Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899, October 16, 1896, Image 1

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    "BK...1' -
VOL, 8.
During the Course of the Stately
- the a:
:jwfc - fir ii7i,r
G7m S? j55jX7?Y iTt? " -gy iost-
a3SS.4gSwSaa J?
..4t I
i!ar5r jvf
will continue to sell their goods at their usual
low prices, They have a fine line of men's and
boys clothing and overcoats, Also the celebrated
ie&OSlgSSMSSSiSEi'CiSBci -, ,
yuiAWMo. 7U y-x. rrT-:-:v:rtff-umi;itTgtfwJ.?.j.
The Great Southern Qojn--,
moner Speaks.
m s a v- wi
Ti ,i. . .i mT-
4f Islsls
f.S. nf71cT?rj cor!C?.
' B " VO- . s
n a'm .
Vtl o't'll
lnd a Most Enthusiastic
Mass Meeting.
i''5rErr;::iiTW00F FOUR STATES
Tillman besiefeed him at the hotel und
nri luimfcfa'se crowd (fathered at Hie
Southern Pacl'flo depot to see him ..IT. , 111 the Middle West .Will Be
Ho made a-flvcS minute talk out of the . V! n
tail-end of n express wagou tosererul Bryan.
hundred farWw, and a continuous! '
stream kepfo coming from nil dlree.l
uod. until trtia time. 'A-SAFE GENERAL RESULT
a no Dt"AiUK TALKED.
Tlie Tillman meeting at the Armory
Fellow ClUzctfs and Friends:
A chungo c$ schedule has dlsap
pointed a grant many of the neonie
from the country who came to hear
me today, whfch 1 profoundly regret.
It has come to a point where party
Kentucky and West Virginia Are
All Right.
"cuts no Ice."
9S?aSfiSSaSSJSeMa.-W Thursday cvenln was a ,flPifin , lApp,ause'J
J i. ""i success. The hnlldm .:,.., "i There Is not time to make an
. - - ...ft "IW I'UlyRtU as
j It had never been before.by a splendid
( audience of the best people. The
i . II
Kniii-ry anu tile side rooms
Jammed full to standing
n . . r i t
tine o ooots and siiocs tor men, women and
children, of the best quality, and ai very low
prices, The line of
for men, women and children is complete. Also
ribbons, laces, embroideries, handkerchiefs, sus
penders, hats and caps, wool, yarn of e'l kinds,
duck coats, overalls, jackets, and a thousand other
items, all sold at 15 to 25 per cent below ordin
ary prices, Call and see for yourselves, We
win save you monry,
room, and
ment,but tm one point on which great
stress Is laid by the (fold standard ad-
We are Americans. ,
Butler's Estimate.
Washington. Oct. 13. Senator
Butler, chairman of tire Populist na
tional committee, returned from
vocates. Thev snr a dollar i,,, ,,. ,,u:aBO M,, "" Ho exposed
of the p.oducts i.n.1 necessaries of life ! ""'I?1' ,IB M Wllh U, ou
. . ...... t ''There urn ihiIv four ut.ii,.,, i i,
the small boys lllled the Orders above. ! !". " "T " do"P .ld, "In which fu Ion ha no ', "
Tim ..iw.t. i.ii.. ,. . : iuiv.ii uins uiu uiijsu is lie oesL uoi-
-..v... in muies aaueel much to ', ... lUmiuired: n.-iinrin. vinri.i.. xr...i.
I i , ... i lar. .MHV. Will. Iinvlllntc tl.lo ti.A I - '""i "IHI
; mi- pleasure or the occasion by singing
home lively campaign somrs. and Mm
than ever before. It is said a dollar '
,lar. Now, who produces this food, '""""r ma' 10r,,In' Nortl
these nroducts. of wlili-.h ti,iB ,iiinr! ,nm"a ana esseo. An adjust
Indtefpial FtoosifioD
Mot t boys travc zest to the event with
their original sons and recitations.
