t; ' T'() n -- DAILY CAPITAL JO URNAL, ASSOCIATED, PteKSS DAILY. SALEM, OREGON WEDNESDAY, SElTl'tiMBEli !, 1896. tft 'f 0.21 . i ' ij K ' i . startf1 VOL 8 ' ' ' .. New yor -KMet"? f2&&3&&&tSSi&SX&B3Rpgbi .rwA :nJirwj. r-Atr?'r'-trrrrvi.rirTii.rii.'nwj nn " rj Is recleving goods of all kinds direct from New York, bought from one of the largest establishments of the kind in the world. All their goods are bought for cash, and sold for cash. Those buying from such a house get their goods cheaper than In an ordin ary time house; that Is clear. We arc also able to sell our goods at cheaper rates, that also Is clear. We keep a huge' line of laces, em broideries, lace curtains, bed spreads, linen andicotton towels, crash, table linen, ladles vests, and all kinds of underwear, corsets, white and work hirts, suspenders, h lery, purses, combs, brushes, and a large aline of notions of all kinds, call and see for 3'our8clves, we sell at close prices. i J) E.T.BARNES. v r mr irrvm2rrKi -r -? r r tfVVVUlCUVHV4 Industrial Exposition Portland, Oregon, Sept, 19 to October 17, The great resource of the Pacific Northwest. Agriculture, Horticulture, Fisheries, Mines, Manufactures, Transportation, Machinery, Trade ami Commerce will be represented more completely than evrr before. lGrand band concert every afternoon and evening. .Special attractions every night. Lowest rate ever made on all transportation lines. Admission 2Sc Children loc. tor exhibit cat. at the building. um MOWERS. HAY RAKES, GRAY Hardware, Stoves and Tinware, GARDEN HOSE. UWN SPRINKLERS, SALEM, OR. he Willamette LEADING HOTEL. Keiiucea'rates. Management hoeral. iMpoint oljinterest. Special rates will be 600(1 S H 1 ST l It Is an Important factor in the Achieve' ment of Success in Life This is a bit of philosophy that time and the experience of men have proved to be founded on fact That being the rase all who buy clothing should seek a store where the best clothing is sold at prices which suit all classes, Such a store is conducted by 6. w. Johnson -& Son The Popular Clothiers e have clothingithat fits not only the body, but the Wnc Clothing elegant in texture and finish, Clothing that Pleases the eye and keeps the body warm, If you want any g usually found in a FifstClass ClothingGHouse t will pay you to see us. We can showfgoods that will make your mouth water. State and Liberty Streets. space apply to Ceo. 1, liaker, Superintend' pen N, E. C. MAS TEN, Sec. BROS., MACHINE OILS and AXLE GREASE. BICYCLES. SUNDRIES. OF THE CITY. Electric cars leave hokel lor all public&buildings given to permanent patrons. A. I. WAGNER, Hotel doing! !HarBeen.Giver:to the Public Today, MONEY THE ISSUE, NOT TARIFF Read His Letter and the Platform Which He Accepts. Lincoln, Sept. 9.-W. .T. Bryan to day sent to the members of the noti fication committee of the Democratic national convention his formal letter of acceptance. NO SKCOND TERM. He announced that It is his fixed de termination not under any circum stances to be a candidate for re-election, in case lie is elected this time. He indorses unqualifiedly every plank of the national platform. NO FEDERAL INTERFERENCE. On the subject of federal interfer ence he says. "While the United States guarantees to every state a Re publican form of government, and is empowered to protect each state against invasion, it Is not authorized to interfere in the domestic affairs of any state, except upon application of the executive when the legislature cannot be convened. This provision rests upon the sound theory that the people of each state, acting through their legally chosen representatives, are, because of their more intimate acquaintance with local conditions, better qualified than the president, to judge of the necessity for federal as sistance." NO LIFE TERMERS. On the subject of the civil service he says: "A permanent office holding class Is not in harmony with our in stitutions." TARIFF NOT THE ISSUE. In reference to the tariff he says it is not necessary to discuss the tariff question at this time. Whatever may be the individual views of citi zens as to the relative merits of pro tection and tariff reform, all must recognize that until the money ques tion is fully and finally settled. The American people will not consent to a consideration of any other Important question. Taxation presents a prob lem which in some form is continually present and the postponement of defi nite action upon it involves no sacri- of personal opinion on political prin ciple, but the crisis presented by the , financial conditions cannot be post poned. Information From