" '' '' -'- - . Daily Capital Journal BY IIOimR DROTHKR3. WEDNESDAY, MAY 0,1800. M P i " 7,;y r n in r it1 i 3JS3M?" -KfWt DAILY LINE TO PORTLAND. t STEAMERS Altona and Ramona LEAVE IMII.V. UDAY' '.Portland, 6:45 m 9:0 a' m B t.1.nmlrnr fino a. m. OJOO a m. L Ilim."""", --J- - . - t Culck time, regular service and clieap ....rMes ... M. I'. IJALDWIN. Agent, Salem. Reed's Opera House, I'ATTON PROS., Lcescit and Manners. Friday and Saturday, M.W 8 AND n. Engagement Extraordinary Prof, J.Alex, Mclvor Tuna In his marvelous tests of Psyche-Somnambulism Or Occult Demonstrations, The wonders of Ghostland rex vcalcd, Startling! Thrilling ! Overpowering ! Kerythlng will bcilone In full view of ilic audience. Everybody bewildered, dumb founded, nonplussed. Door open at 7. Demonstration at H115. (ieneral admission 50c. Reserved icati 73c. Children arc. Free ! Free ! Sec ilic fiee open air lettt from llie Wll Inmrtte hotel, 1'ilday nfiemoon, at 3 o'clock, Tyndnll In liU fuiloui blindfold drive. Seati now on iule at 1'Jlton llroi, linokttoie. Lust evening State Hupl. O M. lr win uml l'rort. Cmuplwllor Monmouth wont to Mcdford to attend the Jack Kon county Institute. Nt.pt. Irwin cxpcctH to go from thuir noioss the innuiitnliis Into Lnlo county If the weather will permit. lNHANi:.--.Infot Malillierg, aged HI years, a resident of Coos county, was today brought to I ho asylum. Notary. A. A. Tossing, of Hrowns villi', was today commissioned a no tary public. 'ii'i m While drilling for an artesian well at The Dalliw, a seven foot vein of coal was struck at a depth of 70 feet. Tlio subsidy for a fruit evaporator at Aumsvllle is nearly all raised, and It N a go. New Things , , Belt ribbons and buckles, Silk plaid winsdor tics. Silk mitts, 25c and up. Black Jersey mitts, 15c and up, Negligee ovcrshirts, 50c and up. New neckwean collars and cuffs. Tan Oxfords and button shoes, Crossctt's fine shoes for men. Call and too us. Wo wunt your trade. Host goods; lowest prices. Willis Bros. Co. ,. , Court and Liberty. The fash Dry (ioods, Olutlilng anil Shot llotK'. SOCIAL REVELATIONS. Some Pcrsonala and News of the Doings of Oregon People. Mrs. Oarngus, of Heppncr, will come up from Portland tills evening and spending several weeks visiting her sister, Mrs. Ella J). McDowell. Mrs. .T. 51. roormnn, Mrs. W. I.Ttny, r.. u r finUaiinfi Mrs.l.S. Lc'jnurtl, of Woodburn, came up last evening to nnrtlc iwite in the special scmii ... the Eastern Star older. WOOLEN MILL RECEPTION. Friday, May Ifith has been decided upon ns the date for a grand reception and ball at the new fcialoui woolen mills. Everybody Is inylted to be proscnt.as the building will be thrown open for Inspection from 2 to r o'clock p. 111., during which time there will be speech-making and music. In the evening n grand conccrMind ball will be conducted on the mammoth floor, which Is 00x140 feet. The ball will be for the bcnollt of the saicni iiospiuu TAKE A TRIP TO ENGLAND with Itev. K. P. Hill, of Portland, as guide. A party will start from the Pr.mlu-lnrliin clllircli tilts OVCnltllf lit 8 o'clock. The fare for the round trip will be but 2.5 cunts, children 15 cents. This Is u rare chance of taking a uii.ii4!iiit. mid Instructive till) with one of the most congenial guides In the ..itmtri' Alt iirrr.'iiiL't'inentH are In charge of the Y. M. C. A. which in sures a suriessrul trip from toe start. Til 12 HOWLING CONTESTS. The (list of the scries of games of cocked hat for the championship of Etitrenu. A bativ and bulcui, was coin- tiieucedat Hollcnbeck & Peel's bowl- Imritllev last evening. The result was a score of OT points, or -101 points to tho player. This Is not a very big score, and a better one will probably lie required to championship the con test. Eugene (I mud, May f. The score In the bowling contest last night was as follews: Revere House. Pfelfer. fill: Sower 11. Ilrown 01, Watson 40. Total 201. average 25,. St. Chillies, Howard .'Jli, Cannon 50, Morton (10, Holmau 40. Total ISO, average 2.'IJ. The contest will be closed tomorrow nlght.