If , Daily Capital Journal.,New Today A BY HOKBR BROTHBRS, THURSDAY, OCT. 15, 1890. tf tv - w v- - " w- w t DAILY LIN1S 10 PORTLAND. )i STEAMERS & Altona and Ramona -LEAVE Portland, 0:45 a. m. it Salem 7 a.m.. except Sunday. 7 J Quick time, regular service and cheap lT ....rates ... t J M. P. BALDWIN, 7 ij Agent, Salem. " S S9 S S Another line of children's and misses' Jackets, very do sirablc styles and good goodsi Another lot of ladies' cloth capes from $2 to $5. M'KINLEY COMMITTEEMAN. 1 ' All Wool Suits $6 Men's Mackintoshes, 11 up, n - Umbrellas 50c up - Capes and Jackets.&miS m sa si sa $3 and up, J, J, Dalrymple Co, Splendid Values T. flolversoD. They Are not at Home. It has been reported on the streets of Salem quite frequently, of late, that there were plenty of Republicans In Port land who would bet 2 to 1 on Oregon going for McKlnley. Only a few days since a Mt. Angel farmer was in the metropolis looking for "Just such a snap" but It was not to be found. rlk is cheap but when It comes to "putting up" that's another proposition. Social Activity. As the fall sea son advances many Salemltcs are growing uneasy for the resumption of social amenities in the capital city. The Old Folks' Whist Club, which is the leading permanent social factor in the city, will hold its first meeting, as per adjournment, at the home of Hon. I'hll Metschan Monday evening, October 19. Thereafter no doubt re gular sessions will follow. PERSONAL. A. W. Glesy returned to Portland this afternoon. Ex-Gov. Z. P. Moody went north this afternoon. Col. Robt. Thompson returned this morning to Portland. Dr. R. Cartwright returned this morning from Portland. Supt. A. N. Gilbert, of the state penitentiary, was a northbound pas senger this afternoon. Char. Ileleubraud, Jr., came down from Albany this afternoon. Ex-County Clerk "W. II. -Egan, of Gervals, was In the city today. Traveling Secretary J. A. Dunnett, of the Y. M. C. A., Is in the city. E. J. Taugcman, of ICcystous, la., Is In the city, guest of his brother in law, W. II. Miles. Gov. W. P. Lord and Stato Treas urer Phil Metschan, went to Portland this afternoon. Miss Lenore Brooks came up from Portland this mornlngand will be tho guest of Mrs. R. II. Lcabo. Mrs. Churchill and Mrs. E. Smith returned this afternoon from Albany where tho former burled her only daughter yesterday. Miss Ida Smith, who has been visit ing at tho home of Prof. C. IT. Jones on High street, returned Wednesday to her homo at Carlcton. Mr. Catharine Anderson, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs, J, E. Watson tho past month, left last night for her homo at Los Gates, Cal. Miss Lutlo Martin, who has been, visiting her sister, Miss Gertie Mar tin, at the homo of P. P. McDcvltt in Yow Park, returned this morning to her home at Oregon City. Congressman M. A. Hurley, of Wis consin, arrived in tho city this after noon from Albany. Ho was met at tho train by J. M. Payne, J. It. Fair bank and T. L. Davidson of tho local Bryan, club. He Is attended by his private secretary, Mr. Raker, and will , speak at tho Armory tonight and at Marlon Squaro Friday. At Junction whero ho spokolast night ho made n number of converts. Talk About Clothing. The New York Racket have a tine line of men's and boys' clothing, and over-coats,the Brown Shoe Co's. line of shoes for men, women and children, underwear for ladles, gents and children, also capes, gloves, and hosiery, and many great use at low save 15 to 25 per 14 2d In tuits of all kinds, suspenders, ties, other articles of prices. Call and cent.. A New Crossing. The old cross ing on State and High streets between the Cook hotel and court house square was replaced this morning with a new walk. Crosswalks at the