Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899, April 06, 1896, Image 3

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Ifxiously watch declining health of
iir uaugmers. do many ore cut oil
r consumption in cany years tljnt
ire is real caueo for anxiety. In
I early stages, when not beyond
rcacn 01 incuictnc. uooti's enrsa-ft-illa
will rcsloro die quality and
anttty oi mo uioou ana thus give
od health. Head the following IcKcr:
It Is but Juat to wrlto about my
ucrhtcr Cora, aired 10. film wn mm.
Ltcl.v run down, dccllnlntr. had that t lnA
llhiffi end friends said she would not
i over tnrco montna. Blio had a bad
1 nothing eccmed to do Jicr any Reed.
kiappened to read about Hood's Sarsapa-
a and had her glvo It n trial. From tho
ry first doso Bbw began to get better,
tcr taking a few bottles sho wag com-
fctcly cured and her health hag been tho
At ever since." Mrs. Addie 1'jsck,
Railroad Place, Amsterdam, N. Y.
'I will say that my mother' kits not
ted my caso in as strong words as I
uld havo dono. Hood's Barsaparllla
i truly cured me and I am now well."
ttA Peck, Amsterdam, N. Y.
Bo suro to get Hood's, becauso
Hie Ono True Blood Purifier. AH (lrtigRht. 91.
eparcd only Dye. I. Hood St Co., Love)l, Mass.
l,l mil, are piirciy vectahle. re
lOOd S Pi I IS Ilablo and uciicflcUl. 25c.
Political Events.
FirSt congressional district Rcnub
mui convention nt Albany on Tupf-
t. April 7.
(State Dcmocratlo convention at
rtl.'intl April Oth.
picpuollcan national convention
ects In St. Louis, June 10.
iDctnoclntlc national convention
ects in Chicago, July 7.
National Ponullst convention. St.
nis, July 22.
A good hit in tho Jeferson Review:
I Joe Simon and the Oregon Ian car
ed the Portland primaries by a large
njorlty, yet tho big dnily Bays but
of the decent citizens voted.
Itch on ?
?ho Jefferson Review is Informed
it tho Marlon county legislative
Heel don't need any platform to
t . - .. .. . .
Uiu on. it is a iuiiciieil ticket una
Mids for economy.
majority of tho last legislature
ctcd McBrlda to tho senate. Tho
jo majority continued tho exist-
Ice of the railroad commission by
taring ns n bribe a $20,000 appre
ciation. Oswego Ironworker.
jjTho lower houso three times nbol-
ihed It and the Jo Simon senate each
jmo restored It. Why not tell the
ruth, brother.
E" Oregon must have n registration
iw or the Australian ballot system
ir primaries. No man should havo
. right to vote at u primary who has
lot had n well-defined legal residence
img enough to make him a legal voter
it the time the primary Is held.
1' Mttik TAri.Mir rtxl.iivirio lin in llkn
XUEt UUUlflAU tuiuuuia HUTU WVII
much given over to politics of
to to suit our lady readers. It has
een unavoidable as our first duty Is
our country, and to society uftcr-
vard. After this week wo shall glvo
less space to politics.
Stock Exchange Excitement.
Chicago. Anrll 4. Tho Chicago
btock exchango saw as exciting n half
hour today us It over witnessed. Tho
call proceeded quietly cnougli until
tho Diamond Match was reached.
The first sale was three shares at 103.
Tho next sale was at 170. The market
advanced to 177t, and then broke to
108. This ended tho Hurry. Fluctua
tions would Indicate that there was
I' tremendous trading, out sucu was
fuot the case, only, about 2,000 shares
;cnanging nanus.
Every reader of The Journal
should look up tho list of, premiums
given absolutely free with this paper.
The "Weekly Journal at 1 a year is
the cheapest paper on the Pacific
coast, yet with It we give yearly sub
scriptions to any of the following
valuable publications, each known to
tho world as a standard In Its Held J J
The Toledo Blade,
Tho Queen of Fashions,
The Farm News,
4,1m VillAU Ji.v.v.,.
These valuable publications are
each worth a 81 a year, yet we give
you your choice, one year free, for a
81.50 subscription to The Journal,
either tho Daily for six months or
the Weekly for eighteen months.
See the list, and don't neglect to profit
Don't be deceived into paying for
so-called premiums offered with high
priced papers at a slight advance.
