FROM OLD WILLAMETTE. 1, I- B. ' u 4& Xk men who arc old-time winners, nnd ., , . I the boys of Inst year's team are show- New, of the Pa.t Week, a. Noted by, Ing up ,n reniarkabiy g form. The Our Corte3ponJent. 1 8prntcr9 llaVe aiready commenced Miss Alice Balsley is wrestling with work, and were out yesterday on tha li grippe this tveek. ' truck. In the inter-collegiate, as well Clydo Brnndcnburg was absent Irtim n8 the local field-day contests, it is cx- t;r C " v. t,''J v?w s$h y;-. past wct'k on account of Nervous rs. no aPDotlto and Terr ranch mm t Tvm tho condition of jny husband. E taking Hood'a Sarsaparllla be hai entmy lmprovea, aaa iie bow eat jeeps well; In fact, bo u all right. id's Sarsaparilla am vanf hlwhl tfna lfinnt. ir, 1010 Cedar St., Puoblo, Colorado. d'o Piffc cnr 1J liter in, bill. a v;m-'5 LETTER. atmg a Supprcnr.ton of Ego- tlrttll. ky do o exercise Mioh sunreiiic iii'iia towards events, things eople of humble origin? Simply kse of tin Kroat hump of egotism 8SCSS. no of tin- most humble causes are ictlve of tho greatest results and s. home or tne most Humble become most noteworthy, and f.'of the most humble people ke so much good I hat, while they not nl t he time be noticed, after ire dead olheis are llred by the itry of their good deeds to render t lie 1 oniage It would have been Eh comfort to them to have re- id during I heir lifetime. Or, per- llicli efforts do not hear fruit Y long years after. r. us give more liecd to the lewly: to Ihelr efforts.lot us strive our i to heneiit them. We can never ire into the future and deter- to what greatness they will snt. There arc many times when Ivory little expense cf effort, time !ncy wo could be of assistance to in dire need, but I fear we more i dismiss tho thought with upire- She 11 never amount to anything." iatter how poor a child or man E how Ignorant, he has his possl- es, nnd It Is a duty we owe to tlnd to help develop thom. eed though, many of the most i and lowly have shown us that fpossess merits far above our Fand In addition, tho pcrsover- and grit to make them of use to iselves and to others. They have ampllslicd tasks which put to no the achievements of those essing greater advantages. Think instance, of tho noble and un- Hi work of Harriot Tubman, tho woninn, the escaped slave, who red for years, enduring the great- ill and hardships for the sake of gtlng other slaves to escape. She cd her freedom, her very life for in, by going back to the very plnn- m from which she was a fugitive. re are few white women of our ', dny who are 60 gloriously unself- Kancl so exceedingly courageous. 'name Ismndo well nigh immortal, the perusal of an account of her is cannot but imbuo ouo with ad- ition. And what was she? Only ive, poor, Ignorant and unculti- td, but rich in what many of us p aunmntliK n.wl .. iipaI ftal. ..noil , when wo seo someone whom wo slderour inferior let us remember thnt person may possess quall- i of which wo would 'bo proud, nnd : only tho opportunity of develop- rthem to make him -far our super- A good motto for us to bear in id is "Despise not tho dny of smnll IgS." .'IA11IUN.- Dcafnes3 Cannot be Cured. local applications, as they cannot en me diseased portions or tne car. ere is only one wav to cure deaf- s, and thnt is by constitutional Eedies. Deafness is caused by an lined condition of tho mucous ng of tho Eustachian tube. When tuhc cets inflamed you novo a bllng sound or imperfect hearing, wnen it is entirely closed ueai- i is tne result, and unless tno in- imatlon can be taken out and tills ' restored to Its normal condition, irlntr will bo destroyed ferever: no cases .out of ten are caused by tarrh, which Is nothing but an ln- ineu condition or tne mucous stir- fo will give One Ilundred Dollars ' any case of deafness (caused by tarrh) that cannot bo cured by 511's Catarrh Cure. Send for clr ars, free. . J. UHENNEY &CO., TOlCdO U oia iy Druggists, 7a cents. EAK MEN URED A3 IF BY MAGIC. ricllmc Last Manhood