Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899, June 26, 1896, Image 1

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NO. sa
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, o AT THE
New York
The Democratic Convention
578 to 328 for Silver,
Thinks Boies of Iowa Will Bo the
Chicago, Juno 20. Tho Trlbuno
tills morning says: "A canvass of tlio
delegates of every state and territory
on tlio currency question, shows 678
delegates tojtlie Democratic national
convention, to bo cither instructed, or
have a personal preference for tlio free
and unlimited coinage of sliver, at 10
to 1, ngninst 328 delegates, instructed
for, or favoring the continuance of
the prcsentgold standard."
Baltimore, Juno 20.Senator Gor
man will not go to Chicago. This Is
final. It is doubtful if lie will accept
re-appointment, on the national
committee. Gorman does not think
there is Is any chanco at this date
hour to stem the free silver tide,
which lie believes will sweep over tlio
Chicago convention. "When asked
whom he thought tho Democrats
would nominate, ho replied: "It
look like Holes."
Cou'mbvs, Ohio, Juno 20. The
Westnote, a German Democratic dally
Paper, repudiates tho Ohio Demo
cratic state convention silver pat
n lo , following letters remain In
e Salem post oftlco uncalled for
iiiose calling for the same, please say
terry, P E
Blair, Clinton
jurgeon, Nettle
Blount, R j
rman, Emma
?avls, Bert
gagleson, EG
Ulster, Geo
Fawcet Susan
B'ese, Bertha
?pm w II
IIrlL nattle
irin. nm
Under, E
ICeppert, Daye
L.UKO, 11 JM
i M "
i ro
MoDowell, Laui
McMillan, Sarah
Monroe, Bill
Mascher, Lizzie
Martin, "Wm
Smith, Octavla
Smith W B
Slagel, Susie E
Klnirniv AriMiliv
uu, x-aui
"Wilson, J S
Walton, M K
B. F. Bonham, P. M.
John Wftlrti nf rnAri..n.,ni ,..
two chopping contests and won
win of them. The first was for a medal
ana In this he chopped oft a 14-Inch
J log In 1:14. The second was won
lV nPr Landess of Monmouth, In
.; ,' The second match was from a
"aiienge by a niun.narued Clark for a
Pur of i.co lhla WelcU won ,n
ith elch vo&a to Albany, Jyly
eh, moete for a medal and the
"wmplonshlp of the' jurisdiction. .
i i i i i t i i i i i i i
A. P. A. Plank Knocked Out of the Re
publican Platform.
St Louis, June 2(1. It wns stated
liibt night that It was through the In
fluence of Archbishop Iiclnnd that a
plnnk produced by the American
Protective Association wns not
adopted ns part of the plutform of the
Republican national convention in
this city. The word was given out
that Colonel II. Sellers, president of
tlio National Council of Patriotic
Associations of the United States,
was at work to get a plank into the
platform Indorsing tlio A. P. A, On
.he very day Colonel Sellers sent a
copy of V hut he wanted embodied in
tho platform to Mr. Pornkcr, chair
man of tlio committee- on resolutions,
tlio following telegram was received
by Thomas E. Carter, chairman of
tho Republican national committee,
from Archuisnop iremnu:
"St. Paul, June 17. To tho Hon.
Thomas N. Carter, National Commit
tnfinuin Tim ptiiiisn lii t.lin nronosed
platform opposing tho use of public
money for sectarian purposes and
union of church and state is unneces
sary and uncalled-for. It is urged by
tho V. P. A. Its adoption will bo
taken as a concession to them, will
awaken religious animosity In tho
country nnd do much harm. The Re
publican party should not lower Itself
to recognize, directly or Indirectly,
tho A. P. A. I hone tho clause or any
thing like It will not bo ndoptcd.
John Ireland."
Colonel Sellers, in an interview,
said that ho cave a copy -of the plank
of tlio patriotic Boclotles to Mr. For
aker and also to Senator Gear.of Iowa,
lie was told by the latter that tlio
paragraph declaring against the ap-
nrAnrlnt.lrtn nf monOV ffOlll tllO United
States treasury for sectarian purposes
would be incorporated and that tho
committee had taken favorable action
iinnn if,. Lii tar in tho day. (Wednes
day), he was surprised to learn from a
mnmlutr Of the COimilltieO Uiai, li
nntinn i mil hceti reconsidered, and
that there would bo nothing In
platform in that regard.