-Albany Demo crat, Miiy. EASTERN STAR Last evening at Masonic hall the ladles order The .Eastern Star held a regular session, conferring degrees upon some new candidates, after tho routine work, the lodge adjourned and all present partook of a liberal repast at the regular banquet room. Reside the Salem members there was a good attendance from abroad, A party from Independence and Mon mouth coming down on tho Steamer Altona, which was chartered for the purpose, and returned after tho festiv ities. Among the excursionists were Mr. and Mrs. K. W. Cooper, Rev. and Mrs. Raldwln, Mr. and Mrs. J. W Klrk- laud, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Wolcott, Dr. and Mrs. O. 1). Rutler, Mr. and Mrs. .I.A. li. Rutler, Mr. and Mrs. .1. S. Coopor, Mr. and Mrs. Alexander, Miss Essie Robertson, the Misses Rutler, Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Ed. Clod felter, Miss Ts'elllo Hill, Mrs. Kinney, Mrs. Chapman, Mrs. (3. L. Hawkins, Mrs. Zlcber, Rev. Khmer, Mr. Hodgln and W. S. Jacobs. They were es corted to the boat by tho entire assemblage "after the ball." Watku Rki'aihb.- The Salem Wa ter Company today took out a Joint of nursted water plpo on Front street, near State and replaced the same, the accident Imlug tho result of a defect ive hydrant lu that neighborhood. Water consumers were without tho aqua pura for several hours this after noon. Steamers Albany and Hoag will limko trips betweon Corvallls and Portland dally except Saturday. Leave Salem for Portland II a. m., for Corvalll:i p. in. TiikStati'.Shwkk. -Owing to the bad weather, lalnirors on the state Mwor Job have not boon working this week, but expect to resume operations tomoirow. The brick-lay Ing will be gin about Monday. Do Not Do This. Do not be induced to buy any oilier if vim lave mmle up your mind to take Hood' Sr aparllla. KcmemW llut Hood' Sarsapar. ilia cures when all oilier fall. Da not give up lu despMr became oilier medicine have failed lo help you, Take Hood's Sarsapar. ilia faithfully and voumay reasonably expect lo tx cuied. I Iood WIU are purely vegetable, carefully prtpaied from the best ingredient. 25c. COUNTY COURT. The Judge and Commissioners Meet in May Session. Judge Hubbard nnd Coinmlssloneis Anderson arid "Watson met In legular session this morning. Leo Willis Hied a remonstrance against change of road on the Shruni donation land claim. A petition signed by W. II. ITobson and about twenty others asking for $2 per day, boatd, clothing, medical attendance and care of J.J. and Nancy J. Cole, two very old and poor people of St ay ton. Assistance Is also petitioned for for Charles Millet, living near Hnys ville, by about 50 signers. H. L. Itltclilc, supervisor of road djstrlct 2s'o. 43J, asks for :t(K) poiindsor powder to blast out stumps on the Parkersyllle and Sllverton road, nnd on the Sllverton and Gervals road. Itoad district No. 57 also potions for powder to blow out XO stumps. Thomas 0. Keene petitions for the return of $11.50, taxes paid to the shorltr of Marlon county on land In Linn county. PERSONAL. F. S. Dearborn, the bookseller, Is In Portland today. W. Cuslck returned from Albany this afternoon. Squire Farrer Is spending the day in Portland on business. Hon. G. W. Davis-wont to Newport on the morning train. J. C. Johnson was a passenger for Portland this morning. J. C. Cooper, tho Independence banker, Is a Salem visitor. II. C. Wahlbcrg, the liopman, went to Portland this afternoon. Mrs. P. S. Knight went to Portland today 011 a visit among relatives. 