enould ceod a onca tor a uook tbat explains hour full manly ytzor Is easily, jclc)r and permanently restored. Ionian suffering from uukncti can f Sardtn (snore t&U tlmalv advice. Booi telle how bfull etrenath. do- lopment and tone are imiurted to evrr tion of tho bodr. Sent vrltb positive u (Maltd) trtt to any man on appUcalloa. UEMUMALM.,IUFFALI,N.Y. school the slckncHs The second examination for the second term was conducted by the teachers Friday. Itoy llalllngcr was absent from sjhool Monduy and Tuesday on ac count of la grippe. Ttcv. Q. W. Orannls, Mrs. J.. 11. Sliarpe, Misses G race I'ohle, Margaret Locklov, Laura Kirk, and others were chapel visitors the past week. Leon Holland assistant in the Red Front drug store, entered the Univer sity this week with the intention of taking a course in chemistry. Henry Tucker, of Sliver Creek, Washington, entered the school tho past week. Mr. Tucltur attended the university last year and has resumed ))ls studies. Miss Kate Carey, of Seio, who has beon attending McMlnnvllle college, pected the U. ofO. will huve a full 1 list of men In every cunit. As soon as practicable, regular training will commence with all who expect to win athletic honors.Eugene Register. We wonder If tho editor of tho Regis ter Is so absent minded as to think there Is but one educational insti tution in tho state. We can assure the Register that lleld-day will And old Wlllnmette nt Portland "with both feet" as It were. It will prob ably not be longurtll the athletes of tho State university at Eugene will be labeled "United States Boys" by the editor of the Register to take tho place of the term "Oregon Roys." Aliout two hundred young folks en Joyed the hospitality or the I'hllo dorian society last evening. Mr Gar land gave an Instrumental selection 1 very ncceptably, while Miss Ethel Hughes gave a recitation In her usual pleasing manner. The nuartet con- Some Cauipaigfl Figlims was a chapel visitor Thursday morn- slating of Messrs. Mark Early, S. II. lug returning to her home on the Untly, II. II. Heritage and C. W. local tjint day. I Llvcsay kindly responded to a hearty It Is slated that the Willamette ' c" wjlh 1.U,eth'0!Uo"' "Who University Glee Club under tho.l "1 t Ark." Vrof. F. S. Dunn direction of Prof. R. A. Heritage will i"IB" "-'V1 ? Bl"' ?" ot tne. urccKuouuess, .rccno, wiucii was quite interesting. MissClorn Pooler Heritage will furnish music at the Chautauqua near Oregon City next fall. Mls Helen Matthews will lead tho Y. W. and Y. M. C. A. meeting Sun day afternoon. It will be a mission ary meeting and a prolltable hour will be spent by lho.e who attend. Jt has been with considerable dllll culty the past week that we have rec a fellow student, who Is known from hlsbeamlugcountcnance, thnt young gentleman having had his beautiful crop of alfalfa harvested. David East proved himself a hero Inst Saturday when he extinguished the ilru in the woman's college. Mr. East Is now a grunt favorite among the young lady students boarding at the college, and his gentlemen friends entertain fears us to Ills "safety." We were misinformed last week In tho statement that 'A. F Chase had been kicked by a horse. Mr. Chase was In an equally as unpleasant u position being In the llrm grasp of la grippe,. Mr. Chase resumed Ills studies Mon day morning. Miss D. Gans was compelled to be absent from school u part ot this week. Several reasons are advanced for such action on tho part of Miss Gnns, but the statement that finds most credence among her classmates Is that sho received an overdose of Cicero. A number of the boys enjoyed the first hare and hound chase of the season this afternoon. The party left the university about 1 o'clock and ran about ten miles. These chases will bo repeated at regu lar Intervals until school closes should tho weather permit. In the "polo" game, last Saturday afternoon, during the gytnimslum exhibition, nu unfortunate accident happened. C. W. Llvesay was pushed against tho parallel