Dr. Guiss, of Woodburn, presided,
and Judge Davidson Introduced the
speakers. Judge Hurley was the Hrt
to be presented, and as un old line
buys w much? ' 'Cries, "ve do,"
from farmers. ffjWe want to con
tinue to produce. e,heap products for
dear dollars, let tm fole that way and
we will continue to suck the hind
teat! Laughter. Our surplus Is
Portland, Oregon, Sept. 19 to Oct. 17,
,,. Th Bre?t resources of (the Pacific Northwest. Agriculture. Horticulture, Fisheries
Miues. Manufactures. Transportation. Machinery, Trade and Commerce will he represented
more completely than ever before. B7-Gi-and ban I concert every rf-nrnoon and eveninc
hpecial attractions every niRht. Lowest rates evury nfaile on all transportation lines
Admission c. Children iik. For ohibit space apply to Geo L. linker, Superintend.
enl, at the buildi.ig. E. C. MASTKN.Sec.
Reduced rates. Management hoeral. Electric cars leave hotel for nil public buildings
ind points of interest. Special rates will be given to permanent patrons.
a, i, Wagner,
abolitionist, who had voted forevery fur ,T V "' M
t..u,.... ' i tariffs can't toucluthat.
Money has been called the yardstick
of commerce. That yardstick Is now
Lawn Mowers, rif-cr Pe Macliine Oils,
Hay Rakes, jray BtOS, and Axje Gfease
Hardware, Stoves and Tinware.
Salem, Or,
Garden Hose. 1
Lawn Sprinklers, J
Pll Cuitc Paiflii
I II II Jl v 1 1 VI I I I I
The grandest the most select, the choicest
assortment of men's dress suits, business
suits, every day suits your eyes ever be
held, fabrics that are meritorious linings
that are reliable, styles that are new, fit that
shows study, and last but not least, prices
thatarewell, prices that fit your purse, be
it small or large, New fall suits at from
$4.75 TO i$20
0. W. Joftiison Soi
The Popular Clothiers',
State and Liberty Streets,
Republican candidate from Lincoln!
down to the present time, Mr. Hurley i
Ittive the audience a most eloquent
address, showing why ho could no
longer operate with the grand old
party which had now deserted the
great principles it had taught since
its earliest days. He closed amid great
Mr. Tillman was then Introduced,
and although quite feeble from ex
haustion that gentleman entertained
the audience royally for one hour. He
said that since his friend from the
North had washed so much dirty Re
publican linen, he could only meet
him half uay and wash as much dirty
Democratic linen, and he did it to the
queen's taste. The suavity of his
manner, the charming Southern ac
cent, and the terse, positive manner
In which Mr. Tillman made his points,
Won the hearts Of all linnrAM wlm
bubbled over with joy and enthus
iasm. Mr. Tillman's references to the
attitude ofttho North toward tho
South, and vice versa, were the utter
ances of a great man. Being a South
Carolinan, and an ex-rebel, his allu
sions to the rebellion were magnani
mous, to say the least.
To the chartre of being an anarch
ist, Mr. Tillman said "we Southerners
used to call Lincoln an anarchist."
But he added that if it took Anarch
ist Lincoln to free four million black
slaves, there was now hope that the
present crop of anarchists could free
seventy million white slaves.
The speaker most emphatically
branded as a lie the insinuation that
the Bryan party was agitating sec
tionalism. He said the simple fact
that he, from the former hot-bed of
secession, could go to states like Penn
sylvania and Oregon and talk to thou
sands of Union soldiers disproved the
charge. No man ever spoke in Salem
with more fervent patriotism than
Mr. Tillman did last night at the
Armory. One of his Illustrations on
the silver question was too quaint to
nassby. He said:
"Suppose that everyone here sat
down to a breakfast, and there was
just enough butter on the table to
supply their wants. One-half of the
butter was white and the other half
yellow. Now, If somebody should
conspire with the cook to steal the
sliver-colored butter and the ct
should be committed, is it not clear
that half of those at the table would
have to do without butter on their
bread? Since the days of Moses untU
the present time we have always had
plenty of butter; npw we have none.
It is so with the linancial question.
One-half of our currency has been
stolen from us and until it Is restored
to us we will not have enough money
for our needs.1' Prolonged cheers.
twice as long In labor or wheat as It
used to be. It used tto be 18 Inches of
gold and 18 inches of"' silver the two
metals together measured values up
to 1873, The silver half haa been cut
off. .and thrown- away. Great ap
plause. We propose to restore It, and
stop paying twice as much labor and
products for dollars as they arc worth;
We are going to stop paying a bonus
to Englaud as we do when we meet
ber obligation iti' products under tho
J gold,BtandardJn competition with the
slave and paupeif labor of India and
Egypt. Great applause.