Remember The Journal Is the
rheapest newspaper on the jracuic
coast, and It gives you high grade
wmiuma without additional charge
A Republican convention for the
state or Oregon Is called to meet In i
the city of Portland, on Thursday,
AprllO.lSOO.ntll o'clock a. ni., fori
the purpose of nominating candidates
for the prcshlental electors and state '
and district ofllces, except congress
men, and of electing four delegates-nt
laige to the Republican national con
vention, and to transact such other
uslness as mny properly come before
che convention. Tho convention will
onsist of 237 delegates chosen by tho
everal counties as follews:
Raker G
Ronton 5
Clackamas.... 12
Clatsop 7
Columbia 6
Coos 4
Crook 3
Curry . . . . v. . . . 2
Douglas 0
Gilliam 3
Grant 5
Ilnrncy 2
Jackson 7
Josephine 4
Klamath 2
Lake 3
Lane, 10
Linn 10
Lincoln 3
Malheur 3
Marlon 10
Morrow 3
Multnomah 48
Polk 8
Sherman 3
Tillamook 3
Umatilla 0
Union 8
"Wallowa 3
"Wasco 7
"Washington ....11
Yamhill l
The same being ono dclcgatc-at-large
from each county and ono dele
gate for every 200 votes and for every
fraction over one-half thereof cast for
the Republican candidate for governor
at tho election held In this state on
June 4, 1894.
All voters In favor of the Republi
can principle of protection to Ameri
can Industries and American labor
the upbuilding of a home market, a
sound linancial policy and a patriotic
enforcement of tho Monroe doctrine
arc cordially Invited to unite with us.
Geouoe A. Steel
"William Kapus, Chairman.
Portland, Or., Fob. C, 1800.
A, Republican convention for tho
llrst congressional district, of tho
state of Oregon, Is hereby called to
meet In tho city of Albany on Tues
day, April 7, 1800, at 3 p.m. for the
purposo of nominating a candidate
for congress and two delegates to the
national Republican convention. Tho
convention will consist of 122 dele
gates to bo chosen by tho several
counties, as follews:
Benton 5
Coos 4
Curry .. 2
Clackamas ....12
Lake 3
Lincoln 3
Linn 10
Marlon 10
Polk 8
Tillamook 3
Washington ....11
Yamhill 0
Josephine .... 4
.laokson 7
Douglas 0
Klamath 2
Lane 11
The same being ono delegate ut
largo for each county,and ono for each
200 votes, or fraction over one-half
thereof, cast for tho Republican gov
ernor at tho election held Juno4, 1891.
The cominitte recommends that tho
primaries and county conventions bo
held In accordance with the recom
mendation of the state central coni
mltten Tuos. II. Tongue, President.
J. A. Wilson, Secretary.
Republican Suite Delegates.
Douglas J. T. Bridges, Peter
Hume, A. W. Reed, C. F. Cathcart,
F. W. Benson, J. B. Riddle, J. S.
Hunt, BcnJ ITuntington nnd R. B.
Umatilla T. E. Fell, L. E. Yates,
J. P. Koontz, Douglas Belts, John
Bean, Charles Wllklus George Proob
8tcl,Win.Cosgrovo and Leo Moorhouse.
Washington Thomas IT. Tongue,
Dr. Craig, F. J. Batty, Calvin Jack, J.
E. Tensch, B. P. Cornelius, O. W.
Allen, W.R. Day, R. Council, J.C.
Greer, George Hall.
Grant Charles W. Parrlsh, D. O.
Ovorholt, Edwin Hall, A. F. Mno Rca
and "William Rudlo.
Columbia W. II. Conycrs, Harrison
Allen.Gcorge W. Maygcr.David Davis
and G. F. Doan.
Clatsop W. T. Cliutter, II. S,
Wooden, O. "W. Fulton, "W. n. Barker,
John Fox, W. W. Rldchalgh and F. J.
Wasco-J. G. Day, M. T. Nolan, J.
M. Pattorson, E. L. Smith, F. W.
Jones, George Johnston and A. E.
Gllllam-S. O. Hawson, W. W.Stel
wer and G. B. Dukek.
Yamhill A. J. Appcrson, J. M.
Crawford, J. F. Magers, T. N. Graves,
W. T. Vinton, A. Blackburn, J. E.
Hubbard, Henry Hewitt.
