Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899, August 01, 1896, Image 4

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    f V'T fT'V ' -
irTlT rrtrrryWTMM t fWJiwt'jrirgf uw
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Daily Capital Journal
.... .
ytS yns' .- a-" aj " ' " " 1 .
Altona and Pamona
Portland, 6145 a '" f )
Salem 7445 a. m. , pf
Independence, Gtjo a, tn, ,
Sunday' trips discontinued for Ihe prcs c'
,'u!ck time, regular service and cheap j
... rnlM ... I
Agent, Salem f
fc m T 'WS ks& W
Our "-button suede glove
We're still selling It it
JJI.lfi to clie. The reg
tilur price Is $1 W).
Pure Silk Mitts,
l.c. How ill) WU ill) It?
Uy eontenllng ourselves
with n Hinnll prollt. Hot
ter goods 25c.
Best of All , , ,
f!liolcc ofuny shirt waist
In our store up to 81.G0.
T. HolversoD. I
feporTBcrrlcs very scurccbut cnjoyctl
tlie short online very much.
Mr. and Mm. G. L Kurtz, of North
Salem.gave a lecepilon In honor of the
marriage of their son V.J. Kurtz at
Grants Pass. In the course of the
evening many of the friends of the
new couple extended hearty congra
tulations. Captain and Mrs. J. J. Barnes of
the New York Itnckvt, returned last
overling front a week's visit at Port
land, Astoria and Gearhart Park.
They report u very pleasant trip and
icsumcd work again this morning
with renewed vigor.
When Boys and Girls Wear
Njua.ctV Waists.
Misses Genevieve nndEJicl Hughes
r., timed this afternoon frotiiNcwport
VI. (J. Glltncr returned last evening
from a two weeks' out Ing atMt.Jeffei-
It. Marks. SklfT and family went
over to Newport this morning for an
Private Secretary and Mrs. W. S.
Diiiinlwny returned today fiom Seal
llourf .
Mrs. 1). McKadilcn and Mrs. 1). W.
Pugh returned this aftei noon from
Govornor W. '. Lord went over to
Constitution Adopted and Speeches Made
Last Nlrrht.
At the regular meeting of the He
publlcau Worklugtncn's club a consti
tution and by-laws wore adopted and
other routine business was transacted.
Good speeches wcro delivered by llev
John Parsons and Gen. Odcl), which
were well received by those present.
J t Is proposed by the club to have
unlforrns.toreliesniid other campaign
paraphernalia. A grand MelClnley
jubilee will be held In Salem about
Sept. 1st, to which all Republicans of
the county will be Invited.
IndtspUUMy the Largest and
Show liver Organized.
""7 ' T fij-RoSHSSST
icjv &RtohxiW'j rwn-
They are free to play and romp.
Taking the place of heavy underwear
they give relief, comfort ami pleasure.
Being clastic they give wlih every
motion of tbn Ixvlv. This feature
making the Nazareth waist harder to
wear out than any ot her known.
Notice the arrangement of the
buttons they are sowed and strength
ened Just where needed.
J, Dalrymple Co,
Deputy Sheriff J. II. Melssner re
turned to Portland this morning.
Phil. Nols, tho hop buyer, was a
northbound passongcr this morning.
Adjutant General B. I). Tuttle re
turned lo Portland this afternoon.
Big Bargains Today,
Yourchnlco of our ladles' "fie. shirt
waists for fiUe. each,
&r.tta ,taUL)iutwiHvliM(ii yonroli.,lec
for f0i5
Prices all red need on dimities,
organdies, Swisses, etc. Gents light
weight underwear. GOo. a suit and up.
Ladles' cool iiudorvests He. each and
up. Headquarters for suiiuuor corse ta,
sin; tints, chamois gloves and tan
shoes of all kinds. A few moro eluil
lies left at-lo. and Gc. 11 yard. Kino
zephyr ginghams 10c. a yard.
It. Si G. corsets.
Foster's kid gloves,
Albert hosiery.
.Willis Bros. & Co.
Kyle and child returned
a pleasant outing at the
Tho Cash Dry
Shoo House.
Court and Liberty.
Goods, Clothing and
kftrUnlll further notice our store will
closo at 7 o'clock evenings except Saturday.
Is not 'half so intense as
the demand for choice
Lunch Goods,
Seal Bocks, this morning, to spend
Mrs. Jas.
today from
sea side.
