Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899, August 12, 1896, Image 3

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Genuine Cottolene haa trade miuht" Cottolene" and steer's head
W St. L,OUlB,
Half Capital Journal.
Aiuthing may be framed into a statute,
the very government Itself might be over
turn by some ridiculous provision and
low years pas3 before the deplorable fact
It discovered, as in the case of the bill dc-
rrwnetlilng silver. That case alone is a
warning. Nothing more revolutionary was
ever done wltn such insidious quiet. No
on imew of it outside the three or four cn
gsjedm it.-Salem Statesman editorial
May 27, 1895.
General Logan's Words Come True To-
Concerning the demonetization of
silver In 1871), Gen. John A. Logan,
America's great soldier, wlio was
Blaine's running mate In 1884, and a
true citizen, made the following state
merit, which Is taken from tlioJuly
I. for one, can see bonotlt only to the
ruoney-holtlcr and those who receive
Interest and have fixed incomes. I
can see, ns a result of this legislation,
our business operations crippled and
wages for labor reduced to a were
pittance. I can seo the beautiful
prairies of my own stato and of tho
jreat west, which are blooming as
gardens, with cheerful homes rising
;llke white towers along tho pathway
ot Improvement, again sinking back
toldlencss. I can see mortgage fiends
! their hellish work. I can 6ce tho
topes of the industrious farmers
Wasted as they burn corn for fuel
because Its price will not nav tho cost
of transportation and dividends on
Dillons of dollars of fictitious rail-
T stocks and bonds. lean sec our
iPWPlo Of tho west ffronnlncr mid litir.
Aned under taxation to pay debts of
Wi count es. nnd cities lncnrmri
'beo money was more abundant and
triglitljopes of. tho future were held
out o lead them on. I can seo the
people ot our western states, who ure
Producers, reduced to tho condition of
rlg to WIV illtorpst. nn nnhllnnnrl
Private debts to tho money sharks of
"all street, New York, and of
"KMiueeuie street in Lonuon, jsng-
Deafness rnnnm n. rmni
local applications as they cannot
fracatlio diseased portions of tho
,, iucrels only ono way to cure
S?3' ard that Is by constitutional
n, ,' harness Is caused by an
Bii?..coli?IMon t tl, mucous
tb.i ?,?Ltll. Eustachian tube. When
ISmwu0 ,s ,n"ai"ed you have a
and.v5'j?und or Imperfect hearing,
BeTuen. tls entirely closed, Dca?'
tanim.ithe result and unles t,)0
ffiSLton .can ken out, and
twrnSS"8 w,".ba destroyed for
brat,n1case,8.outof ten are caused
' catarrh. wliiM. i -.i.i t,... ....
tarfaceV. condlUon the mucous
, WeHlUirive nnnTIiin,l,.A,i tvoi..o
.uSiCaS.tr Deafues paused by
"lll'i ttT..t x-"'" uu cureu uy
wu ChIWrhbryfor
Eminent physicians praise it.
Thoughtful housekeepers praise it
Connoisseurs praise it
People with weak digestion praise it.
N. K. Fairbank Company,
Chicago, Montreal,
Son Frnuclsco,
A (.hnntable Uuggntion.
Editoii .Ieuknal: imio dnyuigo
there was an old povorr stricken
soldier whose hair wtis whitMi."d by
tho frost of three score and ten win
ters, with back bent by years of toll,
who had risked his life and went
through months of deprivation and
oxposuro in a light to free the black
slaves of 1800, wjio has In turn be
come a slave himself .by tho greed ot
monopoly nndusury, walked from
Sllvcrton to get a warrant duo him
from the county, drawn on the In
digent soldier fund. Tho old gentle
man told of his privations and hard
ships through life and how he had
walked froni'. Sllvcrton that day
through the broiling sun without his
breakfast. lie found nn arriving at
thoolllceof the treasurer, that tho
warrant couldn't be cashed lor n short
time on nccounT of an order from tho
county court, to wait until the export
ing committee could make their re-
port, He tryed to get tho warrant
cashed by men who wero speculating
on warrants, but failed because that
kind of warrants draw no Interest. It
mattered not with these men whether
this old gentleman had tho necessities
ofllfoornot. Tho only point with
them was "thoro Is no profit In this
kind of an Invtstmcnt." If there Is
any ono In this boasted free Christian
nation of ours who should bo properly
feed and clothed It surely Is the old
sojdlcr who fought and bleed for his
country. Istholovoof interest and
profit bo sweet that any American
citizen can afford to doprlve nn old
veteran whoso bravery and skill our
country Is Indebted to for all our free
dom, tho necessity of life and let him
go tramping over tho country ho
fought for, begging a little Job hero
and there, receiving a mere pittance,
barely enough to keep soul and body
together. In this lnnd of churches
where five millions of church follow
ers and millions of dollnrs arc spent
each year for tho carrying on of
cuurch work, let us hope and work for
a lighter and nobler civilization,
whero greed and'prollts have no part,
whero wo can all live and work for
tho cood of all, and where the poverty
and misery of ono is tho concern of
Sure to Win.