At this point the train pulled In,
the crowd gave three cheers for Till
man with a hearty good will that
sent the South Carolina former on his
way rejoicing.
Pope Displeased With Ireland's Letter.
London, Oct. 10. The Dally Newa
publishes the following dispatch
from Reme:
The Vatican, although In favor of
Mr. McKlnley, disapproves of Arch
bishop Ireland's letter, because it
openly mixes religion and -politics,
which tho Vatican desires to keep
separate in the United States. It Is
feared the letter will displease tho
the Eastern and Southern Irish Cath
olics who are for Bryan. It Is prob
ably that Instructions will be sent to
Monslgnorc Martlnelll, the papal de
legate, concerning the attitude of the
Catholic clergy.
ment will bo reached In Florida with
out doubt. Georgia will bp either for
Bryan and Watson or Bryan and Se-
l wall. Regarding the middle western
states, Ohio can bo classed as doubt
ful; Indiana, with fusion nrranged,
safe for Bryan; Illinois, Michigan and
Iowa In tho balance. I regard It as
safe to assume tlwt tho chances aro
even In those states, that Is, two of
four will go for Bryan and ullvcr.
Kentucky Is safe, West Virginia and
Maryland are doubtful, with chances
strongly In favor of Bryan In the
In Maryland the result will depend
upon the Republican farmers. If
thero Is enough dofectlon among
them to offset tho gold Democratic
defection of Baltimore, Bryan will
carry the state.
Bryan at Work.
Holland Mloh., Oct- 10. Bryan
oegan work comparatively late this
morning. At Muskcgeon at 7 o'clock
a good crowd had gathered.
Hindering us In Church Work."
Many very excellent points wero pre
sented. The third essay was read by Rcy
N. Snupp, "Holy Ghost. Eticltif.ni.mf!
Is It Essential to Church Work." The
essay was rich with many excellent
The fourth essay was read by Mr. 1.
Shonnelield, "Tho old time Quarterly
Meeting." A beautiful remlriBscenpoi
was given of the early .quarterly con
ference. Tho convention was closed with
prayer by F, M. Fisher.
Services onened bv dcvntlnnni ov.
clscs, led by F.- Spring. One-half
hour was spent In this way, after
which the regular program was resumed.
"Sabbath Desecration It's Effects
Upon Our Morals;" was opened by
Rev. N. Shupp, and discussed by tho
Tho second essay was Informally
discussed, bolnir. "Is rinr f!i,.ni.
Growth on tho Pacific Coast, all Wo
can nope iorr"
Tho third essay was read by Rev. J.
II. Ehert: "How Can Wn Avni.it.w
Reaction that Follows Revivals."
j. no question Drawer was tho last
part of tho program.
The commlttco on resolution roport
me Present Condition of the Foreign
Washington, Oct. 10. The Euro
pean crop report of tho agricultural
department Issued by the chief
statistician Bays: Fifty million bush
els would bo u liberal estlmuto for the
wheat crop of Great Britain. The
barley crop has beejtstwrtened. and
seriously Injured In QUnlltr by rains.
Hay and oatsarc short. Notonly here,
but on tho Baltic.
san prancisco, Oct. 10. Wheat in
local market wus higher to-day than
at any time for tho last three years.
Much excitement prtvelled to-day, on
call board of tho San Francisco Pro.
ducc Exchange at this mornings ses-
The third day of the convention of
christian work was owned nt. n n. ...
The convention was opined with de
votional cxeiclses led by Mr. 1. Shen-
neucid, or Albnny. After tho devo
tional the organization of tho day
was effected, and tho following officers
wero elected: President, G. A. Mans
liardt; vice-president, Link Chambers;
eecretHry, r. u. Hnuock; treasurer,
Pardon Tersl.
A committee ou resolutions was ap
pointed by the chair. The following
were iiamcui uev. JN. Shupp, M. Bur
Ingame and Mr. i. Siieiilielldd.
After the organlxntlon the regular
program was taken up. The
first essay was read by Rov. F. M.
Fisher. "What aro tho Helps to aid In
Church Work." The csny was of
Interest to all and was discussed by a,
number of deleirates.
1 ho second essav was read liv 7?.v sloti. A mninrifv ,.f i. k.i
W ' fVI.'..1l.. ..iri.... ..... ,.... .. "".uiM.iawt.re
.mm" ""..tiHUUio ftVlls "long" OO Wheat nns rnnnnnM.
happy. Most extravagant predictions
are being made by local brokeaa as to
the future rises. December wheat
closed at $1.41, May $1.43.
