c. For exhibit space apply to Geo L. linker, Superintend, ent, at the builduig. E. C. MASTEN.Sec. THE WILLAMETTE HOTEL LADINGHOTEL OF THE CITY, Reduced rates. Management liberal. Electric cars leave ho;el lor nil public buildings Jnd points of interest. Special rates will be given to permanent patrons, A. I, WAGNER, Lawn Mowers, Hay Rakes, Maclune Oils, and Axle Grease. Gray Bros, Hardware. Moves and linware. r Garden Hose, Lawn Sprinklers, J Saletn, Or, Bicycles, Sundries, At 2 p. m. all began to crowd toward Marlon Square. It was a solid Bryan crowd fringed about with an occasional pie eater. "Mollle" was in evidence strongly as ever at Bryan's rally. "Mollle" is for Bryan. That Bryan crowd Thursday night and Friday afternoon never seemed to wantito quit. Tillman was gone. In spite or tele grams sent out from Salem to that effect, Friday's crowd at Salem was immense. "Free col uage,protcctlon aud the election of Bryan go hand In hand," was one of U'Ren's hard hits on Fri day. "As American citizens let us go in for American politics," was one of the texts talked upon Friday by Elder Barkley. The crowd was always ;t Bryan crowd, a silver crowd, prepared to tear goldbug arguments to pieces, -to hoot at gold advocates and hurrah for the white metal. Those Intellectual giants of Mc Klnleylsm, Dock Keene.MaJor Dunnl way and General Idleman were close listeners to Elder Barkley. Occasion ally a sympathetic friend would come up and shed a tear with them. A lithograph of Bryan, the stars and stripes, a crowded speakers' stand, Judge"l)avldson, the capitalist and farmer as chairman, enthusiastic Itepubllcan, Democratic and People's partyileaders, were all on the platform. X, MEN'S K The grandest, the most select, the choicest assortment of men's dress suits, business suits, every day suits your eyes ever Hbtv held, fabrics that are meritorious, linings that are reliable, styles that are new, fit that shows study, and last but not least, prices thatarevwell, prices that fit your purse, be it small or large, New fall suits at from $4.75 6.11 1 (John The Popular Clothiers', State and Liberty Streets, It was just like n circus day. Farmers and family were In holiday attire. They came to hear Tillman, to do trading, to talk politics. At times three hundred were gathered at a street corner, listening to discus sions on the money question. "I want the mines open as well as the mints. We want all these things going together at the same time, so we can have our big country full of prosperous, Independent people,'.' was one or Jiider Bariueys nits that was applauded to the echo. Elder Barkley's talk was "hot stuff" from beginning to end. lie took up thccolumnles of Ills enemies and re futed them piecemeal, challenging them to nieet him on. any stump in this state with specific charges, as he had no newspaper and could not answer anonymous newspaper Bland er?. To the great enjoyment of the crowd a carriage, contanlng Elder Barkley, the Bryan of Oregon, drove up. He had cancelled an engage ment at Philomath to help out the local committee at Salem, In their great disappointment at Tillman's absence. The McKlnleyitcs 6eemed to think the way to reach the masses of the people best would be at the Bryan meeting, so on the east side of every tree in Marion square was a placard announcing Hon. C. A. Boutelle, of Maine, and Hon. M. C. George, of Oregon, to speak at Salem on next Friday. The Journal does not re call an effort of the Bryanltes to ad vertise their sneakers at a McKlnley meeting. It was from 2 to4:aO that U'Ren and Barkley talked. No two speakers on a platform In Salem ever wot such close attention as they did. The crowd wenthome happy, wearingsmlles from ear to ear, with only here and there a long-faced solemn-looking goldite who didn't seem U enjoy the beautiful autumn day Just drawing to Its golden close with asllver morn Illumining the eastern heavens. Hon.W.S. U'Ron.of Oregon City, held the audience to their great de light for an hourdrawing round after round of applause and laughter. He Is one of 'the most clear, logical and forceful speakers In- the state cam paign. ,It, is a sad and solemn fact wiiiKiiuu. j., jl. ituemts nut uying 10 encounter Mr. UTieri. &Nelihcr is C. B. Moores, who used UMrldlcule Mr. U'Ren. They avoid him -as a hnrlnc chicken would a rattlesnake, and for good reasons. Mr, " uV.Beh Is up to date. They are aware of It too. The roll call of the backsliders al-y leged free silver men now advocating tho gold standard wasjhuraorous and sarcastic in tho extreme, and kept tho crowd in a continuous uproar. The seated audience was more than half ladles, and they enjoyed tho "skinning" so scientifically conducted by the master hand -with a Haying