Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899, June 09, 1896, Image 3

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    i 111 1 in in
.ntloiielv watch declining hoalth of
cir daughters. So maay aro cut off
L conMimpllon In early years that
i. ere is cnl cftU8 ,for anW' J"
, cirly stages, when not beyond
, ,, reach of medicine, Hood's Snrsn-
rilli will rcstoro tho quality and
mnnl'ity of tho blood and thus glvo
ShcflHIi. Head the following letter :
ii it Is but Just to writo about my
d.ogbtrr Cora, aged 19. She was. com
oletclr run do,vn declining, had that tired
Lilne. and frlcnda'sald alio would not
live over tnrco uiuutun " .
,nd nothing seemed to do Jicr any good.
1 happened to read nbout IIoof a Sarsupa
,IU nd had licr give It a trial. From tho
very first dose shu began to get bettor.
After taking a low bottles she was com
pletely cured and her health haa been tho
ttjt ever bIiicc." Mub. AdDik Feck,
12 ltallroad Place, Amsterdam, N. Y.
"I nlll say that my mother kas not
ttcd my caso in as strong words as I
would have done. Hood's Barsaparilla
hJ truly cured mo and I am. now well."-
Cora I'kck, Amstcraam, jn. x.
Be sure to get Hood's, because.
lithe One Trno Blood Purifier. All druggists. 91,
Prepared only by C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Bins.
i. ii i-!ii are purely veBftnble, re
HOOU S Fills liable and beneficial. 25c
Itrj HtiiiWIwii lint Tlmrinnuietor t
lli-lutr Zoio.
Tho barn was not an expensive ono,
but would hold 100 head of Ktock and
was cut into n haulc with u slopo so that
the ilrnlnngo was porfoct. 1 jot down
what tho dairyman told u during the
afternoon whilo ho was caring for hie
itock. Every cow penned to know hoi
owner as a friend no haste, no rude
noise, startled her. "Last summer," said
tho fanner, "I raised omo corn fodder,
millet anil oat rind pea hay, with some
carrots and sugar hecta for a chango of
food. I contract tarty for my bran and
buy it cheap. Sly cows all como in fresh
in September nnd October, going dry
through ilytime. I begin feeding them
at once to Veep up their flow of milk
while buttor is high. I liovor Bell for less
than 25 cents, and often 40 oonts pci
"I pat my cows up' nights as soon as
frost comes and feed inillot, hay and
bran. Now. during tho cold of winter I
get up at half past 0 in tho morning, go
to the bam and givo tho cows their
grain feed, consisting of bran, ground
toats and peas in tho proportion of eight
quarts of bran, four of oats and ono of
peas, or often chango to one of new
process oilmeal. Then at 0 o'clock wo
milk, running tho milk through a hand
separator, feeding my calycs and pigs
the new sweet skimmilk. Thon I glvo a
good feed of corn fodder and let my
cows alono till noon, whon I wntor them.
They finish up all the fodder or millet In
their mangers and Ho down to chow
their cuds till half past 4, when I again
feed them a smaller grain ration supple
mented with four quarts of chopped
roots, and at half past 5 go to milking,
finishing in ono hour.
"Myself, boy and hired hand do tho
aillring. 1 treat tho milk as in the
doming and then fill tho mangera with
millet or oat and pea hay, first cleaning
nt every bit of rubbish left iu their
mangers, using it for bedding. I neg
lected to say I clean their stablos every
morning, hauling tho offal nd Httoriout
on the field and Fcattcring from -each
Ho was asked if his cows ought not to
m fed oftoner. 'No,' said ho, "cows,
ith their quadmplo stomachs, noed
jauck longer to digest their food. Nei
ther do I rouso them up at 3 or 4 o'clock
la tho morning. I find from observation
those hours nro their very best for bleep
g. Neither do I ht them put through
no winter unless Jt is on Bomo especial
7 bright, sunshiny dny. Thon I find
ttteyare reulj to return to their stalls
"But do j on not fmd yonr feed nrotty
"No, not vry. I feed about 40 pounds
Wrdayof rough stuff. Onodialf is choaj
"raw costtng nothiug but tho hauling.