The peoble recognize and appreciate real
merit. That is why Hood's Srsaparllla ha
the largest tale in the world Merit In
medicine roeani the power to cure. Hood
Saisaparllla cures absolutely, permanently
cures, his tneune irue iuuui.
scperior merit is an eitaoiuneu wci, u
merit wins.
Hood's Pills arc easy to take, easy to
operate. Cure indigestion, headache.
I rerct Gail Borden
I iafat Eagle Brands
S Condensed Milk S
9 Infant Health." I a little book of
5 CTeacvaluethatUecntl'KEEonappU- "
I N.Y.1
"-...WM. ' dB
, Cwftenscd MUfc Ca.
i Street, Jew fork"
in cotton-plant wreath on. etcry tin;
Portland, Oregon.
Qraphlc Report of the Trip to Ncskowin
Xlskowin, Oregon, .luly C, 1800.
Ed. Jeuunal: It had long been nn
unsolved problem to us who had
never seen tho Ocean whypcople could
be so eager to lcavo comfortable homes
and brave the (whnt seemed to us) Im
minent perils of a trlpto thecoast;but
some people prorcss to enjoy whut they
term "the pleasure? of the way," but
wo nro Inclined to think they were not
situated so that they wero at tho
mercy of an unskillful driver, who In
turn was at the mercy of an untrained
span of horses, which alternately slid
down the mountain road on tholr
haunches, nnd stood still In tho mid
dle of a swift stream, utterly refusing
to stir until tho spirit moved thorn.
Hut when wo reached tho point whero
a grand view of old ocenn greets our
"enraptured eyes" thoproblcm,Is once
and forever solved. As wo stand and
igazo out upon tho wide expanso or
beaming watcrs,and listen to its cease
less roar, we are sS filled with a sen so
of tho Infinltc.of tho llllmltabio powor
of tho Almighty that all tho unrest of
our care-burdened souls, all tho
physical weariness and paln,slnks Into
Inslgnlllcanco and slips from us llko a
worn out-garment, makes ono'lnstlnc
tlvcly and roverently bare, their head.
Ncskowin can boast of some points of
raro beauty, of which moro hereafter.
"Wo aro Informed that tho visitors to
this point number about ono hundred
of which a goodly number aro from
Mrs. D. J. Fry and children occupy
their "summer villa" which Is a com
modious canvas structure; but unllko
the desert house of tho Arab, which
"at daylight folds its wings and sil
ently steals away" It is a fixture for
tho summer. Nearby nro tho camps of
Mesdamcs John Ilolman and Tom
nolman, Reece, Slater, Gardner,
Lunn, McCalno, Ilerren, and
McCullough, whllcj modestly In tho
background.halfhlddln by tho stunted
pines stands the comfortable domicile
of Dr. W. D. Jeffries, who, with his
two young daughters. Tho Misses
Beatrice and Emily Jeffries arrived
on Tuesday evening and Immediately
built their house and settled down for
tho jremnlndcr of tho season. The
doctor after spending a few days In
ungling for the speckled beauties,
(the largest of which Invarlble
escapes, after belm,' hooked) will re
turn to tho city te look after tho well
being ot his numerous patients, leav
ing his daughters In the care of an
elderly chaperone.
Dr. Golden and Mr. and Mrs.
