Mi Daily Capital Journal OY HOKER BROTHERS. WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 30, 1890. Salem goldhtigs didn't . . UkoAo beftbld by, Mitchell that they staod on a free coinage platform. Of course it is not true. -RESIDENTIAL- TICKET. For Independent American Bimetallism and People's Government. For President, WILLIAM JENNINGS BRYAN, " of'Neb'raska. For Vice-President, THOMAS WATSON, of Georgia. OREGON UNION PRESIDENTIAL ELECTORS, N. T.. HUTLER. Polk County. Democratic. M. L. OLMSTED, Baker County, Peoples. HARRY W ATKINS, Yamhill Co., Peoples. E. HOFER, Marion Co., Silver Republican. Let us give Hongland consent to mind her own business and Just in clude all the red-breasted Hamerlcan lories. "Hail the prodigals. There is a fat icalf and a sliver ring for each." Salem Statesman. The taxpayers of the state of Oregon will pay for them. NOT ANSWERED. The Orcgonian can't reply. It said If wo went to "free coinage, all Euro:)' v.ould bring its silver here and dii'iip It c.n us. A man wr Ac and asked the Orcgon ian what they would do with It after they got Iuri-? Tiiey would have to have it colni.il up iu American dollars. Then what would they do with the dollars. They would have to spend them. Thai would send up the prices of pioducts, and etall our factories to running. The Orcgonian has never answered. It can't. Everyone who wants a cinch, and don't want the other fellow to have an equal chance in this world should vote for the gold standard. The Journal urges Bryan men not todlsturbgold Rtandard meetings in the city nor go out from Salem to hurrah at country meetings. A SOUND MONEY MAN. "I'm a bimetallism higlimetallist trymctallist, anything to get the coiu,"&uid an old state house poli tician, whose time Is nearly out, and who Is living In hopes of catching about his seventeenth pull at the public teat If McKlnley goes in. Once In olllce, means for life In Oregon. The Statesman has found a special train for Portland that had 110 votes for McKlnley, 40 for Bryan. That is only a straw. The special trains are full of deadheads, people riding on free passes, Idlers and deadbeats. Tney are au lor the gold stanaara. People who work for a living and pay fare are for Bryan and bimetallism. Salem has Oregon's only lady cam palgn speaker, Olive S. England, who Is outspoken for Bryan. Albany Democrat. Mrs. England had given the Salem Bryan club a promise to Bpeak at its first rally but was not feeling well. Tlio Salem club will yot havetho honor of presenting a woman speaker and hope It will be Mrs. England. Great Scott; a Bryan first voter's club at the State University! Those boys ought to bo expelled. The idea of anyone going to an Institution up held by public taxes and not support ing McKlnley and the gold standard! Tho Salem goldito crowds go out to country school hcuscs to teach tho rural voters how to conduct political meetings. They can only bo com pared to tho mobs of slaveholders who used to invade Kansas to overthrow popular govornment. Liken lawyerpleadlng for a murderer when he knows his client Is guilty, Senator Mitchell at Salem had hard work to make out a case for himself and his party, as friends of silver. Poor old Senator Mltcholl, ho went out of Salem alone and unattended on u. street car to tho train. At least Hon. BUI Cherrlugtou and Jos. Pones should have gone along In a butcher carl. Of course, the gold standard show window on Statu street will nob lnul down Its $700,000,000 lie. It o mid n't do business without Its chief Block In trade. A wheelman's McKlnley club is tho 1 Uest fad. All bicyclists who bollevo In the gold stuudurd or one-wheel system of llnanco arc to bo enlisted. 