All this Is now explained by
taiotrrnni from tho archbishop.
dispatch was referred by Chairman
Carter to Edward LuiiiicrDacn, vi juw
York, one of tho big four from that
state, und, he, with National Com
mltteeman.Kerens, of tills city, went
before tho committee ana succeeueu
In knocking out all reference to tho
The Statesman supports a platform
nn fm-fliirn Immigration, which pro
poses to let In everybody that can read
und write. Tho socialist aim nuureu
Jst can read und write In several lan
guages. Ilerr Most can read and
write. Foreign Immigration that pro
poses actual settlement, and foreign
capital that proposes actual Industrial
Investment, may bo desirable, but no
Probate Court.
T. ..,. TTufiVmni tvljiv annotated
Jennie Coldren administratrix of the
estate of Elton Coldren, late 01 mi
county, to give bond for $1,000. Nixon
Blair, P. L. Kchamei ana a. "i'
man were appointed appraisers,
Children Cry fcr
t.Wir's Gstorla.
Give a Grand Reception to
McKinley at Canton.
The National Committees Are
Being Formed.
Details of the Campaign Being
Fully Planned,
Canton, June 20,Thc reception of
Governor McKinley Sr., and Mrs. "Wil
liam McKinley, Jr., arranged by the
women of Canton and Stark county,
began at 3 o'clock this afternoon,
when, tho guests of honor receiving,
composed of somo eight or ten ladles,
linmedlato McKinley relationship, ap
peared on the balcony of the rcsldcnco
of the lute Jacob Miller, Mrs. Alice
Jones, In a happy speech, extended tho
best wishes of the women of Stark
county, to Governor McKinley, nnd
hsarty congratulations to his wife nnd
mother. Governor McKinley rcspond
ol briefly. Then the crowd passed
through tho parlor, to shako hands
with the guests of honor. Tho scene
was one of brilliancy seldom equalled.
Cincinnati, Ohio, June 2(1. Times
Stnr special fiom Canton says:
"McKinley and llnnna dony that any
Hslectlons have bcon mado for u na
tional executlvo committee except
that Quay has been offered tho chair
manship. There will also bonn
advisory commute. TI. IT. Kohlsaut
of Chicago will probably ho a member
of the advisory committee, also
Cornelius M. Bliss of New York,
Thomas McDougall, of Cincinnati,
had a long tnlk with McKinley last
night. It is said ho has been urged
for a phico on tho advisory committee.
Today Charles Emory Smith, of
Philadelphia, and Chris. Magco of
Pittsburg, urc here, und tho matter
of an advisor commltteo wasdlscussert
with them. McDougnll said there
was but one Issue, the tarl'T.
Allen the Evangelist.
A special feature of tho meetings
now In progress at tlio armory and
conducted by Rev. J. II. Allen, of
Oakland, California, will bo a series
of discoursc3,four In number, on "The
Times of tho Gentiles." Tlio series
will begin on Frldny evening, June
20th, and continue for four couisecu
tlvo evenings. The subject will be
divided as follews: Friday evening,
"What Is Meant by tho Times of the
Gentiles?" Saturday evening, Juno
27th, "How Long Is This Period!"'
Sunday evening, Juno 28th."Prophccy
Becomes History." Monday evening,
Juno 20th, "When Will tho Time
End?" If you are not interested you
can become so, and can bo convinced
if you get all the links in the chain.
Death of Eliza O'Connor,
f lm death of Miss Eliza O'Connor
occurred on Wednesday morning Juno
24, at tho residence of Mrs. Mary Hur
ley, near St. Louis. Miss O'Connor
was born In Ireland and wus about 48
years old. She has been In this coun
try a number of years. Tho cause of
deuth was a cancer. It is u strange
coincident that her sister Catherine
Darst died exactly ono year previous
to a day.
She leaves a small estate of several
hundred dollars. The funeral will oc
cur Friday morning at 10 o'clock at
tho St. Louis cemetery, from the bt.