Cuba. London, Sept. 0. The Times Tues day morning publishes a long letter from its navana correspondent, deal ing with the state of afiairs in Cuba, in the course of which lie says: "Careful study for the past four months convinces mc that, despite serious losses, the rebels are holding their own against the troops. The wealthy agricultural districts are now completely under rebel control, and the whole sympathy of the Islanders Is with the rebels. Even Havana, which Is more Spanish than any other town or district is permeated with animosity toward Spanish rule, and is honey-combed with Intriguers on be half of the rebellion. "It is quite false to call It a color struggle. In the fighting rankssof the insurgents the proportion is 70jper cent whites to 30 per cent negroes." Still Greater Gains. St. Louis, Sept. 0. A special to the Post Dispatch from Little Itock.Ark., says: From the best estimate 170,000 votes were polled of which Jones re ceived 125,000, Kemmet 3s,ooo, rue and Miller 10,000. Jones majority way reach 80,000. Sank Failure. New Orleans, Sept., 9,-rThe fail ure of the Union Natlorial-'baulc was announced today. Sadly Disappointed. Laurel, Del., Sept. St. Mrs. Wtfr- rcn, a widow residing ncurSharptown, In this county, lias been loading about the New York prophet who predicted the world was to come to an end on Wednesday last. She became con vinced that the prediction would be verified, and spent Monday and Tues day distributing all her worldly goods to her neighbors, and on Wcducsday she donned a white robe 'and sat on front door step all day. The event failed to coma off, and dn Thursday she made an effort to secure the re turn of her property but failed. She win oringsmt in court to recover. i i Recovered Her Child. Ssan 1 RANcisco,Sept. 9. Mrs. Sam' Snapper, the high kicker, known in the theati leal world as Florlc Royce, Is once more In possession of her 3-year-old baby, Beatrice. 'The child has been held for some weeks by Mrs. Clarlndo Yalento as security for an unpaid board bill. To secure posses sion of her offspring Mrs. Snapper yes terday swore out a writ of habeas corpus. The writ was heard by Judge Hebbard. Mrs. Valeuto appeared In court but made no show'of light. Judge Hebbard promptly made an order awarding the child to her mother. Geo. Black Reiuses Nomination. Chicago, Sept. 0. General John C. Black has written a letter declining the nomination for governor by the gold standard Democrats. He says: "I am convinced by my investigation In this state that the election for gov ernor lies between Mesirs.Tanner and Altgeld. The only effect on tho elec tion of my candidacy would bo to dim inish the chances of one on the other of these gentlemen for election. Men differ in their in their opinions as to whose chances would be the most seri ously impaired." Life Stamped Out. Wardner. Ida. Sepb & rant Shaw, a well-known teamster of Wardner, died last night from the effects of wounds received by hint at the hand3 of Hank Wlllsou In the street. Shaw drew ti pocket-knife, tried to climb Into the wagon, and used the knife on Wilson. Wilson knocked Shaw off the wheel, jumped on him and stamped him six or seven times. Shaw never regained consci ousness. J&nes Overpowered. Chicago, Sept. 9. Chairman Jones, of the Democratic committee, In speaking of the Arkansas election yes terday, said: "I expected a majority of about 40,000, but was entirely un prepared for what beems to be the re sult. I attribute the tremendous ma jority to bimetallism. The result In Arkansas shows what may lie ex pected throughout tho entire South and West, just as tho result in Ver mont foreshadows the result in the New England states. Montana Republcans. Helena. Mont., Sept. 0 The Re publican state convention met today. There are contestlngdelegatlons from at least four counties including Sil ver Bow, without tho latter county the convention teem divided pretty evenly between silver and McKInley Republicans. Sons of Veterans. LouisviLLE.Sept.O. Two thousand Sons of Veterans, assisted by local uniformed societies, participated In the annual parade this morning. Great rcrowds gave the marchersla cheering welcome. The parade was concluded by a review of the column by Comraaner-In-Chlef Russell and staff. The Texas Fusion. Fort Worth, Tex., Sept. 0. Up to 1 o'clock this afternoon the Republi can state convention had not organized for work. There seems no doubt that there will be a fusion with the Popu lists and the gold standard Democrats. Henry H. Fayne Dead, Cleveland, Sept. 0. Henry II. Payne, ex-United 8 tates tena'tor died today. Death due to