Union-W. T. Wright, J. R. Fcrrel,
J. D. Cascv. Chus. Hnlljtratb, J. B.
Thorson, J. M. Church, S. O. Swack
hammer. M. B. Rees.
Morrow A. Andrews, J. N. Urown,i
J. "W. Hager, T. R. Howard.
Marlon Wm. Illllcaryr H. G. Son
nomann, II. L. Barkley, D. S. Kuln,
W. B. Brown, J. II. Riches, R. E.
Downing, Thos. Bruce, Mark Skiff,
W J. Hadly, Wm. Cherrlngton, J. T.
Ross, James L. Cook, F. C.Perrlne,
D, C. Sherman, Adam Ohmart, CJaud
Gatch, J. A. Shaw; Wm. Waldo, at
Klamath: C. S, Moore and George
8. Nickersom
Josephine W. T. Coburn, C. O.
Biglow, B. A, Booth, Charles Decker.
Cooa R. S. LIttlefleld, W. Sinclair
nnd C. "W. Olive.
Lake A. O. Apldon, E.M. Brattain
and A. Snider,
Polk-J. "W Hobson Allen Yoakumr
J. M. Yanduyn, J. A.Wheeler, n.
CMcTimmons, John nolmnn, Frank
Lucas, Wm. Savage.
Jackson p. E. Ankeny, Dr. E. P,
Geary, O. M. Love, J. R. MorriF, L. F,
Wlllets, Peter Applegate, C. E. Stew
art. Lane L. E. Bean, G, I. Chrisman,
Rodney Scott, J. II. McClung, u
Herbert, ScottChrlsmnn, S. B.Eakln,
S. H. Friendly, W. Y. Henderson, 0.
Cole, A. a Woodcock. -
Tillamoek: L. P. Smith, W. L.
Brooks, T. B. Handley.
Linn A. J. Johnson, S. A. Daw
son, Joseph Yates, E. O. Evans, John
Denny, W. II. Ingram, J. II. Scott,
T. F. Smith, J. L. Tlndall, J. W. Cu
slck. Malheur:-S. P. Staccy, J. E. Hill
and I. W. Hope.
Benton It. F. Holm, Thomas
Cooper. J. Fred Yates, W. S. Huffard,
W. S. Tomlinson nnd B. W. Johnson.
Polk "William Savage, S. W. Hod
son, George W. McBec, J. A. Wheeler
II. C. McTrlmmonds, Allyn Yocuni,
Frank Lucas, and J. M. Yanduyn.
Bcnton-H. II. Glassford. Ed. Wil
liams, S. L. Klein, Marlon Haydcn,
N. P. Newton.
Polk R. D. Cooper, S. D. Gibson,
0. E. Lcet, George E. Kelty, L. N.
Woods, J. A. Ycncss, C. G. Cond and
D Suitor.
Polk-R' D. Cooper, S. D. Gibson,
O. E. Leet, G. L. Kelly, Dr. L. N.
Woods, J. A. Ycnncss, C. G. Coad,
Robt. Suitor.
Jackson H. E. Ankeny, Dr. E. P.
Gcnry, C. M. Loyc, J. R. Norrls, L. F.
Willltts, Peter Applegate, C. E.
Lane J. H. McClung, Dr. Wm.
Kuykendall, ,7. A. Burlinghame, Ell
Bangs, II. L. Rami, D. Brlstow, C. 11.
Burkholdcr, 1. B. Cushmau, J. G.
Stevenson, R. II. Hawley, Jnt.per Wll.
Douglas A. W. Reed, J. S. Hunt,
L. Loughary, R. B. Dixon, BenJ,
Huntington, E. L. Parrott, J. T.
Bridges, J. B. Riddle and D. S. K.
Washingten: G, W. Patterson, Dr.
James Wythlcombc, C. F. Tygart, Dr.
J. P. Tnmcslc, 1. A. Macruin, II. P,
Ford, James Imbrlc, M. D. Markham,
G. W, Stltt, William Marsh, Harvey
Marlon county II. B.Condlt, F. W
Hollls, A. F. Blackcrby, J. H.Roland,
Geo. Ehlen, Wm. Fry, J. II. McNnry,
Louis Stinson, R. J. Hendricks, C.
"ft ilson, Prince Byrne, J. Aroorhccs, J.
C. Johnson, A. J. Richardson, Jap
Minto, l'J. is. MCKinucr, wm. Jiusiiy,
C. 1). Hartman, Win. Waldo delegate
nt large.