Louis Catholic church.Gervals Star.
Portland, June 20. The dead
body of n man was found In tho river
this afternoon ut tho foot of Stark
street. The body bus been In the
river .some time. Not yet Identified.
Backlen'fl Arnica Salve
The best Salve lu the world for Cult,
Sores. Sortt, Ulcer, salt Kbeum, rever
and all Tetter. Cbpped handf, CbilUalm,
BruUei, Skin Eruption, and poillvely cure
Pile or no pay required. It is guaranteed to
Live ir fee satUfactlon or money refunded
Price 25 cent a box For sale by Fred A.
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castorl.
The Soldier's Home. t
Capt. S. 11. Ormsby, or the soldiers'
home board, wturnefl from Rosiburg
yesterday, where ho had been jm
olllclal business, and ho started Jf or
his, homo at, Silver Falls today. A
Journal reporter saw tho captain
font few moments, and ho reports
tho health of tho member or tlio
home us excellent, and ubout sixty
present, several irolng awny on fur
lough. Comrade Maniuts was -confirmed
by tho board us adjutant, vlt-c,
J. M. Flydn.lutcly dismissed. Speak
ing of divers reports mado by"-jjx-Adjutant
Flynn, Mr. OrmsbyUays
that after u thorough Investigation
by the board, there Is no cvldonVe
whatever of his complaints bcl)ig
rounded on rnets. On tho contrary,
while In such Institutions
there will always be u few
grumblers to make trouble, ptactlcal
ly the entire membership express
themselves thoroughly sntlslled with
their treatment, and they held tjhe
friendliest relations with nil the offi
cers of the Home. Tho board made a
thorough Inspection or tho now Ifcs
tiital bulldine. which Is under oW
structlon, and now ready for tho rBof.
They llnd the work being exccllerrlly
done and all the material used of ?ex
ceptlonally good quality, dipt. Orjns
by exprcssed-hlmself ns greatly pleased
with tho acquisition or this much
needed building, and with all the
work as far as, done. . l
Oregon Yearly Meeting of Friends'
- Newherq, Juno 21.
The devotional meeting at 8 o'clock
it. in. wus conducted by F. M. George,
of Portland, and wns u tlmo of bless
ing to nil presont.
At 10 o'clock the business meeting
was opened with scrlpturo reading by
Jas. Price, of Newborn, and prayer by
Elwood Scott, of Salem.
Tho followlmr clerks were elected:
Presiding clerk, Thos. Ncwlln; record
ing clerk, Sorcna B. llodsen: reading
clerk, Wm P. Smith; announcing
clerk, Euimor Hall, Tho state or
society was considered nt this time.
Greetings were lead from Geo. h nnd
S. P. Pound, Gardner, Or.
Epistles were read from Dublin1,
New York and Bultlmoie yearly meet'
ings. '
At 2 o'clock tho'dovotlmiut .x!Hjlsca
were conducted by Chns. Stalker, of
Westlleld, Indiana.
Epistles wcro read from Canada nud
Washington yearly meetings.
Tho general superintendent of tho
pastoral and church oxtonslon board
gave his report which Included a
blackboard diagram showing tho con
dition of each monthly meeting.
Thero havo been 0 rovlvul meetings
during the- year and 183 conversions.
There uro 12 monthly meetings In tho
state and thoy uro carrying on 13
homo missions. Thero arc 7 persons
preparing for tho ministry und 4 for
Tho dovotlonal meeting at 8 p. m
wus conducted by A. T. Ware recently
from Murshulltown, Iowa.
Jessie Nklbon.
Police Court,
The caso of Stato vs. Edward Babb
charged with tho larceny of some
liquor and W In cash was called in
pollco court at 1:30 this artcrnoon.
Tho derendant waived examination
nnd was bound over to tho grand Jury
In tho sum of 500,ln default or which
ho now boards with Sheriff Knight,
When Babb's caso had bcon concluded
a similar cliurgo against John Appcr
son, whois an accompllco of Babb,
was called. Ho also waived examina
tion und Is held under tho samo bond.
Win. Kaiser appeared for defendants.
