Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899, September 19, 1896, Image 1

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NO, 253,
w York
our prices and poods with
s, and you have the answer.
..ntimi to increase Compare
ri.,... iiiTurcd bv otlicr merchants, a
inwv ---- - ... i...i i. ,. iit-t ..;..
We are doing an mi&uiuieijr vasu uusiuc&s. uouuyanaseu
for cash only- In every transaction there ia a good per cent
re saved, and we Rive the customer the benefit of all dis
counts.. Reliable goods aud lowest prices is the reason our
Ourstork of shoes is complete. The
winch we carry are the standard of good quality. Clothing in
Kreat variety at bed-rock, hard t lines pi Ices, lii ing your cash
and receive full value.
loddsfrial Exposition
Por tland, Oregon. Sept. 19 to Oct. 17,
The great resources of the Pacific Northwest. Agriculture, Horticulture, Fisheries,
Mines, Manufactures, Transportation, Machinery, Trade and Commerce will be represented
more completely han ever before. 3PGrand band concert every rfternoon and evening.
Special attractions every night. Lowest rates ovtry made on all transportation lines.
Admission 25c. Children loc. For exhibit spate apply to Geo L. linker, Superintend
tut, at the buildwg. E. C. MASTEN, Sec.
-.iftnn -r'.V'X'UlLfci ak. -JX ' --
Reduced rates. Management liberal. Electric cars leae hotel for all public buildings
and points of interest. Special rates will be given to permanent patrons.
a, i, Wagner,
Lawn Mowers,
Garden Hose,
Lawn Sprinklers, J
I suits
The grandest, the most select, the choicest
assortment of men's dress suits, business
suits, every day suits your eyes ever bes
held, fabrics that are meritorious, linings
that are reliable, styles that are new, fit that
shows study, and last but not least, prices
that arewell, prices that fit your purse, be
small or large, New fall suits at from
TO $20
The Popular Clothiers',
State and Liberty Streets.
He Speaks in Patrick Henry's
Old County,
New Fiyfrtlj Machine.
Chicago, Sept. U -The first free
test or OutttvS "Cli inutc'K albatross
soaring muclilhe,nventcd and con
structed by wiUhlu) Tail), was inado
at Miller, Iiid., last evening under
unfavorable conditions, while the
machine was bcavllj loaded with bal
last, 80,88 to prevent it from flying
any great distance, iind was anchored
by fourrdpes, enclfSO feet long. The 1
1 -l. "D.XA-.-. f Machine Oils,
Hay Rakes, J Vdy DrUb and Axle Grease,
Hardware, Stoves and Tinware.
Salem, Or, Sundries,
All Over the Eastern States
Strength Growing.
Fredericksburg, Va., Sept. 19
In the ordinary day coach of the
Richmond, Frederick juurg & Potomac
railway, Bryan left .Richmond at 7
o'clock, enroute for "" Vashlngton. A
A speech of thirty mi mtcs, was made
at Fredericksburg, and short ad
dresses at the smaller towns. At
Fredcrickbburg Bryan was driven to
the Exchange hotel, where he held an
Informal reception, till 11 o'clock.
Then lie was taken to Washington
monument, where he made an addres3
to a large crowd. lie was then driven
to the residence of M-iyor W. I "White,
where he dined.
At 1:50 ho took the train for "Wash
ington. His first address today was
at Ashland, where the train stopped
two minutes, he said: "Henry Clay,
a mill boy of Slashes, was born in
this county, aslo Patrick Henry. I
believe in the policy for which I
stand in this campaign and in some
respects revives my memories of both
men. Henry Clay, in 1845, described
the effect of contracting the currency
and Patrick Henry was in favor of the
American policy'." (Applause.)
At Canton.
Canton, Sept. 19. In spite of bad
weather, the people began pouring in
to Canton this morning at- a lively
rate. With a single exception of yes
terday, today furnished the largest
crowd of the campaign. The first ar
rivals were railroad men. There were
eleven train loads of these.Besides the
railroad men the delegates scheduled
for the flay are: Republicans of Ful
ton, Pa., two train loads from the
Carnegie steel works, Homestead.