Lincoln county C. B.Crosno, R. A
Bcnsal, E. J. Davis.
Clackamas county J. W. Meldrum,
G. W. Prosser, T. F. Ryan, J. M.
Trucy, Geo. F. Horton, S. M. Ranisby,
T. B. Thomas, J. L. Krusc, II. S. C.
Phelps, J. S. Vaughn, E.M. Hartman,
J. R. Morton.
Yamhill W..Chrlsman,C.A.Butt)J.
P. Irvine, J. W. nobbs, O, II. Irvine,
A. Detmerlng, M. O. Lownsdalo, D.
P. Trulllnger nnd Gcorgo W. Blbce.
Josephine W. T. Coburp, 0. O.
Blgelow, R. A. Booth, Charles Decker.
Coos. R. S. LlttlcHcld, W. Sinclair
and C. W. Ollyc,
Lake A. C. Auldon, E. M. Brat
tain nnd A. Snider.
Klamath: O. C. Applcgatoland R.
S. Moore.
Tillamoek: L. P. Smith, W. L,
Brooks, T. B. Handley.
Llnn-J. R. Whitney, J. A. Wilson,
E. D. Cuslck, 0. P. Glovor, J. E. Yeo
man, Robt. Glass, J. R. Davis, L. C.
Prettyman, A. J. Crandall, J. F. Yen
nor. Connty Democratic Convention.
Tho Marlon county democratic con
vention Is hereby rc-callcd to meet nt
Salem, Wednesday, April 15, 1800, at
11 a. m. for tho purposo of nominat
ing a county ticket In full.
J. R. Faiuuanks,
Chairman of tho convention.
Salem, March 30, 1800. 3 31 td
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castorla.
Through His Nervine Is a Ben
efactor to Thousands."
a WIDELY known Wisconsin publisher,
who resides at Green Day, writes
March 6th, 1K5, as follews:
i?i in sea I became so nervous that
Biental wonc wa a burden. 1 could not rest
at nltht on account ot sleeplessness. My
attention was called to Dr. Miles Itestora
tlve Nervine, and I commenced to use It
wlta the Tory best effect. Since then I
1,... bnnt a. bottle in my bouse and use it
whenever my nerres become unstrunf , v 1th
always the aame fooa results, sir eon biki
T- Milssc' Uke It lor nervousness
IK. HIUZ wilts like noTcr falllne
NprvftJA success. I havorecom-
11 ,i ended It to many and
RCStOreS Iteurwithera. All who
ttii. au3er Irom norre
iiCalin...... troubles should try It.
It Is free Irom narcotic, perfectly harm
Icsc, and yot soothe and atrenetbens. Dc.
Miles, throucb his Kervlne Is a. benelMtot
totboosands." A.O. LEIIMAN.
Editor and proprietor of Dk LAjfDUOJr.
n. un Krinn ta iLnld on ruarantee
ittelwlUbestor wtf ntwti.
ttfiKI W A fl
for Infants and Children.
OTHERS, Do You Know mat raic,
Itateman'a Stops, Codfrty'i Cordial, many so-cntlcd Soothing Syrups, and
most remedies for children are composed of opium or morphine I
o Vow Knew that opium and morphine are stupefying; narcotic poisons?
Xio Vow Know that In most countries druggists ore not permitted toseU narcotics
without labeling them pobons ?
Wo Yoh Know that you should not permit any medicine to bo given your child
vales you or your physician know of what It Is composed t
Ho Vow KTnew that Castorla Is a purely Tegetablo preparation, and that a list of
its Ingredients is published with every bottle ?
Po Voit Know that Castorla is the prescription of the famous Dr. Samuel ritcher.
That it has been in use for nearly thirty years, and that more Castorla Is now sold tbau
of all other remedies for children combined ?
Wo You Kiio'W that the Talent Office Department of the United States, and of
other countries, have issued exclusive right to Dr. ritcher and his assigns to use the word
"Cnatorln" and its formula, and that to Imitate them Is a state prison offense?
to Vow Know that one of the reasons for granting this government protection
was because Castorla had been proven to be nliBOlntcly ImrmlciM?
Po You Know that 3s nrcrago doses of Castorla are furnished for 35
cents, or one cent a dose?