1'x-"Inventor '.. V. Moody returned
last uljht from an extended visit at
The Dulles.
Attorney General C. M. Idleinan re
turned to the metropolis on the after
noon local.
Mrs. II. A. Denton and son John
left for Seattle thlsmornlug on a visit
to friends.
James Allison and Will Brooks are
home from a nine days tlsh In the Elk
horn country.
Row C. I Clapp, of Forest Grove,
was a north bound passenger on the
afternoon train.
C. I). Gnbrlclsou returned last even
ing from Mchama and other points
along tho Sautlam.
Wllllo Slalger relumed to his Port
laud home this afternoon after a visit
with his aunt Mrs. Monroe.
Miss Wlunlo Byrd left for Forest
Grove this afternoon whero sho will
visit for a short season.
Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Wallace, or Mi
Mlnuvlllc, aro the guests of Mrs. Wal
lace's daughter Mrs. T. I), Kay.
Leslie Htintor, assistant In Wells,
Fargo Sc Co's. olllcc, went to Newport
this morning where he will spend u
Prof.. M. Parvln left this after
noon for Iloppuer and other eastern
Oregon points, expecting to bo gone
about two weeks.
A. B. Smith returned thlsmornlug
from Ocean Park, whore he left a
happy crowd having royal times by
the sounding sea.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hayes and Mr.
and Mrs. G. F. Mason and families re
turned last evening from a two weeks
outing at the coast.
Miss Addle Chamborlaln, who has
boon tho guest of Miss Clora Pooler
tho past week, returned to her home
in Albany this morning.
Stato Superintendent G. M. Irwin
returned homo last evening from a
trip to St. Helens, and leaves tonight
for a week's visit at San Francisco.
.1. P. Robertson returned this after
noon from Mlntoand will attend a
meeting Monday afternoon, of the
auditing board Tor the Soldiers home.
L. W. Lelth.A. J. Wurman and Au
brey Lolth.who have been visiting Dr.
I). l Lnito mid II. II. Bagan.lnft this
morning for their homo In Elilnghani,
F. K. Brown returned this aftor-
uoon tfrom Marlon having made an
extended trip through tho counties
west of the Willamette In tho Inter
ostof University extension work.
On her trip down the river Friday
morning, the Iloag run onto u bar near
Wheatland, where she remained for
several hours. The Albany, which
left Salem yesterday morning, also
ran upon the Santlam bar, and at
noon' today had not succeeded In get
ting off. It Is only a matter of a few
days when all heavy draft boats will
have to bo taken off tho upper Wll
lamotte. Tit., ulwitfiifu t.iftni 11 ni ..., .tif.....
',u i.w.i,rf iwuhj '.III IIUI' UllUUl
the stage of water materially, al
though they may cause the river to
remain at a stand still for a few days.
Steamer Grey Kairlo went down the
river this morning with her usual
compliment of passengers and good
en 1 go or freight. She will return this
Steamer Gypsy succeeded In reach
ing Salem last evening from Corvallls
without any utlshapand left for Port
land this morning on time.
The following Is taken from a
Eugene paper concerning a small
boat that was navigated on tho upper
river In tho vicinity of Eugene for a
short time:
Geo. N. Frazer's little steamer, the
"Baby" has been raised from Its bed
on tho bottom of the Willamette back
orsklnnor'shuttc and towed up tho
river to the bridge. Tho boiler and
machinery have been removed from
tho hull or the boat and tho lltllo
craft's tiiij-ii f uurviuo lunu been
Biiidok Pikii Ait IliaiiT. After a
thorough examination or the bridge
piers Friday afternoon, Captain La
Follott reported It to bo perfectly
sound. In his work he discovered a
largo tree resting against the pier
which no suggested should bo removed
since It would servo to catch all do-
brls which would bo n great strain on
tho pier. While the subject or repair
ing the blgbridgo has been agitated
considerably or lato why would It not
bo wclll to look nrtcr tho super
structure thereor which Is reported as
being very much In need or ropalrs.
All tho bolts and rods should bo looked
arter and attended too.
The great Adam Forepaugh - hells
Brothers enormous shorts united
which arc booked for Salem, Saturday,
August 22d, is positively the largest
and richest show i-ver organized.
