iswsgpjjyaeiwiiwm1 DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, - ASSOCIATED PRESS DAILY. J -4 SALEM, OBEGON, TUESDAY"ljirii"X Sb, 18!K. SO.7 V L. B. irlWAWPyP'WSW'Wi,'l',u V''W,rW'ir ' "fjpsrBipr.T ,-jipwi,p?.r?t -- v t'TTTToHTL THE GOLDEN R OK BUSINESS, a There is one store in Salem JgP cloing a cash business, We have one rule for everybody and i-iake no exceptions, The MMr York Racket does not allow goods to be taken from the store until fully paid for, Tf ti irnd in the same condition as when purchased we cheerfully refund money for t nvthinp- bought of us, Deing: ! business on this plan give you better values man "Wp" other merchants, New Yarn Grand Silver Picnic LYONS, ; Friday and Saturday, July 31 and August 1, Old Fashioned Barbae. Two oxen, several sheep and hogs will be served free in the best of style. Good Camping Grounds. Half fare on the U. C.& E. K. II. Speeches bv some of the bet orators in the west. Ineluiilne Ex-Governor Pennoyer, of Portland; Hon. J. I). Waldo, ol Macleay, Hon. E. Hofcr, ol Salemj Hon. Y. J, D'Arcy, of Salem; Hon. C. B. Montague, of Lebanon; Hon. Silver Tongue Sml'h, of Linn; Hon, M. A. Miller, of Lebanen: Hon. I. J, Whitney, of AN ny; Hon W. K. Ullyeu, of Albany; Hon. II. F. Romp, of Albany; Hon. T. I. Mnclary, of Gitti, and meny others. Good music by a first-clais baud and choir Everybody are in- tun tocome ana camp Willi us, and enjoy a I .Ettcuthe Com-J. P. Queener, John Haley, G. OREGON STATE NORMAL SCHOOL. MONMOUTH, A IratnlnfT crlinnl fnr lmarm Cnti . ricnologjr, and general and special methods; twenty weeks of teaching in training depart BKnti lialninr ftrlinnl nf ntn frriir1a uitlli ivan tiiinrlrft rlittrtrn. Ucmilflr nnrnial rnuricft of Arte yean fjie Normal Diploma is recognited by law as a state life certificate to teach. Ujht expenses. Board at Normal Dining nail J1.5B per week. Furnished roows with "t nU fire, 75c to'$i per week. Board nnd lodging in private families $2.50 to $3.50 per k. Tuitien: Sub. Normal $5 per term ol ten weeks' normal, I6.35 per term of ten VCtkS. Grades frnm rfnulnhli cihnnt firntrH Pntfilncriif rhrrrulltp fiirnlklied on innlU "'!). Address 0 w , P. L. CAMPBELL, President. ' W. A. WANN, Sec. of Faculty. 7 7 tf UWNjMOWERS .. .., hay KAKES, ljrJtX.A.Y Hardware, Stoves and Tinware, rttawrA .T. . - anuNKLERS, CSivJlVl, The Willamette Hotel. LEADING HOTEL Reduced FXCELSIOR ii !l!f''!f,M' Muu,Cement Jloeral. Electric cars leave tor all publlcjibulldlngs """ "'.interest. Special rates' will be given to permanent patrons. . C.fH'XNSEN,' M ANA'GER. " 4 - ii 'lorsejtit&L &thfaction guaranteed. ULta we can a ' . OREGON, Grand good time. HENRY LYONS, President of the Day. TOHN HALEY. Chief Marshal. S. Stnyton, S. W, Mitchell, S. A. Landls. OREGON. wlinllv nrnfocclnnfll . Tnn(u lvtba tl ,-, MACHINE OILS and AXLE GREASE JJJtX.L., BICYCLES. SUNDRIES. -JIX. OF THE CITY.U A. "I. WAGNER, STABLE- StabU back of Stale Iniurance block Racket. D TORNADOES Great Damage to Crops and Property, COAL MiNERS DROWNED. Standing Grain in Western States Nearly Riiindd. FnTsuuna,Ju1y 28. The full extent of tile datnago wrought In last night's huiilcanc and oleetriclal storm was nut known until daylight when wreck and rulri were apparent on nil sides. Steeples were blown from churches, nnd adjoining buildings crushed, houses unroofed, trees broken off or torn up by roots and great havoc was caused by the heavy fall or rain. Sum med up at nine o'clock tills morning, with many outlying districts to hear from, the lesult was two lives lost, tlilrty-slx Injured, somo fatally, nnd much property damaged. A "9100,000. boarding house, near Washington county, was washed away and the oc cupants, llftccn coal miners were drowned. IOWA, NKHRASKA AND DAKOTA. Sioux City, July 28. Fuller re ports of yesterday's storm have been coming In. Tho loss Is Incstlmablo all over Northwestern Iowa, North eastern Nebraska and