1- -ULiLl .LI. I Gone to See McKlnley. Canton,.0., Sept. 28. Tho llrst or ganized delegation to call on Mnjor McKlnley this morning, came from Llbson, Columbiana county, Ohio. It was juadp up of employes of tho Llbson tlniphito- mills, business men and merchants from' that vicinity, and was accompanied by the Llbson city baud. If the Ilepubllcans arc free coinage men, what is the use of your saying another word gentlemen. Just vote for Bryan, If you are honest. The Statesman has hauled down its fraudulent "Bryan Platform" that was not Bryan's- platform. "The Statesman takes no stock in international bimetallism " This confession is made September 30. Of course, the McKlnley platform Is for free coinage, with the con- srut of Ilcnglaud. HE 8TATE NEWS. Toledo has a Bryan club with 120 names. Baker City has a Bryan club of up wards of 400 names. A Bryan club was organized at HarrlBburg Saturday with 9(5 names. The East Oregon presbytery will convene in Enterprise on October 2, and continue till the 0th. A .Boston man is negotiating with Lebanon parties about starting a car pet and rug factory at that place. John Grey, a Wood river, Klamath county nlmrod.brought down 23 clucks at two shots one day last week. The wheat yield of Umatilla county is i.uw.w uusmna tni jctir, which' is at least one million bushels less than usual. A Bryan club has been organized at Smithlield, Lane county, witli 103 members. The precinct cast 124 votes last June. ltowena Marie, the 15-months-old child of Mr and Mrs. C. E. Bonney of Eugene, fell into the open fireplace, and was so severely burned that it died in a short time. Thomas Morris of Kingsley, sold In The Dalles last week, a baud of Jer sey Bed hogs, 27 In number, and re ceived 21 cents per pound on foot. Their averago weight was 300 pounds. J. D. Alkire, of Albany, left at the Immigration rooms of that city, a stalk of corn 15 feet 4 inches tall. This is said to surpass the tallest stalk from Kansas at the "World's fair. The farmhouso of Milton Marshall in Garfield precinct, burned Saturday with all the out-bulldlngs. A small part of the contents was saved. The loss was $1000, and the Insurauce $450 One of the most remarkable wheat yields ever reported Is that on the Abbott farm this season. Thirty seven acres of wheat from which 3,090 bushels wero threshed, an aver age of 83 bushels per acre. Over at Hcppnor a Chinaman was initiated in -the secret order of Mac cabees, and about all the satisfcation that could bo got out him was, "no likco Maccabce; no sabbce, too njuclieo tlalk, tlalk; yclaro welly mucheo." Mrs. P. II. Kearney made the trip from Pendleton to Tho Dalles on a wheel. Sho rode 800 miles in one month. Sho Is tho first lady who has over ridden across the sand wnstcs in Eastern Oregon. Sho discovered that by letting some of the wind out of the tiro nnd with tlat tires It was possible to run across tho sand with ease and speed. Work of Hobos. Soveral complaints of petite larceny have been tiled with Chief Dilley tho past week, by residents of Vow Park and Depot, addition, The articles almost Invariably mlsscdnrochickcns. Largo numbers of hobos are passing through our city, mostly southbound to spend the winter In Callfornlii'ijo llghtful climate, and In order to sat isfy hunger, subsist on other people's poultry. This undesirable element Is' becoming altogether too familiar, and crttnA ivnu ttlmlllil Ia flnvlcuil tn nffnnt. ITUIIIU I.J W, ,.., I. WW UVI I .t-l. M U...