Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899, May 25, 1896, Image 1

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VvL 8.
JtfO. 1141
Made in Salem
m i
Men's Suits,
-spnno and. Summer
Sizes 35 to 44,
Sizes 13 to 19,
i i
iovs rnee
Directed Upon Persons Prominent Before
the Public.
The last week before election, Mr.
Having llccced tho rich Herrmann
will now heal tlio poor.
That poor woman and the baby
were too much for Roland Grant.
There Is nt least lots of grass for
Coxey to tread on In Western Oregon.
The fusionlsts In this county need
the services of Herrmann tho Healer.
J. N. Dolph Is engaged In his proper
capacity defending Chinese smug
glers. Itev. Dr. Briggs Is to
tlon. Ills controversy
go on.
a vaca
howovor There Is no politics left in Douglas
county. It is nil A. P. A. Tho edi
tors up there must bo proud.
Having left tho Pops, there is great
curiosity to know who Governor
Fletcher's Post nnd Independent will
support this week.
The man who straddles un issue or
dodges tho people, will not be much
sought after on election day. Mark
that, Mr. Candidate.
If Jeff Myers writes another
to the Statesman Tongue and
derburg may as well make up
mind to stay at home.
Herrmann the healer: Wo do
not j
object to your robbing the wealthy In
the name of animal magnetism. Hut
for God's sake spare tho poor.
The American minister Brecken
rldgo in knickerbockers .at the coron
ation of the Czar is a sight to make
angels weep. AUainy Democrat
Tho Salem editor who called a man
a liar to his face should learn a lesson
and hereafter do It at a long rango
between column rules. Albany Dem
ocrat. Pennoyer will bo mayor with a
whoop. That Simon charter with a
commission of five self-perpetuatUig
lords was a corker on the commission
D. Soils Cohen will have to get a
legislature to change his name or
Part it somewhere besides in the
middle before ho gets to bo mayor of
(Read the names of some of the
Wind money" fallen angels who
grace the petition with those of Scott
Polph, Simon nnd all tho Portland
Fo"r Hundred.'
Jf . Teal, tho lawyer and expert
accountant of the Portland commit
tee ofioo now gefunct, didn't leave
"arveyScotta leg to stand on In
Sunday's Oregonlan.
by Salem People 2C
au -
Carson should bo beat; he charges
high feesi Mr. Carson's lawyer ene
mies, who oppose his election as dis
trict attorney, say he charges high
fees! Gentlemen, dig up n lwtter
argument. Where Is tho lawyer who
doesn't? Only such as can't get them.
Mr. Carson has gained a rank which
gives him better fees than some men
who were In the profession before ho
was, and thoso men of course aro
opposed to him. A pretty good en
dorsement. They Did NotGo. Two of Salem's
little street, nrabi wished to attend
tho Independence races Saturday but
bctng-wlthout tlio ncccessary sliver,
pony or bicyclo.thcy were In rather a
discouraging position. At last they
thought of a plan that would bo quite
economical to themselves provided
they could carry It into execution.
Accordingly they were nbout the O.
C. T. Company's dock Saturday morn
ing just before tho Steamer Runionn.
left for Independence with a load of
excursionists. Just before tho boat
pulled away from the dock tho two
llttlo fellows had disappeared. Just
before reaching Independence tho llt
tlo fellows were discovered hidden In
tho merchandise. Tho boat crew re
moved, the hats and coats from the
boys pending tho payment of their
faro but slnco that had not put in an
appearance when the passengers and
freight had been unloaded, tho boys
were brought to baioin. xt is not like
ly they will repeat tho experiment In
the near future at least.
Mass Meeting As already an
nouueed tho university mass meeting
will occur Wednesday evening, May
27. Tho call for this meeting comes
from a number of tho leading citizens
and business men or tho city. A good
program of speeches nnd muslo will
render tho occasion highly enjoyable,
and Salem will have a royal oppor
tunity to show her devotion to old
Wlllumcttoby turning out en masso
to hear what may bo done for the en
largement! or muir uuiuyvu tuneu.
Come everybody. No personal sub
scriptions to embarnss, no selllsh pur
pose to bo gained. Look for an
nouncement of speakers tomorrow.
