Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899, April 27, 1896, Image 2

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Daily Capital Journal,
MONDAY, APRIL 27, 1800.
Continued from-first page.
llcprcscntatlvca, .
DIl. .T. N. SMITH, ofSnletn,
II. L. BARKLEY, of WooUburn,
E. W. CHAPMAN, of Brooks,
DAVID CKAIG, or Alacicay.
County Judge,
County Commissioner,
J. N. DAVIS, of Sllvcrton.
County Clerk,
L. V. EHLEN, of Buttcvillc.
P. T. WMOHTMAN, of Salem.
P. "W. WATERS, of Salem.
A gopgqnr
J. W. HOBART, Of Garneld.
B. B. IIERRIOIC, of Yew Park.
Sctiool Superintendent,
QEO. W. JONES, or JclTcisnn.
A. M. CLOUGH, of Salem.
Por JusMrc of the Peace Salem Dint.,
For Constable,
Wo would like all Republicans and
meji of all parties to read the- follow-1
lng from the Saturday Oregonlnn. It '
Is worthy of earnest consideratien:
. ...! .11 T ..l.1l..l)
TnVbV e but out thopeoplo for u federal onice or a
events are ranldly brining out a dell-. clerkship for some relative.
Don't vote for a man for the legisla
ture who Is likely to no thoro and sell
Tan Journal, will not pay nny
attention to the abuse of Its editor In
the columns of the Orcgonlan. Editor
Scott fell out with Tun Journal man
becauso lie would not stand In to elect
Dolph senator, when Dolph's election
was an utter Impossibility, and made
so by his own mismanagement.
So far as Tut: Journal editor Is
concerned he was elected to tho legis
lature upon a reform platform drawn
up by Editor Scott, whoso friends had
control of tho henatc, where they ran
riot with clurkshlp.4, retained all tho
commissions, and passed reform bills
(V) everyone of which was tainted with
tho porsonal cmltles or personal
Interests of Simon, McGinn etal., Mr.
Scott's strikers and puts.
Mr. Hcolt Is a man noaily twice as
old as tho editor of Tin: Journal and
wo long ago gavo up trying to convert
sinners grown gray In their sins. But
Tiir Journal man owes Mr. Scott no
apologies and will not bo Intimidated
by his abuse. Tub Journal man
Introduced bills in the Interest of the
masses and to keep his pledges. He
took not u dollar boyond his consti
tutional salary of $3 u day, proposed
no Hlmni Investigating committees,
went on no Junkets, accepted no
pascs or fuyors of any kind, and can
look tho poorest taxpayer la tho face,
having passed but ono bill In tho j
house and that to tax all Insurance
companies two por cent on their gross
earnings, a tax which all corporations
ought to pay. Por all this wo expect
only abuse from tho Orcgonlan. In
fact wo coot It. But wo deslro to In
form Mr. Scott that wo arc not this
year a candldato for onice. Tho
presenco of ono "blackguard" will
not vex you, Mr. Scott, In tho halls of
legislation. You will not this year
write us a letter saying wo tiro Just
tho kind of a man to rand to tho legis
lature, and then afterwards feel bad
about It.
What Is your record, Mr. Scott?
What Is your latest performance?
Considering tho rotten primaries of
your gang, a performance 60 nauseat
ing as to bo repudiated ovenbv vmir-
wu-ioiig inenu ami assoolato, Genoral
Williams! Youaro a disgusting sub
ject to talk about reforms.
Tho East Portland Chronlclo has
the&o honslblo werds: Everybody In
tho second congressional district, who
pretends to lw a Republican, should
voto to send W. R. Ellis to the nu
tlounl house- of representatives. This
means Republicans who believe In
either bound monoyortho freocolnage
of sllvo. Mr. Ellis or any other tuiin
etectcd on thu Republican platform
U Uuiud to support tho principles laid
down in tho national platform. If
that contain a tlnanclal plank ad
vociitlng tho establishment of tho
white metal, tho representatives must
and will ho ote, or vice versa, if tho
gold standard bo desired, Tho matter
mmhkh on mo decision of the St. Louis
convention, for tho Ihmnclal question
Is ono that concerns tho Interests of
.u , 10io country, uut If that body
should adopt an ambiguous platform,
as was the cnwi In J802, congressman
,",""4 ""' ouiciaily accent
tho demands o( tho convention that
nominated him, and, it tho latter
iumj no ruling regarding mouoy, us
".. wUN , uregon.-or tho state
convention. ThUaUUo has .declared
or bimetallism. Tho Republicans of
this state m decided by tho emphatlo
majority voto of 120 to 103,
nlt.lnli of it,
Tho Mitchell Ketiublicun was re
sponsible for the hold-up of the legis
lature of 1894-05. He was a Jobber In
olllco and spoils; ho was a silver fanatic
himself, or associated for tho profits
of politics and olllco with silver
fanaticism. Ho defeated all tho
efforts and wishes of the people for
retrenchment and reform, and this
year Is out again upon a new enter
prise, like that by which he held up
tho last legislature.