-WV- . ualiy rid the nlty of such a class nf people. This morning soven of tho "knights of tho road" woje Ktiitpn?&) by Recorder Edes, for trespassing. Hon. II, L. Barkley speaks at Inde pendence this oyenlng, Boseburg.Oct. 8, Dallas Oitt.tStf'.Tuicl The Dalles Nov. 2. P03ULAR CONTRIBUTIONS For the, Bryan Literature and Campaign Fund. ' The .subscriptions are coming in slowly, but as they are purely volun tary they show that there are still men in this hotbed of Republicanism and bread-and-butter officialism who dare contribute" to the cause of the peoplb Name. Amount. D.J. Fry W 00 Businessman ..... ....2 00 Cash 1 00 A. Strong 5 W. G. Westacott John Bay ne 25 E. nofer .v CO T. L. Davidson 60 W. T. Rigdon 60 W.S. Mott 50 J. M. Payne 2o James Badcr 2o Jeff Myers o II. M. Jones u N. M. Learned T. 2o Businessman 25 Dr. Jeffries 60 W. C. Mitchell 25 W. T. Slater 50 W. B.Simpson 25 H. W. Prescott 2. John Savage, Sr 25 N. Lambeit, cash 50 Laborer 50 Farmer, casli 2 50 A Bryan boy, cash 25 Laborer 25 La borer, cash 25 Business man 50 It.P. Boise 1 00 Silver Republican 5 00 Laborer The cnmnaltrn now beuun will last six weeks and will result in Orecon casting her vote for Bryan or Mc Klnley. The money will be turned over to the treasurer of the Salem Bryan club. If you cannot contribute from 10 cents to $1 a week for the campaign, give a cash contribution. While the McKlnley campaign committee can hold up every banker and $5 to $500 out of every employe of the state, county and city government, this cause when won will owe the office seekers and tax-eaters nothing. In Josephine. At Grants Pass Saturday night 280 men carried torches for Bryan. The hall holds 500 but Judge Bennett proved such a drawlng'card that an overflow meet ing had to be held addressed by Win, M. Colvlg, on the street. At the Mc Klnley rally a few nights before GO carried torches and there was no en thuslasm. &&XjmaaiMmfii - XTA2 &' &3BatBMffl Bound Over. Ed Youmans, who was arrested Monday evening while assisting in conducting a faro game, was araigned before Recorder Edes Tuesday afternoon. Youmans waived examination and was bound over to the grand Jury. In default of the re quired bond he was committed to the county jail. CM-iiu L( amuuo Tjiluu green -mountain musk melons golden cores the finest in the market at Branson & Co's. Choicest family groceries a specialty. 0 24 tf BARKLEY AND Another PENNOYER. With Two Bryan Supplement Great Speeches. Not all could hear Pennoyer and Barkley at the great Bryan ratifica tion at Salem. So The Jouhnal has printed in supplement form the great speeches made on that occasion by those two gentlemen. They will be supplied from this olllce at $1 per 100 or $7 per 1,000 postpaid. "We have still supplements with Bryan's speech of acceptance at New York and Mitchell on the impossibility of In ternational Bimetallism. My nietnou ror examining alio eyes or all complicated refractions, is the latest known to science, and there are no cases too complicated that I can not reach. Consultation and exami nations, free. Charles II. IIinues. Graduate Optician. 