paralysis. Three National PlaffoTmSaiT Moifey. Republicans for Bimetallism inJ892;, tor' GoIdiJ T1896. Voters Cut This Out REPUBLICAN 18ft "The American pcopio, from tra dition and Interest,- favor bimetal lism, and tho Republican party de mands the use of uoth gold and SILVER AS 8TANDRD MONEY, With such restrictions and under such pro visions, to be determined bv leelsla- tlon.as will Bccurothe maintenance of tho parity of values of the two metals so that the purchasing and debt-paying power of the dollar, whether of silver, gold or paper, shall bo at all times equal. Tho Interests of tho pro ducers of the county, Its fanners and Its worklngmen, demand that every dollar, paper or coin, Issued by the government shall bo as good nsany other." Chairman Jones Goes East. Chicago, Sept. 0. Chairman Jones of the Democratic committee left for New York suddenly today, leaving word for callers that he had gone cast on "prlvato business." But It Is be lieved that Jones will meet Treasurer St. Johu, National Committeeman Shcohan, of New York and Senator Hill. The Now York senator is scheduled to deliver several speeches in Illinois. Opposition has developed to II111 speaking In the rural districts. The question will probably bo settled beforo Jones returns. George T. Washburn, chairman of the vestcrn division of tho Peoples party opened the Populist headquarters at tho Auditorium annex today. Refugees Returned. Constantinople, Sept. 0. Orders have been received from Russian ports to stop further consignments of Ar menian refugees, as Russia is over stocked and declines to recoivo any further supplies. In consequence of these orders a number of Armenians who had already embarked were landed here again last night. Will Recover. Berlin, Sept., 0. Professor Berg mann, tho eminent surgeon, has been to Warsaw, and after an examination expects that Count yon Schouvaloff governor of iRussian Poland, who was recently stricken with paralysis, will recover. Suicide. Tacoma, Wash., Sept. 0. Edmonu Nevada Bailey, (colored), committed sulcldo this morning by taking a dobe of morphine. She quarreled with her lover, William Moson, who also at tempted to kill himself by tho same means. The Montana Republicans. IlELKNA,Mont.,Sept.9. The Repub lican state convention took two hours to elect temporary chairman. Silver men won by majority over fifty.. J. Sellgman.of Ilclena.clected teniporary chairman. Friends Mantle und Ilart man in control. Senatorial Contest, Columbia, S. C, Sept. 0. Complete returns of the senatorial primary havo not been received, but there is no doubt of Earl's nomination over Evans by 5,000 votes. New Jersey Democrats. Trenton, N. Jm Sept. O.Tho Democratic state convention assemb led licre today, Tho sentiment was for silver. The gold men for tho most part, having made no contest at tho primaries. Mrs. Parnell till. Duhlin, Sept. 0. Mrs. Delia S. Parnell, mother of the la to Charles Stewart Parnell, Is seriously 111 at Bray. . , 44. ,. I Nice razor Claras, cheap at Btelucr's market. I Where Bryan Stands.. and Preserve It for Reference at KEPUULICAN 1800. "The Republican party is unreser vedly for sound money. It caused the enactment of tho law providing for the resumption of specie payments in 1870; slnco then every dollar lias been as good as gold. Wo are unalterably opposed to every measure calculated to debase our currency or Impair tho credit of our country, Wo arc, there fore, opposed to tho frco colnago of silver, except by international agree ment with the leading commercial nations of the world, which we pledge ourselves to promote, and until such ngrcement can bo obtained we believe THE EXISTING GOLD STANDARD MUST iik I'heserved. AH our silver and paper currency now in circulation must bo maintained at a parity with gold, and wo favor all measures de signed to maintain inviolable the obligations of the United States, and all our money, whether coin or paper, at tho present standard, tho standard of tho most enlightened nations or the earth." A REPUbLICAN PRECINCT Where There is a Growing Sentiment for Bimetallism, Butteyille, Sept. 8. Tho Dry an club at Buttevllle is now nearly li0 strong, and Is led by such men as W. E. Her and Henry L. Bcntz, promi nent men In tho community, men of Intelligence and forco of character, who are doing their own thinking and who do not propose that anybody shall dlctato their politics or sell their vote to tho gold barons. Tho Woodburn money broker was out In these parts last Saturday, and started a small or ganization of McKlnlyltcs. Tho Bryan club is ready to moot them in debate and is not afraid