In the Mountains. Sunday morn
ing early Col.tT. Olmstead, N. J. Fer
roll, Frank Haas and Elmer White,
started out overland for their Mount
ain home, up near Detroit, to spend a
few days. Tho boys will look after
their respective farms, catch flsh and
enjoy a llttlo well-earned recreation.
Of course, all their city friends will
ent trout when they return.
Bucklea'a Arnica Salve
The best Salve In the world for Cut,
Sores, 6oks, Ulcen, Salt Kheinn, Fever
and all Tetter. Chapped handi, Chilblains,
Bruises, Skin Eruptions, and positively cures
Plies or no pay required. It Is guaranteed to
live per fee satisfaction or money refundeu.
Price as cents a box For sale by Fred A.
Tho Schuberts tonight. Admis
sion 50 and 25 cents.
When Baby was sick, wo fare ber Castoria.
When ate Ucamo Mlw, aha clung to Caatorta.
Wfcea aho bad Chflirea, aha gate them Castori
The Schuberts tonight, do not miss
the best thing of the season.
Children Cry fo
Pitoher's Castoria.
jC J J
the Local Contest With
the Y, M. C, A,
Track in Poor Condition-Good
Time Made,
"Willamette unlvcrclty 0T polnfs;
Y. M. C. A. 51 points," kucIi was tlio
aunoiuiecincnt made at the close of i
the local Held day contests at 0 o'clock
.Saturday ovenlmr. Owlinr to threat -
ened rain a vervsmnll crowd iritt.lioiwt
to witness the contests but enthus
iasm was not In tho least lacking.
The truck was In an exceedingly bad
condition which greatly InteiTorreu
in making good time. The bicycle
races were not very Interesting, tho
Y. M. C. A. boys havlnir It almost
their own way. There were four of
them to the Willamette wheelman,
Win. Ogle, who Is deserving of much
praise for his pluck and stluk-to-lt-Ive-uess.
There was considerable
dissatisfaction expressed concerning
tho decision or the Judges In the 220
hurdle race. It was-decided In favor
of Southwlck although the greater
part ot tho audience declared Blttner
to have won tho race. A tall when
leaping over the last hurdle Is all that
prevented Shulse, who was about
twenty rcet ahead of all others, rrnm
winning this nice. The music Turn
Ishcd by the popular II. A. C. band
formed u pleasant part or the after
noon's entertainment. This Is a
musical company of which Salem may
Justly feel pioud.
The mllo walk was won by Sonne
man, (Y.M. C. A.) In 8 minutes and 18
seconds; Van Winkle (W. U.) second,
Crossiin, (Y. M.C. A.) third.
Brown, (W. U.)won tho hnlf-mllo
race, closely followed by Winters, (Y.
M. C. A). Time 2:02 Ashcnbrcnncr,
(W. U.) third.
Tho prettiest rnco of tho afternoon
was the 100 yards dash which wax won
by lit-Gulss (W U.) who found a close
second fii It.W.WIlllnms,(W.U.) Tlmo
11 seconds; Baker and Tarplcy, or tho
Y. M. 0. A., tied ror third place.
Scott (W. U.) came right to tlio
front In tho polo vault. Ho cleared
the pole at a height of 0 feet; Chase,
(Y. M. C. A.) second; Blttner, (W. U.)
Babcock (Y. M. C. A.) won'tho ham
mer throw. Distance 05 feet 7 Inches;
Van Winkle (W. U.) second; Calllsbn
(W. U.) third.
Gulss(W. U.) won tho 120 hurdle
race In 20 seconds; Hlbbard (W.U.)
second; Blttner (W. U.) third.
But Mncey (Y. M. C. A.) won tho
high Jump at 6 feet 2 Inches; Dlsque,
(Y. M. C. A.) second; Wilson, (W. U.)
Tho two mile bicycle race was won
byGrllley (Y. M. C. A.) In 0:221;
Shlpp (Y. M. C. A.) second; Oglo (W.
U.) third. Since Oglo did not return
on the insldo track at tho end of the
race, ho was not given tho point he
would otherwise have obtained.
Babcock (Y. M. C. A.) put tho shot
31 feet 8 inches, thereby winning over
his competitors. Fisher (W. U.) sec
ond; Calllson (W. U.) third.