11. H. Fleming, of the stove works, was a passenger to Portland today. Geo. F. Rogers, the slato binder, Is In Portland on business font few days. Geo. C. Dlngham and E. M. LaTore returned from Portland on the morn ing train. Hon. Win. Harlow, tho great Bar low merchant, was In the city today on business. J. W. Crump and family loft this afternoon for their old homo in north ern Illinois. J. A. Dlttor, tho Sublimity mer chant, came to the city this after noon on business. Adjt. Gon. R.R. Tuttlo and Attor noyGon. C. M. Idleman today re turned lo Portland. Undo Win. Miller was a passenger to Linn county tills morning, where he will visit relatives. J. M. Poormau, of Woodburn, came up last night to attend the great meeting, returning home this morn ing. R.J. Marsh, the Portland printer who lias been visiting his sister, Mrs. P. S. Knight, returned homo tills afternoon. Hon. Phil. Metschnu, accompanied by his sou Kdward returned today from his recent trip east of the mountains with the state olllccrs. Hon. T. W. Davenport, state laud agent, started this morning for the Deschutes country to Investigate somo land matters lu which his department Is Interested. - J. C. Stuart, nianagor for Poof. Tyndall, Is In thoclty, arranging for the production or the grand seances to bo given by that prince of occulllsts, on next Friday and Saturday nights. Hon. Thus. H. Tongue left on the morning train for Atimsvllle. He took the stage from Turner and spoko 'there at 2 o'clock this afternoon. Ho will drive to Jefferson and speak there this evening. Rlshop Rownian nnd wife left for Portland this afternoon, where lfo ' this evening dedicates a church. ' a.m. . 1 j no situs rrom there for Japan to hold a conference of tho Evangelical Asso- j elation at Yokalioma Juno 10. ! I Hon. Geo. S. Downing wont to Sell- wood today to visit his son Waltor, who Is there undergoing treatment for his hearing ami 1111 oye trouble. Tho young man has undergone an optical operation and Is constantly gaining. i STAYTON. .Too Kern Is up and around again after quite in nttack of la grlppo. Mrs Dr. JCItchens left for Albany last Thursdiy where she was called to Iheslckbedddeor her mother, Mrs. Wheeler. Miss TorUr, of Turner, was visiting Miss Ollio Itjbortson last week. J. M. Dtnnivln mhdo a business trip to Albany the first or the week lu the Interestof thoStayton mills. Her. M tears, of Mchaina, occupied the pulpit at the Methodist church Sunday.' Mrs. J. Richardson returned Satur day from a isit 'in Salem with her sori York anil family. Arthur Elder came down from Min eral Spring College Friday. He re ports a largo attendance and excellent results being accomplished. Mrs. li, P. Taylor has been on tho sick list for the past week but Is rap idly recovering. AUMSVILLE. Mrs. W. A, Pearson, or Waldo Hills, spout Saturday and Sunday lu Atims vllle. Wednesday the Oth there will bo given a basket dinner and public speaking by tho McKlnlcy club. To bo held in the grove If pleasant, and if stormy in the city ball. Everybody invited, especially Popullstsand Dem ocrats. Rorn To Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Mar tin, May 1, a daughter. Friday evening a farewell danco was given at the homo of C. Traver. There wore about forty guests. Mr. and Mrs. Traver will leave soon for Gates ville. Mr. E. Nolt, who has been very sick for the piist two weeks, Is able to be around again. The subsidy Is about raised for the new evaporator, and men are at work preparing the ground. Mr. Win. G ilium, who has been vis iting friends here, lias returned to his homo near Union hill. INVENTOKY FlLKU. Clnilll Glltcll, assignee of F. A. Lcgg's drug store, Hied Ills Inventory with tlio county clerk yesterday. It shows the total book accounts to bo $1,009.00, and the value of the merchandise $2,100.40, making a total of $.'1,280. The assignee Hied his bond also, It being in the sum of $(i,:mo, with A. and A. N. Rush as sureties. The establishment was re opened yesterday afternoon by Mr. Gatch placing Mr. Legg In charge of the stock, which will be disposed of as rapidly as possible. Gkhman Refoiimkd. The Portland Oregon Classls meets tomorrow at 8 o'clock p. 111. in Its annual session In the German Reformed Church In this city. There will be service tonight at 8 o'clock p. m. As tills year no dele gation rrom Washington will bo pres ent, the attendance will not be so largo. Ministers and delegates are expected tomorrow, and the sessions will probably be extended over Sun day. NTi:v Homk. Rids tor the new cot tage to bo built by General W. 11. Odell, on East State street, were opened yesterday artcrnoon at tho olllcoorc. 11. Rurggraf, the architect. They were: Harrlld & Olinger 81,705, A. Stanton $1,517, Frank Ault $1, 252.27, Welch Bros. $1,177, Cainpboll & Hewitt $1,1123.40, Young & Hobln son $1,478, John Shlpp, $1,315. Tho contract will bo awarded today to the lowest bidder. THE JEFFERSON MEETING. A Few Kicker3--Othcr Speakers Will Be There. Editor Statesman:-Tlic article ap pearing In the Jot'HNAii or My 4t 111lgl1t.be construed to bo an Invita tion or republicans or this precinct Tor Iloror to speak at JcHcrson, but Is in fact the copy of a typo-written let ter sent hero from Salem and circula ted by a Populist, a member of the Populist county committee and secre tary or tho Jcirersou Populist club, ami signed by live Bcpublicans, ilvc Popullstsand threo Democrats who contributed the necessary amount to derray expenses or hall rent, etc. Wo have a Republican club that will attend to arranging for Republi can speakers and pay nil necessary ex penses for tho same, without calling on the Populists to solicit contribu tions. Mkuukus Ok Tjik Jkppijhbon Hk- i'uulican cluu. Jefferson, Or., Aprils. The above appears in the morning Statesman. It need not prevent the .Tcilorson people meeting Saturday night. The meeting rercrrcd to Saturday night will be a frco and open mass meeting of tho people of that precinct without regard to party. This Is still a free country,nnd tho right to assem ble peaceably ror public discussion cannot be denied. Those who arc -: " . i -TOMORROW Special Sal! Wash "- Good To arrive tomorrow 11 largo line of stanipod linens and ,ii.i,. 1 Jewel and other work. Make your selections boforenii iftWteJ selected. Ule wst stjwA ., s $25J 1 257 Commercial street, DIRECTFROMXVERMONT S&S iS&S tN f MAPLE 0 0 SYRUP The best, pure Maple Syrup ever brought to Salem. Could get only ten gallons, but it is extra choice, Everybody invited to taste itCC HARRITT LAWRENCE ?, O, Grocery, afraid to hear tho truth about tho last legislature and political rotten ness In tills stntc had better remain away from the Jefferson meeting next Saturday night. With kindness In our hearts and truth on our lips lot us go forvard and try to Improve our state, county and national government. Wo have the promise or other speakers Repub licans for tho JelTorson meeting. E. IIOKRIt. DIG CIRCULATION. Campaign subscriptions arc rolling Into Tun JouitNAr. olllco every day it Ml every hour. Tin: Wi'.kkly Is going to nearly every taxpayer in the county and will until after election. The One Cent Daily is the only one outspoken people's paper-antl-ringand iintl-inachlne In the state. It goes like hot cakes. ' Advertisers who arc economizing and cannot afford to glvo nils, to all kinds of publications can reach pract ically all the people who trado at Sa lem in our Daily and Weekly. Tho steamers Hoag and Albany now make dally trips lietwcen Corvallls and Portland. tr Saixm W. C. T. U. Has