wrasij t.io oats und peus opt to uso
"' i uguro unit my grain fued
roo-s l(t mo 20 cents ier day; hay,
centra I Aa of 25 cents iwr day. My
"iJ-Ik und manure mow than juy all
re una otliCr MIieilge3 i feea extn
"jy.for tits is a cold climate, and J
" much mdk fgr my calyes.' My
wvrs avtrajrc mo COO pounds-of-butter
iJUYf,1'1' a fits cnlf- They are
tC..,1''' ""Steins, crossed upfroro
ct dairy cows I conld flud. I clear
Sm JW 3'ea' MyP'e.calves,.
LT ; clt W a11 cxienses, so I can
y "P Ur my work nhmit -?fWl tw.
Jei, ,Besii3e8 y farm is getting better
inrrt "i. tho larG amount of manure
CL' Wln,ter-"W. P. Wade Is
""nain Aari-nlturist.
iUnaoor at An r Ct.it.
penn&n"ctf ftt Sing aing-wero
SS,W..welcom now Rrriv,
Mieuartnnn.: ----
of j, 7 ' cuKBesieu by Urn name
their;vr,ifm IP1 stibition,
wK"f would probl
VcetarUn Bulldog.
I Jim Bojes, n San Francisco gentle
man who keeps what is known an tho
Golden Show butcher shop, has twp
vogotablo oatlng bulldogs, who lmvo
managed to live and thrive on potatoes,
carrots, turnips, tabhago and other va
rletics of vogotahlqs, together with a
mtio rrult occasionally by way of dcs
sort. Paddy, tho mnlo dog, 0 years of
ago, has boon living on grcon goods for
about flvo yoars, whilo Nellie, tho mate,
has oaten tho food slnco her ncqunlut
anco with Paddy, which is of nbout two
yoars' standing. Mr. Boyes recently fod
tho dogs In tho prosonoo of an Esamlnor
reporter. Ho throw a big Early Roso po
tato down tho sidewalk, and Paddy
reaohed tho prlzo first, took it In his
mouth, bit it iu two plccos nnd dropped
Mr again. Nolllo took tho largest picco
and ato every fragment Paddy thon
took tho othor half and gulped it down
t vholo.
"Ho doesn't caro much for potatoos,
but ho will eat them if Nellio docs, '
Bald Mr. Boyes. "You must not Imng
Ino that ho broko tho potato In two as
an aot of chivalry. Hp probably thoujM
it was a turnip."
As Intimated by Mr. Boyos, Paddy
profors turnips and always "pools thorn
hlmsolf. Mr. Boyos then throw Paddy
a whlto turnip about tho size of his list.
Tho dog caught it ,'n his mouth, rolled
It around a few moments, spit out a
handful of pool and quietly munrhl
tho tondor heart with as much relish as
Ward MoAlllstuE would dissect a ten
derloin. His mato used tho samo caro
whilo eating her turnip, but swallowed
tho potatoes skin and all. San Fran
cisco Call.-
A King runt.
In this city recently the possessor of
diamond ring requostod a friend to
tako tho ring to n ropntablo houso nnd
borrow $10 upon it. Tim friend com
plied and hoon returnod with tho mon
ey. Tho riug was placed in tho safo by
tho man who famished tho cash, thoro
to romaiu until it should ho rudcomed.
'Later on No, 9 who pawnod tho ring
for No. 1, concluded thnt ho would llko
to havo $10, and as tho ring was a val
uable ono ho returned to tho mau with
tho safo and nskod for tho mouoy, whloh
was readily furnlshod, tho safo mau
(apposing tho ring helougod to No. 2,
tho man who pawned it, Nps. 1 and 2
now had $10 each, provided thoy had
not spent it, which Is moro than likoly.
Lator on it linppoucd that tho safo man
went homo for tho night, nnd his placo
was takou by another. Tho Bocond safo
man know nothing about tho transac
tions of tho first safo mau coucoruiug
tho diamond riug. When nuothor man
(No. 3) presented hlmsolf and courteous
ly stated that ho had left n ring in tho
chargo of tho first safo man and desired
to got it, tint second safo mau, being
oonviucod that tho ring bolonged to No.