of tho Issue. It tho Republican cause Is to bo advocated byjnonjwho will grind the faces of tho poor, mako a profit out of the necessities of their fellownien by lending money at exorbitant rates, and who devour widows' houses, It Is all tho Bryan men ask for. It is a pretty good advertisement of tho class of men who oppose silver coinage and tho reasons therefor, A former Re publican said to mc tho other day that ho Intended to stop about sixteen of the papors ho was taking and take tho "One Cent Dally." That is a new version of 10 to 1. It is time that free men disown and discontinue that class of nowspapers that aro sub sidized by and mortgaged to tho monoy power. Wo intend to do all wo can these hard times for tho "One Cent Dally," tho jiaper that dares to be free, fearless and independent, und that raosttruly represents the cause of tho people. Wo hope to see tho editor down In theso parts, and wo will promise him a cordlul reception. If this community Is u sample of tho way Oregon is held for McKInley, the major will have little room to bo proud of his following. SPENCER SAYH 75. TMin Cmttfx Inn H'tiaalti t lm1 tt (a .jiv vtvKvnmu -. uvouu; uuu siu from Mr. Spencer: On his recent ylsit to Buttevllle, where ho talked to the liopgrowers on the question of protection, Mr. Spencer aided in organizing a McKIn ley club with 70 members, TOOZE BAYS 50. Following was bout from Woodburn to the Oregonlan: Hon. S. C. Spencer, of Portland, and Walter L. Toozo, of Woodburn, ad dressed a largo audience at Buttevllle Saturday night. Tho Woodburn glee club furnished several campaign songs to enliven the occasion and were liberally applauded. At the conclusion of tho exercises, a McKIn Highest of all in Leavening Power, Latest U. S. Gov't Report. Prft&tl m, L awwiitij AB&OLUTE&Y PURE n All Political Meetings t hryan's platform IWKi. We demand the free and unlimited coinage of bqih silver and gold at the present legal ratio or 1(1 to 1, without walling for the aid or consent of any other nation. We demand that tho standard silver dollar shall be a full legal tender, equally with jmld, for nil debts, public 'and prlviuf; and we favor suGh legislation as will provent for the rutuie tho doiunnetluujtyt of any Kind, or legal tender vinoiTcBby Iiriviiiuciiiuruci. . 4& f ' V ,,f! i h ley and Hnbart club was .organized, with tho following officers: Charles Lambke, president; Hon. Clark Stephens, secietary. About.. 60 .mem bers signed ihe roll, among whom wen- several 11 re-long Democrats.' It Is safe to say that Buttovlllo "will go overwhelmingly for McKInley mid protection in November. UIOGEST LIE OF ALL. In tho samo paper appears the fol lowing. Barkloy, the frco silver advocate, had recently visited tho place and succeeded in getting together A club of 30 members, two-thirds, qf whom woro women. ANOTHER REPORT, Hon. W. L. Toozo, the "Woodburn fog horn" and a ward strlkor from Portland by the namo of Sponccr, held ii wet blanket Republican rally at this place Saturday night. Spencer made a "no smoke In tho chimney" epecoh which fell flat. Toozo re peated tho samo old speech. I am told by two persons that the' club Or ganized with about twenty members, When the votes of tills precinct aro counted two or three will bo for Bryan. Court House Matters. ShorliT F. T. Wrlgiitman today turned over to County Treasurer O. L. Brown, $4,225.13 delinquent taxes for 1805. 3uttovlHo Lodge No. 50, 1. O. O. F.. o' Buttevllle today filed articles of incorporation with tho county clerk. The incorporators were E. A. M. Cone, W.R. Schmeer.and G.'A. Ehlen, and tho capital stock is $000. Scalp warrants were today Issued as follows; D. Parker, $5; Ed Gregory, G cents, Clms, L. Ogle, G. V, Boles and W. L. Toozo, appraisers of tho estate of Mary E. nurd, today filed tho In ventory of tho estate. It shows that tho deceased owned lota 20 and 27, Bradley addition to Woodburn, of the value of 9100. Clias. A. Hurd, ad mlnistrator of this estate, today pe titioned the county court for an order to sell at prlvato sale tho real property of tho estate, tho proceeds of the sale to be devoted to tho edu cation of a minor child, of the de ceased. September 21 Is tho day set for hearing the case. Nice razor clams, cheap at Stclner'u market. Triumphed BtkLst. Guayaquil, Sept. 0. The rebel leaders hypocritically called the up prising a religious war, for which rea son the campaign has been a most difficult (one. The government has triumphed completely over Cucnca and has pardoned tho connuered. Alfarolms resumed the 'discharge of his functions as executive; Baking Powder SSk I -w