Southwestern South Dakota. From Movlllc, with an area extending ono mile south, three, sixteen west and eight north, of town, standing grain every where suffered from five to ten bushels to the acre, and In many cases was totally destroyed. Iu the town Itself, many buildings were Injured and wirccly a whole pane of glass remained. In Plymouth county, Great Frc donla, Meadow, Elgin and Preston townships unstained the greatest loss. Hoots were beaten through by tho force of the hall, considerable stock waVklllcd and the giouud literally strewn with dead hogs and poultry. Tho heaviest loss was t6 corn, which was beaten completely to pieces. In Sioux City, tho loss Is heavy, and many buildings havo been mined Tho estimated damage Is 9200,000. Tidal Wave. Chioauo, July 28. A- series of tidal waves along tho western shore of tho lake today caused tho water to rlso over three feet abqvo the normal water mark. The first nnd highest wave was at G;30 A.M., nnd from that time until 10 o'clock there was a succession of ebbs and flows that wcro about an hour apart. Conspiracy Discovered. Berlin, July 28. A dlspacth to the Kolnlsho Zeltung from Warsaw says that several arrests havo been made there of persons who were found to bo connected with an Impending Polish revolutionary movemont. Tho movement Is of serious character. Stabbed. Cairo, 111., July 28. I. N. Coffee, tho president of the state board of pharmacy, was stabbed with a dagger and killed at 12 o'clock last night by Dr. Crabtree. W. H. Smith Dead. Chicago, July 27. -William Henry Smith, late general manager of the Associated Press, died at Lake Forest, 111., this morning. RalnStorm. Dubuque, Iowa, July 27. A llrecc rain storm swept this section last night aud considerable damage Is re ported. Shops Burned. Belfast, July 28, norland & Wolff's and Workman's Si Clark's shipbuilding shops havo been almost whied out by fire. Tho yards alone were damaged to the extent of 1000, 000. Children Cry for Pttohar's Citor!a. ' Vessel Identified. j I'hiladlli'hia, July 23. lnforum- , tlou received from Stanley under date ' .if Tit n nMM'in tnn1iidt vim' flint, Mm ship which foundered ofT thatslocallty May 14 last was tho Philadelphia clip per, City of Philadelphia, and that Captain Johnson, his wife and family, onopasyjngcr and a crew numbering In all 20 men, perished. The nrllclcs saved by the salvers havo Ihhmi de ad Ibcd minutely, nnd havo Ikvu recog nised by the shippers us tho Identical goods shipped to San Francisco Jy tho City of Philadelphia, Milch inariV sail from Sandy Hook early on Februarys. Found Guilty. London, July 28. The juiy In the Jatucso:), South Atrlcan case, has round till of thcdofcndautH guilty of violating tho foreign enlistment act. Dr. Jameson was sentenced 15 months Imprisonment without labor, Major John Wllloughby ten months, Major Whlto seven months, Captain Henry F. Coventry, Colonol IB. Grey and Colonel II. F. Whlto live months. To Prevent Bonds Until After, Election. New Yonif, July 28. A committee of seven, appointed at a recent meet ing of the exchange bankers, tode vlso means for tho prevention of gold exports dining tho next ninety days, today presented n complete report to tho full body at a meeting In the of fices of J. P. Morgan & Company. Delay in Payment. London, July 2". A Cunca dis patch to the Times says that tho Cretan assembly has voted a delay In payment of three, months, and that the government has sanctioned the vote. ' Rhodes Will Talk.! London, July 28. Tho Dally Nqws says that It hears that Ccdl Hhodes Intends, at the earliest posslblo oppor tunity, to attend tho parllnientry commlttco which Is to Investigate the Jameson raid nnd to fully disclose all ho knows about the. raid. '" The Tailors Strike. Nkw.Yokic, July 23.