Stelner also havo brought their smil
ing faces to gladen the hearts of their
many friends who aro glad to meet
and greet them. We will say hero
that anyone at Neskowin who desires
to contribute a mlfo of Items to our
weekly letter will kindly address the
. I
Neskowin Correspondent to the Capi
tal Jouunal, Ncskowln,and wo will
cheerfully use tho material thus
The recent bad weather has been a
a check to tho round of gaiety lately
prcvalllng,but there Is talk of amatucr
theatricals, musicals, etc., in tho near
Mr. D. J. Fry left this morning for
his Salem home where business inter
est demands his presence Tho com
mlttco nppolnted to draft resolutions
of regret havo -not yet reported, but
will probably appear In our next. A
ship was discovered about live miles
out by Dr. Jeffries this morning, and
created quite n ripple of excitement
on "Salem Avenue." Mr. Page, tho
genial proprietor of the Encampment
is ubiquitous and does all In his
power to mnko his tenants comfort
able. More anon.
Real Intrinsic Value.
Ed. Jeuunal: A ten dollar gold
plcco Is worth ten dollars In tho Uni
ted States only, nnd because it Is legal
tender for that sum. Tho metal In a'
ten dollar plcco Is worth ten dollars
tho world over becauso there Is un
limited demand for colnago purposes
at that prlco only.
A silver dollar Is worth a dollar In
tho U. S. only.
Tho metal inn silver dollar Is worth
CI! cents because there Is not
an unlimited demand for coinage or
other purposes at Its colnago value.
Neither Is coined with regard to Jn
trlnslo value.
Intruslo value of wheat Is tho nutri
tion contained In It. Tho prlco of
wheat may Ibo 44 cents or $1.00 a
bushel but that docs not alfeeb Its In
trinsic value.
Neither metal Is or ever was coined
with regard to the instrinsio value of
them. Therefore nil "kindergarten"
lessons based on "Intrinsic" value
are falbc as to these metals and coin
age value. Tuue Value.
Marvolous Results.
From a letter written by Rev. J. Gunder
Imn, of Dlmondale. Mich., wc are permitted
to make this extraeti "I have no hesitation
na rccomendtng Dr. King's new discovery, as
the result were almojt marvelous Jn the case
of my wife. While I was pasior of the Han.
tlst Church at Uives Junction she was brought
down with Pneumonia succeding La Grippe,
Terrible paroxysms of coughing would last
hours with little interuptlon and it seemed as
if she could not survlye them. A friend reco
mended Dr. King's New discovery; it was
quick in its work and highly piUfactory in
result." Trial bottles free at r.ed A. Lvgg's
Drug Store. Regular sUe o cents, and tl.oo
Foretor Cuied.
Four onto! Ova tyIio
suffor norvousrxH,
mental Yrorry.eltacka
of " tbo blues." nro be
paying tba tunaltr ot
early axceaaa. Vic
tims, reclaim your
manhood, regain your
vigor. Don't despair. Send for boole witu
explanation and proofs. Mailed (sealed) free,
in cvtl0X&Arb h
N VS v
f V4 . 'X
Directed Upon Persons and Things by the
Oood Natured Man.
Tho Republican party hns gone
H. 1'. McCoruack reports tho silver
talk as less plentiful in Tot-thind.
Nn one has asked Jonathan Ilnurne
to resign Tor over a veek. What's
the matter.
A New York insurance manager
says New York will go for Meltltiley.
That sellk'S It.
Salem may be honored with the
presidency af the next Oregon senate,
In the person of Hon. I. L. PntUrson
There Is no question now, as to who
the real calamity howlers ate. They
are all clamoring for the single gold
The Labor Exchange ball will be
the midsummer social event. Will
11. J. Sharpc or H. It. Ryan lead tho
grand march.
Even the anarchists arc for McKln
lcy. IlerrMost and Mons. Ickclhcl
tner say his platform must prevail or
the country Is gone to Hades.
When the money lenders begin to
withdraw loans for political purposes,
possibly the deposltois with whoso
money thoy aro doing business, will
do some withdrawing. That score
won't work.
The mil rods running from Wash
ington to New York refused silver
men at the Capitol City a reduced rate
for a special excursion to the latter
city today. The big rorporntlons
don't propose to give UryauV causo a
fair show.
Silver men must not be frightened
by the threats and Uull-dozlhg
methods of -tho mlllionalro Insurance
syndicates. Where they control one
vote the mutual farmors' insurance
companleslcnn control ten. Let tho
bluff go on.
The Statesman said that about 100
people attended the silver meeting at
Sllvcrton Saturday evening. 'J his Is
about on a par with that paper's
claim that twenty thousand nttended
tho late McKlnley ratification in Sa
lem. Sovcral hundred wero turned
nway from tho Sllvcrton meeting for
want ot standing room. Try again.