north west corner of the court house square across both Court and High streets are much needed and their Immediate construction would be a source of pleasure to many pedestrians. Large Purchase op Wool. Thos. B Kay, of the Salem Woolen mills, went to Albany this morning to re ceive .10,000 pounds of wool, previously purchased for the mills. Everything is moving along very satisfactorily in tho mills and in about three weeks its various departments will bo In full operation, furnishing employment for over one hundred Salemltes. Notice. All Rebeccas are requested to meet at 2:15 tomorrow for team drill. By order of Captain Mrs. Sarah Hutton. Y. M. C. A. Notes. Regular gym nasium classes will be found at the Y. M. C. A. rooms tomorrow evening. Tho men's class will meet every Tues day and Friday evenings while the boys will have possession of the gym nasium every Monday afternoon and Saturday forenoon. All who piopose entering either of the classes should bo present tomorrow night when the classes are organized. "Give me health, wealth and happi ness." How many thousands daily utter this prayer in their Inmost souls. Well, health is wealth and the two combined make happiness; therefore if you possess tho first your prayer is? answered in full. And so It is with all who use "Oxyvita." NatureB an swers your prayer by supplying your sj'stcm with what it most needs, and must have to have health Oxygen. E. B. Slim, resident agent, Chatwln nouse, Salem. Sends His Resignation to the Central Committee. All Bryan meetings and all sliver literature has been kept out of Me hama precinct. But the first meet ing held there for the silver cause Sat urnay night bore good fruit. E. A. Barrlck, Republican committeeman, came out for Bryan. ' E. A. Barrlck, precinct committee man for Mehama precinct, of the Re publican county central committee sends The Journal a copy of his letter of resignation. The letter was sent to Frank Davey, secretary, who is now at San Francisco. Mr. Barrlck hns always been a loyal Republican, but now gives his reasons for resigning. "I believe the money question to be the paramount feature of the cam paign. "Every candidate for ofilec In Ma rion county, prior to the June election was pledged for Mitchell and silver. "Now it appears they did not be lieve in fostering the silver cause from principle, but desert It for the gold standard out of reverence for the party lash. "If they wonld knock at tho tomb of the Immortal Lincoln, and asso ciate that sacred dust and Introduce him to the G. O. P., as it stands on its present platform, he would say: "De- narti from inn. T nnvnr know vnn ." Tiie father would not recognize his child. "A year ago the older members ad vised us younger Republicans to stand firm; stay with our principles; (protection and bimetallism.) "Now they retract one of these fundamental party principles, and where are they today? (Cohortlng with arch free traders like Bourke Cochran, a resident of London who came near being sent to parliament this spring.) "There is more excuse for u Demo crat talking gold standard because they don't believe In protection. But for a Republican believing in pro tection, and knowing England Is our competitor as a manufacturing na tion and our enemy in the commercial world, you ask us to adopt her money system in order to do business with her. "Look at the fallacy of such an argument! Did you noble veterans of the war. when upon southern soil, ever lay down your guns on the skirmish lino and ask the enemy what policy to pursue? "Are we unable to adopt a financial policy without the consent of a for eign power? "Are we men? Arewe Americans? Do you not ask us to confess our in capacity to govern our county