-Tho lattst acquisition to the ranks of tho strik ing coutnmlccrs are C00O overcoat aud uckmakurs, who quit work today. This force will be authorized on Wed nesday by an assembly of 5000 jacket- makers, and will, In all probability, bo followed by -lOOO knec-pentsmakers, Qoes to Supreme Court. San Fuancisco, July 28. Tho case of Tlicodoro Durrant, convicted of murdering Blancho Lamont, wont to tho supremo court today. . About That Calliope Editok Jeuknal: Since tho edi tor of tho Statesman Is anxious to know why E. Hofer didn't taken calllopo to St. Louis to mako himsolf heard, It might bo well to remind the roseate youth that ho evidently had no uso for ono. Hofcr seems to havo mado his presence known without a musical instrument, slnco ho was selected as national committeeman for Oregon. Furthermore if he uad wanted a musical Instrument, ho would not havo followed Mr. Irvine's "sound money" Ideas of buying one on tho Installment plan nnd failed to pay tho monthly $10. To your suggestion that tills financial seer, who Is secre tary of tho Worklngmen's Republi can club, that ho tell "the boys" how to beat his houso painter and how to beat an expressman, might be added the adyico how to secure a musical Instrument and beat tho dealer out of his pay. But In tho last case, no doubt tho piano man has a Hen, and can realize on short notice. People who are so keen for muslo should pay tho Fiddlku. Insane. Mrs. Mary Berry,.wlfo of John Berry, of Coos county, aged 54 years, was today committed to tho asy lum. Are You Tired All the time? This condition it a sure Indies, tlon that your blood it not rich and nourlihlng as it ought to be and at it may be if you will take a few bottles of the great blood purifier Ilood't Sanaparilla. Thoutaud'i write that lfood'tSartaparillahai cured them of that tired fcelinc by giving them rich blood. Hood'i 1111 act eajlly and promptly on the liver and boweli. Cure ick headache. Children Cry for Pitchtr1 CMtorlUr POLITICAL GOINGS. Silver Committee to Notify Bryan and Sewall. AT BALTIMORE, MARYLAND. Tennessee Populists Want Watson to Stand Put. Tennessee Populists. Nasmvillb, July 28. The Populist state convention mot this afternoon. J. II. McDowell was elected temporary chairman. Ho said: "Wo havo nomi nated tho great Tom Watson of Georgia, and wo lira not going to draw hlmoff under an J circumstances. I stand here Instructed by Senator Butler, to 'tell you this. I have In structions from our national chair man to toll you what to do In regard to tho election. When tho electoral collcgo meets, Micro will be a hundred Populists present, and they will say "we will havo a vice president, or you will not elect Bryan." Qold Democrats. Indianapolis, July 28. Ex-Con-grcssman Bynum, who is, a member of tho sub-commlttco of tho solind money Democrats, which Is arranging for a national convention to nominate a sound money ticket, Bald todny that Uftccn states have nlrcady Indicated that they will bo represented at the meeting in this city on August 7th. Haa Withdrawn. Washington, July 28. Senator Pettlgrcw, of South Dakota, who fol lowed Senator Toller In his bolt from tho Republican convention at St. Louis, has resigned us a member of tho Republican congressional commit tee. Pop Speakers, St. Louis,July 27. Among tho speakers who will tnko tho Btiimp for tho populist ticket will bo Senator Butler and ex-Chairman Taubcncck, E. V. Debs, Robert Schilling, of Mil waukee; Senator Allen, of Nebraska, Sonntor Poffcr, Mrs. Roberts.'of Geor gia, and many others, Including Coxey nnd Carl Brown. Governor Holcomb Speaks. Lincoln Neb. July 28. Governor Holcomb said today that ho believed Bryan would accopt tho Populist nom ination. In Nebraska, tho governor said, tliero would certainly boa fusion and tho fuslonlsts would carry tho state. New York Democrats. New Yonic, July 28. Tho Demo cratic state convention will bo called to meet at Buffalo, September flth. It Is stated that Senator Hill now favors Iho nomination of a third ticket. Tammany will probably endorse Bryan and Sewall. Notify Uryan and Sewall. New