People from stations between
Jamestown, N. Y., and Newcastle,
Penna., from points in "Western New
York and along the Pennsylvania
railroad. Commercial travellers of
Cincinnati and Pittsburg and a num
ber of trains from Northern Ohio,
Hulton, Pa., delegations of several
thousand arrived at 11 o'clock. The
rain was pouring down and they were
received at the Grand opera house.
The good wishes of the visitors were
extended by Gen. A. C. Litchfield and
Dr. C. M. C. Campbell. Major Mc-
Kinley responded.
Bynum's Home.
Indianapolis, Sept.. 19. W. D.
Bynum, chairman of the national
committee of Democrats has returned
from New York he said: "I found the
sentiment in the cast strongly against
Bryan. The lowest estimate I heard
of as majority against him in New
York was 2,000. Tammany hall, he
said, will not give Bryan her support,
although It Is pretending to do so."
Estimate on Missouri.
St. Louis, Sept. 19. Chairman
Cook of the Democratic state central
committee estimates that Bryan will
carry Missouri by 55,000. All but two
of the Democratic congressmen will
be elected.
Bryan Will Speak in Bath.
Augusta, Me., Sept. 19. W. J.
Bryan will deliver an address In Bath,
Sept. 20. Special trains will be run to
that city from all parts of the state.
He will be the guest of Mr. Sewall.
Carlisle too Busy.
New York, Sept. 19,-Secretary
Carlisle has written to Palmer and
Buckner at headquarters that the
press of public business prevents his
attending the meeting in the Interest
of the gold standard Democratic
ticket to be held at Madison Square
Garden Tuesday evening.
Hrononnced Invalid.
Rome, Sept. 19.-The pope, in an
apostolic letter, proclaims the Angll
Mn ordinations absolutely Invalid
and Invites the Anglicans to return 1
to the Catholic unity.
Jefferson Meeting.
Special to The Journal.
The largest crowd that has been in
Jefferson in the. campaign was gath
ered here last evening to hear Hon.
II. L. Barklcy speak for Bryan and
free silver. The opera house would not
hold the people. But owing to Mrs.
Barkley being sick it was impossible
threo points -which the trial was to j ror Mp- "afWcy to be present,
decide, first, as to qvhether it would I The hop crop of R. F. Myers, (12
right itself In the ay- third, whether, acres), three miles northwest of this
wnen it commenced to descend, it
would move downward Rlowly and
alight easily, Sverel'all determined in
a manner gratifying both to Inventor
and owner.
The (light was less than 100 feet,
but the descent and final alighting on
the sand were as graceful and een As
that of tho bird from which the ma
chine was patternfccU
Tho trial provedi-thc machine per
fectly safe, a proof which whs more
acceptable, inasmuch as it has been
asserted that the machine Is danger
ous, and an attempt to fly it would be
sure to result in tho (Jeath of the oper
ator. Another test will be made to
day If the wind fayore.
Ship Contract.
Washington, Sept. 19. Acting
Secretary McAdoo yesterday afternoon
received a cablegram from Secretary
Herbert, of Breslau France, in an
swer to his messagd respecting the
bids for building three battle-ships,
opened Tuesday. The secretary au
thorizes McAdoo to proceed to make
the awards. Tho bodts will go one to
Cramp & Son, of Philadelphia, at $2,
650,000; one to the (Newport News
Shipbuilding & Drydock Company, of
Virginia, at $2,595,000, and one to the
Union iron works, of San Franeitco,
at $2,074,950, as rechmended by the
board of bureau chiefs.
Will Attack the Dervishes
Steriu-El-Ma.On-The-Nile, Sept.
19, The Nile expedition, under tho
sldar and Sir Herbert Kitchener, left
Barjar at daybreak? yesterday morn
ing, and after a hard march of four
hours urrlved here. It is the general
expectation among the officers that
today will see" a battle, in which tho
British ahd Egyptian forces will bo
the' attackl ng party.