when you ask us to talce down our country's flag, wrap it around our silver dollar, and upon bended knees ask the ap-i proyal or condemnation of Great Britain? "And they call this patriotism! "Believing principle to be above party, I hereby resign, to take up my abode among the silver outcasts of the party." E. A. Barhick, Republican precinct chairman, Me hama precinct, Marlon county. mm ! MHWMMIIWH RIQDON AT DALLAS. gjSgggggggg g33agSD J "p 1Iis S J ?K Crhnn E ? milium m 1 I -Books. I 5 r A Futile Attempt to Break Meeting. Wednesday evening when Hon. W, T. Rigdon appeared at Dallas to speak i .....i ii.. ...,,...t.,o r.r ttin tlrvnn nlllli. N It leaked out that the Republicans had hurriedly sent for Mr. Toozo to offset the meeting, but the scheme didn't work. Mr. Tooze wis promptly challenged to make It a Joint meeting, . but the managers refused, and two j meetings were held. The result was that the Bryan meeting was hardly affected, and It proved to have tho largest crowd brought out at any meeting held here during the cam palgn. Mr. Tooze had about half as many people (mostly ladles and child-; g ji l .1.. H.... !.,.. .,A nnt- Villi renj as uic orjuw iiic;iiu, nuu uuu wlthstandingn band was hired by tho McKlnley forces they could not com mand the attention of the public. Mr. Rigdon was highly complimented upon his effort, as was also Mr. Mln ton, who made some remarks. ... - . AT MARION'S CAPITAL. Leaves for England. Charles B. Craven left this morning for Bradford, England, where lie will visit relatives for about six months during which time he will nttend a course of lectures on dentistry. Mr. Craven hns linen assisting in the dental parlors of Dr. Griffith for some time and will now seek to prepare himself for a similar undertaking. Mr. Craven was ac companled to Portland by his father, Z. Craven. Slowly Improving. A. Bushman, who had his right hand so mangled with a woodsaw last day, Is slowly recovering. The In jured member gives. him much pain but he hopes to recover tho full use of it. Twenty Years Aao. Last Mon day evening Mr. and Mrs.R. J.IIersch back very pleasantly celebrated the twentieth anniversary of their wed ding. A number of friends and ac quaintances were Invited and the evening was spent In social converse hnrllvi!l,M:i w,,lc" a ueucious lunciieon was Satur-lserve(1- Marriage licenses were issued Wed nesday afternoon to the following ceuples: Matthew Rutch and Floren tlna Back; Frank Albrelcht and Min nie E. Fuller. The latter couple were married at 5 p. m. yesterday. Justice II. A. Johnson officiating. A warranty deed, transferring the Salem Motor Railway Co. to E. C. Glltner, was recorded with County Recorder P. AV. Waters, Wednesday. The consideration is $38,055.92. Ella G. Fishburn, has commenced a suit for divorce in the Marion county circuit court, from Jos. Flshbnrn. The defendant was formerly engaged In the grocery business here. O'Donnell and Godfrey today filed with the county clerk notices of the relocation of the "Lottie" and "Nomah" quartz mines, in the north eastern part of Marlon county. mt On the Bowery. An attraction announced for Reed's opera house tomorrow night Is that highly prosperous play, "On the Bow cry," presented by Managers Thomaa II. Davis and William T. Keogh, and which has matter to interest every class. Its realistic humor appeals with success to all people. But "On the Bowery" does not end with its comedy element. It has sensation galore. It has its love story, its crimes, its plots, Its dangers, its res cues, and all the constituents of the approved melo-drama of life in a great city. Interesting as these things are in themselves, they are made more so by their picturesqueness. That this plc