taken up a new work that or gathering lu the children who do not attend Sunday school at any or tho various churches and running n school or them at W. C. T. V. hall. Mrs. Snell Is annolnted superintendent and on next Sunday ! at 2-30 p. 111 tho llrst meeting will bo ' held. ' Eighteen ounce all wool clay worsted suits Imported in sacks and frocks only $10. Johnson & Son. j ' . T j em Is thc namc of thc ncw Jai,a a"d Mocha ' jusc introduced by Sonncmann, the grocer. It gives the finest cup qualities ever known, No srch coffee ever offered in Sa lem, atid no extra cost to consumers, Our Teas are all new stock, incIuding grccn and uncolored Japan, Young Hyson, Ceylon, GunpowdcF, English Breakfast Rcmcmbcr-Hcadquarters for fresh fruits and vc ' ctablcs, Everything in season, Including ncw grccn peas. ! SONNEMflNN'S GROCERY, 124 Stat?.' Awarded ! Highest HonorsWorld's Fair Medal, Midwinter Pair. B5R; Two Lives Saved. Mrs. Plimbe Thomas, of Junction City, 111., was told by her doctors she had Consumption and that there was no hope Tor her, but two bottles or Dr. King's New Discovery completely cured her and she says It saved her life. Mr. Titos. Eggers, 139 Florida street, San Pranclsco, Buffered from a dreadful cold, approaching consump tion, tried without result everything else thou bought ono bottlo or Dr. King's Now Discovery nnd In two weeks was cured. Do Is naturally thankful. It Is such results, of which those are samples, that prove tho wonderful nniiniv nf tliU mmllnlnn I.. Coughs and Colds. Freo trial bottles at 1 red P. Legg'sdrugstore. Regular size 50o and $1. CREAM BANNti nmm .Most Perfect Made. it Yearn the SI tr lard When Baby was alcfc, wo save her Castorla. When alio was a Child, she- cried for Oastoria. When the become Miss, she clung to CastorU, VyTimi the had Children, the &yo them Castorla BORN. Sunday, Mr. and CHARLTON.In Salem, . May 3, 1890, at 10 p. in,, to I M rs. C, M. Chnrlton, n son, Mr. Charlton'U temporary turnkey at tho state penltentliiry. Nervous People And just tho help thoy bo much need, in Hood's Sai-6aparilla. It fur nishes tho desired strength by puri fying, vitalizing and enriching tho blood, and thus builds up tho nerves, (ones tho stomach nnd regulates the wholo system. Read this: "I want to pralso Hood'a Saraaparllla. My health run down, and I had tho grip. After that, my heart and nervous system wero badly affected, so that I could not do my own work. Our physician gave mo some help, but did not cure. I decided to try Hood's Saraaparllla. Soon I could do all my own housowork. I have taken Cured nood's Pills with Hood's Sarsaparilja, and they havo done me much good. I will not be without them. I havo taken 13 bottlesotllood'sSarsaparllla.and through the blessing of God, It has cured me. I worked as hard as ever the past sum mer, and I am thankful to say I am well. Hood's Pills when taken with Hood's Sarsaparilla help very much." Mrs. M. M. Messenger, Freehold, Penn. This and many other cures provo that Hood's Sarsaparilla Is the One True Wood Purifier, All druggists. JL Prepared only bye. I. Hood Co., Lowell, Mass. THE WILLAMETTE HOTEL. SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT. On and after May J5, 181)0, tho fol lowing reduction In rates will be rnado to the travcllug public: 50 rooms suits $2.50 per day, for merly $3. 50 rooms suits $2 per day, formerly $2.50. 