Yomc.July 28. W.P. St.John, treasurer of tho national silver party, returned today from the St. Louli convention. Ho salt: "Tho national sliver party has ac cepted un Invitation from Baltimore merchants to notify Bryan and Sewall la the city of Baltimore. Tho notifi cation will bo mado about 14 days aftortho Democratic notification In New York. Tho placd of headquart ers will bo determined by Senator Jones, chairman of tho Democratic notional commlttco. It looks now as though wo would select Washington, Whatever ho does will bo followed by tho silver party. "Instate and munclpal affairs tho national sliver party will not move. This will leave tho Republicans to vote their own state ticket, but the uatlonal sllyerparty will havo a con gressional candidate In every' district where the Democratic nomlnco favors the gold standard." AN OREGON CHICKEN. Dlscusaes Possibilities of Orcon Poultry ' Raising. While working among chickens I saw a group In ono corner of the chicken yard discussing eomo subject. I of course, thought thoy had taken tip the money, question, but upon a closer investigation I found that thoy had tears In tholr eyes, lamenting because they were coimldorcd scrub stock In San Francisco market, white their eastern cousin Is much moto pioferrcd on account or using n larger chicken. Cr.e old rou.-tter said, tint us far as cllinato was concerned Oregon was good enough fur any fowl and ho dltl not seo why Mr. Jfttruidr did nut ntlso a larger variety of chickens, for It Is disgusting to a chicken when lie starts put to malkot to havo tho buy ers point him out mid say ho Is not largo enough, and v. ill only command a scrub price. An old lieu was heard to say that It they would place eggs of a larger variety of chick ens under her sho could just as well raise tho largest kind as tho "scrubs" Now then Mr. Farmor sco to It that you Improvo your stock with a largor bird got plenty of tnem In the coun try nnd tho buyors will be hero with the cash for them. Ono old lion said that there was a buyer from San Francisco hero tho Ilrst of the week who would take us for what wo are worth and buy next year If Mr. Far mor will let us mother hens ralso bettor chlckons and pay according to slzo. There Is no reason why Oregon can not sell San Francisco tt part of tho poultry used there. Farmers think this out for your selves, If tho largor chicken has tho preference, which It has, let us ralso It. An Interested Ouskhveh. Poultry For 'Frisco, Why can not tho Wlllamotto Valley Btipply to a great extent tho Frisco' market with poultry nnd eggs. Wo havo tho climate and soil conducive to success ful chicken raising and tho old Ore gonlans 6iiy that our cllmato from October until May Is especially adapt able to tho raising of ducks. Tho only reason glvon by tho San Fran Cisco dealers for not purchasing Ore- gon poultry is our chlckons are classed ns'scrubs" nbt"DcTng as largo and well developed as thoso to bo ob tained In tho eastern markets. Now wo should show tho California pcoplo that Oregon is well adapted to tho raising of choice poultry by allowing our "scrub" stock to gradually disappear meantime, devoting our uttcntlon to tho raising of a larger and more productive bird. It will pay our readers interested In this question to read tho article from 'Observer" published In another column. II, H, Sattlcr, a commission moichuntof Sun Francisco was In the city yesterday looking up tho poultry business in this part of tho state. Mr. Sattlcr In speaking with n representa tive of the Journal stated that ho was much surprised that with tho excellent cllmato and soil In Oregon for poultry raising, wo did not produco a better supply. It Is posslblo that Salem may bo mado a regular shipping point for poultry and that a car load may bo shipped at tegular Intervals hereafter. Weddino To-Niqut. At tho homo of tho brldo'H sister, Chan, Cos per, this ovonlng will bo per formed