235 Commercial St. tf In Town. You'll be surprise J, Won't "yellow the clothes." "Won't burn your hands. Nothing equals it. Better than soap. Extra largo packages. Soap Foam Washing Powder. John Hughes. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children, Tiihs- HalU tlnatun S" r !UJ--&- J SrCCc4- rirr 4f vjapjjf. City Warranta. Notice is hereby ulven that I havo on hand funds applicable to tho pay ment of all warrants of the city of Salem, drawn on tho general fund, and endorsed before November 20. 1895. Interest will cease on said warrants from and after thedateof this notice. E. J. Swafford, 9 22 Ot City Treasurer. Salem, Sept. 22, '05. mm QuIculy.TliorGiisMj', i'oroTcr Cuvo.l. Four out of Avo v 'i out for nervous. , mental worry, a u.j oC'tho bluj"i..b'. paying tlii ienilty t early czcosst. Vic tims, roolfwm your manhood, reealn your viffor. Don't dej-lr. fiiRfl for book with uplauaUou and proofs. Mailed (C4uJ) frets. ERIE MEDIOAL CO., Buffalo, N.Y. jrnnr W' J rm -' ttbi It's a e of Energy I trying to drive a spike with a tack hammer, undertaking to do liousecleaning with soap. The modern cleaner, Gold Dust, hits the nail on the head and drives it home settles your housecleauing difficulties, injures noth ing, cleans everything, saves you. T Washing )& Powder. Sold everywhere in large packages, 25c. Made only by THE N. K. FAIRBANK COMPANY, SI. Louis. Chicago, Hew York, Boton, Philadelphia, San Frandico. &XtIi!l&lMli!a C H. MACK, - DENTIST.- Successor to Dr. J. M.jKeene, old White Corner, Salem, Or. Parties desiring superior operations at moderate fees in any branch are in especial request. ouico, Carriage and wagon shop, 320 Commercial street, opposite State Insurance building. Bring in your work. Satisfaction guaranteed, PETER G. NORGREN. Depot Express, 0 ImlllA ON THE DOLLAR, Ed, S, Lamport, 289 Commcrcialjjst., Salem, On, Hasfbought the Frank E,Shalv fer and the M, Beamer4 harness stocks at forced sale. $4,000 worth ot goods will be disposed of at 50 cents on the dollar, Sign of the White Horse. FOUNTAIN WASHER! Hi IIup i. B. BROWN, 187 Commercial street. Salem, Oregon. Salem Steam Laundry Please noticcjthe cut in prices on the following Shirts, plain 10 cents Under drawers 5 to Io cents Under shirts 5 to 10 cents Socks, per patr .-3 cents Handkerchiefs 1 cent Silk handkerchiefs 3 cents Sheets and pillow slips 24 cents per dozen, and other work in proportion. Flannelsfandother work inJ telhgently washed by hand. Col. J, Olmsted Prop, SALEM WATER CO. Offices Willamette Hotel Building For water service apply at office. Bill payable monthly in advance. Make a complaints at the office. There will be no deduction in water rate on account of temporary absetice from the city unless notice is left at the office. Hereafter water for irrigation will only be furnished to regular consumers using water for domestic purpose. Contractors for side walks, brick work and plastering will please read "under building purposes" page 17 of schedule of rates for 1893. Apply at ft for copy. COLT TAKEN UP. A three-year-old colt, bay color and white star in forehead, was taken up by the under signed. Owner can have same by proving property and paying costs. Call at place, J miles east of Salem, on