50 rooms suits $1.50 per day, for merly $2. Itooms without 'board, 25c, 50c, 75c nnd $1. Table board, $20 per month. No extra charge will hore'rftcr be made for sample rooms to those who remain over night. Special rates will bo given to families who desire table board during tho summer months. Considering the high character and strictly firstclnss service at all times given to our patrons the above quoted rates are an innovation. Tho Wll lametto Is tho Inrgest and best ap pointed hotel north of San Francisco and south of Portland. A. I. Wagner. Hood's puis sssr Notice to Taxpayers. Tho tax rolls of Marlon county, Oregon, for tho year 1895, will bo closed on tho 30th day or May, 1893. All taxes not paid by said date will bo delinquent nnd costs added. Dated May 1, 1800. John Knight, Sheriff and tax collector of Marion county, Oregon. 5-t 4d lw REED'S OPERA HOUSE. Mny 8 Prof. Tyndall, mind reader and clairvoyant. May 0 Prof. Tyndall, mind reador nnd clairvoyant. May 29 Republicans. May 30 Decoration exercises. Juno 12 Prof. Hrestnl's educated horses. Juno 13 Prof. Hrcstal's educated horses. Of course it's imitated anything good always is that's endorsement, not a pleasaut kind, but still en dorsement. HIRES Root beer is imitated. Mad Qlr kr Th Chute, K. Him Co., rhlUdtlpfcU. A tic. rwk nukal i iiIWdi. gol4 T;rktt. State Treasurer's Fifteenth Notice, State Op Oregon 1 Treasury Department Salem May 5, 1890 ) Notice is hereby given that there are funds on hand with which to re deem all outstanding state warrants endorsed by mo ''presented nnd not Said for want of funds" between tho atcs of October 8, 1895 nnd January 11, 1890, both dates inclusive, with tho exception of warrants drawn on tho swamp land fund, and that all such warrants, properly cndorscd,wlll bo paid upon presentation at tills otllce, interest thereon censing from, nnd after, the date of this notice Phil Metsohan 40t State Treasurer. No" MEETiNa.As stated yesterday, there was too much politics in the air last ovenlng for n meeting of tho city onncll. ' - .,. ' regon, nc per dor, pjteerj. 3.OO03.1J ,Mb THE MARKttx CMcaeo. May fUUfc.j 3NewVo,k, Myr,-.S1IM,,1 PORTLAND MARKET Portland. May 6.Wheat wl 6ti Walla Wallafejasl n!l flour Portland, $i, w iu. 3.00; graham. $2.65; superfine lii-S Oats lite, 2a26c'BTff ,P8 '"bag., M.aSsS liSS"? Potatoes.. Oregon, loffiite Jl Hay.. Good. Ski JZ 41 Wool.. Valley, 9,; Kutoi qJI Militufls..l)ran1 $li.(oaii.liMlf Poultry- Chicken;. ffi3fe ?'!',. 5,.00; duck,, S Hides.. green, tailed 60 lU- J 60 lb. 44Kc; heep pelu, nfi,' ". Hops. .Oregon, a to 3c, .eUjfi, Duller. .Oregon fancy creameir, j fancv dalrv. fii.i .j"..,W common,'i(ul2oc. ' Cheese .Oregon full creira, itfiji' "BB.i.vivijuii, "Ik JUT Q5Z iicci., ropsieers, to good steers drexted beef. Mutton. .Ewei. 2.7(! AtnrA .ir... I logs Choice, heary jjjg and feeders; 2 75! dressed, 4c per Id, , Veal. .Small, choice, 4ciUiR3j, per lb, SAN FRANCISCO MARKET. San Francisco, My 6..-WW li Wool.. Oregon, choice, (JiwjjMmi Sc, valley, oioc. Hops Quotable at24c. Potatoes 3e per sack. Oats Milling, 7S8j. SALEM MARKET Wheat. .49c per bu., nutlet Era. Oats ,i82oc. Hay .Haled, cheat, Sj.ocgj.jo; ts 7-oo. Flour.. In wholesale loti, 300; e 3.20; bran, hulk 1 1, 00; tacked, tw shorts, 12.0013.00; chop feed, imj 12.00. j Poultry.. Chkkenj, fi7c;dncU jii MAC J Pnf M fiirlrv. Voal.-Dressed,3. Hogs.. Dressed, 3. Live Cattle.. 2i& Sheep.. Live, 2.So3. Wool. .Best, 12KC. Hop..Best,450. ' Eggs.. Cash. 7C Butter,. Destdal, i; tuxj oal ISC Cheose .14c ' Farm Smoked MeaU.Beo,W 90; shoulders, 5c' l UIUIUCJ. , ljt,p: m. O Bucklen's Anuea ftlw ' The best Salve In Ue"te c. c.c niz-m Salt Rita,"' ,) 'll T.tt.r' Tlnnnft! hinJj. Q2i 11... 1... C1,: Vninllnm. ind caitittilB Plies or no pay required. It U pogl Live per fee satisfaction or nxwf iM Price ae cents a box Forlewli Legg. full DetailsGIadly Gira A Railroad Official's Eifr rwyssaSS .ymptom. ISSS allyfollowedanyvee that often sUSSered " v& would turn Waenl ITafl Dr. Miles' JSt-jJii Heart cure EgH Health pSSV np. Miles' circular f.M!rfKjr Cure and I an h V2 every one troubled 71 details of my cf "" SJ P. O. Box O. S'loU'Si that first bo' 'x. '