turesqueness should be fully brought out Its managers have given "On the Bowery" a most elaborate and expen sive scenic equipment. There is given tlje most satisfactory representation of, Brooklyn Bridge that has ever been put on the stage. Steve Brodie Jumps from the bridge, not as he did some years ago, for fame and fortune, but to save the life of a woman who is the only witness of a crime of which the hero of the play has been falsely ac cused. Ills heroism and charity are of the practical and active kind in the play as In real life. All the characters of the play are interesting, and they are as nearly natural as the demands of melo-drama will allow. 5 All school books used in the Salem public schools at Dearborn's Book Stores Also Tablets, Slates, Pencils, etc, 5&JL?CySi't4ic? 2S ' 4a y x3G3Aa Louis Stinson Honored Salem Pytheins returned from Port land delighted over the fact that a Ssletu Knight secured the election 'of grand keeper of records and seal. This honor fell to L. II Stinson, fore man t)f the E. M. Watte Print shop, and a most enthusiastic member of the order of the Knights of Pythlans. Following are the olllccrs elected by the grand lodge for the ensuing year: Turner, Oliver, La Grande, grand chancellor; Otis Patterson, Ucppner; grand vice chancellor; W. M. Cakn, Pojtlfind, grand prelate; L. R. Stin son, Salem, grand keeper of records and seal; J P. Kennedy, Portlan ', Fgrand master-at-arms: John HcmU, St. Helens, G. I. G.; Win. i-Vlh. s, Portland, G. O. G. Je.'lVrsn .i;. is becomes chief trl'iun". Mr. Stinson Is a man who will m vcr 00 Sly Wc have too many wraps them, so will sell at n hand and Special Sale Friday and our full. line of must & Satu Gapes aiUM , Larger reductions than ever made before. V rJsmf Stan s& (SSI sfctyiP ' 'i j -2&i32JB- 257 Commercial st. Know all men by these presentsj We are treating many residents of Saleoi with our "0XYVITjY taken We are especially derirom oftrtatine tl. J nd fever, colds, acute or chronic, con 3. K! A few more case will be taken afflictiens: Catarrh, chills a (first stage,) 'dititheria, headache, diseiiso, la qnppe, malaria, nervous Send for r - hook. Office hou plain trea, on request. Advice and treatment free, constipatioi, cotaJ :he, neivous, neuralgic, bilious or tbi K ervous prostration, dyspepsia, ,hMraisra ..... .-.... ,,. uurrepresenutite ill..n. uiai-Hcm irec. . , ...l Resident agent "OxyyiuChitintWl w . -w ww . - k v .- -w -. . -JtUiJlOK. - STABL S. C. Hansen, Manager, )nlvc) I iwr' iim d. Satisfaction ru iranteed. Stable back of State In BUTTERMILK TOLIET SOAP, This 3 cakes in box. 10c per box, soap is too well known to need any words of praise. Now You Need Rubbers. Wo carry n full and sizes. They well. Try a pair. Intoslies. Slickers stuck In all styles Mt. well and wear Full line of muck and rubber coats. Imi'okted Stock. In connection with the cut rate grocery sale at the Pioneer grocery.a fine line of imported dishes is now being slaughtered. Call early for choicest selections. John G. WrlgliN if, 3t Anotiikk Oi'kkatou. Win. Dunn, who has for somo time acted as night operator, for the Southern Condensed Testimony, Clms. 11. Hood, Hroker Manufactur er's Agent, Columbus, Ohio, certifies that Dr. King's New Discovery has uo equal as a cough remedy. J. 1). Brown, prop. St. James Hotel, Ft. Wayne, Ind., testllies that he was cured of a cough of two years stand ing, caused by la grippe, by Dr. King's Now Discovery. H. P. Merrill, Bald wlnsvllle, Mass., says that he has u&cu auu recommenaeu it and never Meeting at Aumsville. There is to be a rally of the Bryan club at this place next Saturday even ing. W. T. Rigdon, of Salem, will address tho people and tho Mott Bros, of Salem, will