bars and his head struck ono of tho Iron projections, cutting a scalp gash which tcqulrcd several stitches to close. Ho has acted tho part of "grandpa" the past week by wearing a scalp cap. Chapel rhctoricnls for this week have been: Monday, recitation, Miss Josle Paisley; Wednesday, essay on "Self Mndo Men nnd Women," Miss Feme Bentley: Thursday recitations sang a beautiful selection and Ilnl Hlbbard gave one of his best recita tions thus bringing to n close an ex cellent program. Owing to the sick ness of Mr. Ilraudenburg, the dia logue. In which that young gentle mun, L. R. Matthews. -nnd E. II. Car ter were to participate, was omitted. Partners were then secured for the grand march whloh was led by Will Morris and Miss Myrtle Marsh. Slips of paper, upon which was writ- ton passages from scripture, were dis tributed among the young folks. Two slips were alike and when a com parison was made the two young folks became partners. Later In the even ing, nn election was held to determine the best lady and gentleman conversa tionalist, Mr. W. 1 Matthews and Miss Myrtle Marsh receiving the largest number of votes, entertained the assembly for three minutes with an impromptu conversation qn "Mnt rlinony." Tho next open meeting will bo held at tho close of this torm, live weeks from last evening. CALL FOR CONVENTION. A Republican convention for tho stnte of Oregon Is called to meet In tho city of Portland, on Thursday, April", 1, at 11 o'clock a. m., for the purpose of nominating candidates for the presldentnl electors nnd state nnd district oillccs, except congress men, and of electing four dclcgates-at large to the Republican national con vention, and to transact such other business as may properly como before the convention. Tho convention will consist of 237 delcgntes chosen by tho several counties as follews: uaKcr o Benton 5 Clackamas.,.. 12 Clatsop 7 Columbia K Coos 4 Crook 3 Curry ......... 2 Doimlas 0 Gilliam : Grant Hnrnoy Jackson Josephine... Klamath.... Lake Lane 10 Linn 10 Lincoln .1 Malheur .'! Marlon 10 Morrow II Multnomah 48 Polk 8 Sherman 3 Tillamook '! Umatilla 0 Union 8 Wnllowa 'I Wasco 7 Washington ....11 Ynmhlll 0 Tho same being one dclcgatc-at- liinri. from onnli nnnntv nnd nno rtnlo. byMlssMattle Beatty and Adolph j to for CYcry 200 votes and for every TJIttnnv. "EVMnir rnnl til t Inn nil f'Phnr. I " ..... - . . fraction over ono-uair incrcor cast, ror Blttner: Friday, recitation on "Char acter of Washington by Edward Everett," O. J. Atwood. Ono of tho young ladles, who fre quents tho gymnasium, found herself In rather a serious predicament a few days since. Sho mounted the paral lel! bars nnd performed several dllll- ...11 ..-a- ...l ...1 .1.. . ..-.. fmrnrcMncnL CUIL icais UUt WI1UII really lU ICIUUI w , -" iiT lnvltl t nnltn will. ,.u HUU uiuuwil iawva a,w ' the Republican candldnto for governor at tho election held In this state on Juno 4, 1801. All voters In favor of tho Republi can principle of protection to Ameri can industries and American labor tho upbuilding of a homo market, a sound llnancinl policy nnd a patriotic or tno Monroe doctrino the dressing room sho was unable to dismount untlll a chair had been kindly furnished her by an onlooker. Had no ono been in the building at the tlmo she would probably hnve roosted there all night, GEOitorc A. Stkel William Km-us, Chairman. Secretary. Portlnnd, Or., Feb. 5, 1890 DISTRICT CONVENTION. A Republican convention for tho first congresslounl district, of tho iutnti nf Hrnnnn la linivifw fnllnrl tn Miss Emily Reader, secretary of the ; ,ncet n tho city of Albany on Tues- Y. W. C. A. of the Pacific Northwest. was a chapel visitor Wednesday, nnd in a five minutes' talk gave Consider able Interesting Information concern ing the work of the association she represents. Tho fifth annual conven tion of the Pacific Coast Y. W. C. A. will conveno In Portland the latter part of April, when 100 delegates arc expected to bo present Communica tions