Macleav road. 8 22 im J. R. PICKENS ONE-HALF SIZE OF COX POZZONPS COMPLEXION POWDER! I has been Ujfe jtandarJ for forty year and I more ixjyuinr 10-asy man oTor ooiora. POZZOiM'S ! Is tbo tdaal comtitoxlon DOirder.bA&iiHfvfnf TVfrk1it.rv .ln.i.1- kit-I ! it . l.i-.'l A delicate, lnyltiblo protection to tbo race. , AVIUi every box of 1'OZZONrSn mn c-,1 I ullieent ScoUII'H GOL.lt l'Cl-F I 11 u.. 13 (riven Iroe 01 cuartrc. ' AT DltUaaiBTS and FANCY STORES. Tho Rosy Freshness And a velvety sottuesa of the skin is Invat rtaulylobjained bylbosevrhouse PozroNi'a Complexion Itow&ec. ' PROPOSALS FOR STATIONERY. ITE, regon, 1, 1896.) Meets all masl and passenger trains gage and express to all parts of the Prompt service. Telephone No. JAMES Bag- city, 70. RADER. TO THE EAST Gives 1HE CHnUE -OF . slee) Qui!) paper, 19x20 For De'Jcacy, for purity, and for improvement ot the com plexion nothing equals Pozzoni'b Powdkb. sZ&Zuttu& ' laluld.jl. csiirtDicpi 2 '" f- " tt aoa-noltonou -J 'luij.ly for Uonorrbcea SI iJtl' t,P'"natQrrhcvS, M Whit-, uunntnritl 3ll U CUaniLJI. or HUT inflftmmn- llaa. Irritation or ulcera- Hun of milnnn. mn IiKEEviksChEUIOUOo. wane. Noo-Mtrlagent. I Mold by SrnnrUU, of feat in plain wrapper. 11.00. or 3 bottle. Ji.73. Circular rent on romett. i5 fcrfrrfiU caatulo ! C1KENKIT1.0 -WmW LPC pjpnvSfi $100 worth for 10c. Bead 10 Hit, for lUniLratod book UUini hw " rUMt UBIUST Ujreur locilltj without con la Uu nemtwra. t) lloolcill CITIZENS' LIIIUAKY ASH'N, hUririUimu, Jlrk,;t WHAT IS SAID. Some say we give the best meal in town for 15c. We say try us and see. HOME RESTAURANT ! S. RICHARDSON. PROP. USecond door north of Hctel Willamette. Office op the Skcrktary of state Salem, Oregoi Sept Sealed proposals will be received at this office until noon, November 2, 1896, to furn ish the following articles for the State of Ore gon for the use of tho 19th Biennial Session of the Legislative Assembly: 35 reams legal cap, 14 lbs. No. 7 ruling white laid, laid, Charter Oak or Scotch linen. 30 reams first class Congress note, 7-pound packages, No. 7 ruling, white laid. 20 renms letter paper, 12 lb,, No. 7 ruling white laid, Carew, Charter Oak, or Scotch linen. 20 ream of typewriter, letter size, Paragon letter wove No. 3. 20 reams typewriter, legal sire, Paragon, letter wove No. 3. 6 reams typewriter, legal sire, Paragon, letter wove No. 1. 6 boxes Little's Satin finish carbon, blue, size 8 x 10. 6 boxes Little's Satin finish carbon, blue, size 8 x 13. 10,000 No. 6 1-2 envelopes, 60 lbs. No I rag XXX. 12 Gross railroad steel pens., No. 49. 20 Gross Gillott's steel pens, No. 404. 4 Gross Gillott's steel pens. No. 303. 8 Gross Ester brook " ' pens 6 Gross Falcon steel pen", No. 048. 6 Gross Esierbrook & Co.'s Probate pens No. 313. 6 Gross Esterbrook & Co.'s Judze's Steel pens No. 312. 6 Gross Esterbrook & Co.'s Chancellor steel pen No 239. 6 Gross London Incandescent, M. JacobV No. 4. 2 Dozen Sanford's Cardinal ted ink, pints. 5 Gross pen holders, black enamel, .true 10 Dozen Peck, Stow & Wilcox's inkstinds No. 558. 4 Dozen Peck, Stow & Wilcox's inkstands. No. 554. 10 Dozen Peck, Stow & Wilcox's inkstand; No. 420. 12 Dozen ivory folders, 9-inch standard. 4 Dozen ivory folders, Io-inch Congress. 4 Dozen mucilage cups, No. 8, Morgan's patent 10 Djfen mucilage standi, reservoir. No. 6, Morgan's patent. 