be here to sing. The Bryan club at tills place num bers over 100 and is growing contin ually in spite of the efforts of tho op position, and reports to the contrary. Quite Badly Buuised. In assis ting to extingulsh:the fire in one of his houses on Marion street. Wednes day morning, S. B. Cutterlln fell from off the roof to to tho ground striking on Ills right sholder and hand. .The former was badly bruised while the latter was severely wrenched and ciusueu. w nue me injuries are not of a serious nuturethey will cause Mr. Catterltn not a little Inconvenience. Did You Ever Try Electric Bitters as a remedy for your troubles? If not, get a bottle now and get rellef.Thls medicine has been found to be peculiarly adapted to the relief and cure of all female onm. HflRRITT & LAWRENCE, P, O, Grocery. disgrace the order or prove a defaulter In handling its funds. Call Meeting. A call meeting of the Salem Y. P. S. C. E. local union will be held on Friday evening at 7:30 in the Y. M. C. A. parlor. State of Ohio, Citv opToutjo i Lucas Countv ) ts FRANK J CiIRNKV jnake oath that hr is the senior partner of the film i.l F.J. Cwenkt & Co., doing butinebS in thi city of Toledo, county and state aforesaid, and that said rm will pay the sum of ONE IIUNDUliL) DOL LARS for cuch and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Curk. S.vom to before me and subscribed in my presence, this 6th day of December, A D. 1896. j eal. Y Notary f'ublic, Hall's Catarrh Cure is laken internally and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials free. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O ISTSold by Druggists, CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. Be Comfortable While Travelling in cool weather. The Union Pacific system heats Its trains throughout by steam heat from the engine, thus making every part of all its cars pleas ant and comfortable. It also lights it cars by tho celebrated Pintsch Light, making tliem brilliant at night. Passengers carried daily on the Fast Mail, which leaves Portland at 7 p. 111. For .sleeping car reserva tions, ticket, or information, call on or address 03 Boise & Barker, 11K 15 1 2d 4 w Silo. 11, Or. THE MARKETS, sn.ru. lew York, Uct. 15 Sllrer, 64". UVK STOCK. Chicago, 0:t I? -Ho-'tji il Cattle Beeves oJjjQj.lJ heifers $1.503 go. Sheep Good stesdy, cum. Chicago, Oct. Ii.-Whett, ci4l Dec. 70i7oVc. PORllANnMAKKtr PjtOVlMON Portland. Oct 1 4. When to' 66; Walla Walli, 62163. Flour Portland, 3.15; ton 3. ij ; graham, 2 95; suptmne. 3 sj p Oats- White, 33(SJ4i Pef.3W t4.2Sfe-3.25, barrcu, (i Reed's Opera House, PATTON 11ROS.. Local Manners. One Night Only, Friday, October 16, Tis ris- llmlli Hfiituri tl yfsoxEzz "rvr. suc UK It a riry vrapjtt. loft last nlirht. for Medford. whom lin Gloves Are in Demand, wJ11 assume n simljnr position. Mr. rPhnun onl.l mnrnln, n..ra ..w, 1. COX, Of GrtllltS PjlSS. takeS Ml'. Dnilll'ri kind you want. Working gloves, kid place. gloves, wool gloves, mittens, etc. winm liiiuw. i.mv ill ILL'S Din;, to 91. know it to fail and would rather have ' P11'"118' exerting a wonderful direct It than any doctor, because it always ! !nflue"co In giving strength and tone cures. Mrs.Uemming,222 E. 25th St.. i to H'.l orans. If you have lost or Chleauo. alwavs keens It nt, imnri .m,i : appetite, constipation, headache. Pacific, has no fear of croup, because It In- 'fainting spells, or are nervous, sleep- suuiLiy relieves, x-ree krla s bott es I r; r ' UV, .,J or irm,1)led Prcd A. Legg's drug store. )ith dii?y, SPC"9. Electric Bitters is the medicine you need. linsiiMi n,i & ngth are guaranteed by its use. The dealer who says, "1 have no IToe Cake soap," practically admit mat no noes not sell first quality