Their Hist advance ear No. 1 arrived
thlsmornlug fiom J'oitland and the
city and surrounding country Is being
extensively billed In all of the county
towns with the llnest pictorial paper
made (exclusively mr this mammoth
organization. No. 1 car Is supplied
with a stair of 21 competent men and
one week from today another car will
urrive and one week later car No. 'i
will put In appearance and complete
tho work of billing this great show.
The total number or bill posters and
agents In advance of this muster con
federate Is nearly J00 while the circus
proper carries 1,000 people, GOO horses
and ponies. Grand double menagerie.
The only 4 ring circus. Gala hlppo
dromo races. Two herds or 10 per
forming elephant in addition to only
nursing baby In the world. The
biggest little feature and little biggest
curiosity every exhibited In this
country. You will positively see the
only troupe of educated seals and seal
lions. Tho worlds wonder, the only
pair or giant hippopotami, two horned
rhlnocerous, polar bears, lordly lions,
Bengal tigers. The only Hock
or ostriches ever publicly exhibited,
positively for 'tho Hist time In this
country the largest wild animal ex
hibition on earth. It will bring more
elephants moro rare wild beasts, more
superb horses, more performing ani
mals, more eminent artists, more for
eign acts and actors, more races, moro
pageantry, more fun and exhilaration
more Instruction and entertainment,
moro for the money than has ever be
fore been known. Tho super-splendid
double parade Is a magnlliceut
sensation. The latest coming woman
Innovations are Introductions or lady
clowns and ring mistresses who have
everywhere made a most pronounced
and uproarious hit. You will also
see the champion mule "1111(1 female
bareback riders and numberless gicnt
general performers, three hundred In
all. It Is not only the greatest Amer
ican show, but the greatest the earth
has ever been when the myriad at
tractions are considered. In addition
special low rate excursions have been
arranged forou all Hues or travel from
all peint: tuKuIom Kiituiduy Angiirtt
Richest Having Ktuinlii.J and Repaired the
Wa.er Pipes.
As Is well known Capt. Follett, lite
1 expect diver has during the past week
made tin examination or the suction
pipes ol' the Salem water company,
and he has upon conclusion of lii.-i work
made a statement or the condition or
the same. This certificate will be a
great satisfaction not only to liieeom
puny, but to the management as well.
"i'.U'T. kom.ktt's htatkmknt.
Salem, Oiegon,.ltily .11, IBM.
This Is lo certify that 1 have been
engaged tor the past tlneo and one
hair days by theSaletn Water Com
pany In exiiiulnlngand repairing their
two suction pipes across the slough,
also the cribs on which the pipes lest,
and would say that they aro now per
fectly tight and In llrst-class condi
tion, and have no reason to think but
what they will remain so for years to
come. O. Fom.ett,
Diver and Engineer.
Subscribed and sworn to before me
this .Ust day of July, 189(1. Wylle A.
Moores, Notary Public for Oregon.
Buy Youu Shoks At tho Now
York Backet and save money. Hell
able goods and low proltts make a
good combination. Try our Star G
Star shoes. 2d-lwo
Satuf day Surprise Sale,
Out Entire Line of
At 19c pet yard, One day only,
r y
r yiffAy f
257 Commercial st.
fri J?? a
Jf f9
at 91 yrw jw ivlw m -
Wc would like to impress you with the idea that we arc
the tea sellers of Salem, Our teas arc new crop and always
give perfect satisfaction. Our uncolored teas at 25c and 30c
will match with most 50c teas sold in Salem,
Our "Cracked Java" coffee is of the best grade obtainable,
and our prices all right, too, Cast your eyes on our our dis
play in front of the store, It will pay you,
P. O, Grocery,
tyc; leii
An Auoust SuowEit. This morn
ing, at about tho breaker day. the
long-looked-for and prayed-for rain
commenced to settle down and was
railing tho greater part or tho day.
Tho south winds began at an early
hour yestetday, yet but few hoped for
tho moistening results, notwlthstaiid
Ing tho almost Infalllblo sign. It
conies too lato Tor most kinds or grain
and Just In season to Impede tho
progress or harvest, but It will do
great good to the potato and other
vegatablo crops. Unless It lasLs too
long It will prove a great blessing.