Awful Massacres,
New Yobic, Juno 20. A World dls
patch from Capo Town says:
"Awful massacres nre reported near
Salisbury, Matabeleland. Murder
and looting arc prevalent In tho un
protected districts throughout tho
country. A British patrol 1"9 JU8t
hud a desperate fight with rebel na
tives, Seven troopers wero killed nnd
four wounded. Captains Bremer and
Graham wcro among tlio killed."
Choynslti's Challenges.
Ciiioaoo, Juno 20. Parson Davies
tonight posted $1,000 as an earnest
expression of his willingness to match
Choynskl against Sharkey for 15,000 a
sldo In a finish light. If Sharkey
does not desire- ft fight, Davies will
back Choynskl to stop Sharkey In
eight rounds. Ho also offers to back
Choynskl In eight rounds, the entire
gate receipts to go to the winner.
Expelled From Cuba.
Havana, Juno 20. -W. W. Guy, a
correspondent or tho New York
World, was. notified last, niguv mui no
had been expelled from the Island and
j must leave Cuba bythe .first steamer.
Gay will leavo Saturday.
Holds Its First County Con
vention Today.
At tho Armory Dclogatos Soloctcd
and Organization,
The ntus convention or the Union
Bimetallic party met at tho armory
promptly nt 11 a.m.
A largo national flag was placed
over tho pint form nnd another liug
waved gracerully over tho door.
I). C. Sherman called tho meeting to
order. In u few words statliitf nurnoso
of tho convention to bo nn effort to
unite tho peoplo against the slnglo
gold standard.
E. -P. Morcom, of Woodburn, was
made temporary chairman nnd Horace
Mann, or Stnyton, secretary pro tern.
Secretary rend call.
Amid great applause Col. C. J.
Cooper, or McMltinvIUc was escorted
to the plutform and Introduced.
On motion chair was authorized to
nnncilnt committee on atinortlouuient
of delegates, resolutions mid pernmut
Letters from Hon. J. B. Waldo,
Sylvester Peiinoyor, J. L. Hill and
others wore rcud.
It. P. Bolsowas Invited U8piikns
a m-omlucnt mnu In tho Populist
party, lie said tho People's party
had always Insisted that tho cause or
low prices was tho gold standard,
under tho Clevelnnd administration
the people had been educated rapidly
to tho necessity of n united effort.
Tho peoplo were going to get together
In spite of ull who would stnnd In
their way. A great and ratal mis
take would bo to let tho enemy dlvldo
the people and sot them lighting ono
another. Coxoy would have dono
bettor to keop his army at homo and
vote thnn to trump together on tho
grass to Washington. Applause. IIo
would Join with any party foi free
colnago and tho referendum. With
the hitter the peoplo could got nn
expression on nny law und govern
JudgoJ. R. Fulrbunk was Intro
duced ns a Democrat. Ho said ho
had been ono for forty years. Ho
had shouldored his musket when
Abraham Lincoln called for 000,000
men and ho had shown his slncorlty
and right to speak In any public
mooting. Ho had bcon chosen chair
man of the recent Democratic county
convention In Marlon county by all
elements. A largo majority of Dem
ocrats favored tho establishment of
bimetallism as against tho slnglo gold
standard and would bo found voting
with other loyal AmcrlcatiH to bring
this about.
Tlio Republicans had severely de
nounced Cleveland ror his gold stand
ard policy. NTow tho Republicans had
stolen Cleveland and his policy and
had removed an nwful load off their
shoulders Applause. Gentlemen,
you aro welcome to Cleveland and Ills
gold policy. Laughter and applause.
wore announced by tho chairman us
Resolutiens: W. T, Rlgdon, O. P.
Strain, L. W. Oulss, J. II. Fulrbunk,
It. P, Boise.
Appeintment: Jucob Voorhccs, J.
O. Bozorth, Geo. S. Downing, D. O.
Shermun, P. Glover.
Permant organizatien: E. Ilofer,
J. B. Dltnick, L. E.Pratt, J.B. Stump,
B, J. Sharp.
Short nnd. earnest speeches wore
made by Messrs, 0. J. Cooper und C.
W. Talmage, of McMlnnvllIe, and
li'ollowlng delegates were chosen to
tho stato convention or tho Union
Bimetallic convention to bo held at
MoMInnvllIc, July 0th:
J, II, Waldo, Maclcuy.