from California associations will be read, and delegates from Idaho and British Columbia are expected to be In attendance. The coast summer school for young ladles will be held near Saa Francisco this coming sum mer, under tlurausplcea of the Y. W. C. A. Prof. Minnie Frickey 13 chair man and Mlsa Myrtle Marsh Is secre tary of tho local association. The college boys who will represent Oregon In the Inter-colleglnto field day contest will compose a team on whose banner victory In almost sure to perch. This team will be consider ably strengthened this year by several day, April 7, 1890, at 3 p. ru. for tho purpose of nominating a candidate for congress and two delegates to the national Republican convention. Tho convention will consist of 122 dele: gates to bo chosen by the several counties, as follews: Benton... Coos Curry Clackamas Josephine JacKson G 4 o ..12 .. 4 7 Lake Lincoln ... Linn Marlon.... Polk ...... Tillamook Washington .. 3 .. 3 ..10 ..10 .. 8 .. 3 .11 Ynmhlll 0 Douglas 0 Klamath 2 Liinft 11 The 6ame being one delegate at large for each county.and one ror each 200 votes, or fraction over one-half thereof, cast for the Republican gov ernor at the election held June 4, 1804. The commute recommends thnt tho primaries and county conventions bo held In accordance with tho recom mendation of the state central com mltteo Tiiob. II. Tonciue, President. J. A. Wilson, Secretary. Children C17 for Pitcher' Castorl. For Dwcrats and fofrtilisls fo Struggle "With, Republicans Paste Then in Your' Hats anB Pull Them, Lin L . u c .o5f-s. Customs revenue. Excess of revenue over expenditure Excess of expenditure over revenue. 18T)3 1830 1800 1801 1802 1803 1801.... 180T). . . . 18(10.... 1807.... 1808.... 1800. . . . 1870. . . . 1871.... 1872.... 1873 1874 1875 1870 1877 1878 1870 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 I880 1880 1887 18S8 1860 1800 1801 1892 1893 1801 1803 i7l)'o40,cHV.28 170,417,810.88 10l,404,509.r.O 180,048,428.03 104,538,374.44 200,270,408.05 210,370,280.77 188,089,522.70 103,103,833.111) 157,107,722.35 148,071,084.01 130,030,4113.07 130,170,OS0.2Q 137,230,047.70 180,522,001.00 108,150,070.02 220,410,730.25 214,700,400.9.1 105,007,489,70 181,471,030.34 102,003,023.44 217,280'803.13 210,091.173.03 223,832,741.09 229,008,584.57 210,522,205.23 177,452,004.15 203,355,010.73 131,318,530.02 152,158,017.45 37,223,203.07 133,091,335.11 28.297,708.40 43,078,409.41 101,001.010.88 (11,140,750.04 1)0,588,004.89 43,392,059.31 2,344,882.30 13,370,053.20 29,022,241.83 30,340.577.00 20,700;551.00 0,870,300.93 05,883,053.20 100,009,401.03 145,543,810.71 132.879,444.41 101,393,025.50 03,403,771.27 03,050,588.50 103,471,097.59 111,341,273.03 87,701,080.59 85,010,271.07 20,838,541.90 0,014,123.00 2,311,075.29 8 27,529,901.43 15,58-1,511.10 7,003,000.50 25,030,714.50 122li74l;il.4!J 002.013,431.22 HH).(il)..8(0.;i7 1X13,810,010.33 I I 1 M I I M I I I ! a $'66,803,2.08 12,803,223.18 Tho above table of figures, compiled from tho olllclnl government statis tics, shows thnt for three years of Democratic rule and live years of rebellion from 1800 to 1805 Inclusive there was a dollclt In tho national treasury. From 1800 to 1873 Inclusive there was a Republican surplus to apply to wiping out the natlonnl debt. Cleveland wont In March 4, 1803, and for that year -tho surplus nearly disappeared. In 1891 nnd 1893 tho deficit duo to Democratic mismanagement of revenues and llnnnccs ran up to over $112,000,000. Draw your own conclusions. CALL FOR REPUBLICAN PRIMAR IES AND CONVENTION. Notlco Is hereby given that tho Republican primaries for Marlon county will be held on FRIDAY, the 20th day of March, 1890, in the various precincts of Marlon county as follews: Salem No. 1 12:30 to 0:00 Salem No. 2 12:30 to 0.00 Salem No. 3 12:30 to 0:00 Salem No. 4 12:30 to 0:00 North Salem 12:30 to 5:00 Yew Park 12:30 to 0:00 South Salem 1:00 Englewood 2:00 to 5:30 Prospect 2:00 to 5:30 Aurora 1:00 to 5:00 Lnblsh 2:00 to 0:00 Woodburu 1:00 to 3:30 East Sllvcrton 1:00 to 4:00 WcstSllverton 1:00 to 4:00 Ablqun .' 