The Mitchell Republican Is active
In Yamhill and Lane, In Mnrlon nnd
Umatilla, ns In Multnomah, in some
places ho hasgono directly over to tho
Pepulists: In others ho Is endeavoring
to work his purposes through the Re
publican party. Ono of tho "thirty"
was Guild of Ynmhlll. Ho was and Is
u Mitchell Republican, and now leads
the Populist ticket as a candldato for
the legislature from Yamhill. Another
of the "thirty" was Baker, "the old
wildler," of Lane. Ho was and Is a
Mltcholl Republican; ho bore a con
qilcumwpuit In the hold-up of tho leg
islature and the defeat of all measures
of retrenchment and reform. He now
leinli the Populist ticket as n candi
date tor tuc senate rrom Lianc, in me
avowed Interest or Mitchell, his Ideal
for the senate. In Marlon county.
Barkloy, another Populist member of
tho lust legislature, has managed to
get on tho Republican ticket again,
and holds forth as u Mitchell Repub
lican. So of Gurdane and Davis of
If there Is any difference between
tho Mitchell Republican and the
Populist, tho people of Yamhill and
Lane, as well as of Marlon nnd Mult
nomah, would llko to know It. To
men like Baker, Guild and Barkley,
tho Mitchell Republican and tho
Ponullst are Indlbtlnctiishablc: and
the Mitchell Republican In Multno
mah Is associated with them for the
booty of politics. Tho term Mitchell
Republican was clearly defined by
developments, even in advauco of Its
uppoaiauco nnd avowal.
Tho editor of the Orcgonlan doos
not consider Democrats or Populists,
o- I'rohibltloulsts lit to hold olllcc.
Ho evidently docs not consider:! silver
Republican, n Mitchell Republican,
an antl-Slmou Portland ring Republi
can lit to hold olllco. What Is there left
then to carry on tho public service,
to say nothing of representing tho
people and making laws for them? It
is evident that Harvey Scott objects
to any Republican guilty of harboring
any sentiments of sympathy with tho
common people. Rcoubllcanlsm In
his mind Is mi oxcluslvo Joss worship,
and ho Is to namo tho Josses.
Senator Mitchell's namo Is odious to
Scott and all tho joss worshlnnlnir
Republicans who take their Ideas from
tho Joss organs. Ho has convictions
on bimetallism. Ho favors election
of senators by direct voto of tho peo
ple. Ho has tried to keep in touch
with the people. Ho has bcon guilty
of no other crime. Tho "Thirty"
Guild, Gurdnmo, Barkley, Baker, i
Davis went Into tho legislature with
clean hands nnd camo out with clean
1......V. rm. a m m
mums, xuey voieti ror reform meas
ures. They kept tho expenses of tho
lower house down to $3500, while tho
"Joss-worshlpplug" henato, run by Jo
Simon nnd Joss-worshlppers spent
$13,500. But tho Thirty are to bo os
tracised. They did not bow down to
Joss. They are Populists. Tho peo
ple should tako tholr cuo from tho
abovo In tho Portland Joss organ and
unite to send only such mon to tho
next leglslatuo as will not bow the
knee to Harvey Scott. Ho Is not sat
Isllcd to have Republicans represent
tho masses of tho people Ho wants
only a peculiar Btripo to do his own
dirty work. It Is a crime In his eyes
io ue oven a Mitchell Republican,
when Senator Mitchell Is ono of the
cleanest, ablest, most lntluontlal men
In tho nation. His oxperlenco and
standing In tho senato makes It almost
r criminal blunder to think of retiring
suoh u man. And why Is ho to bo re
tired? Becauso ho hits dared to advo
cate measures opposed by tho gold
monopolists and political corruption
Ists. Need any muti lw uslintnixi in
Portland will not run the politics of
the next legislature and tho people of
the state can get rid of some of the
frills and burdens of unjust legisla
tion. Ilun. C. II. Baker, running on tho
Populist ticket for state senator from
Lane county, iSiOne of those Repub
licans who believe In tho Republican
ism of Abraham Lincoln and tho old
flag; who allow no man to question
their Republicanism because they
earned the right to be called Republi
cans when they shouldered a musket
and Imperiled life nnd limb in de
fense of tho Union. -That Is not a bad
stripe of Republicanism.