Amos Strong, Salem.
J. B. Dlmlck, Hubbard.
0. P. Strain, Ablquu.
D. C. Sherman, Salem,
Chas. Burggrar, Salem.
Chns. Corby, Woodburn.
It. i Bojse, Salem.
L. W. Gulss, Woodburn,
Geo. Weeks, Howell.
Henry Fletcher, North Salem.
D. E. Swank, Aumsvllle.
1. M, Wagner, South Salem.
J. M. Payne, Salem.
Thos. A. Cooper, Jefferson.
Horace Mann, Stuyton.
Geo. W, Downing, Salem.
1. It. Fairbanks, North Salem,
P. Glover. Sublimity.
Nick Miller, Woodburn. "
, T. L. Davidson, Yew Park.
reported and adopted recognize motity
as the paramount question before tho
people, and favors ah united effort of
the people to bring about freo coinage
of gold nnd silver at a ratio ot 10 to 1,
It wus before 1873, without consent of
any foreign nation.
It also declares that nil paper cur
rency shall bo issued direct by tho
national goverment without Interven
tion of banks.
1. A tariff for rovcntio Biiulolcnt to
meet national expenses with prolce
tlon to American muor una its pro
ducts. 2. Tho uso of both gold and sllvor us
standard money and not the gold
standard. And n discriminating
tariff against, gold standard countries.
3. No moro bonds. Postal saving
4. Election of United States hcim
tor by direct voto of tho people. ,
5. Close tho gatcj of Custlo Garden
against all tin-Amorlcaii Immigration,
nnd make "Old Glory," tho keeper of
tho peuco In tho western hemplshpre.
0. Cut off all extravagant legislative
appropriations for useless commis
sions, extra salaries of otllclals nnd
lobs, or cut tho political throat of tho
.man who refuses to do It when ho has
the opportunity.
7. This being n government of tho
people by the peoplo and for the pen
pie, wo therefore declare In favor of
such luwsas wlllciiublo tho peoplo to
express their will ror or against pro
posed legislation whenovcrpractlcablo
Thero wcro it number iff speeches
made by delegates und then tho con
vent Ion udjoiiriiod.
Wife Murderer Hanged.
Maiihiifiulu, Or., Juno 20. Carl
Albiccht wus hanged bore today lor
wUo murder.
Albrecht brutally murdered his
wire lust Jnnuury. Sho supported
him by taking by taking In washing
nnd because sho would not give him
nil tho money she euriicd ho killed her.
Tho execution was prlvato and passed
off without Incident.
Deported nn Paupers.
Washington, Juno 20. J.F.Rcovcs,
solicitor or tho treasury, decided to
day that tho II vo J upaticso woman re
cently brought to tho United States
rroni Yokohama for tho purpose of
prostitution could lo doportcd nt tho
expenso ol tho United States. Tho
women wero dolnyed at Port Towns-
end, Immigration tows prohibit tho
entry of such woman, but mako no
provision for their deportation. Tho
caso was referred to Washington by
tho collector at Port Townsend.
Business Melting Business
meeting or tho nltimni or Wlllamettcu
University at tho rcsldcnco of Mrs, J.
R. Sharp at 2 p. in. Saturday J una 27,
A full attendance Is desired.
home of the brldo's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Jacob Slcgmttnd, at
Klumb, Marlon county, Juno
1800. Miss Julia
M. Slegmund to
John M. English.
Misses Adda IrwInaiulEdim Knight
went to Independence on tho Elmore
this ufternoon, and will return to
morrow. Exempt Firemen. All members
should mcot tonight nt tho council
chambor at 8 o'clock, to consider the
Invltntlon of the Fourth of July com
mittee. Special Rates,
Sco Boise fc Barker, agents for tho
O. It. & N. und Union Pacific railways
regarding special round trip rates to
tho Republican national convention
at St. Louis, the Democratic national
convention at Chicago, Peoples party
convention at St. Louis, national con
vention Y. P. S. C. E. at Washington,
D. 0 National educational Associa
tion at Buffalo, N. Y and G. A. U.
uatldnal encampment ut St. Paul,
Call for Warrants.