1:00 Primaries in the following named precincts will be held at the following plnces: .No. 1 Engine house. No. 2 Hanson & Cook's stables. No. 3Basey's stables, Court street. No. 4 Red Front (Wcstacott's) stn bles. Yew Park Feed mill, opposite Jorv's shop. North Salem Building opposite Wndo's store. Englewood Wade's store. Prospect Slmpsonls store. Woodburn Beach building. Lnblsh Shaw's hall, Brooks. West Sllvcrton Sons of Veterans' hall. EaHt Sllvcrton Fitzgerald's shop. Tho several precincts nro entitled to the following representation of del egates to tho Republican county con cen con venteon: Salem No. 1 10 Salem No. 2 10 Salem No. 3 17 Salem No. 4 11 East Salem 4 North Salem 0 South Salem 8 Englewood 12 Prospect 12 iew rarK Ablqua ........ ....... Aurora ,....... ...!.. Breltenbush Buttevllle . Chnmpoeg . Elkhorn... Fairfield Garfield Gervais Howell Horeb Hubbard g Jefferson Lnblsh 0 Lincoln 4 5 6 3 10 8 ,1 0 5 7 13 MIlHMMMI"'" ! Marion Maclcay .. Mehama.. Silver Falls East Sllvcrton West Sllvcrton St Paul Stavton... Sublimity. Turner.... Woodburn f t IMMI'tlli f t Total 247 In the balance of th precincts the primaries will be held nt 2 o'clock p. m. Tho Marlon county Republican con vention Is hereby called to meet at the opera house In Salem on Tucsdny, tho 24th day of March, 1800, nt the hour of 10 o'clock a. in., for tho pur pose of nominating live representa tives, county clerk, sheriff, recorder, treasurer, county Judgo, county com missioner, school superintendent, sur veyor, assessor, coroner, and to elect nineteen delcgntes to tlio stnte con vention and nineteen to tho district convention. E. M. Choisan, Chairman Marlon County Republican Central Committee. 11. F. Mkhedith, Secretary. The Common People. AsAbraham Lincoln called thorn, do not care to argue about their ailments. What they wan Is a medicine that will jure them. The simple, holiest state ment, "1 know that Hood' Sarsapa rilla cured mo," Is tho best argument In favor of tills medicine, and this is what many thousands voluntarily Bay. Hood's Pills are the best uftor-dlu-nor pills, assslst digestion, euro head ache. 2o cents. fjevs Will Not Perform Miracles But It Will Cure. Dlt. MILES' ilESTOIIATIYRNKKVINR cures nerTom prostration. Not ml raculouity, but sclcntlQeall f, by first removing tbo Kortna ot ulxoaaq, and Hum supplying healthy nerve food, Increasing the appetite, helping digestion &inl strength ening tho entire system. Donporato ctuos require prolonged treatment as sltoira by that of Mrs. JL I). Reed, of Delta, Ioua, who writes 1 "As tno result ot a lightning tiroke, tbo pbyslclsn said I had a Ilj'H t'.rvUo of paralysis, my Hubs would alt draw up. I Xr MI1fc' would havo throwing iI. 1UU6S jn ray cbeUtlmt scorned NCrVlllC unendurable. Kortbreo Months I could not i.ltp KCStOreS and for tLreu vrtolut did Wpilfri not cl0,a m7 0,w ' nCUUiloiKi prayed for ilerp, and felt that If relief did not com I wo aid V dad or insane. I took Pr, Miles' Itetoru tlve Nervine and the second night slept tw hours and from that time on my health im proved) slowly at first, but steadily and surely. I took In all 0 bottles, and I cannot ejpreus how grateful I am, for I am now perfectly well, asd have taken nornullclau for over four months," Dr. Miles' Nervine Is sold by druggists on guarantee that first bottle benefits or money refunded. Dook on heart and noryfeafroo. Dr. Miles Medical Co.. Klkhart, Ind. B for Infant and Children. KIRTY years e-Wrr!H tt Crtrte wWk k ya.wr.Nwao mt mlllleas af ysrseas, permit we ia apeak of It wltkxt eesisw. It Is wnineitlonntjlr the toast remedy tee laftmta awt CfclMran ilia vroria has ,ror knot?. It ia haraslasa. CklUraa life It. it fttvws them health. It vriU. shti. tkafa llvx. Iw It Mothers We somoUxlrlg -whloh t atitolntnly aafa stad yr.'