In Marlon county the Republicans
will open the campaign May 10. The
dates for candidates and speakers to
addrcs the people wcic fixed asfol-j
lews: Turner, Marlon and Jcirorson,
May 10; Aumsvlllc, Sublimity and
Stayton, 18th; Detroit, 10th; Mill
City and Mchnma, 20th ; Mncleay and
Sllvcrton, 21st; Scotts Mills, 22d;
Wooduurn, 23d; Mt. Angel nnd Ger-
vals, 2oth;'nubbard and Aurora, 20th;
St. Paul, Champeog and Buttcvillc,
27th; Brooks and Howell Prairie. 28th;
East Salem and Salem, 2Sth:
It is a rcnutiknblc fact that the
Republican leaders at Salem mnnlfest
little Interest In tho success of their
ticket. They are not flirhtlne any
part of It, but a kind of iidon't-care-a-dam
spirit prevails, and It would not
worry them If a nart of the ticket was
defeated, nnd It Is more than probable
this will be tho result. Jeircrson Review.
Salem, Or., April 27, 1800.
Ed. Jeurnal: I sco tho Salem J
publlo schools have arranged for tho
purchase of school flags for tho re
spective school buildings of tho city.
It Is to bo hoped more careful atten
tion will be given these flags than
has been In the past. A few years
since the G. A. R. camp ut Snlem !
gavo the East school a beautiful silk
ling. One day It was hoisted and, by
carelessness on the part of someone, It
was allowed to remain out all night
during which tlmo a severe rain nnd
wind storm arose and tore tho Hags
Into ahrcuds. Banker J. II. Albert at
tho samo tlmo presented Yew Park
school with a flag but we are pleased
to say It has received better attention.
Salem people are becoming weary of
such treatment. Respectfully,
Who Retail
Tho ticket can't be relied upon to
stand In for Jobs, nor to throw down
It Is now said thntBluger Hermann
has senatorial aspirations, and will
try to succeed Mitchell whom ho
blames for his defeat. Hermann has
made a good representative, but ho
had no mortgage on the position. Tho
Republican party has done much for
him, and ho should consider tho fact
and accept his defeat gracefully. As
to succeeding Mitchell, that Is too big
a Job for him.
called a Mitchell Republican?
Tho Nehalem Times Is about tho
ablest Democratic paper in Western
Oregon. It Is not up to Its usual
-'iuiiiu ui liuillll. II II Ml Ilin flJIInlia ....
explains In this way. and It is a .!."",. 'BBrau .bncK imva's wU Its
. . " .... ii rn h
Hero nro three Items fromthe Tilla
mook Headlight:
EHIb Is sure of election. The Orc
gonlan Is opposing him.
If Mr. Tonguo can now get tho
great buldozlng organ of Portlnud to
oppose him ho Is sure of election.
Tho Orcgonlan has been trying to
drlvonbout two-thirds of tho Repub
licans of this state out of the parly.
it has at last kicked Itself out and Is
trying to take somo others with It.
Tho friends of silver need have no
cause -i-ror alarm, tho fact that
Oregon will bo represented by gold
men at St Louis only showing the
power of gold. No ono is stupid
enough to think that It Is tho honest
wish of the masses of tho people. Par
from It. 1 1 Is tho bought votes of tho
gold power that Is placing poor old
Oregon on the gold list, and tho de
termined efforts of the gold combine
to have tho scalp of J. II. Mitchell, If
mouoy can buy It, will bo thwarted
by tho pcoplo In June. The ghost of
J. N. Dolph, that mlsornblo tool of
corporations, whining for recognition,
miiburciy oo icit to end its blood-
sucking existence In oblivion. Baker
City Blade.
Portland Chrenicle: At last tho
Oregonlun dollncs Its position. With
a most refreshing stupidity It says
that It Is a "professional bolter" and
that It "doesn't caro for consistency."