II. G. Dun & Co., whose business It
Is to pry Into everybody's business,
nnd lot no one know about their own,
ask The Jouunal for a statement
ns usual. Hero it Is! Wo havo no
upo for you, ns you probably havo no
uso for us. If wo needed your as
Blstanco you would bo against us, and
wo assumo thatyou will not volunteer
us and help otherwise. Wo discount
our bills nnd want no credit. Your
Ilk call our ilk anarchists. Good-bye.
The Jouunal supports homo In
dustries. Its work Is dona by Salem
people. It Is printed on paper mado
In tho Wlllametto valley, and tho
only Item for which It sends money
abroad Is type and Ink. Its money
paid put for telegrams supports an
extra operator In Salem. Its large
eastern advertising patronage brings,
thousands of dollars to Salem, all of
which Is spent among nur own busi
ness people.
Miss Rates, who has been stato su
perintendent, In North Dakota, and
Just nominated, for the second time,
by tho Republican state convention,
has bolted tho ticket and prefers to
run Independent rather than swallow
tho golden platform In toto. Somo ot
tho sovcn-by-ulno editors, of tho G.
O. P. In that state, aro now calling
Miss Dates "old girl" and "antiquated
bunch of skirts" and such names.
Rut thoy will find that Miss Rates has
no Russian thistles on her skirls.
the Examiner gives a list of tho
Union. Lcaguo Club's commlttco to
raise funds for tho purpose of fighting
free sliver. Tho namo of John I).
Rockafeller, head of the Standard
Oil trust, Is worth $125,000,000; next,
Cornelius Vanderbllt Is worth $00,
000,000; C. P. Huntington, mnnagerof
tho -8. P. R. R. Co., $00,000,000;
J.Picrepont Morgan, head of the bond
syndicate, $2.';, 000,000; Andrew Car
ncglc,the steel manufacturer, $20,000,
000; tho wealth of tho first twenty
six named aggregating $550, 6000,000,
Then come twenty-four, each worth
over a million a piece; next twclvo
worth $250, 000 apiece, and tho re
mainder of tho committee nrn all men
ot wealth. No wondor Ilnnna has
little troublo in raising a campaign
fund of $10,000,000 in Wall Street
Wanted All glrlstoknowthatf'IIoo
Cake" will not make tholr hands red
llko common soap. Save tho wrappers.
They aro worth n cent apiece. JO tf
Children Cry for
' Castorla,
r-vEST with a blc It. Ulaokwell'a Genuine Bull
rs Durham I lneluse byUveir. You will nnd ono
' mlllWin 1 Mali ft Aairi tun miMAA tn Atwl ttvn rintl.
pons Inside each four ounce ting of
Genuine Durham
Smoking Tobacco
liuynbntrof this celebrated tohacco and rend tho coupon
which uiNcauiistorvuiuauioprcsonijinnJiiowioBottiiem.
j..ratyiW?.r ..Vv?XLrkTB
To the Taxpayers of Marion County.
Tho county hoard of equalization
will convene ut 0 o'clock a. in., Aug
ust 31, 1800, and will bo In session six
consecutive days. I). D. ColToy,
county assessor. d&w
Notice to Drldge Contractors.
Notlco Is hcicby given that, no war
rants will bo drawn for construction
of county bridges until contractors
for tliu'same shall have furnished to
the county court certified receipts
showing that all labor and materials
entering Into tho construction of
such bridges havo been paid for.
G. P. Tkuiiell,
"U-d&wtf County Judge,
The denier who says, "1 hau' no
Hoe Cake soap," practically admit
that ho does not tell llrsl quality
pods. If he nays he has homcthlng
"Just as goon" you will know at onco
that ho Is trylhg to sell you an In
ferior article There Is more cloathlng
destroyed by poor soap than by actual
wear, ns tho free alkali rots tho cloth.
Hoo Cliko contains neither free alkali
nor worthless lining.
When lUby was stcV, wo gavo her Castorla,
When alio was a Child, alio cried for Castorla.
When alio became MUa, alio cluiiir to Castorla,
When aha bad Children, sho garo them Castorla,
WANTED Every one to attend and bring
ineir menus 10 me ice cream social given by
the Woodmen Circle ladies at the A. O. U,
w. nan, on next rriuay evening, August 14
at 8 o'clock, Mutlcal program during the
evening. Ad mission 15c. 12 3 1
l'OR SALEv-Orade Holsieln; Tn full milk
and very gentle; 6 years old; can be seen at
any timo. Apply C. II. Riley.Sprlng Valley
Road, West Salem. In sight of big bridge.