8, handed out tho glittoriug oirolo cf
gold without unnecessary dolay. No. 3,
on obtaining possession of tho ring,
found that ho also needed sonio monoy,
and at onco. Ho therefore lost no timo
in putting up tho ring at his unclo's
for an equivalent In coin of tho roalm.
Tho result: Tho first safo mau is out
$20. No. 1 is out a diamond ring and
owes $10. No. 3 is ahoad $10. No. 8 is
ahoad all ho could got on tho ring.
Holona Indopoudout.
Hartford thinks it has dono pretty
tvoll for American litoraturo in having
boou tho homo of Mrs. Sigdurnoy, Har
riot Becohor Stowe, Isabella Booohor
Hooker, Mark Twain, Oharlos Dudloy
Wamor, William Gillotto, tho play
wright, Noah Webster and many othom
Tho Jows woro oommanded to cole
brato a juhiloo foast, or national holi
day, ovory 60 yoars. All Jows in bond
ago to their; brethren went free on t. s
A L'iont Maiden.
MUo. Jonjon visited one dny a vil
lafro church and began to sing with
kor usual enthusiasm. Thoro was a
powerful echo in tho old church, aud
oach sound, that sbo uttered was dis
tinctly repeated. This did not dis
turb her in tho least, for Bho nt once
oxclaimcd, "It is only tho good God
vlioifl nnnworintr mcv" Paris Fiirnro
Tn curincr con
sumption there's
notmngllke taking
Time by the fore
lock. Doctors say
consumption can't
be cured; they
have arguments to
rrnvU. Thltwlietl
lhey6ee it cured
'right under their
Dr. Pierced Golden Medical Discovery,
they admit that there's something -wrong
nbout their arguments and something
wonderful about the "Discovery," It
Isn't miraculous. It won't cure every
case ; but it cures a suprlsingly large per
centage of cases , even when the patient
is pretty for gone with a bad cough, and
bleeding from the lungs, and reduced al
most to a shadow. Cottsumptton is a
Mood disease. The lungs want a fresh
supply of pure rich blood and plenty of
it : thit is what the "Golden Medical Dis-
covwr B. ... ",-.-r ,r-.
power to produce a large quantity of the
sourMii d c011""10?
healthy Iffe-giving blood. This stops the
wasUng; drives out the impurities: beahi
the ulceratioa and begins a rapid bmld-iug-up
process of solid, substantial fiesb
tad vital energy. ,
It ka't only consumptives wno neeu
the tHwwvery." It cures every form of
chronio bloodUwasc and all scrofulous
aad eruptive aSectioae.
M. Isaac K. Dowjw, of String VnUty, Xeci
laHdOmnly, N. K. write :"' For three y r I
v-ree' Orfda Medical DfaOTcrr I iMd X tt4
JwSto ?2rAIS4 sot rie nor Ttt.J3
man tltteT wWW to dk to ke oatot Joy mUy.
S.rJSSltotetr iwloped tbemKlvt.
wk tytkT' wSoT'Todcy tig Ibc
erv lua lo cared my duMer o a Tjr oa
Sir totedinthV thigh. Afterti7ior.'d
ewythlfl wtthout success we V". 5?
tattfcs of vow 'DiKOttty' which healed it
unvefl ine dioou muitiuK iui-.-
SCTfcctiy," yours truly,
fii-a.a.S c''r2)
for Infants and Children.
HIRTY years' otnervntlon ef
mllUoBs of persons, pwrmlt
It Is aaqnostlonaTily the test remedy tor lafaats aaJ CklldroH
the, world hns over known. It la harmless. Children Ilka It. It
gives them health. It -prill savo their lives. la It Metkers have
something -grhlob, is nhsolntely safo aad praotloally yeyfeot as a
child's nedlolae.
Castorla destroys Wjorms.
Oasteria allays Foverlshncss.
Castorla proveats vomiting Soar Cnrd.