JPerU'vian Ministry.
Lima, Peru, via Galveston, Sept." ID.
President-Elect Errazurlz was Inau
gurated yesterday. The following
ministry has been definitely decided
Minister of the Interfor, Annlbal
Zanartu; foreign affairs, Enrique De
putron; Justice, Adolfo Abanel;
finance, Jose Francisco Fabres; war
and marine, General Manuel Buttes;
public works, Francisco Baezo.
New Yoyk, Sept. 10. The "World
this morning says:
"Corbett and Fltzslmmons were in
dicted by the grand Jury yesterday
and warrants were Issued. As the
ludlctments are only for a misde
meanor, the pugilist will not bo ar
rested until they arrive in this state.
In the Indictment Corbett and Fltz
slmmons are accused of having vio
lated the lawso far as It relates to tho
furtherance of a prizefight."
place, also F. M. Miller, (twelve acres)
Is a total loss. After picking a few
days, the mold struck In, and the
pickers were layed off today.
At an election, held In the yard of
F. M. Miller, Bryan received 03 votes
and McKlnlcy 39, which about shows
the voice of tho people here.
Killed His Mother.
"Wallace, Idaho, Sept. 10. It Is
reported from Muraay that the Jury
found J. E. Perry guilty of man
slaughter. Perry Is tho young man
who killed his mother with a hatchet
in Wallace early one morning last
April. There were no witnesses to
the tragedy, although there were a
number of persons In the immediate
vicinity of the shanty where the kill
ing was done, and any violent quarrel
would have been heard. After the
tragedy Perry fled, carrying the
hatchet, but wus captured, after a
fierce resistance.
Ho had twice been an Inmate of
asylums for the insane in Colorado
and Washington. The defense sot up
a plea of insanity at the trial.
Cotton Operatives Strike.
DAllas, Sept. 11. A strike of
operatives in the Dallas cotton mills
lias been determined on, to take place
next Monday. Tho company u few
days ago determined to reduce wages
10 per cent, on the plea that the mills
were paying 30 per cent higher wages
than any other of the 500 mills in the
South. If the nilllowners persist In
forcing the cut, nearly 300 operatives
will walk out.
New Cabinet.
Yokohama, Sept. 10. Count Mat
sukata has been appointed premier In
succession to the Marquis Ito, who re
signed as premier on August 28, and
who wae followed by tho rest of the
cabinet on the next day. In the new
cabinet, the count, besides holding
the premiership, becomes minister of
finance, which position ho also held
in the late cabinet of Marlquis Ito.
Viscount Takashima is appointed
minister of war, and Count Okuma
minister of foreign affairs.
Tula- 7 ll H
iisali Six . 'fy'fj iT
Burglary in Newberg
Newueko, Or., Sept. 19 Mlrrlsfc
Miles' store was broken Into last night.
The safe was blown open arid about
$150 taken.
Hoke Talks.
Dalton, Georgia, Sept. 19. Hoko
Smith, ex-sccrctary of tho Interior,
spoke here today under the auspices
of the state Democratic executivo
committee, to one of the largest
audience of this campaign. Smith re
ferred to 11 former visit In Dalton two
years ago when he urged that the
Democratic national platform should
not approye of free coinage of silver.
He said his views upon the lluhncial
qucstloii'nmiulnod unclmuged, and he
regretted he could not endorse this
part of the platform. Ho-urged those
who, like himself, that did not ap
prove of this plai.k, should still re
main loyal to regular.
A Mexican Mob.
City op Mexico, Sept. 19. A mob
attacked the American Presbyterian
church in Amusa Callentc, on the
night of September 15. The pastor Is
Rev. D. Sharp. The mob broke win
dows and doors with stones, and Mr.
Sharp's house wus also attacked. A
crowd attacked the Morelos Protest
ant college in the same city Septem
ber 10, breaking every window in it.