Vl.liAHANT PAKTY. Last OVCIlltlg,
Mrs. .I.J. Murphy entertained about
thlity guests In honor or her niece,
Mh Gencvlevo church or Santa
Clara.Cal., who Is her guest forashort
season. The evening was pleasantly
spent playing "handwriting on tho
wall," dancing and conversation.
Miss Edna Moody and Mrs. Helen
Myers carried oir tho prizes for their
good and bad guessing respectively.
Choice lefreshments were served, and
all departed voting the hostess and
her guest charming entertainers.
The best at
134 SrVTE ST.
Hugh MoNary, Dr.W. B. Morso. F.
W. Stcuslotr, A. W. Gelsy, L. W.Stln
son, S. T. Hlchardson and sous re
turned last evening from a two weeks
outing at Jetferson.
Mr. and Mrs. Thus. Eckurd and
Gluts. Suuvaln returned this morning,
arter an all nights ride, from Leedy'8
mill wlint-it tlmv wniit. In mn.it ni i.. I ..1.1.. .......... . . , ...
- -v iwv ui "vi-1 uigui! uiiumiicii retention mis
rles iiH well as llsh and uamo. They ' Ing loft town Immediately.
Luwn Social. Last Wednesday
evening, the young people or tho Con
gregational church, gave a successful
lawn boelal at the homo or H. B.
Flcmnilng, corner Center and Cottage
streets, when tho ability or theso
young people to entertain, was again
strongly in evidence. The yard was
enclossd by canvass, whllo within tho
sceuo was made more picturesque,
with a large bonllre, urouud which tho
young rolks gathered and engaged In
conversation. Ice cream and cake
wero served -111111 a general good time
was had
HkGotIt. Last evening a "cul
led gemriitm" approached Hecorder
Edes and asked for 10 cents with
which to purchaso somothlnir to eat.
Ho was.plneedin tho city Jail for tho
To Savk Him. A bill of exceptions
In the case or tho stato vs. Androw
Hobluson, the rapist who was tried
and convicted at the .Ttinn tnrm ,r
circuit court tor Marlon county, was
yesterday filed with tho county clerk
by deroudent's attorney, Geo. G.
Bingham. It consists or 441 pages or
closely written matter. Mr. Hobln
sonlsnowlh tho stato penitentiary,
having been sentenced to eight years
by Judge Burnett.
Msaw.y Buknkd. Yesterday while
Mrs. Jas. F. Graham, or Garden Hoad,
was destroying vermin in her poultry
house by saturating tho walls or the
house with keroslnoand burning them
out tho struct uro caught llro and
camo near burning to the'grouiid.
Neighbors wero called In and the lire
was promptly put out, though It took
some heroic work.
Bush Not Suuk.-lion. A. Bush,
tho Salem banker and Democratic
war horse, Isasiuglo gold standard
man, but says ho does not know that
ho will favor holding another Demo
cratle convention. Ho thinks tho
aspect or things may .change greatly
In the next sixty days, as they have
In the past two months.
A Bubinkss Change. Chas. Van
Avery and John IUibcr. two enter.
prising young business men of Salem,
iwmy purchased tho lunch counter
business of J. H. Hlllsbury on Stato
street anil will hereafter
saino. Tho mativ friends of
Corner of Center and lllirlt streets.
II. A. Denton pastor. In the absence
of Miss Hubbard, the regular organ
ist, Miss Sthaley will preside at the
organ. Morning sermon by He v.
Burton .. Biggs, or Waltsburg Wash.,
Communion at 11:.'!0 a.m. Sunday
school tit 12 tn. Junior Endeavor at
3:30 p. m., Miss Allco Perrlno su
perintendent. Y. P. S. C. E. at 7 p.
m. Evening sermon by the pastor
theme "The Apostolic Church." Pror.
Allen will have charge of tho largo
chorus choir. Special music In too
morning, "In the Beginning was the
Word," by Deuke: In the evening,
"Abide with me," -by Lysborger.
Open-air meeting on Tuesday at 8 p.
in. In front or tho West Salem hall.