Castorla cores Plarrhroa and "Wind Colle, " "
Castorla rollevos Teething Tronhlcs.
Castorla onres Constipation and flataleaby.
Castorla aeatrallnes tho effoots of carhoalo aold gas or poljonons air,
Castorla does aot contain morphine, oplnm, or other aarootlo property.
Castorla asslmUates tho food, rcgnlatcs tho stomaoh and bowels.
Riving healthy and natural sloop.
Castorla is pat ap In one-sko bottles only. It is not sold la hoik.
Poa't allow any one to sell yoa anything else oa the pica or promise
that it is "jnst as good" aad "will aastrer every parpose."
See that yon trot C-AS-T"Q-R-I-A.
Tho fao-slmllo
signature of
Children Cry for
Through Tickets
5 -.
Union Pacific Systeimi
Through Pullman Palace Sleepers. Tourli
Sleepers and Freo Reclining Chairs dally
Our trains are heated bv steam and ;
lighted by PinUch light.
Time to Chicago, 3 i-S Jays
fTime to New York, 4 1-2 days.
Which is many hours quicker than com
petito'8. ....
For rates, time tables and full information
apply to
Agents, Salem, 0.
General Agent DUt.Pa..Agent
J13S Third Street, Portland.
ont-tiAW sue op box.
I hss been Uw. 4sndsrd for fortr resrs snd '
. is more popuisr unisr iosa ever uvtuir.
1 ( 1 ha Mul nnmnleiion nowder bssatUrlnc. I
1 " r-T : r . . .. - . . r. .
rsrrtunnf, cinir, oesiioiui sua juranu. .
I A delictus, , IbtUIoIs protecuon to the see. j
VtttU every box of rozzttnirtt a wag" d
UBS tm Kla freo ot eu"c.
. j aacrlcan
Agency for
rassur msirl. I
- t30PTaHT w
yor I-' nation end free Uandbook : writs to
out t bureau for ecnrtn pawnu la America.
LrrrSimtkeatbyuU broufht Utor.
gtimMxt mttm
LintMt elreolelVm of T Klentlfto psrwr U th
ZiKU,3tl trwuj , XorltClty,
Wv VbbbV j bsbbV
Castarlo wttk the gaia-MKa cf
us to qpoak cf it rltkoat gaesilng.
. is oa every
Pitcher's Castorla.
HW iriinfHVi
'ullman Sleeping Cars
; Elegant. Dinino" Cars
Tourist Sloeuin Carb
To bt. Paul, Minneapolis, Duluth, rargo,
.Grand Forks, Crookston, Winnljieg,
Helena and llutte,
To Chicago, Washington, Philadelphia, New
York, lloston, and all Points
;Eait anJ South
For Information, time cards, mapj an
tickets, call on or writo r
265 Commercial srreet, Salem, Or.
A. D. Charlton, AJt. Gen'l. Pats. Act.,
Morrison St., corner Third Portland, Or.
Eastern R, R. Company
"Connecting ot Yamiina lUy with the S
Francisco Ac Vaqulna llay Steamship Co.
Sails from Yaaulna every 8 days for San
Francisco. Coos llay, Port Orford, Trinidad
And Humbolt Hoy.
Passenger accommodations nnsurpaited.
Shortest route between the Willamette valley
and California,
Fare from Albany or pointt Jwest to Ban
Franciscoi Cabin, 6: iteerage, MttoCoo.
Bay and Port Orford, cabir. 6; to llumlwldt
hay, cabin J8; round trip, good Co days, pe
Steamers Albany" and "Wro. M. Hoag,"
newly furnbked, leave Salem daily, except
Saturdays, al 11 a m., anlvlng at Portland
thessmedayat 5 p. m. Keturnlng boats
leave Portland tame day as above at 0 a. a,,
arriving at Salem at 3 P " ,
EDWIN 8TONE, Manager. Cervallls, Or.