knife, and then when the Black Eagle, of French Prairie began to pick the bones of tho remains people laughed until they could laugh no more." WHEAT IN POLITICS. Editor Jeurnal: For Seveial days past the associated press, lias, flooded the papers with dlspatches'abowt tho great shortage of the wheat crop in various countries. This ,1s done to prove that short crops), and that only, cause the advance in price. It is a political trick that tho average Amer ican citizen will not swallow. It savors, too much of MarkiHiinualnm to go down. If tiio great shortage were known to bo a fact, wheat would make a sudden advance tomcet the discrepancy Instead of " advancing halt a cent at a t line. If koueh short age really existed, wbeat operators are smart enough to know what the ultimate effect would 04 upon tho market, and their anxiety to get pos session of the precious gram would boom the price right up. vThat this is not tho result is of itself proof that this alleged news Is not bona tide. These dispatches are without .a doubt sent out at tho Instigation of the syn dicates to convince voters that the prospects of free silver have nothing to do with tho rlso in the prlco of wheat. Farmers, take this alleged news with a grain of salt. Reader. BEFOR BREAKFAS T, Major McKlnley Talks On an Empty Stomach, BRYAN IS N MICHIGAN. Making Scores of Fine Addresses v. Daily. THE SACK HAS COME. 0UL.gCO3El.X.L. WfdLtfM. tlM Ifirf r , An Enjoyable Evening.,, The open meeting given by the Philodorhin society of' Willamette university last evening, was a big suc cess. While the program had a polit ical ring about It, yet each number was entirely or a humorous nature, and received the just recognition at the hands or the entertained, which they merited. Van Winkle opened tho evening's program with a few remarks, in which he extended a hearty welcome to all present. The Mott brothers followed with one of their campaign songs, and the audience would only be con tent when the young vocalists gave a second selection. They favored the audience later, on the program, with a third selection, which was also heartily applauded. The expctatlon of the audience at this point, was at its highest, since the next number was: "A I'lea ror tuo single uoiu Standard," by Bill McKlnley. It baa" previously been announced that the society had Imported Bill McKlnley and the Boy Orator for the evening, which naturally aroused the expecta tion of the audience still higher. To say that the greatest expectations were fully realized would be but expressing facts; when I. P. Calllson stepped forth and advanced as sound an argu ment in favor of the single gold stan dard " can be made. Mr. Calllson j became quite humorous and was ac-' corded a hearty applause. Miss Marie Campbell followed with a campaign recitatlou It which the present un fortunate pledicamentof tho"Modern Sphinx" was pictured to perfection. This young lady is a talented young elocutionist and her selection was greatly appreciated. Again tho ex pectation of the audience was aroused when the next number was announced viz: "Shall We Have Free Silver?" by tho Boy Orator. And they were not disappointed either. Mr. 0. C. Miller presented several humorouB sugges tions us to what free silver meant and was loudly upplauded. A social time followed during which all heartily participated In numerous games. It was not until a luto hour that the party disbanded, being unstinted In their praise of the management. Considering the short time in which the participants had to prepare their respective numbers the affair was a decided success. Early Callers. Canton, Oct. 17. Major McKlnley began speaking before breakfast to day. About 8 o'clock a delegation of several hUlidred frutti Monroe county, Mich., arrived, four to live tralnloads, which brought three distinct delega tions, from Pennsylvania. The cowd at noon'.fs as largo as any day of the campaign, and tho an nounccmontsforth'j afternoon promise to break all previous, records. Over thirty trains are scheduled for tho day. Bryan In the Pink of Condition. OwossoDzpot, Mich., Oct. 17. W. J." Bryan invoke this morning re freshed aria" in good condition to con tinue his record breaking trip through Michigan. He started speech making at 8 o'clock at St. JJohns. His voice was in good condition and ns ho ex pressed It, he was ready to do another day's work such as tho other day whon ho made twenty-three speeches, and, throw in half a dozen more ad dresses for geod measure. Saginaw, Mich., Oct. 17. Flint turned out several thousand enthus iastic shoutcrs to greet Bryan. Justin N.Newton introduced tho candidate and wife to the audience. Rousing cheers were given. Tho meeting was enthusiastic. , Campaign