B. W. Williams (W. U.) crossed the
tape llrst In tho 440 yard race In one
minute 51 seconds; Brownell (W. U.)
second; Llvesay JW. U.) third.
The 220 hurdfo race was a very
pretty sight.' Tlio Judges gave the
raco to Southwlck (Y. M. 0. A.)
Tlmo 32 seconds. Blttner (W. U.)
second; Wilson (W. U.) third.
Winters (Y. M. 0. A.) won the mllo
run In 525. Wllklns (W. U.) second;
Max Miller (W.U.) third.
Llvesayf (W. U.) won tho broad
Jump. Distance, 18 feet 10 Inches.
Gul6S(W. U.) second; Mncey. (Y. M.
C. A.) third,
Tho mile bicycle race was won by
Shlpp (Y. M. 0. A.J Time, 2-53J;
Grllley (Y. M. C. A.), second; Ogle
(W. U.), third, M In the 2-ralIo race,
tho only reason for which Townsend
and Dlsque, of the Y, M. 0. A. enter
ed tho race, was to set a pace one-half
the distance, and if possible, tire out
Ogle (W. U.), thus giving Grllley and
Shlpp an excellent chance to 'spurt"
on tlio msiy quarter; to J," is evi
un uw udv iv, w.., -,.-
dently too much of a handicap, under
which one rider cart successfully par- j
Williams (W, U.) won tho 220-yard
das)i In 25 seconds; Gulss, (W U.), sec
ond; Chase, (V, M. C, A,), third.
Sonneman is cejtalnly a remarkable
walker. He I.115 a Unlit, easy stride,
and more will be hoard from tho young
grnccryumn, on Saturday, .Ttino 0
However, 3:18- for 1 mllo Is not to bo
laughed at, as 8:10 U the coast record,
Carl Hrown 'surprised a gteat many
In the hulf-inllo ntco. Though rather
Mow In some things, Mr. Brown otiu
navigate his rcct with remarkable
lit Gulss and it. W. Williams did
not allow any grass to grow under
their feet Saturday. We shall hear
more of theso sprinters at the Inter
collegiate llelit meet.
Dlsquo did some very good high
lumping for the Y. M. C. A.
With pleasant weather for tho next
two weeks, the track at tho fair
grounds, will be In excellent condi
tion for state Hold day contests.
Bynrs dlssappolnted his many
rrlends by his performance In tho
mllo walk; however It Is said he will
do belter on State Field Day. Ho
: WI1S consmeraoiy hniKiieapcd ny slight
. . . . . .. ....
, Illness.
Bicyclist OgletlW. U.Jhad toomuch
to contend wttbjln the bicycle races.
In the two mllii raco the four Y.M.
C A. Wheelmen "Itoxed" Mr. Ogel
but that gcnllciiiau evaded any such
combination In llie second lace and
came In a close third. Mr. Oglo rodo!
very hard but the odds were too much
against him.
Van Winkle, .Willamette's six-foot
man, will make it Intcicsting for the
mile walkers on Juno (1th.
In vaulting the pole Chase or the
Y. M. C. A., reefllvcd an unfortunate
fall as a result (if the pole snapping
in two, when (jhaso was about eight
feet In the air. The young man fell
on his sholdors but fortunately with
no Injury to himself.
Fred Scott (WiU.).clcared tho polo
In tho polo vault, at n feet 3 Inches
easily. Should occasion require Mr.
Scott will beat this on state field day.
Babcock, tho hammer thrower, Is
certainly Sampson No. II. Saturday
Mr. Babcock threw tho 10-pound ham
mer 05 feet 7 Inches without the least
exertion whatever. Field day will
hear from him also.
I. P. Calllson, the good-looking
business manager of tho Collegian,
aso did very well In the hummer
throw and shot-put. Mr. Calllson Is
remarkably well built, his muscles be
ing quite well developed.
Gulss, tho Wlllumotto's successful
sprinter, leaps over the hurdles as
easily as though thoy wore so many
cord wood sticks. Keep your eye on
Gulss at tho stato Hold meet.
Bert Muccy made the best high
Jump of the day, clearing tlio polo at
5 feet 2 Inches easily.
Winters is n good long-dlstnnco run
ner, bcntlng Wllklns n few feet, In
tho mllo race. Carter, on whom the
Willamette boys depended largely In
this contest, after taking tho lead
until reaching tho mllo post, was
obliged to drop out owing to a pnlu In
his side.