J. C. MAYO, bupt. River DivUion.
M. P.IiALDWIN, Local Agent.Altona Dock
t, 1
KftJT'ifi r!
u 1 r U v
. lural d
sw m-rwy wa 1
A .iisufJ I J IisVl
ii .11. lnnU;i
il.llvu vr ujc'lr
ui 1. . v II s lutv
' mt i.1 alrCafafO. IMA
a .. -.. I VtAA lli
rsifiisfittria. t" "
Hun lutriUKtuI
KaiiX by DruriU,
or "bl la Ula wrsfffr
t(M. or 3 UllU., ii7V
UrcuUr scat oa um.
The Gapital Journal
docs not do 11 lottery business to swell
Its circulation; but In addition to
giving value received, It gives Its sub
scribers valunblo premium?.
Now is tlio timo to orucr your reuu
lug mutter, und It will pay you to no;
Mm Mm fnlldwlmr sncciul oliors.
Any one of tho following live peri
odicals free, ono year, to nny sub
scriber of THE JOURNAL who pays
81.50 In advunco for the dnlly, by car
rier, three months (50 conte ti month)
or by mall six months. (25o a month)
or tho weekly 18 months, (el a year.
tho best 10 pago Illustrated fashion
magazlno of New York freo for one
year. The abovo prices arc net cash,
and the cheapest combination over of
fered. Tho AQuccn" la a high-class
prnctlcal, homo magazine.
lie ClI Garden.'
Tho delightful Chicago children's
magazine. Just tho thing to read to
tho llttlo ones of tho homo circle. It
brings tho kindergarten Into tho
homo. Song, games and story, Ilcaii
tlfully Illustrated, $1 a year, Pub
lished bv tho Kindergarten Litoraturo
A practical farm paper, edited by n
start ot experienced agricultural
writers, contributed to by tho best
known agriculturists of tho country,
It contains what tho farmer wants.
A handsome, attractive, .homo pa
per, to which every woman will glvo
a hearty welcome.
That 'great1 national newspaper,
which Is knowii.to ovcrybody-
A book by J5. llofer, on' the rotten
primary Bystcm.prlco 25 cents. Can.bo
had instead of any of tho nlxivo premiums,
on op
Wild !
For 25c
Dally 0110 montli. ' 'Weekly thrco
months, '
50 Cents
will get you the Dally until after
election, or tho Weekly until Janu
ary 1, 1807.
Our Great Features
THE JOUKNALIspro-cniliicntly
a papor for th people, 1 11 news, poli
tics and editorial opinions.
Farm Department
THE JOURNAL does not protend
to be an agricultural paper, but
keeps up a well-edited farm depart
ment, by a competent farmer, who
knows tho needs of. tho Oregon
fanner. It also contains correct
market reports.
Woman's Department
A largo volume of social nowa and
good nomo matter 01 interest 10 tuo
icmlnlnopartof tho family Is ono
of tho attractlvo features of THE
JOURNAL, tho only nowsnapcr In
Oregon employing a lady editor.
Youth's Department
Tins featuro is ono or great vaiuo
to a fnmllv with boos and ulrls.
THE JOURNAL will not publish
wishy-washy stuft In thla depart
ment, imt good, bracing matter, of
an entertaining and educating char
acter. A Modern Newspaper
TUi'j .lUuniNAU is mo nrstiiiiu
and only paper In Oregon to meet
tho hard times by reducing tho prlco
nnd bending out only what papers
aro paid for lu advance, and runs
no bills. All papers are stopped
when tho timo expires. This Is im
portant, and you should tako tho
bciiotltof It, Instead of paying out
more monoy for poorer papers. Sub
scribe now, nnd fntorcst your friends
In THE JOURNAL, If they nro not
already taking IU
State, County and Local News
The largest amount for tho least
money. Ir you can't get monoy order"
or draft, Just enclose tho currency or
silver. Wo receive hundreds of loi
ters with silver enclosed, and never
lost a cent that way. Read our
premium list belew:
Of nny of theso publications fcan bo
had by calling at THE JOURNAL
otllco or dropping us n postal card. CD
Ally two of the iiIkjvo periodicals
can bo secured by paying $3 nnd tak
ing THE JOURNAL twlco as long as
required to secure ono. ,
When tho extremely low prlco of
THE JOURNAL is considered, this
will 1m found the most liberal offer
matlo by any paper on tho coast.