.etloally ysriwtsi cbilil'n mCjtUelae. Costorla elostroya "WiOTMt Cofctorla, allay rwertshasn. Ctintorln. irovfeatn vomltlaf; Seng Carl. Oastorla onrct Plnrrjico aail Wind Cotle Catorla rollovos Tocthlng grtmhlos. Cnntorla onrca CnantlptxtlMi rtatl riatnleacy. Oastoria nentraJIaea tho efoota cf oruhoglo aotil gaa or pnlsoueas alrf Cnstorla 3oob wot contain morphine, opium, or other narootte yrcwerty. Castorla assimllatae tho food, rognlatoa tho atowaoK aud hewals. plyliiit Si anil thy an J aatnrttl tig op. Castorla la xt tip 1h oHB-stea fcoltlt only. It 1" not unlft in hrJk. Poa't allow ay one to anil yow anythtgK also bm tha ylca ar yrewUa that It la "Jnt a gooit" nad "will asiwar avary yarpesB." Baa that yon pt C"A-S-T-0R-I"A. Tho fao-nl-ao alUHatnro of c jm& 4M lsaacvry- ajpjja, Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla. wmmmmmmmmmmmmm TICKETS TO ALL POINTS EAST VIA j& Till HUT Cllt ROUTE. Sorvlco andScono'y Unequalled Through Palaco and Tourist Carn Dtnhiifltind Jiitffct Library Cam Trstns leave Portland and Seattle daily (or the East. Tickets, reservations and baggage checked to all points. For comfort in travel take'lhe Great Northern, BOZORTH "BROS , Agents. It. C. STEVENS. G. W. P. A., Seattle, Wnh. A. 11. C. DENN1STON. C. P. & T. A.. Portland.. Through Ticketsl'lf TO THE I OITHE EAST ! VIA THE Union Pacific System. Through Pullman Palace Sleepers. Tourii Sleepers and Freo Kccllnlng Chairs dally between l'OllTLANI) to CHICAGO Our trslni arc heated hy steam and ";tr lighted by Pintsch llKlit. Time to Chicago, 3 i2 days Time to Nctv York, 4 1-3 days, . Which is many hours quicker than com pelllo'ti. For rates, time tables and full Inform ton apply to jtorsu o jLtniasit, Agents, Stlem, Oi. K. W. ISAXTEU, C. II. WINN, (leneral Agent, I)It. Pais. Agent 13$ Tiihd Street. Portland. OREGON CENTRAL AND Eastern R, Company VAQU1NA 1IAV HOUTE. Connictlif'at Yatiulns Ilsy with the J'sn FranclKO & Yaqulns.llay Btcsmih'p'Qoo . STEAMElf "FARAI.IXN." a I and first-class In every respect, Sails from Yaqulna for San Francisco about very X days. Psucngcr accommodations uniurpaised. .Shortest route le(ween the Willamette valley and California. Fare from Albany or poind west to Ran Francitcm Cabin, fi3 steerage, 18; cabl round trip, good Cotlajt, )l8. For sailing dales apply to II. L. WALDEN. Agent. Albany. Or. CIIAS. ChAhK. Corvallls, Or. EDWIN 8TONE, Manajjer, Ccrrallls, Or. A. J. CHURCHILL, Local Agent. Salem. pEHrTSfROYAL PILLS YfL-v tlrllIaJw.l A. itUK . ; iw. "'' 4a " tr lilf.ltt.t rl.fa inoutai ti ;T- HUNS! Pullman'Sleeplnp Cars, Elegant Dlnln" Cars. Tourist Sleeping Cars. To ISt. Paul, Minneapolis, Duluth, Fargo, tirsnd Forks, Crookston, Winnipeg, Helena and llutte, THROUGH TICKETS To Chicago, Wathtngton, Philadelphia, New York, lloiton, and all Points ' East an'! South For Information, time cards, maps and tickets, call on or wrhn THOMAS, WATT & CO. AGENTS, 365 Commercial srreet, Salem, Or. A. D. Charlton, Aitt. Gen'l. Pass. Act., Morrison st.. corner Third Portland, Or. 0. R. & N. CO. E. M'NEILL, RECEIVER.: m x t tUkru l.kMlnr lWtiU'M. TO THE EAST GIVES THE CHOICE OF Two Transcontinental' Routes. Via Spokane Minneapolis St Paul and Den. ver Omaha and Kansas Clly, Low tales to eastern cities. OCEAN CITIES. Portland San Fianclico, Steamers leave Alnsworth dock. Portland, Feb. 7th, I3th,l7ih, aid 37th) and tarch SQthatUpm. Fare Cabin, 9(1 steerage, I3.50. WILLAMFT1E RIVER. DIVISION, Portland Eugene. Steamers Elmore and Kuth leave Salem for Eugene and Corvallls Saturdays, Sundays ruetdayssnd Thursdays at about 5 p.m. l.cave for Portlaud Mondays, Tuesday, Thursdays and Saturdays at 6 a, m. Lowest freight and passenger rates. Round-trip tickets vera cheap. Tickets sold and baggage checked through to all points without extra transfer charges. F01 full details call on Bolsa & HarkW, sgcnli. Sahm. Oregon, or address. W. II. I1UKI.KURT. Gen'l Pas. Agt. Portland, Or, For full details call on or address G, M. I'OWJCKS, Foot of Trsdett. Ll AjrWt. Hav YHi " th. new rossojd Tan isotl K U 0 a t in..--X.taKi.K,tef aj. -.. , a"