Llvesay, Wlllumotto's auburn-haired
Juniper, carried off tho honors in tho
broad Jump. Mr. Llvesay may bo
heard from Saturday, Juno Oth.
Gulss nnd Williams, both or Wil
lamette, aro certainly sprinters of
whom old Wlllnmetto may Justly feel
proud. Both of these gentlemen will
carry off honors on state Held day. It
will taken man "with wings" to beat
theso young men on tho 100 yards dash
nnd tho 440 yard raco, respectively.
At Woodburn.
Woodhuhn, Or., May 25. Memor
ial services were observed Sunday
In tho Presbyterian church. Com
pany II, O. N. G., turned out In full
uniform. With their now suits nnd
equipments they presented n lino ap
pearance. Stephens post, G. A. R.,
nnd the Woman's Keller Corps also
turned out In a body. There wus a
very largo attendance, and many wero
turned away. Itev. T. Bromlette de
livered the address, which was full of
As Ben Ditnlck was driving through
town Saturday his team became un
manageable, and ran awny, demolish
ing tho carriage, throwing Mr. Dim-
Ick out, and hurting him badly. Tho
team was caught neur Bello Passe
Wife Killer Caught.
Minn., May 23. A
speciut 10 me journal irom I'ccr
Lodge. Mont., says: Phillip Allen,
tho man who lust Saturday killed his
0tfeieA f0'i
wire ana men lied, is
A reward of $1,000 has been
offered for his capture dead or alive.
fer? St3.8 is wS? S'by ;
prise und no blood was shed, '
Children Cry for
(Pitcher's Casterla
Sweeps Over Polk
Tho List of
Deaths Aro Given by
Kansas City, May 25. The Times
has Information or a cyclone having
swept over Valorni, Iowa, 15 miles
north or Pes Moines. Nino persons
aro reported killed and a number In
Mausiiai.i.town, In., May 25. A
cloudburst Sunday, between Lamoille
and Stato Center, caused Llun crock,
which Hows throw this city, to rise In
' Mtirt Iw tilt frritii it inncn ft vi lint. In n
river a half-mllo wide. Tho Chicago
& Northwestern tracks and roadbed
and two bridges near LamolUo wore
seriously damaged, the Hood destroying
crops and drowning considerable live
stock. A heavy hall accompanied the
rain. The railroad yards In this city
aro submegred, and dwellings In tho
lowlands Hooded to a dehth of three
feet, Some of tho residents wero res
cued in boats, having narro.v escapes.
Hatlroad tratllc cannot bo resumed for
a day or two. Iowa river Is also on
tho biggest rampage for 15 years.
Newton, la., May 25. Valeria, a
mining village nbout 15 miles west of
Ncwton,was nearly wiped out of exist
ence by u cyolono Inst night. Four
teen people aro reported killed. . ...
Des Moines, la., May 25. Tho
storm struck hard at Bondurnnt,
Hftccn miles north of here. It Is re
ported that twenty-four persons wero
killed there.
Later: Twonty-thrco people aro re
ported dead as the result of a cyclone
which swept tho northern part of
Polk county last night at a 11 o'clock.
The towns allllctcd aro llondurant,
Valeria, Snntlngo and Ira. No tele
phono or telegraphic communication
has been established oxcopt Bondu
rnnt, which reports four deaths
therein. Tho Baley family with II vo
of the samo family bcrlously Injured.
Thrco of tho Phchtn family and Mrs.
Sehcll wero killed nt Valerln. At
Santiago three wero killed In the
Bolcnbnugh family. Between Valorla
nnd Ira tho death list Is nine. A
special train has been started from
Des Moines with physicians on board.
Tho storm is said to have swopt along
tho lino of tlio Great Western from
llondurant to Marshalltown.
St Paul, May 25. A special to tho
Dispatch, from Khun, Iowa, says: A
tcrrilie storm, a cyclone In form, oc
curred here last night. Many build
ings wero unroofed, trees uprooted,
telegraph and telephone poles and
wires demolished and numerous busi
ness fronts smashed In. Tho town is
almost nlake. No one was hurt.
The people took to tho rofuge cellars.
At Alta Vista, a man was killed, and
two children badly hurt.