Hov. J. P. Farmer, pastor. Morn
ing servlcesat 10:30. Subject: "The
Acme or Human Philosophy." The
morning oirerlory will bo a violin solo
by M Iss Nellie Brown. Sunday school
at 12. Y. P. S. C. E. at 7. There will
not be any evening scrvrces In the
auditorium. All aro welcome to theso
Corner Seventeenth and Chenieketa
streets, Ezra Mattrer. partor. Sunday
school at 10 a. 111. The Hevs. Klein
Bros., or Heading, Pa., will conduct
revival services at 11 a. 111., 3 p. m.
and 8 p. tn. Tho artornoon services
win uo a iiouncss meetlng.whlch will
bo or special Interest. All christians
aro invited. At 7 p. 111. a Y. P. A.
rally. Everybody Invited.
Key. W. Steele, pastor. Preaching
iiup.J0a ni. nnd 8 p. m. Evening
subject "What think ycor Christ."
Sunday school at 12 noon, Chineso
Sunday school at 3;30, Junlorand Sen
ior V. E. union meeting at 0:45.
Prayer meeting Thursday evening.
Everybody welcome.
mlx?y' & .T- W1'l"lesey, lato or
"-"-.-"l w...wt7 VF J ui klUIIU
uregon, win preach at 11 a. 111. and 8
p. 111. Sunday school at 10 a. in.
On Cottage street, J. Bowersox,
pastor. Preaching at 10:30 nnd 8 to
mmrow.,1 ,RV' M. J. Ballantyro P E.
will olllclatc. Communion service
arter morning sermon. Sunday school
til JJ. K. L. C. E. at 7,
Hcv. W. C. Ktintner, D. 1).. pastor.
,te,l1,.nR ilt Wflo n. 111. Subject
"riie Believer Kept and Glorltled.'1
Sunday school at 12 m.; charge or
I. B. T. Tlltblll. Mlinnrlntnii,V..
There wjjl bo no evening service.
, . U. II. CHURCH.
rreacJiiiiKiitll a. 111. and 8
day, July 21). 18:w, Miss Anna M.
Jensen to Amos It. Bevlns, Hov. J.
N. Dick onicltttliig.
Nearly Killed.
Y-storday wlillo distributing hand
bills, (. heater Daniels, of the asylum
rami, who has been visiting with his
grandparents, J. C. -Johnson, on win
ter street, was nearly killed by his
horse railing upon him. Ho was
picked up rront the road near whore
Summer street Intersects tho Garden
road in an unconscious coudldlon, and
was carried to the home of Henry
Schultz whero tho necessnry treat
ment wiis given and ho wns .soon
brought too and made as conifortablo
us could bo under the circumstances.
Had It not been for tho almost
human sense of his horse ho might
have been trampled to death. The
horse stood but a few Inches from his
head when found. Ho was very much
bewildered when ho regained con
sciousness and could not understand
why ho should bo In n strango house.
Ho called for his papa and niainnm
continually. Ills grandmamma and
undo were sent for and ho was .taken
home. Tho boy will bo all right In a
few days.
A Summer Vacation Offer for the Singers
of Salem.
During the remainder of this sum
mer vacation, until September 15th
soven weeks) I will give volco culture
lessons at one-half mv rpimlnr nrlco
m .. 1 . . -. . ;".: r
"u iiuj iusmjii. ixow is ine tinio to oe-
gin. wny rool away this beautiful
summer? I do not need a vacutlon,
neither do you. Arter September 15th
regular rates will bo'charged. Call at
"; time at tho college of music of the
Wlllamotto university nnd iirrungo
for lessons. it. A. Heritage,
Denn or Colleiro of Music.
new York, Aug. i. -Silver.
Sheep-Market firm.
Portland" market.
535 VVnlla Walla, 4950. " '
i,.Ur"r!!ir,1na' ' "nwlewnr,
2.8q;BraW 2.50; superfine. Int-pcr bbl.
Oau-Wlnte, 3i3jc j grey, t&prfiei,
in bags, $4-255.5. barreli, 4.57
I otatoei.. Oregon, 8o9oc peruck.
Hay. .Good, toto.50 ptt ton.
Wool.. Valley, 89c; Ewera Ortpo
Millstufli. . Ilran, i3.ooi4,5o3hort,Jit.
Poultry- Chickens, mued.Jj broil
er, $i.5o2,5o; ducki, $jat ; Reeie, 14;
turkey, live, ioiic;dretcd, 15117c.
HidcH,. green, salted 60 lbs 5c; onltr
60 Ibi 44ici nP Peh. o7oc.
I lops . , Oregon, 2 to 3c, accordioj to qui.
lluttcr.. Oregon fancy creamer, 40(345;
fancy dairy, 30(2)35; fair to good, IJjo.