Minister Ran some has been to to
use his best olllces with the govern
ment to secure the punishment of the
Fire in Chronicle Building
San Francisco, Sept. 1. At 2:30
yesterday morning a fire broke out in
the stcreotyping-room on the top floor
of the Chronicle building, which de
stroyed $2500 worth of property before
It was extinguished, the firemen being
handicapped by the height of the
After the Border Bandits.
Silveu City, N. M., Sept. 19.
Captain Pilcher, with troop I, First
United States cavalry, left here today
for Demlng to assist the marshall's
posse in another attempt to capture
tne gang of border bandits which re
cently attacked the Mexican custom
house ut Las Palomas.
Goes to the Levant.
London, Sept. 10. A special dis
patch from Rome says Vice-Admiral
Cauevaro, with a flying squadron,
leaves for the Levant at tho earliest
possible moment.
Adjudged Insane
Roseuuko, Or. Sept. 19. Jap Minto
of Salem, ex-treasurer of Marlon
county, was adjudged insane hero
this looming. He will be taken to
the asylum on tonight's overland In
charge of Sheriff Ageeand his brother
D O. Mlnto.
U. Stolz Is home from Portland.
Miss Marguerite Ilnss Is visiting
Portland relatives.
In. II. D. Patton lias gone to Port
land on a visit to friends.
Druggist Lee Stelncr is home from
a business visit in Astoria.
Mrs. Thos. Kay went to Portland
this morning on a shoit visit.
Miss Neva Griswold is visiting
friends in Lincoln, Polk county.
Geo. Irwin was a Portland passen
ger via Salem local this morning.
T. B. Kay left this afternoon 011 11
brief business trip to San Francisco.
James Botlgcr has gono to Central
Point to attend some racing ovonts.
Attorney-General C. M. Idlcnmu
came up from Portland this morning
Sam B. Parrish and Attorney W. D.
Becbeo returned to Portland this
Ex-Sheriff McForrnn, of Linn
county, came down from Albany on
the 2:20 local.
A. C. Woodcock rotuincd to Eiigotie
this morning nfter a brief busings
visit in this city
Miss Margaret Cospor returned this
morning from a visit of two weeks In
the lower vnlley.
Mrs. Helot) Harford, state organizer
of the W. C. T. U., arrived In the
city this afternoon.
Mrs. S. E. Estclle, of San Francisco,
Is in tho city a guest at tho homo of
Rev. II. A. Denton.
Frank Miller, book-keeper for the
Albany Iron Works, came down from
Albany this afternoon.
Mrs. P. Lovy and Mrs. S. Schmidt,
of Portland, are visiting nt tho home
of F. Lovy on Front street.
Miss Maggie Ilodgkln returned last
evening from an extended visit with
friends in the Sound country.
Mrs. Elizabeth Holmaii returned
this morning from Tho Dalles where
she has been on fraternal work.
Mrs. Elizabeth Ilolman returned
this morning fiom Tho Dalles wlicro
she has been on fraternal work.
Mrs. G. F. Gilliam who has been
visiting Mrs Geo. II. Burnett, left
yesterday for her home at Seattle.
Rev. Scott, pastor of the Friends
church will uddres? tho regular 4
o'clock W. U. T. U. meeting Sunday.
C. E. Roblln left this afterhodirVIu
his wheel for Albany, where ho will
take in tho excursion to Newport to
morrow. Peter McCuskar, who has been vis
iting M. T. Ilorgan In this city, re
turned to his Portland homo this
Clarence Bir.hop returned to Eu
gene this morning, whore ho will re
sume his studies in the Stato Univer
sity Monday.
F. K. Churchill, editor of tho
Aumsvlllo Record, passed through
Salem this morning on his return
home from Portland.
E. Hofer went to Sclo this morning
wlicro ho addressed the citizens of
that place at 2 p. ni. This evening ho
delivers a speech In Stayton.
Frank 1'. McDovltt has returned
fronijin extended visit ut Roscburg
and Camas Valley where ho has been
attending to business interests.