Manchestkh, Iowo, May 25 A
special says: A cyclone struck Man
chester at 1 o'clock last night, leav
ing a track six or eight miles long in
ruins. Mrs. Ira Howland nnd Wil
liam Murray wero seriously injured.
cloud iiuiist.
Milwaukee, May 25. A cloud
burst at North McGregor, Iowa, re
sulted In great destruction of prop
erty und probablo loss of several lives.
One lady has been recovered In the de
bris. A mllo of track on the St. Paul
railroad, Is under water. Bloody llun
overflowed so quickly, that people llv
- i,' rovue cu,d ot 8av t,ie,r
property. Several persons are report-
w ""two lad.es
FoitT Scott, Kan., May 25.-
Georgia Klckott, and Bertie Cnsstd
young society ladles of Lncytrn
boat riding In tho streets hero
even in'. Wore drowned by the
turning or their noai The town was
Hooded bv recent rnliwund the wntor
was four to six feet deep In the Ntii'ots,
Maichiiai.i.town, Iowa, May 25.
The cyclone last iiluhl along tho
Chicago and Great Northwestern rail
road In Jasper county killed probably
25 people. It Injured mnro than that
number. The property loss uinuunts
to over $100,000. Several miles of rail
road track have been practically de
stroyed. SEVEltU UAIN 8T011M
CmoAOO, May, 25.ln tho suborbs
of Edison Park, Irving Park, Nor
wood Park and Evanswood nearly a
score of buildings, two or them
churches, were demolished.
GuTiiuiE, Oklahoma, May 25.
Meagre reports of it disastrous cyclouo
in the Semlnolo country has reached
here. Several lives wero lost and
many thousand cattle killed.
Duhuqb, low'a, May 25. A storm
struck Duraugo 2 o'clock this morning
and In less than an hour the water tn
the creek rose to n hclgt of twenty
feet, sweeping everythlni: before It.
Mrs. clork, station agent, nnd six
children, ages ranging from two to
eight years wero drowned.
Canvass in Linn.
Alhany, May 25 (Sneelnl. Attor
neys Weathorford and Bllylcu have
started today to canvass Linn county
for Vnuderburg.tlio Populist nominee.
Thoy do not regard Myers staying on
tho ticket as a silicons move in tho
Interest of Democracy and do not pro
pose ho shall recelvo 100 votes In Linn
Lane County.
Euoene, May 25. Politics was
never so mixed as nt present, and tho
regular Republican ticket Is In great
danger of defeat. Thcro Is a great
deal or Irregularity and voting ror
straight tickets Is no longer to bo
thought, or. Thcro will bo more
scratching than was over known In
Lane county.
Court Decision.
WABHlNOTON.May 25. The sutiromo
court In the opinion or Justice White
today, pruned upon tho right of Ban
nock Indians to kill gamo In tho un
settled land of their former reser
vation In Wyoming, holding that un
der their treaty Indians could not kill
gamo In violation of tho gamo laws of
tho stale.
Indian Renegades,
San Beknauoino,MoxIco. May 25.
Word has been brought here or an
attack by renegade Indians upon Lolos
ranch, neur hero. The Indians killed
eighteen persons. Sovcrnl women and
Meetings and Candidates in Marlon
Hon. Cluis. Fulton arrived on tho
11 a. m. train, took a carriage for Sll
vcrtou, and will return this ovoning
to speak nt Salem.
Tho Populist candidate for sheriff
will got tho votes or tho Prohibition
Chairman F. N. Derby or tho Dem
ocratic central committee, Is at Port-
laud today.
At Woodburn Saturday night tho
peoplo literally covered tho stago with
(lowers when Elder Barkloy spoko,
nnd there was no end to the cheering,
when ho presented Jack D'Arcy with
u bouquet.
The people should turn out on
mnsso to hoar Charley Fulton tonight
at Heed's opera house Ho Is a Re
publican or tho people ono of tho
kind who don't knuckle down to
Ifarvoy Scott or any man,
Jack D'Arcy was hissed ut Wood
burn until tho chairman and Itev.