That Is what the pcoplo havo known
all tho tlmo, and for what they havo
ouvii waning, in tuo issuo of April
22 it says further: "It (tho Orcgonlan)
wants nothing of party, asks uo
favors of party. It nover seeks to uso
party for Its own purposes or advan
tage." It would take more spaco
than tho entire Issuo or this paper to
show where tho Orcgonlan has asked
utioroor. party. Whenovornnoim..ni
campaign is on tho tapis, It runs
around with a llttlo tin cup, looking
for pennies, nnd tho faction that has
tho "blmiest sack" nlu-nve io ....
Judging from present prospects we
will soon havo a co-operative cream-
cry started in this ncigiinoriioou
which will greatly benefit tho farmers.
Tho young people of the community
tendered Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Humph
rey a pleasant surprlso lastWcdnesdny
evening. Social games were Indulged
in until a late hour when a bounteous
lunch was served after which all re
turned to thclricspectlvohomcgrcntly
pleased with their evening's visit.
The regular quarterly election of
ofllcers for Progressive Lodge, No. 3,
I. O. G. T., took place Saturday even
ing resulting as follews: C. T., C. II.
Horner; V. T., Phoebe Smith; Sec,
It. E. Bewcrnmn: P. Sec, J. Y. Divine
Treus., J. 1). Horner; Chap., W. R.
Pfenning; Mar., Lura Jack; G., I. R.
Payne; Sent., R. J. Horner; P. C. T.f
Jay Bowermnn.
The Evangelical Association of this
place under tho caro of Rov. I. B.
Plshcr. contemplate building a church
In the near future. It is to bo located
about 100 rods east of tho school house
on a lot donated for tho purpose by
the Snlem Land Company.
After Pneumonia.
"I have taken Hood's Sarsaprllla
for rhoumatlsm nnd us n blond nnd
liver mcdlclne.aud It has dono mo more
good thatanythlng else. My brothor
has taken It after recovering from
pneumonia and It built him up and
mado him strong and well In a short
Lokutta Parris,
uurruiB, kjt.
Hood's Pills cure till liver Ills.
orriec or
Dear Sir:
You nro entitled to receive
FRE from your wholesale dealer,
Blaekwoirg Genuine
Durham Smoking
- TobaCCO youjbuy. Ono bar
of coap Frco with eeclt pound,
whether to oz., U ox., 4 oz., or
a oz., packojea.
Wo havo notified every whole
sale denlur in tho United States
that wo will supply them with soap
to give yoti FREE Order a good
flupply of GENUINE DURHAAl at
once, r.ud fnolct on sotting your
isonp. One bar of Soap FREE with
each pound you buy. Soap la
offered for a limited time, bo order
to-day. Youm very truly,
If you nnvt any diiiicuity in procurinffyour im
.a.m tltla mmIa twnA nH I ...ll. TTT w
Dwai m umv tin uutiwu miiu viiiw it iviti
yolir order to yourwholeialn oler.
1 - miL ij-.'xt "
' I . ""555
T-C.pl,., -.,. M
moved to il,a I ',"""E fe,
. --un,
Fancy Bowling. Tho bowling
contest Is getting very exciting, the
PfcllTer team now leads by only one
point. Following is the scere: Sower
118, Horton, 104, C. PfollTcr 108, P.
PfeliTcr 120. Total 450. Average
11 2-r,. AVnUsllfi. Dium 120, Ilcad-
rlck 118, Simpson 104. Total 453. In
tho Salem contest tho total scores lead
tho Albany score by considerably over
100. One player the ilrst three nights
made 45 each night In his ten rrames
Albany Democrat.
W0LZ & M1ESCKE, Props.
Denlnn in all kinds of fresh and salt meats
IFresh sausngo a specialty.
Go east via
Billings, Mont.
Capital Transfer Co,
Express, buggage and all kinds cf work
done promptly. Leave orders at Palton's
storo. 12
.. 2." Comm5rdt .. .
"'"t'S upward!, k
- . JBpt,
"nsldeted wILfe. i
u Bank MdhJ"1"
On city or farm proj,
Over Bnih's Dank,
The Rom!
When Baby wm sick, wo gave her Castor!.
When sba was a Child, she cried for CastorU.
When sho brcamo MUs, tho clung; to Castorl.
When sho had Children, sho save them Castor!,
Get on to the Northern Pacitic Flyer.
The chango of tlmo via tho North
ern Pacllic enables passengers to leave
Portland dally at C p. m., reachlngSt.