Literature. Washington, Oct. 17. Tho Silver party and Populists today ceased the distribution of campaign documents. Tho Republicans and Democrats will continue to meet tho demands practically until election. The Rct publican congressional committee has distributed from Washington about 21,000,000 pieces, Democrats 12,000,000, Silverltes 10,000,000 and the Populists 1,000,000. Hanna's Order. Chicago, Oct.17. Chairman Hanna today promulgated tho suggestion, that 911 October 24, all those who in tend to vote for McKlnley display tho national Hag at their liomea and places of business. Watson's Campaign. Atlanta, Oct. 17. It can bo stated authoritatively, that Thomas Wat son will meet Senator Jones, chair man of the Democratic national com mittee, In Atlanta next Monday, to talk over the campaign. The Indica tions are now, that In a short time Watson will be actively stumping tho state of Kansas, for Bryan. Wutson still refuses to make known the contents of his letter of accept ance. Ho Bays It Is with Senator But ler, whether or not the letter will ever be given to the public. An Interesting Meeting, The Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor of the Presbytcrlau church are making special preparations for a very Interesting and profitable meet ing on Sunday evening at 0:16. Tho meeting will be ln charge of tho chairman of tho newly formed com mittee. The future possible achieve ments of the society will be discussed after which a question und suggestion box will be opened. Special music will be furnished by the choir. A Joint Dedatk. John P. Robert son went to Buttevllle this afternoon where he will huvc a joint discussion with ex-Congressman M, C. Ocorge this evening. Mr. Robertson will ad vocute the free coinage of silver. $35,000 or Mark Hanna's Sack Reaches Oregon. Portland, Oct. 17. Special. The sack has arrived In tho McKlnlev camp und Joy Is great. There was a hot fight for a time be tween State Chairman Sol Hlrsch and National Committeeman Geo. A. Steel as to who should handle tho stuff. At last tho Junior Senator George Compromise McBrlde was sent east to got his leg fixed, and ns the report went and returned with a draft for $25,000 and promise of ns much more. The division and dis bursement is going on under a com promise the principal fcaturo of which consists of fixing tho Mc- unuo icnccs ror a re-election four years hence. E. P. McCornack is said to have secured $5,000 for Marlon county, with promise or more If needed. Sol Hlrsch nnd Senator Denny, who succeed Jonathan Bourne ns secretary, are handling it, and not using it in the Interest or Dolph, Simon etnl cither. They had a first draft ofW.OOO. Now they get 925,000. $10,000 was raised at Salem and In the state. Tho fight Is Inside the Republican party for the Control of tho federal patronage in uregon and It Is ".low iiLMiirmii ie Klnloy WHEAT STILL BOOMS The Markets Raise on Both Hemispheres, FOREIGN- BUYERS IdO IT, With Their Long Lines of Wheat . ' " ' i ' Hand., on ew," all in tho namo of Mc- All Knocked Out. -Persons look- Imported Stock. In connection ! .11,1, , tin rt,i rntn trritnfirV G'lln nf. ItA i Pioneer grocery.a line line of Imported ,for ,ow I,rl ?r'Tl e " r f Wt dishes Is now being 6laugnterel. call early for choicest belectlons. John O, Wright - J5i3t cash can now get more goods for their money at John G. Wright's than any where else In the city. 10 at CIRCUIT COURT PROCEEDINGS. lodays Transactions in the Various County Departments. County Judge G. P. Terrell hns an proved tho final nccouut of Anna Johnson, as administratrix of tho es tateof A. M. Johnson, deceased. Henry Brueck has been admitted to tho Salem hospital, such order having oeen made by Judge G. P. Terrell. circuit court. In case of Phil Ncls vs. S. W. Jones, of Brooks, action for money; jury re turned a verdict In favor of plaintiff. Demurrer to complaint, In caso of Ferdinand Gouln vs. F. J. Eldrledgo et nl., replevin and damages, has been overruled by Judgo Burnett. A plea of "not guilty" was entered Friday, by Joseph Gllson, for pointing a gun at another. His caso will come up next week. In caso of James I. Dozler vs E. W. Copps, Jury returned a verdict In favor or plaintiff ror 289 sacks of wheat or $240.48, tho valuo thereof with costs and disbursements and for tho defend ant ror six bushels. Slnco tho suit was commenced wheat has advanced considerable which accounts for tho latter provision, Jno. Appcrson aud Ed Babb, con- vlptcdof burglary from Mel Hamil ton's Baloon, wero sentenced this morning by Judgo Burnett to one year and ono year six months respect ively In the stato penitentiary, and to pay costs and disbursements of the action. In caso of Stato vs. Lewis J. Allen, for larceny of $10.50 from E.Eckerlln's saloon, returned a verdict of guilty, recommending that the court exercise Its clemency In passing sentonco on hlnl. Allen will bo sentenced Mon day morning. Tho damage caso or J. W. McKln ney ys. Statesman Publishing Com pany for $1,600 occasioned by tho com pany's refusal to renew tho contract existing between them, was culled at 9 a. m this morning boforo a Jury con sisting of J. A. VanEaton, Frank Kaiser, James Kerr, Louis Miller, A. Simpson, F. R. Hlbbard, A. L. Iled rick, John Patterson, S. W. Jones, GeorgcWrlght, A. W. Vcatch and James Eastham. The $1,500 damage caso of J. "W. McKlnney vs. Statesman Publishing uymijuuy, ucciipiCU 1110 WIIOIO UUy lit circuit, court today. Chicago, Oct. 18. After a session seldom cqunlicd for excitement and heaviness of Its transactions, Decem ber wheat closed today 7C cents, an ndyance clean of 31 cents slqco the closing of yesterdays market. The closing figures wero not tho top one, for shortly beforo the noon hour. 701 cents was bid for December options, Tho advnnco Is attributable to tho remarkable strength of the Liverpool, Berlin and Paris markets. Foreigners undoubtedly have long lines of wheat Itwastho general Impression that there would bo no reaction until they unloaded and In view of the failure of tho India crop and shortness In Russia and Argentlno, this seemed to be rather a rcmoto contingency. Every offer of wheat made to Europo today was accepted. Liverpool closed with an advanco of 2 per cental. Tho London market reported an equivalent advance. Another Lively Day. San Francisco. Oct. 17. This was another exciting day on tho floor of tho produce oxchango, wheat taking further upward Jump of oight points. The markot was vory excited and bidding brisk. The first session of call board closed steady. December wheat, which closod yesterday at $1.40 per cental opened this morning $I.47i high $1.48 closed $1.40. May wheat closed yesterday $1.42J, open this morning $1.50 high, $1,50 closed $1,401 at end first session. For Tho Hospital. Readers should not forget the outer- talnment to bo given at Reed's opora houso on Wednesday evening next, by Dr. Do Kannott, for the benefit of tho Salem Hospital. Tho exhibition Is one recently given nt tho exposition In Portland consisting of stcrco-clec-trlcal vlnws and tableaux, the subjects being takon from all parts of tho world, Including "Tho Coronation" 'A Day at Midwinter Fair" numor- ous Politics," etc., etc., tho aggregate proving the u most delightful even. lng's entertainment. Tho prices aro within tho reach of nil, and tho object a most worthy one. Don't fail to bco the marvelous taanRforraatlon scenes, nnd hundreds of other charming effects. The Shakers of Mount Lebanon, a community or simple, honest, God rearing men and women, have pre pared tho Shaker Digestive Cordlul for many years, and It Is always the same simply, honest, curative medi cine that linn helped to make the Shakers the healthy, long-lived people that they are. The Shakers never have Indigestion. This Is purtly owing to their simple mode of Urn, partly to I ho wonderrul properties of Shaker Digestive Cordla". Indlgestlan Is by the stomach glands not supplying enough digestive Juice. Shakers Di gestive Cordial supplyles what's wanting. Shakers Digestive Cordial Invigorates tho stomach und all Its glands so that arteruwhllo they don't ' need help. As evidence or tho hone Bty or Shakers Dlgistlve Cordial, tho formula Is printed on every bottle. Soldby d rugglsts, price 10 cents to $1.0o per bottle. Portrait Fuamks, 10x20 Inches solid oak only $2. Others for $1.60 ut Burcn & Hamilton's 10-tf. Funeral on Sunday. Tho funeral of Mrs. Sarali G. Wade will bo conducted from her Into residence, 568 Front street, at 10: 30 u.iu.b'unday. Rev, W. E. Copeland, of the Unitai rlun churchjOf which Mrs. Wade was a consistent member, will olllclato and the romalns will be given burial In tho Rural cemetery. More Curative Power Is contained In a bottle of Hood's Sarsaparilla than in any other similar preparation. It costs the proprietor, manufacturer and Jobber more and Is worth more to tho consumer. It has a record of cures unknown to any other preparation. It Is tho best to buy because It Is tho Ono Truo Blood PuriUcr. Hood's Pills aro tho best family cathartic and liver medicine. Gentle, reliable, sure. Friends of Bryan Und Frco Coinage ivho can contribute to tho campaign fund, oven so small a sum as 25 cents, should do so as funds arc badly needed in mo closing uays or mo campaign. . ii. .i Poor doodlebug Butterworthl Ho was a silver man too, only last spring. Highest of all in Lcavonlng Power, Latest U.S. Gov't Report. Baking Powder ABSOLUTELY PUrtlT r Royal SSS M Ml 41 4! I Si m