Oil Bl
Sallm, .- Orepfon.
.1 '
Shasta Route.
Southern. .Pacific Co,
California Express TrainRun dan between
romanu ana oatl rrancisco.
8150 p. m.
11:00 p. m.
10145 a. m.
W. Portland si,
Iv Salem Iv.
ar. San Fran. Iv,
Above trains itoo at Rflaf IWilan.l nr.nn
City, Wcdburu, Salem, Turner, Maifon,
letrerson, Albany, Albany Junction, Tangent
Kliflfla llfllt.u llilat....M T .!-.. ?...
LuKene, Grcswell, Drain, and all stations
from Roicburg to Ashland, Inclusive,
kuskuuru MAIL DAILY,
8:30 a.m.
11:00 n.m.
5:20 p.m.
Iv. Salem lv.
4:40 n.m.
2:20 p.m
8:00 a.m.
ar. ltoscu'g lv.
1:00 p.m.
0:15 p.m.
lv-Portland ar.
ar. Salem lv.
10:15 a.m.
8:00 n.m.
PULLAf AN ' IlUlf KtiT5" HntaPKR
and second-class sleeping cars attached to nil
inrougii trains.
Between Portland and Corvallii, dally (ex
cept Sunday.)
7130 a.m.
12:15 pm.
I.v. Portland, Ar7
Ar. Corvallii. I.v
6120 p. m,
HJ5 P-rn.
At Albany nnd Corvallls connect with
Irams of Oregon Central & Eastern Railroad,
Express train dally excej t Sunday,
4145 ! m
7'5 P- '"
I.v, Portland Ar,
Ar. McMinville Lv
8135 a. m,
5:50 a. m.
to all points In the Eastern States, Canada
and Europe can be obtained at lowest ratei
from W.W. SKINNER, Agent, Salem.
E. P. ROGERS. At. G. F. & P. A..
rortiano, ur.
R. KOEHLER, Manager.
jo, 11
k Si. Paul By.,
Of the Chicago, "Milwaukee andt. Paul
Railway and note Its connection with all
transcontinental lines at St. Paul and Omaha,
and romember when golnc cut that Its trains
are lighted with electricity and heated by
steam, Its equipment Is superb. Elegant
UulTet, library, smoking and sleeping cars,
with free reclining chairs. Each sleeping
car beithlias an electric reading lamp, and
Its dining cars are the best In the world,
Other Unco are loncer than this, but none
are shorter, and no oilier offers the above lux.
urlous accommodation!. These are sufficient
rcatons for the popularity of "The Mllwau.
kee," Coupon ticket agents In every rail,
road office will give yon fuither Information,
or address
Zfl. I. EDDV. General Agent,
J, W. CASEY, Tray. Taw. Agent.
0. R. k N. CO.
' U
Two 'Transcontinental
Via Spokane Minneapolis Si'l'aulatid Den
vur Omaha and Kansas CIly.fcLow rates to
eaitern cities,
Portland Sao Kiandsco.
Steamers leave Alnsworth dock. Portland
May 17, 32, 37 and June 1,6, 11, 16, 21, 36
tare Cabin, 95; steerage, (2,50.
' WFortlandwEugene.
Steamers Ruth and Elmore for 'Portland
dally except Sunday at 10 a, m, ''
Vot Corvallls dally except Sunday at ,3130
For Eugene Monday and Thursday at Sijo
Lowest freight and passenger rates, Round
trip tickets very cheap. Tickets sold and
baggage checked through tn all points with,
out extra transfer charges,
Fot full details call on Dois & Darker
agents, Salsm, Oregon, or address.
Gen'l Pas. AgU Portland, Or,
For full details call on or address
Foot of Tradeit. Local gent.
CXRTETI'APER-Large lot o( heavy
brown 1
wn wrapping paper for sale clean. ' lust
thlna for putting under, carwts, Call at
the I
1 rii I
"" 0rt "MaWAUKtCMlJ