II 3t
EOUND-A bunch of keys. Owner can
have same by paying for this notlco at Jour
nal office. to It
I-OR SALli OK 'fJAUU-vtS acres inu
proved farm land, 4 miles east of Salem, with
new houso. new barn, runnlmr water: will
sell or trade for cheaper land. Address O.
M. Reeves, Salem, Or. 7 37 im
WOOD WAN 1 KU-" leu cords ot prime big.
fir, ten cords of grub oak and ten cords split
WOOD WANTliUTcn cords of
asn. Auurcss, wttii price, A.., care tins
office. 14 tf
iTER"ETS'BWTrlUNcfi".-A proprietor
wants to trade a good weekly newspaper office
In good town for unincumbered Improved Si
lem property. No opposition. Good rea.
sons, inlormation at uls ollicc. 0 in ll
KTIT liar.
paint weluht about 1160: rood traveler. In-
quire 01 wm. mown ,v uo. 30 u
.., -
IR5Al7li-At a lJu
urgain, 1'lne residence
and earner lot, near city hall. For further
particulars inquire at this office. 6-33 tl
FOTTBATnroTnTENT,-4 acres lond 5
miles out. Partly Improved, wood and
pasture, good bouse, large barn, 3 acres
bearing orchard, lot of small fruit, good water,
Wood Hlumpagc can be had, llox 145, Salem
CARPET PAPER Urge lot ol heavy
brown wrapping paper for sale cheap, lus
me tiling lor puinng unucr carpets, uau a
Journal office.
WANTED. Solicitors for campaign book
"Ilryan, Sewall and Free Sliver,1' authorized
by Ilryan, written by R. L, Mctcalf, Editor
Omaha World-Herald, appointed author by
Ilryan. Contains speeches and platform. A
bonanxa for agents, a freo silver mine for
workers. Only $1 50, The only aulnorlzed
book, 50 per cent. Credit given. Freight
paid. OullTt free, Hegln now with choice
of territory. Permanent, profitable woik for
'06. Address' The National He ok Concern,
Star Iluildlng, Chicago. 8 10-301
j.ii imowN,
187 Commercial street, Salem, Orcgor,
For Delicacy,
for purity , and for Improroment of tho com
plexion nothing equals Pouohi's Powdzb.
mm rami!
Successor to Dr. I. M.IKeene. old White
Corner, Salem, Or. Parlies desirlngiuperior
operations at moderate fees in any brarch are
In espectnl request.
Peter G, Norgren,
(Formerly with V. J, Ijirscn & Co.)
Carriage and wagon shop, 330 Commercial
ircoi, nnng on yoar worn, om or new, ana
have it dene with a guarantee of satisfaction,
o 20 axvr ti
On city or farm properly.
Over Hush's Dank,
sit Commercial St., Salem Or
Ei7Sults $15 upwards. Pants) upwands.J,
Home say we give the best meal In
town for 15c. We say try us and see.
(.ITSecond door north of Hctel Willamette.
Stage headquarters centrally located at
"The Anderson" for lines leaving Salem.
Slates there for orders. All packages and
parcels left there will be cared for. Waiting
parlors, good rooms, and meals at all hours,
Capital Transfer Co,
It Express, baggage and all kinds cf work
done promptly. Leave orders at Patton's
storo. ia
to chop cord wood. The Labor Exchange
wants a numbc, of good wood choppers at
once. Apply at warehouse.
84 tf Manager,
Makes a spMalty of fine repair work, Setb
Thomas clocks, etc., 315 Commercial Street
On farm land security. Special
rates on large loans. Loans
consldeied without delay
hush Hank bulldlnS.
Dealars in all kinds of fresh and salt meats
ESrFresh sausago a socially,
0 Gents
Ed, S, Lamport,
289 Commercial st,
D Salem, Or,.
Hasgbought the Frank-E,Shafx
fer and the M. Beamer4harness
stocks at forced sale. 54,000
worth ot goods will be disposed
of at 50!cents on the dollar.
Sign of the White Horse.
Ladles Who Vakw ;
A r4ntd complaxlon must use Fououl'i Pow-I
der. It produce a salt and beautiful ii.
1 1 n h mi 1 i-rn
if? f