Barkloy hlmsoU hud to bog tho aud
lenco for fair play. Tho peoplo would
appreciate Mr, D'Arcy'a efforts to
turn tho "X Hays" on tho last legis
lature, but his personal attacks on
men who made tho records that Craig
and Barklcy did, wore nowhere well
received. Barkloy will luivo tho larg
est vote n any muii In the county.
TheJouiinal prcsehts n dupllcato
fao Blmllo of tho Australian ballot
tho olllclal ballot of Marlon county.
Tho Republican candidates aro Indi
cated by an "X'- In frontof tho names
and that Is also tho way the ticket
must be marked when It Is voted
not by erasing.
The Populist upeukors aro at Wood
burn tonight, nnd close the campaign
nt Salem Thursduy evening Mrs.
Mary E. Hobart of Now Whatcom,
who has spoken before In Sulom, will
speak here Suturday evening.
Baker City Is to bo blessed with a
Highest or all in Leavening Power, Latest U. S. Gov't Report
A Dakota Ex-Governor Is Ndl
Sugar Bounty Law Upheld by the ;
Supremo Court.
PiTTsnuito, Kansng, Mny 25. A. C,
Mellette, ex-governorof South Dakota j
died this morning of henrt failure.
PiTTsnuna. May 25. As the time.'
for the national prohibition conven
tion approaches, prospects of n bitter
llghtoyer tho money plank Increases.
Samuel Dickie, chairman of tho na
tional central committee, snld todny
that tho adoption of n free silver
plank will cost tho party 100,000 votes.
On the hand, ex-Governor John P.
St. John, of Kansas, says: "If Mc
Kluloy is nominated nt St. Louis and
tho democrats adopt a gold standard
plank at Chicago, the prohibition
candidate for presldont will stand
good chance of election If we adopt r
frco silver plank,"
Washington, May 25. Tho United
Stntcs supremo court announced it
decision today In tho Bugnr bounty
cases ot tho United States vs. Gay St
Realty Company. Tlio cases wero
brought to test tlio constltutloiiRllty
ot tiio ruling ot Comptroller Bowler,
donying the bounty to sugar planter
under tho law of tho last congretn.
Opinion of court was handed down,
by Justice Pcckham und affirmed the
opinion or tho court below, holding
that tho sugar bounty law Is valid
and overruling tho comptroller. The
opinion was unanimous.
. U. of O. Field Day,
Tho following roportof tho Held day
contests of tho Stato Untvorslty at
Engcno Saturday Is taken from the
Yesterday tho U. of 0. Hold day
contest was hold, -and proved to b
entirely satisfactory to tho Instructors
and porformors alike. Tho track ws
a slow ono, but on Home events good
time was mado nevertheless, nnd th
the team will ontertho intercollegiate
contest nt Sulom witlt confidence In
themselves, which is well backed by
their thorough Instruction by Pro
fessor "Wothorbco nnd Track Tralnor
W. 0. Trine.
The events aro summarized us fol fel fol
eows: J20-yard hurdlo Kuykondnll 1st,
White 2nd. Tlmo 18 seconds.
100-ynrd dash Ovorholt 1st, Hlg
gins 2nd. Time 10 2-5 seconds.
Ono mllo run Hurley 1st, Inwall
2nd. Tlmo 5:20 3.5.
Ono mllo walk DoLashmutt 1st,
Travis 2nd. Time 0:41.
440-yard run Coleman 1st, Ivcono
2nd. Time 55 1-5.
880-ynrd run Bishop 1st, Morrlmnn
2nd. Time 2:30 1-5.
2-mllo bloyclo raco Llvcrmoro 1st,
Stearns 2nd. Time 0:35,
220-yard hurdle Kuykondnll 1st,
Templcton 2nd. Tlmo 302-5.
220-yard dash Hlgglna 1st, Davis
2nd. Tlmo 20 2-5
Hammer throw, 1(1 lb. Shattuck,
103 feet 10 Inches.
High Jump Davis, 5 feet 4 Inches.
Pole vault Wester, 0 feet 0 Indies.
Shot put, 10 lb. Shattnck 30 feet
8 Inches.
Broad Jump Kuykendall, 17 feet
11 inohol.
Live Stock Market.
GmoAad. Mny 25. Hogs, light $3
heavy $2.85(gM.05. Cattle, beeves $3,80
(2W.35; cows and holfors 1.70(g.06.
Bhcep, market strong to 10c, higher