Iio 'Yosi Know that when possessed of Hits perfect preparation, yourcldldrea may
be kept well, and that you may have unbroken rest?
Well. tlicHe tUltign are worth knowing. They are facls.
TllO fftc-Hliilllo
wlgttature of
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla.
toe nm CM
Service and Sccncvj Unequalled
TvroufilC Palace and Ton Hut Cavs
I)lnhi(f'mand Buffet Library Cars
Tralm leave Portland and Seattle dally for the East.
Tickets, reservations and baggage checked to all points.
For comfort In travel take'the Great Northern
BOZORTH '.BROS., Agents,
It. C. STEVENS. G. WVP. A., Seattle, Wash.
A. D. C. DENNISTON.'V:. l'.J T. A.. Portland , Oi.-
Through Tickets
Union Pacific System.
Tlirmiffti Pullman PaIata Mlnr TmirU
Sleepers and Freo Reclining Chairs dally
Our trains are heated by steam and tr
lighted by Pintsch light.
Time to Chlcaco, 3 1.3 days
Time to New York, 4 1-2 days.
Which is many hours quicker than com
For rates, time tables and fullinform ion
apply to
Agents, Sdein, Oi.
General Agent, Dm. I'ass. Agent
135 Third Street, Portland.
Eastern R, R. Company
Connecting at Yaqulna Day with the San
Francisco & Yaqulna Ray Steamship Co.
a I and firstclass In every respect. Sails
from Yaqulna for San Francisco about every
8 days.
rastcnger acoommouauons unsurpuscu.
Shortest route between the Willamette valley
and California.
Fare from Albany or pointt west to Han
Francisce: Cabin, lis; steersce, ',8; cabl
round trip, good 60 days, Si 8.
For sailing dates sppiy 10
II. L.VALDEN. Agent,
Albany, Or,
CHAS. CLARK. Corvallis, Or.
EDWIN STONE, Manager, Ccrvallls, Or.
A. J. CHURCHILL, Local Agent, Salem.
rtK ."iJ"'-.;. xs:.?fr.
SUk4tUl'i-M. "'""''
la en every
wmzx -x.
Pullman Sleopinp- Cars
Elegant Dlnln" Cars
Tourist SleopMCara
To St. Paul, Minneapolis, Duluth, rargo,
Helena and Iiutte.
To Chlcaco, Washington, Philadelphia, New
iuik, jHiun, anu an roints
East and South .
lor Information. llmf.TVtiri1fl nnn M.l
tickets, call on or writn
365 Commercial srreet, Salem, Or.
A. D. Charlton, Asst. Gen'l. Pats. Act.,
Morrison st corner Third Portland, Or.
0. R. & N. CO.
Two Transcontinental
Via Spokane Minneapolis StPaul and Den.
ver Omaha and Kansas Cily, Low rates to
eastern cities,
Portland San Fjancisco.
Steamers leave Ainsworth dock. Portland,
March 33 and 28, and April 3, 7, 13, 17, 'a 4
and 28th at 8 p m.
Fare Cabin, $5: steerage, $2.o.
River Steamers -Ruth and Elmore lor
Portlsnd, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and
Friday at mica, m., arriving at 6 p.m.,
and on Thursday and Saturday 7 a. m. ar
riving at 3130 p. in. Returning leave Port
land everyday except Sundav at 6 a.m.,
arriving In Salem at 3jjo p. m. For Corvallis,
Aionuay. lucsuay, luursaay and Saturday
at 31330. m., arriving at Independence at 5
p.m., Albany at 9 p. m., Corvallis II p. m.
m. ma tr ' . .... .
Dock foot of Trade street.
For full details call on Ilotie & Uarker,
agents, Salem, Oregon, or address.
Cen'l Pas. Agt. Portland, Or.
For full details call on or address
Foot of Tradeit. Local Agent
Have You 9t
the nor rpxxoflr Per .Box f H Is lra
free will Ml bos of Powder. Ask for It.
1 I'll.
I ltasssMaswiiiia, aanijvMnw.
docs not do a lottery business to swell
Its circulation; but In addition to
giving valuo received, It gives Its sub
scribers valuable premiums.
Now Is the tlmo to order your read
ing mntter, nnd It will pay you to no
tice tho following special offers.