goods. If he says he has something "Just as good" you will know at once that he is tryihg to sell you an In ferior artlclo. There Is more cloathlne destroyed by poor soap than by actual wear, as tho free alkali rots the cloth. Iloo Cake contains neither free alkali nor worthless illling. Engagement extraordinary-! The sensation of the century. Davis & Kcogh's vivid picture of greater New York. The phenomenal, successful and stupendous scenic production, On the BOWERY Receiving. Brewster Buy for Cash, It Pays, Wo buy for cash. Sell for cash. Do our own work. No rent to pay thus enabling us to sell cheaper than others who have heavy oxponses. Try us and bo convinced. Yours to please. Little Giant school shoes. Boys Iron clad hose. AVtllis Bros, d Co. Court and. Liberty. Goods, Clothing and . U- . Tito' Cash Dry Shoe House, T Chicken Pie Supper. The ladies of Central Chapel, tomorrow evening will giyo a chicken plo supper at their now church, on Nineteenth and Ferry streets. A superb meal for25cuits. Children, 15 cents. Open from 5 to o o'clock. Don't ao East Until von hnvn1 6cen the undcrshrned. wlioi-.in nnntn you the lowest rates furnish you your through tickets, sleeping car berths and arrange for u pleasant trip via tho Union Pad tie system. Bolso & Barker, agents, Salem, Or. J 10 15 4w STILt, AVhlte sun taking silver or gold or paper (If it has uncle Sam's stamp) for feed, at those reninrknbly low prices. 91 Court street. J4-3t te, the Court street feed men, are ' gW and $1 at Fred A- Legg's taking silver or gold or paper (If ! . . A Great messengers, blue boxes. Convenience. Bicycle Iling telephone -10 or Soap Foam Washing Powder will not make the clothes yel low, nor burn the hands, a-A.sTo:Rj:.ak.. I mine- j The all-conquering cast atlll led on by the Hero of Two Continents, -STEVE BRODIE x Champion bridge jumper of the world nnd King of the Bowery. Showing Brodie In his Ploture-Llned Bowery Jtesortand In a thrilling leap from The Brooklyn Bridge The Bowery out and indoors. Chat ham Square at night. Pier Twenty three, East River. $10,000 Brooklyn Bridge scene. The river under the bridge. Triumph of scenic art. The most novel, unique and picturesque show of modern times. Fun and sen sation. Striking specialties. Car loads of elaborate scenery nnd proper- in bags, cases. 1.71. Potatoes.. Oregon, Atxprwll Hay..Uoct, ioj.50frton. Wool.. Valley, 89c; Eutera I MAlc. Millstufls. . Bran.J1J.50aM yM! 1 ouury v.nicKcun,uii"u,, .. ers, fH.21.75; aucki,ji3;je,! turkeyi, lire, 10. H metf .green, sailed 60 lbsjc; 60 l4Mc&ufptl$,Wl- Hops-4,(27c- , Knurr, .(heron finer crtwoi. . fancy dairy, 2535i ("'t0 Kood' 1 Cheese .uregon mil ciciBi, . lleef.'.Topsteeri. 2.J5M P0' to i!Ood steers. 2Wi3-5o;co,lV dressed beef, 3iWJe .,. SAN FKANClbCO MAM" Sin Knnefeee. -W. 15- '' Wool.-Orezonl choicciojllei Hops-Quotable at 24C for oii Potatoes-2S3ocPrBf' Oatt-Mlltas,87XS9- SALEM MARKtr. Wheat.. 57c per bi.Jiutet to. Oats .imic L ,,.. Hay .Haled, cheat. 7.7' en in'... Tn wknliillt lots. 31'' 3o;l,talkii.iJ.Wi, short., K-sotBuj.". t "Poultry.. HeniSci Springehieleas.?J . Veal.-Dressed, yt ' HoBs..Drcttd,2K3i' Live Cattle.. I W' Sheep.. Live, 1.2$. Wool.. Bet, ic' Hon.. Best, 45' Kggs.. Cash. 17c. Uuiter,.rest dairy, IS ' 20c. S'c Xffi MTW 90 j shoulders, 5C. Potatoes., tc per bu bi.'! ties. iSTSeats on sale at Pntton's. Via the Union Pacific Sj VnrMitnd to Its oeb"u 1, snedaltiesoftne uniou- unS??eiI.. lErt time. thn union Yc piVrisch liKhUW steam beat, pln7 Jssengti .n treatment to !",,. rates and informal 15-12d-4w ., .AifrirlatoKB?td r'KVmaketfc vsmw ?aio " like commou ye"-t-.piec. Tlifir are worm;- .I IjLD I I 111 1 Qyr Motto? SpotCash, Quick Sales and small P' fcU --, - -