tho marrltigo of Miss Ellen Gluggctt to Frank A. Welch, both of this city. Chas. Blrd,ot Manuel, hud a serious accident tho other day. A chisel fell from tho second story of a now build ing on which ho was at work. Tho chlse.1 struck hlmcndwlso between tho shoulders and passing straight down ward, pierced tho cavity. Tho wound Is a very ugly ono owing to Its location and had tho chisel struck him on tho Hpino It would, no doubt, havo killed him Instantly. The chisel was U Inch and mado a wound three Inches deep. J. II. Shearer, of Wasco county la probaply the only wool growor In the udrthwest who ships his own product dlrct lo Eastern buyors, Mr. Shearer has his own baler, prepares his clip for ulupinent at his ranches oh Dcs j eiiutcs. Highest of all In Leavening Dr&61 Baking ABSOLUTELY PCJ HOLD-UP II A GULCH Race War In Florida Results in Six Killed. AMERICAN -WINS THE MEDAL Lost Vessel Identified-r Nevada Sheriff Klllfid. Hold-Up. Wichita, ICan., July 28.-In a lonely gulch several miles west or the village of Lacoy, In tho northern part of Oklahoma territory, the regular mall stngo was held Up by s bwl of outlaws, who rilled tho express and mall sacks, taking all tho registered lottors ttnd all tho valuables carried by tho two passongers In the coach. There Is llttlo doubt that tho robbory was tho work of tho reorganized gang of Bill Doolln, tho condemned mur derer nnd outlaw who escaped from Jnll at Guthno Bovoral weeks ago with a dozen desperadoes and robbers. A big force of United States marshals has been In pursuit of' tho outlaws over slnco tholr escape. . Raco War. Jasper, Flu., July 28. It Is re ported a raco war has occurred about 15 miles cast of horo, In which six men wore killed and 6cvcn seriously Injured.. Tho tragedy Is said to havo taken place at Haggard's turpentine still, whore many negroes are em ployed. It Is said tho colored men gavo a party and whilo In progress a number of whlto men intruded asd tho Bllootlng resulted. American Win. London, July 28. Walter Wlnans, an Amorlcan pistol shot, won the first prlsse-ln-tha-firsti second and third sorlca of revolvor competitions here, the scores bolng 30, 42, 38. Wlnans lias won In all 12 Ilrst nnd thrcq eeo ond prizes ut tho Blsloy revolver com potltlon,and has also won tho revolver championship. The prizes mentioned wcro won with a military ruyolver. Wlnans also won the Ilrst prizes In tho ilrst, second, third and fifth series competitions with any revolver, the scores bolng 38, 41, 30 and -12. Ho also won all tho aggregate prizes. Nevada Sheriff Killed. NEVADA,Cal.,July 28,-Shcrlff David Douglass went out yesterday In search for a highway robber. Not returning, and his horsoand buggy bolng found tied up half amllo from the town this morning, a searching party went out. Tho flhorlff and robber wore both found dead about a mllo from town and only a few feot from each other. Five chambers wcro empty In tho sheriff's revolver and ho was Bhot through tho heart. Tho highwayman was also shot thrco tlmes,through tho heart, In tho abdomen and In tho hi? i The robber hud u rlflo but It did not appear to havo been used. It Is thought Douglass was killed by n pal of tho dead robber. Two Lives Saved, Mrs. Phoubo Thomas, of Junction City, 111., was told by hor doctors sho had Consumption and that there was no hope for her, but two bottles of Dr King's Now Discovery completely cured hor and she Bays It saved her life, Mr. Thos. Eggers, 139 Florida street. San Praticlsco, suffered from a dreadful cold, upproachlng consump tion, tried without result everything olso then bought ono bottlo of Dr. King's Now Discovery and In two weeks was cured. Ho is naturally thankful. It Is such results, of which these are samples, that prove the wonderful etllcacv of this medicine In Coughs and Colds. Free trial bottles at Fred P. Lcgg's drugstore. Regular slzo Wc and $1. Fovrerv - J - atwt U. S. Gov't Rush. Powder