Any ono of tho following five peri
odicals free, ono year, to any sub
scriber or THE JOURNAL who pays
&1.G0 in advance for tho dally, by car
rier, thrco months, (50-cents n month)
or by mall six months, (25o a month)
or the weekly 18 months, (91 it year.
tho best 10 pago Illustrated fashion
magazluo of Now York free for ono
year. Tho abovo prices nro net cash,
and tho cheapest combination over of
fered. Tho "Queen" Is a high-class
prncttcal, homo magazine.
Child Garden.'
nTho"dcllf(htful ChlcnRO children's
nuiKazlno. Just the thing to rend to
the llttlo ones of tho homo circle. It
brings tho klndonrnrton into the
home. Song, games and story, Beau
tifully Illustrated, $1 a year, Pub
lished bv tho Kindergarten Literature
OA- practical farm paper, edited by a
staff of experienced agricultural
writers, contributed to by tho best
known agriculturists of the country.
It-contains what tho farmer wants.
A hnndtiomc, attractive, homo pa
per, to which ovory woman will lvo
a hearty welcome.
That great national nowspaper,
whlchjls known to everyhody.
Oftinyof these publications can bo
had hv calllnir at THE JOURNAL
ofllco or dropping uh n postal card.
Any two of the above periodicals
can ho secured by paying $3 and tak
ing TUB JOURNAL twice at. long an
required to securd one.
"When tho extremely low price of
TUB JOURNAL Is considered, this
will bo found tho most liberal offer
mndo by nny paper on tho coast.
MM lilfflllffi
Salem, - Oregon
In all towns and localities throuchout the
United States and territories lo sell the Fount
aln Washer arid Steam Cooker, the beU In
ue. It saves its own price In the wear o(
clothes III lets than six months. Sent C. O.
D. by express, prepaid, for $3.0, In tin; $3
In copper. For particular, address
15O jStat street, Salem, Oregon.
Shasta Route.
Southern Pacific Co.
California ExpreM TratnRun dsli? between
Portland and San FrancUco.
ly. l'ortland ai. '
lv balrm I v.
ar Sun Fran. Ir,
Abovetralnsstop at East Cortland, Oregon
City, Vvoodbum, Salem, Turner, Marion,
iciienon, Aiuany, Aiuany Junction, Irvinp,
hugene, Creswell, Drain, and all nations
, Albany, Albany Junction. Try
from Koseburg to Ashland, tncluilre.
8:30 a.m.
lv. Portland ar.
lv. Salem lv.
4:40 p.m.
2:20 p.m.
8:30 a.m.
11:00 a.m.
5:20 p.m.
ar. Roscb'g lv
4:00 p.m.
0:15 p.m.
lv. Portland ar.
ar. Salem lv.
10:05 a.m.
8:00 a.m.
and second-class sleeping cars attached to all
1 rains.
Hetwcen Portland and Corvaltis, dally (ex
cept Sunday,)
7:30 a.m.
I a: 15 p.m.
l.v. l'mtlaml. Ar
61J0 p. m.
1)35 p. w.
1 Ar. CorvtllU. Lv
At Albany and Comllis conned with
trains of Oregon Conlral & Eastern Railroad.
Express train dally except Sunday,
445 P. "
7'S !' '"
Lv. Portland Ar.
8:25 a. m.
6:50 a. m.
to all points In the Eastern States, Canada
and Europe can be obtained at lowest ratei
from W.W. SINNER, Agent, Salem,
E, I, ROGERS, Asat. O. F. & P. A., .
PortUnd, Or.
R. KOEHLER, Manager.
1 11 11 11 11
CUi 11111 11 UIU 1
& Si. Paul By.
Of thclChicaco, Milwaukee and St. Paul
Railway and note its connection with all
transcontinental lines at St. Paul and Omaha,
and remember when Going east that its trains
are lighted with electricity and heated by
steam, Its equipment istupcrb. Elegant
IiulTet, library, smoking and sleeping cars,
with free rcclinini' chairs. Each sleeping
car lieithhas an electric reading lamp, and
its dining cars are the best In the world,
Other lines are longer thau this, but none
are shorter, and no oilier offers the above lux
urious accommodations. These are sufficient
reatons for the popularity of ''Tho Milwau
kee." Coupon ticket agents in every rail,
road office will give yon further Information,
or address
C, J. EDDY. General Agent,
J. W. CASEV, Trav. I'ass. Agent.
Portland 1
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TRAH maim:.
Yot Informnloo and freo tUatffeeafc wrttf to
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