France, Oct. 10.--There is no mate
rial loss In wheat from bad harvest
Germany, Oct. 10. The wheat cron
is a poor average. It may bo ex
pected that the wheat import of
18UO-7 will exceed tho uycrage, and
thatfi larger proportion than usual
will come from tho United States.
Denmark. Wheat Is a good aver
Spain, Oct. 10. Tho deficit of tho
year Is estimated to exceed 34,000,000
bushels, more than double that of
last year.
Austria, Oct. 10. Tho whoat In
Hungary Is under tho average.
rubsia deficit.
Speaker Reed Sick.
Fort Wayne, Ind., Ocb.l0.Spcaker
Reed Is confined to hlsroom hero with
sickness and unable to continue tho
campaign. His voice has completely
given out.
Bryan n Michigan,
Banoor, Mich., Oct. 10. If tho
enthusiasm which Bryan encountered,
early In the day Is an Indication or
what can bo expected of tho towns
yet be reached by him, this will be
one of tho star days of the campaign.
At every station large and enthusias
tic crowds greeted him and assured
him he was all right.
Russia, Oct. 10. There Is a big de-
UClonC!V In Mm Tfllsalnn ,!... f
tho highest estimate puts the crop at
. 4 minion ousneis. tho lowest un-
.in iiii ii iiv wr pnn i.iin... ---...
b """"" tier 300,000,000. Tho gonoral opinion
..i.ouuu uuivo. I "wi.uca butYHru bllU lOWCr. J.I10 ItUS-
In the Hands of Receivers.
Wilminuton, Del., Oct.. 10. The
Bay State Gas company went Into
the hands of receivers today, the com
pany embraces fourteen companies
which supply the city of Boston, has
a capital stock of fifteen millions.
Banks Closed,
Tacoma, Oct. 10. The Bank of
British Columbia 'will close Its
branches in this city and Seattle.
Unsatisfactory condition of business
given as reason.
Bank Closed.
Atlanta, Oct. I0.-rhe Merchants
bank, for many years one of the
soundest financial Institutions In
this city, closed its doors this morn
ing. A Corker. Our 10x20 portal t
frame, 0 Inch moulding, only $2.00.
See It before you buy; Other? for
91.50. Buren & Hamlltdn, Salem, Or.
- am " i
New Crop. Branson & Co. have
the choicest new English walnuts and
raisins. Sec them, and don't buy old
At AumsvWe.
Hon. W. T. RliHlon will address thn
citizens of Aumsvlllc, Saturday even
ing, October 17. Come out and hear
The Mott brothers, of Salem, will
entertain tho iaudlenco with some of
their choice campaign songs.
A Horse Bet. J. B. Underwood
today bet on u horse with John Mc
Culloch, the attorney, that Bryan
would 1x2 elected.
Portrait Frames,-J18x20 Indies,
solid oak only $2. Others for $1.60 at
Buren & Hamilton's, 10-tf.
Alliance Meeting;. The Purity
Alliance will meet at M. E. church,
on Saturday at 3 o'clock p, m. All
cordially Invited.
n Wanted AH'glrls to knowthaf'Hoe
Cake" will not make their hands red
like common soap. Save tho wrappers.
They are worth a cent apiece. jOtf
Insane. Win. Wills aged C5 years,
was received at tho insane aylum
last evening from Portland.
Whereas, Wo the delegates, assem
bled In convention of christian work,
through tho kindness of tho peoplo, of
East Halcm. linvA lino.. rnnt.,n.i i.'..
their homes during tho convention
and so kindly cared for, therefore bo
It resolved.
That wo tako pleasure In expressing
pur sincere thanks to you for ;tho min
istration pf this hospitality, By this
you have placed us under many obll
Kntonsandwohallthoday when wo
hall bo able to reciprocate this kind
ness. Whereas, Tho city papers, The
Evening Journal aud tho States
man, havo so kindly treated us bv
giving snaco In their columns for our
Resolved, That wo .thank them
herewthnnd wish them prosperity
In their enterprises.
Tho ovenlng seselon was opened
with devotional oxerclses, led by Rov.