3 reams Parker's treasury blotting i-aptr, 140 lbs. assorted colors. 2 Gross No. 2 Eagle recorder lead pencils, style 660. 5 Dozen Sanford's premium fluid, qu arts 2 1-2 Dozen Stafford's writing fluid, quarts. 15 Dozen gummed stub files, No. 21, 11 x 15 inches, 500 pages. 4 Dozen Duplex cupboard letter cl ips, legal ize. 20 Dozen Duplex cupboard etter clips. 15 Dozen Faber's rubber rulers, 14-inch flat. 15 Dozen steel erasers, Rogers' No. 18,149, bone. 3 Dozen steel erasers, Rogers' No. 18,149, ebony. 70 boxes Faber's No. 300 rubber bands, assorted sizes. 5 Gross Faber's lead pencils. No. 2, hexa gon, gilt. 12 Gross Faber's lead pencils, No. 2, round, gilt. 20 Dozen Faber's patent ink and pencil rubber erasers, mammoth. 3,000 McGill's patent paper fasteners.No. 2 flat head, 3,000 McGill's patent paper fasteners.No, 2 round heads, white. 3,000 McGill's patent paper fasteners.No. 4, flat head. 15 Dozen table pads to hold inohtis, strong leather tips. 15 Dozen waste paper baskets, cross-bar No. 4. 3 Dozen waste paper baskets, small, No, 11, round. 29 lbs, hemp twine No, 2.. 4 Dozen Sanford's mucilage, quarts. Bids should be marked "Proposals for Sta tionery," None but the best quality of goods will be accepted. The right to reject any or all bids is e. served. All the above articles to be deliv. red at Salem on or before December 15,1896. There being at the present time no money available for Davinc for the nWwe tnnnii.c bidsTwill only be accepted under the express condition, agreement and understanding that the successful bidder will look to, and de pend upon the next legislature appropriating money to pay the claim. very reip ectlully, II. R. KINCAID, 9-52 Secretary of State, mm am tgFREE DELIVERY. W0LZ U MIESCKE Proos. Dealars in all kinds of fresh and salt meats igpFresh sausago a specialty. 171 COMMERCIAL ST "KINDERGARTEN." Mrs. C. M. Ogle will re.opcn her kinder gartrn in the Congregational church parlors on September 21. 8 29 im EY TO LOAN On farm land security. Special rates on large loans. Loans Two Transcontinental Rouio:, eastern cities. " Lo rtcjl0 OCEAN DIVISION. Pt. '4. 19, 24. ffij . tl I and 29. " 9i 14, loty Fare Cabin, $12: $( tc WILLAMrrTE2,r' Steamers Ruth for Portland W nesdayandF,iday,7;l,o,1mMoadV' Lowest freight and passengemte. , trip tickets very cheap. Tickeu u 0I"-1 baggage checked through to Vll d. m Oregon, Washington and the Ea! TU in charge for bagglgc transf rs. cWcf'i1 road or river route to Portland. f"'1- For full details call on Bok A n 1 agents, Salem, Oregon, oTaadJ", BwVer E. MCNEILL, Gen'lVf' ForfulldetSaAOr G. M. POWERS, Foot of Trade st. Locl Agent. Bush consideied without delay HAMILTON & MOLt Bank buildinS. MONEY TO LOAN I On city or farm property. Over Bn-.h's Bank, T. K. FORD T. T-T. HAAS, WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER, Makes a spf'ialty of fin repair work, Setb Thnma clork, etc., 215 Con mrrcial Street C. H. LANK, n MffllTTi R 2ir Cimm-rciil I3?"Suits $15 upwards. st , Salem Or Pants $ upwands'EJ 'I bring you good tidings of great joyj wmen snail ic unto mi people." A "BIBLE KEY" "The Plan of the Ages." This is the best work on the Bible, ever issued from the press. It gives a complete explanation of all the doctrinal subjects of the holy scriptures, presenting the wonderful harmony, simplicity aud beiuity of God's plans for the redemption of the human family from sin