Countv Treasure's )
Office, Marion Countv. j
Notice is iioreby given that I havo
funds on hand to pay all warrants Is
sued, up to Aug. 1, 1805, and Interest
on tho samo will stop from ditto of
this notice. Jap Minto,
County Treasurer,
Dated Juno 11, 1800.
0 8d w
H'b In Town,
You'll bo surprised.
Won't "yellow tho clothes,"
Won't burn your hands.
Nothing equals It.
Bettor than soap,
Extra largo packages.
Soap Foam wi
ashing Powder. John
Highest of all is Lc avsfe
Directed Upon Persons and Things Prom
inent Before the Public.
John McKlnney's friend's don't
sconi to bo nfrald of 30-Jcnt suits.
Would tho consentof England mako
it fb-cont dollar worth a hundred
If free silver Is wrong In principle,
how can nn International agreement
mako It right?
According to tho bosses Oregon Re
publicans had a Populist platform in
1800, It was for free silver.
Tho bui bora who work from twelve
to sixteen hours a day deserve u Sun
day off If any working men do.
"Tlilslstlie year or tho people."
U.-S. Senator and Corporation Lawyer
Thurston In nominating McKinley.
Tho Woodburn Hidependont Uone
or tho row country papers that prints
tho Republican national platform It
takes four columns.
The most Interesting sight on the
streets these days Is to see Mr. City
Goldbug buttonholing Mr. Silverman
from tho country and convincing him
or tho error of hid ways. v
Tho St, Loula Deinocrnt, ro-gold, re
grets that Prcsldont Clovelund has by
extending tho .lvU scrvlco placed
43,000 more olllccs where ho cannot
uso them to tight tho "sliver folly"
A cull has been Issued for the organ
ization of it freo sliver party lu Michi
gan. Tho convention will bo hold
July X), ut Lansing und four delegates
will bo elected to attend tho National
Silver convention at St. Louis,
July 22.
It has been uscortalned that ont of
C81 Gorman newspapers, 501 favor tho
gold standard, 37 uro for freo coinage
of sllvor and 43 aro doubtful. It Is u
queer thing that all the Socialist
newspapers printed lu tlio uoriuan
languago uro for gold.
Somebody Is offering a prlzo to the
man who will tell tho difference bo
tweon u gold Republican and a gold
Domocrat. Somobody olso wantB to
know tho difference In tho political
beliefs of Grover Cleveland and J.
PIcrpont-Morgan. N. Y, Manhattan.
Miss Juno Roso lias been driven off
the track for tho present by tho sweet
girl gruduuto with her essay tied In a
pretty bluo ribbon. God bless them
nnd bles.i tho young man graduate
who drags from his lair the dust
covered llomun emperors. . Thoy aro
great men to him und possess actual
There bus not-been such nrallylngof
Democrats slncotho days of -Thomas
Jefferson, us Just ut this time. From
near aud far thoy como at tho sound
of tht freo silver buglo. Ono class of
LDomocrats wants to split tho party
ond elect MoKlnley. Still another
class wants to make a light for gold
at Chicago and then fall In with the
freo sllvor hosts,
Tho sneors of tho Orcgonlau and
Salem Statesman cast at old man
Tellor and his associates on account
of his dhipluy of genuine feeling, at
not being nblo to-stuy with tho action
of tho Ropubllcau party, is despicable.
Sonntor Teller has always been a
sound protectionist and outapokon
blmotalllst, constituting as good a
Republican as the Yasclllutlng editors
of tho above named papers. Mcdford
The Statesman goes to great length
to show how cheap wageaaro In Japan
a sllvor country. Tho fact is that In
flvo years Japan has extended her for
eign commorco a hundred millions, Is
building moro manuractures and rail
roads than wo aro, Is securing capital
from ull over tho world, has risen
from a flfth-rato naval power, to a
second-rater: and what 19 best ot all,
hor laborers aro gottlng doubh f;t
thoy wero flvo years ago. As Bryan
says, tho yellow man with tho white
moians oeaung mo wimw uwu ntw
mo ycuow iuuiui.
Fsw - LaM U. S. Gw't Rsfect