Cheese .Oregon full cream, 9,
EGG1- .Oregon, laiC per doi.
lleef. .Topsteers, 3.oo3.25 per lb; fu
to good steers. 22 3.5c; cowi, lJc;
drciised beef, 45c.
Han Francisco, Aug. 1 -Whot, 95
Wool,, Oregon choice, Sloj; infrriorj
7c, valley, 8oc
Hops Quotable at 24C
Potatoes 4o55c per sack.
Oats Mill ne. imSi.
hALliM MAKKbi.
Wheat, .44c per nu,, market firm.
Oats .22(2)250.
Hay.. Haled, cheat, 7(10.50; timothy,
Flour.. In wholesale lots, 3.00; retail,
3.20; bran, balk tl.oo; sacked, U.co;
shorts, 12.5013.50; chop feed, 11.0$
Poultry . .Hens 5c; Spring chickens, ;c lb.
VealDressed, 1,
Hogs.. Dressed. 2M3K
Live Cattle.. I Ji2.
Sheeu.. Live, 1.25.
Wool..lJeBt. 12I
Hop..l)est, 45c.
Egg.,Casli. loc.
Butter.. Best dairy, 15c; fane creimtr;
Cheese .I2c. . ,
Farm Smoked Meats Bacci.7i It'
90: shoulders, 5c.
I'otatos..6oc perbu
c,i .. "T"ilin- "' nnu 8 p. m.
Sabbath school at 10 n. m. and i'. p.
l. lu at 7 in tho evening.
services at lo.-no n m nn.i -7nA ...
at their hall rnrnnr T.tinrt,. ;.i .'..':
streets. ,"ww""
.. The best Salve
hores. Sores, Ulcers.
:ry on State SST&1 &.$Sk?8J?
conduct tho Bruises, Skin Erujuff and ft
)f tho young " no pay required. It is E
Arnica Salve
in the world for Cuts.
Khcutii, Fever
positively cures
guaranteed to
liion Wish them tho best of snr,.o 1.. Live per fee satisfaction' or mon. r..!LV
tho undertaking. S cenl' For sale 'by Fred A
Notice to Bridge Contractors.
Xotlco Is hereby given that no war
rants will bo drawn for construction
of county bridges until contractors
for the-samo shall have furnished to
tllO COUIltV L-ntirf. rnrrlllrul ropolnta
showing that till labor and materials
entering Into tho construction of
such.brldgca have been paid for.
.. , 0 !' Terhkll,
7-J-d&wtf County Judgo.
tjlioo Reward $100.
The readers or this paper will be pkw J
learn that there is at least one drMJeddiscw
that science has been able to cure in si la
tages, and that is catarrh. IM Cart
Cure Is the only poiitlve cure novr know w
the medical fraternity. Catarrh tIr; t
stitutlonal disease, requires a wD"lItt""
treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is UW
intc nally, acting directly upon tbt : w
and mucous surTaces of tho system, itartj
giving the patient
destroying the foundation of the disew
eivlne the patient strength by bu td.ng p V
coMtltutlon and assisting nature in n -work
Tnc proprietors have so much m
its curative powe'ri that they oto 0w
dred dollars for any case that u M tt cw.
Send for list of testimonials. Adait
F. J. CIIENEV & CO , l!M
Sold by drugglstc, 7SC-
When Uaby was sick, vro gaTO her Castoria.
When the wa a ChUd, she cried for Castoris.
When she became Miss, she clung to CutorU.
When she had Children, she gave them Castori.
Til C CI! I D Fop Bargains in Evepy!bir?g274 Commercial si.
J UU I I 111 I OOP Mofie: "Spot Cash, Qtiick Sales and Small
Examination Notice.
r,J!10 r?Kllr(lUttrtcrly examination
ior teachers' pprrifinntAa win . i.m.i
at tho court house, Salem, Oregon.bo-
?n?iSF at 2 lh '"-.Wednesday.August
12, 1890. n. W. Jones.
V. Jones.
County Supt.
Tun shoes selling
nee. Kransso Bros?
at n great sacrl-tf
Having Hoc Cake Soap in
your kitchen or bath once
It's in Town.
You'll bo surprised. ,
Won't "yellow the clotlics.
Won't burn your hands.
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