Shupp, after which Rot. T. T. Vin
cent, of Monmouth, preached an ablo
sermon on "Tho Model Christian."
xno minutes wero read und approved.
On motion tho convention adjourned
with prayer by I. Shoncfield.
$CO0 Purse. Two of tho farmers of
this county this morning put up $500
at John O. Wright's grocery on Ore
gon on tho general result. All tho
raking and scraping among tho Mc
Klnley ofllclals and corporation lawyer
barely sulllccd to ralso tho MnKlni
Jackpot which two farmers, ono a Re
publican and one u Democrat, both
Savages) covered as soon as they
knew tho bot was offered.
Slail .SUlppon UUW aro l.oIcUus per
Hmtunbiy auovo .marKcc.
New York, Oet. 6. Silver, bc; lead
Chicago, Oct. ij. 'Hog-Liglit 3.os
3-So; heavy 2.Q53.4o.
cattle Heeves oj.4C(JJ5.oo; cowi and
heifers $1.40(3,90.
Sheep Uood iteady.
Chicago, Oct. 16, Wheat, cruh CjUc;
Dec joyifjoUc, '
Portland, Oot. 14. Wheat valley. 60c
66; Walla Walla, 65.
Flour l'ortliml. t.tct Tfontnn ....
3.15; graham, 2.95; luperfine. $3.5$ per bbl.
uu vunie 33l34. grey, 3!a33;rolIeJ,
Inbagt, $4.355.S. barreli, 4.5007.005
More Curative Power
Is contained In a bottle of Hood's
Sarsaparllla than In any other similar
preparation. It costs the proprietor,
manufacturer and jobber more and Is
worth more to the consumer. It has
a record of cures unknown to any
other preparation. It Is the best to
buy because It Is the One True Blood
. Hood's Pills are the best family
cathartic and liver medicine. Gentle,
reliable, sure.
Via the Union Pacific Svatem
oaggago is checked through from
rortiailU Id If.M flout, nn tlmi riii..
specialties of tho Union Pacific aro
unexcoiica track and equipment,
union depots, fast time, through cars,
steam heat, Pintsch light and court
eous treatment to passengers. For
rates and Information, apply to
, , , Boise ft Barker, Agents,
15-12d-4w Salem, .Orcgo
All Knocked Out. -Persons look
ing for low price groceries for spot
cash can now get more coods for their
money at John G. Wright's than any-
wnero else m tho city. 15 3t
Potatoes., Oregon, 350300 per sack.
Hay . . Good, t o 1 0.50 per ton.
Wool.. Valley, 89c; Eaitern Oregon
Poultry Chicken8.rnixed.S2.coA2.4e: broil
ers. Si.3!.75; ducks, 283j geese, s6;
turkeys, live, 10.
Ilitlfffl. .frreen. calt.1 rvi ll r i.n.lM.
..... 7: ?:". 7. zr ""
w ids 44j4jjc; sneep pens, 10(19700.
butter.. Oregon fancy creamery, 354S;
fancy dairy, 333S: fair o Reed, 2o(ai22;
Cheese .Oregon full cream, 9,
ECK.. Oregon, I720c per dot.
beef. .Topsieeri. 2,25j.4o peril); fait
to cood steeri. lllrtll "l.Cn; rnivt f'l7fiilf
dressed beef, 34c.
San Francisco, Oct. 1 6.--Wheal, 1 17JJ
Wool. Ore pon choice. la'Altm In'rrlnr c
7c, valley, 2oc.
Hops Quotable at 24c for old.
iotaioes 2510300 per sacx.
Oats Milling. 87002. - '
Wheat.. 7c tier bu.. market firm.
. - . - . -,
Hay,, lis
57C I
cheat, 7.oo7.25; timothy
r lour.. in wnoiesaie lots, 3.10: retail,
3.20; bran, bulk I I.50i2.50; sacked, 12,00;
shorts, 12,50 13.50; chop feed, 11,00
Poultry., Hens 5c; Sprlngchtckens, 5c lb."
Veal..Dreied, 3. "
Hogs.. Dressed, 2V3.
Lire Cattle,. I2. .
Sheep.. Live, 1. 2j.
Wool.. Beat, I2jc,
Hop. .Best, 4 50,
r-Bg..-asn. 17c,
Butter., Host dairy, 15 c; fancy! creamery'
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. a Gov't Report.
r An Jtrttfati 1 1 1 1