Paul and Mlnnnnnnlln In thmn rCia
St. Louis and Chicago In three nnd
one-half days. Lincoln, Neb., at J2:55
noon of tho third day, Omaha at 4:05,
St. Joseph at 5:50, Atchison at 0:30
Leavenworth at 7:35 and Knnsas City
at 8:05. '
You can sco by this that tho North
ern Pacllic equals nil other lines to all
points, nnd If you will compare schetl-
mua. vuu wm Bco Ulltl- 1110 JNOrtllCrn
Pacific beats all other lines Into Lin
coln four hours, St. Joseph twelvo
hours, Atchison twelvo hours, Leaven-
"iui louriecn nours nnd Kansas
C ty ten hours and forty-five minutes,
""Y" iiiimcuiiiiu connections nro
jii.iuu in union depots ror nil points.
Don't foriTPfc Mint. t.liA nrHinvn !..
S"m '? tK ony 1,no running two lines
dally to tho east, tho only ulnlntr car
route from Portland, tho only lino
running a llrst-clnss Pullman sleeper
through from Portland to Jllnneanolls
ana bt. ram without chunge, nnd the
Park l th Ycl,owsto" Clonal
l-or full Information, tickets, slcen
ng car reservations, etc., call on or
Thomas, "Watt & Co.,
.,,, --, , , rtgeiiis, aatem.
200 Commercial steet.
t ,
or via St. Paul as you prefer.
Ilut be sure very. VERY
suro that your ticket from
there on reads via the llur
lington Route.
To Omaha, Kans.n City,
St. Louis or any oilier squill
ern or southeast n cily, ;1 .
loule via Uillings, bMu mc
200 miles shorter and several
hours faster than Kf v otlr 1
preferable. D.kiiici, ilieM-r.
service it offer U leall; ixcol
To Chicago and points be
yond, take the Burlington
from nillings or St. Paul, as
you wish.
The local ticket ngont has
tickets via hoth routes. lie
will furnish you with one II
you ask for it. Ask for it.
Poitland, Or.
t astern R. H. Company
guarantee the ltf .. i.1" tl
reosonablc. One tr a Vill Z I
rouage. Prlvato nvJLVE? ,f J I
,,; uaia, -1
ft. ui. VVAITKPJlUjTug
ZWil Blank Putltiktul
A. D. Smiths where you can find everything
In the artists line, canvas mounted and pic
ture mats made to order. Give him a call
for he knows just what you want with prices
to suit tho times. 116 opera house.
connecting at vanu
Francisco & Yaqulna U,
a 1 aiid hrsi-Jasi In every rcspoot. Sails
from Yaqulna for San Francisco about every
8 days.
Pisseugtr ac-om.nudalions unsurpassed.
Shorten route between the Willamette valley
and California.
Fare from Albany or polntt west to San
Francisce: Cabin, $12; steerage, f,$8; cabl
round trip, good 60 days. $18.
For sailing dates apply to
Albany. Or.
CIIAS. CLARK. Corvallls, Or.
EDWIN 8TONE, Manager, Ccrvallls, Or.
A. I. CHURCHILL. Local Agent. Salem.
. WALDEN. Agent.
feets all mall and passenger trains Bag.
gage and express to all parts of the city.
Prompt scrIcc, Telephone No. 70
nrnro. u,iuii. 11 . ....
wm.w. iitifftiiiciip rinr.i Kitfl..i
For water service analm ,&. til
navable mnml,!., I- P.".1 S
complaints at the office.
Micro will be no deduction in wa
on account of temporary ifceaabi
city unless notico i left it &
ner".fl water for trngtioo iB
furnished to regular cowmen hJ
fordontic purooje. Conlnt-w
rd "under building purposes" uati
schedule of rates for 1893. Appf;
. j..
WE DON' T WANT boys or loafers, but me
of ability. Sloo to ieoo a month to hustlers
State and general agents. Sala.y and com,
mission. Racine Lire Engine Co., Racine
W'. 4 23 4t sat
WANTED A man or woman in every coun
ty to soil the best paying books on the mar
ket; $3 to $4 made every day; address box
449. Oregon City, Or.
Dealer in gr ocerics, paints, oils,
window glass, varnishes, and
the most complete stocc of
brushes of all kinds in the
state. Artists' materials, lime,
hair, cement and shincles. and
finest quality of grass seeds.