Miss Minnie Tasker went to Jeffer
sdh this morning where sho tukes
charge of tho intermediate depart
ment of tho city's public school.
Misses Myrtle and Esther Williams
and Mr. A. II. Williams returned
Thursday evening from a ten days'
vacation very pleasantly spent In
Miss Clalro Smith, who has been
visiting her sister, Mrs. F. A. Lcgg,
left this afternoon for Stanford, Cal.,
for the benefit of her health. Sho
wus accompanied by her aunt, Miss
Mary Adams.
Misucs B. B. Burkhart und B. B.
Butler and Messrs I. O. Cladfelter and
J. II. Alexander drove down from In
dependence last evening and spent a
few hours in our city returning by
Expected Attack Upon the
City of Havana, ,
Prosecutor Threatened
With Destruction..
IlAVANA.Sept. 10. The rebsl leader,
MjMsgcryilf strojaghpld In the
mountains, mid is encamped with a
large force on tho Danes estate, south
of riimrdcl Rio City. An nt tuck on
that city Is momentarily expected,
it Is luiiioicil heio that Captain-
Goiu'ial Weylor will Mrfin tnk'oi 1-
uiiiud of the Spanish force. in I'lnar
del Rio, with the Intention of expell
ing Mil ceo from the province, if true,
hard lighting Is expected. The Cuban
chiefs havo determined to make any
sacrifice to effect Captain-General
Weylcr's capture.
An Anarchistic Letter.
Boulogne-Sur-Mur, Sept. 19. M.
Bossu, deputy public prosecutor, In
churgo or tho case against P. J. P.
Tynan, tho alleged Irish dynamiter,
received a letter yesterday informing
him, In tho name of a commltteo of
lnvlticlblcs and the anarchist brother
hood, that unless Tynan was released
within i hours he (Bossu) would be
blown up with dynamite. The letter
was wrltton with ti rediluid believed
to be blood.
Armenian Proceedings.
Constantinople, Sept. 19. (De
layed in transmission.) The Brltjsh
Mediterranean squadron is expected
toarrlvo at tho Island of Lemnos
(Stallnl) tomorrow. Active prepara
tions for sett duty aro proceeding
among the vcssols composing the Rus
sian Black sea squadron.
LtAn official communication prohibits
1111 iuiuiK'iuio wiiu uu nun vujujr btio
confldencoof tho government will bo
Bryan'a Majorities.
C(iioAao,Sept. 10. The press bureau
at tho natlonnl Dcmoorutlo head
quarters has issued tho following
Based on the present outlook, the
following estimate of Bryan's major
ity In November Is made:
Alabama , 00,000
Arkansas 75,000
California 50,000
Colorado 100,000
Delaware 10,000
Florida 15.000
Georgia W.OOO
idaiio iu,uw
Illinois 45,000
Indiana 50,000
Iowa 30,000
Kansas 40,000
Kentucky 35,000
Louisiana 40,000
Maryland 15,000
Michigan 30,000
Minnesota 35,000
Mississippi 50,000
Missouri 60,000
Montana , 15,000
Nebraska 30,000
Nevada 4,000
North Carolina 20,000
Ohio 25,000
Oregon 10,000
South Carolina 00,000
South Dakota 10,000
Tennessee 40,000
Texas 175.000
Utah 10,000
Virginia 25,000
Washington 15,000
West Virginia 10,000
Wisconsin 30,000
Wyoming 5000
J?heso estimate glvo Bryan thirty
six out of 45 states, with 324 electoral
Hon. Thos. Kay camo down from
Waterloo this morning and reports
everything moving along nicely at the
manufacturing city up tho valley.
Mr. Kay expressed his regrets that
the Salem mill was not being oper
Bollngbroke Club's Offer,
London, Sept. 10. The Bollng
broko club offers a purso of $8000 und
$1000 for expenses for each man for
Mm rVirliAf.t-FltzRnimonB mutch, to bo
(fought In London.
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report.
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