and death. Tho work is complete in three (3) volumes, all for $1. Address T. H. LLOYD, 164 Waller street, Salem Or. 7.17.1m EASr AND SOUTH .VIA- hasta Route. OF THEj Southern Pacific Co California Express Train Run dahjr between Portland and San Francisco, ,,8:50 p, m. 11:00 p. m, Iq;45 a. m Ly, Portland r-Ar, Lv Salem,-. Ar. Ar- S. Frisco Lv. 8:10 a. m. 00 a. m 7roo p. m IS: 7r Above trains stop at EastG Portland, Oregon City, Wo dburn, Salem.rjTurner, Marion, Jeflerson, Albany, Albany Junction, Tangent Shedds, Ilalsey, Harrisburg, Junction City, Eugene, Creswll, Drainj and all stations from Roseburg to Ashland, inclusive. ROSEBURG MAIL DAILY. South 8i3Q nan, ll;00a.ni. 3:20 p.m. a. lv. Portland ar. lv. Salem lv. ar. Roseb'g lv. North 4:40 p.m. 2:20 p.m. 8:00 a.m. Through Tickets TO THE bast: VIATIIE SALEM PASSENGER. DSouth 4:00 p.m. C:15 p.m. Nortb lv. Portland ar. ar. Salem lv. 10:15 a.m. 8:00 a.m. DINING CARS ON OGDEN ROUTE TULLMAN BUFFET 8LEEPERS and second-class sleeping cars attach?4, to all through trains. WEST SIDE DIVISION, Between Portland and Corvallis, dail cept Sunday.) (ex- Union Pacific System Ihrough Pullman'Palace Sleeper. Toorii Sleepers and Freef Reclining Chai -Ivlf between Portland to Chicago, Our trains are heated bi steam ud lighted by Pintsch light. Time to Chicago, 3 i.J Jays Time to New York, 4 1-2 days. Which is many lnurs quicker thin com. petito's. For rates, time tables and fullMnforrait'oa apply to; JiOISEiAiltATtKER, Agents, Silem, Ot " R.4W BAXTER, C. E. BR01W, General Agent , Dist.Pass. igeni 135 Third Street, PortUnJ. Northern Pacific Railway. RUNS Pullman Sleeping Cars Elegant Dinin Cars Tourist Sleeoin!LV9 To St. Paul, Minneapolis, Dulutb, rwyo, ?rand Forks, Crookston, Winnipeg, Helena and Butte. THROUGH TICKETS r To Chicago, Washington, Philadelphia, I IllYork, Boston, and all romt1! East and South; . 4For information, time cards, maps,' an tickets, call on or writft THOMAS, WATT &,C0j AGENTS, 265 Commercial srreet, Salem, uri OREGON CENTRAL AND Eastern R. R. Company ,2lffSS.' S3& co &Yaquina Bay Steamship U STEAMER "FARALDDN. 7:30 a.m, 12:15pm Lv. Ar. Portland. Corvallis. Ar. ( 6:20 p. (6: in Lv I "35 p. At Albany .and Corvallis connect with trains of Oregon Central & Eastern Railroad. Ladles Who Value A KPnefl corapleilon must usa Pozzonfa Pow- "Hroouccaa son and beautiful akin. der. Express train daily except Sunday. ul Lv, Portland 4:45 p. m. 75 P. m Ar, Ar. i McMinville Lv 8:25 a, in. 5:50 a. m. THROUGH TICKETS to dl points in the Eastern States. Canada and Turope can be obtained, at lowest ratei fron. -vy.W. SKINNER. Acent.. Salem. 00 a.- : r? b. TVnnoPiinP at Yaquina iy --7 Frisco & Equina Bay Steamsmp w--mAiic'R 1'FARALLOW, Sails from Yaquina ewy J j Francisco. Coos Bay. Prt "" and Humbolt Bay. . anusti- Passenger fewmm1iuUeralkr Shortest route between the WU and California. . ( veil to 6a Fare from Albany or points r Icn, Tab n. 10 sic& ee. 5 ;WJ f f-.rVl,T- CEOAlUb " The most popular Wnrfh Pacific US(. -soil , P, ROGERS, Asst. li. R, KOEHLER, Manager. c & r. a., Portland Or. No uniieiw-- K,i,tn absolutely safe.; L-,iii aaJ For th-.se wishing wwwiT" fishing with aquatic 'P uook v equal. Dr-Vr' ,- found and salmon trout can be w .wiiKtn 1 few hours' drue 01 1 "'iwrHuMd rstes to all F",,;. Or, .COTaltt tffl (Salem. T,.WTrTM ctmNE. Managyr: t-W vA s . Riief Oinwft,, j sb