Miss May Wilkins,
and Self
All Muds of work done w the roil L-rrt
style, and promptly. Call it roan ij,M
uursi uiuck, oaiem.
HUIE WING SANG CO.-Japanese fancy
goods, matting, dressing gowns, lilk goods,
ornaments, Imported teas, baskets.chinawarc,
screens, etc.. at lowest prices. Ladies' un
derwearmadeto order in the store. 112
Court st. 421m
Miss Balk's School
Makes a smWaltvoffine reoiir tit. Ml
rr. - - V.
1 nomas ciociu, etc., 215 ummtrailseM
Carpenter, Builder and IM
481 Winter street.
11 lard times prices tlwti.
'UR OAL.i-jiigiit much cows and two 2
year olds. Inquiro of MJ. Egan, Gervais.
Or. 2 2A tf
UAKl'iiT PAPER Urge lot ol heavy
brown wrapping paper for sale cheap. Just
the thing for putting under carpets. Call at
journal office.
iness houses can obtain all newspaper infor
mation irom the press of tho state, coast and
51?tr,ft?,h?.. Vt.tn C'PPlnS Bureau,
(Allen's) Union Ulock, Portland. i2.2otf
Will receive children from 3 years upward
Special attention to beginners. All desired
branches for theolder pupils taught, includ
lng drawing, modeling, music plain and ar
Vtjc needle work. All work done on the in.
dividual plan. In which each child is ad
vanced according to its own capacity. For
terms and particulars apply to Miss O, Bal
lou. Twentieth and Chemeketa sts.
If AUUH tt
v w m mr
P. O. NEWS STAND Ijwal Snir,i.,.i"
Agency for all newspopers and magazines.
it.,, 1T "' K,a,B nna coniecttonery. I', w,
Miller. Prop. 114J
IjAl'ERS. Portland, Sacramento, Seattle!
Tacoma and San Fianclsco papers o'n sale 01
Miller's Postoffice block
Every reader of Tnm.JoiniNAi.
look up the list of premiums
ITie belt iulve n ,l,-.l.i J"
Sorts. 8oi. Ulcus. Salt Uhtu.,
N&'Vi-PhOTftl hand ChilbUIni!
I'llCS or na tv rnnlml 1. 1. .' "'"
UvpKfc utUfcetlon or mo?e d
4.fir,ts . U. rorulor A'.
reasonablo oxplanatlont "Yo editor's ronfcsslo T0.otor;e!f n imbcc,1 ,vc absolutely free with this paper,
tlmo iiiul nttpntlon has been so taken SvS'm "l?.?' 0r5?n .wU1 T" Wbbkly Journal at $1 a year Is
.1. :. "" " "HB WIltlL Stllllll tllO p.lmnnnat. ..- .. ,
up today with a woo tkuKlttcr which
vins ptomiiicu to him this morning,
that ho Is hardly responsible for tho
appcnnineo of this Issuo of tho Times
Ho Is slowly recovering, but It will
probably bo somo tlmo boforo ho bo
comes accustomed to his now title."
Tho Kht that was begun last win
teron Jo.Slmou, Dolph and tho old
autocratic Portland ring will be
foujiht to a finish hut no compromises
will bo offered on tho part or tho
people, tfo Kemibllcnn nw.. 1.1.
irhat stand tho cheapest paiwr on tho Paclllo
l'OR SALii. -One house ana two lots, sit
uatod in Wheatland. Yamhill county. All
set In good fruit. For sale at a bargain. The
Property is that known as the Wheatland
uuu' " i5o, Address, A, care Jour
ni1' 4 2 tf
i-UKSAUS OR RLNT.,-One house and
,i:"'".r"0l.,a.'a'.n 8od cultlva
Horseshoeing a specialty. Pices as low as
the lowest. Hand made shoes to suit the
hoes foot. Diseased feet such as corns, con
tracted hoofs or Interfering horses correctly
attended to. Tust elve me n trial inn rh
meketa street, back of New York Rackel
Tor tnforniollon and fre tlBiV
MUNN ft CO. 841 BieiBWiT. l
Oldest tmrtau for tcitintnSuS
Every Mtent taken out by "Ji&SKiK
toe puLUo by anoOco jlfeattHclwi
ES;z 5,SrESS iiS
fesslonal lwlter.
tflll1l.lll A ....1.11 i. t .
.u.uiiuiu iiuoucaiions, each known to
There is more Catarrh In ,m. ..... . ' ul,S.:i?.a? a standard In Its field:
HiSs; iS-
wrs pronounced it a local dlseii 7i t m. XilTm OWS,
tcribed local remedies? n I by wSiSK I ,0 C,,Ud ,Gurdeu'
Wling toenrevith local trtm'" ...1,,eso valuablo 1
nouncca tt Incurrable. M,. T""' "" -' wortll a
tor. pronounced It aTocal dl ,'.. U
. -- ... w.iU,y -iriOCn l'.ll.lll -...ll.l.
local tmitm..... . -..wv itiiuiiutu DuuiicacinriM inni
incurrahl K..I.":? ?:"i t'' eacil Worth tt 81 n vnnr . f .
catarrh In k . "V. ...rv'v'.,VB.. "" PWen VOU vnni-lil l S ""'?? "B0
th;f;.; n.r""" ,on? "". and i,iB r. ,,'' ..uu" r'reoi r a
lTniV.ii!. rrn,anJ? lofaliti throughout the
SU uff61 ftn.d rri,ories " 'he Fount!
-. mmiii diiu aieai
f1"" Cure, msnufactured bv P I ii l,e,rt" DAILY for 8lx months nr D hv .InJ... VT . .
party any nnolouv fur i,i .... Imi
:Vlsri!f. S5ISsri5xStf5 ...
to..Ph " . . ' V" " "Mb e'0.i.rZ:.:rLw5!?-? ? Jtem. They oner H ed
-rK....hiii..Uiiitlb 13 1 ,0 s .... nr v "" "J me 11 uusto cura. S;,l r PHCea
riLMir. niui ni...... nii,t. . ' imvuiiniiiii tMiimnni.i.
...... v.vwu iajiuics.
Children Cry for
nnd don't neglect to profit
deceived Into nnvimrr-n..
premiums offered with hini.
papers at a slluht ndvanw.
AUK JOURNAL i9 tl,nl
n . 7 ,, urcss, "cuiuuiucr TUB JOURNAL Is thn
. 1 'oremlums without miSmnnnT -i" "L
ia asner and Strnm ri... .1.-1..
own price In the wear of
monms. bent C. O.
forJi.co. In tin. r
particulnts, address
Salem, Oregon.
5S State street.
Salem Steam Laundry
Please notice the cut in orices
on the following!
Shls( niain 10 cents
Under drawers emir. ,.,.
Under shirts " e ,n m ..,
$ Per Pair 3 cents
Handkerchiefs ,..n
ouk nanuKerchlels 3 cents
Sheets and pillow slips 24 cents per dozen,
and other work In proportion.
Flannels and other work inn
telligently washed by hand,
lol, J, Olmsted Prop,
Children Cry fo,'
S?ohr'i Citorl,
' .Wtccu ounco wool clay worsted I 3r lmmetchi".' CCot,le Block
Sjts Imported In sacks nnrl Vi-o ' n . Successor to C. M. Beck & Co 1
onlySlO.1 JohUn&Ton. a"d fr0Ck8 tho mpt dellvJry at
you hitj
Notice ts-hereby given that sealed proposab
with plans and specifications will be received
up to May 6, at 12 o'clock for the construc
tion of a bent bridge, 180 feet long, across
- w me om roorhouse road,
between Howell Pialrl ami u;u-.r,. oi.n .
300 foot bent bridge across Drift creek,' ou the
roaa leadincr fmm iVn. wnrrn rMr.en
pcc loaiiverton.
? ST t0 reJect any or all bids U re-
... . .. ,u ,u5i dc niea at the omcc ol the
county clerk, Salem, Or.
4 2Qtdw L. V. EHLEN, Clerk.
innHPimfll Htm
1 '"" "'m" . .. rf-rtirt 'I
has been thfc jUnasra "'?&
, Is more popular tosrta""
1 roixosT,
1 refretln, clwuilr. bM;SS: kW I
I A rtllflitS'lnTUlllPWtKie5' J
I -' .uSanHjn
iuini KrarlllY '.
1 AT DBUaaiSTS aw
iP4 04 jo xoq tpa qA 94JJ n94 w, 1 9qx
.- a xuoj oujwpunq soqi)oeao
1 jn or rr-M
,E.lsD!Wfc 'ZZjU
... .. ...bur.
k oncuuun.0 J
o!M JnoA 5jij.
r w "
( . .. J
f; ' 1.
lowest prices,